Dante Lacostos: He nods coldly to Damien and follows Jez, his steps purposeful.

Damien Thiereaoux: *when jez whispers what he does and looks like he does and walks out like he does dami does sit up...then stands up* ....the fuck....?!?!*brows furrowing*

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "Sure," she smiles, seeming happy to break her attention to something different. Sabra looks around, finding the back and carefully lifts it up over the table and hands it to Jocelyn.

Jez: He walks out the door to his fate.

Jez: ~not a word of explanation to Damien~

Wendy Berber: *see what happens when kin get uppity? she looks suddenly very..very uncomfortable.. more so than before .if possible*

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She hefts it up, glancing to the guys again, plopping the bag down beside her and digging around with her free hand. Pulling out a stick of gum, she hands it to Wendy* Chew this.

Dante Lacostos: Dante's fingers curl around the back of Jez's neck and he stears him towards the alley where he most likely screwed Damien's brains out. The frown grows.

Wendy Berber: oh.. um.. I.. don't really.. ok..*like gum or not.. she puts the stick in her mouth and chews obediantly*

Jez: He walks like a condemned man, not a word of protest or a single flinch.

Damien Thiereaoux: *lips screwing up as his jaw tenses, he shakes his head and mutters in something like french under his breath as he sits back down, half kicking the chair where jez was sitting before settling his feet back onto the one hed had them resting on before, begrudgingly chewing on a fry again*

Dante Lacostos: He shifts his grip to Jez's shoulder and presses him into the wall, moving in front of him. "What is your name?"

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Sabra perks a little hearing what might be some French, but is too far away to really understand it. Gray eyes flicker toward the door where the other two left.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Ohgod and he speaks french. She glances over again, waiting for the gum* Not too much or it won't work.

Wendy Berber: *she stops chewing. what? she blinks blidly at Jocelyn.. then it occurs to her and she blushes, spitting the gum out into her hand and rolling it into a little ball* oh.. um.. sorry.

Jez: He is as white as milk, not meeting Dante's eyes, though he attempts to draw himself up with whatever shreds of dignity may remain, tattered as it is. "Jezebel, sir. Johnny Talino."

Dante Lacostos: "Is there a reason, Johnny, that you were acting like a whore in public?"

Jocelyn Pasqual: No biggie. *Taking the gum, setting the glasses down carefully, and going about puttying the lens in place*

Jez: Deep breath. "Because I was thinking with the wrong head, sir," he answers, blatantly honest.

Wendy Berber: *she fiddles with her sweater, but seems a liiiittle more relaxed now that she doesn't hear snarling or tearing..and its just the girls*

Dante Lacostos: "No shit, dilo," he murmurs, sighing, staring at Jez quietly, almost longingly. "My name's Dante Wakes-the-Land Lacostos," he murmurs softly.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She smiles watching the ingenuity of Jocelyn, trying to repair Wendy's glasses.

Damien Thiereaoux: *snorting softly, tossing the fry down and taking a gulp of coffee...he looks to the door, then looks over to the table of girls.....eyeing all three before he finally settles on sabra and slowly stands, that swagger to his walk naturally there as he walks over to the table, lowering himself to crouch near sabra and speak quietly with that purr of a southern n'orleans accent* ladies...*nodding to each in turn, then to sabra* kin I ask y'all a question belle dame?

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She cleans the lenses carefully, then hands them back* Not great, but they'll get you through till you can get new ones.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Sabra looks up at him, sitting up much straighter when he appears to be addressing her. "Certain," said very calmly and politely.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Her heart stops for a second when Damien saunters over, sinking when he focuses on Sabra. Not that she's in the least bit suprised. She slinks down again, poking at the remains of Dante's pie with a fork, stabbing into it*

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): (("Certainly."))

Wendy Berber: . thank you.. ..very much. *she nods, giving Jocelyn the first smile she's ventured tonight, a small quick thing before Damein comes over and she hollows her shoulders, trying to become invisible. she knew he was here to talk to one of the pretty women.. not the nerd, so she tries to stay out of the way*

Jez: He lifts his eyes, no challenge whatsoever in them. "It is an honor, Mr. Lacostos. I apologize deeply for my transgression. I have been far too long without my family's influence and it is showing." Beseeching him with his eyes to understand, all liquid honey brown and eager to prove himself worthy in the eyes of the Lords again.

Dante Lacostos: He sighs and scrubs at his right cheek, his left hand shifting from Jez's shoulder to his throat, grasping him lightly. "Consider yourself found and claimed."

Damien Thiereaoux: dere a re-son why y'male friend theyah took off with m'friend I jes ain' catchin? cuz I noticed y'talkin or somethin with him fore he came ovah an marched 'im off like gestapo or somethin....*he sounds genuinely curious, maybe even a touch of hurt COULD be heard if one listens carefully...he speaks to sabra, but looks to the o ther two as well incase they have anything to add*

Francesco Giardini: He pauses through the front door, giving a look around as he does so. SO not his style...but he's hungry. It'll do.

Lean and hungry. Poised and dangerous. That’s the words that come to mind when looking upon him. He cuts a striking figure, standing just under six feet and weighing around 160 to 170 pounds. He has a full face, just a hint of tan to otherwise fair skin, frame by shortly cropped, brown hair, a professional cut. Brown eyes carry a look of cocky intelligence to them…this isn’t some mook off the street, this man was born into greatness, and he knows it. He’s dressed in a Italian wool suit, charcoal grey, with vest and a silk tie. Black cap shoes complete the ensemble. He’s got an attitude to him…a look that’s not quite arrogance, not quite simple confidence, but somewhere in between. The world is his…it just needs to realize it.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She shakes her head to him, catching the tone. "It is a complicated matter. One which I am not even really certain of what happened," offering some empathy with him.

