Douglas Coburn: He emerges from his
apartment block, limping slowly down the steps, leaning on his cane and looking
a little unhappy with the heat.
Dawit Asad Abebe: He walks down the street.
Dawit Asad Abebe:
Dawit Asad Abebe: He sees Douglas, and pauses
to watch him.
Douglas Coburn: He squints in the bright
light then puffs out his cheeks. Now or never. Time to take the plunge. He
hesitates, then sets off in the direction of the subway.
Douglas Coburn:
Douglas Coburn: As his gaze passes over
Dawit, he does a double-take, then looks around swiftly for any other trouble.
Big black cars, angry-looking blondes, people with guns. Anything like that.
Douglas Coburn:
Dawit Asad Abebe: He's wearing nothing but
cargo shorts hanging low on the waist, a thin cotton t-shirt looped through one
belt loop, and sandals. He looks to be about sixteen, and smiles at Douglas as
he regards him.
Dawit Asad Bekele: (Sorry, took me long
enough to get used to Abebe now I got another foreign word to learn)
Douglas Coburn: ((LOL))
Douglas Coburn: He looks back toward Dawit
once more, and considers sprinting down an alley. But curiosity has him and
instead he limps toward the child, stopping a healthy distance away, a good
couple of feet, watching him suspiciously. "What do you want?"
Dawit Asad Bekele: "Hello, Douglas," he says,
smiling broadly. "You got the cane, I see. How do you like it?"
Douglas Coburn: Well, he can't see how that
could progress naturally on to 'why the wig?' or 'is that a fake tan?', so he
instead frowns, as he is prone to do an awful lot. "Ah beg yoah pardon?"
Dawit Asad Bekele: He makes a weaving
motion with his body, almost like the movement a cat would make when flicking
its tail in a happy gesture. "Do you like the cane?" he asks again.
Douglas Coburn: He nods slightly. "Ah do.
What's it to do with you, young man?"
Genevieve Teal: She makes her way down the
street, canvas backpack slung over her shoulder. She's looking more confident
then when she was last in the city...less skittish. She looks around as she
walks along...okay, so the paranoia's not TOTALLy gone.
Dawit Asad Bekele: He keeps smiling broadly.
"I'm glad."
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Genevieve Teal:
Dawit Asad Bekele: He notes Gennie
approaching and raises a brow curiously. "Look," he tilts his chin to indicate
what direction Doug should glance.
Douglas Coburn: He blinks owlishly. "That's
that? No threats? No orders? No proclaimations that ah should be givin' you
information 'bout people you too lazy to hunt foah yoahself?" His eyes narrow
slightly. The child has him confused.
Douglas Coburn:
Douglas Coburn: He glances, then blinks at
Genevieve Teal: She notes Douglas and Dawit,
steps slowing a little bit. Douglas is obviously recognized, Dawit gets a very
curious and wary look.
Dawit Asad Bekele: He's about 6' 4", very
tan, with shoulder length, wildly flaring wheatblonde hair that's bleached
almost platinum from the sun. He has hierglyphs stretching down over his
breastbone. He's strongly muscled, and has a slash across his left bicep, that's
scabbed over.
Dawit Asad Bekele: He's wearing nothing but
cargo shorts hanging low on the waist, a thin cotton t-shirt looped through one
belt loop, and sandals. He looks to be about sixteen, and smiles at Douglas as
he regards him.
Douglas Coburn: ((So wait... Is the tattoo
visible or not?))
Dawit Asad Bekele: "Hello," he says to Gennie,
looking her over.
Dawit Asad Bekele: Yes, he's not wearing a
shirt so the tatt of the hieroglyphs is visible. His shirt is hanging from his
belt loop.
Douglas Coburn: ((I gotcha!))
Douglas Coburn:
Douglas Coburn: His mind finally clicks, and
he looks back to Dawit once more. Or rather, to the cartouche on his chest.
Genevieve Teal: She takes a few steps
further, regarding unknown element. "Hello." Her eyes turn to
Douglas, and she nods to him. ((So, for someone who reads Heiroglyphics, what to
they say? Are they in a cartouche?))
Douglas Coburn: He steps in, crouching
slightly, fingers of his left hand moving to touch Dawit's chest, examining the
tattoo closely.
Dawit Asad Bekele -> Genevieve Teal: (Ask
Troo about the hieroglyph tatts, I don't know that much about Egyptian stuff)
Dawit Asad Bekele: He looks down at Doug's
hand as the man feels up his chest. He looks back at Doug, getting a smirk that
says he could make a very off-color joke, but he doesn't.
Douglas Coburn: He licks his thumb, rubbing
at the tattoo to see if it's painted on or properly inked. He seems to be
regarding Dawit as a specimen, not a living breathing creature any more.
Genevieve Teal: She notes the heiroglyphics
that Douglas is examining on Dawit's chest, a moment of realization coming to
her at what they say. She blinks. Then looks up to Dawit.
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele: (awareness for those who
have it)
Douglas Coburn:
Genevieve Teal:
Douglas Coburn: "You aren't with them," he
concludes, glancing up at Dawit. "Who are you?"
Dawit Asad Bekele -> Genevieve Teal:
(something very spiritually powerful just flared up out of the tatt)
Douglas Coburn: He removes his hand from the
tattoo, straightening, frowning a little.
