Elijah Phillips : Eli nods and leans back against the wall, shifting his gaze to the dingy concrete. "I've already explained myself love.. to you as well as the other ministers. What.. do you want from me?" He looks up with an attempt at a saddened gaze.

Jarod Freeman: He makes his way down, walking with a quick pace, pushing people out of the way. The expression on the man's face is stone dead cold as he heads straight for Victor's alley.

Elijah Phillips : Eli squints at Victor for a long moment before looking back to the ground "Of course I didn't. I don't see how you could think that. I'm not a monster."

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: "I want you to tell me here and now face to face" *he says calmly*

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: ((DLP))

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: d10: per+emp: 2,9,1,5,

Jarod Freeman: He steps into the mouth of the alley, and just stops there. He says nothing, just watches the two, hands at his sides.

Elijah Phillips : d10: manipulation+perf: 9,2,4,10,3,4,

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: *Victor nods to him* "Then I beleive you" *he says with a sigh* "Look I reacted the way I did because I was upset, the boy didnt need to die there"

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: ((They are far down in the alley far enough that they wouldnt be seen from the mouth))

Jarod Freeman: ((Okay, mayve I'm not understanding how this alley is set up. usually, if you step into an alley, you can see all the way to the end.))

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: ((At night?))

Elijah Phillips : "Gee thanks, Victor. That makes me feel quite a bit better." He spits in a harsh sarcastic tone. He takes a drag from the slim. He shakes his head "I'm well aware.. But I have enough on my mind right now.. to add you being pissed off at me to the stack. I love you.. but I really don't NEED your 'holier than thou' fucking attitude right now."

Jarod Freeman: ((That's why I just asked how it was set up. Jarod has always just stepped partially in and spoke with Victor, to my knowledge.))

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: *Victor looks up at Eli* "So what other problems are there from this, besides the fact that he shouldnt have died"

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: ((Victor usually is closer to the mouth of the alley, he moved further down delibertly on this occasion))

Elijah Phillips : Eli shrugs, leaning weakly against the wall "I'm.. not sure, love. I still have to head down to the concerto to figure all that out. Jody didn't seem to upset about the whole ordeal.. but.." He trails off with a shrug "I just.. don't know."

Jarod Freeman: ((Then mod my previous post to where he's far in enough to be near them.))

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: "hmm well according to the Treaty it would be up to the court to deal with you if they do find that a breach occured and he did attack and threaten you" *he says with a nod* "I will go with you to the concerto if you want me to"

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: d10: : 3,5,4,5,9,

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: *Out of the corner of his eyes he notices someone else move towards them in the alley*

Jarod Freeman: He remains in his spot, quietly watching, that same dead look on his face. It doesn't seem particularly directed at either of them in particular.

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives a tiny nod, his head down and not even trying to look toward the mouth of the alley. "I.. don't much care either way. I'm taking full responsibility. There's no need for you to join me there."

Victro Mendez {Victor's alley}: "Im not saying there is a need Eli" *he says with a sigh* "but I will be there to support you, becasue honestly you are my friend and a shining example of our kind"

Jarod Freeman: "Victor, shut up. Eli, you, too." It's said quietly, anger burning through it.

Elijah Phillips : Eli doesn't need to be told. He doesn't even try to speak. He drops his slim and steps it out with a silver combat boot.

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "watch how you speak to me here" *he says turning to look at Jarod*

Jarod Freeman: "You threaten me, Victor, and I'll follow through on it."

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives a weak sigh, leaning his head back to the bricks and closing his eyes. Great. Just what he needs.

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Leave this place, Jarod if you carry violence with you" *he says stareing at Jarod*

Jarod Freeman: "So says the man who god his supposed 'friend' and 'shining example of our kind' so scared that he thought you were going to kill him. In this alleyway." He stares a hole through Victor. "Fuck yourself. Don't play holier then thou with me, 'cause none of us are holy anymore. Get that through your head, Victor, 'cause I'm sick of you treating the people you claim to call friend like your enemies when it's conveniant for you."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: *Victor looks at Eli* "Why did you tell Jarod I was going to kill you?" *he says questionanly*

Jarod Freeman: "I didn't say that, Victor. Don't put words in my mouth."

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives another tiny sigh, looking back down to Victor "When you left my house.. you looked like you were ready to. And then you didn't respond to me when I tried to explain myself.. then you ask me to meet me in YOUR alley.. What was I supposted to think, Nahaliel?"

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "then how about you explain yourself then Jarod rather than just standing there throwing accusations at me?" *he says stareing at Jarod*

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Well does it look like I brought you here to kill you?" *he says as he looks at Eli*

Jarod Freeman: "Eli text messaged me and said he was going to meet with you, and that if he didn't exist tomorrow, to check your knick-knacks. He didn't say you were going to kill him, but he was obviously aware of the possibility. And considering I've seen you threaten him, and me, on several occasions, I don't blame him."

Elijah Phillips : Eli shrugs and looks down to the ground. He doesn't look to have the energy for any of this. His shoulders slump. "I don't know.."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Then how about this both of you leave my alley and leave me alone" *he says looking at Jarod*

Jarod Freeman: "Frankly, this isn't the point, though, because it's not why I came down here. I didn't think you were going to kill him, because you never follow through on your threats...you're toothless. But I knew that you both would be here, and I have a request of you both."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "I know what I wanted to know now" *he says with a sigh* "So if you hate me so much Jarod then why speak to me?"

Elijah Phillips : Eli just continues to look to the ground. Silent and sheepish.

Jarod Freeman: "I don't hate you, Victor. I'm furious with you, and I'm tired of your shit. But I don't hate you."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Well then make your request" *he says stareing at the man*

Jarod Freeman: He nods. "My request is simple. Give me one reason why I should stay a part of your Court."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "I want to know the same damn thing, as to why I should stay part of yours" *he says stareing at Jarod*

Elijah Phillips : Eli blinks sadly to the floor of the alley. He speaks softy. "I.. just dont care anymore. Don't. If you don't want to. Obviously unity isn't an option. I thought its' what we wanted.. but it isn't going to happen. It's pointless."

Jarod Freeman: He snorts. "It's not mine, Victor. It's just the Court to me. One where, ideally, everyone, or at least the Ministers, should discuss our plans. But you obviously look at yourself as a head. You talk about Democracy, and then you act outside of such democracy, and refuse to accept any blame when doing so causes problems with the plan we as a whole agreed to." He looks at Eli. "And you...you talk about how you were opposed to spying on Thomas's group, when you never voiced a single opposition to it...in fact, as soon as it was suggested, you nominated Cherry to do it."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Jarod leave here I already offered to leave the court if that is what you want" *he says stareing at him* "Since I am not wanted within it I will leave it, it is very simple Jarod"

Jarod Freeman: "You're not the victim, Victor. Don't make yourself out to be one. You're no good at it." He shoots the man a foul look. "No one's asked you to leave, myself included."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "And what I did was not planned and I made a gesture towards unity, somthing you obviously care nothing for" *he says stareing at Jarod*

Jarod Freeman: "Says the man who I had to talk into not killing Thomas barely more then a week ago. Thomas has no interest in joining our Court. I at least tried to keep communication lines open. You wanted followers, nothing more."

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives another tired sigh, looking down to the ground. He pulls out another Virginia Slim and lights it. Remaining silent.

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Bullshit Jarod, he told me that you were most of the reason he had no intrest in joining the court" *he says stareing at him* "Look I dont care consider me out of this serpants nest you call a court"

Elijah Phillips : Eli takes a long drag from the slim and tilts his head back against the bricks. Eyes once again fluttering closed. He mutters softly "We're all as good as dead."

