Thomas Judge [Home]: He enters his home, mind wandering; he knew the potential of the daughter of eve, and the sliver of the word they carried in their soul. That reading though vague did touch upon things he knew, he maybe reading too much into it, but he had learnt to trust this 'human' instinct.

Jarod Freeman: ((Dex+Security following))

Jarod Freeman: 1,10,1,2,4,

Jarod Freeman: So, soon after Thomas gets home, there's a knock on his door.

Thomas Judge [Home]: He walks over, looking through the spy hole first.

Jarod Freeman: Jarod's standing there, dressed in his usual trench coat, black turtleneck, and blue jeans, waiting. His platinum hair is pulled back...a rare event for him. He's got an even look on his face, taking a drag off his clove as he waits for the door to open.

Thomas Judge [Home]: He opens the door for him stepping to the side to let him in "come in Jarod long lemon no see." ((Do you need a DD of the place?))

Jarod Freeman: ((If you could. It's been a long while since I've seen it. *S*))

Thomas Judge [Home]: As Tom opens the door you see candles lots of them, all of varying sizes, some big, some small, it cuts an amazing scene all burning being the main source of light it would seem. A double bed is located in the corner it's plain black covers absorbing that side of the room. A bookshelf old and worn rests against the wall, with such authors as Dante, John Milton and such religious text as the Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Daoism, Shinto, and Sikhism, books on Greek and Norse Mythology In the rooms centre are two chairs a couch and a TV set pushed up to the wall. A punching bag hangs from the ceiling and various weight litter the room, the chairs adding to the effect of a full room, but it isn't, it's very empty although the candles give it an amazing atmosphere, although there is almost something unearthly and almost ethereal about the flames as they move.

Jarod Freeman: He steps into the house, looking around briefly. "Hi, Thomas. Yeah, it's been a while."

Thomas Judge [Home]: He nods shutting the door behind him "Wanna a beer?" He heads toi the kitchen to grab himself one, though he thinks he won't take one, he has never visited him before that makes it business, he has an idea over what it might be as well.

Jarod Freeman: "No, thank you, Thomas." He follows the man toward the kitchen, looking around at all the candles. He frowns slightly, considering something. "So, how's tricks?"

Thomas Judge [Home]: "They were really down at one point, but better now, am glad yer alright mate with wat a’ppened an all, I feared for everyone’s safety, that being the big down of course." He opens the fridge grabbing a beer. He opens the can looking to Jarod “Wat about yerself, how are things yer end?”

Jarod Freeman: "I gotta be honest, man. Things've been better." He looks at the man. "Stressed. My newest show's gonna bomb, thanks to the director. The club I open-mike sang on Wednesdays closed. Lots of dead Fallen...but you know that one already. Oh, and the plumbing went out in my apartment, so no showers, which bugs me." He looks at the other man, expression perfectly calm. "And I hear you've been throwing some baseless accusations around."

Thomas Judge [Home]: He gestures to the lounge as he moves in "Sorry to 'ear that man, but wat accusations around? 'bout the re-forming of the courts?" He takes a seat there the only ones he can think of.

Jarod Freeman: "About what happened to the courts, and who's fault it was. And who's fault it is Cernnunos isn't hopping around." He tilts his head curiously. "I haven't heard these accusations about the Court reforming, though. What's the accusation there?"

Jarod Freeman: ((isn't=is still))

Thomas Judge [Home]: "Oh I tried to play inspirer to Eli, he got his nuts in a twist about it, and well to cut a long story short is pretty pissed with me but that I can 'andle." He sips his beer "and on the court front, am not to sure wat yer on about, ave never accused anyone of setting 'em up, Eli convinced himself it was his fault, I tried to tell him other wise, that started the whole argument. An as for Cernnunos I also 'ave no idea." He looks to him brows together; he really doesn't have a clue.

Jarod Freeman: A raised brow. "I didn't say you said anyone set the Court up. So, then you didn't tell Eli that you think he hasn't done this job you've claimed he's got in leading us against Cernnunos? And you didn't intimate to him that if we hadn't been in Los Angeles, if we would have been here and united, that the members of the Court would still be alive?"

