Joshua Coil: *He calmly sits on a bench, sipping at his coffee, checking his cell phone txt messages.*

Joshua Coil: *He sighs, and pockets the phone, once more. He breathes in deeply, and closes his eyes.*

Joshua Coil: *Just a nice, quiet day. No troubles. No worries. A cup of coffee.*

Jerem "Dream" Thomas: Through the Artist's gate he comes, walking into thr park. His staff taps upon the ground as he walks on in, looking around as he heads for the paths.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 3,8,6,2,8,9,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Easy enough to notice a large guy with a scarred throat. He heads in that direction, lips slightly pursed.

Joshua Coil: 6,2,1,7,3,

Joshua Coil: *Not as easy for him to notice the approaching one, a slight cant of his head at the shadow. He finishes off his coffee, quickly.*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods toward Joshua as he comes within about fiften feeting, pulling up about five feet short of the bench. "Hey."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Yes, feeting! The new unit of distance!))

Joshua Coil: *He looks up at Dream with a calm eye. A shrug.* Hey.

Joshua Coil: ((and fiften of 'em...))

Anne Tralbor: Dyed blonde hair is cut to her shoulders and brushed straight. She usually has a little makeup on, eyeliner and shade, and perfectly-defined dark lips. Alternating between light and dark, makeup and flesh. Around her neck, a thick bondage collar with a ring at the front. Usually, her attire is faintly gothic; while certainly black, straps and ties abound, an off-the-shoulder velvet top tied down her front over a camisole that kicks out from under it, brushing the top of tight black jeans. And shiny combat boots under those. Always, at her hip, a stiffened case

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He tilts his head to the empty area on the bench next to him. "This seat taken?"

Joshua Coil: It wasn't before, *he murmurs, and he scootches over, as close to the arm of the bench as he can possibly go. To leave Dream plenty of room.*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods, sighing just a little, and sits down, giving the big man plenty of room. He sits there for a good long moment, silence ensuing.

Joshua Coil: 2,3,7,7,9,

Joshua Coil: *The girl is noted. He's seen her around before. But he looks back to Jeremy.* What do you want? *Straight to business.*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 1,6,7,4,8,8,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He seems Anne, and winces. Fuck. He looks over to Joshua. "Well, to be honest, I came in here to see if I could get permission to talk to Mera. But, seeing you here, I thought I might see how you were doing."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Yes, he seems VERY Anne. *Headdesk* I can't type today.))

Joshua Coil: *There is a definite, silent pause. As if pondering how to answer that. Or if he's being serious.* I'm fine, *he says with a nod.* Just fine.

Joshua Coil: ((That'll teach you to raid her closet, Jer. *shakes head sadly*)) *But the polite response comes out, despite himself.* And you?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods a little. "Good. That's really good." Another pause, and he regards Joshua, as if trying to figure out how to progress into a deeper conversation. "Everything's going well with work?"

Anne Tralbor: (Hey, you stay out of her closet! Not that anything would fit you) She's mooching, and her hands are fussing. Fiddlign with the straps of her cami, with her camera strap, raking her hair back. She's wearing a walkman, and bobbing her head a little as she heads in and along paths. Eyes down.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I'm...good myself." He nods. "Just came back from a little bodyguard training at Quantico. Ready to get this Bear thing off and running. Still have my internal struggles, but I think they're starting to come under control...a little bit, at least."

Joshua Coil: *He shrugs.* Busy. Always busy. Plenty of work to be done even on days off. *He lowers his head.* Quantico, huh? How is it there?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Hot. Very hot. But a lot more fun then I thought it would be. Not very pro-military, myself...but it was very interesting, and I learned a lot."

Joshua Coil: It's what I've heard, *he murmurs. He watches the girl for a moment, and then he looks back to Dream.* Bear thing?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Remember what I talked to you about over the phone a couple of weeks ago?"

