Morgane Kristanovitch: "We also need to make sure our other house mate can get back in tonight." yes an convince him that he was not intruding on them.

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "He went outside with Livvy. Maybe they left."

Ntwadumela: Mel takes his cue from her as to who's driving, knowing that some ladies would rather not even in their own vehicle.

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): *he laughs a bit* Of course..can't pass up finding someone to raise hell with. *he smiles at her and laughs again* I'm glad we met. *he repeats his earlier statement just reaffirming that he still feels that way after finding out her true nature*

Nathaniel Dikastis: He gives her a blank look for a moment. "Other house mate?"

Kristina Jaccobs[PB 1]: *Kristina takes a drink of her coke before getting up and moveing towards the door certain that the fuzz is gone by now*

Mercury: ((If he didn't see them *L* delete that part))

Nathaniel Dikastis: Corbin> "Were they both drunk? Ya don't leave drunk pals to fend for themselves, we need to check."

Olivia Boehm: Me too. *Looking over at him again* Which moon?

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She makes no offer to let him drive.

Mercury: A sleek and exotically handsome predator with a powerfully muscular upper body. His irises are so dark they appear black, his long thick hair an ebony curtain shimmering down his back. He is a 6'2", muscular Tasslakie (Cherokee) youth about 19 or 20, and to many he seems to have an intimidating aura, an almost palpable sense of being dangerous if angered. If his arms are bare, multiple tattoos can be seen, flame tattoos go up his neck nearly to his chin, on the back of his left hand is a black skull and crossbones. His ears triple pierced, a gold hoop in his lower lip, and a stud through the right side of his nose. On his left hand, the webbing between thumb and forefinger is pierced with a metal hoop.

Morgane Kristanovitch: She glances to Nathan then to Corbin then back. "Yes." a nod of her head. "Family, he is like Corbin."

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He nods. "We probably should." Draining his glass in one.

Bruce 'Spitfire' Freemason: He looks up to the TV, at least something was kind of interesting in here, slouching on the bar, his 5,11 dropping to more like 5,5. All the better to punch you in the gut.

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "Lucien. I mentioned him, Nate."

Ntwadumela: He gets in the passenger seat then.

Kristina Jaccobs[PB 1]: *She pauses for a moment when she sees Mercury looking at him with a great deal of spite in her eyes and moveing out of the way to let him pass so she can get out the door*

Nathaniel Dikastis: He tenses for a moment. "Oh yeah, him. Well, didn't ya say ya weren't sure he was even gonna hang around?"

Morgane Kristanovitch: She nods her head and rises to their suggestion of looking to JT and Livvy and getting them home.

Mercury: He bellies up to the bar. "YO! Rum and coke, no ice. How ya doin', Pete?"

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): Galliard. *he says quietly* Always had a talent for song..finally found out why. *he looks back to her and then up towards the sky again* I know as soon as I push myself away from this wall I'm going to feel drunk as hell again...but right now..everything seems crystal clear

Mercury: ~called the bartender Pete~

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: Nate: "Sounds like he's going to stick around." Doesn't look at him. Stands up.

Nathaniel Dikastis: d10: Percept/Alert: 5,9,8,7,4,

Kristina Jaccobs[PB 1]: *After Mercury passes she moves out of the pool hall and back onto the street*

Olivia Boehm: You, my boy, need to learn the fine art of subtly excusing yourself, and puking it all up. *Chuckling, leaning into him a little*

Nathaniel Dikastis: He stands with the others, a slight frown on his face but he glances around and notices Mercury. "Hey, there's Merc."

Mercury: He sits on a stool, giving the bartender a tip. Prepared to nurse the drink for a bit, he takes a glance around.

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "Who?" Looks around. Oh, the guy he had seen J.T. with last night.

Bruce 'Spitfire' Freemason: He looks to Mercury as he passes, now he looks like he could give as good as he got. Then he remembers the words of someone. Try to control your aggressions....he frowns looking back to the TV....must not...hit people.