Jarod Freeman: "That's because, unlike you, I don't stab my allies in the back, and I never told him that I had to talk you out of sending him BACK TO HELL. I made myself the bad guy...for YOU. Again." He glares at the other man. "And the Courts were your idea, you moron. If you really had interests in acting as part of a democracy, you would have told Thomas something to get him on your good side, and THEN you would have brought it up to us. Part of a democracy is that everyone gets a vote. Look it up. Take a political science class, or something."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "yes and after I had finished talking with Tom I was going to bring it up to everyone" *he says looking at Jarod* "or is part of being a memeber of the court meaning that my every word must be reported and these courts were not my idea Jarod they were yours"

Jarod Freeman: "No, Victor. This is your vaunted democratic Symposium. Remember that?"

Elijah Phillips : Eli takes another slow drag.. knowing damn well he's being ignored. It's for the best. He's nothing nice to say anyway it seems. "Lovely. We fall to anarchy.. and get picked off one.. by one.. by one.." He trails with a tiny grin creeping across his face

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "This isnt a symposium this is your court without a Tyrant" *he says salmly* "But it really dosent matter anymore and im not going to debate it anymore leave for I am no longer a member of your court"

Jarod Freeman: "No, Eli. We don't get picked off one by one." He shakes his head. "Not if I have anything to say about it. See, I'm not willing to let the new Court die. I believe in it, even though I already see it starting to fall due to egos, lack of communication, and honestly, those are the beginnings of corruption. So, as much as I want to step away from it, I'd rather see it improve on its mistakes. So I'm asking you both to tell me why I should stay. But if Victor would rather walk away then change himself into a person who practices what he preaches, there's not much I can do for him. I can only help those who are willing to accept my help."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "A symposium was what we had at one time, remeber the time when we just sat around a discussed ideas on what to do that was a symposium my idea has been dead a long time" *he says with as he looks at Jarod* "This is just confusion"

Elijah Phillips : Eli shakes his head with another tiny sigh. "We're divided. Weak. Unstructured. Without a leader.. the court won't work. I see that now."

Jarod Freeman: "IT'S NOT MY FUCKING COURT!!!" He roars it, taking a step as he does, right into Victor's face. The anger radiating off the man is palpable. "I never WANTED to be in a Court! ANY Court at ALL!!! The only reason I joined Tal-Kerioth's was because my love's LIFE was threatened!! I DON'T WANT THE FUCKING THING!!! And you...can FUCK YOURSELF!!!"

Elijah Phillips : Eli purses his lips and looks to the two of them with a stern gaze.. motherly almost "Boys, please. This is solving nothing. Stop it."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "back off Jarod" *says Victor calmly*

Jarod Freeman: He doesn't seem to hear Eli, staring straight into Victor's eyes. His face is a mask of frustration and fury. He speaks again...quiet this time. He doesn't move away. "Are you going to walk away, rather then try and make this work, Victor? Are you that short-sighted and morally weak?"

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Your the one who dosent want this to work, the wedge keeping unity from happening" *he says calmly* "I try for unity and am told im over stepping my bounds and you are suppose to deal with it a man who drove the wedge in the first place"

Elijah Phillips : Eli raises his voice in a girlish squeal "Oh for the love of Lucifer.. we all want the same goddamn thing! Would you two kindly stop bickering.. put them BACK in your pants.. so we can figure out a fucking solution?"

Jarod Freeman: "You're full of shit, Nahaliel." He spits the man's name out. "Don't try to pawn this off on me, like it was even my idea. I went to talk to Thomas because you wanted to kill him. I wanted to give him another chance...the chance I talked you into giving him. Or are you going to try and tell me, here and now, when there's a witness, that you didn't tell me you were planning on sending him back to Hell?"

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Yes I did and Tom knows that as well" *he says looking at Jarod* "but whatever, I kind of find it interesting that he was still willing to talk to me afterwards becasue I speak with him honestly" *he says looking Jarod dead in the eyes*

Jarod Freeman: "And I didn't even suggest spying on him. Lydia did. But apparently, this is all my fault, 'cause it's my Court. Why? You can't blame Eli, because then, he might not tolerate you anymore. You can't blame Cherry, and I don't know why that is. Can't blamce Cameron, he's too new. So you have to blame it on one of the ministers. So you blame it on me. I'm not taking the blame to make your life convenient. Yes, I went along with it. I'll tell Thomas that to his face. And I'll explain why. And I'll do it because I have conviction in myself. You're too scared of not being the good guy."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "No I do blame cherry for it and honestly Jarod I dont really blame you except for the fact that you seem to believe that all the problems within this court are my fault" *he says looking at Jarod* "You arnt the one that prides themself on being a deceiver"

Jarod Freeman: "I know we want the same thing, Eli. Victor doesn't. I'm trying to make him see that, to look past his own bruised ego."

Elijah Phillips : "I blame Lydia." He says frankly, with a drag of the slim. "You know.. not that anyone cares. But I do."

Jarod Freeman: "I don't think it's all your fault. But again, you're willing to blame individuals, rather then the whole thing. And rather then voice your opinions, even later AFTER the meeting, you went behind our back. Yes, you should have talked it over with us. Not every little thing, but things that directly contradict us? Yes. You were at the meeting. You knew what we had discussed. And you knew that if you named Cherry as a Minister, it would fuck our plans. And rather then tell us so we didn't make ourselves look bad, you held that to yourself. And lo and behold, Cherry looks bad. I look bad. The whole Court looks bad...except you."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "I told Tom that I was silent during the suggestion to spy on him a suggestion that I thought was not all the way through the courts becasue we were there to set up how things were going to be run" *says Victor seriously* "especially since at the time it wasnt even voted on and the ministers werent even in place, since what I did was wrong because it wasnt voted on"

Jarod Freeman: "I, personally, blame ALL of us. Myself. Eli. YOU, Victor. I do blame you. No one spoke against it...not seriously, anyway. Eli, you put up a token resistance because of logistics reasons. You didn't say, 'Hey, I don't agree with spying on him because it's wrong.' And you let it go nice and easy. I blame Cherry, Cameron, and Lydia. ALL of us."

Jarod Freeman: "When no one says no, that is a vote, even if it's not official. Don't argue technicalities."

Elijah Phillips : Eli quirks a brow "I never claimed a moral standpoint.. I said it was idiotic. I stand by what I said at the meeting. I don't think it should have been done. I've ALSO spoken with crimsonstar about it. He's staying at my house. We're cool."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "I was lead to beleive that the issue would be brought up after the court was actually in place and yes I do think I should have voiced my opinion on the matter, and why i didnt at the time is beyond me and for that I am at fault" *he says with a look towards Jarod*

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "But no personally I still dont see the point in this situation that you are briniging up you were the one who wanted to know why you should stay a part of my court, and when I ask you the same question I get damned" *he says looking at Jarod* "And never once did I say I was completely without fault, but I dont think that trying to bring Tom into the court was somthing I am wrong for"

Jarod Freeman: "Which is why I blame Cherry. Because we hadn't fully resolved it yet, and she acted too quickly. But you were refusing to take blame before this instant. And don't say you aren't trying to throw this on me, you JUST said it was MY Court, that it's a Serpent's Nest, and you'll have nothing to do with it because it's corrupt. MY Court is corrupt." He shakes his ehad. "It's not mine, Victor. I don't want it. I never claimed to control it. I never would have acted outside of it, like you did. Tyrants do that. Ministers don't. I want it to belong to all of us, from the non-Ministers like Lydia, all the way on up. If you want to know why you should stay, it's because the Court is worth fighting for, which I've stated several times already. You just can't seem to understand what I'm saying, amidst all your wishes to leave."

