Samantha Jacobs: ((Anyone mind if I say that Evan stayed with the captives so he doesn't have to be NPC'd?))

Melinda Stowe: ((that is fine with me.))

Ravyn: ((Okay, guys. So, when we last left our intrepid heroes, y'all were at Randelle Manor with a badly beat up, shot, bound and gagged 14-year-old kid named Jonah, if I recall.))

Abbey Randelle: (naaw)

Abbey Randelle: (they brought the kid too? oh dear. thats one soon to be dead kid)

Samantha Jacobs: ((And Michael. Who, Fang informed us, told them his name, he wanted to be a priest, he wet his pants, and Michelle was being held in a church somewhere downtown. That was all he knew))

Ravyn: ((Ah, yes, and sword-boy.))

Terry O'Brian: ((Jonah had not been shot, merely beaten, bound and gagged. And wasn't there a second hostage, Michael or somesuch?))

Ravyn: ((He was, in fact, shot, Terry. Snyde shot him.))

Abbey Randelle: (make that 2 soon to be dead kids *laughs*)

Samantha Jacobs: ((Sam had stuck both boys with an anti-magic dart. And she would have made sure both boys never got a look at where exactly they were.))

Terry O'Brian: ((damn, I must have missed that...*grumbles* Oh well. I'll blame the miss on my connection))

Ravyn: ((Yeah, he shot Jonah in the round that Adriana killed Janice and shoved her off, and Cori first tried (and failed) to heal Snyde.))

Samantha Jacobs: ((... you know, Terry and Melinda probably sholdn't be around during the interrogation. In fact, she'd probably send them upstairs with Evan or somesuch.))

Terry O'Brian: ((Terry is SO not leaving Jonah at this point...they'd have to drag him away))

Abbey Randelle: *abbey's waiting, icy cold at SAm's side, blade twitching as she waits for them to give congruent information*

Samantha Jacobs: ((That's... yeah. Okay, so, they just couldn't kill him till later, if they end up killing him at all)

Melinda Stowe: ((Either way is fine with her, bloodshed isn't an issue with her.))

Samantha Jacobs: Evan remains in a corner near the again unconcious Michael who has spewed his information. And wet his pants. She's staring down at Jonah, eyes hard. "Miss Randelle, do you happen to have smelling salts?"

Melinda Stowe: Where ever they are for the interrogation Melinda stays by a wall leaniung against it like she needed to do this or theplace would fall down without her there against the wall. She is also, for clarification the furthest she can be away from the group yet at the same time still be able to hear what is being said.

Ravyn: ((Where are you guys taking Michael and Jonah in the manor, and how are you restraining them? In chairs, lying on the floor, etc.?))

Abbey Randelle: (they're in the bombshelter.. in the ash of the other bodies. there's one exit. up the ladder. they're likely restrained with those spiffy zip tie things ingvar keeps handy)

Melinda Stowe: ((DLP)) she would have left the room as per Miss Sam's wishes, and stuck to the place that had been said to wait.

Samantha Jacobs: (( Evan and Sam both tied them pretty good (military and all) and tied them better once at the manor with the zippy tie thingies, and yes... to chairs.))

Abbey Randelle: (then melinda'd be in the guest house having tea. under strict orders not to wander. )

Samantha Jacobs: ((Melinda can stay or go *G* Moot point since Terry is stayin'))

Abbey Randelle: (oh. then come on down mel)

Ravyn: ((Danke.)) Michael and Jonah are in fact unconscious at this time, and will likely require being woken up in some way.

Terry O'Brian: *Terry is staying fairly close to Jonah. He's right there to watch the interrogation*

Abbey Randelle: *Abbey inclines her head, and dips her hand into her purse. she'd never needed to use them.. and out come discreete smelling salts still in the package*

Melinda Stowe: She wouldn't move an ince until someone came in and said it was time for them to go. Although if they are too long she would pen a note telling them to call her if they still wished for any assistance from her.

Abbey Randelle: *she waves them beneath the youth's nose*

Samantha Jacobs: "Thank you." She says calmly, wandering over to wake up Jonah.

Samantha Jacobs: ((dlp!))

