Andrew Fisher: *the big scar faced man slips into the empty warehouse, looking around and noting he is the only one there so far, dressed in a pair of black sweats, black long sleeve tee, his hunting knives sheathed on his hips and his fathers pistol tied in place and holstered at his back*

Ita McNairee: 3,8,3,10,1,

Andrew Fisher: *crouches against a wall and watches*

Singha: ((so this is what morning looks like....))

Ita McNairee: *well true to form.. even without all the bangles the little pikey is less than stealthy. barefeet padding softly along the ground as she approaches the building, running a hand through her hair*

Ita McNairee: (yes singha *grins* for some of us.. light heralds sleep .... *pouts a little*))

Andrew Fisher: ((Mornings suck. I see em every day after work. Bleh.))

Discard: (( strange and frightening, ne? ))

Singha: (It burns! It burns! No...wait...that's the hot plate of the coffee maker. *removes hand*))

Discard: The little vagrant, in low-profile for so long, makes little pretense upon entering the warehouse. She is wearing a very simple pair of black cargo pants, a mock turtleneck that clings to her wiry, muscular frame, and her rasta hat stretched over her horns. One gloved hand pushes open the door and she strides inside, her sneakered feet tapping on the floor.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He shows up at the warehouse, looking tired, but determined. He's dressed in a pair of black jeans and turtleneck, with his backpack on. He is without his ever-present staff, and the leather jacket is gone. The cigarette, though, is most definitely there. He opens the door and walks in, looking around.

Andrew Fisher: (*chuckles* Or the coffee I just spilled on my hand?))

Discard: (( Ow. Well, I guess as long as you can type... ))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((I hate the time of the evil fireball in the sky...and not JUST because I ST Vampire.))

Andrew Fisher: *glances up as people approach, unfolding from the wall like a shadow and moving over to the pair, standing and watching a moment before nodding* Evening.

Discard: She looks back and forth, then turns and sees Dream. She nods. "Hey everybody," she murmurs, smiling a little bit. "Good to see you all."

Singha: ((So...from what I gather, and to avoid any further stuck in time unpleasantness....this scene is Or is it back dated to some time/event in the past?))

: ((Laidan loves you all and wishes everyone (even Ita) luck and says Gaia be with you! *runs out*)

Andrew Fisher: (Night at some point...preferrably tonight or last?))

Ita McNairee: *makes a half squeally noise as she cracks her neck and looks about at everyone* ocha allo lovies... *screws up her face a little morE* hmm. ah thought there were tae be moore o es? (( ita loves the laidaaaan!!!))) ((yeah anything cool with me))

Discard: (( I think it's reasonable to have it in the present, just as long as nobody thinks we're all horrible slackers for it :P ))

Andrew Fisher: ((Half carton of smokes....pot of coffee...popcorn. Good to go. *G*))

Discard: "Josh couldn't make it," Discard says a little absently. "I'm not sure about Warren and Alexis."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Yeah, let's make it today. I don't need to be any more confused with backdates. *S*))

Andrew Fisher: *turns and looks at Ita before offering a hand to her in greeting* We'll make due with what we have. A smaller team may have less chance of being detected.

Ita McNairee: *gives him a wave and a nod, accompanied by a half grin* och aye. sae wha's tha plan than cheif captain!? *she cocks her head to Discard and dream*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks around, and nods. "Lex isn't coming...not with that child still in her. I don't know about Warren, either." He shrugs.

Discard: "He may have decided that he can't go along with something so potentially clandestine in the eyes of our leaders." Whoa, did Discard just say that sentence?

Singha: ((screw the coffee, I'm having Ovaltine...))

Discard: (( Ovaltine is delicious and nutritious! Singha drinks it and you should too! ))

Andrew Fisher: *nods at the pair* So we are four. Who's point? *cut and dried, typical Andy*

Ita McNairee: *ita looks at the little hobo. clandestine.. likely had something to do with chandeleirs... which didn't make sense. whatever.. the big jamacian guy was a prat*

Discard: "Much as I'd like to keep myself in harm's way, I am quite noticeable," she replies. "I should probably play a different role."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Quite possible. Andrew's right, though. Less is probably good." He slides his backpack off, opening it up. Out comes several pieces of paperwork, a couple cardkeys, a security badge, some maps, and a set of professional-looking clothes with a lab coat.

Singha: ((anyone logging or do i need to worry about that?))

Discard: (( I'm not. ))

Andrew Fisher: *eyes flicker over the items and then to Dream*

Ita McNairee: (i haven't been but i can if you'd like)

Andrew Fisher: ((I am.))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: (I'm logging, Singha.))

Andrew Fisher: ((Dammit! I was gonna blackmail everyone for a copy. *G*))

Discard: (( Movin' on. ¬.¬ ))

Ita McNairee: (oh perfect. then I will not botha! for my attention span is of that of a .. i.. stuff.. you may blackmail me bigman))

Ita McNairee: *scratches at her head watching dream* sae wha's aul thes than?? *nods to the stuff*

Discard: "It's our edge," Discard says with a little smile.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He spreads out the map, then looks at Ita. "This is the information Discard had, plus what Lex was able to get me to update everything. Guard schedules, maps, et cetera." He looks around. "All right, so this is our route in, and our exit routes. Pay close one's getting left behind" He starts to outline them for the three.

Andrew Fisher: *waits on an explanation*

Ita McNairee: *watches intently, moving to look at whats going on*

Discard: Discard watches Dream's summary of the layout and route, paying close attention to potential hiding spots; she's the worst potential cover breach and isn't that great at stealth...

Singha: ((*has a disturbing image of precisely how much Discard looks like Kenny with that hood up all the time...*))

Andrew Fisher: ((*snickers madly*))

Ita McNairee: *exits.. entrances... well this was a shitload simpler than the sewers.. and she figures there weren't any assholes to mover her rocks abou in there either* ((Oh no!!! she may get eaten by rats))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Now, our in is this." He holds up the security badge. "So, who all has driver's license or passport photos, perchance?" He reaches into the bag and takes out a small digital camera, in case anyone says no.

