Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He's downstairs, in the entertainment suite, sitting in front of the TV and smoking a cigarette. He's watching "Almost Famous."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((For the record, here's exactly what Singha said about the house itself: It’s about 4500 sq ft. with six bedrooms upstairs, including 2 master suites with their own full baths and fireplaces. Downstairs is a modernized kitchen, a library, a game room, an entertainment suite with digital cable, including Arabic channels, and the dungeon.))

Ita McNairee: *the pikey jingles in, same dog time, same dog channel.. a ratt at the door, and finding it unlocked she pokes her head in calling* Looooves?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: His trench coat rests on the couch next to him, as he takes a drag, eyes staring at the television with a clinical sort of detachment. His expression is casual, distantly pleasant.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 8,9,9,6,6,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "In here, Ita," he calls out. The voice is pretty well even in tone, without a rise or fall anywhere in the sentance.

Ita McNairee: och.. *she door's shut with a thud behind her as she jingles into the entertainment room, raking her hair out of her face as she stands at the door* Och.. allo lovies.. wha ye watchen? *she pads over, slinging her satchel to the floor*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods slightly to the television. "Almost Famous. Billy Crudup is about to tell everyone he's a Golden God."

Ita McNairee: *she nods giving an impressive sort of shrug as she looks to the tv, then goes to sit beside dream, head cocked as she picks up the trenchcoat so as not to sit on it*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He watches as, indeed, Billy Crudup yells 'I am a Golden God!' and leaps into a pool. A very faint smirk comes onto his face. "How are you tonight, Ita?"

Ita McNairee: *the trench is laid along the back of the couch as she gives the man a warm smile and leans against him* Och.. fair tae middlin. wah aboot ye lovies?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He shrugs a little, letting her lean. "Ehhh, you know. Ya win some, ya lose some."

Ita McNairee: och.. ya lose some? *she reaches up to scratch at his scalp,considering* nae haven a grande day? Micah hurt ye?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He shakes his head. "No, Micah didn't do anything." a drag off the cigarette, exhaled away from Ita, and he crushes the butt out in the ashtray.

Ita McNairee: *suspicion of disconent growing, she nibbles her lip, singing quietly* wha than? yer acten a weeee bet oot o sorts me darlins.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A sigh. "I..." He pauses a moment, looking down. " cleansed."

Ita McNairee: well...tha's aulrecht esnae et?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He doesn't move. "Like I some, lose some."

Ita McNairee: ...Dream.. *she strokes at his hair, looking into his face with a furrowed brow, dog eyes concerned* yer gintae a've tae explain tae a daft tinie.. ah dinnae kain wha's tha matters aye?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 7,4,1,6,5,1,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He frowns a little, and shakes his head, a tinge of something dark passing through his eyes. "Nothing. It doesn't matter. I'm fine."

Ita McNairee: Et matters. *she cocks her head and sighs out old air, watching him for a sign of what was wron, not likeing this at all* An ye dinnae mooch seem fine. dinnae try tae swindle a gypsy. willnae work.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: His jaw sets, a touch of annoyance entering his voice. "Ita, forget it. It's nothing I didn't..." He shuts his eyes, lip curling a touch. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

Ita McNairee: och.. *she frowns, wrapping her arms around him with a sort of growl* stop et. Dinnae ye gie pessy wie a pikey causen yer hurt an a folk wants tae lick yer wounds.

Ita McNairee: Ah'm twice a step awa frem shakin ye like a kircauldy nannie.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 6,6,10,1,3,6,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: His muscles twitch, wanting him to escape the situation, but he does, instead biting down hard on his lip. "Ita...please. Stop. I just..." He shakes his head. "No. Stop it. Stop it." This last bit, he could be speaking to Ita, he could be speaking to himself. Kinda tough to say, for sure.

Ita McNairee: Dream... *she tightens her little arms a moment round him, then slips a had up to his face to brush at his lip* noone o tha. Ah love ye darlin. stop sooch foolishness. shhshh

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 9,3,6,8,7,3,

Ita McNairee: *her voice is soft with concern, frustration coloring the edges a little as she looks to the thin man*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He shakes his head again, sliding away from her and standing up from the couch. Too close...needs his space. He was crowded in...claustrophobic. "I can't to this right now, Ita..." His voice is a touch shakey as he moves to a wall, leaning against it, fumbling out another cigarette and lighting it. "I'm sorry...I know you want to help, but I just can't deal at the moment."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Gaah, silly me. You want contested Dex+Brawl vs. Dex+Athletics for that? I need to read posts a little better.))

Ita McNairee: *she nibbles her lip, sitting on the couch and drawing her feet up on it as she watches him in confusion* ... ah.. yer hurten.

Ita McNairee: (suuure)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 5,2,

Ita McNairee: 5,7,4,3,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 4,6,8,3,3,9,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Well, that made that easy. DLP. That last was WP.)) He shakes his head again, trying to slide away from her and stand up from the couch. Too close...needs his space. He was crowded in...claustrophobic. Unfortunately, a master of twisting & escaping undead-powered pikey arms he is not. He tries to escape, but gives in ans sags back. "I can't to this right now, Ita..." His voice is a touch shakey. "I'm sorry...I know you want to help, but I just can't deal at the moment."

Ita McNairee: *ita keeps ahold of him, frowning and crawling on his lap to keep him put, facing him* Darlin.. yer hurten..

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Sitting on his lap causes a slight wince, and he reddens a touch, head lowering. "Yeah...I am. But I'll...I'll get over it, Ita. I will...just need some time."

Ita McNairee: och.. *she raises up on her knees at the wince, hands fluttering with a tinkle to smooth his hair back and tilt his chin up to her. she hovers above him in concern* Ye kain ye dinnae ah've tae dae et alone, effen ye wan a folk *she nods, then looks to his lap* wha's tha matter darlen, ah didnae crush yer berries?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 3,8,2,8,8,8,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He rolls his lips between his teeth, shaking his head. "No, you didn't. I'm..." He trails off, eyes closing again. "I got cleansed. The taint I had from...doing the things I did. It was...expelled."

Ita McNairee: * the pikey is very very confused, giving him an odd look before she ventures* through yer tallywacker? *a scratch at the back of her head... as that .. doesn't sound.. at all right, her eys on him in puzzled concern.. *

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 6,4,8,2,8,6,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He slumps, visibly, as if his back muscles just fell totally limp. He curls up a little, to the side, a dark flush coming to his skin. "Ita...what do you think I did to deserve that taint? And where do you think the taint would come from?"

Ita McNairee: .. *she opens and closes her mouth, then savages a lip open with the points of her teeth, taking a painful pull as she looks to him, pained. a hand slips along his arm* .. well.. ah.. och.. dream darlin.. ye'll mend.. aye?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 4,10,3,7,5,2,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He flinches a little at the touch to his arm, simply because he didn't expect it. "I'm...fine, physically." He's mumbling. "Little tender, maybe. Remembered pain, more then real."

Ita McNairee: mm *she nods tapping his forehead* sae wah's tha matter oop ere than? *the pikey crawls off him, contented he's not going anywhere, she moves to sit just within reach, should he need her*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 6,6,3,9,3,8,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He takes a deep breath, still a little curled away, to the side. In fact, he lays down on the couch,, staring idly at the movie for a long moment. "Ita...try to imagine you're mortal. You're surrounded by people that make you exceptionally nervous, and kick your paranoia into high gear. You strip down to nothing in order to get spiritually cleansed, and pass out because it hurts too much. And when you wake up, you realize, due to the painful burning sensation and the...mess..." He pauses a moment, wincing, and then ahead. "...that the taint came out in...a...sexual climax. Try to imagine why I'm a little fucked up over it."


Ita McNairee: *she frowns as Micah's voice sounds out, moving closer to Dream instinctively, hands finding him and smoothing his arms and shoulders*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He registers the door banging open and Micah's voice, though he doesn't really react to it.

Micah Carrington: "Hello?" He frowns and kicks off his shoes by the door just in case there's anything unpleasant on them. "Anyone here?"

Ita McNairee: Aye. Dream an Meself. *she's looking to the thin garou. no reaction.. not good.. she makes with gathering him to her best she can, trying to get him sitting* Ah'm huggen ye damnet.. gie oop eer.. *she mutters.. somehow thinking to make a pikey sheild around him.. armour against the world*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He shivers, just a little, at Ita's hands, but he quickly calm down, relaxing to her touch. He moves with her as she pulls her up, leaning into her.

Micah Carrington: He pads into the other room, pausing in the doorway to run fingers through his hair and take in the situation. "Hey, Dream. Hey, Ita...Everything okay?"

Ita McNairee: *the pikey nods as she curls Dream to her protectively, pressing a kiss to the side of his head, little woman for once wishing she was bigger so she could enfold him more thoroughly*

Micah Carrington: Frowning, he pads to the couch and settles down on his knees near Dream. "Hey you..."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods a little to Micah, trying to smile vaguely and blinking a bit. "Hi. I got cleansed. It hurt. Hurts to pee now." That's about the best he can sum up the situation at the moment, without more evasiveness and emotion.

