Surly: *grumps slowly around the apartment, settling on the living room floor, at the coffee table, with her plate of liver. eyeing it as if she'd like to stab it to death again*

Aerin Thomas: He drives to the locale, pulling up outside in the hybrid, with a bag of rice and a gallon of milk in the driver's seat. It's cold enough...the milk will stay good. He slips out of the car, bringing his staff with him, and heads to the apartment, knocking once he gets to the door.

Surly: *head shoots up, body tensing. a low growl as the tensing makes her shoulder hurt more. slowly and as quietly as she can, eases to her feet and creeps to the door. standing beside it* who is it? *loudly. and angrily*

Aerin Thomas: "The guy who's gonna heal you," comes from the other side.

Surly: oh, it's you. *growls to herself and hollers* hold on a moment, i have to untrap the door. *begins this process. sadly, it's about ten minutes of untrapping before she gets enough stuff cleared away to admit him*

Aerin Thomas: He waits at the door, patiently, until the thing's open. Once it is, he slips inside, nodding to her. "Hey. On the couch...let's see it."

Surly: *nods shortly--afterlocking the door again, and heads to the couch. looking like a Goth version of a bech bunny in her velcro tube top and sarong. both black. black suits her mood. there's a bandage on her left shoulder. underneath, the wound's had some doctoring, even a few stitches put in. it's scrupulously clean*

Aerin Thomas: He sets the staff aside and moves to her left side, carefully peeling the bandages back. A pursed lip at the wound. "You said he shot you? Got a good look at the shooter?" He places a gentle hand on the wound, focusing his concentration on it.

Aerin Thomas: d10: Mothers Touch: 10,9,1,6,3,2,

Aerin Thomas: d10: Int Specialty:: 3,

Aerin Thomas: A frown, as he wound closes up some, but not completely, and he puts his hand back over the wound. "Do you want the scar to stay?"

Surly: *sighs as some of her pain eases. grunts by way of thanks* he was a big kind of guy. sturdy-looking,b ut a coward. he wore black and had on a hood thing, so no details on the face. he's probably slightly bruised, but in this weather you'd not see the bruises.

Surly: *wrinkles her nose* scar, i don't care about really. the injury's different. that i's rather go away so that i can make sure i've nt lost my peak edge.

Aerin Thomas: "That is the plan." He nods and shuts his eyes.

Aerin Thomas: d10: Mothers Touch (WP): 6,7,5,5,5,3,

Surly: *sighs with releif and rolls her shoulder slowly and carefully* much better. now i can shove this nasty crap in the freezer for another time i might need it. *eyes the liver n her plate dourly* want any of it?

Aerin Thomas: "Eww. God, no. Not a fan of liver in this form, at all. Keep it for covering up bruises." He takes a seat on the couch, lighting up a cigarette. "So, big and sturdy-looking. Wonder if it's our cop friend?"

Surly: *snorts* i eat it for building my blood back up after a bleeding injury. i'd rather just eat the spinach. that, i like. *ponders, then shrugs* no clue. it might've been, although he was chickenshit. let's see. *closes her eyes, frowning as she tries to remember* i was taking a shower. Doc Dickcheese started chatting and oogling. i left the bathroom, and there was the Black Chickenshit. he said hello. i hit him with my shower basket. he tried to backhand me, i ducked, and hit him again. he shot me and told the doc that he'd said i wouldn't fight. *a loud snort* so BC ran off with the doc telling him to killme already. i locked up, insulted the doc--who looked kinda pissy--a little more, and then patched myself up. doc said he let the guy in here.

Aerin Thomas: He frowns deeply as he listens. "This is getting...problematic. I don't suppose that BC had any kind of special item on him that you could see? Besides the gun, that is."

Surly: mmmm...*scratches her head* trying to think about it. it's kind of hard. i was busy trying to disarm him. *scowls* didn't work, either. *a brief moment of pure fury at herself--she should be good enough to accomplish such a simple thing by now!*

Aerin Thomas: He nods a little. "Take your time and think. Anything odd at all...a necklace, or a watch. A backpack that may have had something in it...anything that you can think of."

Surly: mmm, i'm pretty sure he wasn't carrying anything like a backpack.

Aerin Thomas: He nods slightly. "Yeah, figured that you would have mentioned something like that. Worth asking, though."

Surly: *closes her eyes for a long moment, trying to think. finally shaking her head* i seriously can't think of anything at all. sorry.

Surly: he did have a New York accent. i'm positive about that, though.

Aerin Thomas: "All right." He nods a little. "That's a place to strat, at least." He sits bac, a frown marring his face as he consifers it.

Surly: *scratches her head* think maybe knowing what he was dressed like would be of use? i don't think he was the cop in all honesty. cop would've been more....professional.

Surly: tea. i want. you? *arches a jet brow at the man*

Aerin Thomas: "That would be a perfecft way to start, Surly." He nods a little, exhaling a drag of smoke. "And tea would be wonderful."

Surly: *nods shortly and rises to go make tea, speaking as she walks* all right. he wasn't exacly clean. dirty sweater, crappy-nasty combat boots. mine are better. black jeans, driving gloves. and a ski mask of course. he didn't look like a professional.