Discard: (( She's actually got a hat on today... a big ole rasta-style hat, for freedom of movement and so she can leave her jacket at home. ^^ ))

Andrew Fisher: *speaks softly* I believe I may have the best chance of lying our way in. *glances at Dream* I could do it.

Ita McNairee: heh... nae drivers liscence loves.. nae me soory *shakes her head*

Discard: "I don't have identification."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "We're all going in, Andrew." He kicks his backpack. "There's more outfits and copies of the badges in there."

Andrew Fisher: *nods* Fantastic.

Andrew Fisher: And no ID. Sorry. *shrugs*

Ita McNairee: *cocks her head slightly, sucking on a cheek idly as she watches dream* we aul soock. soory loves

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Everyone, stand against that wall, please, several feet apart." He points at a blank wall. "We might as well all get the pictures taken now, so that they look uniform."

Andrew Fisher: *rises and walks to the wall, turning and waiting*

Discard: Discard nods and complies, moving to the wall and standing up to her full height of Short.

Ita McNairee: *a slight cringe... she rakes her bangs forward so she looks evenmore the dirty gypsy, having them hang over her eyes as she backs to the wall*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He waits until they're all against the wall, and snaps pictures of the before handing the camera off to Andrew. "My turn."

Andrew Fisher: *takes the camera and steps back to about where Dream was, aims, and snaps* Done. *offers the cam to Dream*

Ita McNairee: *she rubs at her hair. damnit.. why did it take forever to dry!? showering was a pain in her dusty ass* wha the noow?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He puts the camera away, nodding. "We'll need to stop off at Kinko's or something to get the badges set on the way there." In the bag he goes, and out come three more outfits, one for each. "All right, here's your costumes. Enjoy. I hope they fit...I had to guess at sizes."

Andrew Fisher: *accepts the one offered to him* Big. *faint grin and he starts to strip off his tee*

Discard: Discard takes the littlest one and skips a few steps away so that she can change into the thing.

Andrew Fisher: *doesn't care, just gets dressed, now stands holding his knives, pistol still secured in the small of his back, waiting*

Discard: She is not wearing a bra underneath the shirt, and whoever decides to look will see the webwork of scars on her arms and back and a brief glimpse of her small breasts before she gets the outfit's shirt on.

Ita McNairee: *naked! that she could get! she starts shrugging out of clothing with the whorish efficiency, annnnnd naked! 3 little knives strapped with a patched leather strap to her inner thigh*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Some hairbands come out, and he hands a couple to Ita, then puls his own hair back. "We need to look somewhat professional. It's the weekend, so they might not worry about your hat, Discard. Then again, considering where we're going, they may not worry about the horns, so..." He shrugs.

Discard: She then changes into the pants. Again, her thighs and calves are a mess of ugly wounds that someone obviously wanted to stay on her body.

Discard: "I don't know myself. I'll try to be unobtrusive I guess."

Andrew Fisher: *tucks his own hair under the collar of his shirt, tucking it in neatly*

Singha -> Discard: ((wounds or scars? cause it may make a difference if she's actively wounded))

Ita McNairee: *ita pulls the hair into a ponytail, giving discards scars an unfriendly curl of her lips and muttering in gaelic before examining the clothes*

Discard -> Singha: (( no, they're just scars. I should have said that somebody wanted evidence of them to stay. ))

Andrew Fisher: *kept his eyes away from the naked ladies*

Ita McNairee: *a frown if its pants she's putting on.. how would she get at her knives... and she's dressed and waiting*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He pulls his own outfit on, and picks up the cardkeys. One goes to Discard, the other goes to Andrew. "All right, so our target are these." He holds up a list of items. "Some margerine-sized tups of a product called Concentrate XP-209-33930, some vials of a clear anethsetic stuff, the hypos for them, and vials of something called Serum 209-O.I.M. Also, some files, all prefixed 100-209-whatever."

Discard: She peers at the cardkey, then slips it into her pocket.

Ita McNairee: wha's a hypo love?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "A needle, Ita. Hypodermic needles."

Andrew Fisher: *nods at this* You have copies of that list?

Discard: "A hypodermic needle," Discard replies. "Like a shot."

Andrew Fisher: *pockets his own cardkey*

Ita McNairee: *realization.. a nod*

Ita McNairee: wha's moore emportante loves.. ah mean effen oor arses are awn fire.. aye?

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods at Andrew. "Yeah, I do. They're all n the same sub-lab, though, is the good thing...we can get them all in one fell swoop. Now, we're coordinating this so that hopefully, we'll have no problem getting past the guards, since we have their schedules. If something goes wrong, though, this may get really ugly, really quick. They're probably just normal guards, but you never know. So be on the alert, avoid detection rather then trying for combat. Something happens to me, Discard is in charge. Understood?"

Andrew Fisher: *nods*

Discard: Discard sets her jaw and nods resolutely. She's looking ready to give a hundred and ten percent.

Ita McNairee: *nods and a grin to discard, she slips her shades back on*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "This is a quick grab and run. No corporate sabotage, no monkeywrenching. We're in, we get it all, we get out, all hopefully undetected. Nobody splits up unless we absolutely have to, which we shouldn't." He looks around. "Questions, comments?"

Ita McNairee: run en grab shite run oot. dinnae be seen. got ye loves

Andrew Fisher: *glances at Ita then at Dream* I can medic if it comes to that. Know what I mean? *nods*

Discard: She glances about.

Discard: "Should worse come to worst... I am possibly the most effective distraction here. I can keep many people busy at once while you all move. Hopefully it won't be necessary, but I wanted to put it out there."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Good, Andrew. So can I, if we need it."

Andrew Fisher: *nods and waits, ready to move*

Ita McNairee: och noow loves nae o tha.. yer breakable. *look to discard, scars still in her minds eye, giving her a warm cockeyed grin*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Worst comes to worst, Discard, we go Umbral and book it, and Ita uses an alternative escape route. Distractions tend to get captured or killed, and trust me, you'd probably rather get killed ten captured in there." He looks at Ita. "Don't worry...if that happens, I'll wait for you outside. I'm not going to leave you behind, if it comes to that."