Anne Tralbor: Pale, and quiet, and slender, and out in the sunshine. She glances up, and grins a moment, hands moving to take a shot - no camera. Settling for just eyeing the copse instead, hands going to the rear pockets in her jeans, and a huffed breath out

Joshua Coil: Oh, *he says with a nod.* Yes. Sorry, almost forgot. Has been a while. Itching to go out.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "S'why I'm going to try to talk to Mera. Probably Mouse as well. Might be able to get some help from that end." He looks over at the man, and just decides to throw it out. Might as well. "Are we still not cool with each other outside of a business sense, Joshua?"

Anne Tralbor: 5,10,10,4,7,5,

Joshua Coil: I'm not fond of a lot of things you've done, Jeremy, and I'd rather not discuss them. Temper. You know.

Anne Tralbor: As earphones are dropped around her neck, a frown, a snatch of a familiar voice mixed in amongst Mr. Mercury's. A quick glance around, and then a frown. Hitching up the tight jeans a moment, and a few deep breaths

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods, understanding evident in his face. "So I've heard, and I get that. I really do. I don't think you understand why I did them. And I'm not talking about...the person I know you hate. I don't expect you to accept that, and I'm comfortable with that. In fact, I don't honestly expect anyone to ever like that, or even me. But someone has asked that I try to get to know you...two people, in fact. Both of whom I care about. I would like to try, for their sake."

Joshua Coil: *He snorts, and turns his head.* Hate isn't the word for it. But I do not judge people by the company they keep. Merely the things that they do. You chose to abandon rather than face. That... I find no honor in. Most of my friends... I at least have respect for. And everything I respected in you before you have abandoned. *A bristle.* Business.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "And because, from what I hear, you're a very good guy, and someone worth knowing." A bit of a smile.

Anne Tralbor: Not much care for who he's chattering with - and a second glance at Josh, fairly sure she's seen him before. yes, she has. Thumbs are tucked into belt loops, more to keep them in place, fingers drumming as she heads for the pair slowly.

Joshua Coil: I'm a judgmental prick, *he murmurs.* I'm just nice to people who are nice to me. And who honour the Lady and the Mother properly. *This last, he nearly grunts out.*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "See, this is what I mean by not understanding why. I don't feel I'm abandoning. I just feel my place isn't here. And I wish you would let me explain why...but if you truly don't want me to, I'll accept that. I just had to at least try."

Joshua Coil: If you can say it... without making me angry. Yes, *he gets out, and watches the approaching girl.* More than likely the same friends have asked me to give you a chance.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A glance goes up to Anne as she approaches. This is not going to go well...but he's going to try, anyway. Eternal optimist, here. Even after everything that's happened this year.

Melody Drake: 7,6,4,5,4,9,

Anne Tralbor: A deep breath, as pointless as it is, before she moves up to the two. And a folded piece of paper dug out of her case, and held out. Staying a few steps away, pointing it at Dream

Joshua Coil: *He looks at the piece of paper, and back to Dream. A look back to the girl, as he reaches forward ot pluck it from her fingers. He will hand it over, that much is clear.*

Melody Drake: Mm. Hey, people. She's dressed casually today, in a pair of low slung jeans and a t-shirt. She wears the same jewlery she always does, arms lightly crossed as she moves towards Jeremy and Josh. She's pretty, for a girl like herself, standing bout 5' 6'' with dark, black hair that tumbles freely around her shoulders in a soft wave. Her eyes are a striking, almost disturbing amber green. Said eyes watch the trio with interest.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He leans over, smiling apologetically at Anne, and takes the paper, unfolding it and looking at it.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Or not, as Joshua does. He frowns the big man's way.

Anne Tralbor: She lets him. It's a photocopy - police receipt on charges of assault levelled. As well as for a picture, and tacked near the end, the estimate for the cost of one antique camera. Closing on $5000, these days. Face deliberately quiet, her eyes a little red - around her neck, Freddy singing, just audible, about being 'driven by you'.

Joshua Coil: *He hands it over. Middle man work. A look back to Anne, almost blankly, holding her there.*

Joshua Coil: 5,3,7,2,5,

Joshua Coil: *A flicker of eyes at the woman watching. Might be Melody. Been a long day.*

Anne Tralbor: Flat eyes return his gaze, almost stubbornly. Makeup hides a lot of the redness, and the pupils are a dark brown - not black, not blue, just a dark brown, seeming darker from eyeshadow and liner.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: And now he takes it, opening it up.