Jez: His eyes widen, his head tipping back in respectful submission. "Yes, sir," he breathes, a vibrant and admittedly fanatic light coming to his eyes. The Lords! Finally! Life just got a whole lot better and he looks upon Dante as if he were salvation itself.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Not listening to the gorgeous man with the amazing accent that makes her insides feel all squishy. Really she's not.*

Wendy Berber: *Wendy simplsy looks at her lap. after noticing a smudge on her glasses, she leans to joce and murmers*

Dante Lacostos: "And if I ever catch you acting like that in public again I will beat the ever loving shit out of you, am I understood," he asks, leaning very close to Jez's face, lips almost touching.

Francesco Giardini: ((Okay, who all's where? Dante & Jez in alley...everyone else?))

Jez: He swallows hard. "Your wish is my command," he whispers, and he's not joking around.

Wendy Berber: (damien standing at the table.. sabra on one side, joce and wendy on the other. wendy soon to be scrambling out of boot)

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Better body? More brains? To not be abandoned for the weekend? Her head shakes a little* Nuh uh. Thanks.

Dante Lacostos: "Then we should go inside and you should apologize to your lover about the fact that you won't be seeing him anymore." He sways slightly, lips touching Jez's briefly before he jerks back, stumbling.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Sabra is on one side of a booth with Jocelyn and Wendy, a gentlemen kneeled next to her speaking quietly, her attention is apparently focused on the man with the New Orleans/frenchish accent.

Francesco Giardini: He glances around the restaraunt, eyes falling on the group around the table. A raised eyebrow, and he shifts his shoulders, before moving to the counter. He looks up at the menu as he addresses the waitress. "Hey, how you doing? Let me get a...Philly Cheesesteak and a coffee."

Damien Thiereaoux: *sighing as he looks between the three, listening to sabra, he shakes his head and rises, speaking quietly* yeah...well....*giving another deep breath and sigh*....merci belle dame......thank you anyways , mam'selles...*looking to all three again with an odd for his behaviour earlier bow of his head(rather genteel looking almost), he turns to head back to his table*

Jez: "Won't..." He blinks, a stricken look coming to his face. He follows Dante, his heart sinking into his stomach.

Wendy Berber: *wensy.. rather than asking them to move..deliberates and then slides under the table, slipping and crawling and stumbling out into the main drag of the cafe, glasses still bend horribly and stuck togerth with gum and tape.. she almost hits the back of poor Francesco's legs, luckily she's light*

Dante Lacostos: "You're going to be to busy," he mutters, marching Jez ahead of him. "Especially if being with someone like that leads you to behave like a whore." A pause. "Also. Your clothing...Fix it."

Jez: "What if we're not in public?" he ventures quietly before they step inside.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "Vous êtes bienvenu," she answers, watching him return back to the table.

Jez: "But Ingvar didn't..." He shuts up, sighing.

Dante Lacostos: His hand tightens on the other's shoulder slowly. "We'll discuss that tomorrow."

Francesco Giardini: He blinks, looking behind him to Wendy as she almost collides with him. He reaches out to steady her. "Hey, hey...you allright?"

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Great. She even knows french*

Jez: He nods slowly, still stalling about going inside. "Maybe I shouldn't go talk to him now."

Dante Lacostos: He gives Jez a little push. "Get your, dilo gaje ass in there and do what you're told, Johnny."

Jez: Without another word of protest, he walks into the cafe, walking slowly to Damien's table.

Wendy Berber: *she gets Wide eyed, inda freezing as he touches her, mouth opening and closing a moment as her face gradually gets darker and darker red.. she cringses and looks to the ground*.. I'm.. I'm so ..so sorry sir.. I'm sorry..

Dante Lacostos: Dante follows, hands dropping to adjust the way his diklo lays against his slim waist as he moves back to Sabra and Jocelyn.

Damien Thiereaoux: *a glance to sabra at the french, a faint quiet smile and nod given, the same to jocelyn, the shades slid back over his eyes as he kinda unceremoniously flops into the seat...not as graceful at the moment*

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Her eyes move toward the door where she sees the man who got called about by Dante come back in, and only slightly turning her head, follows with her eyes back to the -Cajun's- table.

Francesco Giardini: "Hey, you're fine, alright?" Some gruff graciousness from the man. "Don't worry about it...no harm done." He's polite, as he smiles to Wendy.

Jez: Still rather unusally pale, even for him, he leans down to speak quietly to Damien, a hand over the back of his chair. "Damien?"

Damien Thiereaoux: *picking up a cheese fry and poking at the others with it, he doesnt even bother looking up*...mmmm?

Francesco Giardini: He looks up as the gypsy comes in behind the other man, eyes tracking them for a moment.

Dante Lacostos: "Sorry bout that," he murmurs, glancing from Sabra to Joce and back.

Wendy Berber: *she nods shyly to the gruff dangerous man, hands twisting in her sweater*..I'm ok.. um.. thanks sir.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Her attention goes back to Dante as he returns. "I hope you worked out things..." she says very quietly.

Jez: "I have to go for awhile," he says softly. "It's something to do with work, but it's confidential. I'll call you when it's over. If you want me to."

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Shrugging, still watching the table*

Dante Lacostos: "Its sorting itself out as we speak," he murmurs, touching Sabra's cheek lightly with the backs of his fingers.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She grabs her pack suddenly, slipping out of the booth* Thanks for the cheese fries. I gotta go.

Dante Lacostos: He frowns and reaches out to catch Jocelyn's arm. "You misread everything, Jocelyn..."

Francesco Giardini: His eyes flick back to Wendy, and he nods to her. "All right, then. Don't be so scaredy-cat, okay? You keep that up, you gonna attract people's attention toward ya, and they're gonna think they can fuck with you."

