Catie: *shivers her way into the cafe and finds a good seat. somewhere not too close to the door. roses in her cheeks even more blooming than normal, with the cold. orders a bowl of soup, bread, and hot water as soon as the server comes over*

Catie: *slowly divests herself of jacket, scarf, and gloves, popping a teabag from her tote into the hot water once it's there. and just holds the mug, letting the heat soak through her fingers*

Francesco Giardini: He steps into the cafe, shaking the snow off of the trench coat he's wearing. Fuckin' New York cold...that's something he hadn't prepped for when he came up here. He unrolls the scarf around his neck and rubs his hands together as he looks around for a seat.

Lean and hungry. Poised and dangerous. That’s the words that come to mind when looking upon him. He cuts a striking figure, standing just under six feet and weighing around 160 to 170 pounds. He has a full face, just a hint of tan to otherwise fair skin, frame by shortly cropped, brown hair, a professional cut. Brown eyes carry a look of cocky intelligence to them…this isn’t some mook off the street, this man was born into greatness, and he knows it. He’s dressed in a Italian wool suit, charcoal grey, with vest and a silk tie. Black cap shoes complete the ensemble. He’s got an attitude to him…a look that’s not quite arrogance, not quite simple confidence, but somewhere in between. The world is his…it just needs to realize it.

Catie: *notes the gentleman entering, particualrly the quality of his clothing, with calmness and faint curiosity, bobbing her teabag in the water to try and make it steep faster somehow. it doesn't really work, but there's always the hope that next time it will*

Brigid O'Sullivan: She hops into the cafe after the big guy, giving him a faint smile as she dusts the snow off of herself, lowering her hood as well.

Brigid O'Sullivan: She's not drop-dead gorgeous, but there's something about her that catches the eye. It's probably the way she carries herself with pride. Her brilliant green eyes are wise and glimmering with hidden mirth. She looks young, likely in her early twenties, but there's something in her direct gaze that seems so much older. Her figure is round and lush, as it should be after years of child-bearing, but she's still fit. After all, she has children to chase after. With this in mind, her long red curls are often pinned back. Her smile is wide and generous and she's often dressed in homespun clothing. [PB 3]

Francesco Giardini: A shrug, and he heads to a table, looking to Catie and offering her a brief nod hello. He seats himself at the table, which is coincidentially near Catie's, and picks up a menu, looking it over.

Arlett: *Well she was meandering in, looking around while she moved forward*

Brigid O'Sullivan: She finds herself a table that's, oddly enoug, near Francesco's and Catie's. Curiouser and curiouser... "'Lo." She murmurs that to those nearby.

Arlett: Arlett seems to have grown… small difference, she still look pretty much like a young teenager… not really a young woman, but maybe just not longer a kid. She still looks pretty much like a doll, with so expressive green eyes, the shadows of flecks on her cheeks, her golden hair falling down below her shoulders, and air of innocence that her eyes don’t seem to share so much sometimes. But mostly are those faint curves, those faint hints that let you know what a beautiful woman she is starting to become. A Butterfly pendant hangs now from her neck, along with a silver bracelet on her wrist with an ‘A’ charm to it. ( Arcane 2)

Darien Gallagher: This looked like a good place to get in out of the cold for a little bit and so in she hurried. Bundled up in a parka, hood pulled up close around her face, some of her auburn hair sticking out, black cords and boots. Over her shoulder is a green backpack, which she holds with one gloved hand. If one were to look closer at her, they might notice she has one green eye and one blue eye.

Catie: *a shy smile to both the man and the woman. noddign back. adn murmuring a quiet* good evening...*to the lady*

Arlett: *a glance to the other woman entering and she makes for the counter to order, oohh.. look Catie... she offers a lil wve to her*

Catie: *again, that faintly puzzled look in the dark eyes as she smiles to Arlett. has she seen that girl before? maybe? maybe not? oh, goodness.....adds sugar and creamer to her tea and sips it delciately. a long, soft sigh of bliss*

Darien Gallagher: She finds a booth where she can spread out her books, not too far from the Catie and Francesco and Brigid. It doesn't take her long to get the books and notebooks out of the back and open them before finally unzipping her jacket and taking her gloves off as she warms up. Shaking her head some, her short (just to the top of her shoulders) hair flies all over the place with static electricity some in her face which she carefully brushes out of the way.

Catie: *books? she has a book, too. one she should be studying.....but it's ~algebra~. and look, here's her soup! it just smells so good, how could she possibly ignore it in faovr of algebra?*

Brigid O'Sullivan: She gives a warm smile and a nod to the others entering. She's just all warm and friendly like that.

Francesco Giardini: He looks up to Brigid as she speak, giving her a polite smile. "How you doin'?" He looks at the waitress as she comes up, ordering a Philly cheesesteak and a coffee, black. Darien and Arlett both get glances, and nods in greeting as they enter.

