Melody Drake: "It's possible." She says, nodding to Alyssa.

Alyssa Kostapoulos: Alyssa shrugs "I didn't expect that you'd know where to find one. But it never hurts to ask." She sways back and forth with a look around the park.

Melody Drake: She smiles, shaking her head. "No, it doesn't."

Jarod Freeman: "Best of luck in finding one, though," he says to Alyssa with a smile.

Alyssa Kostapoulos: Alyssa gives another bored look down the path and starts to wander off "I should go. My sword needs sharpening." She looks over her shoulder with a soft smile to the two "Take care of yourselves.. There are Demons in New York" She offers a bright smile and a friendly wave before turning back around and bouncing away.. carelessly.

Melody Drake: "Good bye Alyssa. Take care of yourself as well." Her eyes narrow, just faintly, though she remains smiling.

Jarod Freeman: He blinks at that, and looks at Melody, before looking back at Alyssa, his gaze intensely curious. "Thank you for the warning..."

Alyssa Kostapoulos: Alyssa starts humming a merry little tune, bouncing down the path away from the pair.

Alyssa Kostapoulos: ((thanks guys! *G*))

Melody Drake: "Well then." She says softly, breath steaming in the air after Alyssa is far enough a way. "Somone likes to talk."((Byee!))

Jarod Freeman: ((Thanks for the scene, Scarlet. *Hugs*))

Jarod Freeman: His eyes narrow. "I have a theory..." Amusingly enough, the next lyrics of a song that start that way is 'that it's a Demon.' He doesn't look amused, though.

Melody Drake: "Oh?" She turns to look at him, blinking slowly.

Jarod Freeman: "Well, one of two or three. But really, one." He sighs.

Melody Drake: She lifts a hand to rub his back slightly. "Would you like to talk about it? Or would you rather go home?"

Jarod Freeman: "Gimme a second, if you would, love." He smiles a little and steps away from her, mumbling a name under his breath, nearly inaudibly.

Melody Drake: She nods, tucking her hands back into her pockets and patiently waiting.

Jarod Freeman: "Yeah. " He nods a little bit, looking at the ground as he speaks quietly. "You know a girl named Alyssa?"

Jarod Freeman: He sighs, reaching up to rubs at the bridge of his nose. "She's wandering around, warning random people about Demons."

Jarod Freeman: "Oh, great." He sighs. "She didn't seem to think much about the difference between good and bad demons. But yeah, we're talking about the same one. I'm not blaming you on this one. Just be careful. Chidlren of Babel with grudges against Demons aren't a good thing."

Melody Drake: She waits patiently, looking off though she is listening.

Jarod Freeman: "She's clueless about me, and I plan to keep it that way." He frowns a bit. "Hey...see if you can suggest that she not warn random people about Demons? Last thing we need is her attracting a group of exorcists here."

Jarod Freeman: "Understood. Do what you can." He nods. "Thanks, though. Next time, if you can, give me a heads up? Just for people who are wandering around beeing as blatent as she is, I mean."

Jarod Freeman: "No, I understand, believe me. The way you're going to earn my trust back, though, is by being up front. Like now. And while most will think her nuts, there are legit pagans, or hunters, who will hear her, is all I'm saying. And if she's a Child of Babel, she'll be in danger, too. Thanks, though. It's much appreciated,"

Jarod Freeman: His eyes flash, and he makes a strangled sound of aggravation. "Motherf...gaaaah!" He clenches his fists and shakes his head.

Jarod Freeman: ((Pauses))