Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli is standing in front of the mirror, inspecting his filthy outfit and sniffing himself.

Tansy: She is curled up book in her lap a box of chocolates by her side and a glass of milk sitting on the table. She popes another chocolate into hedr mouth flipping a page of the book.

Victor Mendez: *Victor wanders up towards the suite wearing his old clothes with his guitar case slung over his back*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli takes the large bottle of cheap ass tequilla and smears a bit more in his neck like a fine perfume. Looks in distaste at the mirror and calls out to tansy "Do I smell homeless yet?"

Tansy: She keeps looksing over at Eli and shaking her head every now and then.

Tansy: "If you quit puttingon the perfume you will." she says as she pops another chocolate into her mouth.

Victor Mendez: *Victor gets to the door and knocks*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: He shakes the bottle of tequilla with a smile "Tom said it'd help if I smelled like a drunk.. And I'll be DAMNED if I'm drinkin tha stuff.." Struts over to the door and opens it with a grin. "Hey there, love." Eli looks to have dolled himself up quite nicely for the event.

Tansy: She smiles and looks to the door, when it is knocked on. "Hiya." she says from her spot on the couch and takes a sip of the milk.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: He stands about five nine, a bit more stout than normal with mangy black locks and deep brown eyes, skin tone bronzed giving the appearance of a mexican heritage. He grins to Victor "Ehh there cuz." Giggles and walks back into the room. He also looks to have aquired a ratty outfit of sorts, mismatched and worn. He also reeks of cheap tequilla.

Victor Mendez: *Victor sniffs at Eli* "Hey Eli, do you want a burrito?" *says Victor with a smirk on his face* "And ive found a nice smelly dumpster which should help you out with the smell"

Tansy: She giggles "Can I watch?" she is so teasing.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Waves his hand in refusal to Victor "No burritos for me, love.. Tell your mom to keep em. And as far as the smell goes.." Rattles the bottle and spashes some on his hand, rubbing a bit in his locks "I been workin on it.. Tom said booze is the way to go. Either that or piss on myself.. Which ISN'T going to happen."

Victor Mendez: *Victor holds his hand out* "let me see the bottle"

Tansy: She bites her lip and returns her gaze to the book in her lap.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: He hands Vic the bottle. "It was the cheapest tequilla they had at the store. Figured it'd go along with the beaner look.." Strikes a pose into the nearest mirror.

Victor Mendez: *Victor turns the bottle to the side and begins shaking tequila out all over Eli*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli pouts but allows it. Better than being tossed in a dumpster.

Tansy: She glances over then puts a hand to her mouth as she laughs.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks around with a grin "If Benny comes over he'll think I'm on a binge.. this place is gonna reek.."

Jarod Freeman: He heads up, looking quite different himself. He's taken the form of a black man, about the same height as before (just under six feet), but a good twenty pounds lighter, with dreadlocks. He comes up to the door, knocking on it.

Victor Mendez: *Victor shakes his head at the pose* "This isnt a fashion show Eli" *he says as he splashes him a few more times with Tequila*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Pouts and scurries over to the door "I know I know.. Shit.. Cut it out." Opens the door and cocks a brow at the man "What's the password?" He asks with a grin.

Tansy: She keeps her hand to her mouth more to cover her nose than anything else. "As I said I am making sure he doesn't come around till you get back to normal, cause I dun thi8nk he would understand."

Victor Mendez: "So how are you doing tonight Tansy?" *says Victor as he sits the bottle down*

Tansy: She looks down at the box of chocolates andpullsone out. Looking up at Victor. "I amdoing well, want to help but know I should stay right where I am." nods and pops the chocolate into her mouth.

Victor Mendez: ((BRB have to get cigs didnt relize I only had the one left a sec. ago.))

Jarod Freeman: "The password is 'Let me in, my fellow Ishhara, before I get ghetto on your punk-ass." He grins.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods to the man and moves out of his way, eyeing him from head to toe "I see.. Lookin sharp. Smell me." Grins and leans into Jarod batting his lashes.

Tansy: She giggles at Eli's request to have someone else 'smell him'.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli scratches the back of his head and walks into the suite, closing the door behind jarod with a grin to tansy "What are you gigglin about girlie?" Smirks "Careful.. or I'll make ya a blonde in your sleep."

Jarod Freeman: He takes a whiff, and blinks. "So, you're the aloholic hobo. Nice."

Tansy: She bats her eyelashes at Eli. "I dunno what you are talking about." smiles with a wink. "I thought you liked my black curls." she reashes a hand up to pat her hair.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli nods to Jarod with a smirk "Figured it's better than Vic throwing me in a dumpster.. and I had to get the smell of lavander off me." Sniffs himself with a cringe. "Yeah.. this should do."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Shrugs, flipping a mangy lock over his shoulder out of habit "I just think I look better next to blondes.." Grins and struts over to just behind the couch so he can kiss the back of the girl's head. Looks up at the others "You guys heard from Tom?"

Tansy: "A blond...." she wrinkles her nose. "I dunno bout that." She leans her head back to look at Eli.

Jarod Freeman: "No word from him, no."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Reaches down to ruffle the girl's curls "Just playin, doll.. I wouldn't do something like that. Not without your permission.." Looks up with a smirk "Or unless I thought you deserved it.."

Tansy: She smiles. "Okay..." she rolls her eyes when Eli isn't looking. She tilts her head to the side looking at Jarod. "Interesting." she nods her head.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods to Jarod "He's been a bit of a flake lately." Blinks a bit, thinking to himself.. did I just call someone else that.. nah.. couldn't be. "Maybe it's for the best." He walks over to the minibar "Want something to drink, Jarod?"

Jarod Freeman: "Something very strong. I won't be making myself flammable with alcohol, but a slight smell wouldn't hurt."