Arlett: *giggles at Catie's expression, peering to those with her.. and well again at the Darien lady and back to waitress* oh chips with chocolate and a sandwich and hum... milshake *nods, and waits for her order*

Arlett: *oh, nodding tyo Francesco hi*

Darien Gallagher: The book that Darien has is a physics book. Once the waitress comes over, she orders a hot cocoa with lots of whipped cream and marshmallows.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "M'doin' all roigh', an' yerself?" Predictably, to go with the red hair and green eyes, she has an Irish accent. Go figure.

Catie: *tastes her soup. mmm, bean. with big chunks of ham. she hopes it's ham. is there another meat that's pink when it's cooked?*

Darien Gallagher: Then right back into the book, flipping a few pages, folding it over some as she glances between several at the same time, and scribbling away at a notebook with a mechanical pencil.

Francesco Giardini: "I'm cold." He grins a little, and rises from the table, extending a hand to Brigid. She continued the to introduce. "Francesco Giardini."

Brigid O'Sullivan: She takes the offered hand in her slender one and gives it a shake. "Brigid O'Sullivan. 'Tis grand t'meet ye."

Arlett: *and turns while waiting, binmking at hte physis book, grins a bit, and looks more around idly*

Catie: *watches the man and woman with interest, with an occasional glance to the student. she really should study.......ugh. algebra....*

Darien Gallagher: Under her breath, she says a formula or two outloud, shaking her head a little with a "no that's not right," in a British accent of all things, despite how Irish looking she might seem.

Arlett: *giggles, half opening her mouth, then thinking it better... hum.. and eyeing the girl with physics problems a while, then a slow look around.. well if she was... she would in deep shit already... so simply, idly says* change y for x ((erhgs.. randomle.. me guess*hides*, poins to the Arlett* Intel 4 Science 3... she kinds knows....????))

Francesco Giardini: "Pleasure's all mine, Brigid." He grins to her and gestures to his seat. "Would you like to join me? Hate eating alone..."

Catie: *dips a bit of bread into her soup, dark eyes quietly observant*

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Oi'd love tae. I dinnae eat alone all t'at often." She stands, smoothing her hands over her coat before going to join him at his table.

Darien Gallagher: She shakes her head looking up at the person who offered the change in formula. "Nah, close, but not quite. But thank you." Then a look as she flips the page again. "Helps if you write it down right," laughing at her mistake.

Arlett: *snickers a bit, shrugs* well happens.... then agian sometimes is a differense of inverting them.... *nods*

Darien Gallagher: "Taking two similiar classes at once gets me confused sometimes. I'll be glad for finals." The waitress brings the drink so she quickly scribbles the right formula out and pushes the papers and book out of the way.

Francesco Giardini: He smiles and sits back down, opposite her. "So, you likin' New York so far?" An assumption as to her amount of time she's been here, but a safe one, he's thinking.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Oh, aye..'tis a bit bigger t'an Oi'm used te, boot m'likin' it jus' foine." She gives him a wide grin, happy to finally meet a really friendly New Yorker.

Arlett: oh? when are you finals, what classes? *curious*

Darien Gallagher: "In a couple days." Then names off the physics type classes (because player is like really dumb in science but character isn't *grin*) as well as a couple elective type classes.

Catie: *finishes the soup and settles back to listen and watch, nibbling her bread*

Arlett: ((don't worry, I am ... something in the same situation))uh.... College?*tiltig her head*

Darien Gallagher: "NYU. Astrophysics program."

Francesco Giardini: He returns the grin after a brief nod to the waitress who brings his coffee. "Yeah, bigger then I'm used to, too...though not that much bigger, I suppose. From Washington D.C....came up here not too long ago myself. What brought you over?"

Arlett: ohhh.....*blinking* and they are -just- teaching ya that? * mean after all... Arlett looks no older then sixteen.... *

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Oi had kin 'round 'ere an' t'ought t'at me an' me lads needed a fresh start. Wha' brought ye here?" She orders tea from the waitress as she lingers there.

Darien Gallagher: "I'm going for my masters right now. Just teaching me that?" seeming a bit puzzled by the question.

Arlett: huhmm... yea.. mean like.... *blinks* eh.... foret it *smiles, yea, she was right.. school musta be boring*

Catie: *blinks, startled, as her toite begins to play a bit of "Dracula: the Musical". extracts the device, glad it's not set at high volume* hello?

Catie: ((*G* and fyi--there IS such a thing as a musical of Dracula. there's also a ballet........))

Arlett: ((eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewww))

Catie: *giggles softly* Lucas, how've you been? *dark eyes bright. speaking quietly to not disturb her fellow patrons*

Darien Gallagher: "Alright..." still a little puzzled. She doesn't look at the girl as if she's crazy or anything for looking so young and being that smart. She'd run across a few prodigy types before at school who could run circles around her smarts wise. "I'm going to eventually get a PhD. Will just take a bit."