Andrew Fisher: *looks at Ita* No one is getting left behind.

Singha: ((Seeing as we're looking at only 2 hours left before i have to ST another scene, what say we magically teleport you all to the site, and put you in whatever vehicle you're driving up there in through the wonders of fast forwarding?))

Andrew Fisher: ((WOOT!))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He pauses a moment. "Also...if anyone starts to feel strange, or see something that shouldn't be there, speak up immediately. There is a small chance that I may lose it at some point...again, Discard is in charge if I do."

Ita McNairee: och dinnae worry loves.. ah'm fleet o foot when ah need be. *nods*

Ita McNairee: ((nods))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Yeah, Singha. They take Jeremy's car, stop by Kinko's to get the badges fixed, then show up.))

Discard: (( Sounds like a plan! ))

Andrew Fisher: *nods again*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: So up they pull to the lab in question.

Andrew Fisher: *is sitting behind Dream unless told otherwise*

Ita McNairee: *ita looks about the car* aulrecht than. away we gawn?

Discard: Discard is sitting shotgun, which is where she imagines the beta is supposed to sit.

Singha: It's a nice little complex set in a suburb of Albany, surrounded by a chain link fence.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Away we go." He pulls up to the entrance at the chain link fence. "Remember, act natural. We're supposed to be here. Make them believe it."

Singha: The place is nestled in some woods, and the back side of the parking lot runs along the bank of a stream, but the compound itself is barren of trees, sporting a few juiper bushes here and there but that's it. There's a guardshack that overlooks entrance into the parking lot.

Singha: ((Man+subterfuge rolls from you all, please))

Singha: 7,

Discard: Discard grunts and gets out of the car, making sure that her hat is secured and looks like it's just around a 'fro or dreads or something.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 9,8,6,8,4,3,

Discard: 3,9,5,

Ita McNairee: 9,8,9,1,8,1,9,

Singha: ((I'm assuming you guys are still in the car until you make it through into the parking lot))

Andrew Fisher: ((Blue screen of death...sorry gang)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Yeah))

Andrew Fisher: 2,4,9,4,2,3,

Discard: (( Right. ))

Ita McNairee: ((nods))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks up at the guard who is most surely approaching, nodding to him. "Evenin'."

Singha: The guard at the gate looks over their ID's and asks "What's your business here today?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Brought in to do some product viability testing." He shrugs to the guard.

Ita McNairee: *ita, blinks as if she's a little bored, whatever. she was supposed to worke here.. she watched the gaurd idly*

Discard: Discard just tries to look ... business casual. She's not really that good at it.

Andrew Fisher: *stifles a yawn*

Singha: The guard raises a brow to that, and asks "For what project leader?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Singha: ((Sense Wyrm on the guard, for some advance warning...if the outside guards smell, then he knows the inside ones will, too.))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 9,3,5,6,7,

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((roll))

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: (he's about as wyrmy as your average human00

Singha: 9,3,7,3,5,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Dr. Schondorf. He called us in to do it ourselves, since he's not available at the moment."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((do it for him, rather.))

Singha: He raises a brow, impressed. He seems very convinced by Jer and Ita, a bit suspicious but eventually okay with Discard and Jeremy, and, after having them all sign in, lets them through the gate.

Discard: Discard seems relieved once they are away from scrutiny of the guard.

Ita McNairee: *ita signs as whatevr she's supposed to, schlumping after Dream. whew. *

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((As soon as they pass through the gate, Jer 'hears' an increase in that background hum, and his emotions ramp up a notch as he realizes that purple lobster thing is more than likely following him now0)

 Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: And with a nod to the guard, he drives in, parking near the entrance they're taking. Breathing a sigh of relief once they're out of sight of the guard. "One down, ninety-six gajillian to go..."

Singha: ((everybody but jer, roll per+prim urge, if you got it))

Andrew Fisher: The first one is always the hardest. *steps out once they are parked and glances around*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Then, he stiffens a little, and sets his jaw. "Discard, remember what I said about if I freak out. Just in case." He parks the car, killing the engine, and gets out.

Andrew Fisher: ((Nope))

Ita McNairee: *ita makes with getting out of the car, muttering * ye reckon ah can talk oor es et better ah tay mum like? ((noope))

Discard: 9,8,3,3,6,9,

Ita McNairee: (stay mum like)

Discard: "Okay Dream," she responds as she gets out of the car, glancing about her as she does so.

Singha: They are outside a three story, monolithic and near windowless brick structure. There is only one entrance, a steel double door with a cardkey lock.

Singha -> Discard: Discard feels something is...wrong with this place. Tho she's not sure what it is or why. It just seems...unnatural.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks at Ita. "Your accent shouldn't matter, Ita. Researchers come from all over the place, I'm sure. Just try to keep your word choice as professional as you can, if we have to play it off." He starts walking to the door.

Singha: (Anybody here know Feng Shui?))

Andrew Fisher: ((Nope. Not I.))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((I and Dream are somewhat familiar, yeah.))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((I talk good, too. :P))

Discard: "This place is fucked up," Discard murmurs only loud enough for those near her to hear. She is clearly fighting down a look wary suspicion.

Singha: According to the blue prints, they need to head through this double door, down a wide hallway to the elevator, then down into the sub basement where the main lab is, then through that lab into the adjacent sub lab.

Ita McNairee: (not i) * nod to him * Aye. *the little scottish lab tech follows Dream, friendly and relaxed, she looks to Dis* hoow sae?

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((The Feng Shui of this place is...all wrong. It seeems specifically designed to collect negative energies and promote disharmony))

Andrew Fisher: *follows along silently*

Discard: "Something in the air, in the ether... is wrong." she shakes her head. "But I guess we knew that already.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "That's one way to put it," he says to Discard as he looks up at the structure. He gets to the door, then looks to Andrew. "Open seseme...card key time."

Discard: She falls into step with the others, looking at least reasonably casual.

Singha: They don't as yet, run into any body else. The regular guard is not supposed to be by here for another ten minutes. There is a chance they may run into another guard by the elevator.