Elijah Phillips : Eli takes another absent drag from his slim, looking back up to the sky with a tiny upward exhale. "We need to decide if we want structure.. or not. This middle ground shit isn't cutting it. Obviously."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "No I ment yours as in the fact that I no longer wanted to be a part of it really" *says Victor looking at the man* "and I didnt act outside of it Jarod I spoke to another fallen who was not a part of it about joining it that is acting in the interest of the court Jarod, and yes I was willing to take blame, but being told im overstepping my bounds when I really dont believe I did was not what I will take blame for"

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "So if you will stop dumping this shit on top of me like you did in the discussion among the ministers then what should we do about it then if I am to remain part of it, or do you want to keep yelling at me?" *says Victor looking Jarod in the eyes*

Jarod Freeman: "You did overstep your bounds. The Minister of Aurochs is the person who deals with the defense of the Court. As the primary discussion at the meeting was whether Thomas's group was a threat or not, Aurochs could apply. The Minister of Dust deals with non-Court relations. Like the other Court. And the Minister of Dragons deals with making sure there's not corruption in the entire Demon community, not just within the Court. Thus, an argument could be made that it was my domain. The Ministry of Lions deals with planning and executing war with other Demons and the Earthbound. Thomas was never going to be attacked, and he's not an Earthbound. Thus, you acted outside of your Ministry, in a strict definition. I know you did it more as a friend, but you have to think of your position within the Court as well, and discuss these things with someone else. In this case, by my opinion, Eli." He keeps his voice under control, now. Calm, even. "And I was yelling at you for reasons that should be obvious. I've already told you, I don't hate you. But you should damn well know, as long as you've known me, that trying to claim the Court was mine isn't something that I'll take well to. Now, what we should do, is bring up the idea of whether we want structure or not to the entire Court."

Elijah Phillips : "I was against it.. not that it matters to anyone.."

Jarod Freeman: "I know you were against it, Eli...wait." He stops a minute. "Against what, this time. You've got me confused. Against the spying, against bringing Thomas into the Court, or against structure?"

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "No the minister of dragons deals with internal corruption of the court" *he says with a sigh* "but that is just semantics and Toms group was only a threat because they were not members, which im sorry but i had an oppurtunity and took it, and rember you said it was mine first and personally I hate the damn thing"

Jarod Freeman: "No, Thomas's group was mentioned as a threat because of his penchant for spilling information to the wrong people. Like Cernunnos's Celestial Name, and Eli's, and so on. He was a Security risk, essentially. Which made him a threat to us." He sighs, shaking his head. "And why do you hate it so much?"

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Because it is just something to place control and generally when you place positions of prominence among any group corruption occurs, which is why this wasnt my idea as you claimed it to be" *he says with a sigh*

Elijah Phillips : "Against spying." He states quite matter of factly. "I wanted unity from the beginning.. not that it mattered. Everyone has their heads too far up their asses to come together on this one simple fucking thing. I'm for structure.. since it's obvious that without it.. we're a bunch of clusterfucks." He takes another quick drag from the slim, ranting "Victor's to blame.. You Jarod.. myself, Lydia, Cherry.. Not a fucking one of us in innocent.. maybe that's why we were SENT TO HELL." A pause "Reguardless.. We shouldn't stop trying to seek unity. I think we need more structure. I think we need a head. An honest one. One that everyone can relate to. On one level or another."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "And who will that head be Eli?" *says Victor looking at him curious* "And how long do you think they will stay honest?"

Jarod Freeman: "I wanted unity too, Eli. I still do. But I'm a realist. Thomas refused to join the Court, in any capacity. We can't force unity on those who don't want it. If we do that, we become Tal-Kerioth. And I won't have that. And yes, I already said we were all to blame."

Elijah Phillips : "If tom sees a strong union.. with an honest head, he'll join. I'm sure of it." Eli gives a tiny smile "Crimsonstar is fickle, love. He just needs time to reason his way through things."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "He was willing to come aboard after I spoke with him until Cherry went back to him a spread more lies and deception from what he said" *says Victor with a shrug*

Jarod Freeman: "And he'll find a reason to leave just as soon, is my concern. Like Eli said, Thomas is fickle." He sighs. "I like him. I see a lot of potential in him, but he acts without thinking. This is a problem. If he grows up, then he'll do a lot of good. We just have to get him to do so. Before we get him into the Court."

Jarod Freeman: "And you're throwing blame around again, Victor."

Elijah Phillips : "He's done quite a bit of growing. Otherwise.. I'd never let him in my home. I trust him to watch over Tansy while I'm not there."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "No I am stateing exactly what I was told by the person you said refused to join in any capacity" *he says seriously*

Elijah Phillips : Eli nods "He told me he didnt' want to join because the lack of a leader"

Jarod Freeman: "Then he completely changed his reasoning, between what he told each of you, and what he told me. And I spoke with him literally the afternoon before the meeting."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "So what did he tell you then?" *he says with a shrug*

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: ((Hey ya I have this test thing to take tommrow and need to be heading off to bed soon))

Elijah Phillips : "I'd venture to guess that I spoke to him the most recently.. Though I haven't since.." He squints and looks down "He'll be upset with me."

Jarod Freeman: "He said that he refused to join any organization that was a democracy. He said that he wouldn't join any organization that either of you two were a part of, particularly Eli. Also, he told Cherry that he didn't like the wording of the deal that you laid out to him, Victor. That he was leaving it up to a group vote between the people in his organization. And this was before he found out Cherry was there as a spy."

Jarod Freeman: ((Cool, we can finish this up soon.))

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "He told me this the last time I spoke to him thay I was the only fallen in the court he trusted, and that he was very likely to join before finding out that the court sent spies out after him" *he says with a shrug* "maybe he is just trying to play us all for fools, and tear this apart at the inside to increase his own numbers?"

Jarod Freeman: "Could be," he says with a nod. "Or, it could be that he just doesn't want to join, and gives us all different reasons for not doing it, to pacify us."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "No I mean honestly if he really just didnt want to join he would probably keep the same reason, I mean he even sent one of his number to me to speak about it" *he says with a shrug*

Jarod Freeman: He frowns. "I don't know, then. We'll have to see what happens. Obviously, we've all gotten different stories from him, though."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Hmm" *says Victor with a shrug* "he did invite me to come to all of the meetings of his group, should I take him up on the offer or discuss this with the rest?"

Elijah Phillips : "I'm not surprised. I don't think he knows WHAT he wants.. Which is why his story keeps changing. He's more scatterbrained than Elijah is.." Another quick drag.

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "and personally I really dont know how much I actually trust Cherry" *he says with a look towards Jarod and Eli* "If I had known how much she prides herself on being deceptive I never would have wanted her for any ministry"

Jarod Freeman: "That's my thought too, Eli. He has a tendancy get on a high horse, and look down at people. Of course, I think we all do that, from time to time. Our horse used to be pretty damn high."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "And this isnt comeing as a member of the court but from a member of this circle" *he says looking at both of them* "I mean even when we fight which happens at least I know I can trust both of you to be honest"

Jarod Freeman: "Cherry's been fairly good with what she's been needed for, historically. I think she acted too soon, but..." He sighs. "Maybe we should talk with her, at some point."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Its the fact that she prides herself on deception that bothers me, that is a sign of falling to your torment, when you no longer care about your word" *he says with a sigh* "but yea we can talk to her but she really is as deceptive as she beleives she is then how do we know we can trust her after that?"