Catie: ((*L* it's actually not so bad. kind of funny, i thought.))

Arlett: *nods, reaching idly for a chocolately chip when her order is fianly brought* humm...PhD... *Smiles* good luck on that

Arlett: ((ew! ew! *giggles*))

Darien Gallagher: "Thank you," she nods smiling, drinking from her cocoa, mostly licking at the upper part of the whipped cream on it.

Francesco Giardini: "Work." He sips at his coffee. "Doin' some business for my family...tryin' to fix up some kinks in a few of the things they've got runnin' up here." The odd ring tone gets a glance from Frankie in Catie's direction, and he chuckles a bit before looking back to Brigid. "Anyway, hopin' I can find a niche to carve out of my own, y'know?"

Arlett: *grins* no prob....*hms a bit* what ya need to present those? *well she has -never- gotten onto finding out*

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Wha' kinda work d'ye dae? If'n ye dinnae mind me askin'." She seems pleasant and personable.

Catie: *dark eyes twinkle* oh, it's all right. *voice bubbling with amusement* i mean, i am quite small. i'm easy to overlook sometimes.

Darien Gallagher: Darien tells her all the different things that goes into the process. (again since player is totally clueless *laugh*)

Arlett: ((jeje I haven't got a clue either ;) ))*she nods, blinking, biting her lips hmmmmm* oh

Darien Gallagher: She nods a few times. "Complicated, huh?"

Arlett: *blinks* eh... nhe.... sounds boring

Darien Gallagher: "I guess for some. It's a long ways off for me still."

Francesco Giardini: "Well, the family does a lot of stuff...mostly importing of good from other areas. Shipping business is always pretty lucrative. That's what I'm tryin' to work with right of our importing companies up here."

Arlett: humm.... I just.... uhm *bites her lips* well.. just.. good luck.. again

Catie: *blushes, giggling as she speaks into the phone* things are going well. my Bana has progressed enough to glare at Bliss from my bedroom door. the others still won't. mmm, i'm not too sure he's even actually seen Xan yet. and i've almost done my Christmas shopping.

Darien Gallagher: "Thanks," she laughs.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Oh, aye, sounds grand. M'still tryin' t'figure out wha' tae dae. Cannae keep livin' offa me savin's an' t'e koindness o'family."

Arlett: no prob... again *grins, and muchies another chip covered in syriup*

Darien Gallagher: A few more long sips and her drink is gone and she glances around again to see who else is around, before her attention goes back to the book and her notes.

Catie: what about you? *toys absently with a curl*

Arlett: *and she again starts looking around, munching*

Francesco Giardini: He looks at Brigid for a moment, then nods. "Yeah, I can get that. Well, what're you good at?"

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Em.." She ponders this for a moment as her cheeks begin to color. "Nae too much, m'afraid. Been spendin' t'e last few years bein' a mot'er. M'real good at t'at." She did just say years and, in truth, she doesn't really look much older than twenty-four..which is how old she is.

Francesco Giardini: He chuckles. "Hey, bein' a mom's a full-time job, and requires a lot o' skills. Don't sell yourself short."

Catie: *blushes deeply* oh, you didn't have to get me anything, Lucas. *chuckles softly* i got you a little something, though. mmm, and Bliss doesn't mind the cats wandering around, although i do hope they stay out of his room.i think they do, pretty much--at least i haven't caught them going around in there.

Arlett: *and hmm.... finally just settling to eat, taking out the game boy advance she is always carrying... clinkcing the on on the 'game' and no other aditaments and starts... playing tetris while eating*

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Oh, aye..t'ank ye. See, I cin dae t'at, boot m'a bit rusty as far workin' skills gae, ye know?"

Joshua Coil: *The door is shouldered open with the cheerful sound of sleighbells.* Bah, humbug, *he mutters under his breath. All work and no coffee make Josh a horrid person.*

Joshua Coil: d10: per+alert: 3,3,5,4,5,

Arlett: *and a glance at the tinkle bells tinkling.. blinking* Joshua! *well she hasn't seen him in AGES*

Catie: *blinks up at the jingling bells. and waves to Josh as she chats on the phone* Mr. Coil just came in here. *a soft chuckle into the phone*

Darien Gallagher (pb 1): Darien looks up at the door before going back to her physics book and notes scattered around the booth table she is at.

Joshua Coil: *And his focus, right on the counter. He makes his way to an empty table. No waiting, he asks for a gingerbread latte, skin milk, and rapidly.*

Joshua Coil: *Someone's saying his name? He looks up quickly, with a frown.*

Arlett: *she beams taking her chocolate chips and going oveR* hi! ... havne't see you... things ok?