Surly: *sets up the tea stuff while the water heats, flicking her hair back over her shoulder. roots are starting to show. time for a new dyejob. again*

Aerin Thomas: "Hmmm. Could be a disguise to hide a more professional look...but if he was whining the way you said, you're probably right." He sighs a little. "We'd better get to moving on this guy. Did he drop or leave anything behind that you know of?"

Surly: no, he didn't. not even his damn gun. *scolws* and yeah--he was definately a whiner. if i'd acted all weak and shit, i might've gotten himto take me somewhere for fun and games. didn't even think about that, though. *brings the teas back into the living room for steeping*

Aerin Thomas: "Best that you didn't, without someone ready to follow. I'm sure the Doctor has a few tricks up his sleeve he hasn't revealed yet."

Surly: *nods, grimacing* no doubt. he's told me flat out he's going to do better next time. i'm wondering when he's going to possess someone and come after me. so he can feel the damage he tries to do, more personally. he did say he has other toys around the city. i think the worst thing about me for him is that i won't go all shuddery and shit for him.

Aerin Thomas: "Yeah. People like that usually get off on other's reaction." He takes a drag off the cigarette and sighs. "I don't know if it's a good idea for you to be living on your own at this point, Surly. If he has plenty of options to keep throwing at you, he's gonna eventually catch you unaware."

Surly: *grumbles* well, Marika's supposed to be living here too. haven't seen her in a couple of days, though. hopefully, she didn't go swimming again--if so, i'm going to kick her ass.

Aerin Thomas: He frowns a little bit. "I'll ask Bliss...if anyone would know, he would."

Surly: *nods* unless she did take it on herself to do something incredibly stupid like that. *a light smirk. tastes her tea. another, better sip* which is what i'm supposed to do.

Aerin Thomas: "Yeah, let's avoid stupidity all around. I'd like to at least make it to the end of the year without another death."

Surly: *snorts* except the guy who shot me. *frowns* question. if doc dickcheese's got other toys around--how do we go about getting them? i guess we should, if he can maybe use them to possess people. either that or we need to convert to catholicism and get a priest to hang around.

Aerin Thomas: "We find all of his possessions. Which means we need a listing of his estate when he died."

Surly: how do we get that? *tilts her head slowly*

Surly: and what do we do with the stuff when we track it down?

Aerin Thomas: "Get it cleansed, get it buried in consecrated ground, would be my best guess."

Surly: huh. *blinks slowly* you sure burning everything burnable and melting down the metal wouldn't work just as well?

Aerin Thomas: "I don't know." He shrugs. "Maybe...maybe not. The ghost thing is still new to me."

Surly: *snorts lightly* newer to me than to you. *smirks* reason i guess i don't freak is becasue frankly? if people can turn into other things, then ghosts aren't nearly as whacked. and i'm just too bitchy to easiuly give anyone what it wants.

Aerin Thomas: "Yeah, wait till you see a vampire in action...or a handwaver."

Aerin Thomas: "Not that I think you'll freak,'s something."

Surly: *arches a brow* they're really real, too? Scheiße auf einem Ziegelstein. that's all we need.

Aerin Thomas: "Very real. Trust me." Was that a facial twitch?

Surly: *eyes him* you going to sneeze or something? *covers her tea with a hand* if i ever get jumped by one or the other, advice on how to take 'em down?

Aerin Thomas: "The mages are human enough. Beat their asses. For the, decapitation. Shove a stake in their chest, hit the heart, they're paralyzed. Your hand-to-hand won't do much...dead bodies can take quite the beating without damage."

Surly: *wrinkles her nose* good thing i usually carry a cane, for vampires, then. they're not entirely wood, but they've got a wood sheath on all but two. one's my plastic baton i use for teaching people. the other's all metal and a heavy bitch.

Aerin Thomas: "My suggestion would be advise the vampire in question of your kin status. Most of the groups are part of the Treaty. They won't fuck with you if they know doing so will screw them over. If you have to fight, do your best to get out. Some of them can take even Kindred down. And never, ever, in a million years, allow them to feed from you, or let them feed you their blood. EVER, under any circumstances."

Surly: *arches a brow* why would that stop 'em? half a dozen hiding places for bodies wherever you look in this city. *a sudden blink* that Gunther guy. that's why he was saying not to spar in Battery....*long delayed, the Clue Fairy finally smashes through the woman's thick skull*

Aerin Thomas: Watch a man's expression go from calm to stone cold in 0.1 seconds flat. DEEEE-finitely a facial twitch. "Stay away from Gunther." Whoa. THAT...was not a request.

Surly: *blinks and frowns* why?

Aerin Thomas: "Because he'll kill you." The man's jaw pulses, taking a slow last drag off of his cigarette as he watches Surly intently.

Surly: *shrugs* something will, sooner or later. *faint smirk* i don't go out actively seeking death, believe it or not.

Aerin Thomas: No joking in the man's tone or gaze. "I'm serious, Surly. Keep your ass away from's not safe." He chain-lights a new cigarette, stubbing the old butt out once it's done it's job of passing the cherry on.