Jocelyn Pasqual: Didn't misread nothin'. I get it all just fine.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She smiles, looking a bit more relieved now. "Good."

Melinda Stowe: The door opens, being pushed open by the womans foot, as she makes her way in, not touching the door at all besides with her foot. Head bowed slightly looking out through her hair which has spilled forward to cover past of her face. Eyes going slightly wide, once she is inside. She makes her way to a booth. the way she walks, reminicant of someone who could be drunk.

There is something different about the girl. The pale creature would s tand of average height, if she where to stand upright that is, instead sh e tends to slouch giving her a bit of a hunched quality to her. She loo ks to be in her mid to late 20’s, a fairly plain looking girl, on e tha t doesn't stand out, easily overlooked as just another face in the c rowd. Shoulder length mousy brown hair that is flat and limp frames her distinctly triangular face, her hair is so lacking in style it appears sh e m ust take a pair of scissors to trim her own hair. Her eyes are a pale bro wn that on anyone might be considered quite beautiful if not for the b lue tinge to the whites of her eyes, giving her a slight surreal quality. Her b ody just as plan as her face, enough curves to show she is defi ni tely a girl but not enough to really attract attention either. Wearing a loo se pale beige overshirt with long sleeves, unbuttoned to expose the loo s e pale blue Tee-shirt underneath, relaxed fit blue jeans and black sn e akers finish her ensemble

Dante Lacostos: He rolls his eyes. "Do you know why I pay Sabra more attention then you? Because she does not beg and simper for it. Because she is a proper young woman...and because she knows and believes me when I say I'm gay."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She turns her attention back to Jocelyn now, watcihg things quietly. ((Sorry if I am kinda behind in posting. Chat is acting up on me badly.))

Damien Thiereaoux: *closing his eyes, his jaw works slightly and he nods slowly, the fry flicked back onto the plate as the plate gets moved away from him slowly* yeah...sure....whateveh y'need t'do Jez.....

Wendy Berber: um.. kay.. ..sorry sir. *she nods, head ducked low. yeah. the girl that practically radiates "PREY" is keeping that in mind.. bookish nerd backing away with a bit of a mis-step, before heading to the bathroom to try and bend her glasses into a shape recognizable as spectacles*

Francesco Giardini: The word 'gay' catches his attention, and he frowns back, over the gypsy's way with a look akin to stepping into a pile of dogshit while wearing $500 shoes.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *That was, without a doubt, the worst thing he could have said. She pulls her arm away, not saying anything back in favor of making it to the door before she cries*

Melinda Stowe: She looks on the verge of a panic attack before she makes her way to a booth and slides into it clutching at her laptop bag. Eyeing all of the people in the place. She looks to the putside, seeming to try and make up her mind on something.

Dante Lacostos: "Maybe now she will stop acting like a child," he mutters, pushing both hands through his hair with a groan.

Jez: "It *is* what I need to do, Damien," he says softly. "It's very important. I wouldn't just walk out of your life for anything less. I care very much for you, and I'm not going off with anyone else. It's business. I want to see you again, it just may not be for some time."

Francesco Giardini: Gay, grabbing women's arms, and making them go near tears. Dante's batting 1.000 to the Italian. He looks to Jocelyn, frowning in concern after a scowl goes the gypsy's way. "Hey...you all right?

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Sabra sighs as Jocelyn gets up like that. Definitely looking in conflict. "Jocelyn....please..." she tries, but figures it's useless.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She gives the new guy a stiff nod, jaw locked as she walks carefully to the door, chin up*

Dante Lacostos: "Go after her, Sabra, please," he murmurs, eyes pleading.

Francesco Giardini: "Hold up," he says to Jocelyn...a request. His eyes turn to Dante, and he calls out. "Hey, you!" No, that's not happiness to see him.

Jocelyn Pasqual: Please what? *Half looking over her shoulder* What do you care? You're perfect. You ain't the one he keeps callin' trash. *She fixes her gaze on Dante again, eyes narrowed* You were warned once. I know you got warned.

Dante Lacostos: He rolls his shoulders slowly, jaw tensing as he turns slowly towards Francesco.

Dante Lacostos: He narrows his eyes at Jocelyn. "I did not call you trash, Jocelyn, those are your own words, rikla."

Francesco Giardini: He looks to Jocelyn, a silent request for her not to leave yet, and then angry eyes turn to Dante. "Yeah, I'm talkin' to you. Apologize to the lady here."

Melinda Stowe: The deer caught in the headlights look soon leaves her face. She watches the goings on, from her spot, of the resteraunt. A purse of her lips at the fleeing girl. She pulls the laptopcase to the seat, opening it up with the gentelist of cares. With the water thatr is placed on the table she uses a napkin and proceeded to clean off the table, before setting the lap top upon it and opening it up.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She just ignores the -suit- for now. "I think there's a lot more to it than that. Besides, seems that guy over there," she gestures to the the man who went after Jocelyn "seems to like playing rescuerer," she speaks in hushed tones.

Jez: He looks over at the ruckus, eyes glinting as he slowly stands up, gaze riveted on Francesco.

Damien Thiereaoux: yeah well y'know the number..........*finally looking up towards jez with a blank look from behind the shades, my my he is behaving himself tonight, holding back and biting his tongue(spending a will for it)*

Melinda Stowe: d10: per+alert: 2,6,6,4,6,5,

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): ((Again sorry...dang chat. *tries cathinc up with convos*))"I have no idea what I ever did to you. I've been nothng but nice to you," still spoken quite politely and courteously.

Melinda Stowe: She glances up from the laptop, another purse of her lips. this wouldn't be good at all.