Victor Mendez: *Victor shakes his head* "Havent seen him tonight"

Victor Mendez: *Victor shakes his head* "Havent seen him tonight"

Tansy: She looks at Jarod raising an eyebrow, then looks at Eli and goes back to her book. Yaking a sip of her milk.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods with a slight glare in Vic's direction "I wasn't planning on it myself.. I feel ya.." He pours Jarod a sipping glass of vodka.

Victor Mendez: "So are you two ready to head off for the alley then" *says Victor looking a bit anxious to get this underway*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli nods "Ready when you guys are."

Tansy: She listens carefully to their conversation trying to pick up hints. As she idily flips a page in the book.

Jarod Freeman: "Yeah, I'm good, I think." He quickly downs his vodka...no sipping for this boy...and looks to them.

Victor Mendez: "Well then lets get a move on" *says Victor as he moves towards the door* "See you later Tansy"

Tansy: She fidgets a bit taking another sip of the milk before setting it aside, and watching them all.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Shakes his head with a frown "Why can't we gather information in a lavish environment.. I'd love to doll your shabby ass up.." Slides out the door and toward the elevator.

Jarod Freeman: He heads to the door. "Hopefully, the cultists don't have flamethrowers, then. That'd suck."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Scratches the back of his head at the mention of a flamethrower.. I mean.. they ARE going to gather info on someone of the first house. This could turn out very poorly for glitterboy..

Victor Mendez: "Becasue the people we need to catch to gather information arnt in lavish environments" *says Victor as he walks with Eli towards the Elevator*

Tansy: When they leave she shuts and makes sure the door is locked. she leans against the door and nibnbleson her lip. she heads back to the couch and sits down looking at the time, and sighs. "Waiting time."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Pops into the elevator hitting the ground floor button "Umm.. so what exactly is the plan, again? I'ma do my best to keep my mouth shut and pretend to be homeless.. I think that's what I was told my part was until we snag someone who can get us the info. How we gettin there? I mean.. we COULD roll up in the Hybrid.."

Victor Mendez: "We probably should bring your car and park it a few blocks away in case we have to transport someone" *says Victor as he steps into the elevator*

Jarod Freeman: He follows along, into the elevator. "I think the subway's our best bet for transportation."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods "So do we have an area pinpointed to scope? Are we headin back to where ya got shanked?" Looks to Jarod. The boy is obviously rattled.. worried.

Victor Mendez: "That would probably be the best place to start looking" *he says with a shrug* "unless ya have a better idea"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Shakes his head, looking down at the elevator floor.

Tansy: She rolls her shoulders to relax, picking up the book once again and getting comfortable.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli gives a slight sigh when the elevator doors open, leading the two out of the lobby. "So.. car or subway. I'ma let you guys duke it out on that one.. I'm the only one that hasn't been over there. Don't know what'd be best."

Victor Mendez: "Subways fine if we need a car ill get us one there" *says Victor as he steps out of the elevator*

Jarod Freeman: "Subway works."

Victor Mendez -> Jarod Freeman: ((I had a quick question. How does Arcane work on Demons?))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods and steps out onto the drive, looking in one direction, then the other. Not having taken the subway since he's been here.. with damn good reason. "Umm.. alright so that'd be.. Umm.."

Victor Mendez: "This way" *says Victor as he starts walking towards the nearest entrance to the subway*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods and walks behind Victor.. actively trying to mimic his manly stride and avoid swinging his hips out of mere instinct.

Tansy: She fidgets a bit and pops another chocolate into her mouth. FRocus on the book not on the clock. Mebee some tv....

Victor Mendez: ((Do we want to hold for a sec and draw a Tom in?))

Jarod Freeman: He moves with the other two, affecting a cockier, more young punk-ish walk and stance.

Thomas Judge: ((Hey sorry am late but my grandma went to hospital last night, still time to join in?))

Tansy: ((Asking him now...))

Tansy: ((Nermind))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((aww.. i'm sorry. it happens.))

Thomas Judge: ((Yeah been up half the night in hospital with her, she is stable and laughing and joking so am feeling more up beat than I ws at 2 in the morning when I got the phone call. Anyway enough depressive talk eh *S*))

Jarod Freeman: ((Absolutely. Just have Thomas walking up the street to ELi's now.))

Tansy: ((Killing my nick....Tansy will do everything within her powers to remain in the hotel room *L*))

Thomas Judge: Tom is dressed in about 5 different layers, two jumpers both with holes cover his top with a t-shirt underneath and an old faded ans dirty trenchcoat covers him up, his pants are a dark faded green, also with holes and his shoes are stained and one has a flopping soul.

Victor Mendez -> Jarod Freeman: 8,5,2,1,2,3,6,6,

Victor Mendez -> Jarod Freeman: 4,1,7,3,1,4,6,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: All of Eli's focus is being tossed into his manly stride.. One foot in front of the other.. No flamboyant movements.. No batting of the lashes.. Good

Victor Mendez -> Jarod Freeman: ((those rolls are for the breast plate that he was making for Tom))

Thomas Judge: He walks up towards Eli's resisdence wondering if there even going to let him through the door.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((the three of them are currently stepping off the drive of the hotel and toward the nearest subway entrance.))

Jarod Freeman -> Victor Mendez: ((K))

Thomas Judge: 7,8,9,5,

Victor Mendez -> Jarod Freeman: ((so that would be two sux for the enhancement roll))

Thomas Judge: He looks, tree homeless looking people stand out leaving a hotel, he runs on over, "Hey lads, wait up"

Jarod Freeman -> Victor Mendez: ((So soak is 3 extra dice))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Blinks over.. crap.. already drawing attention. He smirks a bit when he sees who it is "Oh.. hey."

Jarod Freeman: 6,4,4,5,1,4,

Jarod Freeman: He glances over as Thomas approaches, smiling. "Hey mon. S'up?" Yes, it's a BAD Jamaican accent. The actor can't do Rasta, it seems.