Douglas Coburn: He takes a step back
sharply. "Who are you?" he repeats, voice firm this time.
Genevieve Teal: She takes a step back from
Dawit and Douglas, eyebrow raised.
Dawit Asad Bekele: "I am Dawit Asad Bekele,"
he says, sounding both proud and confident.
Douglas Coburn:
Dawit Asad Bekele: (and the awareness flare
drops when Doug takes his hand away)
Douglas Coburn: "An Ethiopian name. What've
you done with Mr. Dunne?"
Dawit Asad Bekele: He ponders that question,
lips pursing, as if that is a very good question, and one that is quite a
Douglas Coburn: He sets his jaw. "Where is
Dawit Asad Bekele: "I carry on his legacy,"
he answers after considering the question. "But physically I have done nothing
with him. That is for Eshu and Ala to say."
Genevieve Teal: She's still looking back and
forth, highly confused now. "What's goind on? Douglas?"
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele: His innate perceptiveness
spots a dark sedan about a block away. He frowns and moves toward the cover of
an alleyway.
Douglas Coburn:
Douglas Coburn: He frowns, glancing the same
way. Offers Gennie his hand. "Ah've no idea. But ah think Isis is involved
somehow. C'mon." He starts guiding her toward the same alley.
Dawit Asad Bekele: "Pardon. They are
searching again, it seems." And he does his best to hide from the sedan as it
moves along the street.
Genevieve Teal: She nods and hesitantly takes
his hand. "I guessed as much." She moves along with him.
Dawit Asad Bekele: Doug sees a dark sedan
with that dark-haired woman behind the wheel, the same chestnut haired man
sitting shotgun as confronted him in the parking structure behind the Concerto.
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele: Unfortunately, he doesn't
quite hide well enough and the sedan slows as it approaches the alley.
Dawit Asad Bekele: He considers the sedan speculatively, as if considering the best course of action.
Douglas Coburn: He places himself before
Gennie and Dawit, regarding the sedan, hands on his cane.
Genevieve Teal: She is herded as appropriate,
frowning at the sedan, staying silent for now.
Dawit Asad Bekele: (per+alert to see who's in
the car)
Douglas Coburn:
Dawit Asad Bekele: (also awareness)
Douglas Coburn:
Genevieve Teal:
Genevieve Teal:
Douglas Coburn: "Back off down the alley,
both of you. I'll delay them."
Dawit Asad Bekele -> Genevieve Teal: (Gennie
sees Prince Jean riding shotgun and the dark-haired woman at the wheel and
someone who is a dead ringer for Dawit pointing in their direction from the back
Genevieve Teal: "Douglas..." She looks at
him, hesitantly. She doesn't want to leave him here.
Dawit Asad Bekele: Prince Jean and the older
twin exit the vehicle. To Gennie's surprise, the older twin is another boy who
is a dead ringer for Dawit but dressed sharply in a suit. They walk toward the
alley while the sedan speeds off around the block.
Douglas Coburn: "I said go."
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele: Dawit takes off running.
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Douglas Coburn: He draws the sword from his
cane, regarding the two young men approaching him.
Genevieve Teal: A pause, and she turns,
running after Dawit.
Genevieve Teal:
Dawit Asad Bekele: Jean and the older twin,
Lucien, take off running toward Douglas as they see a shadow bolting off down
the alley.
Dawit Asad Bekele: Jean runs interference for
Lucien against Douglas.
Dawit Asad Bekele: (init, probably)
Douglas Coburn: He moves to block the youths
as best he can.
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Douglas Coburn:
Genevieve Teal:
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Genevieve Teal: ((11))
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Douglas Coburn: ((16))
Dawit Asad Bekele: (Order: Luc, Jean, Gennie,
Doug, Car, Dawit)
Dawit Asad Bekele: Luc tries to dart past
while Jean runs interference.
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele: (last roll was Jean's
dex+brawl to tie up Doug's sword/cane)
Dawit Asad Bekele: (no, wait, my bad, I got
the order wrong...Doug's highest init...doh! after Gennie, it's Car, Dawit,
Genevieve Teal: She is doing the hauling of
the ass thing. or trying to. ((Dex+Ath, WP))
Genevieve Teal:
Dawit Asad Bekele: the car is trying to
circle the block and cut off the alley from the other side before Gennie and
Dawit reach it
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Dawit Asad Bekele: Dawit is booking.
Dawit Asad Bekele:
Douglas Coburn: He twists, trying to evade
Jean and plunge the sword toward Lucien ((Splitting pool))
Douglas Coburn: ((1WP on the first roll,
which is the dodge))
Douglas Coburn:
Douglas Coburn:
Dawit Asad Bekele: Tie both counts. so Jean
doesn't grab the sword/cane but Doug doesn't stab Lucien as he darts past, just
missing him. The car gets stuck in traffic, Dawit runs like the wind, Gennie
runs after and Luc is lagging pretty far behind, having just passed Doug's
position. (let's pause for the other scene?)
Douglas Coburn: ((Sure. *hits pause*))
Genevieve Teal: ((Works for me))
Dawit Asad Bekele: [NOTE TO OTHERS: please don't use this room until after we resume this scene]