Micah Carrington: He winces and presses a soft kiss to the man's thigh. "I'm sorry baby."

Ita McNairee: *her hands comb through Dreams hair as she holds him. hoping the softness of her body will be support enough. a frown at Micah*

Micah Carrington: 6,10,4,8,

Micah Carrington: He flicks his eyes to Ita, brow arching at her frown but he doesn't say anything.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He seems fairly relaxed at the moment, beyond the numbness he's hiding firmly behind. He smiles a little up at Ita, and then over to Micah. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

Micah Carrington: "Hmn...Don't worry about you. Lemme think about that a minute," he says, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Um. Sorry. Not worrying isn't an option."

Ita McNairee: *Ita looks to Micah. rest assured. she's got the worrying covered, soft eyes stroking Dreams face. a nuzzle as she's almost desperate to make him feel better*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sighs a little, looking up at Ita. "Really. I'll be okay. Just a little emotional and sexual's still good, it's still good..." He chuckles a little, in a very casual manner, as he moves his eyes to Micah. "I've faced worse. Just hurt, that's all."

Micah Carrington: He nods and gives Dream's thigh a gentle touch. "You thirsty? Or is there anything I can do for you?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He considers. "A drink would be nice. Yeah, something strong. Very, very strong."

Ita McNairee: *a twitch of her nose, she nibbles her lip, eyes drifting to micah again as she twists her face in consideration, then gives a sigh and goes back to watching dream, a smile crossing her face* och.. we're gintae gie ye drunk as a puzzy than?

Micah Carrington: "Kay." He stands and kisses Dream's cheek before heading into the kitchen to raid the cabinets, thankfull that ingvar had at least taught him to make drinks.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "What's a...puzzy?" He's a little confused at that.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "And are you mad at Micah about something?" He looks up at Ita, his brow furrowing a little.

Ita McNairee: *a noise catches in the back of her throat. damnit. hungry. but she wasn't about to leave dream. she trusted Micah with her mans emotions about as much as she trusted a hand grenade to babysit a toddler. she looks down at dream and cocks her head... * och ye kain a ..puzzy.. a todderen bar fly type.. lives o tha pub?

Ita McNairee: an nae.. ah jes dinnae reckon ee's the best felly tae 'ave around when a folks hurten en tha heart.

Micah Carrington: Timing is everything! After much clinking and consideration, Micah returns with a huge tumbler full of fuzzy navel that's decidedly more peach schnapps then orange juice.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He doesn't quite get the reference in his current state, but he gets the gist. "No, probably not smashed...just a strong buzz would be nice. Take the edge off. Edge go bye-bye." A smile, and he leans up to whisper to her as Micah comes in.

Micah Carrington: He hovers politely back by the door while they whisper, lower lip caught between his teeth.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Ita McNairee: "He's only trying to help, love. He means well...I trust him. And I love you, not him. I may be fucked up right now, but I recognize the difference."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He gives her a kiss on the cheek, then leans backj down, looking back to Micah. "You okay?" Yeah, him asking if someone else is okay. I think they call that irony.

Micah Carrington: "I'm fine." He smiles and pads over to the couch, handing Dream the cup before sliding back down to his knees. "Its kinda strong cause i ran out of O.J."

Ita McNairee: mm *she nods and gives Dream a rub of her cheek against his, she shakes her head and rubs his arm idly, looking to micah* och well. et'll work faster than

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He takes the glass, nodding. "Good. Strong is good." He takes a good, solid pull off the glass, shuddering at the taste of the alcohol as he swallows. "Yeah, that's just strong enough. Thanks, Micah."

Micah Carrington: "Yeah but...Too drunk probably isn't good either, right? Not that I've ever been drunk but that's what I've been told."

Micah Carrington: "Welcome," he chirps at Dream, flashing him a smile.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Too drunk. Pshaw." He takes another drink, shuddering a little less this time, and goes to set the glass down.

Ita McNairee: *the pikey just shakes her head, smiling down at the garou in a warm sort of concern.. ugh.. eating. she peirces her lip and takes a sip of herself. recylcing*

Micah Carrington: Micah stretches out on the floor, parallel to the couch, delicate shin propped in one hand, which makes him wince just a tad, fingers lightly touching the constricted shoulder.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: With a couple good strong swallows in him, the numbness fades a bit, and he sighs. "Thanks, both of you. I don't know if I could make it back to myself without your help...seriously."

Micah Carrington: "She loves you and I adore you, mi amigo, what else are we sposed to do?"

Ita McNairee: bah *she presses a kiss to his head* yer stronger than ye thenk, ye selly bugger.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "My bony white ass I am, Ita. I know where my strengths are. Quick-thinking, debate, creative solutions. Mediating. Shooting people with dart guns, apparently. But right now, emotional strength isn't one of them."

Micah Carrington: "Then right now don't be strong. Its okay." he smiles. "So long as you dont' go all robotic like Xu did today, i'm cool."

Ita McNairee: ye fergot aul around wonderful man, aye? *a smile and a nuzzle* a lot o folk would o taken a long walk aft a short dock by the noow darlin. help oor nae. Ah reckon yer stronger than ye thenk.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks up at Ita, and smiles a bit. "I'll take your word for it for now, dear. But thanks."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Then something occurs to him, and he looks at Micah. "Xu was robotic? When was this?"

Micah Carrington: "This morning. We were at the boarding stables in queens. He got...funny around the horses. Very quiet and very intense as if he was feeling way too much to deal with. We were talking and he was asking me questions about some of the stuff I'd been reading or having me clarify the instructors points okay but if I'd ask him a question he'd like pause for ten to thirty seconds before answering it." A pause. "He also said we're getting a puppy and I asked him what its name was and he looked completely horrified because he hadn't named it yet. I promised him we'd name it after he'd had it for a couple days."

Ita McNairee: och *she bites her lip, taking a long pull with her eyes closed, carefully ensuring all the blood she loses she regains, a whimper as a drop leaks from the corner of her mouth, she wipes it with a finger and sucks it off, a worried look as Micah talks about Xu*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Mmmm." He nods. "That's where the horse smell came from. He got cleansed, too. And Lex, who's a woman again." He nods a bit. "And Trong Vu."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks up at Ita, frowning a little. "Are you okay, Ita? Have you...err..." He searches for a euphemism. "...had dinner?"

Micah Carrington: "Oh! And he seems real intent on learning to ride with a western saddle. He was decked out like a cowboy and wouldn't try riding on the english saddle they gave us. The instructor told us to have our Partners walk us around the ring and I made a playfull comment and he said something about 'swish cowboys'...Wish I could remember what it was but it wasn't friendly." And he blinks, nose wrinkling. "Oh, Miss Donovan's wasn't a girl?"

Ita McNairee: *she drags her finger from her mouth sheepishly and shakes her head* er.. nae loves. ah've nae been tae tha dags yet, but ah reckon wan necht willnae harm me none... *she's listening to Micah, worry growing on hawkish features*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He frowns a bit, getting up and looking at her. "Ita, you need to eat."

Micah Carrington: He glances up at Ita and sighs, rolling his lips between his teeth. "Um...Ita...If you're hungry..."he trails off, blushing a touch.

Ita McNairee: *she gives jer and apologetic look, then furrows her brow at Micah* nae.. loves ah'm fine.

Micah Carrington: He nods. 'I was offering because you're hungry, not because it feels good. Just so you know."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sighs a little bit, closing his eyes and focusing for a moment. ((Activating Persuasion))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 5,1,3,8,8,6,2,

Ita McNairee: aye.. but ets addictive.. and eaten folks damns a folks soul. oor wha ever's left o mine. *she frowns shaking her head* an.. effen ..xu.. has a problem wie riden english, tell hem jes nae tae post. ah reckon ee'll nae be trotten anyhoo..

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: The eyes open, and he looks at Ita, smiling a little, but keeping his eyes serious, as he suddenly seems a good deal better, and a good deal concerned. "Ita, please. Go visit the dogs. I'll be fine here for a while, I promise. I don't need you risking your...self-control...because I'm a little emotionally fucked up. You being hungry isn't going to help anyone, okay?" He meets her eyes. "Please?" ((Cha+Expression, diff 4 due to Persuasion))

Micah Carrington: "He wouldn't even mount...We're doing western next week so he'll ride."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 7,1,10,3,9,3,

Ita McNairee: *she bites her lip and sighs through her teeth* aye than darlin.. ah jes.. *she moves to curl an arm around the thin man's waist* Dinnae gie tae smashed wie oot me.. ah've tae come back an take advantage o ye en a weakened fog, aye? *she gives a sheepish sort of smile, resigned*

Micah Carrington: Micah rolls to his stomach and looks away, laying his cheek atop his folded arms.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods and smiles a little, leaning in and hugging her. "Not too smashed. Gotcha. Thanks."

