Keiko Moroboshi: *Keiko arrives as soon as she is capable, looking quite disheveled, and carrying a backpack (something she pretty much never carries)*

Jarod Freeman: The hotel is in Downtown, more specifiucally in Chelsea. It's a fairly nice place, and the room Jarod and Brigette are staying in is one of the nicer rooms in the place, on the fourth floor. Jarod's in the main room, standing in front of the window and staring out to the street below, the humanity teeming below them. A clove is in the man's hand, burning away.

Keiko Moroboshi: *knock knock knock*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte is curled up around a pillow on the bed, uttering the occasional grumble. Damnit.. who knew pain HURT so badly..

Jarod Freeman: A glance over his shoulder to the door, and he makes his way over, peering through the peephole with a hand on the gun he has inside the trench coat pocket. When he confirms it's Keiko, he unlocks the door and opens it, hand slipped out of the pocket sans gun. "Hey."

Keiko Moroboshi: *she slips in* "Hey. So what's the situation?"

Jarod Freeman: "She's in the bedroom, and needs to be healed. Cherry did a lot of damage to her. Did Thomas bring you up to speed?"

Brigitte Clara Deleon: The young woman squirms around on her back, trying to get comfortable to no avail. She gives a helpless exhale and continues to squirm, pillow hugged tightly to her chest.

Keiko Moroboshi: "Somewhat. What is your opinion on whether I should stabilize her and get her to not be in pain mundanely, which would keep her pretty well under control, or if I should put her back together completely? Tom said that she was waiting some sort of trial, and I don't think we want her to try to escape."

Jarod Freeman: "Trial?" He blinks. "She's not waiting any trial...I think Thomas was unclear. And don't worry, she's not leaving. We need to patch her completely back together."

Keiko Moroboshi: "Ok, then there's been some confusion." *shrugs* "Where's the patient?"

Jarod Freeman: "This way." He opens the door to the bedroom, slowly, and steps inside, nodding to Brigette. "Hey. Doctor's here, so to speak."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: When the door opens, Brigitte attempts to push herself up to a sitting position. She kicks her legs to try to get a bit closer to the headboard, looking skittish and quite obviously afraid.

Keiko Moroboshi: *she follows Jarod in and takes a look at Brigette to get an impression of the damage before heading over*

Jarod Freeman: He moves to take a stand next to Brigette, flashing the girl a smile, as reassuring as he can be. His stance definitely hints at a strange sort of protectiveness of her.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She relaxes slightly, watching Jarod move over near her. She reaches out for the man's hand with a shameful look to Keiko. She speaks in a soft weak tone. "Hello.. Love.."

Keiko Moroboshi: "Hello." *she walks over to Brigette and then closes her eyes to focus...just fellow Fallen here, no need to make a ceremony of things, but she still needs contact, so she reaches out to place a hand on the top of Brigette's head* ((Blowing a WP))

Keiko Moroboshi: d10: Healing=Sta+Med: 5,4,4,10,6,4,2,

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte instinctively pulls back for a second before letting Keiko touch her.

Keiko Moroboshi: ((looks like all bashing plus 2 lethal/agg or 3 lethal/agg))

Jarod Freeman: ((Correct.)) Jarod holds Brigette's hand, watching them both closely as Keiko heals the damage.

Jarod Freeman: ((heals some of the damage, rather))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte gives Jarod's hand a tiny weak squeeze with a soft look to Keiko. She watches.

Keiko Moroboshi: *she opens her eyes...doesn't look like it's all fixed, so she tries again*

Keiko Moroboshi: d10: Healing: 9,8,3,7,6,9,8,

Keiko Moroboshi: ((That'd be 6 levels, I think Brigitte's healed))

Jarod Freeman: ((I would hope so. *G*)) And the last of Brigette's pain fades away, as Cherry's handiwork vanishes.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: The young woman gives a tiny releived sigh with a shy halfsmile to Keiko. Her voice still soft, she utters "Thank you."

Keiko Moroboshi: *there, her work done, she withdraws her hand and glances to Jarod* "So, care to clear up the confusion a bit?"

Keiko Moroboshi: *she nods to Brigette, acknowledging her thanks*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte brings the blanket to her chin, curling her knees uo to her chest with an odd look to Jarod "There's confusion?"

Jarod Freeman: "I think Thomas misspoke," he says, taking a drag off of the clove. "Ouestucati is having...issues with her torment, I believe. But her only concern right now, and the reason she's staying away from both Courts, is that she believes everyone in the Courts are trying to kill her. I'm going to try and help her."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She frowns and rests her chin on her knees. "A member of the court tried to kill me. I don't think my assumption is an unreasonable one."

Keiko Moroboshi: "If the Circle had wanted her dead, I believe that I just passed up a perfect opportunity."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She curls up in a tight ball of tension. "It's not so much the circle that bothers me. I'm fairly certain Nah wants to send me back."