Victor Mendez: *Victor turns to look at To* "you almost missed the part"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli can't help but utter a slight giggle when he hears the horrid accent. His eyes widen slightly and he quickly slaps his jaw shut, cutting the giggle short. "Oo. My bad." Does a zip the mouth motion.

Victor Mendez: ((To=Tom))

Thomas Judge: He looks them all over, checking there disguises and new features "Am good sorry am late, whoa you guys look, well different, thats so 'Robins Hood'."

Victor Mendez: *Victor actually dosent look all that diffrent just a bit dirty that he has been for a while*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Steps close to tom with a grin "Smell me." He reeks of cheap tequilla.. and he can probably tell it's not because he's been drinking it. Dingy clothes are still wet with tha stuff.

Jarod Freeman: He grins at his own bad accent. "Man, I need to get into character better. MUCH better."

Victor Mendez: *Victor shrugs as he continues to head for the subway* "Lets go see what we can find"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Follows Vic with a grin to Jarod "That's why I went with the beaner look this season.. Got all the motivation I need right up there.." Motions to Vic from behind his back. Still tries to mimic vic's manly stride.

Thomas Judge: He smells Eli "Nice stink" He also reeks of Tequila, but his is partially real, he shakes his head, "Right...am ready, lets recon" he starts shifting his body language, trying to look homeless ((this a performance + Manipulation, or will Manipulation + Subterfuge do?))

Jarod Freeman: ((Man+Perf...and shall we move to Staten Island, folks? *S*))

Victor Mendez: *Victor grins at all the acting as he continues towards the subway station*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((sure.))

Victor Mendez: ((on my way))

Thomas Judge: Tom ain't that convicing, but he is trying ((Damn no performance, Staten Island ago go *S*))



Ravyn: The scene: An alleyway in Staten Island, commercial neigborhood. Unlike Manhattan and other areas, Staten Island isn't a huge metropolis. It's rather a much quieter, residential area. The street corner near the alleyway is what would probably be considered the main business strip of Staten Island. It consists mostly of businesses...Wal-Mart, a shopping mall, small restaraunts and the like.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: 2,6,9,6,2,4,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((that was eli's man+per to be all homeless and manly.))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He pulls a brown bag from his pocket, obviously a bottle of some type, he takes a healthy swig before placing it back, he is keeping his head low and trying to blend with the group

Victor Mendez: *Victor walks into the alley and drops the guitar case on the ground and moves a bit of trash on top of it before sitting on it leaning his back against the wall* "So you boys been on the streets long?"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli follows Vic's lead and leans against the wall himself, trying his best not to smirk.. or move.. or say anything really.

Victor Mendez: *Victor slides his hand along the case undoing the latches making sure that he has easy access in case of an emergency*

Jarod Freeman: 3,9,10,5,5,5,

Jarod Freeman: He tries another role...the angry young black man. And is much more passable. "Long enough, man." He's stting on the ground, smoking a generic brand cigarette.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He looks down at Vic, this lying game far more suited his needs...

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 2,6,9,3,9,

Victor Mendez: *Victor smiles as he leans back against the wall as he looks at Jarod* "So whats your story?"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: "Just under 6 months, but on this streets it seems like a couple of years" he grunts at the end, his body language may not look to convincing, but he certainly talks the talk.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Blinks a bit, looking around the area.. knew vic was gonna make it hard.. gotta have a story too?

Elijah Phillips - incognito: 7,3,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((Man + Sub for the lying))

Victor Mendez: "Ive been out in the urban jungle for a while myself, since I never could find a taker on any of my inventions" *he says with a sigh*

Jarod Freeman: "Shit, man...same story as every other brotha on the street, man. Born in the streets, tried to climb up, but the man, he knocked my ass back down." He takes a drag and shrugs. "S'a'ight, though. I'll keep goin' strong."

Victor Mendez: "Damn tha man" *says Victor with a sigh* "what we need is a good revoltion starting at rock bottom"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He leans against the wall, opposite Vic, he pulls out half a smoked cigarette, then pulling out a cheap plastic lighter that takes a couple of goes till it lights, he eagerley takes a smoke.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Simply stands against the wall with his arms folded. Tryin his best to look hard..

Ravyn -> Elijah Phillips - incognito: Elijah notes that this particular alleyway is notable only in that the four of them are the only "homeless" people in it. Every other alley, you can find another hobo there, spending the night. Not this one, though. It's as if they avoid it.

Victor Mendez: "So whats your story Hombre" *says Victor looking over at Eli*

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: In an angry tone more to himself than the others, "Damn the fucking man" he spits on the floor, cig being held like it was gold.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks around a bit more, concern filling his newly browned eyes. He blinks over toward the hobos in the other alleys, then back to their chosen destination with a slight shake of the head.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Glares over to Victor, giving him a nudge in the side "Eh cuz.. Why you think ain't no one in dis alley? Rats an shit?" Gives a sniff and looks down the alley.

Victor Mendez: *With that Victor leans back against the wall and sits there waiting*

Jarod Freeman: He falls quietly, ostensibly smoking angrily while he steals a peek around.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He looks up, finishing off his cig, the last of it being smoked right to the tab, then he drops it and crushes it under foot.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods and crosses his arms again, worming a bit against the bricks to scratch that special place on his back.. the one ya just can't reach. Grimy clothes sure are itchy.. he goes back to being quiet, not wanting to fuck anything up.

Ravyn: They aren't there long before a group of four homeless from a nearby alley start making their way over, hesitantly. The "leader" of the foursome, an older white man in his late 40's, reek of a hard living pungent on his body, look into the mouth of the alley, not daring to enter, watching them.