Catie: *glances to the familiar-not familiar girl. she knows Josh, too? *and gives him another wave, cheerfully*

Francesco Giardini: He grins and nods. "Well...let's try and narrow down what skills you use as a mother. They've got work skill use, y'know?"

Joshua Coil: Oh! sorry, didn't see you. No coffee today, *he explains.* Things have been well. You? Haven't seen you in a while, yeah.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Hmm.." She smoothes her hair away from her face and ponders this. "Lessee..oi cin cook.."

Arlett: *nods, biting her lips softly.... he really doens't see happy to see her* hum... well I do have been keeping low... and why no coffee?

Joshua Coil: No time, *he says with a nod.* Went straight from work to work. Going to work after this. *He reaches for the cup as soon as he sees it.* It's good to see you.

Joshua Coil: *He doesn't seem to notice Catie's wave, his focus being on the soothing coffee.*

Catie: *shyly* that's very kind of you. *chuckles* what do you mean by essentials? bruise balm in case that mean-tempered punching bag bites me again? *cheerful about that little incident*

Arlett: *tilts her head, smiles a bit* it's good to seeya too... missed finding you across *then seems to shrug, and shake her head* why so much work?

Catie: if you must...i'm sure you're busy. *faintly wistful*

Darien Gallagher (pb 1): Hearing the mention of work, she sighs glancing at the pages again, before looking at her watch. Gathering up her things, she gets them pretty quickly into her backpack, getting some money out of a side pocket to pay for her drink. Then bundling up again, she gets ready to leave.

Francesco Giardini: "All right, there's one..." He nods. "What else?"

Joshua Coil: Lots of things to do. People screwing up things, employment changes. It's how it happens, unfortunately. With Karlos vanishing completely, the chain of command shifted. And I'm doing a bit of a favour for a friend. And there's that ... model killer out there I'm still worried about. Gotta stay awake.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Em..I cin manage doin' a number o't'ings at once. Oi've got t'ree boys, y'see. Gotta bae on yer toes.."

Arlett: *blinks, and blinks again, tilting her head* oh! the news *with a frown, her face shifting faintly, like if for a second she was fidhgint an emotion off, before more then nothing blankly saying* Karlos left?

Catie: *giggles* i learned sneaky from my cats. i'm not really doing anything. i was out and about, and got cold. so i found a nice little restaurant to warm up in. they have good bean soup. and i think the bread's homemade.

Joshua Coil: He always left before, but this time he took Mr. deWitt with him. I'm assuming they've left the City. *He shakes his head.* I don't know why. But I've been working as much as I can. Living in this city isn't cheap. When someone drinks as much coffee as I do.

Darien Gallagher (pb 1): And out she goes.

Arlett: ah....*softly, nearly ... emotionless* ya *nods, then shrugs* fine.... so hum.... you should work less

Francesco Giardini: Another chuckle. "Yeah, that'll get you a multi-taskin' award."

Joshua Coil: Can't. While my ... roommates might be willing to pay for all of it, I'm not willing to be supported. Stubborn as hell. *He smirks faintly.* It's okay. I just need to sleep less. *He pauses thoughtfully.* Micah died. Jeremy is planning the funeral.

Arlett: *blinks, staring at him a loong moment, before she looks off, with several blinks, and a frown* wh... when?

Catie: *chuckles softly* but it's a skill i'd hate to see fall entirely by the wayside. homemade bread's so much better than Merita. and cats are fun. not to mention, they purr, which is quite soothing.

Joshua Coil: A couple months back, *he mutters, with a slight shrug.* The papers called it a hate crime. I don't know who did it.

Brigid O'Sullivan: She laughs softly. "Oi s'pose sae. Oi knew t'ere were a word fer it.."

Arlett: *nods, slowly.... numbly, not saying anything esle right now... keeps looking off for now*

Francesco Giardini: "Okay, so you can manage lotsa things at once and cook. What else?"

Joshua Coil: I'll make sure when I know when the funeral is, I'll let you know. It's been... a weird time. *He laughs oddly, a choked hissing noise.* What about you? Just been talking about myself. *He looks up, and around again, now caffeinated.*

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Oi cin tell stories. Oi know lotsa stories." She smiles with a bit of pride at that.

Arlett: *shrugs, shaking her head* no... not much.... *then blinks and leans on him to wihsper*

Catie: *laughs* not so far. so far, they each have one new toy. although i suspect that Fiero at least will find the wrapping paper more fun than the toy itself.

Francesco Giardini: "Gotcha. Good with kids, too, I'm considered workin' at a day care?"

Joshua Coil: *He cants his head slightly, and he nods, once.*

Arlett: *and moves back backwards, shruging* things are relatively normal...

Joshua Coil: d10: per+alert: 8,6,1,5,8,

Joshua Coil: *Oh... now he notices Catie. He raises a hand to her. And he looks back to Arlett.* I didn't interrupt, did I?