Jarod Freeman: "I know," he says to Brigette. "Which, as you know, I'm working on." He also looks to Keiko and nods. "I agree. I know the Circle is fine with her...the only people I'm not sure about are Cameron, Victor, and Cherry at this point."

Jarod Freeman: "Victor's too fuckin' busy worrying about killing Fallen for my tastes right now," he says with a bit of a scowl.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte gives a tiny shake of her head "I went to such lengths to have us in good standing with the treaty.. and the others in the city.. And Cherry pulls something like this right across the street from battery fucking park.."

Keiko Moroboshi: "Fallen who are allied with a Court? Because otherwise, I'm certain that a good number of us are focused on killing Fallen. I know I have two on my to-do list."

Jarod Freeman: "Across the street from..." He gives a disgusted sigh and stalks away from the bed, muttering profanities under his breath. The stalk turns into an angry pace.

Jarod Freeman: "Yes, Fallen who are allied with a Court," he mutters. "Ouestucati here, and Thomas too, from what I understand."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a tiny nod before resting her chin back on her knees, looking to Keiko. "Cherry attacked me.. after I came up to her and offered to help set up the slayer. He revealed himself to me, in search of an allie. He trusts me. I can quite easily lure him in."

Keiko Moroboshi: *raises an eyebrow* "Then he needs to be watched, to make sure he doesn't do anything...rash." *turns slightly to Brigitte* "Have you told this to Tom?"

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She nods. "I did. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's the only reason he hasn't gone out for my blood as well."

Jarod Freeman: "I'll be right back, guys. Gonna have a talk with our Slayer. The supposedly good one...moving into the other room, to protect your guys's presence here." He slips out the door, shutting it behind him.

Keiko Moroboshi: "That wouldn't surprise me either. Your capture has been on our to-do list." *she nods to Jarod*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She blinks, watching him leave with a worried look to the door.

Jarod Freeman -> Sotiterael: He moves out to the window, looking out of it and taking a drag off his cigarette, eyes tracking the people below. "Sotitereal."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives another shameful look to Keiko. "You know how to contact me. It's not like I was actively hiding. Just simply trying not to stir up the proverbial shit. I have nothing to hide.. and was completely honest with the crimsonstar. I always have been."

Sotiterael -> Jarod Freeman: Jarod can feel the connection. Oh the blackness of what she see's. There is a umpph and a shutting of a door, and a sigh. "Hey there hot pants. How's it hanging?"

Keiko Moroboshi: "You weren't really considered an imminent threat. It was more like, if we ran into you and could capture you without much trouble, we should. Otherwise, we had more important things to try to deal with."

Jarod Freeman -> Sotiterael: "Please, please, PLEASE tell me that you didn't violate the treaty a few days ago by attacking Elijah's new Host right across from Battery Fucking Park..."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a tiny nod, meek. "I'd be surprised to be labeled a major threat. It's.. laughable, really."

Sotiterael -> Jarod Freeman: "Yes I attacked Eli's new host. Thought that bitch was the fucking Slayer that was after me and Tom. Bitch has been trying ta take us out one by one. I had an opertunity and took it. I was near or around a park, how the fuck am I supposed to know what the fuck the parks name was."

Keiko Moroboshi: *she shrugs* "It is best that you chose not to be. Each of us has the potential to be a major threat, and if we become so, then there will be no capture, just death."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a meek nod "I know. I'm.. I'm trying. To fix everything I messed up. I made ammends with Thaddeus. And I'm releasing tansy. Angel is already no longer under pact with me. I'm trying.."

Keiko Moroboshi: "The most important part of redemption..." *her eyes dart upward and blaze with anger for a moment* "at least, with rational beings, is making the attempt. You cannot be faulted if you try and fail, only if you do not try."

Jarod Freeman -> Sotiterael: A sigh, and he shakes his head. "I...oh, Jesus. Sotitereal, you have GOT to be fucking careful. If that was reported, and it came back to us, you'd be fucked. Well and truly fucked. From now on, for Christ's stupid as it sounds...ask." Does he believe that she didn't know? Hard to tell...he's willing to drop it for now. His voice lowers to a murmur. "Listen...I need to ask you to do something. You have no idea how potentially important it is. You need to be sure that you don't go after her from this point on. Eli is off-limits."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives another meek nod, curling her arms around her blanketed shins. "I know. And I am. I.. was wrong. I should have listened to my brothers when dealing with Cynthia. I think she had more of an impact on me than I realized at the time."

Keiko Moroboshi: "Had an impact? Did you consume her?" *she clearly doesn't know much about this Cynthia woman* "I had heard she was sent back to Hell."

Sotiterael -> Jarod Freeman: "A....." she is quiet. "What? this has something ta do with something Tom is cooking up huh?" she sounds more interested. "Well's here's hopin Tom moves fast, dunno how well I messed her up, but meh. You gonna be working with us if Tom moves? Tom and I work just as well as you and I used to." she laughs.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She shakes her head defensively "No.. no. Never. We just talked a lot. I.. I thought I could help her."