Elijah Phillips : Eli nods "I can talk to her. I bet I can play her game a bit better than she can." He gives a tiny wink. "Not saying I'm deceptive. By any means. But I've a knack for reading people."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: (("but if she is" is how that should read))

Jarod Freeman: "Because she's not as good as she thinks," he says with a little grin. He smiles a little bit at that. "And thanks, Victor. I trust you guys to be honest...though honestly, sometimes I have issues with your judgment. As, I expect, you sometimes have issues with mine. But we've always worked things out, and that's what's important. We make mistakes, but we always work them through." He looks to Victor. "You do need to stop making your friends scared of you, though. That's not cool at all. And Eli, you need to speak up before, not after. Stop going with the flow...take a stand. And I need to stop getting angry with the two of you." A little grin on his face. He knows there's more then that...it's more of a joke.

Jarod Freeman: "Oh, I can be deceptive. And Eli, so can you. It's how we were built...how He wanted us, oddly enough. We just try not to."

Elijah Phillips : Eli scratches the back of his head "I.. have a backbone.. right?" An oblivious looking blink. He does take a stand.. sometimes.. when its safe to do so.

Jarod Freeman: "You have a backbone, yes." He nods. "Just use it more often. Don't be afraid to voice your opinions, man. Don't be everyone's friend all the time. I can deal with you disagreeing with me. I can't deal with it after the fact, when the plan goes bad."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Okay then now that all of this is settled" *says Victor looking to the two of them* "should we convene the ministers or the entirity of the court?"

Jarod Freeman: "Might as well convene the whole Court. There's only two who aren't Ministers, after all."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Or do we convene every fallen in the city to try to set up a truly unifing system" *he says looking at the two of them*

Elijah Phillips : Eli nods "I like THAT idea."

Jarod Freeman: "We can try that, too." He nods. "See if it'll work."

Elijah Phillips : Eli nods "I'll get to contacting Thad and Alexandra. See what they think. And I'll talk to Tom and Keiko." Blinks down to the ground "After I'm done at the concerto that is."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "I think it at least has a chance to work" *he says with a shrug* "Also we need land"

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "No matter the concerto's decscion Eli you will be fine. I for one will fight with you now that I know it wasnt your intention to kill the boy" *he says as he reaches out to pat Eli on the back*

Elijah Phillips : Eli flinches instinctively when Vic moves to touch him, then relaxes with a tiny smile. He nods "Thanks, love. Good to know."

Jarod Freeman: "Sounds like a plan." He nods a little to Eli. He remains silent about the Concero issue.

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Well ya its been fun and very informative but I need to be heading home, give me a call when ever this meeting has been set up" *he says with a smile to the two of them*

Elijah Phillips : Eli nods and looks down to the ground.. thoughtful look about him "Night, Nahaliel. I love you."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: *victor reaches out to pat Jarod on the back before he leaves* "Im sorry about some of the things I said"

Jarod Freeman: He nods to Victor. "I know. I'm sorry I got as angry as I did." He reaches over and gives the man a quick hug. "I'll drop you a line."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Its allright Jarod" *he says with a smile* "We all need to go out again sometime and just hang out everything has gotten way to serious lately"

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives a solemn nod to Vic's statement. Remaining silent.

Jarod Freeman: "Yeah, it has." He sighs a little. "We'll do that, some time."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "Maybe thats the real problem here is that we have given to much shit importance" *he says with a shrug of his shoulders* "Let Tom be the Tyrant if he wants, ill pay it as much attention as I did the last one." *he sasy with a laugh as he moves to leave*

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives a girlish giggle, raising his finger in a point "I'm going to use that backbone thing I have and openly state that I think that a BAD idea. Amusing.. but bad nonetheless."

Jarod Freeman: "No, we've giving importance to the wrong things. And Cernnunos is running free." He sighs. "Gonna have to get out there eventually and track again...but I think a few hours isn't gonna make much difference. See you later, Victor."

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: *Victor just gives a shrug* "Yeah probably, but hey at least it would be a semi solution" *he says with a laugh* "Well im off ya this time for real"

Elijah Phillips : Eli flitters a girlish wave to Victor and leans absently toward Jarod with a tiny sigh.

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: "And that I do agree with we need to track him down and send him back to the abyss" *he says as he moves towards the exit of the alley*

Jarod Freeman: He pulls out a cigarette, placing it in between his lips. He moves over to Eli and leans back against the wall. After a long moment, he sighs. "We've gotta stop doing this," he says with a wry grin.

Victor Mendez {Victor's Alley}: ((well ya im off thanks for the scene it was fun))

Elijah Phillips : Eli lays a head on Jarod's shoulder, slipping a hand to the man's chest "Doing what, love?"

Jarod Freeman: "The yelling and the screaming. Isn't good on these mortal bodies of ours." He chuckles a little as he lights the cigarette.

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives a tiny laugh "I don't care much for yelling, love.. You get your point across much more effectively if you refrain." A tiny shrug "Sometimes." He gives the man a tiny squeeze "You.. didn't have to show up. But I'm glad you did."

Jarod Freeman: He nods a little. "I didn't think he'd kill you, to be honest. But I wasn't willing to take the chance. And besides, I thought we needed to settle this among us, anyway."

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives a tiny nod "I.. still need to break the news of Travis' death to Crimsonstar. They were.. close." He clings to Jarod with weak arms.

Jarod Freeman: "I'll be there with you, if you want."

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives a tiny sigh, nuzzling his face in the man's neck "I wish I weren't so damn weak.."

Jarod Freeman: "Thomas is volitile. So is Victor. You just need to take a stand. I don't think either of them would hurt you, directly. Just through not thinking. That seems to be Thomas's specialty, at least."

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives a tiny nod and stands back up to his full height. "You're.. right. As usual." He gives a halfsmile to the man and leans over to kiss his cheek. "I think I'm going to go tell the Crimsonstar. He should be at the house.. Have you seen it yet?"

Jarod Freeman: "Yeah. You called me over a couple weeks ago." He smiles a little to Eli.

Elijah Phillips : Eli gives a tiny laugh "Jesus.. so much shit has gone down since then.." He shakes his head and starts a strut for the end of the alley, some of the inherent confidence creeping back to the boy.

Jarod Freeman: He chuckles to that, and follows Eli out of the alleyway, smoking at the other's side.

Elijah Phillips : Slipping an arm around Jarod's waist Eli leads the man to his home. ((res?))

Jarod Freeman: ((Sure!))



Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli waltzes up to the front door and unlocks the thing.. fiddles with the alarm and lets himself and Jarod in.

Elijah Phillips [home]: (waits for other players)

Jarod Freeman: He walks up behind Eli, looking around as he moves in. He's only been here once, so he's still getting used to the place.

Tansy: Tansy is awake, although not downstairs at the moment. She is sitting in the nursery.

Tansy: d10: Percept + Alert: 1,8,3,5,9,

Tansy: She believes she hears something, being all worried like as of late she moves out of the chair, pulling the dagger she keeps under the coushion of the rocking chair as she goes.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli smiles to Jarod, making his way into the house "Have you met Angel, love?" A tiny giggle "My memory is shit lately.. She's living with us."

Jarod Freeman: "No, I haven't. Who's Angel?" He follows Eli along.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli flashes a sly grin "She's a sweetheart. Someone I found downtown.. with no where to go. Tansy and I took her in."