Jocelyn Pasqual: I wasn't ~beggin'~ for nothin'. *Blinking a couple times, eyes dropped again*

Damien Thiereaoux: *and when jez isnt even looking at him he snorts softly and moves to stand, shaking his head again and muttering in french as he tosses money down on the table before moving to leave*

Jez: Deep breath. "I know, Damien." Giving his shoulder a light squeeze. "Just give me some time. Please."

Dante Lacostos: "Not with words no. But your manner. You crave attention." He sighs and moves slowly towards Jocelyn, ignoring the Italian gaje for the moment. His fingers brush her cheek lightly.

Jez: He lets Damien play the role of the wounded, his gaze moving to the other Italian once again.

Wendy Berber: ((sorry.. was booted.. ((

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): For now, Sabra knows her place and stays at the table, watching and listening what she can managed to hear.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She doesn't quite wince, still looking at the ground* I gotta go.

Francesco Giardini: He steps in the way between Dante and Jocelyn. "Hey, I'm TALKIN' ta you, shit-for-brains." He glares at the man. "And when I talk, you damn well better listen. Apologize to here."

Jez: "Mr. Lacostos," he says quietly but urgently to Dante. "Perhaps we should take our business elsewhere, hm?"

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): ((wb))

Wendy Berber: *wendy steps back out of the bathroom, looking much the same as when she went in. apparently the glasses were unfixable, she peers at the scene.. ducks her head, and makes for Jocelyn..stopping a few feet away at the itailains outburst*

Francesco Giardini: ((*Hugs the Wendy*))

Jez: Too late. Long, slow exhale.

Melinda Stowe: She keeps an eye on the goings on, a fight in her presence, would definatly NOT make her day at all. She starts typing away on the computer.

Dante Lacostos: "Jocelyn." He sighs and strokes fingers through her hair. "I didn't mean to hurt you. But you need to stop being so overly sensitive. Go. Sleep."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Sabra's eyes go wide hearing the way the suit is talking to Dante. At this point she starts to pull out her cell phone, fingers hovering over 911

Damien Thiereaoux: *heading for the door, jacket slung over his shoulder, he glances to jocelyn before slipping out, moving to the black ninja motorcycle parked nearby, eyes to the door as he puts his gloves back on*

Wendy Berber: um.. *a few tenative steps towards jocelyn.. she was sad.. she moves to Joce's side*

Jocelyn Pasqual: Yeah. Okay. *Slinking away, glancing at the unknown guy before slipping out the door*

Dante Lacostos: ((Delete the part about Dante stroking Joce's hair!))

Wendy Berber: *a quick look to dante avoiding his eyes before she looks back to Jocelyn.. * um.. I'm going to ..go.. kay? *she asks quietly.. yes. its a request*

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She half waves at Wendy, though it could have easily been waving her off as waving goodbye. The door bell jingles merrily as she slips outside*

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Instead, she pressed 2 on the phone, letting it ring.

Dante Lacostos: He glances now, finally, to the angry Italian.

Francesco Giardini: That REALLY didn't count as an apology to him, and it's obvious. "Jocelyn, hold up. He still ain't apologized to you. And he owes you one."

Melinda Stowe: Another purse of her lips as she finally turns her attention back to the laptop. A waitress comes by eyeing the men doing a standoff in the place, asks her what she would like. She orders coffee black and hot. The waitress moves off.

Dante Lacostos: "Good night, Wendy." He smiles.

Dante Lacostos: He pinches the bridge of his nose, muttering softly under his breath in Romani.

Francesco Giardini: ((DLP)) That REALLY didn't count as an apology to him, and it's obvious. He glares down at the man, arms folded over his chest.

Damien Thiereaoux: *he looks to the door still when jocelyn comes outside, nodding to her, scooting forward on the bike, holding a helmet in his hands* ey....chere....want t'go for a ride ?

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She lets out the breath she was holding once outside, shoulders hunching as she slings her bag over her shoulder*

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Just about ready to hang up, she hears the voice on the other end. "You're there..." she breaths heavy into the phone.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She looks Damien over, then nods* Yeah. Sure. *Going over, reaching for the helmet*

Dante Lacostos: He rolls his shoulders and drops his hand, inhaling slowly. "I'll talk to Jocelyn tomorrow when we've both had time to cool down."

Jez: "Sir?" he inquires as he steps over to Francesco. "I know this was an unseemly display, especially in public. We ask your forgiveness for the lack of decorum, it was a complicated family matter. We should leave."

Wendy Berber: ok.. um.. goodnight.. *ok that was a dismissal. she takes out some money from her pocket and leaves it on the counter with a meek thank you to the surly waitress.. before making for the door to catch jocelyn. hopefully*

Melinda Stowe: "Hmmm." she says either more to hersel or the computer as she glares at it. Gaze flicking back to the men, before going back to her laptop. "Brutes."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "I just neede to hear your voice..." then murmurs even quieter into the phone.

Jez: The barest flicker of a glance to Dante at the mention of a 'public display'. Seems to Jez like he wasn't the only one to make a scene.

Damien Thiereaoux: *he hands her the helmet and turns forward until she slips onto the bike behind him* ...arms round belle...don' want t'be loosin y'all now....

Wendy Berber: *she has a bit of a difficult time getting her book sack unlatched from the door, struggling with it as another patron walks into the cafe and smushes her like she's not really there..*

Francesco Giardini: "You need to learn a lesson about respect, boy." He levels his gaze at Dante...it's obvious the term 'boy' had nothing to do with his age. "Don't let me catch you talkin' to a lady like that again...'specially since you apparently ain't got no use for 'em anyway." He turns away from Dante in a dismissive gesture...as if he's done with the gypsy. He moves back to get his food.