Andrew Fisher: *pulls out the cardkey, steps up to the reader and swipes, opening the door for the others if and when it unlocks*

Ita McNairee: *looks to discard and andy, following them through once they go*

Andrew Fisher -> Singha: ((Gonna roll Cha + Sub for his Persuasion gift.))

Singha: The door swings open, and they are hit with the smell of a very pungent antiseptic. (Any with heightened senses of smell will find said sense useless for the duration of the time they're in this building0)

Andrew Fisher: 10,8,2,4,2,2,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He walks along, in front, heading straight toward the elevator, remaining relaxed with some effort. Like he's supposed to be here.

Andrew Fisher: *trails along, behind and slightly to the side, eyes focused on where he needs to go*

Discard: Discard makes a slight face and then follows.

Ita McNairee: *enh... she was used to the sewer, this was nothing, she heads towards the elevator like she knows exactly where she's headed*

Singha -> Andrew Fisher: ((gotcha -1 all socials for duration of scene))

Singha: ((roll WP Jer)) There is, indeed a guard standing near the elevators. He regards them, looking them over. "Schondorf's bunch, heh?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 7,5,5,6,9,2,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods to the guard as they walk up. "That'd be us, yeah."

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((He hears the hum even louder now, to the point that it's distracting. but he manages to keep foucus))

Ita McNairee: *a disinterested nod to the guard.*

Discard: She does the same as Ita, knowing better than to draw attention.

Andrew Fisher: *a confident, though brief nod to the guard*

Singha: The guard smiles at them, particularly at Ita and Discard. There's something lascivious in his look. Or maybe it's just his unibrow that makes him feel creepy.

Singha: He opens the elevator door for them.

Singha: ((Everybody roll WP))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He walks to the elevator, ignoring the look the guard gives, as if it's natural and to be expected.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 5,9,5,9,9,3,

Andrew Fisher: *steps into the elevator last, trailing the women in and blocking the view of the guard* ((Hey....I has a unibrow.....nothin creepy about it.))

Ita McNairee: 2,2,6,5,9,10,9,

Discard: 10,8,1,2,8,5,

Discard: Discard doesn't seem to show that she's fazed.

Andrew Fisher: 2,3,9,9,4,3,

Ita McNairee: *a friendly smile to the horndog guard, as she heads into the elevator... bettern' some...*

Andrew Fisher: *looks fine, slightly disinterested*

Singha: Jeremy, Andrew, and Ita immediately see the button for the sub-basement floor the lab is on. Discard doesn't see the button, to her, it looks like the guard is pressing a blank spot on the elevator panel.

Singha: "Have fun," the guard says, and steps back out of the elevator before the doors close on him.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods to the guard, and leans against the wall as the doors close, shutting his eyes for a moment, as if to center himself as they head down.

Discard: Discard furrows her brow and stares at the panel.

Singha: They descend for a bit longer than any of them--except maybe Ita--feel comfortable with. The doors open on a short, wide corridor lit by flourescent tubes. One of the tubes is flickering.

Discard: Discard allows Dream to step out first, then follows warily.

Andrew Fisher: *crosses his arms and stands near the door, calm brown eyes watching the doors and waiting*

Andrew Fisher: *steps out and assumes his flanking position once more, eyes staring straight ahead*

Ita McNairee: *ita cocks her head to the flickering light. well. at least there was ilumination. a grin as she trundles out*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: His eyes open as the doors open, and he takes point again, heading out of the elevator, into the corridor and through to the lab.

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Jer sees the purple lobster ahead of him in the flickering light))

Ita McNairee: *a warm easy grin to discard. don't worry so much*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He pauses suddenly, his eyes widening slightly. "Aw, fuck." It's whispered, probably not even consciously.

Andrew Fisher: *glances at Dream and waits for a bit more info than that*

Ita McNairee: *oh.. maybe start worrying.. she snaps her head to Jer* Wha's tha then?

Discard: Discard doesn't say anything, but an eyebrow goes up right away and she looks to Dream for an indication of what to do...

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: It advances on him, clacking it's pincers

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks straight ahead, staring. "Something that's been looking for me. I shoulda figured here was probably home..." He looks at Discard. "Keep moving. It's not after you guys, I don't think. Just me."

Discard: "Without you?" She keeps moving forward, but looks back to Dream.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Singha: ((Shifting up to Crinos.))

Andrew Fisher: *waits, watching Dream*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Yes! I'll catch up, if I can." To say that his tone is tense would be an understatement.

Ita McNairee: well we'll nae let et 'ave ye.. *she gives him a pat to the arm, encouraging continuing on, looking to him and discard.. that was complex.... xp2..o933930? yes*

Andrew Fisher: *starts off slowly, glancing back at Dream* Want me to watch your back?

Singha: ((everybody who continues past the flickering light, roll WP))

Ita McNairee: 3,5,5,3,9,7,3,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He slides his backpack off, tossing it to Discard, and his form melts, shifting up to Crinos form. "Right here!" he shouts to nothing in particular.

Discard: 9,9,8,10,4,6,

Andrew Fisher: 8,2,2,3,8,8,

Discard: Discard catches the backpack just as she crosses under the flickering light.

Ita McNairee: (thanks for the 3's there roller. i liked those.))

Singha: Ita finds the hum of the flickering light gives her a bit of a headache.

Andrew Fisher: *eyes widen a bit at Dream's reaction*

Discard: (( so did it! ))

Singha -> Discard: Discard feels that sense of unnatural get really oogie for a moment as she passes under the light, but feels otherwise unaffected.

Ita McNairee: *ita's mouth drops about 3 stories.* jaysus... *she cringes at the light and gawks at dream wolfing up* aye.. than... *she continues.. looking to discard*

Andrew Fisher: *follows along, flanking Dis, looking back to Jer frequently*

Singha -> Andrew Fisher: Andrew doesn't notice anything strange, other than Jer's reaction to nothing.

Discard: "Come on," she says. "He'll be all right. We've got to do this thing. If we get off schedule we'll regret it."

Discard: With that, she moves along at a determined pace.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He takes a couple steps forward, snarling, advancing on whatever he sees, hands flexing.