Arlett: *shakes her head, with a tiny smile* no... but I won't bother you more *smiles, looking to him for a little moment* I really liked seeing you again *said softly, again slightly dimly* be carefull ok? *standing... nop.. no hug*

Joshua Coil: *He blinks.* You weren't bothering me. It was good to see you again. I... *He pauses, and wrinkles his nose.*

Brigid O'Sullivan: d10: per+alert: 2,5,10,8,8,

Brigid O'Sullivan: She spots Joshua during her discussion and gives him a wave before refocusing on her companion at hand.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She wandered inside, speaking quietly on a cell phone, seeming slightly annoyed about something, standing just inside the doorway, but out of the way of any customers coming in and going out. The young looking women is dressed semi-casually in black leather pants (that fit her a bit tightly) with criss-crossed cuts all the way down the outside, a black leather vest with very nice silver buttons going down the front, and a rather nice expensive looking black leather jacket, riding on the hips, and zipped half-way down and black leather boots. She has a scarf wrapped around her neck loosely and is wearing black leather gloves. Her waist length dark auburn hair is parted to the side. There is a demure look to her grey-blue eyes, yet at upon closer observation, it is pretty obvious of her fine breeding. (pb4/feral appearance) ((

Arlett: *Stops, peering to him, tilting her head just a bit* you?

Joshua Coil: *He clears his throat.* Too few friends... to just see these days. Without the complexities. You know.

Francesco Giardini: He glances up to see who Brigid's waving at, his eyes noting Joshua...and Sabra's entrance, too. Hard not to notice her, after all...he looks to Brigid. "Friend of yours?"

Arlett: *blinks, nods a tiny bit* Life is never easy *tiny smile, shrugs* and friends alwasy leave... so.... doesn't matter

Catie: * a soft chuckle* i don't know, really. i suppose, if Bliss holds it and isn't planning on doing something, i'll spend it at home. nobody needs to be alone on Christmas, after all, and he's a wonderful person.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Oi've spoken t'him a few times. Haven't really made friends or suchlike yet.." She shrugs and notices the girl as well, feeling nearly like an old maid for a second there.

Joshua Coil: Not always, *he says gruffly.* Sometimes they just get busy.

Arlett: or just stop caring...

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She finishes the phone call, slipping the cell back into her jacket pocket and looks around for a place to sit.

Joshua Coil: No, *he mutters.* You just think they do.

Francesco Giardini: "Gotcha." He nods, sipping his coffee. "So anyway, back to the day care thing?"

Arlett: *frowns a bit, sighs* if they care they woulnd't just leave

Joshua Coil: *He notes the woman entering. And he nods once, almost respectfully, head remaining lowered until she's past. Don't look up.*

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Em? Oh, care..Oi t'ought o't'at, boot s'hard t'get a job in t'at sphere 'round here. T'ey want a lotta paperwork t'at Oi dinnae have.."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): d10: : 5,5,3,4,1,

Arlett: *blinking at that, looking from him to the lady*

Catie: *giggles softly* well, unless Bliss has objections, i was planning on trying to cook. although, i also plan to have a list of restaurants that'll be open, just in case i mess dinner up too badly.

Joshua Coil: Sometimes they can't help it, *he mutters.* Why blame a friend who died for leaving? Why blame a friend who had to leave because they were going to hurt you for leaving? Makes no sense. They couldn't help it, they didn't mean to hurt you. Intent is what is important, no matter where you're coming from. You can deal with the consequences later. Deal with the intent first.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She doesn't seem to notice the one person in here she would know, and heads to a table, passing by Catie on her way.

Arlett: *blinking then, looking back to him, huffing* yea... like you even know what they intended...*frowning*

Francesco Giardini: "What kinda paperwork?" He tilts his head a little bit.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "T'ey'd wanna do a background check an' all on me, an' me bein' an immigrant an' all. M'still workin' on tryin' t'get t'e roight cards t'work.."

Joshua Coil: Then ask them. *He shrugs, looking up. Woman's passed by, after all.* Get pissed with the right things. You keep saying, "They don't care." You're already judging their intent. Benefit of the doubt.

Arlett: how can I ask them if they are GONE!

Catie: *chuckles, again rueful* i know my cooking. i've got slightly better than even odds of needing that as a back up. but someday, i won't!

Joshua Coil: *He arches an eyebrow.* I came back, didn't I? *He shrugs.* Don't assume the worst automatically, Arlett. You're too young to be bitter.

Francesco Giardini: "Ahh. Yeah, that'd be a problem with any line o' work, 'till you get legal." He considers. "You got organizational skills, right? Figure a mom's gotta be good at that..."

Arlett: *blinks, frowning* I'm not bitter... and you didn't came by.. you bumped onto me...

Joshua Coil: I've been out. I didn't know where you were. You don't come by the Concerto any more. *He pauses.* Maybe you abandoned them.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Oh, aye, Oi've got loads o'organisational skills.."