Dante Lacostos: He just suddenly looks tired, jaw pulsing, his eyes shadowing.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *No problem there. Her arms circle him, scooting in close*

Jez: He lifts his head a little higher, his gaze direct on Francesco. "Sir, your pardon. The lady is a distant cousin, a troubled youth whom Mr. Lacostos has kindly agreed to take in hand and teach correctness. She is having a difficult time adjusting, and we would *appreciate* no interference in a purely family matter. Thank you." He steps over to Dante. "We should leave, Mr. Lacostos."

Damien Thiereaoux: *she does that and he starts up the bike, revving the engine, leaning back to mutter something to jocelyn briefly*

Dante Lacostos: "We should." He nods. "Let me say goodnight to Sabra and get my coat."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Still on the phone, she starts walking to the door, once outside looks for some sort of address or landmark.

Jez: "Yes, sir," he says smartly to Dante, all but saluting.

Francesco Giardini: "You shut the fuck up, boy," he says to Jez. "Ain't no reason to talk to a woman like that. Where I come from, you show your family respect. Now back the fuck off, if you know what's good for ya."

Melinda Stowe: The waitress set's the coffee down spilling some over the rim of the cup, Melinda eyes the spill and goes for the napkins, nothing to possibly ruin her computer at all oh no. The waitress walks off. "Can no one do anything right?" a sigh. Another glance to the men, a look as if they might be the vielist things in the world comming to her eyes, but she turns her gaze to her ever mounting pile of napkins as she drops this on on top. Then goes back to working on her computer.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She stops right outside still talking quietly into the phone.

Dante Lacostos: Shaking his head he heads to the booth to grab his coat. "Johnny, would you please go outside and stay with Sabra please."

Jez: He flickers a dismissive look at Francesco and awaits further instruction from Dante.

Francesco Giardini: "And you don't know that it ain't a family matter for me, too, anyway."

Jez: He nods sharply and steps outside to stand beside Sabra.

Wendy Berber: *she manages to richochet herself off the door, getting her boney self untangled as she wrangles herself free and stumbles out the cafe.. finally, looking around for jocelyn*

Dante Lacostos: Shaking, he pulls the heavy leather bomber jacket on then pushes his hands through his hair again, scraping them away from his bitter face.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She clicks off the phone, looking up, seeing the man whom Dante had dealt with earlier. "Hi?" her voice raises slightly in surprise, not having seen him walk out and partially startling her.

Melinda Stowe: She glances to the ceiling, taking a look at what the celing is made of.

Wendy Berber: d10: per alert: 6,2,4,8,8,

Jez: He smiles warmly at Sabra. "Mr. Lacostos asked if I would stand with you until he steps out. "I'm his associate, Jez."

Damien Thiereaoux: *he nods to her(jocelyn) before revving the bike again a few times, looking about, and peeling out of there, skillful control of the machine*

Dante Lacostos: Snorting to himself he turns and heads outside, huddling into his coat.

Francesco Giardini: He grabs his food with a thanks to the waitress, and turns around, looking at Dante. "Hey, you. C'mere a sec." The anger seems to be gone, for the most part at least.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "Oh, hi...." relaxing again and smiling to him. "I really appreciate that. My brother is coming to pick me up, but I'm sure it'd put both our minds to rest knowing I'm being looked after in the mean time."

Dante Lacostos: Or not. He sighs and turns back to Francesco. "I need to go, I think."

Jez: Sabra: He dips his head to her. "It's my pleasure to stand guard with you. It is very late, after all, and there are some bad elements around."

Wendy Berber: *oh. there she is.. Wendy starts to amble that way, ..before the bike peels out and shes left standing in the side walk. a moments pause.. and then her head droops. oh. .. yeah. ok. .. i guess that makes, more sense.... *

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "Yes there are. Though I'm feeling safer out here at the moment." Seeing Wendy all alone, she calls out to her. "Wendy...do you have a way home?"

Melinda Stowe: Then back down to her laptop as people start to leave qui9ckly, at least the ruder of the onse, she glance to Dante and Frankie, a slight shake of her head.

Jez: He looks to see to whom Sabra is speaking.

Francesco Giardini: "Yeah, you do." He nods. "But before you do, lemme just tell you something, all right? I don't care who you are, and yeah, I'm guessin' you are someone. You watch who you talk to that way. I find you talkin' to a member of my family that way? I'll bust your faggot fuckin' skull open. It ain't nothin' personal, it's just the way it is. Capice?"

Wendy Berber: *she gives a silent nod , a hand wiping at her nose as she slouches. she speaks clearly*.. yes.. I.. thank you.. *she gets jostled by a passer by's elbow, nodding again to herself, she hugs her sweater round herself, ducks her head, and starts to move towards them, hair in her face, eyes on the cement*

Dante Lacostos: Something snaps in his brown eyes and he turns away sharply, fingers curling in the trailing ends of the diklo, jaw clenching as he moves quickly fro the door.

Jez: He steps to Wendy and gently places his hand palm up her elbow. "Allow me, Miss." Presenting a buffer around her so she isn't jostled.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "That's Wendy," she explains to Jez. "One of the ladies at our table earlier." Then to Wendy. "This is Jez, an associates of Dante's." Once Wendy gets closer, Sabra takes ove her jacket, pulling out the lip gloss and phone and pushing those into her back pants pocket. "Take this," and starts to wrap it around the girl's shoulder's.

Francesco Giardini: He watches Dante leave, nodding. His point's been made. He moves to take a seat at a table, and gets to eating.

Dante Lacostos: "Dilo fucking gaje," he snarls, attempting to slam the glass door behind him. It fails of course but he tried.

Jez: He smiles warmly to Wendy, and looks as if he is truly seeing her, not just glancing blankly at her. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Wendy."