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): *he laughs quietly* that's why you went with the water *he laughs again, tempted to put an arm around her but he doesn't, that'd be to familiar. He just lets her lean against him* I think I'll be alright...if I haven't hurled yet I don't think I will. *although one never knows till you lay down that the bed spins are coming*

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "I'm going to look for J.T." He pauses. "Nate, do you have Mel's number? Just in case. You know."

Morgane Kristanovitch: d10: Per+Empathy(Nate): 8,9,8,1,8,8,

Mercury: He glances over at Bruce. Huh. Least there's some halfway interesting people around. He grins wolfishly, then turns back to his drink.

Nathaniel Dikastis: He looks at Corbin curiously. "Yeah, I got it, why?" He holds up his hands for a minute. "Be right back, gotta tell him something."

Kristina Jaccobs[PB 1]: *Kristina shoves her hands back into her hoodie and wanders off down the street*

Olivia Boehm: Better to make yourself early. *Nodding* Jarred taught me that.

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "He seemed to have a funny feeling about the girl he was with. Said if he called again, send in the cavalry. Okay, I'll be outside." SLips outside.

Morgane Kristanovitch: Oh goodie she glances to Nathan, and to Corbin, wanting to stay right where she was. A sigh she moves to go and search out back with Corbin.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He steps into the pool hall, stopping just inside the door to light a cigarette as he does so. The cherry flares to life, and then he looks around, heading for the bar.

Aerin is a very average-looking person. He stands 5'11", and is a little bit thin at 145 pounds. At 28 years of age, he still has a baby-face, despite the goatee he's wearing, he is commonly mistaken for 18-20 years old. His hair, a medium-brown, goes down to about his mid-back, and is pulled back into a ponytail. Bright blue eyes flash with intelligence and a hint of paranoia. His right canine is missing, but that's neither here nor there. Something about his features suggests maybe a Welsh origin. He's dressed in a red lace-up shirt and black jeans, with steel-toed Doc Martins and a black leather trench coat over the whole thing. (PB 3)

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): I always thought holding your liquor was manly *he says with another quiet laugh* Who's Jarred? *he asks in a quiet yet curious tone*

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: Holds the door open for MOrgane.

Nathaniel Dikastis: He pauses again at Corbin's words, but then just nods and steps towards Mercury. "Meet cha both there, stay with her."

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He nods to Aerin as they pass each other in the doorway.

Mercury: Looks around. Breaks into a grin. "YO! Nathaniel. Been meaning to call."

Olivia Boehm: He was my best friend. You got another smoke?

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Alert: 3,10,6,3,7,8,

Morgane Kristanovitch: She slips outside right by Aerin. Out into the cold night air. Expressionless features.

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He looks around for any sign of the other two.

Nathaniel Dikastis: "That's cool, but I ain't got but a minute here, need to tell ya that I need your help... I'll explain more later, but, just be at the club tomorrow night, after I get off work, okay? I know it's a lot to ask like this, but it's important."

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): Got a whole pack. *he produces the pack from his pocket and pulls a cigarrette half out for her before holding the pack out so she can grab it. He lights the smoke for her and then takes one for himself*

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: d10: per investigation: 3,5,7,5,

Olivia Boehm: Thanks. *Head back again, taking a long drag*

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): Was? *he seems to have just caught that she spoke in the past tense*

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "You think they left?" Not seeing any signs.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: A nod goes to Corbin as he passes the man, eyes passing over the hall. Mercury is noted, and gets a nod of greeting...Nathaniel, he vaguely remembers from a previous meeting. The others are unfamiliar to him...his eyes pass over Olivia, J.T., Morgane, and Spitfire, in turn, apprasing each one, as he heads toward the bar.

Bruce 'Spitfire' Freemason: He stays as he is slouched at the bar, awkwardly postioned for anyone who comes close to him, but he doesn't seem to care, eyes on the TV since there is fuck all happening in the bar.

Mercury: "Okay. The club? What club?"

Mercury: Grins and waves madly at Aerin.