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: The lobster thing clacks it's pincers at both Andrew and Discard, but doesn't seem able to gain purchase, so continues on at Jer, moving about 30 feet away from the flickering light and stopping

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: If Jer actually closes the distance, then the lobster attacks him

Andrew Fisher: *shrugs and hopes she is right, turning and moving up to her side, shortening his strides to keep back with the little one*

Singha: Discard and the others reach the steel double doors.

Singha: 4,3,2,5,9,8,

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((roll WP))

Ita McNairee: *scratches at her eye. ow. she cocks her head*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Singha: ((No, he just took a couple steps forward, to get it's attention in case it tried to go after Andrew & Discard. He's waiting until they pass by to actually fight it.))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 5,6,2,3,4,5,

Singha: The door has another cardkey lock, and a camera set above it, taping the approach down the hallway.

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Ah ok then nm the rolls for the time being since that was for it actually attacking him))

Andrew Fisher: *glances at Dis calmly*

Ita McNairee: *look sto the camera. then to dis. she hoped the camera couldn't see wolfie back there*

Discard: Discard approaches calmly and simply, minimizing the time she spends under the camera's gaze. To the door, swiping the cardkey, and (provided a clear path) moving through.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He growls at one point as they pass down the hallway, then stops, pacing back and forth, on the far side of the flickering light, staring ahead.

Andrew Fisher: *steps through last before moving to Dis' side*

Singha: The door opens with the cardkey and they get an even stronger whiff of that antiseptic. it's so strong it actually makes the sinuses hurt a bit.

Ita McNairee: *a hand comes up to rub her temple idly, she hears the growling but doesn't bother looking back, whoa... somebody likes it clean*

Andrew Fisher: *blinks and huffs through his nose softly, clearing the scent out a bit*

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: The lobster just remains at that 30 feet mark, waiting for Jer to continue on. That hum is overwhelming, and jer starts to feel a compulsion to move toward the lobster, like he felt with looking at the computer screen

Discard: Discard follows the path mutely, leading the other two. Trying to ignore the disgusting chemical smell.

Singha: Those who enter the lab find an array of computer bays lined neatly up. The two sidewalls are lined with stainless steel cages. Creatures move restlessly in the cages, some coming to attention to see who's entered.

Ita McNairee: *trundles on through, stiiiill better than home. less friendly maybe.. but better*

Ita McNairee: *ita's eyes scan the animals. poor things.. all caged up... *

Singha: ((computer bays lined up on a stainless steel table in the center of the room. Side walls with cages.)) At the far end of the room are several restraining tables, vivisection devices and medical and lab equipment, along with three doors.

Andrew Fisher: *just focus on where we are going*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: As soon as they're through, he emits a low, rumbling growl, and charges whatever it is, claws at the ready. ((Spending Rage point.))

Discard: Discard briefly checks the route once again and heads in that direction, but does look about and take all of the equipment and creatures in.

Singha: Ita finds, to her horror, that some of the animals are quite human--or humanoid. Others are massive dire wolf sized creatures, that whimper and cower away from the bars at the sight of people wearing lab uniforms.

Singha: ((Roll WP if you are looking at the computer screens))

Andrew Fisher: *the whimpers draw his gaze and he glances around, quickly flicking his gaze back to the doors*

Singha: 6,8,6,7,1,10,6,6,

Andrew Fisher: 4,2,7,7,8,2,

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Roll WP, Jer))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 8,5,6,9,8,9,

Discard: (( Discard does not bother with the computer screens, as she does not expect to understand anything on them. ))

Singha: 8,2,3,2,4,4,10,2,

Ita McNairee: *a strangled noise in her throat.. a half snarl. poor animal things... these people were baddies through and through... she keeps her eyes forward towards the door*

Andrew Fisher: *most likely took them in when glancing across the room*

Singha -> Andrew Fisher: Andrew finds his attention fully absorbed by the computer screen saver, forgetting momentarily what they're here for.

Andrew Fisher: *pauses and cocks his head, staring at the computer screen before him*

Ita McNairee: *not ita.. animals.. Door... she's too disgusted and pissed off to do anything but head to their destination*

Singha -> Andrew Fisher: He feels compelled to stare at the screen, and must break himself away by force of will (spend a WP, and you can roll WP again to break away))

Andrew Fisher -> Singha: ((Spent.))

Singha: Jer charges...well...nothing. Swings at nothing.

Andrew Fisher: 2,3,10,10,9,

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Jer feels the algorithm trying to assert control over him but he fights it off through force of will

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Dammit, he realizes. How fucking stupid are you, Jer? He leaps back, shaking his head, and tries to move into the Umbra, knowing this is going to be tough.

Singha -> Andrew Fisher: Andrew barely manages to look away from the screens, and has this incredible urge to look back at them. (Spend 1 WP per turn while in presence of the screens to avoid looking into them00

Discard: Discard keeps moving, almost through the room now.

Andrew Fisher: *and he drags his gaze away and heads for the doors as fast as his stride will take him walking*

Andrew Fisher -> Singha: ((How many turns to get across the room?))

Singha: Discard reaches the sub-lab door and finds yet another keycard lock. Those who have looked at the creatures in the cages and can recognize various Garou forms, will note that most creatures in the cages are either Glabro or Hispo form.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 6,10,5,8,9,

Singha -> Andrew Fisher: ((1 turn))

Ita McNairee: *ita's following, expecting scarface to trail along behind as he's been doing so far... nose wrinkling again at the the thought of what was happening to those .. cage things.. no!*

Andrew Fisher -> Singha: ((Down Another WP then.))

Singha: Jer steps umbrally, and finds himself facing a giant purple lobster the size of a volkswagon with a scorpion like tail. it clacks it's pincers at him and attacks

Singha -> Andrew Fisher: ((Andy's GW right?))

Discard: Discard is trembling a little bit as she swipes the keycard, trying to restrain herself from going on a PETA-style animal-freeing spree.

Andrew Fisher -> Singha: ((Yes.))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He's expecting it to be there, and jumps to the side to dodge.

Ita McNairee: *a chill hand slips to the girl's shoulder, giving her a friendly pat as she swipes her key card*

Andrew Fisher: *gets to the doors and is in a hurry to get through*

Discard: And the three are through the door and beyond it, travelling straight toward their destination.