Francesco Giardini: "You know anything about typing and answerin' phones?"

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She orders a tuna salad sandwich, some potato salad and water when the waitress comes back.

Catie: hnph! *laughs softly into the phone* oh, very funny, Lucas. see if i bake you some nice hockey pucks this year!

Joshua Coil: The cell number's changed, *he says with a calm expression.* You don't come through Battery any more. I'm not... trying to be mean here, Arlett. It IS good to see you. But I haven't vanished. I never did. You did.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Oi cin answer phones, boot Oi'll hafta work on t'e computer bit. Oi've no' had much experience wi' typin'."

Arlett: I did not! *turning to him again* I've alwasy phoned everyone when I have to change the cel... I KEEP going to Battery... and I was not meaning you to begin with!

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She looks around the place again.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): d10: : 9,4,8,2,5,

Francesco Giardini: He nods, thinking about it a little bit, before dipping into his pocket and pulling out a card, which he hands over. "Gimme a call. I got need for someone to work my front office. I can pay ya under the table, until you get all legalized."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): And as she does, she sees Catie this time, but she's busy on the phone and just waves casually to her.

Joshua Coil: I have to assume you had a reason for it, *he continues.* For things changing, for hiding, however you do. I assumed it had to do with the kidnap. I'm not saying you're doing the wrong thing by hiding; but maybe... see this point of view about the people you're complaining about abandoning you.

Brigid O'Sullivan: She takes the card from him and peers at it for a moment before giving him a wide smile. "T'ank ye. How many hours are ye gonna need me t'work a week?"

Joshua Coil: ((Ohh yesh. Rage 5, WP 4. People avoiding this table.))

Catie: *blinks at the wave and waves back, smiling softly* Lucas, your sister just walked in here. *a chuckle*

Arlett: *frowns more, llike she really, really, really would yell at him or want to, before she just says* I have not been avoiding -you- ^*a bit tense* and I -know- why they left.... and i know -how- they left

Arlett: ((jejejjeje.. I should REALLy remember not to make hin angry *swaps the Arlett*))

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Her food comes out shortly, and she digs in, obviously hungry.

Francesco Giardini: He shrugs. "I dunno...frankly, if you work twenty minutes a week, you'd be more productive then the moron I got workin' there now. But I could use you as much as you many you wanna work?"

Catie: *giggles softly* not mine, you don't. mine are extra special hard. each one unique in its inedibility.

Catie: *chuckels* yes, really. she seems to be rather hungry.

Joshua Coil: *He growls slightly.* Arlett. I didn't SAY you'd been avoiding me. I said I don't think you're giving these people the benefit of the doubt. You're being bitter. You're behaving twice your age, dumped four times, and waking up in a hospital with a fatal disease bitter. And I'm starting to see why people keep leaving.

Francesco Giardini: "Wouldn't be a problem." He shrugs. "Family always comes first."

Brigid O'Sullivan: "T'ank ye." She gives him a warm smile. "Me ot'er boys are five an' a half an' t'ree." Just to let him know.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): The sandwich is eaten in record time, and she doesn't do bad on the potato salad next. When the waitress comes by, she orders a fruit salad for desert.

Joshua Coil: *His fingertips curl on the table, and he shoves himself up.* I'm sorry. I have to leave now.

Arlett: *blinks, her eyes going slightly wide at that, staring a second, as if fighting just crying right there at those words* FINE! *turning to head out*

Francesco Giardini: "Ooh, rough ages." He grins, a touch more casualness making its way into his voice. "Hope they ain't as unruly as I was at that age."

Arlett: ((eh...*S*))

Joshua Coil: I'M not the one making you leave! *he snaps.*

Brigid O'Sullivan: "How were ye at t'at age?" She tilts her head to the side in question.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Sabra watches the little commotion now, but stays entirely out of it.

Catie: *notes Joshua and winces slightly* oh dear...Lucas, Mr. Coil is here, too. he....doesn't look very happy.....*sighs* mm, new year's? i've not thought about it. in the past, i've tended to just stay up late, watching old movies until it's time to see the ball drop. i don't know if i'll try and make it to the square in person or not.

Joshua Coil: *His fingers are white-knuckled on the table. He snorts, eyes narrowing in silently restrained fury. No breaking the table. BAD breaking the table. He walks out after Arlett has cleared the door.*

Arlett: *Really, really, she just keeps hurrying out, shaking her head a tiny bit to him, but not turning*

Joshua Coil: I'm going to work out, *he tells Catie before leaving, at the very least. He lets the door slam behind him, the cheery bells ringing behind him.*

Francesco Giardini: "I believe my Ma's term was 'Holy Terror.'" He chuckles and leans back, sipping at his coffee. "She still likes to tell me how I made 'er go grey early."