Abbey Randelle: (*laugh*)

Melinda Stowe: ((Okay I am so totally confused, I get told not to then it is okay to, so I am so totally unsure of what is going on.))

Ravyn: It's a remarkably long time, even with the smelling salts, before Jonah's nose crinkles at the acrid smell, and he jerks away, eyes blinking open, watering at the salts. He looks around a moment, groggily, with unfocused eyes.

Samantha Jacobs: ((Sam was sending Melinda up with Terry so he wasn't upset and alone. Since Terry is not going, Melinda is welcome to stay and watch. Sorry about that Snow))

Melinda Stowe: ((Okay then delete the two previos IC posts of mine annnnd))Where ever they are for the interrogation Melinda stays by a wall leaniung against it like she needed to do this or theplace would fall down without her there against the wall. She is also, for clarification the furthest she can be away from the group yet at the same time still be able to hear what is being said.

Samantha Jacobs: A rumpled, blood shot eyes, kinda crazy looking thin woman is staring down at him, with a hard gaze. She has a gun holstered on one hip, and her lip curls a bit as he opens his eyes.

Abbey Randelle: *Abbey regards the Boy coldly. face a picture of polite calm. were her grey eyes not glinting so unpleasantly. her hands folded in front of her, blood spattered, resting on the hilt of a sword*

Ravyn: He looks around, blinking, and his eyes settle on the sword in front of him. Suddenly, it all comes back, and he sneers. Eyes pass up to Abbey, then over to Sam, Melinda, and finally Terry. He tries to spit at Terry, sending a gop of bloody saliva his way.

Melinda Stowe: Between Sam, Abbey and Melinda they are the widest variety of scary, Sam with her bloodshot eyes and crazy look about her, Abbey with her pale skin, and then Melinda with her very triangular face, nose that isn't quite straight anymore, and the blue tinge to the whites of her eyes. They made for an interesting group.

Samantha Jacobs: She reaches out and snatches Jonah's jaw. Hard. "Don't... do that." It is calm. Strangely so. But the threat behind it is imminent.

Abbey Randelle: *she looks to the gob od spit. an eyebrow raising. very impolite, she looks back to the boy*

Melinda Stowe: She watches the boy try and spit at Terry and her eyes narrow on him.

Terry O'Brian: *Terry steps so as to not be hit by Jonah's spit, and then steps right back to where he was standing* ((goddamn connection! *beats it with a stick* if I disappear, I'll be attempting to get back, it's a LAN mishap))

Ravyn: He looks at Sam, grinning with that insane zeal. It's a passionate zeal as opposed to Robert's cold and calculating one, but still eerily reminiscent of his mentor. "Make me, hellspawn."

Melinda Stowe: What a very rude boy her fingers itch to grab her PDA and force his mouth shut, but then they would get no answers from him so she continues to keep her arms crossed.

Samantha Jacobs: "Make you?" She smiles. Nice. Fingers tightening a bit on his jaw.

Abbey Randelle: Interesting*she murmers, eyes flicking to SAm*

Terry O'Brian: *he looks at Jonah and quietly frowns.*

Ravyn: ((Whoops)) Griffen sits in the corner, watching impassively, his composure fully returned.

Ravyn: Jonah smirks, even Sam's grip makes him wince a bit. "You're a creature from hell, or a servant of one. I'll do nothing you ask."

Samantha Jacobs: "I'm not asking you to do anything, just a few questions. Sure you don't want to answer?" She smiles, still.

Melinda Stowe: Now it is her turn to raise an eyebrow, so this is what they were dealing with, interesting.

Abbey Randelle: *she steps towards Jonah, moving behind him. her eyes flick to sam*

Ravyn: "Ask, and silence will be your reward. The eternity burning in Hell is already decided, and I cannot give that to you two-fold, much as I would like."

Terry O'Brian: *his eyes follow Abbey as she moves behind Jonah, he's trying to watch everyone in the room as best he can, but his main focus is the captive teenager*

Samantha Jacobs: "I've been to Hell and back Jonah. It doesn't scare me much anymore. You though? It should scare you." She smiles, and then digs a thumb into his gunshot wound.

Melinda Stowe: If she didn't fear her skin touching this boys she would smak him. She shifts oh so slightly where she stands watching the goings on as well.