Melody Drake: Hands remain loosely crossed as she moves to stand by the bench, watching the proceedings, standng just to the side of Joshua.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((What level of assault? And does it have his name on it?))

Anne Tralbor -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: (Not his name. It does have Ita's. Physical assault, but it didn't break her skin, so not GBH)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A sigh. Fair enough. He nods to the note, looking at Anne. "That's fair, on my end. I told you before, I was sorry. And I do intend on reimbursing you. However..." He points out Ita's name. "She didn't attack you. I'll go in myself, if you pull the charges on her."

Anne Tralbor: A faint smirk at that, and she unrolls a print - a shot of Ita at the Seraphim. Letting it dangle from her fingers. And points to the part where it gives details of a photo handed in. Then down to the estimated cost of an old silver halide camera

Melody Drake: 9,7,10,10,2,10,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sets his jaw a little. "I will turn myself in for destroying your camera, and then pay you for the camera, and then some. If you retract the charges against her."

Joshua Coil: *He looks up, and frowns. Back to Jeremy. And to the girl. He stands up.*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "She didn't attack you, and you damn well know it. You don't need to blackmail me on this." His eyes are locked on Anne's.

Joshua Coil: Someone did, *He murmurs, and he frowns. He looks up to the girl, and back to Melody. A questioning look.*

Melody Drake: She watches the exchange with a calm gaze. "He's right." A soft murmur. "She stole equipment, it seems, but she didn't attack you. Though he did." A vague smile at Jeremy. "In return, did you take pictures of them with permission? I assume that's what its all about...."

Anne Tralbor: She isn't saying a word in reply, and she's frowning, mouth turned down - in what might be a pout, thanks to her lipgloss. Stabbing a finger at the part where it gave -why- it happened; after the picture taking, and then again on theft of a camera.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Without permission. I smacked the camera out of her hand and destroyed it. That's where the assault charges come in." He remains looking at Anne.

Joshua Coil: Not really polite, *he murmurs.* But breaking her equipment is a bit over the top. Perhaps... we can take care of it, ma'am?

Anne Tralbor: A shrug to Melody, pointing out the location - it's a street in downtown. Then to her job title - photgrapher.

Joshua Coil: But it was a public place, *he murmurs,* that she was taking pictures in. Not your home. Yes?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I know it was over the top. I...lost control of my temper, and I'll accept the consequences of that. And of Ita taking your disposable."

Melody Drake: "I saw. I was just asking if you asked them if it was okay." Those strange eyes leveled on Anne, calm and confidant.

Anne Tralbor: Shoulders slump, and a tired nod to Josh. She sticks one hand into her pocket, and with the other, tugs at the ring around her neck, playing with it nervously, still watching Jer. Waiting.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks to Joshua. "I know. But Ita has certain...peculiarities that might raise some questions in a newspaper, as I'm sure you know."

Joshua Coil: *He looks over to Dream. And he nods once. That seems to be the correct answer. But back to Anne.* But lying in court is illegal, and if you called assault against Ita, and she did nothing... you would go to jail as well.

Melody Drake: She looks to Jeremy, almost seeming to ask him permission for something. Just briefly.

Joshua Coil: Yes, the paparrazi would eat that up, *he murmurs to Jeremy's statement. Making it look all... very... normal.*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He shrugs to Melody, as if to say "Go ahead." Whatever she's planning on doing...he trusts her.

Anne Tralbor: A further nod to Josh, glancing between the, Still not saying a word, even if frowning now. A careful step back, eyes looking away from Mel

Melody Drake: "They get vaguely annoying." She remarks idly to Josh, a small nod to Dream as she looks back to Anne. "We will of course pay the fines listed, and them some to cover any other charges that pop up or are needed. We just ask that you drop the charges on her." A slim finger delicately pointint to Ita's name.

Joshua Coil: It would not look good on Ms. Ita's name, *he murmurs, *if they got a hold of these. You can understand... of course... someone corrupting your... art, for profit? How this would hinder both hers and your professions?