Victor Mendez: *Victor just continues leaning against the wall*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks to the leader of the group, then to Victor, then to the ground. No way he's speaking up.. He'll let the actual homeless person take care of business.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom also continues leaning, the bottle being pulled out and drunk, before he offers it before him towards Vic, Jarod and Eli "Anybody for some pick up" he leans forward, waving the bottle before them

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: The bottle is in a dirty brown bag, it is cheap Whiskey alright, it stinks

Victor Mendez: *Victor waves the bottle away before turning to look at the men at the end of the alley* "You boys wanna sit and chat with us for a while?"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Snags the bottle from Tom with a nod "Thanks, cuz.." Takes a swig and hands it back, choking back the urge to cringe at the bitter taste.

Ravyn: "Are you guys nuts?" The leader looks at the lot of them, speaking with a slight wheeze. "Ain't you guys heard about what happened in this alley?"

Victor Mendez: "Cant say that I have just got here a little while ago" *says Victor still leaning against the wall*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks into the alley with a smirk "Is rats, ain't it? Fuckin hate rats.."

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He grunts a laugh at the rats comment, looking at the group at the alley entrance, he grudgingly offers it to the leader of the group, trying to tempt him in.

Ravyn: "Four guys got torn apart by some guy in here a month 'r so ago. Killed 'em all. And that's just the new. Place is cursed, or som'thin'."

Ravyn: None of the four seem willing to step foot into the alleyway, even for booze.

Victor Mendez: "Dosent seem cursed" *says Victor as he pats the wall*

Victor Mendez: "so did you know the guys who got killed here?" *he says as he shifts a bit on the case*

Jarod Freeman: He remains quiet for the moment, seeming disinterested.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He shrugs before taking another drink and placing it back in his mack, lid paced on tight so not to spill a precious drop.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks back into the alley "Must be some big fuckin rats.. tear all they asses apart like that.."

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: "People die every funking day." the fact that someone down this alleyway died doesn't seem to concern the man, "Vacant lot then ain't it"

Ravyn: He shakes his head. "I ain't know 'em. Couple of the others did...they all hung out."

Victor Mendez: "What else has happened here in the alley?" *says Victor with a concerned look towards the man*

Ravyn: He shrugs. "Bums vanishin'...drive-bys...rapes, murders...you name it, bro."

Victor Mendez: "Well hopefully none of that will happen tonight" *he says as he leans back against the wall and lets his eyes close a bit*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Sniffs and looks deeper into the alley "Don't seem any different from any other alleys.." Takes a step deeper down the thing with a smirk "Maybe folks just ain't payin homage like they sposta.. At'll curse a place for sho.." He unzips and goes to take a piss on the dumpster.

Ravyn: "Ya, you take yer chances, pal. Us, we're goin' to a safe alley. You been warned...tha's enough for me." He turns to leave, the others following behind.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He watches them leave, then turns back to face the others, keeping quiet at the moment

Jarod Freeman: He watches the four go, looking back to the others with a raised eyebrow, even as he shows a little guilt about something the bums discussed.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Zips back up and resumes his stance against the wall, looking to the others for a sign of what to do.

Victor Mendez: *When the bums are out of earshot Victor speaks* "so the people who attacked you were actually homeless"

Jarod Freeman: "It...sounds like, yeah." He looks down. "But they were still carrying his dagger, and targeted me specifically. They worked for him, for sure. I have no doubt of it."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Shakes his head with a look of obvious disapproval. He says nothing but keeps a watchful eye toward the deep end of the alley.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He listens, not quite sure what they are talking about, but the jist of what happened coming to light.

Victor Mendez: "Probably has somthing to do with the disapperances that they were talking about" *says Victor with a sigh*

Jarod Freeman: "Could be. Maybe he's corrupted the alleyway, and uses it to find cultists?"

Victor Mendez: "Thats a possibility" *he says as he runs a hand through his hair*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods, still looking around. "From the looks of it, they seem more concerned with the cold brotha that killt those four bouta month ago." Flicks his eyes to Jarod. "Self defense?"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: "That many killed in one spot, there maybe a empathic echo left over here, maybe a clue to the true nature of this taint?" he looks about, checking for no eaves droppers

Jarod Freeman: "Mostly, yes." He looks to Eli. "They tried to kill me, first of all. Second, they're allied with the person who killed my thrall. May have done the deed themselves. So I won't claim I was gentle. Far from it."

Victor Mendez: *Victor just looks between Eli and Jarid*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods, looking away from the man "Yeah. That makes it just fuckin dandy. Kill as many as you want.. so long as you have a good reason. I thought we were supposted to be helping these fuckers."

Victor Mendez: "if i rember Eli I had to drag you off of someone for less" *says Victor as he turns his gaze to Eli* "But this is neither the time nor the place for this discussion"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Glares down into the alley "I wouldn't have killed the punkasses.."

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He looks between Jarod and Eli "A point that can be discussed later no doubt, now is not the time or the place, lets keep our focus and cool."

Jarod Freeman: "Yeah. When they're not serving fucking Earthbound, I'm all for helping them. Christ, man. What would you have done if you'd tracked a loved one's killer for three days straight without sleep, and when you found the trail, you were set-upon by dagger wielding bums, one of whom tickled your spleen with said dagger?"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Shrugs, still looking away from Jarod and trying to keep his cool "Then why you look so fuckin guilty about it? They're just mortals.. You're bringing yourself down to HIS level by doin shit like this.." Gives a sigh "But it doesn't matter.. You're a big boy and I ain't your momma."

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom is gonna look around and start moving his hand across the wall, his eyes are closed, he is opening himself to the supernatural, feeling the bricks on the walls and there memory he is opening up his senses to there story and history((Supernatural Awarness))

Jarod Freeman: "Because I'm not him. That's why I still feel guilty." He lets it drop there, staring off.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((Do I get a roll and if so do you wish to Mr ST :) ))

Jarod Freeman: ((Go ahead))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 2,3,5,4,3,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks into the alley, trying to avoid saying anything else to Jarod and leaning hard against the bricks with a slight tension, arms still folded. Ready and waiting.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: There memory obviously weak, he walks backwards and forwards, one minute, two minutes...he steps back eyes opening. "I ain't getting shit!"

