Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: The home Alice and Durst are taken to is in Forest Hills Gardens, a mock Tudor village. The place was originally built as housing for the urban poor, but the rich found the area and bought it up for themselves. The home is modest for it's surroundings...single-level, about 2500 square feet, attractive without being lavish.

Alice Newcomb: *Arrives by cab with Durst.*

Durst Whitright: *Durst leans against the window of the cab not really speaking very much*

Alice Newcomb: "Come on, this is it." She climbs out, heading up to the door and rings the bell while Durst pays the cabbie.

Durst Whitright: *Durst pays the cabbie and follows Alice to the door*

Alice Newcomb: "Nice area," she notes as she waits at the door.

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: The door opens after a few moments, and Kelton smiles at them. He's dressed more casually then usual, his dress shirt rolled up at the sleeves, untucked, his hair not quite as properly combed as usual, but he still carries the same demanor. "Good evening, Alice. Durst. Please, please, come in." He pulls the door further open for them and steps aside, leaning on his cane. The inside is sparsely if he's just moved in. But there is a servicable amount of furniture and decoration, tasteful and understated in style, done in browns, greys, and greens. ((Per+Aware))

Durst Whitright: 1,4,5,9,6,

Durst Whitright: *Durst steps through the door and stumbles a bit* "Im sorry Master Kelton for coming like this but I had a few drinks before Alice convinced me to come see you"

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi -> Durst Whitright: There is definitely some kind of effect going on within the bounds of his senses.

Alice Newcomb: 4,5,7,8,8,1,8,9,

Alice Newcomb: "Thanks for seeing us, Master Kelton."

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi -> Alice Newcomb: Oh, hell yes. Kelton has heavily warded his home, using Ars Temporis, Ars Manes, and Ars Conjunctionis. Nothing is spying on anything within the confines of this house. The feeling is definitely his Resonance...that agonized, introverted feel that Alice has felt before.

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "Of course, of course." He nods to Durst, frowning in some conern. "Don't apologize, Durst. Just come inside, quickly. And tell me what is wrong."

Alice Newcomb: Her eyes go a little wide at the vibes she's getting and she looks slowly around, then at Kelton.

Durst Whitright: *Durst hurries inside*

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: He shuts the door behind them, and leads them into the living room, limping his way to a leather couch and seating himself. "Please, both of you have a seat, and tell me what is wrong."

Durst Whitright: *Durst sits down* "well through a source that I swore would remained unnamed for fear of retribution because his life was already threatened, I found out that Abbey Randelle hand tortured someone for information through trying to feed them human ash" *he says his face twisted in disgust*

Alice Newcomb: Settles down beside Durst, letting him tell the tale.

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: A deep frown. "I see. Who did she do this to, and what kind of information?"

Alice Newcomb: Glances between the two men, but doesn't interrupt.

Durst Whitright: "I wasnt given the nature of the information and was told that it was a young kid in conection whit a maurader incedent that from what I understand was put to death before anyone even bothered to see if he had been pushed into becoming a maurader himself" *he says with a horrid look* "But torture, thats what gets me there are other ways to gather information rather than torturing someone and then threating to kill someone because they show concern for the methods you are using"

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "I see your concern, and understand it, based on the information you have been given." He pauses a moment, considering all of this. "How knowledgable are either of you on Marauders? Alice, I do not know if Lawrence or Ishachus had mentioned them to you yet...Folstrum, I assume you are aware of the basics, but I am not aware of your specific experience with them."

Durst Whitright: "I dont have much experience with them, but I do know of the basics and that they are mad." *he says with a sigh*

Alice Newcomb: Shakes her head. "Don't know anything about them really. I just know most of my friends don't want to talk to me any more because I've joined the Order and... they think we're all a bunch of rats ass bastards."

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: A little sigh. "Alice...I am sorry that this is the case. You would do well to remind them that you are not Abbey, and you have your own beliefs. For you are obviously distressed by this, whereas Abbey is, obviously, not."

Alice Newcomb: "Add that to Ishacus waving his guns around in their chantry and threatening their Deacon, and... well... we do look like shits."

Durst Whitright: *Durst looks at the man* "its not just Abbey Master Kelton since ive been in town ive heared of one memeber blowing up a van and killing a bunch of sleepers, another pulling a gun on the deacon of another tradition, and then this one of ours torturing someone and then threating to kill another mage who showed concern for what she was doing" *he says with a sigh* "i mean no wonder they seem to think of us as monsters"

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "Dragana has been Censured for her actions, as you both know. Ishachus has been dealt with to Haven's satisfaction, as far as I am aware, as Miss Morgan merely wished his removal as envoy. Add to that that Ellenweorc has been Interedicted for his actions, as well. Unless the other Traditions wish us to start killing or Gilgulling our own, I don't know what else they wish us to do."

Alice Newcomb: "I think they want us to stop acting like dick heads," she says plainly. "Who will be replacing Ishachus as envoy?"

Durst Whitright: "Yes I know but in these situations it is the whole of the order that is being given a bad name, we are isolating ourselves. Without the allied traditions we will fall in the wake of the technocracy pogram" *he says with a sigh*

Alice Newcomb: "When half our chantry is up on charges of some sort...or under censure..." Shakes her head. "Something is wrong."