Ita McNairee: Right.. ah'm aft than.. *a grin as she gathers up her satchel.. a bare foot pokes at Micah on the ground as she sings quietly* Och.. Micah.. ye may wan tae look aboot en tha tack room fer a strep o leather wie holes punched en et.. fer extended tha stirrup like. Xu's a lanky git.. aye? *she nibbles at her lip somemore* mayhaps tha way everythen'll run smoother like... aye?

Micah Carrington: He glances up at ITa and smiles, nodding. "Kay. I think its really important that he gets comfortable with the animals so i'll look into that. Thanks."

Ita McNairee: *a nod and a last look to Dream before she jingles out. .. well. she was just a wealth of random information now wasn't she?*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He gives her a smile as she walks out...then falls back onto the couch, sighing.

Micah Carrington: He groans and drops his head down to his arms again, settling into the floor with a sigh.

Ita McNairee: (okies.. gone! feel free to angst! *grins and scampers*))

Micah Carrington: Hears the same thing from Dream and glances at him, brow arching as he pushes up to his knees and crawls to the couch. "You really okay, babe?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Oh, she is SO gonna kick my ass if she realizes I used a Gift on her..."

Micah Carrington: "Probably a dumb thing to do," he agrees, reaching up to run fingers through Dream's hair.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sighs a little. "I'm about as okay as the alcohol lets me be, Micah. It's...a long story, but suffice it to say, my inner child is going to be wearing full-plate for a while."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Dumb thing to do, sure. But I can't just let her go without. The reasoning was sound, it just needed an extra kick."

Micah Carrington: He nods and lays his cheek on the couch, top of his head nestled into the curve of Dream's hip as he drops his hand. "I'm here if you need me, hon."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles a little. "I know, Micah. And I appreciate it. It's..." He sighs. "Let's just say, the taint came out in a very appropriate way based on what I did to earn it. While I was unconscious. In front of a lot of people who I'm already a bit nervous and paranoid around anyway. And I had no clothes on."

Micah Carrington: He winces and crawls up onto the couch, stretching out alongside Dream, chin propped in his hand as he offers a very soft smile. "Scary thing to wake up to...And embarassing and uncomforable."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "And a pretty good indication of what I'd done to earn the taint, if anyone thought to consider the fact." He nods. "Not that they don't already know, I'm sure, but...doesn't mean I wanted to illustrate the fact all over myself while unconscious."

Micah Carrington: "You did bad things," he agrees softly. "And you weren't in your right mind when you did them...So let them go. Yeah, you didn't want anyone to see that but they know, deep down inside who you are, dark side or not, babe. And who you are is an amazing person."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 2,4,2,8,2,8,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sighs. "It's not that easy to do, Micah, to just let it go. I can say, yes, I was corrupt when I did it, I wouldn't have done it, otherwise, yadda yadda..." He rubs at a temple, reaching for his cigarettes with the other hand. "But it's hard to accept that when I remember doing it, and I understand why, because it made sense. You know?"

Micah Carrington: He nods and nuzzles his head onto Dream's chest, curling an arm over him. "Yeah.'

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He finds the cigarettes as he brings his hand from his temple to squeeze Micah's forearm lightly, in a grateful way. In the smoke pops, and he sets the pack on his chest, in case the kin wants one. Flick of the lighter, and calming nicotine is sucked in.

Micah Carrington: The kin seems quite content to act as a living teddybear just now, curling his slim form along Dream's side, arm snugged around his waist. "I think alot of us do things that make sense and seem right and in retrospect are just...aweful."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles just a little bit in the right corner of his mouth, nodding. "Yeah, I guess so."

Micah Carrington: "This," he adds softly. "Definitely not one of those bad things."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks confused for a moment, exhaling a drag out of the corner of his mouth, away from Micah. "This, as in lying on the couch?"

Micah Carrington: "This as being here with you. My working for Xu...Our working for Xu. Not bad."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Ahh." He nods a little, reaching over their heads to ash in the tray on the side table. "No. Not bad at all."

Micah Carrington: "Glad you agree. Thought I was going to have to tickle you for like a second there," he murmurs, rolling his head to kiss the other's chest.

Xu Xian: 2,8,

Xu Xian: He manages to get the BMW through the gate without crashing it, but doesn't park it very well, running partially into the planter before rolling to a stop.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles a little. "I may be have the emotional strength of a fixus plant at the moment, but you tickle me, Micah, and I assure you, I'll be quite capable of shifting to a form where I can run faster then you. And locking doors."

Micah Carrington: "Promise," he asks, giggling, glancing up at Jeremy with a grin.

Xu Xian: 2,4,3,

Xu Xian: He is, however, unable to unlock the door.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He shoots Micah a look. "I meant locking the door before you got in the room."

Xu Xian: So he rings the doorbell and knocks, then pauses and looks back down the drive, as if to reassure himself this is the right place.

Micah Carrington: "oh." He sags and drops his head, looking all dejected.

Micah Carrington: Groans and rolls off the couch to his feet, padding to the door. He peeks out the window and frowns, pulling the door open quickly. "Hello, Sir."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He blinks, as the doorbell goes off. "Ita knows to just come in...who's that?" He sits up, and gets off the couch, moving out of the room and toward the door.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: But sense Micah gets there first, he just stands in the hallway, watching.

Xu Xian: He stands there in the doorway, suit speckled with leaves and dirt, smudges on his face where he fell into the dirt.

Micah Carrington: Micah frowns and reaches out, catching Xu's jacket sleeve and giving a tug. "Come in, sir."

Xu Xian: His eyes are ablaze with a cruel, mad light, his jaw pulsing as he enters. One hand holds a bottle with a few fingers of scotch left, the other his keys entirely different car. Which explains why they didn't work for the house.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He frowns a little, concern for Xu and a good touch of wariness at his expression marring his face as he takes a drag from his cigarette. "What happened?"

Xu Xian: He stalks into the hall, past both Micah and Jer, going to the kitchen to wash the mud off his face.

Micah Carrington: Micah shivers softly behind Jer, eyes wide and filled with shock. "He was different this morning," he whispers.

Xu Xian: ((so he either side steps or Jer keeps blocking and he smashes the bottle at him. Which do you want?))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Side steps is fine. Dream's not blocking the hallway, just getting between Xu and Micah.))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He stares after Xu as he walks by, his jaw set, but just the tiniest touch of appreciation in his eyes for what just happened. Not enough that he allows it to affect his actions, though.

Micah Carrington: MIcah presses slim fingers to the side of his face, tongue flicking across his lips.

Xu Xian: He sets the bottle on the counter. Washes his hands and face. Uses a towel to brush the leaf litter from his suit.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He walks into the entrance of the kitchen, not getting too close. His arms cross over his chest as he watches Xu wash off. "What do you need from us, if anything?" His tone is even, as that of an employee asking for directions.

Micah Carrington: And the kin heads for the stairs...

Xu Xian: He doesn't look at Jeremy, just stares out the window. "A woman named Siren is coming to the house. She's going to...put up wards. Against Scrying. Against...banes...and Spirals."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods, taking a drag off his cigarette. "All right. When?"

Xu Xian: "She's going to stay here while she's in New York. She's helping to...find out where the source of what's killing Hudson is."

Xu Xian: "Tonight. Maybe tomorrow."

Micah Carrington: he pauses, listening and sighs, moving to stand just behind Dream.

Xu Xian: "There's a corrupted spring North of Manhattan. I think there is a pack of Spirals up there sending...dream banes to kill or capture Siren."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He frowns. "Shit...all right."

Xu Xian: "I'm going to go kill them all. Stay here and protect Siren. And Micah."

Xu Xian: "And keep Siren away from Kristjan. Don't mention that you know him or...where he lives."

Micah Carrington: He frowns, small hand curling against Dream's back as he presses closer, eyes on Xu.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Can and will do. Shall I warn Ita not to stop by while she's here?" Not an issue he wants to press at the moment, but it needs to be asked.

Xu Xian: "I've warned a Guardian at the Sept. So hopefully those worthless dogs will get off their asses and go do something useful. But probably not."

Micah Carrington: "Is there anything I can do, Sir," he asks softly.

Xu Xian: "Ita?" He sniffs, shaking his head, reachign for the bottle and taking a long swig, gaze still focused out the window. "Siren won't care. She's...uhm...not fixed in reality a former...Spiral herself."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A cocked eyebrow, then a nod. "I see...all right." Oddly enough, the formerly infected Garou doesn't seem to have difficulty with the concept of a reformed Spiral.

Xu Xian: His cheeks twitch at Micah's question, his breathing hitching. He doesn't answer it.