Thomas Judge [Home]: "No I certainly did not, I was trying to convice him it wasn't his fault he worked himself into it, say that if he hadn't have gone the courts would still be alive, he said all that" He blinks and sits back a little shocked, that horseman coming into his head. That lying son of a bitch, he scowls obviously a little shocked and pretty angry at these accusations.

Jarod Freeman: ((Per+Subterfuging that one...))

Jarod Freeman: 4,8,6,1,2,8,

Thomas Judge [Home] -> Jarod Freeman: ((He didn't say no such thing, he was trying to convice Eli is wasn't his fault. He isn't lying to his knowledge. ((and that is to the player knowlegde too))

Jarod Freeman -> Thomas Judge [Home]: ((Cool. *S* Just makin' sure. Jarod may have guessed wrong on that one, as you'll see.))

Jarod Freeman: He frowns a little bit. "No, he didn't, specifically. He wouldn't tell me who told him that little bit about the Courts. But the man isn't the most difficult book in the world to read...he wears his emotions on his sleeve. What about telling him he wasn't doing a good job of leading? And, on another point, what's this about you spilling people's name to other, non-Fallen?"

Thomas Judge [Home]: "The names of fallen, I slipped up on or well the moral host anyhow" He holds his hands up "An honest mistake, I have to take the shot for that one and have personnel apologized to Eli and received my final warning from Victor. And on the leading front I was trying to inspire Eli to lead, he has so much potential but he can't see it. He spat it all back in my face, told me my house was meant to lead, I explained that through my re-birth with Tom I had made grave errors in judgment, I couldn’t lead, you won't follow me. He then proceeded to call me a fuck up, my house useless and even dared" He voices echoes with this "That I should go back to the hosts!" He scowls looking up to the heavens with anger in his eyes.

Thomas Judge [Home]: ((He voice= his voice))

Jarod Freeman: He stares at the man, taking a drag off of his cigarette, and exhales it through his nose. "With all due respect, Thomas...cut the overdramatic bullshit of looking up to the heavens like there's anyone who gives a shit up there about us Demons any more. If I want drama, I'll go to work." He grins a little.

Thomas Judge [Home]: "Oh I think there, ave been findin' out sum pretty serious shit of late, things here that we didn't make, worlds we didn't make. Michael the replacement angel" He spits it out woth disgust "Is watchin' I think, but you believe wat you want." He stares to the man letting that anger simmer he wasn't anger at Jarod, just a lying toad called Eli and he was met to be a deceiver.

Jarod Freeman: "Yes, Thomas, I'm quite aware of the things and worlds we didn't make. Michael doesn't care about us anymore. God. He doesn't care. He'd have come down and put an end to the Curse of the Third Mortal. He'd have offered the Children of Babel the chance to become ignorant again, like he did those mortals who allied with us way back when we rebelled. And he certainly would have sent us and the Earthbound back to the Pit. No one up there gives a rat's ass about us, Thomas. Get that straight. Other worlds or not, vampires, mages, shapeshifters, demons, all of us. He just doesn't care."

Jarod Freeman: ((If he did, he'd have come down, etc., etc.))

Thomas Judge [Home]: "I know all this Jarod, Your preaching to the converted, but one has to wonder where all this new shit came from, don't lecture me please, i know why we did it, i know god doesn't care, more than you may ever know, I have forsaken him twice now!" Yes he said twice, he remembers Karlos and hi showing him rose, that true love, that perfect love just like the word and he walked away from that too. He looks at the man, his expression growing bolder, that aura of authorty rising but still calm, a level of control not seen in Thomas, more the CrimsonStar.

Jarod Freeman: "Forsake him all you want, Thomas. After all," he rearks with a shrug. "Does a king care about the opposing army he's crushed? No. He looks to his own at that point." A sigh. "This isn't the point, though. What the point is, getting back to it, is that you have no concept, obviously, of how to inspire people. Leave that to us Defilers. Because you don't inspire people by telling them how they haven't been doing a good job so far. Eli doesn't WANT to lead, Thomas. He's not confident in himself. And you tearing him down is not inspiring him. As to your house..." He shrugs. "I don't think the Devils are useless. I don't see exactly what they've done for this city so far, but I don't think they're useless as a whole. And of course Eli's going to lash out at you. You did about the worst inspiring job I've ever heard of, and made him feel like shit. You tried to inspire him, and as a result, I just had to spend most of last night telling him that no, he's not a fuck-up." He looks the other over, his gaze unwavering in the other's growing authority. "As a moral officer, no offense, Thomas, but you suck."