Terry O'Brian: *he starts at Sam's action, but holds himself back...he won't interfere right now...they need to get Michelle back*

Abbey Randelle: Have we time to persuede the gentleman? *she glances at the small silver watch on her wrist. then over his head to Sam again. one eyebrow up*

Ravyn: ((Roll Strength+Torture, Strength+ Intimidation, or if you have neither, straight Strength is fine.))

Ravyn: ((Or Interrogation works, too.))

Samantha Jacobs: ((straight str, one wp))

Samantha Jacobs: 7,9,2,

Ravyn: 9,2,6,5,6,

Ravyn: He grits his teeth, making a strangled sound of pain at Sam's action, but holds strong, for now.

lurking -> Ravyn: Running very late, stupid work. But looks like you guys are still doing torture scene and not the resuce yet. If Roxy even gets called in to help on the rescue

Ravyn -> lurking: ((Gotcha. I'll let shu know if they call Roxy in...Griffen probably will suggest it.))

Samantha Jacobs: Throughout this whole thing, she speaks calmly. Very calmly. "I have very little patience, Jonah. It's just a few questions. Or I'll keep doing this, until you answer those couple of questions. Going to answer them?" The thumb digs in more.

Samantha Jacobs: 10,3,3,

Terry O'Brian: *Terry steps back out of Jonah's line of sight, and averts his eyes from the torture...he goes a bit pale in the face as well, but he stays*

lurking -> Ravyn: ((course the sad thing is if Roxy was here they wouldn't need torture she is after all like she once told Griff a mind mage aka can read minds*G*))

Abbey Randelle: *seeing Mis Jacobs has it undercontrol, she takes the oppurtunity to murmer to herself quietly. one had to ensure that the information they inevitably received was true afterall. little point in tortureing a liar*

Abbey Randelle -> Ravyn: (casting ring of truth. rolling enoch to lower dif. then arete)

Ravyn: 9,8,8,3,9,

Abbey Randelle: 7,8,9,

Ravyn -> Abbey Randelle: ((Got it.))

Abbey Randelle: 8,5,2,

Melinda Stowe: Her gaze flicks to Terry, before going to back to Sam and the Boy. There are many types of torture, you just had to figure out what would be torture for this one.

Ravyn: The additional pressing in just serves, it seems, to bolster his regard, and he stares up at Sam's face, hate rolling out of his gaze. "Burn, whore."

Samantha Jacobs: "Been there, done that. Maybe, we'll turn you to be a boon to us," she seems to muse, as she stops just pushing, and starts to dig her thumb into muscle, "convert you to our way. We've already disposed your leader."

Ravyn: That draws a baleful sneer from him, as he looks up silently.

Melinda Stowe: Whilke they are trying to get information out of the Boyt she tries to remember exactally how many churches there are in downtown.

Samantha Jacobs: She smiles to him, but the cruelty and hate behind her gaze is frightening. "Ma'am?" A glance to Abbey.

Abbey Randelle: *a slight purse of lips, she seems content to watch sam do her work. it was her lover that had been kidnapped afterall. she moves towards the dull grey sofa's feet sifting through a pile of ash. another purse of lips* In fact, I do beleive this was robert. *a delicate white hand scoops a bit of corpse ash and brings it to the boy*

Samantha Jacobs: Her smile turns into a faint smirk at the dust.

Abbey Randelle: *a nod to sam. she could see, despite the vested interest, or perhaps because of it.. the woman was getting frazzled. she stands in front of the boy* I don't suppose you'd care to wager a guess at exactly who's blood stains my clothing, Jonah?

Ravyn: He doesn't look at the ash, his eyes locked viciously on Sam, mouth twitching a little.

Samantha Jacobs: She steps to the side to allow Abbey room. By the thumb stays in the wound

Terry O'Brian: *Terry gives Sam a look...a sort of pathetic 'can i try something' sort of look*

Samantha Jacobs: She meets his gaze calmly, unafraid. Nothing can hide the hate there. And she makes no move to.