Melody Drake: She nods, agreeing with Joshua. Leaning on the bench inbetween both Jeremy and Joshua.

Anne Tralbor: A frustrated mouthing of absolutely nothing ... then a raised eyebrow to Jer, tapping her throat.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "And I'll happily pay for your camera, as soon as I can raise enough to." He nods.

Joshua Coil: *He watches Anne, trying to interpret the odd movements of her hand.* Of course, we can try to find you another camera, at least similar to the one you lost. Mr. Thomas, I'm sure, will assist in that matter.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "She can't talk, guys, is the problem." Into the backpack he goes, pulling a pad of paper and a pen for her.

Joshua Coil: ((Ack! DLP, as great minds think alike.))

Melody Drake: "My apologies." She says to Anne, apologizing for talking so much. And she seems sincere, too.

Joshua Coil: *And as the player has to go, he will sit there, for now, watching back and forth.*

Anne Tralbor: She shrugs to Melody at that, flashes a tired smile, and takes then pen and paper. Scribbling a brief, messy, reply 'First, snaps of the city are fine, whether they have people in or not. Second, Ita blew her cover then; she knew who caught my eye and why. Third, my uncle gave me that when I lost my voice'.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He reads and nods a little. "I understand. And I'm sorry...I did lose control, and that's my fault, not yours. I'm very protective of her, and I...well, I'm sorry. I want to fix what I can. And I will do so, if you leave Ita completely out of this."

Melody Drake: "I'm sorry we can't replace the sentimental value." Her voice is soft and even understanding. "For now, we can only replace the camera itself, and I repeat my apologies for that. But if you do take this to court, and you do charge her... all you'll get is what we're offering now. That's all court will make her do."

Anne Tralbor: She smirks for a moment 'I'd also get the satisfaction of seeing her record stamped. As well as him' She sighs, and nods to Jer 'You're right. Wish you weren't. But I need that camera for work'.

Melody Drake: "Unless she had an extremely good lawyer." Its said very dryly to Anne- as a joke, and not as a threat. She straightens slightly so she's not leaning on the bench, and nods to Anne. Still that vague smile.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I'll happily get my record stamped. Plead guilty. Whatever you want. And I'll replace the camera as soon as I possibly can. But please. Retract the charges against her in return. I was the person at fault."

Anne Tralbor: . 'Just the damn camera back. How would you like it if I cut off your hand and stomped it?' She eyes Melody, and then frowns. Scribbling 'Should have said. Anne's my name'.

Melody Drake: "It's a possibility, not meant as insult, or a threat. I'm sorry." She holds up her hands, not seeming to realize the gesture and then she nods. "Melody Drake."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Consider it done. Where does one find a camera of that kind? I'll pull all the money I can together now and go buy it. Should be able to max out my credit cards."

Anne Tralbor: A sigh, scribbling in frustration, then turning it around for them 'The camera's insured. The money doesn't bother me much. But you won't be able to buy one like it. They stopped making Silver Halide cameras decades back'.

Melody Drake: She taps her chin, thoughtfully. "That doesn't mean its -impossible- to find. Just very... very hard. I'll look into it." A pause. "If that's alright with both of you."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He frowns a little and sighs. He doesn't want to bring other people into this, but nods. "Just let me know what you find. I'll pay for FUBAR." He looks to Anne. "I'll find something for you to use in the meantime, until we find another Silver Halide, all right?"

Melody Drake: She blinks a bit at Dream. The woman has no idea what FUBAR means, but she nods and accepts it.

Anne Tralbor: A shake of her head, writing and then passing it back 'Look all you want. I can buy a camera for $20. I can't buy a silver halide studio around, and they're my main work. Black white, silver halide. I need to talk with my insurers.' A business card plucked from her top and tossed to each - Anne Tralbor, Photographer, Black and White, Silver Halide specialities - it also lists a pager number and an email address

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He takes the card. "Well, if you're so sure that we can't find a Silver Halide, then what would you like from me to fix this?"

Melody Drake: She glances at the card, and carefully tucks it away. Thinking.