Melinda Stowe: Ah relative peace as one of the men walk off, she concentrates on what she was going, not once in the time she is there drinking the coffee that is on her table.

Francesco Giardini: d10: Per+Alertness: 3,6,3,4,

Wendy Berber: its ok. *she whispers, but she lets him steer her where he wants... if only it were a woodchipper, a noise in her throat as Sabra puts a coat on her.. she looks like she'd happily dissappear into it, murmering* um.. hi..hello. nice to meet you.

Jez: He looks up and over to Dante. "Do you wish for me to hail you a taxi, Mr. Lacostos, or shall I call for a car?" He brings out his cell.

Melinda Stowe: ((DLP)) she looks back to her laptop seeing peace is in her future, and then glances back up a slightly confused look on her face at Sante as he leave. A shrug, not her concern.

Francesco Giardini: He doesn't hear what's said...but he heard the tone of insult. The food gets dumped in the garbage, untouched, and he swivels, heading straight for the door and shoving it open, a scowl on his face.

Wendy Berber: *she flinches as Dante slams..or attempts to slam.. the cafe door, shying away from him*

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Her head turns, hearing Dante coming out the door.

Dante Lacostos: "I need to walk, Johnny. Please see that Sabra gets home safely," he murmurs, jaw still jumping, the pain in his eyes immense.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): But when Wendy flinches, she moves between the girl and Dante, hoping that might help some of the uneasiness.

Jez: "As you wish...I'll stay until her brother arrives." Eyes going to the door. Uh-oh.

Melinda Stowe: d10: Per+Alert: 7,1,1,1,5,3,

Dante Lacostos: "It was truly an honor to meet you Sabra," he whispers, touching her cheek lightly with the back of his fingers, unaware of the walking tower of pain behind him.

Wendy Berber: * chopped liver wendy. she just wanted to go home now.. her stomach still grumbling majority of her food untouched on the table. she looks at her feet*

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "My brother's picking me up, Dante," recognizing the jaw jumping from earlier. Knowing better to interfer really and say much more to him.

Francesco Giardini: "Hey, gypsy! You wanna turn your ass around and say that to my fuckin' face, s'tead of like a god-damn pussy boy?"

Melinda Stowe: ((I do not think the dice like me *Pouts*))Nope she is so not paying much attention and even scowels as she looks back over her work and goes back to fixing something, attention on the laptop.

Dante Lacostos: He blinks and tears roll down his cheeks, body stiffening at Francesco's words. "Good night to you as well Wendy," he whispers.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She moves closer to Wendy, to try and help protect her or maybe just shield her some. Trying to not get in the middle of this...yet. But her patience was wearing quite thin now.

Wendy Berber: um.. goodnight Dante sir.. *she parrots back obediently, not lifting her eyes*

Francesco Giardini: He's stalking right behind Dante, coming right up behind him. "Now, this time, you apologize to ME. And I ain't gonna fuckin' skitter off like others."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "I'm sorry," she whispers to Wendy.

Lucas Kennsington [PB 4]: And about that time a porche comes rolling up to the side walk and the engine shuts off. The color is silver of course and the newest model. For the moment, the young man behind the wheel doesn't get out and just waits for someone.

Jez: "GodDAMNit," he mutters, glaring at Francesco. He flips open his cell, about ready to call the cops.

Dante Lacostos: He turns slowly, not even bothering to wipe his eyes. "My comment was not directed at you specifically."

Dante Lacostos: "Put your phone away, Johnny."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She waves for Lucas to come up there, giving him a look that he would know very well indeed.

Jez: He flips the phone closed and pockets it.

Francesco Giardini: "I got a funny feelin' it included me, though. When means you still insulted me. And that demands an apology. I was straight with you. I got a problem with you, I say it to your face. I don't mutter it on the way out."

Wendy Berber: its ok. *she doesn't understand what she's being apologized to for.. but she slouches a little more, before offering Sabra her coat back*

Dante Lacostos: "I'm sorry."

Lucas Kennsington [PB 4]: Lucas gets out of the car, dressed in just a plain pair of jeans, sandles, and a baggy white sweater he gives his sister a questioning look as he walks up. He's probably no more then eighteen but has a definate quality about that speaks of high breeding and strength. "Whats up sis?"

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "You can keep it, Wendy," gently putting it back over her shoulders.

Lucas Kennsington [PB 4]: They eyes of course are taking in the only hostile present. Francesco.

Jez: He looks to Lucas, then back to Dante.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "Seems mister loudmouth here doesn't know when to leave well enough alone and Dante here is Cobrin's brother. Maybe mr loudmouth needs a talking to."

Wendy Berber: ok.. um.. thank you. *she keeps the coat. cold or not, arms still curled round herself as she keeps watch on the ground .. shifting awkwardly.. she really did not want to be here..*

Francesco Giardini: He nods a little bit when Dante apologizes, anger fading away some. "All right. Now we're straight with each other, you get me? You know where I stand, and I know where you stand. From now on, we know the lines. Don't cross 'em."

Jez: He keeps his tongue still and silent.

Dante Lacostos: "Please do not ever call me a faggot, or a gypsy again," he murmurs, jaw tight, the pain in his eyes palpable.

Wendy Berber: *the bookworms stomach interrupts the proceedings with a grumble. she swallows and curls her arms round herself, looking through the window of the cafe at their table. her food.. *

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Sabra smiles, "You're welcome," and starts to lead her away toward Lucas' car, sensing how uneasy Wendy is; she knows how she feelsl and she sure doesn't like it. Gently she puts a hand on Wendy's shoulder, guiding her to the car.

Francesco Giardini: He nods. "You got it. You show me respect, I show you respect. That's the way it works."