Samantha Jacobs: 2,10,8,8,9,5,7,

lurking -> Ravyn: quick question. how long after the scene is this happening? If roxy hadn't heard in by morning she would most likely call Griff which of course he wouldn't answer and then likely Terry

Abbey Randelle: *and so the ash is sprinkled over top of him, drifting up to settle in her hair *

Samantha Jacobs: She catches Terry's look out of the corner of her eye. Glancing at him, slightly, she silently gives him a questioning look.

Terry O'Brian: *he bites his lip a bit, and inhales sharply, nervously...ok...he's got to be confident, sound honest...this is what he's good at...he speaks, attempting to keep calm, sound sincere* "Perhaps we should just tell him the truth." *he hopes that the others let him continue before screwing this idea up*

Ravyn: He jerks away at the ash, trying to shake it loose, and make a feeble attempt to lunge at Abbey. "BITCH!" ((Dex+Athletics @ -5))

Ravyn: 9,

Ravyn: ((Sam, roll Strength to keep hold))

Ravyn -> lurking: ((This is still last night))

lurking -> Ravyn: thought so but was just checking*s*

Samantha Jacobs: 8,5,5,

Melinda Stowe: There is really almost too many to count, even in the city as a whole. She smirks at the dust comment, that was an ingenious little feat that Mis Randelle seemed to have up her sleeve.

Melinda Stowe: She rolls her eyes to the Boy fighting to get away, then looks to Terry to continue.

Ravyn: Sam manages to keep a hold on Jonah and keep him in his place, just barely, as he triues to lunge. The insane teenager falls back down with a wince, trying to his eyes on his shoulder, to get the ash out.

Ravyn: ((rub his eyes))

Samantha Jacobs: Another finger digs in, joining the first in a warning, and her other hand snatches his head. NOt letting him wipe his eyes.

Samantha Jacobs: And she glances at Terry.

Terry O'Brian: "Our...allies" *he doesn't have to fake any distaste at calling Snyde and Adriana allies* "got carried away...the idea was to capture you all...for exorcims. You see, Robert was possessed, and was setting you all up, and trying to capture more people...he had you all tricked. We even tried to just capture him, but he wouldn't let himself be captured. We're on YOUR side Jonah. Robert wasn't. He was trying to corrupt you to help use you to send the souls of others to Hell." *ok...he's seen the Exorcist that one time, hopefully he filled in enough holes in his quick story that it's somewhat believable* ((shall I roll something?))

Abbey Randelle: *abbey waits. if the boy swallows it. all was well*

Ravyn: ((Rolllllll meeeeeeeee....Charisma + Subterfuge, ya lyin' bastard. *G*))

Terry O'Brian: 2,2,8,10,5,2,

Terry O'Brian: ((Charming specialty...reroll?))

Ravyn: ((Sure))

Terry O'Brian: 10,

Terry O'Brian: 1,

Terry O'Brian: ((*kicks the dicebot for getting his hopes up*))

Ravyn: 4,6,3,9,

Ravyn: He looks at Terry--well, as best as he can, the man is somewhat blinded by Robert flakes in his eyes--and sneers. "Even if that were true, it shows how deluded you are, boy."

Abbey Randelle: Deluded. Indeed. *with a near inaudible sigh, she bends to scoop another handful of robert, watching jonah* Perhaps you might tell us where miss morgan is being kept? *she murmers, one hand on her blade, the other full of dust* unless of course.. you would prefer communion?

Terry O'Brian: *he walks over to Jonah, and leans down, face level with his* "Look, I just want to help you. Robert did a lot of damage due to his corruption, and I'm trying to help repair it. If you really serve God, then you'll help us fix it by telling us what we need to know." *and it's all true! or at least, it is in Terry's mind*

Samantha Jacobs: She idly twists fingers now and then.

Terry O'Brian: *he looks at Abbey, glaring daggers at her as she threatens Jonah with more ashes*

Melinda Stowe: She keeps her lean against the wall, watching and waiting.

Abbey Randelle: *oh yes. she is threatening to make him eat more ashes... but she's so damn polite about it.. she could be offering tea biscuits. the glare goes unheeded. the boy didn't beleive him, it rings in her mind as truth. she regards the zealot calmly*

Ravyn: He looks up at Abbey, a twitch having developed in his right eye. He looks about to say something, then cuts himself off.