Tansy: She crereps out of the nursery to the top of the stairs a tilts of her head before she calls out. "Eli?"

Jarod Freeman: "Coolness." He looks up the stairs, smiling a little, at the sound of Tansy's voice.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli blows a kiss to the sound of Tansy's voice "Hi honey.. I'm home." He slips an arm around jarod's waist "With good company."

Jarod Freeman: "Aww. I'm flattered." He grins faintly at the praise.

Thomas Judge: He opens the workout room door, short sword in hand...and hears the voices, before depositing it back in the room. 'honey' is home.

Tansy: With the dagger tucked along the side of her arm, holding onto the handel. She makes her way down the stairs to the landing in between then tow floors. "Company?" she comes to a stop and a soft smile as she see's Jarod. "Hiya Jarod."

Jarod Freeman: "Hey, Tansy." He smiles to her. "How are you? You look good."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli giggles at tansy, making a quick pace up the stairs "Love.. stay put. We'll come to you."

Tansy: A sad looks passes her eyes before she nods. "I am hanging in there, and I look pregnant and akward." an attenpt at some humor. She sticks to the landing, she cannot see the livingroom from there.

Tansy: A loving look to Eli, she wasn;t going anywhere anyways so so doen't say anything.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli quickly bolts up the stairs with a grin to tansy. He wraps his hands around the girl once he gets to the landing "You're beautiful, love." He kisses the girl's cheek, looking up to the second level "Is Tom in?"

Jarod Freeman: "Which is looking good." He chuckles a little, following Eli up the stairs. There's a sympathy in his eyes at her sadness, despite his good humor.

Tansy: She leans into Eli."Your biased, but I still love you anyways." She waves a hand in the sir. "Somewhere around ehre, I dunno."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli speaks softly to tansy with a worried look "Does he know? I mean.. have you told him yet?"

Tansy: A glance to Jarod before she looks to Eli, a skae of her head looking upwards. "Not that i am aware of......I." another shake of her head still leaning against Eli.

Jarod Freeman: He looks both up and down from the landing, hovering near Eli, almost a little protectively. Not from Tansy, either, that's for sure.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli smoothes a gentle hand over tansy's hair, calling toward the work out room and tom "Over here, love. We've a visitor." A smirk to Jarod.

Tansy: ((*dances* I timmed that look upwards JUST perfectally *S*))

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli gives tansy a gentle squeeze "You up for a trip to the basement, love? We need to have a bit of a sit down talk.. and I think drinks could help."

Jarod Freeman: He grins a little to Eli, and just waits there, for Thomas to arrive.

Tansy: "Angel is sleeping....maybe we should go someplace more comfortable.....the basement?" a look up to Eli.

Tansy: ((DLP))

Elijah Phillips [home]: ((*giggles* what were you saying about your perfect timing.. ))

Tansy: She nods her head. "Yesh, was jsut gonna suggest that we go down there."

Thomas Judge: He wanders over, "well am not exactly livin' ere." blue eyes look to Jarod "Allo china" He looks around all three, Eli round Tansy, Jarod hovering, this is not a good start.

Jarod Freeman: ((It's official. The Demon-Thrall Hive Mind is complete.))

Jarod Freeman: "Hey, Thomas." He nods to the man, amicably enough. "How are you?"

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli grins to Thomas and starts helping Tansy down the stairs "How've you been doing crimsonstar? I'm sorry I've been a bit.. scarce.. lately."

Tansy: ((*Snickers*))

Thomas Judge: "Not to bad. Yerself?" All p & q's.

Thomas Judge: Looks to Eli a bit more perky you could say "Layin' the defenses as it were. Talkin' with Tansy over a few plans, aving to smoke in the yard...you know, same old tricks!" He chuckles

Tansy: She heads down the stairs, keeping Eli or Jarod or SOMEONE blocking her view of the livingroom. She remains silents as she goes. Still gripping the dagger in her one hand.

Jarod Freeman: "I've been...busy." He chuckles a little, heading on down to the basement. "Same old, same old."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli gladly places himself between tansy and the livingroom, leading the girl slowly down the stairs and down to the basement. When he gets to the bottom, he flicks on the lightswitch, smiling admirably at his beloved statue as he enters.

Tansy: Her steps falter a bit when She realizes something after what Tom says, but she makes it down the stairs. Once down in the basement she heads for one of the couches ad curls into the corner of the couch as best as she can. Dagger going to inbetween the side of the couch and the coushion, for now.

Thomas Judge: The Basement, also the water area, Jarods here too, this is starting to look a bit suspious.. Now he knows he hasn't done anything wrong this time, Tansy is here which helps rule out some sort ot threat or bushwacking.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli flashes a look of deep concern to Tansy when her step falters.. even slightly "Love.. are you alright?" He sits next to her.

Elijah Phillips [home]: (the basement is.. amazingly enough.. dry. he's been too scarce to flood the thing lately.)

Tansy: She rubs a hand across her forhead. "Yes, just something that i remembered, it has been....a long couple of days."

Jarod Freeman: He moves down into the basement, grinning slightly as Eli stops to admire herself. As always. He shakes his head and takes a lean on the wall, next to where Eli's sitting.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli gives a tiny nod to tansy, leaning down to kiss the girl's belly before pushing himself up from the couch. He makes a strut for the bar "What can I get you boys to drink?"

Thomas Judge: He also leans on the wall, ensuring Mr Water beat Fire is in sight, slight paraniod, he maybe. But still a cockney grin remains on his face, no need for bad manners. He looks over to Tansy, he hadn't seen her much in the couple of days.

Thomas Judge: "A jack please Eli!"

Jarod Freeman: "Gin and tonic, Eli. Thank you."

Tansy: A hand rushes Eli's hair back, before he moves off to the bar. She makes herself comfortable, a hand comming to rest on her belly.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli plays bartender, mixing away with an odd look to Tom, testing almost. Unsure of how the man will take his words. "Love.. I've a bit of.. bad news."

Tansy: Okay no candels down here, she just hopes that Tom doesn't get upset enough to blow up the water heater. She had to tell Angel, she let's Eli tell Tom.

Jarod Freeman: He looks over to Tansy, smiling softly at her hand on her stomach. An odd sort of sadness hits his expression...faint, but recognizable. He looks away from her, to Eli, as he speaks.

Thomas Judge: "More..." A deep breath face growing concerned, he leans up from the wall "Shoot!"

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli purses his lips.. Really no easy way to say it.. "Travis is dead." There. Short. To the point. He focuses on the drinks in hand.. and avoids tom's eye.

Jarod Freeman: He sighs a little, hands against the wall, watching the two other Fallen.

Thomas Judge: He looks to the floor, the arguement coming back first, it's amazing the regrets you get first, the things you could have done differently. Eyes glow with an inner fire, are here we are straight to anger, and vengence. "Who, How and Where." His voice runs with a number of emotions, the undertones of guilt, sadness but a lot more primal hate and anger getting through, not angry at anyone here...yet.

Jarod Freeman: "Thomas, calm down." His own voice is calm, as he looks toward the Devil. "You need to be rational for this."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli blinks down to the counter.. wow.. he looks mad. He speaks softly.. guiltily "Travis is dead... because of me." He blinks up with a saddened gaze "Love.. I.. I didn't mean to.. You have to believe me.."

Jarod Freeman: He moves a little, positioning himself in front of Tansy. The mortal does not need to be in the middle of this, and he'll make sure she's not, as much as he can.