Singha: 7,8,7,8,2,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 9,10,8,1,7,

Singha: This room is smaller and lined with refrigerated bays, a small lab set up, medical equimpent, a safe, and a single restraint chair.

Discard -> Singha: (( is this the target room? ))

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: It hits, and jer feels the algorithm trying to assert itself (Roll WP))

Andrew Fisher: *watches Dis*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 8,1,4,6,6,6,

Singha -> Discard: ((Yes))

Singha: 4,6,2,7,1,8,6,1,

Ita McNairee: *she gives the restraint chair an evil eye, looking about. she looks to Andy an Dis* Right than? eere?

Discard: "Yes," she replies, and immediately begins to scan the room for the target objects.

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: The pincer goes in and Jer feels his perceptions slowly...changing. ((Spend wP to resist effects for this turn and attempt to break free0)

Discard: She checks her notes. "Andrew, if you could look for the files, that'd be good. I'll try to find that concentrate stuff. Ita, try to find the antiseptic."

Andrew Fisher: *starts searching*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Singha: ((Done.))

Discard: "Err, anesthetic, sorry."

Singha: The refrigerated bays are neatly labeled according to specimen numbers. (Roll per+alert to find the ones you're looking for))

Ita McNairee: *and she starts a looking.. .. antiseptic... antiseptic...*

Discard: Discard starts searching the medical fridges for the containers of Concentrate XP-209-33930.

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((roll Rage))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 2,8,7,

Andrew Fisher: 3,5,4,5,10,

Discard: 3,9,2,9,6,

Singha: 3,6,9,2,1,

Ita McNairee: 8,3,7,3,

Ita McNairee: *where are these vials of anes-whatever... number things.. and needles?*

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Miraculously Jer breaks free, tho part of him dosen't know why, and feels drawn to this thing. Whatever it injected him with was...kinda cool.

Andrew Fisher: *looks around for the files, eyes narrowed as he moves about the room*

Singha: Andrew can't finds the files in any cupboards and comes to the conclusion they're in the safe. Discard quickly finds the containers she's looking for. Ita takes a bit longer, but also finds her stuff. Discard also finds what looks suspiciously like...rolled up Garou skins.

Andrew Fisher: *shakes head* I found nothing. *looks at the safe*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Singha: He fights to assert control...kill it, kill it, Trevor said I've gotta kill it... He launches a strike for a soft spot on the pincer, hoping to take it off.

Ita McNairee: Right.. *ita frowns... she cocks her head to discard* well ah've tha vials... wha else wee need loves?

Discard: "By Gaia..." she murmurs, glaring at the skins. "What were they DOING in here?" She leaves the skins, though, and takes the containers of stuff, handling them gingerly.

Singha: THey have what they came for, now it's time to get out.

Andrew Fisher: *glances at Dis, then at the door, turning and heading* Want me to take point?

Discard: (( Was andrew able to find the files in the safe then? ))

Discard: (( or just determined that we can't get them? ))

Ita McNairee: shite shite shite.. *a frown back at the safe.* aye aft we gawn??

Singha: ((Well, they have everything except the files, unless you guys want to try to either steal the safe or break into it?))

Andrew Fisher: ((Can anyone here crack a safe? *G*))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas -> Singha: He fights to assert control...Bad idea, bad idea... Time for a tactical retreat. He jumps back again, and tries to go back through the Umbra, to get away from it.

Ita McNairee: ((*ita has ONE in sequirity.. she can open a crackerbox))

Discard: "I guess we'll leave the files. We need to get out of here."

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Roll GN))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 6,5,7,1,9,

Ita McNairee: och fook et... * severe frown and a nod. she didn't much like that idea*

Singha: Jer finds himself taking far longer to get back then he took to get Umbral.

Singha: 10,6,8,4,9,

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He feels the thing stabbing him in the back as he struggles to cross over. ((Another WP roll))

Singha: 9,10,9,1,6,5,5,6,

Discard: "C'mon. Hide the stuff as best as you can." Discard does so herself, tucking the tupperware into an inner coat pocket and moving to the door.

Andrew Fisher: Put it in Dream's backpack.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 4,9,2,8,8,4,

Discard: "Ah. Yeah, good idea," she says, doing so.

Ita McNairee: *pockets.. a vials shoved between her breasts in case everything gets confiscted.. etc etc.. the rest goes in dreams pack*

Discard: The stuff stowed, she moves to the exit. "C'mon, let's get outta here. We don't want to run into any guards on our way out; I'm no good at acting."

Ita McNairee: AH'm a fair liar.. wha was tha dr.'s name loves?

Andrew Fisher: *waits at the door, steeling himself to go through that room again....eyes forward....focus on the other door....and get there*

Andrew Fisher: I am. *opens the door* Ita and I will talk our way out of things if needed.

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He feels almost all resistance to the algorithm fade at this last injection, finding himself charged with a sense of scientific wonder and exploration, and an eagerness to help Schondorf in his work.

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: (And then he's through into the physical realm

Ita McNairee: *she's walking at a brisk pace.. taking care not to look at the dog animals*

Andrew Fisher: *wills himself across the room*

Discard: "Good," Discard replies, and strides forward, taking point until they encounter anyone.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He stumbles into the corridor from the Umbra, shaking his head. He drops out of Crinos and stand there, looking a little stunned.

Singha: They quickly get through the main lab and back out into the corrodor, where they find Dream stepping back through from the umbra. (Roll WP as you pass the flickering light again)

Ita McNairee: *where was dream? she kept her eyes open.. no one is left behind.. afterall*

Ita McNairee: 4,3,6,1,4,1,7,

Discard: 9,5,10,3,7,9,

Ita McNairee: (well that was less than peaches)

Andrew Fisher -> Singha: ((Perm or Temp WP?))

Discard: "Dream," she says, hurrying toward him, giving the flickering light a suspicious glare. "Are you all right?"

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks over at Discard, blinking a little at the glare of the light, and nods. "Yeah, I'm good. Are we?"