Jarod Freeman -> Sotiterael: "No. It doesn't have anything to do with anything Thomas is cooking up. No one is moving on her. It's getting her thrall saved...and in the meanwhile, I'll be trying to help get her torment down. She's savable, still."

Sotiterael -> Jarod Freeman: Silence for a bit. "Save one of the many?"

Sotiterael -> Jarod Freeman: ((Save one over the many?))

Jarod Freeman -> Sotiterael: He frowns, deeply. "Save one, and save the many."

Keiko Moroboshi: *she nods* "I think that at some point, all of us have tried to help someone who turned out to be a bad influence. Learn from it, and be more careful in the future."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She nods respectfully to the woman. "I will." The young girl fidgets on the bed with a nervous look to the door.

Keiko Moroboshi: ((btw, can I get a DD for Brigette? I have no idea what I'm looking at...))

Sotiterael -> Jarod Freeman: "How so, you say she is salvagable. We have sent other's away back to the abyss for the deaths of mortals. How many more must die before we act? Or should we have salvaged them all? You took part in those other of our Brother and Sister's deaths. If we give one a chance, then shouldn't we have given them all their next chance?"

Brigitte Clara Deleon: (lol. my bad: ) The girl is a shining example of mixing innocence with aristocracy. She holds well defined cheek bones and facial structure surrounding brilliant emerald eyes. She has soft rich natural blonde hair that falls to her mid back when its not curled or pinned up. She's a figure of beauty, thin in the right places and appropriately swelled in others. She emits a feeling of loss, like someone who either needs or longs to be taken care of. (youthful appearance, app 4, innocent) She's currently wearing nothing but the blanket.

Jarod Freeman -> Sotiterael: He scowls a bit. His voice rasies a little bit. " one person she's purposefully killed. An act of rage is different from knowing, purposeful slaughter. She made it bigger then she intended...she was frustrated. Cynthia was a flesh-eater. The others...servants of the Earthbound. And none of them wanted to change. Eli's professing a desire to, and I won't let anyone send her back as long as I think she can be saved. I'm going to be watching her constantly, making sure she's safe."

Jarod Freeman: His voice raises a little, still hard to understand, in the other room. Doesn't sound happy.

Keiko Moroboshi: *glances at the door* "That can't be a good sign."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She nods, looking at the door with the same worried look "I.. didn't mean to cause any problems. I was only trying to warn her. And help where I could.."

Sotiterael -> Jarod Freeman: Oh a getting pissy Slayer/. "Look, I wasn't even told a mother-fucking thing, about jack shit until a week ago. I only fucking know she killed those people in that flood of her's. You want ta be wrapped around her go for it pretty boy. You work on your charity case, while the rest of us fucking work our asses off taking care of the other problems. I won't fucking touch her, but tell her scrawny ass to stay the fuck outta my way." oh yeah she finally got worked into a lather. "And she fuckes up I hear about it. It is on your pretty ass head as well."

Keiko Moroboshi: "Well, I believe you, and I think Jarod and Tom do as well. Eventually Cherry will be persuaded."

Jarod Freeman -> Sotiterael: He glares. "Oh, yeah, and I'm so fucking in the loop. I found out not long ago, myself." He scowls. "Fine. Just don't 'happen' to run into her, and don't go rushing at her if you see her on the streets. And frankly? You break the Treaty again, I'm not going to smooth it over like I did this time." Invocation cuts.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She curls her arms around her legs more tightly "Either that.. or she'll kill me quicker next time. I barely got away."

Keiko Moroboshi: *shrugs* "If she's not persuaded, then you'll just need to actively avoid her."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: "No problem there.."

Sotiterael -> Jarod Freeman: d10: Con: 3,5,

Jarod Freeman: The door opens, and he steps through. He looks pissed as all hell, but he nods to Brigette. "She's good. The attack...she thought you were the Slayer, she says. She won't go after you...she's not happy about it, mind you. She thinks your a lost cause...I disagree. However, she has promised me that she's not going to attack you."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte frowns, but nods looking down to the bedspread "I'm not a lost cause.."

Keiko Moroboshi: *she is silent*

Jarod Freeman: "No. You're not a lost cause, at all." His words make it obvious that he believes it.

Sotiterael: ((Thanks all have fun *S*))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: (*hugs*)

Brigitte Clara Deleon: The young girl sprawls her legs out on the bed and curls the blanket to her chin again, blinking her eyes closed.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: (i need to get to that sleep thing. long drive tomorrow)

Jarod Freeman: ((Cool cool. Pause/Fade here, then?))

Keiko Moroboshi: ((I'm more for fading, I've been told that Keiko will be needed somewhere else shortly after this...))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: (either is cool. brigitte will likely fake going to sleep, then slip out with her things when no one's paying attention or leaves)

Jarod Freeman: ((Fade with Jarod & Brigette staying.))