Thomas Judge: He didn't expect that, it shows, he steps back not to sure what he is hearing. "..what?.."

Tansy: She knew that Tom would reat this way and she blinks a bit as Jarod steps in front of her. "Eli it is not totally your fault, you didn;t know what would happen. Ultimatly it was his curse that killed him, and......and him attacking Eli first."

Thomas Judge: He looks to Tansy, then back to Eli "Someone better start at the begining an' like now!"

Elijah Phillips [home]: Good. A chance. Pausing is good.. no flames of death. Yet. "Love.. the other day when I came home.. He was being so.." He squints, what to say.. might not have long.. "He put his wards up, love.. the ones he's been on about for so long.. but they were painfully obvious. He admitted to me and Vic that he did them the way he did intentionally.. he wanted to draw attention to my home. I asked him to change them.. or take them down.. he refused.." A pained squint. He shakes his head "He was being so unreasonble, love.. He attacked me! I.." Yes.. he's rambling. For dear life. Afraid of the devil.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli blinks down to the bar sadly "Vic hit him after he attacked.. He slumped to the ground.. I.. kissed him. And he just.." A confused look, pushing the fixed drinks ahead on the bar. Least he did THAT right. ".. I should have known.. or something.."

Jarod Freeman: He holds his stance, eyes serenely flicking between Thomas and Eli as the Defiler explains.

Tansy: She nods her head at what Eli says, nibbling on her lower lip, looking so sad.

Thomas Judge: "This a confession or a story, cos by the sounds of it yer rambling." He cracks his neck "Am trying to keep an open mind, but for that I will need more than that, Trav ain't.." He stops pursing lips "..wasn't the combat type."

Jarod Freeman: "A little of both, I think," he says, quietly.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli flicks a sad.. weak look to Tom "Love.. Please.. I didn't mean to.. He attacked me. Victor was there. He saw it." His voice defensive. "I'm not a monster, Jamal.. I wouldn't have done something like this intentionally.. I never meant to harm the boy.. I loved him."

Tansy: "Travis put the wards up before you headded upstairs. When Eli got home and Vic arrived both of them looked.....worried. I didn;t know why. Travis stayed in the kitchen with Angel while the three of us went to talk. Vic and Eli went to talk with him as Angel and I went upstairs. Now this is what I have heard. He was unwilling to take down the wards, or make them less sensitive, he knew what he had done and I do not know why he was refusing to do something. He attacked Eli. Vic and Eli fought back......They didn;t and I didn;t know that in touching his skin it would kill him and that is what happened."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli pouts to Thomas "Love.. the only reason I'm telling you any of this.. was that I wanted you to hear it from me. I take full responsibility for what happened.. and I don't want you to resent me for it. Please.."

Tansy: She syas all of this in a quick stumbling rush. and then adds. "Personnel from the Concerto confirmed it. It wasn't Eli's fault."

Thomas Judge: "Vic and you attacked back...you didn't restrain him?"

Jarod Freeman: He waits there, quietly, watching Thomas. He's not here to explain...he wasn't part of the whole thing.

Tansy: She doesn't know so she cannot answer that one.

Elijah Phillips [home]: "Vic tried to.. it didn't work. I.." He looks down, pouring himself a glass of Skyy "I tripped him.. I didn't hit him. When he was on the ground.. I tried to get him to talk.. to tell us why he was being so.. malicious. Why he would intentionally put my family in harms way. He refused.." He squints down to his glass "Travis was in so much pain.. I couldn't figure it out.. I'm an idiot." He jerks his gaze to the counter "I.. didn't know what to do to make him feel better.. I kissed him. And he.. dropped."

Thomas Judge: "His curse....if you touch him it is like a sledehammer to him, for ever punch you would hit him with is even stronger on him, he was dying, I was tryin' to find a cure...." He isn't looking at Eli, he isn't looking at anything save the floor

Elijah Phillips [home]: Deciding that it's safe enough to come from behind the counter, Eli walks Jarod's drink to him first then hesitantly makes his way toward tom with a sipping glass of Jack in one hand, his own Skyy in the other. "Love.. I'm.. sorry.."

Jarod Freeman: He takes his drink from Eli, giving the man a grateful and supportive smile. His eyes carefully track Thomas and Eli as he takes a sip.

Tansy: "There is no cure but time for the type of curse that he had." she tells tom.

Thomas Judge: "So Vic punched him, then you touched him, yeah that would do it." He takes the Jack from Eli.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli attempts to slip an arm over Thomas' shoulder, soothing.

Thomas Judge: He steps back from him. "Sounds like you 'ad reason too, I wouldn't ave done it that way at all, but I can see flaws in both you an Vic actions, but he didn't tell you 'bout the curse, you can't fo anything about that."

Thomas Judge: (9fo=do))

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli shoots a sad look to the floor. Rejected. He deserved it. He resignes back over to the couch next to tansy, curling with his head in the girl's lap.

Tansy: "I didn't even know what would have happened if he had been touched. I do not believe that he really wanted people to know, it would have been even more dangerous for him." a shakes of her head bowing it. A deep steadying breath.

Tansy: Well what litting of her lap is left at this point. Tansy brushes a hand through Eli's hair.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli wraps his hands weakly around tansy, burying his face in the girls belly.

Thomas Judge: He puts it to the back at the moment, he doesn't agree at all with the action taken, but he understands, he tries to keep his obvious anger out of his voice "And I see you got his death covered by the concerto, but yer far from safe yet, Travis was a recent Millionaire on the lotto remember, he can't just disappear, his car maybe outside, the cab he came in, are all yer bases covered on this?"

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli mumbles from tansy's lap "Taken care of." a pause "As much as it can be"

Jarod Freeman: He looks to Thomas. "Mistakes were made, perhaps. But if Travis was truly being as unreasonable as Eli has said, then some kind of subduing action was necessary, Thomas. There's no way they could have known they were killing him...it was self-defense. The man performed magic on a Fallen's home, without his permission, and then, when asked to take it down, dropped it and attacked. You can't blame Eli for feeling threatened and responding in defense of himself, Tansy, and his children."

Jarod Freeman: "Millionaires vanish from the news very quickly, Thomas. The mortal authorities shouldn't be a concern, I don't imagine."

Tansy: "Someone from the Concerto took his car...." she blinks at Tom. "What?" she needs to read the papers more often. Another shake of her head. "Since this was a treaty violation the concerto has already made their ruling on it, and are dealing with the other side of things I am sure." she closes her eyes damn she was going to be getting into a whole hell of a lot more trouble, she can see it now. "And the other side I am sure for the benifit of the mortals will not let it out that he has died."

Thomas Judge: He looks to Jarod "I understand." His answer is cold suggesting understanding but not forgivness. "Am thinkin' you didn't know the man did you. Not a great man, in fact a coward in many senses, he could'nt keep his mouth shut an many a lemon could be a real wanker...but you know wat, he 'ad a robin soul. Ave fought by 'is side, seen him save people and the price he paid for that, he was amazin', the best I ave seen an yet all people used 'im for were wardin or scrying, then they let 'im be. Do you know he believed in god. I bet he won't even get a burial..." Not argueing, more a few words, everyone seemed to forgetting the point, a man died here.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli spins around slowly to Thomas "He knowingly and intentionally put Tansy in danger. He.. for some reason or other.. wanted her, or the babies, dead. I don't think he was nearly as good as you think.." He blinks down to the floor "I'm not trying to justify what I did.. I'm.. just saying.."