Anne Tralbor: A shrug, turning away. One hand raised in vague salute and wave as she steps away, lifting her headphones back into place. Hands fiddling again

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Listen...I'm sorry. Again. Whatever I can do to get her name out of this, just let me know. I'll take full responsibility for the whole thing."

Melody Drake: A hand gently brushes Jeremy's shoulder.

Anne Tralbor: Another nod, head bobbing to the music, and stepping away, playing heading to PnP

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sighs, watching her leave, and pulls a cigarette. Trauma, frustration, reparations...just another day in New York City.

Melody Drake: She slides around and settles on the bench beside Dream, but doesn't talk unless he wants to talk.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He offers her a small smile. "Hey."

Melody Drake: She smiles a little back to him. "Hey. You want some lunch?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A nod. "Lunch might be nice. Food is your friend."

Melody Drake: She gives a soft chuckle and rises off the bench, offering a hand to him. "It can be."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He takes her hand and stands up. "How've you been?"

Melody Drake: "I'm alive, I'm getting things done." A tiny shrug and a smile to him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A little smile at that. "That bad, huh?"

Melody Drake: She tucks hands in her pockets as they walk, another little shrug. "It's not bad, nor is it... really good. It just is. I have moments." She pauses, as if she's unsure she should really be saying this.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Ahh." He nods. "I know what you mean. Although more on the spot where the moments are so bad and good, that it evens out to 'okay.'"

Melody Drake: "Stuck in the extremes?" She murmurs, glancing up at him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "And then some." He nods, smiling a touch.

Melody Drake: "I'm sorry?" A hand leaving its pocket to brush up against him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Don't be." He shrugs, seeming to take a little comfort in the contact. "It's my own doing. And not in a self-defeating, slam-hand-in-the-door way. Just fact."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 2,3,7,3,2,10,4,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A pause, as he looks at her. "What's on your mind, Melody?"

Melody Drake: She nods and squeezes his arm gently before dropping his hand. "That... that I can relate to."

Melody Drake: ((HER hand)) "Hmm?" She asks quietly, looking up to him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "You just...look like you have something on your mind, is all." He shrugs.

Melody Drake: She paused, and then flashed him a little grin. "When -don't- I?" She asks, gently teasing.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A chuckle. "True enough. Sometimes it helps to talk about it with others, though..."

Melody Drake: "Sometimes... sometimes I don't know how to talk to people." She pauses, and then nods at this. "It's like I have to remember I'm twenty two, and not forty four. If that makes sense."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "It makes complete sense, Melody." He reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder. "But it never hurts to try."

Melody Drake: Her hand lifts, to gently squeeze his. "Your one of the people I can talk to easier. And I know that if I start to talk... 'down' to you, you won't take offense." She smiles a bit to him. "What do you want for lunch."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "No, I won't. At all." He smiles a little. "How's Indian or Pakistani grab you? I'm in a curry mood."

Melody Drake: "You know, I've never had either." She says, pondering this. "Which ever you think would be better. I'm... I'm just -really- hungry now." She looks vaguely sheepish.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Depends on how spicy your tastes are."

Melody Drake: "Oh?" She asks curiously, glancing up at him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Pakistani tends to be spicier then Indian. Both are good, by my reckoning, but spicy doesn't fit everyone's tastes, so..."

Melody Drake: She quirks an eyebrow. "How spicy is spicier? I mean... crying spicy? Chugging a whole glass of water spicy?" She grins a little.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Potentially, all of the above. I can direct you to the milder stuff, if you want."

Melody Drake: A soft chuckle. "It probably be a good idea. I'm really up for either, whatever you feel like."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Indian, then." He nods. "Good stuff."

Melody Drake: "Alright," she smiled a little again. "You pick, and I'll treat."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "All right. You may have paying off that camera for months." He smiles a little, heading off toward a good Indian restaraunt he knows.

Melody Drake: "Hence why I'm paying, and you're not." A little smile. "I'll help you with the camera, if I can."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Thanks." He sighs. "I..." A shrug. "Fuckin' dark side."