Micah Carrington: ((Per+Awareness))

Micah Carrington: 3,8,2,

Xu Xian: ((Awareness, or alertness?))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Anything else?" He eyes the amount of alcohol left in the bottle, reminded that as bad as he had it at the cleansing, it was nothing like what Xu went through.

Micah Carrington: ((Gah. Neither. Rolled the right dice at least. PER+Empathy...00

Xu Xian: "There's about eight or nine of them..." He nods, cheeks continuing to twitch. "So if I don't come back, the rent's paid for the year. So are your salaries. Keep up with your studies, Micah. You can have the horses if you want."

Micah Carrington: He blinks at Xu and nods. "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir," he murmurs, voice quavering slightly.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He studies the other man. "Who are you going with?"

Xu Xian: "Nobody. They're all worthless, anyway. Fucking Silkie attacked me."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A blink. "She...attacked you?"

Micah Carrington: "You should stay the night, sir," he murmurs. "Let me make you something to eat..."

Xu Xian: "Did I fucking stutter?" he says whirling on Jer, glaring at him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 8,9,2,4,5,4,

Micah Carrington: Micah, curls his fingers in the back of Jer's pants and gives a little tug, urging him to back off.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He tenses visibly, but keeps his calm otherwise. "Of course not. I'm just...surprised that she would attack you, is all. Sorry."

Xu Xian: He glares at Jer, then at Micah behind him, lip curling slightly as he sees them both cringe. That cruel light flares in his eyes, and he's obviously tempted to press his advantage.

Micah Carrington: "Let me make you another drink, Sir...and something to eat," he says, stepping out from behind Jer.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He takes a breath, exhaling slowly, keeping his eyes on Xu. Not backing up, not stepping forward. He holds out an arm, stopping Micah from advancing.

Xu Xian: His lips pull back from his teeth and he seems to taste the air, a predator looking for the scent of blood. Hungry for prey.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 7,3,1,4,8,3,

Xu Xian: 4,5,3,7,5,7,6,

Micah Carrington: Micah glances up at Jer and then back to Xu before trying to duck under Dream's arm to enter the kitchen.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Micah. Go upstairs." It's not a request, as his jaw sets, staring at Xu.

Xu Xian: "You want to see how real torture works, Dream? You want to see how to cause mindblowing pain, bend someone to your will?"

Micah Carrington: "he's lost it baby," he murmurs to Dream. "If he leaves...Even if he never makes it to the Spirals he's as good as dead," he says, backing up to head upstairs as instructed.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 7,4,8,7,9,6,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Don't." He watches Xu, his own lip curling a little, as his hands clench a little, keeping the urges and temptations away. "Just...stop."

Xu Xian: As Micah heads off under Dream's orders, he snarls, the brightness in his gaze dulling, the twist of his mouth going bitter. "Fuck you people," he says, shaking his head and turning away. "Fucking faithless bitches, every one."

Xu Xian: He grabs the bottle off the counter and walks to the back door, opening it and striding out into the night.

Micah Carrington: Micah flinches at those words and stops moving, turning to stare past Dream into the kitchen.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I'm doing what you hired me to do, and just asked me to do." He watches Xu. "I'm protecting you, and protecting Micah. If you torture him right now, he won't be able to do his job. Which hurts you. And I certainly wouldn't be protecting Micah if I let you torture him."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: No. He shakes his head, walking to the door, and heading out it. Following him.

Micah Carrington: "Fuck..." The kin sighs and follows, not willing to let Dream follow the other alone.

Xu Xian: He walks out to the boathouse, pulling out some keys and fumbling with the lock.

Xu Xian: 7,2,6,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He stops about twenty feet from the boathouse, motioning for Micah to stop. Long as Micah's behind him, he doesn't care that he came out. "Where are you going?"

Micah Carrington: He obeys reluctantly, arms wrapping around himself. "Dream, if it...if it keeps him here...just let him do it.'

Xu Xian: "I told you. To kill some fucking Spirals."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Right now? When you're drunk?"

Xu Xian: "It's a few hours up river. Over the mountains."

Xu Xian: "I'll be sober by then."

Micah Carrington: "Sir, please don't go. Not without backup. Please? I really dont' wanna go riding by myself next week."

Xu Xian: He gets the boathouse door open and moves inside to start prepping the boat.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "You'll have a hangover by then." He frowns. "And you'll be exhausted. Come inside. Get some rest. Go out tomorrow morning. I'd prefer with backup, but I know I'm not going to force you to take any."

Xu Xian: "What so you two can pounce on me and lock me up in my sleep?"

Micah Carrington: "No. I'm not pouncing anyone...not if you've got me tied up...not if you're playing with me...Please?"

Xu Xian: 2,

Xu Xian: 5,6,3,6,4,3,2,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles a little. "Let's be honest. Right now, the two of us couldn't take you down, even in your sleep." He sighs. "These aren't optimal conditions to take on a pack of Spirals. You need optimal conditions, at the very least, if you plan to take out almost double-digits worth of Spirals."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 4,2,5,8,7,10,

Xu Xian: "It doesn't matter if I come back," he says to Jer. "At least I'll go down fighting."

Micah Carrington: "It does matter, damnit!" Micah glares at Xu. "Please...Just tonight. Just please please play with me. Please hurt me, Sir please..."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "And if you go down fighting, then the fuckin' Spirals are still going to come after Siren. Is that want you want, Trevor?" He watches the man closely, ignoring what Micah suggested and hoping Xu does, too.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 8,8,5,3,10,3,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He grits his teeth. "Micah. Intentions are good. Execution isn't. Shut the fuck up, please."

Micah Carrington: He bites his bottom lip hard and exhales through his nose, eyes on Xu.

Micah Carrington: He bites his bottom lip hard and exhales through his nose, eyes on Xu.

Xu Xian: "There's no way out," he says, shaking his head. "So fuck them all, I'll take as many down as I can and if I fucking survive, then maybe then they'll see fit to redeem me, but more than likely they'll just say 'See, look at the latest hoop we got him to jump through' and go on about their fucking business."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "They who?"

Micah Carrington: "The elders," he murmurs.

Xu Xian: "The chaya." He scowls and shakes his head. "The spirits."

Micah Carrington: He winces and sighs, pushing his hands through his hair.

Xu Xian: He goes back to prepping the boat, moving slowly meticulously. "Just give it up. They're right. They're all right. There's no fucking reason in the world anybody should listen to me, or look up to me. There's no reason I should still be breathing."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Okay. So again, what happens when you die, and whatever Spirals you don't kill come after Siren? I understand danger and seeking redemption. I don't understand how this helps."

Micah Carrington: "But..." he sighs and glances up at Jer then back to Xu. "But people do look up ot you because you do do good things."

Xu Xian: "Well, if they come after her then you, Dream, and whatever other worthless curs you can scrape together go into the Dream realm Siren's asleep and you lay in waith for the nightmares and you do your FUCKING DUTIES as WARRIORS and you kick their fucking arses."

Xu Xian: "They look up to me, Micah, because they have no fucking idea what I've done and what I'm capable of."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sighs. "Trevor, come inside. Please don't make me get my ass kicked or worse trying to disable every way you have of getting up there tonight. I'm supposed to protect you. And I'm going to. There's a better fuckin' way to do this then going right now, when you're in no condition to do it."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "And in case you've forgotten, the other worthless curs don't acknowledge my existance at the moment, so it would be just me, and maybe whoever I could grab from the Courts, against whatever you didn't kill."

Xu Xian: He shakes his head, moving to get in the boat and throw the lines off.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 8,3,5,9,9,4,

Xu Xian: 6,4,4,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He steels himself, and starts walking toward the boat. "God dammit, Trevor...WHY the fuck now? WHY NOT later?"

Xu Xian: He manages to fumble the first one off, and moves toward the other.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: The pace picks up, and he moves in, homing on the boat.

Xu Xian: "Because, Jeremy," he says in a patient, almost patronizing voice. "If I stay, you will see what I really am. What I am capable of. And I'd much prefer being remembered by those I care about as a goodhearted but tormented soul, rather than the sadistic bastard we both know I am at heart. I worked hard to get both of you here, to get you to...heal as much as you have. If I stay here, I destroy that, and your faith in me and in one another."

Xu Xian: "So I choose, if I am fated to be this fucking irredeemable, pathetic, backsliding monster, to defy everything that made me that way, and kill as many of the enemy as possible before I fall."

Xu Xian: And with that, he throws off the line and fires the boat up.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "That's the thing, Trevor." He pulls up, right next to the boat, so he can try to stop it if necessary. "I do know that you are a sadistic bastard. And I have faith in you regardless...but not because you're a goodhearted but tormented soul. I have faith in you because despite the fact that you're not, you do more good then most people I've ever seen. You are a sick fuck that does good. Revealing what you are isn't going to destroy that faith. Leaving here on a suicide mission is. Because in defying everything, you're also giving up."