Jez: ((I can't figure out who the heck to play with this mix *LOL* so I'll go with this.))

Jez: He walks into the cafe. Saunters in is more like it. ((DD available if needed.)) He is wearing a blood-red silk sportcoat and trousers, excellent weave. An ivory silk shirt beneath, and a black leather trench tossed over due to the cold.

Jez: ((PB 2 for those sort...)) He glances around at the late-night crowd, a light nod of his head to Francesco if the man looks his way. He saunters to the counter.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Aye, on some people, boot can ye see me goin' gray?"

Jez: He orders a ginger tea, an unbuttered croissant, and an open face beef sandwich.

Brigid O'Sullivan: [*changes color*]

Jez: ((changes))

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She leaves the few pieces of cantaloupe and melon to the side and gets up, heading to the bathroom.

Jez: ((*LMAO* It was yours first. *G*)) He glances around briefly. A smile and nod to Catie.

Brigid O'Sullivan: [Woot!*reclaims it*Oh! And DD upon request]

Francesco Giardini: "Naah, probably not." He grins a little. "S'okay...I'm sure you'll be fine."

Francesco Giardini: A glance goes to the door, brow raising as he notices Jez, and a slight frown, before he looks back.

Catie: *giggles into the phone, waving to Jez with a shy smile* you have good ideas. and i've areutrn inviation--would you like to see Narnia this weekend? if you're free, i mean. i think Mr. Coil will be all right. he has a temper, but he also has enough self-control to manage it msot of the time. *approving of the man warmly*

Brigid O'Sullivan: She laughs and shakes her head. "T'ank ye. Oi'd bae glad t'not gae gray afore me toime."

Jez: He seems amused, if anything, at Francesco's frown. He pays and takes his dinner back to an available table.

Brigid O'Sullivan: She peeks over her shoulder at the guy entering before looking at Francesco. "D'ye know him?"

Phone: "Of course I'd love to go to a movie with you this weekend." he says happily. "And I know how that temper can be."

Francesco Giardini: "Kind of." He shrugs. "Bad encounter. Don't really know him...kinda a long story."

Catie: ((*sweeps up PM with a giggle*)) wonderful! *chuckles* if i could, i'd ask you now what time you'd like me to pick you up. but, sicne i can't drive.....would you like us to cab it, or shall i meet you at your place?

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Ah, well, if ye e'er wanna trade tales, lemme know.."

Phone: (damnit, good thing he didn't reveal the secret plan to take over the entire city with chia pets!)

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Sabra walks back out from the bathroom, returning to her table. She asks the waitress for some strawberry ice cream with whipped cream on top.

Jez: He bites into the sandwich with a hearty appetite

Francesco Giardini: ((*Hands over the PM* Here you go. *S*))

Jez: d10: general notice: 2,9,6,7,7,4,10,

Jez: As he eats with enthusiasm, his honey brown eyes sweep over the place, never staring for long.

Francesco Giardini: ((Damn chia pets!)) He nods a little. "Will do. He's probably a good guy, to be honest. Just..." He shrugs. "Unfortunate misunderstanding with a...friend of his."

Brigid O'Sullivan: "I' happens." She nods and tucks her hair behind her ears again, taking a sip of her tea.

Catie: ((not...the chia pets! *gasp! swoon!*)) mmm, picking me up would probably be simpler. but, i'm paying for the movie thsi time. *chuckles* i extended the invitation, so i pay for it.

Jez: He eats rapidly, though not ravenously, eating the croissant in about three bites before returning to the sandwich.

Catie: *happily* fair deal. they've got showings at *lists them off* when would you like to go? there is one earlier one, but i have singing then, and if i'm going to make a career of it, i'd better not skip practice.

Francesco Giardini: "Yeah, it does." He nods. "So, ya got any plans for Christmas?"

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She doesn't eat as fast as she had been, but when the ice cream arrives she does enjoy it, even if it is cold out, taking her time some to savor it.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "No' as yet. 'Twill bae me first Christmas outside o'Kilarny." She shrugs. "Me an' t'e lads're gonna bae gettin' a Christmas tree soon. Oi only wish Oi could dae more fer 'em.."

Catie: *chuckles* that sounds wonderful. *sighs sadly* i suppose i'd better go now, though. i have to catch Xan to brush her before i can go to bed. she's getting a nasty pre-matt and she'll look silly if i have to clip it off.

Jez: He finishes off the sandwich and the tea in record time. A quick check of his watch. A smile touches his lips. He stands up, a quick brush of crumbs from his lap.

Francesco Giardini: He nods some, smiling a bit. "Well, we'll see what we can do about that."

Brigid O'Sullivan: "'Twill also bae our first Christmas wit'out t'eir da." She smiles gently and shrugs. "Wha' are yer plans fer Christmas?"