Jarod Freeman: He shakes his head. "No, I'm not saying that he wasn't a good person. And you're right, I didn't know him. But I know Eli, and I know he's a good person. A far better man then I am, in fact. Further, I know that even the best men can be driven to do irrational things at times. I'm not saying that we shouldn't care about Travis's death. I'm saying you shouldn't blame Eli for killing him when he had no intent to."

Tansy: She looks from Eli, still running a hand through his hair up to Tom, the sadness in her eyes tells it all.

Thomas Judge: "I said I understand Eli, but all am hearing is justifyin' it, a man died here, a robin man, a man that 'ad freinds that was my freind, bet you didn't know Silk was close to him, who is gonna tell them, am glad yer family is safe, it is why am 'ere, but a man 'as died, a man I fought along side, No I don't know why he did wat he did, yes I see yer side, but I was sayin a few words about 'im, so Jarod would know. Yer family is safe, but me china is dead, Am off for a cough." He walks up the stairs, Jack left on the side.

Tansy: She gapes a little as Eli's words sink in to her mind, her eyes widden a bit. eyes darting around as she thinks.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli gains a hurt look toward Thomas, then turns back burying his face again in tansy's belly. Silent.

Jarod Freeman: Eli's words make him wince. He knows what thoughts he had, when Tal-Kerioth threatened his love. He looks back to the other Defiler, a respect growing in his eyes. Eli had the strength to do what Jarod was afraid to.

Tansy: The only words that escape her mouth and they are said more to herself that anyone else. "What if he did tell someone else."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli blinks, sitting up slowly and looking over to tansy "Tell.. someone else what?" He looks down to her swollen belly with wide eyes "You mean.. You think.." He stumbles over his words.. worried.. scared. Obviously.

Jarod Freeman: "Then we'll deal with that when it comes, Tansy." He looks back to the couple. His lips purs, and he looks back around, to the stairs where Thomas just went, his expression a little uncomfortable. "We'll make sure you guys are kept safe. I promise."

Tansy: She looks down to Eli. "That night he checked........and.....then with the wards......" it is like her mind is just piecing things together. She looks for Jarod back to Eli giving him a 'does he know?' look. She nods.

Thomas Judge: He goes upstairs, suprisingly calm. No he didn't have the perfect freindship with the man, they argued as much as anyone. He remembers his nose growing, Travis explaining the curse. The plane, how he saved Karlos. The laughs, the talks on god and the arguement. The last words he spoke to him was one of hate and anger. He stands out back "Travis, why didn't you make the deal you bastard, ye'd be 'ear now, pretty fucted by all accounts but ya'd still be 'ere. May the first guide yer soul man, god won't. I'll miss ya bro." -Enochain-"for Humanity, fof Freedom, forever, you will be remembered." He lets a few tears form.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli nods to tansy, bringing his knees up to his chest, hugging them with long arms "You can speak freely in front of Jaord, love. I trust him with my life." He looks to Jarod "Travis saw something.. special.. about our children."

Jarod Freeman: He turns around, blinking. His expression is stunned, eyes wide. After a moment's pause, he finds his voice, though it's a little quiet. "...special? H.." He clears his throat. "Umm. How?" He's not hostile, just shocked and a little...afraid?

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli shrugs, looking over to tansy. Maybe she had a better explanation. Eli looks almost as confused as Jarod.

Thomas Judge: He smokes the cough, enjoying it. mind just thinking about his lost friend. Why would he not ward them right, did he tell anyone. Was he working for someone else...what ever deeds he did, he will remember him for the good ones.

Tansy: "Before I get to that." she says softly. "Willworkers are not supposed to even speak with Demons, have friendships with them. And definatly not to have fallen for them. They are considered bad people and deemed to be targeted for death." a sigh. "Our children as was determind have the potential for being a bit more than mortal." a shake of her head as she looks to Jarod. "I do not know how the theories are abound, and researching something of this magnitude would draw suspicion to me and anyone else if I told anyone, which I am not. But this......could bring others to kill the babies, just for that fact alone, let alone what I have done." a saddened look. "That is what Travis came to tell us about a few days before all of this."

Thomas Judge: He walks back in, and heads down the stairs, back to the group and most importantly his Jack.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli hugs his legs a bit tighter, tensing up when Tom comes back in.

Jarod Freeman: He presses his lips tightly together, and shuts his eyes. He takes a deep breath, then lets it out, before opening them. He's calm again. This is good. "All right. So, then. The question is not what could be. The question is, what do we do about this? My first question is, Tansy, your status within the Treaty."

Jarod Freeman: He doesn't even notice Tom enter. He's too focused on the Tansy's face.

Tansy: She looks like she was going to add something to that when Tom comes back inside. "I am covered by the Treaty."

Jarod Freeman: "Yes, I figured as much." He smiles, VERY faintly...almost hard to tell he did so. "But in what context?"

Thomas Judge: He looks about. "Private conversation right." He grabs his Jack and heads for the stairs, well theres faith for you.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli blinks from Jarod, to Tom. Damnit. Stop talking! Leak! Alright, fine. You won't notice him.. I'll make it painfully obvious. "Hi Tom" Eli says.. a touch louder than is appropriate. "You alright?"

Tansy: She focuses on Jarod as much as she would like to glance at Eli or Tom, but she doesn;t She made a promiss and she cannot tell them. So she remains silent.

Jarod Freeman: He looks behind him, suddenly, jumping a little as he realizes that Thomas was right behind him. He lets out a breath, putting a hand to his forehead. "Jesus, Thomas."

Thomas Judge: "Well carry on, didn't mean to intrude." He heads up the stairs "Just let me know wats goin' on for the guardin' front."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli slinks into himself.. a tiny upright ball on the couch. He wants so badly to put his trust in Crimsonstar.. but.. too many times, Tom.. Maybe soon.

Jarod Freeman: He watches Thomas head up, staring after him, before he shakes his head and downs the rest of his drink. As soon as the glass is empty, he walks over to the bar, making himself another one. Light on the tonic, heavy on the gin. VERY light, and VERY heavy.

Tansy: When she hears the door at the top of the stairs close she then tells Jarod. "The main theory that we have comeup with is that some of the gifts that were given to Elijah's body may have passed down to the babies, like the immunity and long life, that type of thing as well it is physically impossible for POeust and I to conceive any other way." yes she just changed topics.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli looks up to Jarod, fear obvious in his pretty green eyes "Jarod.. you don't think they're.." He trails off.. hoping that he doesn't make him say it.

Thomas Judge: He heads into the lounge, the reasons why no one has joined him in here the other night now apparent. He is tempted to reach out, feel the emotional imprint of Travis' death, tast the pain of his last moments but how would that help anything, save sting his soul.

Tansy: She looks down at Eli and the over to Jarod a questioning look in her eyes as she glanced back and forth between them. "What?"

Jarod Freeman: "Okay." He nods a little, taking a sip off the glass. Thomas's startling him has left his wits totally frazzled. "Ummm...okay, so the Treaty's working in our favor, then. That's good." He sighs, leaning against the bar. "Do the Ch..." He stops and shakes his head. "Never mind. Protection is the first thing. Easiest way to do that is to proactively contact the...umm...your fellows, Tansy, and see how much they know."

Tansy: "Easier said than done. Been in hiding for almost 3 or so months if they remember me then all's cool, and i dunno them all."

Jarod Freeman: "I don't know, Eli." It's murmured...almost whispered. He shakes his head, looking down. His cheeks are flushed. He sighs, and when he speaks again, it's louder. "Let's not worry about that now. It's...very unlikely. As I rec...ah. Well, I doubt it. Not unless you did certain..." He sets the glass down, a little harder then he meant to. "Let's just worry about what we do about it, okay?"