Jarod Freeman: "Oh, and as a side note, Thomas...don't try and tell me you know that God doesn't care any more then I do. Railing at the heavens about how unrepentant you are doesn't make you more fervent. Just more obvious."

Thomas Judge [Home]: "Point taken Jarod." That’s all he says, he could argue a lot about what he as a Devil has done. But it is worthless, you have to know when to back down in some arguments, something he hasn't been able to do in a long time but now he can. "Eli forced most of it on himself, my actions have obviously not helped. So the question is where do we go from here. I believe the best course is distance." He leans forward, beer held in one hand he pulls a cough from his jacket lighting it on as nearby candle smoke pouring from his lungs.

Thomas Judge [Home]: ((lungs...*blinks* well nose))

Jarod Freeman: "I think, Thomas, the best course is that you stop making the other Demons in this city feel like shit. I've already talked more then one Fallen after coming after you for the various levels of pissiness they have toward you. I won't keep doing it." He looks at the other, calmly, but dead serious. "And unlike Victor, I don't give seventeen warnings before I make good on my threats. I was the Minister of Dragons in the old Court, and as much as I hated the fact that Tal-Kerioth forced me into that position through very overt threats to my loved ones, I took it very seriously." Yes, he used the former Tyrant's full Celestial Name. He doesn't seem worried about being spied on for some reason, even from the Abyss. "I still do. And while I think you have a lot of potential, Thomas, unrealized potential will get you a phone call, if you have a couple quarters to go along with it. And whether you join the Court or not, if you fuck things up again, I'll make good on my promise. Are we perfectly clear on this fact?"

Thomas Judge [Home]: "Totally Jarod, and no I will be forming my own group, but I wish to keep relations open with your courts after all, we are all trying to save humanity." He doesn't flinch from the threats, he takes it all deadly seriously, it took him a long time to learn but he is there now. “The Morning Star always called me outspoken and brash, he liked that in me, always willing to take action, always willing to ask why.”

Jarod Freeman: "Don't talk to me about Lucifer, Thomas. I'm not a fan, anymore." He nods a little bit, though. "All right. Open relations would be good, I think. I'll be sure to relay this to the others at the meeting tonight. Oh, and one over thing, Thomas. If you attempt to go after Eli, who like I said, didn't give up your name, I gathered it from what he said..." He looks to the candles around the room, focusing. ((Roll Per+Awareness; Jarod following roll is for a Lore))

Jarod Freeman: ((over=other))

Jarod Freeman: 7,3,4,6,8,

Thomas Judge [Home]: 6,5,5,9,6,

Jarod Freeman: Thomas senses the Faith working from Jarod, just before a sound of rattling comes from the pipes in Thomas's apartment building. Water shoots from the sink, showing over the candles in the room and drenching them, putting them out. He looks to Thomas and smiles a little. "Water beats fire. See you later." He starts to walk toward the door.

Jarod Freeman: ((showing=showering. God, I'm the Typo King, today!))

Thomas Judge [Home]: "Am not the vengeance type, I have no quarrels with Eli." He stands up and gets a card and number "Here this is Alexandra Xanatos, another Demon, one of mine, you could say we didn't get on, she is too much a manipulator and deceiver an well up 'ere own ass, but I said I would pass her name along"

Jarod Freeman: He takes the card from Thomas, and the water dies off. He nods to the man, then heads to the door, opening it and moving outside.

Thomas Judge [Home]: He watches him leave and just grins looking about the now water drenched apartment a smile on his face, it was on now.

Jarod Freeman: And down the street he walks, not bothering to shake the trench coat dry. He likes the feeling of water on him. He smiles a little as he walks down the street, and heads off to go a-hunting once more.