Olivia Boehm: ((Liv and JT are in the alley behind the bar))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He slides onto a barstool and nods to the bartender with a tired smile. "Chivas Regal, single malt. Bottle, please." He passes over a credit card as he takes a drag off the smoke.

Nathaniel Dikastis: "Wyld Times. Thanks a lot, man. I gotta catch up to Corbin. See ya then." He pops Mercury lightly in the shoulder with his fist, then moves toward the door, passing by Aerin and pausing enough to blink and nod at him before he is out the door looking for Corbin and Morgane.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Baah. Fine, then, no appraising looks for shu! *G*)) Mercury gets a very faint smile, the man not apparently much in the mood for anything wider, and a little salute.

Mercury: "Later, babe," he says to Nathaniel. Takes a drink of his rum and coke, moving over next to Aerin. "'Sup?"

Olivia Boehm: ((didn't want them anyway, so :P *L*))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Hey, Merc." He shrugs, uncapping the bottle as it's set in front of him and pouring himself a glass. "Same old, same old. How are you?"

Nathaniel Dikastis: Once outside, he shrugs his coat up on his shoulders and looks left and right for Corbin and Morgane.

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): *takes a long drag off his smoke and puffs a few smoke rings before exhaling fully. He seems proud of the little rings as they rise skyward and dissipate*

Mercury: He shrugs. "Doing okay. Teamed up with Natasha, met some new people."

Bruce 'Spitfire' Freemason: He stands from his slouch, nothing even looks tasty. A shake of his head the beer left as he heads for the door. This was a fucking kiddies club.

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: They aren't all that far from the door.

Morgane Kristanovitch: They are outside speaking her and Corbin, she looks over when Nathan comes out of the building a nod to Corbin letting the matter drop.

Olivia Boehm: How long you been in the city?

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Natasha...don't think I know her." He shrugs. "Good for you, though. Good to hear things are coming together."

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "Haven't found them," he says to Nate. Obviously.

Nathaniel Dikastis: He pauses at the door, spots them.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: A glance goes over his shoulder to Spitfire, watching him for a moment as he heads out.

Nathaniel Dikastis: "Well, eh, can't ya, ya know, sniff, little 'bro?"

Mercury: "Finally," he snorts. "It's only taken me most of a year. Ah well." He finishes off the drink. "I can't stay too long. Rei is out at the hotel, but I have to hook up with him soon."

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): Almost a month now, got an apartment over in the Village. *he takes another drag from the cigarrette* How bout yourself Livvy? *he laughs quietly when he thinks back to how excited she was earlier in the night*

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He gives Nate a withering look. "Like this? Not hardly. I scent no better than you do."

Bruce 'Spitfire' Freemason: Door gets slammed open, neck cracks from left to right as the door shuts and he is lost from view. Wandering again, his feet need to move.

Olivia Boehm: Almost a week. I gotta find a place soon.

Mercury: ((I just looked at the clock. Time is running down.))

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): Don't look for a place around the park *he says with a quiet laugh* Unless you're some kind of secret millionaire *gives her a friendly nudge with his elbow*

Morgane Kristanovitch: She looks around again. "They probably already took off on their own." she says

Nathaniel Dikastis: He glances around them, notices Bruce leaving and steps closer to the other two. "Hey, I know you, or... some anyway, have ways of findin' folks. Ain't ya learned nothin' yet?" He didn't say it in a joking, or hateful tone, just flat.

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): (It is unbelievably late for me haha)

Olivia Boehm: Definately not. How's the Village? *Nudging back*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Hey, I'm goin' on two, and mine's just starting to form up now." He shrugs. "Now here, though. Up north...Finger Lakes. Still gonna live down here, though...try and me a point of contact." He nods to the man. "That's cool, though, if you have to go. Good seein' you...we should get together some time."

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He sighs. "Call Mel." He hands him his cell. "If we interrupt him, he'll just yell at us. I'm going to check the alley."

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): It's nice, bit of a hike from here..but I get around easy enough...well when I'm not amazingly drunk that is *he laughs quietly* Where you staying now?