Xu Xian: ((and it's time for Fullmetal Alchemist and Ghost in the Shell, so either he motors off into the night or we pause for an hour))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((I'm good with pausing here for a bit.))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: And he steels himself before going to hop on the boat. This is going to hurt.

Xu Xian: 9,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 9,

Xu Xian: (12 due to minuses for alcohol)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((14))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: And he hops onto the boat, getting ready to get hit, hard.

Xu Xian: He's wrapping the rope around Dream's neck.

Xu Xian: 9,8,7,8,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Yeah, the die roller always works for me until the crucial moment. Then it screws me. *G*))

Xu Xian: (next turn *G*) He's going to garrote Dream.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((1 Rage spent)) Kick to the groin first. Make him drop that rope.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 4,5,5,2,

Xu Xian: 9,6,4,6,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Great. Rope wrapped around throat, feet not obeying his kicking demands, and he's on a boat with a psychopath he purposely pissed off. Ingenious. He charges Trevor, trying to knock the drunk man off balance, hopefully out of the boat.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 8,2,7,7,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 6,8,9,7,9,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 4,5,

Xu Xian: The boat flips over, sending both of them into the water. Trev maintains his hold.

Xu Xian: (new round)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((New Turn.)) Well, out of the boat. That's progress. He tries to yank the rope out of Trevor's hands. Hah, funny. Worth a shot.

Xu Xian: Have been trained in underwater combat, he simply rolls back and tucks in, dragging in a deep breath and keeping hold of the rope, letting the momentum Jer's follow through drag him along behind, so he's now got Jer from the back.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Spending WP))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 10,7,

Xu Xian: 6,4,7,2,

Xu Xian: He takes one bashing as Jer's struggles tear at the rope wrapped around his hands, sawing into the flesh.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((New turn?)) Change of tactics. The boat's flipped, Trevor's delayed. He tries to go Umbral. ((Another WP. Don't wanna fuck this one up!))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 7,7,2,6,3,

Xu Xian: He curses as his prey winks Umbral, gaze going unfocused.

Xu Xian: 3,9,8,6,9,

Xu Xian: Jer finds himself in the Umbral river.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Hah! Free of the rope! He moves to the other side of Trevor's umbral reflection and tries to pass through again. ((3rd WP of the night and the fight.))

Xu Xian: Xu kicks to the surface toward the boat.

Xu Xian: 1,3,6,

Xu Xian: But doesn't make much progress.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 4,4,5,5,5,

Xu Xian: Jer finds himself ~sloowly~ crossing over.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Thinking the whole time... Goddess least my genitals haven't gone through torture yet...

Xu Xian: He pulls himself toward the boat via the rope, gaze searchign for Jer.

Xu Xian: 2,9,3,

Xu Xian: He surfaces, takes a few deep breaths and curses again as he sees Jer stuck crossing over.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Ah shit...getting woozy...just my fuckin' luck...

Xu Xian: "Shithead..." He draws in a deep breath and does his best to right the boat.

Xu Xian: 3,4,3,

Xu Xian: Well, that didn't work. He tries again.

Xu Xian: 9,10,9,

Xu Xian: Ah, there we go... With the boat righted, he hyperventilates a few more times and dives down to loop the rope around Jer's arm and neck as he passes through the Gauntlet.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Yep, one Dream. Through the Umbra, and unconscious.

Xu Xian: He yanks on the guy as soon as he's got him, spending WP to kick with him toward the surface.

Xu Xian: ((That's WP to ignore wound penalties from the alcohol in order to use full pool))

Xu Xian: 10,3,4,4,5,4,

Xu Xian: Again, he doesn't get there as quick as he'd like but manages to get Jer to the surface. He does his best to tread water and muscle Jer onto the boat (rolling STA+ath, then STR+ath)

Xu Xian: ((Also continuing to spend WP to ignore wound penalties until further notice))

Xu Xian: 9,8,6,5,6,2,3,

Xu Xian: 2,2,9,8,10,8,2,

Xu Xian: He get's Jer aboard the boat. Then climbs in after him

Xu Xian: 10,7,9,3,1,8,3,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Thud. He's all up in the boat, and shit.

Xu Xian: Then starts mouth to mouth if jer doesn't start coughing and breathing on his own.

Xu Xian: ((rolling STA+med for resuscitation attempt))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Who, Dream, breathing? If you count lying there with no rising and falling chest breathing, sure...

Xu Xian: 1,4,9,6,9,6,

Xu Xian: He clears whatever water is in the guy's lungs and starts breathing for him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 2,7,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He starts coughing. Yay, life.

Xu Xian: 4,

Xu Xian: 5,4,5,3,1,2,8,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: And there comes the sputtering and breathing, too, as he rolls onto his side, spitting water out.

Xu Xian: He sees Jer convulsing and picks up the wet rope, and starts whipping him savagely, almost compulsively with it, that strange mad light in his gaze finally blazing through.

Xu Xian: 6,3,9,9,7,10,6,6,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Oh, Je-SUS!!))

Xu Xian: ((That was dex+torture, specialties being undetectable and psychological, so he's whipping him through his wet clothing to cause unimaginable pain but leaving no marks on the skin whatsoever...and now Im rerolling the 10))

Xu Xian: 4,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Uhhhh...what clothing? *Points to the Umbral shift))

Xu Xian: As he beats him a long string of words tumbles out, his voice high and reedy and lacking it's usual careful control: "You fucking shithead, you could have fucking ~died~ you shit for brains what the Christ have they been teaching you fucking dogs about hand to hand?!"

Xu Xian: ((Thought he had them dedicated? Pretty sure Ang did that for him))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((She did? *Blink* It's possible, with my memory...sure, I'll go with it.))

Xu Xian: (If not then he's whipping him in such away as to leave the fewest marks possible for maximum pain))

Xu Xian: (how about odd she did, even she didn't?))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He curls up, TOTALLY gone as he gets whipped ALL to shit. A crying, whimpering mass of defeated Garou. He still tries his best to cover his genitals, though. And the head. Probably fails, though.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Sure.))

Xu Xian: ((roll 1 die then. *G*))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 3,

Xu Xian: ((so yeah, dedicated, wet clothes. *G* sopping with river/saltwater. Blows that transmit the pain but don't welt))

Xu Xian: He continues furiously, slamming the rope into him over and over, his voice going strained and hoarse: "Now see what you've made me do you ~asshole~ Micah is going to watch this and hate me and Ita will see what I've done and frenzy on me and you will have fucking ~ruined~ it ~all~ because you couldn't just let me go fucking ~kill things~!"

Xu Xian: 4,2,7,6,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He just...lies there. At some point, you just want to shut down. That where he is right now. The cleansing, the fight, drowning, being brought back to be tortured...all too much.

Xu Xian: 7,9,1,2,3,10,7,

Xu Xian: He sees that point in Jer, and he stops, slumping back against the seat of the boat, sopping wet himself, his blood on the rope from the cuts to his hands.

Xu Xian: his breath is coming in heaving gasps, and he sits there until it starts to calm, staring at Jer, the boat drifting farther and farther south on the current.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He lies there in the boat, oblivious to damn near everything. It's just too much at this point. Too Goddess-damned much. Just give up.

Xu Xian: "Get up," he says.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 5,6,4,9,5,5,

Xu Xian: 9,

Xu Xian: 7,3,10,5,8,7,2,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: The words do reach him, somehow, and strike a nerve. With extreme, agonized effort, he pushes himself up with his hands, sliding his knees underneath him.

Xu Xian: "Shift to Glabro, but stay low or you'll tip us again."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods a little, dumbly, and shifts up to Near-Man form, remaining in that low crouched position.

Xu Xian: He finds the pain rapidly dwindling as his outraged and overloaded nerve cells regenerate

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: His eyes shut, and he comes back to himself a bit, his senses righting themselves, the world coming into focus a little more. His breathing evens out.

Xu Xian: he stares at him for a bit longer, then reaches under his sopping wet coat for the deformed silver flask he'd beaten Jer and Lahn with. He uncaps it and takes a swig. "When you're ready, shift back."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Once the pain is gone, he reverts back to Homid. He fals back, sitting on his feet, still a little light-headed from the remembered pain.

Xu Xian: he offers him the flask.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks over, slowly, at Xu, reaching up to wipe his face free of some of the water. He nods a little, reaching out and taking the flask and taking a swig before handing it back.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He reaches for a cigarette, and looks mildly annoyed when he finds his pack waterlogged.

Xu Xian: It's ~really really~ good single malt whiskey. like the 180 year old stuff. He takes the flask back and takes another swig and leans his head back to rest it on the back of the seat and stare at the sky.

Xu Xian: He takes a third swig, then offers it to Jer again.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He slides his feet out from underneath him, sitting down more properly. He opens his mouth slowly, then blinks. "....well, that's not how I planned that to work out."

