Karlos [This morning]: He follows Jody into the cafe and moves to a table, pulling out a seat for her.

Jody Yu [This AM]: She moves into the cafe with a grateful nod to Karlos, as he holds the door open.

Jody Yu [This AM]: And a further look of gratitude at pulling out the seat. "Thank you, sir." She seats herself propely, and places her hands on her lap, watching him.

Karlos [This morning]: "You're welcome." He smiles warmly and folds into the seat opposite, offering her the menu. "What can I get for you?"

Jody Yu [This AM]: She takes the menu, giving it a quick once over before setting it to the side. "A decaffinated coffee would be lovely, Mr. Basoalto."

Karlos [This morning]: He nods and gestures the waitress over, requesting a decaf and a double espresso. Then he smiles to Jody. "So are you happy at work?"

Jody Yu [This AM]: She considers the question a moment. "I would say that I am. I must admit that it my usual duties of hostessing are not quite as challenging as I am used to, but it is a help to things that go on there, and it gives me an opportunity to aid and be part of an organization I very much admire."

Karlos [This morning]: "What do you feel would be more of a challenge?" He regards her curiously.

Jody Yu [This AM]: A slight shrug. "I cannot exactly say for sure. I suppose being Security as was previously offered would be more challenging, but again, I am not exactly finding that area of work to be appealing. Martial skills are not traditionally my way, though I do of course utilize them if necessary." She's quiet for a long moment, considering the question.

Karlos [This morning]: He chuckles gently. "I don't want to hear what you're bad at or what you don't want. I want to hear what you want. What interests you. What you enjoy."

Jody Yu [This AM]: "I prefer, to be perfectly honest, sir, diplomacy. Mediation. I've found that the times I have been most comfortable were when I was attemping to defuse a situation in Battery Park, and another between Miss Ita and Mr. Ingvar."

Karlos [This morning]: He nods. "Splendid. Consider yourself promoted." He sips at his espresso when it arrives.

Jody Yu [This AM]: She looks at him, blinking, and then nods. "Thank you, sir." She smiles, and she sips her coffee. "What exactly will my duties be now?"

Karlos [This morning]: "Mediation." He grins.

Jody Yu [This AM]: "Okay." She nods, accepting that as an answer. More will come later, she is sure. "I appreciate the opporunity."

Karlos [This morning]: He nods. "Schedule time with Melody. She can train you on her duties."

Jody Yu [This AM]: "I will, then." Another sip of her coffee comes. "If you don't mind my asking, how have you been, sir?"

Karlos [This morning]: He nods. "As well as can be expected." He smiles faintly, but it doesn't reach his eyes. "But no, I don't mind you asking."

Jody Yu [This AM]: "As well as can be expected?" She watches him a little bit. "Is there anything I can do to help? I know you've been...busy with other ventures, sir, and I wouldn't intrude to ask what they are."

Karlos [This morning]: He laughs gently. "You can learn Melody's job. That would help me a great deal."

Jody Yu [This AM]: A soft smile. "Then of course I will. I am glad to help."

Karlos [This morning]: He drains the Espresso. "So, are you a lesbian?"

Jody Yu [This AM]: She blinks at that, eyebrow raised. "Umm...no, I am not. Why do you ask?"

Karlos [This morning]: He laughs, eyes gleaming playfully. "Sorry, couldn't resist." He sets the cup down. "Although I had a very dear friend who was schooled much in the way you were, and she was. Quite irritating. She wouldn't sleep with me no matter how much I asked her to." Grins.

Jody Yu [This AM]: "Ah." She smiles a little. "No, I am straight, I believe. Though I have never, ah, put it to the test, I suppose you could say. I have committed to an ascetic lifestyle, which includes celibacy." She grins, just a little. "Miss Ita seemed quite shocked when I mentioned that to her."

Karlos [This morning]: He laughs, nodding. "Yeah... Yeah, I can see that jarring her world a little..."

Jody Yu [This AM]: She nods, chuckling some as she lets a little more of the fomality slip away. "We all have our own paths to talk. She and her companion for the night seemed very confused by it." She shrugs.

Karlos [This morning]: "I'm not even gonna ask who that companion was." He smiles ruefully. "That's her business... Ah, I mean... No, foot is now firmly in mouth..."

Jody Yu [This AM]: She laughs a bit at that, and shrugs. "It is her chosen way, and I don't judge that, though I do not entirely understand it, either. To each their own, as it's said."

Karlos [This morning]: He grins at that. "The world would be a boring place without all those paths."

Jody Yu [This AM]: She nods to that. "That is true. Something I learned early on, well before my training."

Karlos [This morning]: "So what do you want out of this life?" He leans back, regarding her curiously.

Jody Yu [This AM]: She takes a deep breath, considering. "I wish to complete my Dharma as well as I am able, of course...and try to reconcile certain...difficulties in myself." She pauses, looking at him. "Are you familiar with the concept of the tulku, Mr. Basoalto?"

Karlos [This morning]: "It's either that knife from that movie... Or something to do with reincarnation?"

Jody Yu [This AM]: She nods, impressed. "It has to do with reincarnation, yes. I was, in a past incarnation, another member of the Akashayana...a master of Do named Cheng Li. Cheng Li is very strong in me, sometimes to the point that I am more him then myself. While it is a great gift, it is...disconcerting at times, being caught between Jody Yu and Cheng Li. I sometimes have difficulty knowing who is reacting to certain situations."

Karlos [This morning]: "I'm hoping that Cheng Li doesn't like beating the crap out of people who look at him funny?"

Jody Yu [This AM]: A chuckle. "No, he doesn't. Violence was, regrettably, a necessary part of his way, though he enjoyed it no more then I. It was quite different times, when he was alive."

Karlos [This morning]: "Well so long as he can mediate as well as you and listen to what Mellie tells you, I'm sure things'll work out..." He smiles reassuringly.

Jody Yu [This AM]: A nod in agreement. "I have no doubt that they will, sir." She smiles.

Karlos [This morning]: "Right. Time I got on with my day, I think. And if you're lucky, Mellie will be at the club by now." He grins, rising to his feet, offering Jody his hand.

Jody Yu [This AM]: She takes the other's hand and rises, offering him a bow. "Thank you, sir. May you have a good day."

Karlos [This morning]: "You too, Jody." He grins, then bows to kiss her knuckles lightly, before releasing her hand and straightening. Then he offers her a nod before moving away to the counter to pay.

Jody Yu [This AM]: She smiles and follows him to the counter, polite as ever, after leaving a tip on the table, in extra to whatever Karlos may have left. A little extra kindness for the server.

Karlos [This morning]: Once the bill is settled, he leads Jody out, opening the door for her once more, then bidding her farewell.

Jody Yu [This AM]: A last nod-into-a-bow to Karlos, and she heads off, toward the Concerto.