Victor Mendez: *Victor flips the latches on his case and picks it up before moving further into the alley* "You guys coming?"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Nods and follows Vic, matching his pace.

Jarod Freeman: He nods and stands up, moving to follow.

Victor Mendez: *When he gets a good distance from the mouth of the alley he sets the case back down udoing the latches again before sitting back down on top of it*

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He steps back from the wall pulling another stub of a cig out of his pocket and follows Vic down further into the alleyway.

Jarod Freeman: He leans against the wall this time, instead of sitting. "What exactly are we looking for, now?"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Gives a bored sigh and leans against the bricks.. not moving more than five feet from the man with the case.. unsure of what they're gonna come across.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Shrugs "We shoulda hit up Baby.. she could have made this go quite a bit faster I think.."

Victor Mendez: *Victor nods* "That really isnt such a bad idea. Maybe we should reconvine this investigation later with her help"

Ravyn: ((Per+Awareness))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: 1,6,1,4,

Jarod Freeman: 4,1,8,8,6,

Victor Mendez: 4,5,4,4,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He raises an eyebrow, "who is baby?" its an open question

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 4,4,2,6,4,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: "Minister of Eagles.. from the forth house.." Looks around with narrowed brown orbs.

Victor Mendez: *Victor nods at what Eli is saying*

Ravyn: Thomas & Victor sense nothing...damn that difficult of 7. Eli senses something...oh, shit, is that Tansy's resonance? Is she down here?

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((I roll legacy and what not later so not to disrupt the flow ;) ))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli perks up, stepping out from the bricks "What the fuck?" Looks around with a worried glance walking further into the alley

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((baby isnt her celestial name.. silly.))

Jarod Freeman: He looks up, suddenly, eyes flashing dangerously. "I feel him." He looks around, his eyes settling up, toward the roof of the second-story aparement complex they're next to.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He leans forward looking at Eli "You got a fish?" he steps up behind her, following her superior senses by the looks of it.

Victor Mendez: *Victor looks at Jarod and looks up* "Where?"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He looks to Jarod, then follows his gaze upwards trying to focuses his senses

Jarod Freeman: His face is a mask of anger. "There." And he moves to leap. He loves to do that.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks over to Jarod, slowing his roll with a confused look "Him?" Looks up, then back into the alley "But.." Scratches the back of his head with the same flash of worry.

Victor Mendez: *Victor begins looking around to see if he can see a fire escape*

Jarod Freeman: 3,5,3,8,6,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks around as well, behind Victor with a loud hiss of a whisper toward the deep end of the alley "Tansy.. if I find out you're out here.. I'ma be PISSED.." Still scratching the back of his head, not knowing what to think.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Seeing Jarod, leap tom smiles and follows suit ((Manipulate Gravity))

Jarod Freeman: And up, up, UP he leaps, as his command of the Firmament takes him high into the air, to the roof. He shouts down as he sails into the air. "Up here! I'll hold him"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 6,5,3,7,

Victor Mendez: ((So is there a fire escape to the roof))

Jarod Freeman: There is a fire escape to the roof. Thomas clears the roof, landing next to Jarod.

Victor Mendez: *Victor latches the case up and slings it onto his back before climbing up the fire escape as quickly as he can manage*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Scurries along behind Victor, holding up the rear like a good lil muse.

Xander Titus: The man is nothing if not confidant and the kind of man that throws caution to the wind. Well-built and muscular, dressed in a white tank-top and beige cargo pants, he’s not the most attractive man on the planet, but far from the ugliest. His hair is a dark brown, with blonde streaks. He’s got a perpetual five-o-clock shadow...the look of a man who’s just having too much damn fun to be bothered to shave. There’s something almost dangerous in his walk, like that of a lion. He’s king of his jungle, and if you don’t either stay out of his way or get on his good side, look out.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He lands, feet coming together knees bent on e hand on the floor, eyes sharp looking for what Jarod sensed.

Xander Titus: He just kind of smiles as he sees Jarod and Thomas land on the roof. "Evenin', boys. Whassup?"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom looks and grins back "You know the usual a bit of this, a bit of that" he says, hoping to stall him long enough for Vic and Eli to make it to the roof.

Jarod Freeman: He glares viciously at Xander, making it fairly obvious who he sensed. His hands are clanched into near-talons, staring at the man across from them with unabashed fury.

Victor Mendez: *Victor continues to climb for the roof* ((Just tell me when he will get to the roof))

Xander Titus: ((Dex+athletics, Victor & Eli))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: 7,7,7,5,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He carries on the conversation, still stalling "Nice evening for a roof top stroll, I don't think we have met have we mate?"

Victor Mendez: 8,8,5,3,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Climbing up the ladder, Eli mumbles "So much for stealth.."

Xander Titus: Victor is moving quick enough. Eli would be going faster, if there wasn't only on fire escape, and he was climbing behind Victor. "Youre friend doesn't seem to like me." Xander smiles, indicating Jarod before looking to the both of them. "Names aren't important. You'll remember me."

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: a quick look to Jarod hoping he isn't going to expolde forwrad before the other are up "Only being' polite mate, am Frank, he smiles at the man, hell it was worth a go.

Xander Titus: "Don't know anyone named Frank." He thinks, then shakes his head. "So what'd I do to piss in his salad?" Indicating Jarod.

Jarod Freeman: "Killer." He hisses it at Xander. "I can smell her death all over you."

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: "Oh is just cranky cos someone nicked his sandwich, really loves those Ham ones." he stands, hands in the open not wanting to antagonise him just yet.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Troddles behind Vic on the ladder, mumbling to himself but in no real hurry to find out what's up there.. unless Jarod has a good grip on it.