Morgane Kristanovitch: She continues to stand there. Why were they calling Mel?

Mercury: Aerin: He nods. "Yeah, I'd like that. I'll give you a call, we'll hook up." He grins and gets up, heading out into the night. ((One down, one to go.))

Olivia Boehm: Rat trap motel. Totally wiping out my savings. *Sighing, taking another drag from her cigarette*

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He walks down the alley.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "See you, Merc." And, with a glance around, he's more or less alone, other then the few regulars. A little shrug, and he gets to his drinking.

Nathaniel Dikastis: "Okay, me and Morgane can check the other side then."

Mercury: ((Sorry about that, Aerin. Didn't realize it was so darn late. *sigh* I can't wait til I'm on vacation and can just play.))

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): You can...uh..stay with me for a while if you like..I have a couch. *he says and then spots Corbin heading down the alley.* Hey man...I thought you left *he laughs again he has -no- idea how long they've been in the alley*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((It's cool. Probably that hippie smell. ;) ))

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He hears voices, smells cigarette smoke. Aha! He walks into the alley. "Caught you. You guys need a ride? We're fixing to head out."

Nathaniel Dikastis: (You go on vacation just as I go on holiday hours, tonight is my last long night. :( )

Olivia Boehm: That would be cool. *Nodding, all casual now, though she does pull away from him when Corbin appears*

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "Well, Mel left," he admits. "With that shy girl from inside. Can't believe she just left with him."

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): Did your brother volunteer to freeze his ass off riding my bike? *he asks Corbin with a grin*

Nathaniel Dikastis: (lol) He touches Morgane's arm. "Sorry, but we can't just leave em without makin' sure, ya know."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He slides up off the stool after his first drink, moving to the of those digital things that has a huge selection of pretty much whatever you want. He puts in a 10, and punches up a few selections. The first one starts as he heads back to the bar...Ghost, by the Indigo Girls.

Morgane Kristanovitch: She nods her head. "It is okay. I appologize as well, I thought you knew."

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "I think he did." He laughs, turning around and heading back to the alley. "Nate, are you taking J.T.'s bike for him? It's down by the park. So is Mel's Jeep."

Nathaniel Dikastis: He sticks his hands in his pockets then, looking more awkward than she has probably ever seen him. "So, eh... you met this eh... new guy that Corey was talkin' about?"

Nathaniel Dikastis: He blinks. "Knew what?"

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): Sweet *he says as he pushes himself away from the wall.* Whoa...*he takes a step sideways before he steadies himself. He pulls the keys out of his pocket and dangles them in front of Corbin* Home jeeves.

Morgane Kristanovitch: A nod of her head. "Yes last night in the park." she watches Nathan. "He drove us back to the house."

Nathaniel Dikastis: He turns when his name is called. "Yeah, I can drive it. You take Mel's Jeep, we can save on a taxi that way. Morgane can ride in the jeep with ya."

Olivia Boehm: *Her hand reaches out, cupping his elbow* Easy there, Cowboy.

Morgane Kristanovitch: "That Lucien might be staying and with us at the house."

Nathaniel Dikastis: He tosses another nervous glance at Morgane. "I ain't seen him, what's he like?"

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He grabs the keys and steps out to were Nate and Morgane are. "I can drive the jeep easier than the power bike. I can give Livvy a lift too, so she doesn't walk home in the cold."

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): *he laughs as Olivia helps to steady him* I'm alright...really I am. *he smiles to her warmly and then makes ready to follow Corbin*

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "Did you call Mel?" he asks, holding out his hand for the cell.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He sings along with the song, softly and under his breath, as he pours another drink and raises it to his lips, ashing as he swallows down a good strong mouthful.

Olivia Boehm: You're bombed. Don't lie. *Looking from JT to Corbin and back again*

Morgane Kristanovitch: "He is interesting." how else was she supposed to put that loaded question? "I believe you will like to meet him."

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): (And I must sleep, G'night all. J.T. would of course thank the brothers for assisting him home, Nathaniel in particular for torturing himself riding a motocycle in the freezing cold hehe. Night! Thanks for the rp! It was a blast)

Morgane Kristanovitch: ((Night!))