Singha: ((When you roll, it's ~always~ your perm rating. ))

Andrew Fisher: 2,7,5,6,7,10,

Discard: "Yes," Discard replies in a low voice. "The files were locked up, but we have the concentrate and the anesthetic."

Singha -> Ita McNairee: Ita feels the presence of that same hum she noticed in the dream with Fausto. Her head hurts slightly, and she really wants to go back and look at those computers in the other room.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He looks back at the door a second, then shakes his head. "That'll have to do. Let's go..."

Andrew Fisher: *waits with the group*

Singha -> Andrew Fisher: Andrew manages to pass the flickering light without obeying that near compulsion to go back and look at the computers

Ita McNairee: ..och..loves.. *she frowns and starts back towards the room with the computers* ye aul hear tha..aye?

Andrew Fisher: *glances back up the hall they just came from*

Andrew Fisher: *frowns at Ita* No. What?

Discard: Discard turns back and looks at Ita. "What? No. We gotta go, Ita."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "What the hum?" He shrugs. "Not a big deal. C'mon." He seems eager to get home.

Ita McNairee: but.. ets right fooked aye.. ...ah'm jes gintae check entae somethen aye.. *she gives them a grin* et'll jest take a sec aye? Ah'll make et moore an snappy.. gie me tha key theng aye?

Andrew Fisher: We need to leave ~now~ Ita....come on....

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He grits his teeth. "Ita, there's no TIME. Come on. NOW." He goes to open the elevator door.

Discard: "If there's something there, it's better if we leave now."

Ita McNairee: *she looks to discard* LOves.. ah need tae gawn check oot those compies.. *a frown as she looks to the door... * gawn wie oot me than aye?

Andrew Fisher: Ita, the computers are odd. Trust me. Just come on.

Singha -> Ita McNairee: ((She would ~like~ to, but is not compelled to.))

Ita McNairee -> Singha: any chance of her rolling another wp? or did she botch it!?)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He turns and looks at Ita. "There's computers in there?"

Ita McNairee -> Singha: (oh perfect)

Ita McNairee: aye.. *she nods, moving towards the elevator glumly* a good many loves.. maken an odd hummen

Discard: "I doubt there's much we could do with them right now."

Andrew Fisher: *glances at Dream* Ask me about them later. *moves to the elevator*

Rusty: [Teach ME to sleep... *L*]

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He pauses, and looks at Andrew and Discard. "Get the samples out. I'll go with Ita to check out the computers."

Andrew Fisher: Dream. Trust me. There is something odd about them. Almost hypnotic. Don't. Remember? We all leave together.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: "Tell the guard that we're just doing some final write-ups." He holds his hand out to Andrew. "Key card."

Ita McNairee: *nods.. she agrees with Dream* nae.. *she fishes the vial out from between her breasts* eeer.. we'll be oot right awa.

Discard: "I mean, what would you guys be able to do, anyway? Break them?" Discard is more than a little concerned.

Singha: [okay. First, Rusty, you have to get really really tired. Preferably with alot of good RP. Then you put some pajamas on (optional) and you go lay down on a couch or a bed...))

Discard: (( Ooh! *takes notes* ))

Rusty: *Bonk* Shush and ST.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He pauses a moment and Andrew's words, and thern nods. "Perfect. I know these things, Andrew. I've seen them before. It's exactly what we need, I think." He shrugs. "Maybe the files are in them."

Andrew Fisher: ((Done all that, and still no sleep. Hmmm...)) *shakes head* Forget the computers Dream. We need to leave now.

Ita McNairee: mmm *she looks to andy and dis* gawn ye tae.. afore ets tae late tae wander.. we'll be oot en a sec.. but get the goods tae safety aye?

Andrew Fisher: *glances at Dis, she is second in command...and Dream is acting pretty weird*

Discard: Discard presses her mouth into a thin line. She does not look happy with this. "If we go now, you won't be able to call us back for support."

Discard: "I don't trust this situation at all," she says.

Andrew Fisher: We can't Ita. Dream's car, he needs to drive and we need to leave together. It's pushing things as is. If we split up we are in trouble. Remember? We don't split up no matter what.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He sets his jaw against the frustration creeping in. "Andrew, we need the fucking files. Without them, we can't use them the way we need to. Give me the God damn card key. NOW." The last directed to Discard, giving her a look that demands compliance.

Ita McNairee: *she frowns, looking from dream to Andy... * right.. *a frown* aye... we need tha files lovies.. ye worry aboot those thengs..we'll gie tha files.. hoory aye? nae time fer banters

Discard: Discard stiffens, but she reaches into a pocket and retrieves the card key. "Yes sir," she replies, handing it to him.

Andrew Fisher: *glances at Dis, her call, not his*

Discard: "C'mon Andrew," she says, whirling and moving to the elevator. "We're late."

Ita McNairee: *a grin, as she starts to hed back to the door*

Andrew Fisher: *follows* This is bad.

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Roll WP as you pass under the flickering light))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 10,3,2,9,5,9,

Singha: 9,9,8,2,10,3,2,4,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He turns around, walking toward the door to swipe the cardkey through.

Singha -> Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: (That last little bit of resistance fades, and you're sure you're doing the right thing, tho you have a bit of a headache))

Ita McNairee: *the pikey waits impatiently for the door to open*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He pulls the door open, walking into the room, looking for the computers and heading straight toward them.

Discard: Discard punches the call key on the elevator and gets in when it arrives. "Get ready to bullshit, Andrew," she says a little grimly.

Andrew Fisher: *nods* Will do.

Ita McNairee: right.. *she narrows her eyes at the computers, not entirely sure how to make it go*

Singha: Jer finds the room as described, and sees the various caged humans, Glabros and Hispos, who whmper and witdraw to the recesses of the cages. Discard and Andrew enter the elevator. ((roll WP you two in the elevator))

Andrew Fisher: 6,7,8,2,5,5,

Discard: Discard hits the button for the ground floor with a gloved finger and steps back, shoving her hands in her pockets.