Xander Titus: "Oh, well, I try not to kill people." He smirks. "Sometimes, though, you just can't help it. Can you?" Looking to Jarod.

Xander Titus: Victor hits the top of the ladder, with Elijah right behind him.

Victor Mendez: *Victor climbs on to the roof and begins to come around to the side of the man Jarod and Tom are talking to*

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He looks to quickly Jarod, ready to charge with him if Jarod can't keep his rage under control, then looks back to Xander "I think you have been a bad boy."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: When Eli hits the top of the ladder, he pauses fear showing through when he sees that the given party is indeed not bound in any way. He peers over the edge of the roof for another moment before sheepisly troddling over behind the man with the battleaxe.

Jarod Freeman: He's practically shaking with Fury, having taken a step forward without realizing it.

Victor Mendez: *Victor slowly moves forward towrds the man as he attempts to flank him*

Xander Titus: As Victor starts to come around to the side, he backs up, shaking his head. "Nah eh eh...I'd advise against that, my friend. I don't like being flanked."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eyes widen a bit "Do we even know this fucker?" Eyes the stranger "Who is he..?" He calls in Jarod's direction.

Victor Mendez: *Victor smiles at him as he stops* "and who might you be?"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom moves with the unit, moving in the opposite direction to Vic, so one is on the left, one on the right with Jarod and Eli near center.

Jarod Freeman: "He's the guy who's name was all over Charity."

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He stops where Vic stops, not pushing the guy just yet.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((Eli's not in the center.. he's back.. behind vic like a puss.))

Victor Mendez: "really" *says Victor his face going grim as he drops the case off his back willing the latchs open*

Victor Mendez: 8,6,3,5,4,6,7,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Cocks a brow at Jarod "Kinda like the last four guys?"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He goes into his pocket, placing his hand in his knuckle duster, slow and steady.

Victor Mendez: "Not the time or place" *says Victor in a hiss*

Xander Titus: A grin to Jarod. "Hey, man, I can't help it if the ladies love me." He smirks at the furious man, then looks to Victor. "Call me the Lady's Love. The Extreme Sportsman. And yes, sex IS an extreme sport."

Victor Mendez: *Victor kneels next to his case not taking his eyes off the man*

Jarod Freeman: He doesn't even dignify that with a look. "No. The last four attacked when I found the trail. Like I've told you twenty fucking times." He takes another step forward, toward Xander. "HIS trail."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Blinks to the stranger, still merely standing there. He has nothing up his sleeve.. and it's pretty obvious from the look of panic on his pretty face.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom listens to the baiting, that is gonna send Jaord off he thinks, he brings his fist out, black knuckle dusters gracing his hand. "You must pay for your sin"

Victor Mendez: *Victor moves the case in front of him and opens it to where Xander cannot see its contents*

Xander Titus: He seems unconcerned with the hardware on Thomas's hand, nor the guitar case being opened. "Oh, I have to pay for my sin, eh? I think we're all escapees from our sins, pal."

Victor Mendez: *That confirms it he glances towards Jarod his eyes saying make your move*

Jarod Freeman: "Fuck this." He charges the man, apparently intent on ripping the fucker apart.

Jarod Freeman: 5,5,1,4,

Jarod Freeman: And he's so full of anger, he can't access his Faith to shed his host form.

Xander Titus: ((Init time))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: 5,

Xander Titus: 9,

Jarod Freeman: 4,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((11))

Victor Mendez: *Seeing Jarod charge Victor shed his host. The towering giant of steel taking his place as he hands grip the battle axe* ((spending a point of faith and assuming all low torment abilities))

Victor Mendez: 6,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 6,

Victor Mendez: ((13))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((11))

Xander Titus: ((All right, we'll be declaring & rolling in lowest to highest order, per Streamlined Combat, which is as follows: Jarod, Eli, Thomas, Victor, Xander.))

Victor Mendez: ((Did Victor assume his form before or after init?))

Jarod Freeman: 3,2,9,

Xander Titus: ((Apoc form was posted after INitiative was being rolled, so after))

Victor Mendez: ((cool))

Jarod Freeman: 6,7,7,

Xander Titus: 9,7,3,5,

Jarod Freeman: 3,6,3,8,2,5,

Xander Titus: 5,1,2,5,3,5,2,

Xander Titus: ((Eli?))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli is taking a defensive step back and taking form

Elijah Phillips - incognito: 1,8,5,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: (or not)

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom is going to run in, his boxing showing control lanching for an uppercut right into the Xanders chin

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((with the Dusters))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 8,3,5,10,7,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 3,3,2,3,8,

Xander Titus: 9,3,1,8,

Xander Titus: Victor takes Apocalyptic Form this turn and hefts his axe. Xander reaches beind him and pulls out two flare guns. One's aimed at the charging Jarod, the other's aimed at the attacking Thomas. He fires both. ((Splitting pools))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((come on breast plate!!!!!!))

Xander Titus: ((First Jarod, then Thomas))

Xander Titus: 4,2,8,5,

Xander Titus: 7,4,5,

Xander Titus: 4,4,2,8,

Xander Titus: 7,9,1,1,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((Quick question ,does my stam add to the armour when soaking lethal or is it just the armour?))

Xander Titus: ((Roll soak, Thomas. Your breastplate is 3 extra soak dice.))

Xander Titus -> Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((Sta+Armor))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 10,8,2,8,9,9,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((COME ON BREASTPLATE WOOOHO!))

Xander Titus: ((Thomas, call high or low. Same w/Jarod, who is calling high.))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((Low!))

Xander Titus: ((Jarod 1st, then Tom))

Xander Titus: 1,

Xander Titus: 2,

Xander Titus: ((Recap coming))

Xander Titus: RECAP: Xander immediate fires on Tom & Jarod. Neither take damage, though Jarod's close set on fire. Victor takes his Apoc Form. Tom ineffectually punches; Jaroed tackles new can took a crap.