Xu Xian: Jer finds himself sitting in about 8 inches of water sloshing around the bottom of the boat.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He waves it off, shaking his head a little, still slightly dazed. "I've had a pretty strong drink tonight. And I've...drowned, I think. I should save brain cells."

Xu Xian: He nods and caps the flask, pausing to look at his bloody hands. "First rule of garrotting: Avoid using sisal."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "I'll remember that." A pause. "What's sisal?"

Xu Xian: He lays his head back again, closing his eyes. his throat is exposed in that position, but he doesn't seem aware of it.

Xu Xian: "That kind of rope. It's rough. Cuts the hands."

Xu Xian: "Ideally you should use gloves but..." He shrugs. "I wasn't thinking that far ahead."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Ahh." He rolls his lps between his teeth, and sits back a bit, quiet.

Xu Xian: He takes a few more long, deep breaths and then turns to take the cover off the engine and check it out, looking to ensure it's fit to start before attempting anything.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "...sorry."

Xu Xian: He flips a benchtop, removes a bucket. "Start bailing please?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods, taking a bucket himself, and starts ridding the boat of water.

Xu Xian: 6,3,

Xu Xian: He ~thinks~ the motor is okay to start, and moves over to sit at the wheel, turning the ignition and hitting the starter button.

Xu Xian: 7,

Xu Xian: It fires to life and he heads south for a few hundred feet as the motor evens out and then turns the craft north again. "I'll understand if you don't want to...continue in my employ."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He bails away, in a rhythmic motion, doing his job for the moment without complaint or comment.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 10,5,2,8,2,4,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He pauses, silent for a moment. "Why would you think I wouldn't want to continue working for you?"

Xu Xian: He doesn't say anything for a long moment, his attention on navigating the boat. He looks weary, and filled with an immense sorrow.

Xu Xian: "Most people, after being beaten like that, want to get as far away from me as fast as possible."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He pauses a moment, picking his words slowly. "Trevor...I knew what I was...risking, by forcing your hand. I didn't understand, but I know. And I knew...that it was forcing your hand. But I had to try and keep you alive, and your odds are best if you waited until you weren't drunk and...capable of...lashing out...getting distracted. Still, I had a job to do. And I did it. I didn't enjoy the...results. I'll never look on this night with anything but nightmares again. But I accept the responsibility for my actions."

Xu Xian: "I shouldn't have done it. It was a loss of control that I regret. And you shouldn't have to...operate under those conditions."

Xu Xian: 8,6,2,

Xu Xian: Even drunk, he seems to know how to navigate back to the house, which soon looms out of the distant darkness.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Should or shouldn't have to doesn't matter." Another bucketful of water leaves the boat. "There is, and there isn't.'s an is. And I know what you do, and I think it's worthwhile. I know you're trying to help me, despite the fact that you...lost control. Which I made you do. My position hasn't changed, though I hope you'll understand if I get a bit...sketchy around you for a few days. I'll try not to. Sketchy or not, I'll still do my job."

Xu Xian: "I don't belong with people, Jeremy. I don't..." He sighs, shaking his head. "I can't stay clean. I can't stay...with the women I love for fear of...doing worse than what you just experienced."

Xu Xian: "And you can' your job if you're sketchy around me. If you fear me."

Xu Xian: "Abbey's right. Ingvar's right. I'm not lead. Not fit...for much of anything. But killing shifters and...torturing the ones I care for."

Xu Xian: He motors the boat toward the dock, doing his best to position it without injuring boat or dock.

Xu Xian: 6,9,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sits back a moment, considering that. "Trevor, all I know is that despite everything I've done that's fucked you over, either by omission of duty, failure to think through my actions, stupid decisions, and smart decisions while corrupted, you've still done more to help me then anyone I know in this city. In any city, since Portland. Will I be iffy for a few days?" He shrugs. "Maybe. But from the sounds of it, you'll be gone for a few days anyway. I can come to terms. If you still want me around."

Xu Xian: And does a decent job. He cuts the throttle, throws the rope around the cleat, and climbs slowly onto the dock.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He follows Xu out, onto the docks. He's moving slowly, tentatively. "I'll talk to Micah. Make him understand that it was my decision. My way to keep you here. I don't know...I'll figure something out."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "To push you to that, I mean."

Xu Xian: "Who says I'm staying? I'm just heading in for some dry clothes and some smokes that aren't waterlogged."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I won't say that I succeeded." He shrugs a little. "Just that I tried. Maybe he'll realize that what he was trying to coerce you into wasn't such a good idea."

Xu Xian: So saying, he walks into the house, loosening his tie and slipping his sopping wet coat off.

Xu Xian: "Why not?"

Xu Xian: "At least he likes pain."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "And I still think you shouldn't go tonight. Don't necessarily stay here. Go to a hotel. A safehouse. Something. But going tonight is just...well, at the risk of pissing you off again, in which case, let me know and I'll start running now, it's tactically stupid, attacking at a disadvantage."

Xu Xian: He sighs, peeling his shirt off, then taking off his shoes and socks.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Because I'll tell him I would have intervened, as I would have, and it just would have gotten both of us fucked up, instead of one of us." He looks around, then slides his trench coat off. "He's probably in his room by now. I'll talk to him later."

Xu Xian: "Why would you have intervened, Jeremy?"

Xu Xian: "Have you fallen in love with him already?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Besides utter stupidity?" He shrugs, pulling the trenchcoat off and throwing it in the sink for the moment. "I don't like seeing my friends get hurt. And I don't think I could have witnessed that and believed there was no actual damage being done." He shrugs. "I can heal quick. He can't."

Xu Xian: He takes things out of his pants pockets and puts them on the table. Keys. More keys. money. A now dead cellphone. Another now dead cellphone.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((tenchoact=turtleneck. Trenchoact already off.)) "Of course not." He sighs. "I care about him the same way I care about Laidan or Alexis. He's a friend. My love extends to one person at this time." He squeezes his hair out in the sink, over his top.

Xu Xian: "So, in other words, you wouldn't have trusted me?"

Xu Xian: "You, the fucking Garou, who's far more likely to go berserk, is perfectly capable of inflicting pain on Micah, whereas I, who've done this for over forty years, who was a professional interrogator, I am not trustworthy to inflict pain without permanent damage."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I didn't realize you were that...skilled." He shrugs. "I don't know how it looked, to be honest. I only know how it felt. And at no time previous in my life could I possibly have imagined that much pain doing no real physical damage. It's not about trust. It's about what I know and don't know. And yeah, I realize the latter of those is where the bulk lies."

Xu Xian: "I think you're just fucking squeamish about it."

Xu Xian: "But then, everybody is. I don't belong with decent folk, Jeremy. I don't...fucking deserve to live."

Xu Xian: "Don't deserve to live. Don't deserve to die." He strips his pants off to his boxers and brings his clothes over to the sink, squeezing the water out of them.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Squeamish?" He shrugs. "Maybe a little. Lack of exposure, I guess, until recently." He sighs. "My squeamishness is what Micah's helping me get over. Everything today was just... overload. And..." He pauses, then shakes his head, pulling his boots off.

Xu Xian: He slips the pancake holster from the small of his back, setting the gun on the table. "Do you have a kit?"

Xu Xian: "And...?" he prods.

Ita McNairee: *rattatatting at the door and an accompanying jingle*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "And I was trying to fight...Jeremy." He shrugs a little. "I had him in the back of my mind, wanting to applaud when you hit Micah. Urging me to go forward when you mentioned learning torture. Telling me to let you go and die at the hands of the Spirals. And so on."

Xu Xian: He stares at him. "Why are you trying to fight him? Embrace him."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks toward the door. "No, no gun kit. I'd need a gun to have use of one." He looks at Xu. "I have been. It's not easy for me, but I have been. Today was just...too much. Call it a setback." He moves out of the kitchen, toward the front door.

Xu Xian: He glances up at the sound at the door. Then sighs wearily and heads upstairs to the master bedroom.

Ita McNairee: *she scratches at her head. ok. back later than she'd thought to be.. she'd gotten lost underground again and was rescued by a nos. she leans on the door as she waits*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He opens the door, in his pants only, soaked to the bone. "Hey."

Xu Xian: The sound of a shower sounds upstairs.

Xu Xian: 6,3,3,3,

Xu Xian: 10,2,

Ita McNairee: och.. *she cocks her head giving him an odd look* Hey yerself *a hand comes to touch his chest. wet?* Aulrecht.. ye have some sort o mishap?

Xu Xian: ((And I'm gonna bow out there. He'll be in the shower for 90+ minutes, then get dressed and head back out in the BMW))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Thanks for the scene, Singha!))

Xu Xian: ((you too.))

Ita McNairee: (bye sir singha. twas fun to watch)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He purses his lips and nods, smiling. "You could call it a mishap. Fell in the lake. C'mon in."

Ita McNairee: *she jingles in, shaking her head* well, nice tae see ye smilen again darlins.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Can't not smile after tonight. Only thing I haven't done too much of all night." He shuts the door, heading into the kitchen to grab a pack of cigarettes before taking her to the entertainment suite.