Melody Drake: "You reacted. It happens. Next time though," her voice is gentle, almost teasing, "just try and expose the film?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "That would be the plan, yeah." He shakes his head.

Melody Drake: "For now Dream, it's okay. She's not pressing charges against Ita, and Ita isn't going to court or jail." She pats his arm gently. "It's okay."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Good, 'cause ya know, that whole showing up in court by day'd be tough."

Melody Drake: "Yes, yes it could have been. I don't think they make SPF bajillion, you know."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A chuckle. "No, they don't."

Melody Drake:
"That's what I thought." She nods seriously. "They should though."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Yeah, those damn ozone holes." A wink over a deadpan expression. "How's an albino to survive?"

Melody Drake: "I have no idea." She says mock seriously, shaking her head. "Those poor, poor albinos... and all the other pale people out there."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Yep. Not a chance." He heads with her out of the southernmost gate, coming up within sight of the Indian place.

Melody Drake: "I mean, look at me. I'm pink already. I'm not allowed to be outside so much." Clearly not serious as she pokes an only vaguely pink arm.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Don't you hate being fair-complected? I mean, it just SUCKS."

Melody Drake: She tucks her head and laughs, unable to keep a straight face anymore. "Yes. Yes, it'ssimply horrible."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He laughs a little, as if her breaking has made him do so. "I call it the evil fireball, myself." Nodding upward. "Hideous thing."

Melody Drake: "Firey ball of doom." She shakes her head, waving a hand and grinning. "You're horrible, you hear me? Making me laugh and ruining my reputation." Another amused shake of her head.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "It's a talent." He trhows a grin and a wink to her.

Melody Drake: "Horrible." She repeats, though she's grinning as she opens the door to the Indian place for him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He steps inside with a nod to her. "Exceptionally horrible."

Melody Drake: "It's why you're so loved." She chuckles, shutting the door and trailing after him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Should we move off to MT Rest?))

Melody Drake: ((Sounds good to me))



Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I think being so loved is my problem, these days." A slight smirk, as he moves with her to a table.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Yeah, well, he tried. Damn Devourer))

Melody Drake: "Ive... never had that." She says it, almost carefully.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles and reaches out, touching her arm lightly. "You are loved, Melody. Honestly."

Melody Drake: "I know." Her words are still carefully, and she's trying not to shut down. "It's just..." A pause, and a shrug.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Just what?" He looks at her from across the table, curiously.

Melody Drake: She shakes her head and just smiles lightly. "What do you suggest that won't burn my taste buds off?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "The Tandoori Chicken isn't too spicy, and is pretty good. I'm going with the Curry Chicken, myself."

Melody Drake: "Mmm." She says softly, pushing hair out of the way. "That sounds good. I'll take your word for it." A little smile.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A smile, and he orders as above when the waiter comes up, plus a green tea for himself and whatever Melody drinks.

Melody Drake: The kin just orders water, settling comfortably into her seat.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He pops his neck to either side, and leans back in his seat. "So what's new with you? It's been a while..."

Melody Drake: "Not... much really." She blinks slowly. "I've been taking care of the Concerto while Karlos is busy dealt with a few... mishaps, here and there." A faint nod. "Yourself?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A sigh as he considers. "Let's see. Pretty well walked away from those at the Park. Just got back from Quantico, after a brief lay-off in Chicago to see Alexis. Also saw an old friend, unexpectedly, while I was there. That was suprising and nice." He smiles a little. "And dealing with this...other side of me." A little shrug.

Melody Drake: "Pretty busy then." She says softly, compassion in her voice.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Very, yeah." He nods a little bit. "Which makes moments like this nice. Thanks."

Melody Drake: "Thank you too." She murmurs quietly. "Sometimes, I need a moment to gather my wits back together too."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Yeah, I can definitely sympathize with that." He smiles a little. "So, are you going to continue with that 'just...' from earlier, or am I going to have to drag it out of you?"

Melody Drake: "Which just?" She asked softly, those strange eyes on him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I said you were loved, and you said, quote-unquote, 'I know. It's just...'" He spreads his hands out. "And there we left off, as you nimbly diverted to the discussion of food."