Ravyn: ((Sam, go ahead and roll Str again))

Samantha Jacobs: 9,2,3,

Ravyn: 10,3,1,1,2,

Abbey Randelle: (well. that was not good)

Ravyn: Something behind his eyes falters at between the ash in Abbey's hand and the fingers in his shoulder wound.

Abbey Randelle: *she glances to Sam* MIght you hold his mouth open MIss Jacobs.. unless of course.. *she lets cool grey eyes slip to his face* He would prefer to answer? *she advacnes with the dust swirling slightly in her hand as she moves*

Samantha Jacobs: "Where is she, Johan?" Fingers dig in more, though he voice remains even.

Samantha Jacobs: ((dlp))

Samantha Jacobs: "Of course." Her free hand lifts, to grab his jaw.

Melinda Stowe: If they had the time to slowely do this she would wait here forever, as someones life is still in a ballance, there was no time, she sighs softly at the Boys continued reluctance to peak on things. But doesn't move.

Terry O'Brian -> Ravyn: ((letting you know that if Abbey uses the ashes, especially trying to put them into Jonah's mouth, Terry will use the empathy and fear he feels at the fact that he could easily be in Jonah's place if things were slightly different, along with a hasty bit of song(so no Cha+Perf roll) to attempt to Corr 2 Matter 1 the ashes away))

Ravyn: ((Abbey, roll Charisma+Intimidation to seal the deal))

Abbey Randelle: (wp on her abysmal charisma)

Abbey Randelle: 9,6,4,

Ravyn: Abbey's comment finishes him off, and something dies in his eyes as he slumps back. "She's not in the church," he says, dully. "She's been moved from there."

Samantha Jacobs: "Where is she?" She asks calmly, hand releasing his jaw. For now.

Abbey Randelle: *Abbey pulls the handfull of dust back to her body. she may still need it. cold eyes watch him. wait for his answer*

Melinda Stowe: Oooooh if only she knew how to kick she would kick that other boy who lied to them just for the hell of it. But alas she would probably break something in her attempt anyways.

Ravyn: ((Oh, shit. DLP))

Ravyn: Abbey's comment finishes him off, and something dies in his eyes as he slumps back. "She's not in the church," he says, dully. "I don't know who Miss Morgan is."

Samantha Jacobs: ((Ahh)) A pause, and he voice is calm. Still. "Where's Naomi?"

Ravyn: ((And delete the "She's not in the church" bit. I suck.))

Melinda Stowe: She frowns and looks to Sam and Abbey, how could he not know who she is, if they had her.

Ravyn: He looks at the ashes in Abbey's hand with complete numbness...quite possibly similar to the expression Samantha would imagine she might have if someone were holding Michelle's ashes in front of her, though not quite as strong, perhaps. "After Master Wright saved her, he took her to a safehouse, to protect her from you, until he could get their daughter."

Samantha Jacobs: "Where is that, Johan?"

Abbey Randelle: *her eyes narrow as she frosts slightly, simply holding a little bit of the mauraders dust in her delicate hand. the pale girl could win a nephandi fashion show, radiating purity and ice in the blood and ash of their collective enemies*

Melinda Stowe: Ah yes now she remembers, she reamins face impassive, waiting for Johan's reply.

Ravyn: "He's not her father," Griffen says in the background...not loud enough to interrupt, though. Johan's eyes pass to the floor, the fiery zealot replaced by an emotionally dead teenage boy. "Yonkers. Park Hill." He sighs, forlornly. He's failed them both.

Samantha Jacobs: She flicks eyes to Abbey. Truth?

Abbey Randelle: *she listens to something far off a moment, then inclines her head* this is truth. *she murmers*

Samantha Jacobs: She removes her bloody hand, and unclips her gun. And then uses it to knock the kid out again.

Ravyn: He goes out without protest. He doesn't want to be awake, or alive, knowing how drastically he's failed.

Samantha Jacobs: She wipes her hands on her pants. Eyes moving all of the people. "Go?" She asks.

Abbey Randelle: *she raises an eyebrow as Sam knocks him out. a slight nod* Immediately. *her eyes meet sams* They may remain locked in the shelter until they can be properly seen to.