Surly: he a vamp or a..what'd you call it? handwaver? *arches a curious brow, sipping her tea*

Aerin Thomas: "He's a ghoul...the human slave of a vampire. Fed a vampire's blood on a regular basis. It enslaves his mind and makes him unaging and stronger. Taints him, too."

Surly: huh. *blinks* so that's why you said not to drink their blood. which is extremely unhealthy and not something i'd do if i had a choice, anyway. so, basically, it's like....supernatural steriods and dust mixed together? not even i fuck with dusters if i have a choice.

Aerin Thomas: "Sort of, yeah." He nods.

Surly: *wrinkles her nose* damn. and he's one of the very few i've seen around who can actually speak German.

Aerin Thomas: He shrugs a little bit, looking away for a moment, to the wall of the apartment as he smokes.

Surly: shame that he's a junkie. *sips tea calmly*

Aerin Thomas: "Yeah, shame that."

Surly: mph. so, anyway. what's the game plan for doc dickcheese?

Aerin Thomas: "Like I said. Get all his items, get rid of them. See if that does the trick."

Surly: *smirks* i mean, what do i do to find shit and collect it?

Aerin Thomas: "Well...we need a list of his estate when he died, see who got what." He frowns. "Not sure how to go about that."

Surly: me either. *shrugs* unless maybe going to Clickbot and seeing what auction it was he went to?

Aerin Thomas: "That would be a possibility." He nods.

Surly: *snickers* uh-oh. i might've had a good idea. don't tell anyone, or you'll ruin my rep as a pure fighting machine.

Aerin Thomas: A faint grin at that. "I'll keep it under wraps."

Surly: good, or i'll....*grins widely* just have to kick your ass. *chuckles. he KNEW that one was coming* i'm hungry. for real food. got salad and leftover baked chicken in the fridge. want?

Aerin Thomas: "No, thanks...not hungry." He sits back, considering the situation with his arms folded over his chest, a slight frown on his face.

Surly: *nods slowly and shrugs* more tea, then? *rises with her own cup, pausing only long enough to find out if he wants more before going to the ktichen for non-liver sustenance* anyway. we go chat with Clickbot. um...*frowns* aren't death records public? if they are, maybe auctions of dead people's stuff's public, too.

Aerin Thomas: "Sure, more tea would be nice." He thinks about it. "Death records are public...not sure about auction lists, though. They might be. I'll look into it."

Surly: *sets about putting together food and fresh tea* i know i've seen ads for public auctions in the paper. of course, it's been about three years since i last used a paper for anything other than packing material.

Aerin Thomas: "Yeah. I'll look into it." He leans back on the couch and sighs. "Anything else that's news?"

Surly: on my end, not really. i re-found a student. Sadie. she's not bad. she's willing to learn. oh, and she tipped me off about some place called First Defense. seems to think it's not entriely on the up-and-up. i may app for a job there. i doubt they've got many applicants at my level. *calm. no boasting. confident*

Aerin Thomas: "I know Sadie. Good girl." He nods. "I'd heard about First Defense...was gonna try and look into it, but I can only do 13 things at a time, so..."

Surly: *smirks* i'll look into that place for you, then. *comes back in with food and fresh tea. sets it down and touches her formerly wounded shoulder lightly* Sadie's better than most of my students because she's serious about learning. she'll take anything i dish out and do her best. that's the mark of a good student--a willingness to keep on with it.

Aerin Thomas: "She's a good person. Just don't mention Bliss or any other Shadow Lord Trueborn around her, though. Especially Ingvar Urgahaldt."

Surly: *frowns* why not? *blinks as she eats. hoenstly puzzled*

Aerin Thomas: "Because she's a heavily traumatized Shadow Lord kin who's very paranoid and distrustful of her tribe."

Surly: oh. *blinks, then shrugs* huh. wonder if that's part of why she won't wear short sleeves. it's probably why she wants to learn fighting so bad. i'm glad Pop stole me when i was a baby.

Aerin Thomas: "That would be why she wears short sleeves, yes. And of course, you didn't hear this from me."

Surly: *snorts, rolling her eyes* we all have pain we don't share. but it's good to know, so if i actually know Bliss's gonna be over, i can postpone our weekly lesson or whatever. although, it's something she'll have to work through eventually, to gain true strength.

Aerin Thomas: "Of course. Slow introductions. She knows Bliss...they've met." He sighs a little. "Anyway. If Marika's not going to be around...we need to get someone else living here with you, or you living somewhere else with someone. So you've got someone watching your back."

Surly: *groans* oh, geez--not another frellin' move. *scowls* next time i move, if it's anywhere in this city, i want it to be into a place i can set up for a dojo and live upstairs in.

Aerin Thomas: "Then someone coming here." He thinks. "Or we can get you...maybe somewhere outside the city. I don't know...we'll figure it out."

Surly: so long as it's not something with kids. assuming Mar doesn't wander back sometime. i don't deal with crotch droppings. *shudders*

Aerin Thomas: "We'll get it figured out somehow."

Surly: *nods, smirking* try to find someone who can spar with me.