Melody Drake: She smiled a little bit. "You'll notice, I do that almost all the time. Divert conversation. Its subconious."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "I have noticed. I have a tendancy to not let stuff like that fly by. I just wait until a more opportune time to bring it up. Like now." He raises an eyebrow "So?"

Melody Drake: She falls quiet, chin cupped in her hand as she lookes away for a moment. "People don't... love me Jeremy. It just isn't is. Everyone that could have, except for two, have gone. They just left my life. They care for me, I won't doubt this, but they don't love me. My parents, my brother, Aria... they're all gone, for one reason or another. Micah said he loved me, and yet for some reason it never felt receprocated. And then he left me, like all the others. I don't deny he had reasons, but he left all the same. And Karlos..." Her eyes dim, and she swiftly avoids that. "I have no doubt my boyfriend loves me, and I love him dearly. So much, I fear he'll go away too. And Joshua is... he's Joshua. I love him dearly- and it hurts more that I -know- he'll go away someday because of whart he is. Two people love me. Everyone else just cares for me. I see a difference."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A bit of a sigh. "Melody. First off, there are worlds of explanation I could go into as far as Micah, but now isn't the time or the place. And, strange as it may sound, considering that we don't honestly know each other as well as perhaps we could have, I do love you. You're a good person, and you have no idea how much I admire what you do. And you've done so much to help me, despite the fact that we don't know each other that well. So, yes, you are loved, more then you think."

Melody Drake: Eyes drag back from whatever faraway distance they were focused on to look at Dream. Her face is cupped in her hand still, and she has the look of someone trying to put the words together in her head. "Like I said, I don't deny that Micah has reasons for what he did- and I'm sure they're good ones. But that doesn't change the fact he -left-." A pause, a hesitation, and she decides not to say what she was going to say. She smiles a littl bit, trying to muster up something behind it. "Thank you, it means a lot. At least someone sees what I do."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "You're very welcome." He falls quiet as his tea is brought, and then takes a sip of it as the waiter leaves.

Melody Drake: 1,5,5,4,9,5,4,

Melody Drake: Her composure isn't the best today. She looks pretty upset with herself for complaining so much, and letting out so many weaknesses. She lowers her head, fingers curling around her drink. Lips press into a thin like, her expression bordering on disgust with herself.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Hey." He leans forward, putting a hand on her wrist. "Don't feel bad. At all. If this is all the venting you've done, then you've got light-years to go to even catch up with my angst-filled ass."

Melody Drake: "I shouldn't even be complaining." She mumbles, not looking at him, he lips still pressed. "My problems are nothing, and to complain about them is childish. I'm lucky to have what I have, and be where I am."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "No one's life is perfect, Melody." He moves his head to try and catch her gaze. "And we all have issues. We all have stresses in our lives, and problems. And none of us should bottle them up." A little smile lights his face. "I swear, girl, you're worse then Ita about this."

Melody Drake: She shakes her head a little bit, smiling at the Ita comment. Eyes finaly raise to look at him, hand pushing away her hair. "You just get tired after awhile... of being abandoned, I guess." A little shrug, glancing up as food is brought.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A nod. "I know the feeling, though in a different way." He waits until the server has delivered their food and has left. "S'why I didn't go back to the folks at the park after my ostracism was up."

Melody Drake: She nods, only vaguely. She looks at the food with a vauge frown, as if she's trying to remember what to do with it.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He smiles a little. "You okay?"

Melody Drake: "Yeah, I'm fine." She looks up to him with a little smile.

Melody Drake: 3,8,5,9,9,10,6,

Melody Drake: And she does look much better, that calmness sliding back into place, instead of that unering vulnerability.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A nod, and a smile. "All right, then." He digs in.

Melody Drake: She smiles a bit, and than slowly starts to eat her food.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Can I ask you a question about someone, Melody?" A curious, slightly hesitant look at her, in between bites.

Melody Drake: She nods, swallowing. "You can, though you know I can't promise answers." A slightly apologetic smile.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Of course not. I wouldn't ask you too." A sigh, as he looks down at the table. "How is Ita? I mean, really, how is she?"