Ravyn: Griffen gives a short nod. "I am ready when you are, Miss Jacobs."

Terry O'Brian: *he looks around and waits, if everyone else is going, he'll go too...but if anyone is staying, so is he*

Samantha Jacobs: She glances at her brother, who nods. "Evan will stay with them. I'm ready to go."

Terry O'Brian: *he glances at Evan...does he count as one of them? Can he be trusted alone with them? He's Sam's brother, but he didn't participate...Terry's definitely having trouble deciding whether to stay or go*

Samantha Jacobs: ((Evan DID participate... I just had trouble playing two characters at once. *G*))

Melinda Stowe: She inclines her head. "I am ready as well." she says.

Terry O'Brian: ((he didn't participate in the torture though...he wasn't grinding his thumb into bullet wounds or pouring human ashes on people))

Abbey Randelle: *abbey opens the hatch and waits at the bottom of the ladder for everyone to exit. Terry included. he may have difficulty deciding. but she's not leaving anyone she doesn't trust at her home*

Samantha Jacobs: ((Ohhh. My bad))

Samantha Jacobs: Evan remains crouched, easily, in a corner. Settling to wait. Sam is heading towards the hatch/

Terry O'Brian: *he walks over to Evan and whispers to him. One sentence, and then heads out*

Melinda Stowe: She moves up and out as quickly as she can, probably the first on out, she had to continve herself that being close to Abbey for the moment was going to send her into a panic attack. Once outside she takes several deep breaths and stands away from the door, so that others comming out are not close to her at all.

Samantha Jacobs: Evan looks at Terry with narrowed eyes and a frown. But he remains where he is. Sam glances back at the men, and up she goes.

Ravyn: Griffen looks back at the boy, frowning a little. "On second thought, Miss Jacobs...this time is yours, to retrieve Miss Morgan. I will stay behind, as well."

Abbey Randelle: *Abbey moves up the ladder, murmering* good day gentlemen. *leaving Grif and evan behind. she shuts the latch and padlocks it*

Samantha Jacobs: Sam nods and watches as the door shuts.

Terry O'Brian: *When Terry hears that Griffen is staying behind, he gives Evan a look...he's dead serious about what he said...but he goes out*

Melinda Stowe: She adjusts the ratty old bag over her shoulder, and crosses her arms in front of her waiting to follow Miss Randelle to whichever car they are taking.

Samantha Jacobs: Evan stares back at him, stonily. And then the hatch shuts. Sam reloads her gun as they move, and makes sure she has a dart gun too.

Ravyn: ((Staying in this room for ease of...well, not switching rooms.))

Melinda Stowe: ((that works)) Melinda get's in the car, if she can mange it the front seat, if not she is plastered next to the locked door, attempting not to move at any turn.

Terry O'Brian: *Terry just climbs in...wherever there's room*

Abbey Randelle: *Abbey detours into the guest house, grabbing another snow white coat. this one she sets in the back of the small white saturn. she inclines her ehad, motioning the 3 should get in. she drives without a word towards their destination*

Samantha Jacobs: Melinda can have the front. Sam slides into the back, still wiping her hands a bit on her pants. She doesn't look at Terry, though she speaks quietly to him at some point. "You had a good idea in there. Nice job."

Terry O'Brian: *grunts slightly, acknowledging that he's heard Sam, but he's looking right back the way he came, towards where the captives are*

Samantha Jacobs: She glances at him. Eyes narrow slightly, and then she looks back forward again. Breathing in and out slowly.

Melinda Stowe: Doesn't really matter all that much at least this way she won't unintentionally end up touching someone, but she is still plastered to the door which she locked. Eyes on the road ahead of them, quiet as well.

Abbey Randelle: *she's concentrating on two things.. driving.. and retreiving miss morgan*

Ravyn: The group drives out to Yonkers, a city just north of the Bronx, quite a large city in it's own right, at almost 200,000. Park Hill is a tranquil little community, populated by a diverse group of people...doctors, plumbers, stage actors, teachers. It's surrounded by, in contrast, the dirty and poor inner city of Yonkers. The car moves through, into the nicer neighborhood, on the lookout for their location. ((Per+Alert of Investigation))

Terry O'Brian: 4,5,2,4,8,8,

Abbey Randelle: 5,2,7,6,

Melinda Stowe: 1,8,9,3,8,9,

Samantha Jacobs: 9,6,3,3,4,9,6,

Ravyn: Sam notices it first...she couldn't forget that house if she tried. Sam and Terry note it as well, though they never saw the outside, so it's a little slower for them. Melinda merely notices a Tudor house, looking remarkably abandoned and out of place...almost an eyesore, compared to the houses around it.