Xander Titus: ((Wow. That made NO sense))

Xander Titus: ((Jarod tackele the new guy and takes him down onto his ass.))

Xander Titus: ((Now round. Same init))

Jarod Freeman: He's pulling his shirt off. Since it's burning, and all.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli.. seeing the fire and whatnot.. takes another step back and has another go at trying to take form.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: 5,9,10,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((finally.. he takes all low torment which takes him from 11 to 16 in the initiative rank as he get a bump in dex, wits, and improved initiative.))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom's in the mixer which is where he is staying, from the shot to his chin, he goes to punch him in the chest.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 1,7,10,7,8,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 5,10,10,2,2,

Xander Titus: 1,3,2,10,

Victor Mendez: *Victor is running in and bringing the Axe down on Xander*

Victor Mendez: 2,2,2,9,10,3,9,

Victor Mendez -> Xander Titus: ((is he dodging?))

Xander Titus: 2,6,2,2,

Xander Titus -> Victor Mendez: ((Not well enough...))

Victor Mendez -> Xander Titus: ((so thats 13 dice for damage right?))

Xander Titus -> Victor Mendez: ((Remind me of the Axe damage?))

Victor Mendez -> Xander Titus: ((str+5 vics current str is 6))))

Xander Titus -> Victor Mendez: ((So that would be correct, yes.))

Victor Mendez: 9,6,3,8,5,6,4,6,7,9,10,9,4,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((omg! don't break him!))

Xander Titus: 3,4,4,6,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((*Faints*))

Xander Titus: He sees the man running at him with him with the enormous axe. He touches him, and then tries a dodge ((already rolled the dodge, splitting actions and spending 2 Faith for auto-successes))

Xander Titus: 5,2,1,6,5,

Xander Titus: ((Recap coming))

Xander Titus: RECAP: Xander touches Victor, who feels poison enter his body ((-2 Stamina)), but fails to dodge the axe blow, and Victor cleaves him in half. Thomas adds a punch for good measure. Eli takes his True Form, as Jarod pulls his burning shirt off.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((hmm.. so if he's in twain.. does that mean we're out of initiative?))

Xander Titus: ((Yes, we are out of initative.)) The dead guy's Apocalyptic Form manifests over his halved body, an image of a man stricken with diseases of all sorts...tumors, sores, with damp, spongy flesh and rotted genitals.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Balls up her pretty fists, glaring at the malefactor "Goddamnit Nahaliel... You broke our source of information.. Why the hell are we OUT here again?!"

Victor Mendez: ((damn we still need the info)) *Victor reaches out to try and consume the tainted soul*

Xander Titus: The form makes to flee, as Nahaliel tries to consume him.

Victor Mendez: ((so do I get a roll for consumption?))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He also steps up to consume him, if Vic fails Tom will try.

Xander Titus: ((Roll Faith, Victor))

Victor Mendez: 6,6,1,4,

Xander Titus: 2,4,9,8,6,7,8,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Maintains a glare on Nahaliel when he tries for the tainted soul.. idiot.. he deserves to have that in him..

Xander Titus: Not only does Victor fail, but he gets 3 Faith points stolen away in the contest. ((Your turn, Tom))

Xander Titus: 7,7,9,9,4,3,3,

Victor Mendez: *Victor falls to his knees as his apoc form falls from his lack of faith*

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((Pending off course he hasn't managed to flee.))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Seeing Vic fall Tom thinks better of it, he steps back, "There is too much taint there, am not strong enough!"

Victor Mendez: *Victor shakes his head as he drags his axe back to the case* "I need to rest"

Victor Mendez: ((hey ya ill be back in a couple of minutes I need food. just assume that victor follows them whereever they head and dosnt talk much))

Xander Titus: ((Thomas, realize that you had already declared intent to try, and all Thomas knows is that Victor failed and lost his Apocalyptic form. You only changed your mind AFTER you saw the Torment roll.))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((Right I'll roll, Sorry, didn't mean it like that, WP for an Auto!))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 3,2,5,

Xander Titus: ((S'okay. Just pointing out how it looked.))

Xander Titus: Well, the GOOD news is that he's mostly filled out on Faith, and Thomas only loses 1 Faith. The form laughs and flees.\

Victor Mendez: ((well im just going to stay so scarlet dosent beat me))

Xander Titus: 5,3,5,5,3,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He staggers back, teeth clenched, falling to one knee "Too...strong"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((yer damn right.)) Ouestucati simply maintains her glare on Victor "Well as productive as this has been boys.. Is there anything else we've come to accomplish that can actually be DONE now?"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He stands feet wobbley under him "I though the plan was NON-leathal till we had a lead?"

Jarod Freeman: He finally gets the burning shirt off, howling after the fleeing form as it slips down to street level. "DAMN IT!!"

Victor Mendez: *Victor stands and looks ashamed before falling as he attempts to sling the case over his shoulder*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Motions to the two halves of what used to be another person "Shouldn't we at least take care of this?" It's obvious when she says ~we~ she means victor.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom leans over the body and starts searching his pockets, his entire person in fact "there may yet be something we can salvage from this."

Victor Mendez: *Victor just sits on his knees* "I need to go home, I feel weak. I think he poisoned me" *he says in a weak whisper*

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He teeth clench at the obvious dirty work, he has seen blood before put actually seaching a body in two halves is a different matter, he focuses on who he was and the evil that he commited and steels himself against the disgust.

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Stays back, not wanting to get anywhere near the halves of the corpse, still looking mighty irritated "I can read the headlines now.. 'man in tacky cargopants split down the center' Eyewitness reports say not but five minutes earlier they spotted two kangaroo motherfuckers hop onto the roof with said victim.." Shakes her head, still with balled fists.