Ita McNairee: 8,2,8,2,

Ita McNairee: *she cocks her head hearing the shower, but dismisses it as Micah, following him to the living room with a merry tinkle* How'd ye fall entae tha lake ye fool theng. ye drunk aft yer arse?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: She chuckling a little packing the pack against his palm before unwrapping it and taking one out and lighting it. "I tackled Trevor off a boat, flipping it over in the process, to keep him from going out on what I thought was a suicide mission."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((He chuckles. Damn me and my androgynous PC's.))

Ita McNairee: Och.. *her eyes widen a little, keeping her distance out of respect for the smoke* Yer a regular superman taenecht aren't ye? Jaysus.. ye both aulrecht.. *she loks him over, one didn't just tackle trevor/adam/fausto/xu and continue on their merry way..* Ye look aulrecht...

Ita McNairee: ((you and your he she issues!)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I'll live. After he gave me mouth to mouth, at least, since I pretty much drowned myself." He exhales a drag of smoke and takes a seat on the floor. No wet Garou on the couch.

Ita McNairee: och Jaysus dovies.. leave ye fer a few hours an yer rollen aboot wrestlen and drownen.. *she shakes her head, giving a light sort of smile, then quirks her lips at his pants* yer soaked dove.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "That I am. Amazing what several minute under water, on both here and the Umbra, will do for you dryness factor."

Ita McNairee: *she considers this.. not entiiiirely sure what an umbra is.. likely part of the boat? she scratches at her nose before circling 3 times ans sitting with a clatter* dinnae ye 'ave other pants?

Ita McNairee: ye'll catch yer death loves.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I'll change later. He's upstairs, and I don't wanna push my luck at the moment. I've already pushed too far tonight as it is. And then some." He shivers a little. Must be the cold of standing there wet & naked. Yeah.

Ita McNairee: ((isn't he sittin?)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Yeah, that's what I meant. :P))

Ita McNairee: *she nods and nibbles her lip* ye should gie oot o tha pants even effen ye set nekked. bettern en soggy trousers. *a long pause before she looks up at the ceiling and back, murmering* wha's tha matter wie em?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: " cleansed, too." He clears his throat as he concedes, stripping out of his slacks. "And probably had a lot more taint then I did. I don't know how he reacted during the cleansing, because I passed out pretty quickly." He pauses and considers. Unconsciousness and wetness...bad combo. He shakes his head and takes a drag of the smoke. "But he was really off when I got cleaned up. And he was drunk. And apparently, Silkie...attacked him."

Ita McNairee: ..wha? OCh nae.. she didnae try tae leck hem? *the little gypsy gets tense, anger seeping into jer posture* damn selkie.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Could be. All Trevor said was 'attacked.'" He lays back, bare-ass nekkid, on the carpet, knees bent as he takes a drag on the cigarette. "Whatever the reason, he was seriously off."

Ita McNairee: *she bites at her lip, gathering up his jeans and moving to toss them in the bathroom quickly. when she pads back she looks to dream* sae ee tried tae gawn an gie hemself kelled?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sighs. "There's a group of corrupt Garou, that we call Spirals. Long story. Anyway, imagine really nasty, vicious versions of us. He's located a large group of them, and is going to try and take them out. I just didn't want him to do it drunk." He sighs. "He'll probably try anyway, but I had to try and stop him."

Ita McNairee: *she considers.. * well.. ee stell around? ah reckon ah've those darts en eere stell *she pats the satchel* some o em anyhoo. antidote tae. nae gun tho.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: " Don't." He shakes his head, suddenly a little nervous. "Believe me, I tried everything I could. He's on edge anyway...don't push him." He also seems to be reeeeeal iffy around those damn darts.

Ita McNairee: Och loves.. wha's ee gintae dae? ah'm dead aulready.. *that not ringing quite true.. but she's clearly worried about him* yer certain?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods, eyes a little wide. "Please, Ita. Just...don't. I did all I could. Probably pushed too far. Come here...just levae the darts." He eyes thos damn darts.

Ita McNairee: *she peels the satchel off her and sets it at the door, jingling over to sit beside nekkid Dream, frowning* loves.. ah'm nae gintae dart ye fer christs sake..

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I know you're not, Ita. The damn things just make me really nervous. That and I hate being frickin' blind." He relaxes a little as Ita sits next to him, and sighs.

Ita McNairee: *she sets her head on his shoulder a wary eye on the ciggy* they'll nae jump oot an gie ye. but ah'm soory. ah'll gie em tae somewan.. josh er somewan..aye?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles, a little. "You can keep 'em. I'll just pretend you don't have 'em, is all." He reaches over, stubbing the cigarette out in the ashtray just in aroms reach, and then slides an arm around Ita.

Ita McNairee: Aye. *she curls to him nicely now that the threat of fiery doom is less, arms curling around him in turn* ye've 'ad a rough day Dream loves.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He chuckles a little bit, just a hint of manicness in it. With Ita curled around him, it quickly fades "Yeah...that's one way to put it."

Ita McNairee: *she rests her head on his chest, chewing her lip as she considers things* yer holden oop aulrecht sae fars ah reckon.. *she looks up* where's micah?

Ita McNairee: (damnit! *sticks color to herself*)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Upstairs, I think." He pauses a moment, chewing on his lower lip as he looks at her, then over to the TV. "I missed the rest of the movie."

Ita McNairee: well didnae ye see et aulready? Effen ets awn tape ye can watch et agawn aye?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Yeah, I've seen it before. I actually owned it before..." He waves his hand vaguely. "All that."

Ita McNairee: well aul tha's over noow... ye wanten tae gawn back an dumpster dive? *she gives him a smile, comfortable*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Hardly." He shakes his head. "Done that for two periods in my life, now. More then enough for me."

Ita McNairee: but yer thengs..? Ah'll dae et effen ye wan darlin.. best tae dae et o necht anywhoo...

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Oh." He blinks, having misinterpreted. "Ummm..." He sighs. "I don't know. I hadn't even considered it...seemed like too big of a risk, what with the Doctor's people watching the place, and all." He falls silent, his lip going back between his teeth again as he thinks.

Ita McNairee: Ye reckon thengs'll stell be there darlin? *she draws her head off his chest, hairs sticking to the dampness*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Yeah. I've got until the 5th to pay rent, and the 12th until they start the eviction process. Assuming the Doctor's men haven't cleaned it out or I haven't been robbed, my stuff should still be there." Another frown. "I need to call Angelia. Should have asked her at the cleansing."

Ita McNairee: och. well we'll move ye than. *she runs a clawed hand through her hair, brushing it back from her face as she looks at him, bright eyed* an ye'll really be set oop homey like?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He thinks about that, torn between desire for some of his old belongings and the risk. Finally, he shakes his head. "No, don't worry about it. It's too dangerous. I can't ask you to risk that." He smiles a bit. "Besides, I've started from scratch before. I'll make due."

Ita McNairee: *she watches him a moment,head cocked* aulrecht... effen yer sure darlin. ye thenk there's stell a resk?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks up at the ceiling. "I...don't know. I haven't heard anything about the Doctor. So I have to assume he's still out there. And if he is, my old place isn't safe." He closes his eyes. "Let it all...just go."

Ita McNairee: well.. ah'll ask aboot aye? ah'll poke aboot aroond concerto an see effen ets safe. we've time stell, dinnae gie oop yet me precious.. *she singsongs, moving to sit on the man, she wags a finger with a jingle of metal* nae fretten.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sighs a bit, but nods. "Okay. careful, please?"

Ita McNairee: like a cat en a junkyard darlin. ah promise. *she nods and looks down at him with a broken smile*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Okay." He opens his eyes again, looking up at the ceiling. "We're going to have a visitor here in the next day or so. She'll be staying here for a while."

Ita McNairee: och.. *she nibbles her lip, voice changing a little* Sae.. ah'm back entae hiden than?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "No. According to Trevor, she won't have an issue with you. She's a former Spiral, named Siren. She'll be warding the house against banes and Spirals."

Ita McNairee: och. are spirals.. beg.. white wolves? *releif colors her voice, along with curiouslity as she scratches at her head, almost doglike*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Wyrm-corrupted Garou."

Ita McNairee: .. och.. sae. they're nae white than? *she's thinking on somethig, then nods* aye than. wait Wyrm corrupted? *she frowns looking at Dream intently*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Some of them could be white, I suppose." He shrugs. "And yes, Wyrm-corrupted. Siren, apparently, used to be corrupted by the Wyrm. better, somehow." Something shines in his eyes, way in the back, as he says this.

Ita McNairee: *a sigh of stale air as she brushes teeth over her lip, cocking her head to dream, then dipping down to pres a kiss to his forehead* see. everywan can gie better ..aye?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods a bit, smiling. "Yeah, I know." He looks up at her and trails a finger along her jaw line. "Just further proof of what we already knew."