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She wipes her lips after finishing the ice cream and stands up, ready to leave. Digging some money out of her jacket pocket, she tosses about 75 dollars on the table, then waves to Catie as she heads out.

Catie: you too, Lucas. *shy warmth* take care of yourself, all right? i'll see you soon...*and, reluctantly, hangs up. sighs and blinks for a few moments before getting her coat and such on, headign for the door. humming happily under her breath*

Jez: He looks to the woman waving to Catie as he, too prepares to head out, nodding to Catie of course.

Catie: *smiles happily to Sabra and Jez both, dark eyes very bright. although she huddles into her coat as soon as that door opens, and hits speed dial. her favorite cabbie to the rescue!*

Jez: He opens the door for Catie and Sabra, IF he gets to it in time, otherwise just heading out after them. Catie: "Do you need a ride? My car is down the street."

Francesco Giardini: "Probably work." He grins. "I dunno yet. I'm not sure if I'm gonna have plans. Ain't many of the family up here...everyone I know's gonna be with other people, more then likely."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Sabra was pretty quick out the door ahead of everyone and already out of sight.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Ye're more'n welcome t'join us fer Christmas, me an' t'e lads. T'e more, t'e merrier, aye? 'Twould bae better'n havin' ye all by yerself."

Catie: thank you. *smiles to Jez, then tilts her head* if you're headed that way, sir, i certainly wouldn't mind. it's a bit chilly out here. *a soft smile* i live with BLiss, do you know him?

Jez: "I know *of* him." He smiles. "Distant relative. You're Miss Catie, aren't you?" He walks with her and sure enough, he's not far away. At this hour, found a prime parking place. It's a silver Maserati Spyder Cambiocorsa, though the convertible top is presently on due to the cold. He opens the passenger door for her.

Francesco Giardini: He smiles to that. "Thanks, Brigid. Maybe I will."

Catie: *slips in* you have a very similiar look. *chuckles softly* and yes, i am. you should meet Mr. Bliss. he's wonderful. he even doesn't mind my cats. *once he's inside and the buckling up has taken place,s he quietly gives out her address*

Jez: "I would be honored to meet him someday." And he drives off to take her home. ((*snugs* thanks for the short scene, I'm off *S*))

Brigid O'Sullivan: "If Oi find out t'at ye're workin', m'gonna coome out an' make sure ye join us an' enjoy yerself." Yes, she's giving him the essential mother look.

Francesco Giardini: He grins a little, the irony of a woman younger then him giving him the mother look not lost on the Italian. "Point made."

Catie: i'll introduce you sometime. *and once home, thanks him softly and hies up to attempt to brush out a skittish cat....*

Brigid O'Sullivan: It's what she does best, after all. The look fades into a brilliant smile. "Good. Yer Ma trained ye well." She nods sagely.

Francesco Giardini: "That she did," he says with a laugh. "Strong woman. Kinda hard not to end up well-trained."

Brigid O'Sullivan: She chuckles and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears. "Well, m'glad yer well-trained. I' leave me wi'less work t'dae."

Francesco Giardini: He raises an eyebrow, grinning at her comment.

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Wha'?" Both eyebrows raise as she holds back laughter, a hand reaching for her tea again.

Francesco Giardini: "I'm too old for the advanced trainin', I think." He chuckles. "Can't teach an old dog new tricks, right?"

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Nah, yer nae too old fer t'at." She laughs. "Trust me, if I t'ink ye need trainin', ye'll be trained. 'Sides, ye dinnae look too old, how old are ye?"

Francesco Giardini: He finishes up his coffee and leans back in the booth. "Thirty-three."

Brigid O'Sullivan: "Yer nae t'at old." She nods sagely and gives him a wide grin. "Yer jus' in yer prime."

Francesco Giardini: "Yeah, that's what they say." He grins and shrugs. "Well, some of 'em, anyway. Others say 'one foot in the grave, and they're looking to give me a shove in that direction."

Brigid O'Sullivan: She rolls her eyes and chuckles a little. "Well, m't'inkin' t'at shovin' ye willnae work a'tall."

Francesco Giardini: "Naah. I shove back pretty hard."

Brigid O'Sullivan: With a nod, she finishes off her tea. "Ye look t'e sort who'd dae t'at."

Francesco Giardini: "I try." He grins, before a momentary check of his watch, and a wince and sigh. "Shit. I gotta a meetin' to go to." Yes, a meeting approaching midnight. An importer's work was never done. "I hate to cut this short, but..."

Brigid O'Sullivan: She nods. "Oi need t'bae gettin' home too. Riordan'll bae wantin' t'bae fed." She rolls her eyes and laughs softly. A mother's work is never done.

Francesco Giardini: He nods a little and rises to his feet. "Well, drivin'? If not, I can give you a you bus fair and freezin' to death."

Francesco Giardini: And they head off, whether together or alone. ((~FTB~))