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "I am still considering that, Alice." He looks to Durst. "We are isolated only in that we have a Covenant which is specific to our Tradition. I have ecouraged all to work with the other Traditions...I even postponed bringing up Ellenweorc's trial until he was done helping Miss Jacobs locate Miss Morgan. Only we have sent an envoy out...none have ever sent envoys to us. While I agree this is a problem, we are doing everything we can to address it."

Durst Whitright: "Well Master Kelton, if you would give us a chance me and Alice may be able to mend some of the tears caused" *he says as he looks up at Kelton* "I mean im a new face in town and am not really associated with those that they hate amongst us, and Alice knows a great deal of the others. Together we may be what is needed as an Envoy to the others"

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "As I have already said, I am still considering who will be selected as Envoy, Folstrum."

Durst Whitright: "I was just adding my two cents in Master Kelton, becasue it seems that since I have arrived all I have heared about the Order are negative things and this truley does concern me" *He says looking at him* "And maybe the reason none have sent Envoys to us it becasue they dont trust us"

Alice Newcomb: (glues tag) Listens as the elders speak.

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: A long look is directed at Durst, his face unreadable. Then he moves on. "Now, as to Miss Randelle...based off the information I have been told, Miss Randelle had confirmed through a reliable source that all who worked with the Marauder had been warped into Permanent Quiet themselves. And, for those who do know Marauders, the idea of using magical means to solicit information is risky in the extreme. Further, Miss Morgan's life was potentially at stake if they delayed too long in finding her. And...quite frankly, shoving ashes into someone's mouth is hardly extreme methods, compared to what is typically done with the Wild Ones. By any Tradition. These are creatures who's minds have been broken. They must be psychologically broken down before you can get information from them. The Marauder in question was destroyed quite quickly, without any undue pain. You may consider it torture. House Flambeau would disagree. As would many Euthanatos. Or Verbena."

Durst Whitright: "What about her threatening the life of another mage?" *he says with a nod* "Or is that to be considered acceptable behavior?"

Durst Whitright: "And I was unaware through my source that they had been confirmed" *he says with another nod*

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "Of course not." He shakes his head. "However, I would like to speak with Abbey about this before I start condemning her, espcially when you consider that this is something that I have worked on with her, in separate circumstances, since the Marauder incident occured. And further, I would like, if he is willing, to speak with the mage who's life was threatened."

Durst Whitright: "he isnt he fears retribution from her" *he says seriously* "He made me swear not to give up his name"

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "Then you understand my difficulty, Folstrum."

Alice Newcomb: "Maybe you could talk to him Durst, and he could meet just with Master Kelton. Without Abbey?" Looking at Kelton.

Durst Whitright: "I will see what I can do about getting him to speak with you, but I know he will not if it involves haveing to confront Abbey" *he says shakeing his head*

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "Why has he not taken this through his Deacon? Why take it through anonymous charges to the newest member of the Four Elements in the city?" He frowns.

Durst Whitright: "He is terrified" *says Durst looking at him a bit upset* "The only reason he told me was becasue A mutual friend vouched for me when I told her that I was looking for why people within the city hated us so much"

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "And he does not even trust his Deacon to handle this properly, then?"

Durst Whitright: "and for all I know he may not even belong to a chantry"

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: A sigh. "I cannot accept accusations from unnamed individuals who we obviously know very little about. If you can get him to speak with me, in confidence, I will listen to his charge."

Durst Whitright: "I will see what I can do" *says Durst looking down before looking back up at Master Kelton* "I just dont wish for anything to happen to him becasue he comes forward, he truly seemed scared"

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: He gazes at Durst, questioningly. "Do you have that little faith in me?"

Alice Newcomb: "Oh for chrissakes, is he waiting for his balls to drop?" she blurts without thinking.

Durst Whitright: "No I do have a great deal of faith in you, but it would be on my consceince if she did end up killing him" *he says with a sigh* "I hope you can understand that"

Alice Newcomb: Blinks at Durst. She thinks Abbey is kind of a bitch, but does he really think she's just a cold blooded murderer?

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: A look to Alice, then back to Durst. "Then have faith, Adept, that I will not allow such a thing to happen."

Durst Whitright: *He nods to Master Kelton* "Okay I will see what I can do"

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: A nod. "Excellent." He gives a light sigh, and leans back in his seat. "Is there anything else I can do for either of you?"

Durst Whitright: *shakes his head no* "Thank you Master Kelton, this has been grating on me for a while"

Alice Newcomb: "I'm good. I just thought this stuff should be brought to you is all."

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "Of course." He nods to them both. "I appreciate bringing these concerns to me, and I promise you they will be dealt with. I would appreciate it if you were to inform those concerned of such matters the same."

Durst Whitright: *Durst nods* "I will, Master Kelotn and I will see what I can about getting him to come to you"

Alice Newcomb: "I don't know who all is involved really." Looks at Durst. "I just didn't think it should fester. So I sort of encouraged Durst to come down."

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: "Thank you." He struggles to his feet. "Now, if you will excuse my horrid lack of manners, I have some personal matters I must attend to."

Durst Whitright: *Durst stands* "Thanks again Master Kelton"

Alice Newcomb: Gets to her feet. "Thank you, Master Kelton."

Alice Newcomb: Heads for the door.

Durst Whitright: *Durst moves to leave Master Keltons home*((Thanks for the scene))

Alice Newcomb: And off they go. ((Nighty night guys. Thanks for the game.))

Kelton Michaels ben Lakhsmi: He leads them out of the house, nodding to them and shutting the door behind them. ((You bet, guys. *S*))