Melody Drake: She sits at the outside portion of a cafe, a cup infront of her. Her gaze is distant, staring off at some point that only she can see. The jacket is an old and battered one, looking a bit too big, but it's curled around her anyway.

Claudius: He's walking down the street, his hands behind his back. His expression is calm and serene as always...yet someone who knew him well might note the sadness and concern hiding behind his eyes.

Melody Drake: d10: per+alert: 4,2,7,5,6,6,

Claudius: d10: Per+Alertness: 8,8,5,10,2,8,3,

Melody Drake: Her gaze finally refocuses and she exhales, to wrap fingers around the coffee. She glances around, her gaze passing over Claudius, before she seems to recognize him and her gaze moved back to the Iberian man. Amber-green eyes blink slowly, watching him, before she smiled, just faintly.

Claudius: The former Prince is alert as ever. He notes her presence and smiles politely to the woman, altering his course every so slightly toward her.

Melody Drake: She sits up instead of slouching, straightening slightly as she moves to quietly push out a chair for Claudius, politely.

Claudius: An inlcination of his head, grateful, and he moves to smoothly settle himself in the chair. "Good evening," he says in his soft, calm voice.

Melody Drake: "Evening." She says quietly to the man, slim fingers still loosely wrapped around the coffee for warmth. Her breathed steamed slightly in the air as she inclined her head to him. Not willing to say she passed on his message, but it's obvious in his demeanor.

Melody Drake: ((HER demeanor))

Claudius: He leans back in the chair, nodding a little bit. "I imagine you have had a hectic night tonight."

Melody Drake: "Vaguely," she smiles a little more. "A bit more than usual. And how has your night been?" She knew the answer, though eyes searched over his form just a little. For a business woman, she wasn't very good at judging people's emotions.

Claudius: He smiles faintly, and shrugs. "I got...what is the word? Fired? ...from my job. Most disconcerting and inconveniant...but rather a relief, too, in some ways."

Melody Drake: "Fired is the correct term." She smiles a little bit, fingers playing vaguely with the ring on her hand. "I can see what you mean, on all accounts."

Claudius: He nods a little bit. "There is some sort of governmental aid that can be supplied when one loses one's job, is there not? What sort of documentation does one need for that?" Is he joking? It's sometimes hard to tell...maybe people as old as him are that out of tou--ah, yeah, there's the hint of a kindly, alomst grandfather-ish smile.

Melody Drake: She smiles a little more, a flicker of amusement crossing her face. "There is. You go to Unemployment, and they can help you. I can't shed light on the documentation however. I'm sure it would be extensive."

Claudius: "Hmm. I'm afraid my identification card is a little bit out of date." He sighs.

Melody Drake: She lowers her head, a hand coming up to hide the smile that had formed. A moment before she removes her hand and looks back up to him, still smiling. "That might cause a small problem, I do believe."

Claudius: "I suppose I could always make a career out of making coffee for others...a barista, I believe it is?"

Melody Drake: "Mmhmm, a Barista." She settles a little more in her seat. "Though, I don't quite see you as the Barista type."

Claudius: "I do not carry a sunny enough disposition, perhaps?" A raised brown, a slight smile.


Melody Drake: She looks down and then back up with a little smile. "Not quite. I belive you are a little reserved for that job, however."

Claudius: "Ahh, true." He nods to that. "How unfortunate that is. Oh, well. I will find something to occupy my time, I suppose."

Melody Drake: "You will." She says quietly, blinking slowly at him.

Claudius: He nods, with a little sigh. Old air escaping from useless organs. "This city has hard times coming ahead, I'm afraid, Miss Drake. I'm sorry I can't do more to help."

Melody Drake: Her gaze gets a little shuttered. "It is how the world works. There are moments of peace followed by the hard times and the struggles. One must simply... persevere. And one cannot blame you for circumstances." A faint sigh, breath steaming, and she smiles. "For all you know, you may help in ways you don't realize."

Claudius: "Of course," he nods. "I will help however I can. I will warn you, though. My successor does not seem to have the sense and compsure I do."

Melody Drake: Did her nose just wrinkle? No, couldn't be- not composed Melody. "I'll have to speak to him at some point. Was he fully informed of the rules, do you know?"

Claudius: "I do not. My employers sprung this on me at the last moment, and I have not had an opportunity to discuss it with him."

Melody Drake: Amber green eyes narrow a bit. That was not something she wanted to hear. "I'll have to speak to him very soon then. I am sorry to bother you with all these questions, but do you happen to have a way for me to contact your successor?"

Claudius: "I will supply my replacement with the contact details for you, Miss Drake."

Claudius: "As I suspect he will be in contact with me soon."

Melody Drake: "It is very much appreciated, Claudius." She says quietly.

Claudius: "Of course." He nods with a smile. "It took my former employers too long to join your business club. It will not make me happy if they rashly decide to leave...though I do not believe they will."

Melody Drake: "I would hope not." She inclines her head slightly.

Claudius: "I truly do not believe so, or I would have put up more of a fight." He shrugs. "I have enough leverage to make them see, anyway."

Melody Drake: She smiles a little bit again. "Thank you."

Claudius: "Of course, Miss Drake." He nods. "My concern is for the well-being of this city. And it always will be."

Melody Drake: "It is appreciated, very much so." She glances at the coffee, setting it down as she realizes it's become quite cold.

Claudius: A little nod, and he rises. "I should go make phone calls and clean out my office, so to speak. It has been a pleasure as always, Miss Drake."

Melody Drake: She watches him stand, seeming to pull into the coat a little bit. "Thank you Claudius, it was a pleasure. Have a good night."

Claudius: A little nod. "You, of course, have my telephone number, should you require anything?"

Melody Drake: She smiles a little bit. "I do."

Claudius: "Excellent. I would supply you a coat, but I'm afraid it would become something like a pumpkin if I were to remove it." He bows to her. "Good evening, Miss Drake."

Melody Drake: She lowers her head respectfully to the man, smiling a bit. "You as well, Claudius."

Claudius: A little nod, and he makes his way along, down thr street...leavuing Melody to her coffee in peace.