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli's eyes widen on Jarod "Did what? Unless we did what?" Worry obvious.

Tansy: Silent once more she looks in between the two of them she needed to get to the library and do some reading of her own see if there is ANYthing there that she might be able to find out, for now she doen;t ask questions.

Jarod Freeman: "Eli, please!" He almost shouts it, eyes shutting. He has to pause himself, and calm down. Once again. "You didn't...there's no way unless you were there before..."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli slowly slinks his face to his knees, eyes hidden. He whispers "I'm.. sorry."

Thomas Judge: He sits in near pitch blackness. He has to wonder. Tansy has taken this very easily. Maybe it is another corruption, maybe Trav was on to something. But Vic was there. The Devils eyes half close, there lies have not helped them, the levels they have already shown. Eli's quick manipulations could have easily spun this to one side. What does that mean though...

Tansy: "Okay Jarod, s find out as best as I can what they know.....that may or may not solve things,on a certain level."

Jarod Freeman: A long moment, and he draws a breath. "It's...not your fault. You didn't do anything." He looks up at Eli and Tansy, his expression calm. Very tightly controlled, his expression blank. "To have created a...Nephilim." His eye twitches a little, starin showing on his face. "You would have had to perform a very barbaric, sick ritual that has hopefully been lost to time, along with so much else. Something very unpleasant. I sincerely doubt that you did."

Jarod Freeman: ((starin=strain))

Tansy: She hasn;t heard of one but her eyes widen and she enthuastically shakes her head back and forth, curls dancing as she does so, no.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli doesn't look up. He just sits there, tightly hugging his knees. He lets out a tiny sniffle.

Jarod Freeman: He nods faintly at Tansy's shaking head. "I didn't figure." A faint, sad smile on an otherwise emotionless face. "Good." He leans heavily against the bar, and looks down, thinking. Focusing, rather.

Tansy: A sigh ever so fait, she moves a hand to brus at Eli's hair. She remains silent.

Jarod Freeman: "For now, check around. Very subtlely. Don't even bring it up...just talk to people. See how they react to you and your being...pregnant." He looks away, to the surface of the bad. "And we'll take it from there. Okay?"

Jarod Freeman: ((bad=bar. The Typo King returns!))

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli gives another sniffle. He doesn't raise his head, but mumbles "They'll take her from me. Travis said that's what he was going to do.."

Tansy: She nods her head. "Okay.....I can do that." She knows right off the bat two names to cross off her list. And then some others. "Maybe we should bring Tom back down here if we wish to talk more of any other ways of protecting the house."

Jarod Freeman: A slight shake of his head, still looking at the bar. "That's not going to happen, Ouestucati. I'll make sure of it."

Tansy: A pause in running her hand through Eli's hair. she doesn't as but closes her eyes, going back to running her hand through his hair once more.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli gives a sad laugh of disbelief from where he's huddled.

Jarod Freeman: He looks over, his face fierce. "I'm serious, love. Whatever it takes. You will not lose them. Do you understand me?"

Tansy: "Love if they do they could cause war, we both know that......they wouldn;t wish to do that." it is softly said.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli looks sheepishly up to Jarod with a tiny nod. "I.. understand that you'll try." He blinks down to the floor.

Thomas Judge: Travis...dead. Maybe he will go train upstairs, let them sort out there lil' secrets. He stands, cold blue eyes looking around and he heads for the stairs, his words echoing in his mind ..I call you..

Jarod Freeman: "No try. Do." He shakes his head, fervently. "I will not let this happen."

Tansy: She looks up to Jarod a thankful look in her eyes and a soft smile to the man..

Elijah Phillips [home]: He blinks weakly back up to Jarod "I wish i had your strength, love.. Your confidence."

Jarod Freeman: "No, you don't." He shakes his head, looking away from them. "Not this time. Trust me."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli gives a sad sigh, looking over to the stairs "I want so badly to tell Crimsonstar.. To be able to trust him again."

Jarod Freeman: "I know." He nods slightly, distracted. "I...should go." He rises from his lean and false-starts a couple times, as if he's lost his bearing. "Melody's probably...wondering where I am. I...bye." After one more failed start, he starts to move toward the stairs. "Let me know when you know...what's going on with the willworkers. Or if you need me, or anything. Just...I'll see you guys later."

Tansy: "We will, thank you Jarod." she says as he wandewrs towards the stairs.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli lets his arms drop and with a quick pace runs a strong hug over to Jarod. He squeezes the man.. like he could very well never let go. "I love you Jarod.."

Thomas Judge: If Trav did mean to betray them, then another must know, he didn't have that 'planning' edge about him. Options were getting ever more limited. Wonder if Eli has discussed the alternate plan, because if they do attack the streets will run red with blood, and the fallen may not win.. He walks in the work out room, candles burning brightly as he enters, moving erratically, each one taking on an aspect of his feelings.

Jarod Freeman: He sighs, and after a very token effort to keep moving, he falls into the hug, wrapping his arms around Eli and hugs him tightly. "I know. I love you too, Eli." He shuts his eyes. "It'll be okay. We'll get you guys through it...I promise."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Not letting his grip loosen, he turns his face to brush a kiss to the man's cheek "Are you alright, love?" A serious look "Really?"

Tansy: She leans her head against the back of the couch. She doesn't want to walk back upstairs. Things just got more hectic.

Jarod Freeman: "No, I'm honestly not." He shakes his head. "But I'll get through it. Don't stress it." He drops his voice to a low whisper, into the other man's ear.

Jarod Freeman -> Elijah Phillips [home]: "My crime, love. My price to pay. I still say I got off light, all things considered. Thank you for being concerned, though. It means a lot."

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli blinks sadly to the man and brushes another gentle kiss to his cheek. "I love you. Remember that. If you need anything.. please call me." He loosens his grip.. so that the man can finally leave if he wishes.

Jarod Freeman: "I will. Thanks." He pulls away, smiling sadly, and turns to head up the stairs.

Tansy: She slowely get's up from the couch, pulling her dagger with her.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli watches the man go before turning back to Tansy "Love.. I think I might go up and check on Crimsonstar. Are you going to be alright down here? Do you need anything?"

Thomas Judge: He sits down admist the flames, he picks up his wetstone, and the short sword and sits crossed legged sharping the blade thinking.

Tansy: She stratches her head. "You know I was just about to go and do that as well." a shake of her head. "I will head up with you.....There was a plan in his head the other night and I wanted to see what that was now that you are here, and also see how he is doing as well."

Jarod Freeman: Straight up the stairs he heads, and right to the door. He moves with quick, direct steps, fighting to stay under control. His expression is stone dead...eerily similar to how he came up to Victor's alley. He opens the door, stepping outside and shutting it behind him. He heads down the street, toward home.

Elijah Phillips [home]: Eli nods and goes to slip an arm around the girl's waist, helping her up the stairs. "I'm.. sorry Tansy." A sad downward look "For everything. I've brought you so much trouble.. pain.."

Jarod Freeman: ((And I'm outtie, guys. Thanks for the scene. *Hugs handed out to all*))

Elijah Phillips [home]: ((thanks! *G*))

Tansy: She walks with Eli up the stairs. a lo\ving look up to him. "It is okay,Some things cannot change, and some things I wouldn;t want to change for anything. We didn;t know at the time of certain things, so it is not your or my fault really, things happen."

Thomas Judge: ((CYA Rav *waves*))

Tansy: ((*S* thanks *Hugs))