Melody Drake: She frowns a little bit, and lowers her head. "I haven't... really talked to her much lately. I know she comes by the Concerto, and I always seemed to be wrapped up in something. I'll see if I can talk to her tonight- I -have- to talk to her tonight."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "I just...she won't open up to me at all. About herself, at least. And I'm worried about her."

Melody Drake: "For some of us," her lips twist into a little smirk, "it's obviously hard. Even dangerous for some of us. I'll talk to her ify you want."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "If you would, please." He smiles a little. "And I know it's hard. I get that... believe me, I'm the king of not practicing what I preach." A shrug. "Also...again, not expecting a promise of answers,'s Joshua?"

Melody Drake: Her lips press slightly. "Somedays he's fine, others , not so fine. It's... very hard to explain Joshua. I'm sorry I haven't been much more help..."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A shrug. "I haven't been help at all. I don't know him, and he won't let me. Was almost getting through to him, before Anne showed up."

Melody Drake: "He doesn't let anybody." She says quietly. "Loosing your packmate, and then loosing your alpha will do that." Her voice is soft, just for Dream's ears.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Yeah, I can imagine." He nods. "He won't even talk to me outside of a business sense, 'cause he thinks I've abandoned the park for Alexis. It's not why, though." A pause, and then his cheeks flush. "But I'm babbling away."

Melody Drake: "I don't think it's quite like that, but I'm not going to put words in his mouth." She murmurs quietly, her smile understanding. "Nothing is ever really as it seems."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "No, it's not. Ever." He shrugs a little. "Still, I'd like to get through to him. I know he's a good person, and I think we have a lot in common. A whole lot."

Melody Drake: She only nods a little bit and murmurs quietly as she sets her utensils down, having barely eaten. "Time."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Yeah. I know." He smiles, then looks at her food. "You not hungry?"

Melody Drake: "I'll save it for later." She smiles a little bit.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "All right." He finishes up himself, leaving about a fourth of his meal, and sits back, finishing his tea. "This has been...good, Melody. We should do this more often."

Melody Drake: She nods slightly, sipping the last of her water. "We should." A pause, and a quirk of a smile. "My boyfriend wants me to take a vacation."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He chuckles. "Vacations are good. My week away helped me out, and not just because I was learning how to kick ass and break into places better."

Melody Drake: "Yeah, but the thing is... there'd be no one there at the Concerto to head... the things." A faint quirk of the smile. "Hence, my dilemna."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Maybe you need an assistant." He shrugs. "Someone who can help take care of things. I know you ARE an assistant, technically...but if Karlos is gone a lot, and you don't have anyone to fall back on...well, frankly, not that you can't DO your job, but it always helps to have some backup. If to help take the stress off you, if nothing else."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Minus the first "if"))

Melody Drake: She nods, nails tapping her glass. "It's a good idea, I agree, but I don't know if I'm allowed to -hire- anyone for that kind of position, you know." She smiles a bit. "I'll have to ask about it, the next time I see him."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Sounds like a plan." He smiles. "See, just consider me your vacation enabler. You have a problem with getting a vacation, I try to find a solution for it."

Melody Drake: She grins a bit to him, relaxing in her chair again. "We really should do this more often."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "We will." He nods. "Gimme a call sometime, or I'll call you. We'll get something regular going."

Melody Drake: "Sounds like a perfect idea." She smiles to him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "B-E-A-Utiful." He smiles, sighs. "Well, I should get going...I need to ask a favor of the Park folks. That'll be fun..."

Melody Drake: "Good luck." She says quietly, sitting up to carefully pull out money for the lunch they had.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Thanks, I may need it." He gets up and moves over, giving her a quick hug, unless she objects. "Thank you, Melody, for everything. I'll see you later, okay?"

Melody Drake: She seems surprised for a moment, before she hugs him back. "Thank you as well- I'll look into that camera for you. And alright, be well."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: A nod to her. "You too. See you around." He pulls out a good, strong 20% for the tip, and drops it on the table before heading out before Melody can make him take it back.

Melody Drake: She shakes her head with a slight smile and pays. Not long after Dream leaves, she slips out as well.