Singha: ((And Jer roll GN, Ita, WP))

Discard: 5,3,5,3,9,4,

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He takes a seat in front of one of them, and gets to work doing whatever he needs to do to get access.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: 1,5,3,2,4,

Ita McNairee: 5,2,1,5,5,7,5,

Ita McNairee: (oh we're winners we are)

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((*Whimpers*))

Singha: This time around Andrew doesn't see the button for the floor they're on, just for the rest of the floors. Discard, however, ~does~ see the button for that floor. Weird.

Singha: Both Jer and Ita find exactly what they need on the computers.

Singha: ((and since I have to ST this other combat scene atm, I will let Jer and Ita know individually waht they find when they access the comps))

Discard: Discard again stares at the panel, not sure exactly why her body is executing selective perception. She lets it go, though, and waits to be deposited upstairs.

Ita McNairee: Och.. *she singsongs, cocking her head*

Andrew Fisher: *stands ready at the door*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Gotcha.)) Once he's got what he needs, he looks at Ita and nods. "We good to go, now?"

Singha: The elevator opens, and the guard there smiles at them. "That was quick."

Andrew Fisher: We were just lab techs. The others are finishing up the paperwork. *shrugs and grins*

Ita McNairee: *a nod as she tightens her ponytail* aye.. ah reckon sae.

Discard: Discard folds her arms and looks like a put out lab tech.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Beautiful. Come on." He gets up and, ignoring the prisoners, he heads back to the door and past that, the elevator.

Singha: The guard snickers. "I'll bet." Seeming to imply something else entirely happens with those who 'work late'. But he doesn't do anything to stop them.

Singha: And barring any horrendous faux pas, you all get out of the lab quite handily.

Ita McNairee: *ita frowns up at her hair. stay. and she traipses after Jer, trundling along*

Andrew Fisher: *grins and nods, heading up the hall to the exit*

Discard: Discard follows, being sure not to make any horrendous faux pas.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Outside the lab, he heads for the car, seemingly much more relaxed then he was when he started the mission.

Andrew Fisher: *slips into the backseat where he was and looks out the window with those calm brown eyes*

Singha: The guard at the gate has them sign out, and they're home free with their stolen booty.

Discard: Discard, noting that Jeremy and Ita have made it out successfully, waits shotgun for them.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He buckles in, starts the car, and drives up to the security gate, smiles to the guard as they get let out, then heads back toward the city.

Ita McNairee: *head on out and slips into the car*

Discard: Super-sweet!

Singha: ((and if you have any questions, ping me I'm gonna drop this window to concentrate on the other scene))

Andrew Fisher: *decides at the last moment not to scream out "You fucking wyrm lovers suck" and makes it out okay*

Andrew Fisher: ((Cya....thanks for the scene))

Singha: ((oh, one question tho....what names did everybody use to sign in with?))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((You rock, Singh. Thanks!!)) He drives along, lighting a cigarette as he drives. "Well, that went very, VERY well..."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((Steven Allee))

Discard: (( Denise Richards. ))

Discard: "You guys got what you needed?" Discard asks, no small amount of concern in her voice.

Andrew Fisher: ((Brandon Masters))

Ita McNairee: (Amelia Lovejoy)

Andrew Fisher: *says nothing, staring out the window instead*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Yeah, we're good." Rolling the window down, blowing the smoke out of it. "Right, Ita?"

Ita McNairee: *nods, * aye loves.. peaches

Discard: Discard sighs. "That did go better than I expected, I guess."

Singha: ((Cool, thanks, all.))

Andrew Fisher: ((Thanks Singha))

Ita McNairee: Aye, nae wans dead ah reckon.. *she grins at them* worked oot lovie.

Discard: (( Thanks, Singha! ))

Ita McNairee: (bye singha)

Discard: She pauses, looking out the window. "It was hard leaving those victims there."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods, taking a drag and relaxing into his seat as he drives. "It worked out perfectly. Good job, guys."

Andrew Fisher: *nods at the compliment* At least it's over.

Discard: "thanks."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He doesn't respond to Discard or Andrew, just staring ahead, smiling a little as he drives south.

Ita McNairee: *ita rips the ponytail holder off of her. Freeeedooom*

Discard: Discard frowns and looks at Dream for a moment, then returns her gaze straight ahead.

Ita McNairee: ((dudes i have Got to go. i've been tossin my cookies here. any chance of dropping the pikey off at home.. blame sunrise or something??))

Discard: (( Oh dear. Feel better chumble... *pet* ))

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: ((*Hugs the chumble* Go ahead, hon. Ita gets dropped off.))

Ita McNairee: ((i'll be peachy. thanks guys.. uuug *slinks off to take some gravol and die*))

Andrew Fisher: ((*snugs a chumble* Sleep well hun))

Andrew Fisher: *stretches that long frame out in the back seat as best he can*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: Once in the city, he drops Ita where requested, then looks to Discard and Andrew. "Where do you guys need me to take you?"

Andrew Fisher: Anywhere near Central is fine with me.

Discard: "I'll go wherever Andrew gets dropped off."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods, and steers the car toward Midtown, sighing a little as he drives.

Discard: Discard is quiet as they drive, looking out the window for much of the time.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He slows as he drives by the Park, pulling into an open spot by the curb. "I've got some things to do...I'll call you guys later. I need all the stuff we got."

Discard: "It's all in your backpack," Discard says, tapping the bag in the well of the passenger's seat. "I'll just leave that here."

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods. "Good deal."

Discard: Discard lets herself out of the car. "Thanks for helping us get through this, Dream," she says, smiling a little.

Andrew Fisher: *hops out* Good workin with ya Dream. Take care.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He returns the smile to Discard. "Of course, Discard. That's what I'm here for." He nods to her.

Discard: With that, the odd-looking rasta scientist shuts the door.

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: He nods to Andrew, as well. "You too. We should do it more often." It's almost as if there's something more meaningful behind it. Once they're away from the car, he pulls out, heading off.

Discard: She watches the car go, her arms folded.

Andrew Fisher: *watches the car leave quietly*

Jeremy "Dream" Thomas: And away he goes. ((Thanks for the scene, guys!))

Discard: (( you too! ))

Andrew Fisher: ((Cya!))

Discard: (( I guess that's scene, then... ))