Nathaniel Dikastis: "Oh no doubt of that..." He looks at her then seems to finally hear Corbin. "Eh, no... I will now then." He drags the phone out of his pocket.

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: ((Night! *L*))

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He nods, waiting for Nate to make the call.

Nathaniel Dikastis: (Night JT, his bike will be safe at his place for him)

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): (yay!)

Nathaniel Dikastis: He dials and waits, looking over at Morgane and trying to keep his expression calm.

J.T. Sincaid (Poolhall, open scene): (tag---->extinguished!)

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: "If he wonders why we're calling, just tell him I'm asking permission to drive his Jeep."

Nathaniel Dikastis: Mumbles quietly to her as he waits. "How old is this dude anyway?"

Nathaniel Dikastis: Looks back at Corbin. "Eh... okay."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: As Ghost ends, the next one picks right up...Collective Soul's The World I Know.

Morgane Kristanovitch: Her expression right now shows nothing. Her hands clasped in front of her. Waiting to find out how they all were getting back to the house.

Morgane Kristanovitch: "Probably in his mid twenties." she says to Nathaniel.

Nathaniel Dikastis: "Hey, man, I know ya gave me the keys, but I need to drive JT's bike home, and is it cool if Corbin drives your jeep? I'll be right behind him"

Nathaniel Dikastis: He heard Morgane and his face drops a little before he can recover.

Morgane Kristanovitch: Nothing shows in her expression at all. ((And if we do this right Corbin will just have to drive to JT's place, and Nate can dive them from there. *L*))

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He smiles a bit. Mel is probably going to throttle them for calling.

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: ((*L* True, Morgane))

Morgane Kristanovitch: ((Hey it makes sence *G*))

Nathaniel Dikastis: (yep, that's true) "Yeah, and Corbin wanted me to make sure you're okay too, everythin' cool?"

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: ((Since Olivia is staying with JT I think. *L*))

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: ((I have to get going. Just staying to see if Mel is lunchmeat or good. *S*))

Nathaniel Dikastis: (That sounds good)

Nathaniel Dikastis: (Okay. *Hugs* Take care.)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He quickly finishes off the next glass, a hint of a smile coming to his face at the lyrics of the song. The cigarette is quickly consumed and stubbed out, and by the time Blurry by Puddle of Mudd begins, it's cold in the ashtray, the man staring at the top of the bar, face blandly calm as he pays far more attention to the juekebox speakers then he does anything else.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((I vote lunchmeat.))

Nathaniel Dikastis: "Okay cool, have fun. We'll be at the house." He clicks off the phone, and tosses the keys to Corbin. "He said be careful, he don't wanna explain no little white kid driving a black man's car 'n gettin' in a wreck with it."

Corbin Justice [pool hall]: He laughs and everything goes as planned. ((*Hugs* Night!))

Morgane Kristanovitch: This was going to be an adventure, she moves off with them to the Jeep. Home sounds good right now.

Morgane Kristanovitch: ((8Hugs* Night you *S*))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: ((whatta ya ~talkin~ about..? Brigitte's a gooooood girl. she's all cute an stuff. no lunchmeat. honest.))

Olivia Boehm: ((yep. Liv is going back with JT))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Yeah, Brigette. She's an absolute angel.))

Nathaniel Dikastis: (Nah, only character, just getting to know people, hopefully!) He looks to Morgane. "I'll meet ya'll at JT's."

Morgane Kristanovitch: ((Riiiiiiight Brigitte, Riiiiiiiiiight *Winks*))

Nathaniel Dikastis: (*Hugs* Sleep well, see ya later)

Morgane Kristanovitch: A nod of her head to Nathan.

Nathaniel Dikastis: He walks back to find JT's bike, then drives it to his house, meets up with Corbin and Morgane, then heads home.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks up finally, glancing over his shoulder at the other patrons...paranoia always in play. After a few moments, he shrugs and looks back to his drink.