Lucas Kennsington [PB 4]: Lucas snorts some as he starts to head towards Francesco. "Then that makes him a friend of mine." and he rolls his shoulders some, almost like he is eager for a fight. "You got a problem pal?" he says to the italian.

Wendy Berber: *and she's led away... think of how easy it would be to kidnap that teenager.. "GET IN THE CAR".."Ok..sorry". *

Dante Lacostos: Dante holds up one slim hand as Lucas puffs up, glancing at him. "Its okay. Please."

Francesco Giardini: He looks over at Lucas as he approaches, appraising him. "Ain't no problem now. Just settin' the boundaries. Don't worry yourself about it."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She just atands near the car with Wendy, trying to stay mostly out of earshot for now. "If you'd like, I'm going to call you a cab. There's plenty of money in the left pocket for fare and for some food. I think maybe to help get you another pair of glasses too."

Wendy Berber: its ok.. you don't have to.. um.. i have a job. ..i'm ok..

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "Well, use what you need tonight....you can give me the rest later...." she tries and compromise, but not at all forceful. Pulling the phone out of her back pocket, she calls up a cab company which is already programmed into her phone and gives them the address, leaning against the outside of the passenger side of the car.

Lucas Kennsington [PB 4]: Lucas looks over Fancesco again, eyes narrowing slightly before he looks over to Dante. "If you say so, but you let me know if this guy upset you. I'm not afraid to remind him the finer points of tolerance and civility." and he looks again to the man.

Dante Lacostos: The young Lordling wipes his eyes with the back of a shaking hand. "No. Its okay, honest, prala. Thank you."

Wendy Berber: um.. ok. thank you *she looks at the sidewalk, blushing, arms tucked close to her body. great wendy. why don't you be more lame so she takes you to a soup kitchen too. neroid. and you thought jocelyn wanted to be friends?!.. how deluded are you?*

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): Hanging up the phone, she pockets it once more. "I'm very sorry about tonight. And maybe another time we can actually talk under better circumstances. Cab should be here shortly for you. Take care of yourself, okay?"

Jez: He watches closely, listening intently but keeping his own counsel.

Wendy Berber: ok *she nods* Thank you.. I'm sorry.

Francesco Giardini: He looks at Lucas, eyebrow raising with a smirk. Yeah, he's amused by the pretty boy's threats. Highly.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She smiles warmly and guinely, "It's fine really."

Wendy Berber: *a nod. she steps away from Sabra so the pretty kin can get in the car*

Lucas Kennsington [PB 4]: With Dante's request for him to back down, he does and just turns his back to the other man and heads back towards his sister and Wendy, but he does look towards Dante to check on him.

Dante Lacostos: "Sabra," he murmurs, stepping away from the Italian stalion.

Jez: He waits patiently for Dante.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): "Good night Wendy," she smiles to her. Turning to Jez, she asks him, "Could you stay with her please until her cab shows up. If Dante doesn't mind?"

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She then walks over to Dante, "Yes?" she asks quietly.

Francesco Giardini: The situation done with, he turns, moving to cross the street, into Battery Park. He lights a cigarette on the way...he won this round. The point was made, and that's what matters.

Dante Lacostos: "I'm sorry," he whispers, glancing at her with a sigh.

Francesco Giardini: A nod and a smile does go to Wendy as he crosses the street. Maybe an apology for the scene in his eyes.

Jez: He nods to Sabra.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She reaches up and gently touches his face, cautiously a little, ready to pull away if he doesn't like it. "No, I'm sorry about that way that rude son of a bitch jumped into the middle of our business. You don't have a thing to apologize for," her words firm with him.

Lucas Kennsington [PB 4]: Lucas stands back some, still a little unsure exactly what the hell was going on but he was there to protect his sister. The eyes watch the man as he heads over into the park, but he for now just stands his ground.

Dante Lacostos: He smiles and cups her hand to his face, nuzzling his cheek into her palm before turning his head to press a kiss there.

Wendy Berber: um. goodnight. thank you. *she gives a quick apologetic look of her own. and a flashed smile. since he gave her one.. asn she's not sure who he is.. and he's scary*

Francesco Giardini: ((Makin' friends already, my Frankie is. *Grins and hugs all* Thanks for the scene!))

Jez: ((*L* Francesco is a sweetheart I'm sure. *G*))

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She presses her hand a little more against his face, gently. "Just get some rest now. Things will seem better in the morning."

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): ((It was fun :) ))

Dante Lacostos: "I'm going to go back to the hotel and make corbin order my hot cocoa and pay for it," he murmurs, giving her fingers a squeeze. His eyes flick to Lucus and then back to Sabra. "He is very cute."

Lucas Kennsington [PB 4]: Lucas finally goes around to slip and goes to the drivers side and opens the door, for now just leaning against the car as he waits to for Sabra to finish her conversation.

Sabra Kessington (pb 4): She grins a bit hearing his last comment. "That's better....definitely." Sabra gives a quick squeeze back. "I need to talk to Corbin later...Anyway, I'm tired and we should be getting home. Good night Dante. Rest well."



Francesco Giardini: He crosses the street from the cafe into the park, a cigarette now burning between his lips. He walks down the main pathway, flicking his lighter shut and taking a drag off the cigarette as he walks.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She almost giggles, but catches herself, making an effort at acting like she's put together* Well. Nothing to worry about then.

Damien Thiereaoux: nope....not a thing chere....*walking towards the grassy areas with her, he smiles at her almost giggle*

Francesco Giardini: d10: Per+Alert: 1,5,4,9,

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Lip chewed for a second* Your name is Damien?

Francesco Giardini: He's oblivious to the others in the park, walking along in his own world. He stops where he is in the middle of the path and pulls his cell phone, making a phone call.