Ita McNairee: *she smiles as he touches her, nodding* aye. et'll be good fer ye tae 'ave sooch a folk aroond. a reminder aul esnae lost. Fer when ye gie dark, and brooden.. *the pikey takes in his fac with wide brown eyes, and nods again*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Yeah." He smiles a little at that, and leans into her a little bit. "Oh, and by the way. He didn't say why, but Kristjan and Siren are supposed to stay apart. We aren't to mention him to her, or vice versa. Just so you know."

Ita McNairee: *she nods* gotcha. nae talken aboot Kris.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods, then falls silent, curling into her a little, his eyes shutting. There's still a slight undertone of tension to his frame, a hint of skittishness in general.

Ita McNairee: *she curls close, wrapping her arms around the thin man best she can. nuzzling him and murmering* we should gie ye a blanket. ye'll catch yer death.. *another nuzzle as she hopes to sooth Dream through closeness at least* Och ah'm rubbish o thes.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Mmmm." It's a sound of a sort of contented disapproval at her words, and he leans into the nuzzling. "You're doing fine. Just a bad day. Very, very bad. Any day I pass out twice and stop breathing once, I'm bound to be a bit sketchy."

Ita McNairee: stell.. *she smoothes her hand through wet hair, pressing another kiss to his forehead* wha'll make ye feel better mm? Tired? *she gives his neck a nip, nuzzling lovingly. hell. she's curled to him like some kind of warm dead duvet, soft and pleasant*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He considers. "I..." A slight shrug. "Tired doesn't quite accurately described it. I'm emotionally beyond exhausted, mentally beat. I've got too much adrenaline going still to just go to sleep, though....y'know?"

Ita McNairee: och aye *she nods,extracting herself from him gently as she moves to fetch a blanket from the back of the couch* Wan me tae find ye another movie tae watch darlin? we'll jes loll aboot like clerts, aye? *she stands holding her blanket open for the naked man*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He considers it, and shrugs. "Sure...we can do that." He considers. "You ever watch any TV?"

Ita McNairee: nae. nae fer a long time loves. nae sence ah was back 'ome really. *seeing he's not getting up she flops down with a jingle and sets about wraping him in the blanket, curling to him as she does so. one Jer no longer so naked*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles a little, moving to facilitate her wrapping him up. "I feel like a marathon run of Buffy, Season Six." A little nod, and a grin.

Ita McNairee: where's tha changer thenger? *she perks up, looking around like some merecat checking for predators.. a noise as she crawls overtop of Dream to get the remote, rather than just walking to the damn tv and changing the channel* wha would tha be awn? Wha's Buffy aboot?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "'course, that may not be possible," he considers suddenly. "Might not be here. Hmmm. Might have to pick that up later." A shrug.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "It's about...well, bear with me here, dear. But it's about a Vampire Slayer." He smirks a little bit. "But I think you'll like her nonetheless. She's tolerant, too."

Ita McNairee: .. .. ah.. *her mouth hangs open a moment, remote held limply in her hand. what? there were LOTS of movies about killing vampires Ita... her mouth claps shut and she rattles out in fast pikeyspeak* Och yer a bit o a prat sometimes ye kain tha!?? Hoow come there are never nae programs aboot kellen yer folks! aul o em are always aboot damned vampires. nae wonder nae wan likes em! *she gives a goodnatured huff, not sure whether to laugh or be disgruntled, she does both, crawling back and leaning against the scrawny garou, remote offered up in surrender*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He chuckles a little, and takes the remote. "Oh, there's a couple werewolves, too. One good, one bad. They're both gone by Season Six, though." He shrugs. "And if you think there's no movies about us being killed, you've obviously never seen Gingersnaps, The Wolf Man, American Werewolf in London, American Werewolf in Paris, Cursed, The Howling, Silver Bullet..." He trails off, chuckling, as he takes the remote.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Wow, deja vu in the same post. *Headdesk*))

Ita McNairee: ah've seen "teen wolf" but nae wan gies kelled an tha.. tha werewolf jes surfs awn top o a van! *she chuckles, wrapping her arms around his neck a moment, tiliting her face to brush under his chin with a nibbling kiss* right. sae wha we watchen boss? ((I noticed that *giggles* we both suck at this "READING" our own post thing))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He shrugs, and starts flipping through. "How about something with a distinctly non-supernatural bent? I'm thinking rom-com at this point."

Ita McNairee: sure. wha ever ye'd like darlin, ah content as et es, aye? *she slumps against him with a pleasant jingle watching the images on the screen*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He flips through channels, smiling a bit. "You see, my may not have realized this, but you are romantically involved with a true scholar of the entertainment industry." He settles on Cinemax. "Ooh, American Wedding." He sets the remote down and settles in with her.

Ita McNairee: Och dinnae ferget Shintae-isms. *she smiles. romantically involved. a nod*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Shintoism too." He smirks a little bit. "But not swimming."

Ita McNairee: och. well tha wan ah can teach ye aye? *she grins, bumping him with her head* but next time ah reckon we'll nae 'ave ye dae et fullt clothed. oor clothed et aul ah reckon.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He grins at that. "Yeah, I hear it works better when you're not dressed. And you're not tackling a man about twenty times more skilled at combat then you." A shiver again.

Ita McNairee: shhh darlin. *she threads a small hand up through long hair, scratching at his scalp* dinnae thenk awn et. ye've a soft lass curled against ye.. an a movie awn tha telly. concentrate awn those thengs and be merry, aye?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods a little. "Sorry...was supposed to be a joke. Kinda went sour."

Ita McNairee: *that she chuckles at, giving his hair a tug* ye soured et fer yerself dumb bunny. yer aulways daen tha.. maken a joke an than cringen o tha end o et. Daft as brecks, *she shakes her head, voice warm and teasing*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles a little, appreciating the teasing nature. "Yeah, I know. Used to self-deprecating humor. Gotta learn to stop that during periods of trauma." A bit of a chuckle, as he leans his head against hers.

Ita McNairee: *a grin as she lets go of his hair and lets her hand rest on his neck* Aye ye daft bugger, none o thes shiveren an sooch, oor a pikey'll sod ye.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods a little bit to that, chuckling. "All right, all right. I'll try to avoid the shiver-worthy comments for a while." He nods, and then tilts her way, half-paying attention to the movie. "And what, pray tell, out of complete and random TOTAL curiosity, is "sodding?"

Ita McNairee: sod. ye kain.. *she gives him a confrontational sort of push, lowering her head to look out the top of her eyes* Sod! *she grins devilishly and pulls her hands into fists*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Ahhh, SOD." He nods. "Got it. Sorry, I only speak American and Japanese. Not totally fluent in Ita-ish yet."

Ita McNairee: ita-esh.. rubbish *she puts on a good show of being outraged*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Ita-ese? Ita-ian?" He smirks.

Ita McNairee: OCH!?! *hands come to his shoulder in a shove, mouth open in mock offense* Keep et oop an ye'll end oop right Bangjanxed by a folk! Ye'd rather ah spoke tha betch o queens english than?? *she moves into a low crouch tongue coming out a little as she gets ready to tackle*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Hell, no." He laughs a little. "That would just be wierd."

Ita McNairee: banjanxed by a pikey oor tha queens english? *she cocks her head with a grin*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He mock-cringes a bit. "Depends on what banjanxed is?"

Ita McNairee: Och! *she lets out a laugh and gives up with a shake of her hands, shaking her head and peeling over sideways with a clatter* ah oughtae right a damned translation book fer ye.. *her frame twitches weakly where she lies laughting, a hand waving at him. she gives up*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He grins and moves to lay down next to her, scooting up close and resting an arm lightly over her stomach. "Ehhh, I think I'll figure out the gist of most of it, eventually. Just be ready for a few clarification questions."

Ita McNairee: *she shakes her head and smirks, wriggling down so as to not block the tv, her hands folding over his on the slight curve of her stomach* Och.. quit while yer ahead o et loves *a grin as she cuddles into him* we're missen yer show.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Yeah, that's how it usually works." He shrugs. "S''s mostly for background noise, anyway." A smile. "I've got something a little more significant to give my attention to."

Ita McNairee: aye *Ita jingles, squirming against him until she's about as close as she's going to get, barring skin grafting and a lack of clothing. she gives a growly noise of pleasure and settles in, chirping* Ah reckon ah should be holden ye when yer hurten, nae the ether way aroond, but thes es nice loves. Thank ye.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles and gives a contented sigh, settling in himself. "Whoever's holding who...long as you're here, it's fine, Ita. You make me feel better, no matter how bad I feel. Thank you."

Ita McNairee: Och.. *she cranes her head and presses a kiss to his arm before resting against him and settling in to watch the flickering images on tv in contented silence.*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles a bit and leans in, kissing her neck, then lies back with her to watch.