Victor Mendez: *Victor pukes as the smell of blood comes over to him, demon or no the blood still smells like a mortals*

Jarod Freeman: Thomas finds a wallet for a Xander Titus, with California and New York DL's, about $300 cash, and several other random cards. He's got a set of Mercedes keys and a few more, a pack of cigarettes, and a cell phone.

Jarod Freeman -> Victor Mendez: ((Oh, shit. Victor, you're at -2 Stamina still. For the next 5 days. That puts you at Stamina 0))

Victor Mendez -> Jarod Freeman: ((So is victor dead or just in a coam))

Jarod Freeman: Victor's eyes roll back in his head...some kind of delayed reaction to the poison...and he drops to the ground, motionless.

Jarod Freeman -> Victor Mendez: ((Coma))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He wipes his hands on what ever clothing that is left on the man that hasn't been covered in blood, or his own if has non. "Right..." he steps back from the body, "..we have car keys, wallet and the best thing hopefully, a mobile phone." he steps further back from the body, pocketing the wallet but holding the keys and phone in his hands, he looks back at the body then to the rest of them, "I could burn it?"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Blinks over to Victor, rushing to kneal by his side and checking for a pulse.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((DLP))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: 8,10,1,4,6,8,6,7,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((wait.. would that be dex+med? if so that's what that is.. is it per+med?))

Jarod Freeman: ((Per+Med))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: 5,1,5,5,6,5,

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: "CRAP" Tom puts both phone and keys into his pockets, and moves over to Vic, "Is he..."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((wow... shit.))

: ((*Winces*))

Jarod Freeman: ELijah is unable to accurately find the proper spot for a pulse. Suddenly, Jarod is there, looking him over.

Jarod Freeman: 3,2,7,5,2,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Feels around Victor in a panic "I.. Can't tell.." Looks over to Tom "He can't be dead.. if so his form would have been released.. Maybe we should get him to that woman of his.. Unless you guys have a better idea?"

Jarod Freeman: "Fuck...FUCK." He looks to Eli. "Call his Doctor woman. NOW. He's alive, but barely."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Drops form and rummages through vic's pockets for his phone "I don't have her number.. but he's got to.."

Victor Mendez: *Victors phone is not on him, bums dont carry cell phones*

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Scratches the back of his head, looking to Tom "You know how to reach her? I never met the woman.."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Eli flips out his phone and calls Vic's cell "Maybe he left his phone at her place.. I'll try that.." waits for someone to pick up

Jarod Freeman: He looks around. "Shiiiiit..." He makes Victor comfortable on her back. "Do you guys know anyone who has her number?"

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Paces a bit and gives a tiny squeal when someone picks up "Oh thank god.. You Vic's woman?"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom watches unable to do anything he pulls out his phone and passes it to Eli, "Under doc, get him off the roof.", then looks to the still burning clothes and the body, he is gonna kick the burning coat so it rests on Xanders body, he steps back getting ready to invocate his lore of flames to increase the size of the flame.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((If she already has her on the line, forget that first bit *S*))

Jarod Freeman: He's tending to Victor as best he can. "C'mon, you psychotic, axe-wielding bum. Pull through."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: "Yeah.. you don't know me.. I'm Eli.. one of the guy's he was goin out with tonight.." Pauses listening to the woman "Umm.. well that's the thing you're a doctor right? Vic's in pretty bad shape.. How soon can you get to Staten Island?"

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: ((shall I roll for the Fuel innvocation?))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks down to Victor, still talking into the phone "Umm.. passed the fuck out.. But alive I think.." long pause before giving her directions to where they are.. telling her to take the fire escape to the roof.. look for the big flames.. "Yeah.. hurry. Thanks."

Jarod Freeman: ((Yes, go ahead and post your rolls when you state them. If it's not apprporiate, I'll let you know.))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: 4,5,8,4,7,7,

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Flips the phone back in his pocket, knealing by Jarod and Vic again "She's on her way.. how is he? I couldn't tell for shit.."

Jarod Freeman: Yes, that is a big, quickly burning body. That's also the hideous smell of burnt flesh and boiling organs.

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: Tom looks at the fire and says one thing "Burn" and it does the fire increasing in intensity and size, covering the body in a bonfire of flames.

Jarod Freeman: "He's alive. Pulse is weak, but he's breathing. Oh, God..." He catches the smell, lookin like he's about to gag.

sorry for barging in: ((is Ravyn around?))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Turns at the stench, holding his nose "Jesus Christ dats nasty.."

Elijah Phillips - incognito: ((let me know when adri would be getting here. i'm not sure about travel time but she's coming from midtown.))

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He looks to Jarod, concern in his eye, but all so control "We needed to get rid of the evidence, the goddamn pigs man, nothing big about it" He moves over to them, "We need to get him off the roof"

Jarod Freeman: ((I'm Ravyn. PM away.))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Glares at Tom "And go.. where exactly? Onto the streets for everyone and their brother to see? We should wait here and hope that the ~goddamned pigs~ don't show up on an arson call.."

Thomas Judge -[Homeless Man]: He smells the burning flesh and though the stench is overpowering he has smelt it before, back in the day. "He fired fucking flare guns, I think some fucker has already seen it, and three Angels on a roof top ain't subtle either, we get him into the alleyway and use the shadows."

Kane: ((just wanted to let you know that i am still going to be playing..i have been spread thin with work and school...i don't even have time to check my email anymore much less RP..Johan has been busy in his lab, perfecting his holographics and such..Hey Scar :) how ya doin babe but i'm in class right now so i gotta go..Johan will be back though..count on it))

Elijah Phillips - incognito: Looks to Jarod "Do you think we should move him?" Flashes a look of concern down at Vic's motionless body.

Jarod Freeman: ((Okay, Kane.)) "Guys. Enough arguing, please." He Stays there, next to Victor. "Thomas, I'm sure the man's burned beyondall recognition now. Please, but him out."