Damien Thiereaoux: yes ma'am....Damien Christophe Remy Lemieux Thiereaoux....or eitha tybalt like to m'family back home or dami t'those Im close to heyeh......dami or damien is fine , either you wish.........an y'all are...jocelyn, right?

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Melt* Yeah. Jocelyn. *Smooth, Joce. Really*

Damien Thiereaoux: now I know ain usually propah t'ask a belle dame, beautiful lady, such as y'self, what y'alls age is...but....Ill admit Im jes a bit curious*pausing once they get to the grass, gesturing to her to let her choose the spot*

Francesco Giardini: A few brief words to the person on the other end, standing there and smoking. After a few moments, the phone call is done, and he makes his way along the paths, toward the Great Lawn.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She picks a spot near a tree* Eighteen. *Another smile, nodding a bit* How's this?

Francesco Giardini: d10: Per+Alert: 9,6,4,5,

Damien Thiereaoux: s'beautiful darlin.....now y'sure y'boyfriend wont be gettin all up in arms bout you sittin with the likes of me will he?*a gentle finger moves to lift and caress along her chin*

Francesco Giardini: As he moves along toward the lawn, he finally glances over, noting the guy and the chick from the diner. He nods to them as he moves along the paths, coming along beside them.

Damien Thiereaoux: d10: per+alert: 8,4,5,6,7,5,

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She feels that shiver down her spine, staying on the side of caution* I don't have a boyfriend. *Her anxiety from earlier slowly melting away* What about you?

Damien Thiereaoux: *he notices the form of someone else not too far off and raises a curious brow at the nod, he nods slowly back before looking to jocelyn* me? got someone I do see, but they have othas an I do as well....

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Her eyes follow the other guy for a moment, starting to feel a bit parinoid. Her attention tears back to Damien. That's handy.* Great.

Damien Thiereaoux: oh, that so?*giving that irresistable crooked grin again, he sits and offers to help her down as well once hes put his racing leather jacket down for her to sit on.....nicely gentlemanly with her*

Francesco Giardini: "Hey, how you guys doin'?" He looks over to them. "Everything okay?" Despite his hostility earlier, and the general swagger in the man, he's polite, looking to Damien and Jocelyn with something akin to concern.

Jocelyn Pasqual: Yeah. *Flashing another grin, settling in and trying to calm her nerves* So where are you from? *Head tilting a bit, kicking herself for asking such a stupid question*

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Looking over at Francesco, giving him a quick smile too* Hey. Yeah.

Damien Thiereaoux: *looking up to francesco and glancing him over, he raises a curious brow and nods to the man* fine 'nuff m'sieur....thank y'for askin......*when he hears jocelyn he smiles warmly again and chuckles softly* N'orleans belle.......

Francesco Giardini: "All right." he gives them both a short nod, his smile mostly reserved for Jocelyn, as she's the woman who's honor he was defending at the cafe. "Sorry 'bout that whole thing earlier."

Jocelyn Pasqual: *The smile turns sheepish when she looks back to Damien* Yeah. *Blushing a little* I figured. Sorry. *Lip chewed as she looks to Francesco again* Yeah. That was... *Shrugging a shoulder* Thanks for saying something. I didn't mean for it to turn into a big thing.

Damien Thiereaoux: *he smiles to her and pats her hand gently, letting it linger for a moment before it slides back* s'alright chere......

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She almost giggles again, definately blushing once more*

Francesco Giardini: "When you don't show a lady proper respect, then it is a big deal," he counters. A little shrug, as he takes a drag off his cigarette. "You're welcome, though. Now that that's out of the way, allow me to introduce myself at least, then I'll be out of your hair. Frankie Giardini." He leans over, extending a hand to Damien first, then holding his hand out for Jocelyn.

Jocelyn Pasqual: *Focus, Joce. She offers Francesco her hand and a smile, looking him over quickly*

Damien Thiereaoux: *when the introduction comes hes ready with a gloved hand raised to frankie* Damien Thiereaoux, pleasure sir....*respectful enough nod and decent handshake...the unusual part about it is the warmth of his hand and skin that he seems to almost emanate..like a warm hearth or nicely sunny day*

Francesco Giardini: He shakes Damien's hand, a strong, firm grip, and then takes Jocelyn's hand, merely squeezing once, then releasing it. "Nice to meet you both."

Jocelyn Pasqual: Nice meeting you too. *Perfectly mannered when she chooses to be*

Francesco Giardini: He looks over to Jocelyn and nods, pulling out a card and handing it over to her. "You see anyone else giving you any more shit, you let me know, all right?"

Jocelyn Pasqual: *She blinks a little, reaching up for the card. Yeah. Thanks.

Francesco Giardini: "Hey, you bet." A little nod, and he rises to a stand again. "Well, I should probably leave...I hope you two have a very good night."

Damien Thiereaoux: evenin mr giardini...thank ye f'bein standup for belle dame here.....she deserves it...*another touch to her hand for a moment and a smile to her before he looks to francesco and nods*

Jocelyn Pasqual: Nice meeting you. Thanks. *Half a wave, grinning at Damien as he touches her hand*

Jocelyn Pasqual: Um. I should go home. *Looking up at the sky which is starting to lighten*

Damien Thiereaoux: (hey y'all...hate to do this but I need to get and get sleep*wavehugs* jocelyn-p, thanks for the RP an Ill catcha later...an thanks you too frankie-p*G* thanks you guys*waves an poofs*)

Francesco Giardini: A nod to them both, and he heads off to the parking lot to get into his car and head home.

Jocelyn Pasqual: ((night! :) ))

Jocelyn Pasqual: ((bedtime for me too. *waves* thanks for the scene. 'night.))

Francesco Giardini: ((Thanks, guys!))