Abbey Randelle: *the small white car pulls to a stop down the block, and abbey rasies a pointed white chin, dusted with ash* I beleive this is it.

Samantha Jacobs: "That one." She says it with the UTMOST certainty, pointing it out to Abbey.

Abbey Randelle: *a nod. she shuts off the car and moves to the back to retreive her blade. a moments consideration and she keeps the stained coat on. no point in ruining a new one*

Terry O'Brian: *he's quiet...they spotted it, don't need to beat a dead horse*

Samantha Jacobs: She slides out, remembering to hide the guns under her coat. Now was not a time to get hasty.

Melinda Stowe: She raises an eyebrow, glancing to Abbey then back to the house. "Well then shall we?"

Melinda Stowe: ((DLP))

Terry O'Brian: *he gets out of the car, hoping that this goes smoothly*

Melinda Stowe: She raises an eyebrow but slides out of the car as quick as she can, adjusting her bag once more over her shoulder.

Ravyn: The house is quiet as they approach. No lights on inside...the door is even open just a little bit. The whole thing is eerily similar to Sam's first time entering this house, but for the surroundings.

Abbey Randelle: *she moves towards the door, a glance to sam*

Samantha Jacobs: She moves to point. A hand on her gun, like she's back in the military. Again. Slowly, she moves to push open the door, eyes flicking around and looking for anyone, enemies, anything.

Melinda Stowe: She stays to the back of the group, since she is not the muscle here, her eyes dart around trying to look for anyone that might be watching their approach to the house, and if there is anyone possibly inside as well.

Ravyn: The inside is dark and heat, either. Quite possibly no power in the house. Inside is as neglected as the outside. Once the door is opened, there's no doubt to Abbey that this is the correct house.

Samantha Jacobs: She swallows thickly, moving as quietly as possible, eyes continuing to flick around. Basement. She -should- be in the basement.

Terry O'Brian: *Terry's behind Abbey and Melinda, he's not much in the way of muscle. He's ready to break out magic if need be though, to support Sam and Abbey in this*

Abbey Randelle: *yeah. the delicate socialite is the muscle... RAWR!.. she looks anything but. she looks around. well. the basement is directly under the stairs.. if she recalls correctly. her feet fall lightly as she spreads out, moving away from sam slightly*

Ravyn: The path to the basement leads right by the stairways up. There's no sounds in the house, besides their feet creaking on the floor. They come up to the basement door, locked from their side.

Melinda Stowe: Letting her eyes get adjusted to thisdarkness she follows behind a hand slipping into her bag, ready if anything should happen.

Melinda Stowe: Melinda will come forward she knows how to pick a lock amazingly as she pulls something out of her bag to do just this.

Terry O'Brian: *Melinda beats him to going to pick the lock...well, if she can't do it, he'll take a crack at it*

Samantha Jacobs: Sam allows Melinda to move up. Her eyes keep moving. Always.

Melinda Stowe: ((NM DLP))

Abbey Randelle: *she remains still. waiting.*

Ravyn: ((The lock is a deadbolt, and just needs turning. Locked from THEIR side, guys. Their meaning yours. *G*))

Melinda Stowe: ((The lock is on our side of the door, all we have to do it turn the lock.))

Samantha Jacobs: Sam pauses to check and make sure the door and/or lock isn't booby trapped. ((per+alert?))

Ravyn: ((Per+Security vs. 6, or Per+Alert at 8))

Terry O'Brian: *then Terry hangs back...waiting for someone to open the door, attempting to ready himself to throw a spell at any guard there may be on the other side*

Samantha Jacobs: ((per+alert))

Samantha Jacobs: 7,9,4,4,3,2,4,

Melinda Stowe: She remains still at the back of the group her head tilts to the side a bit oh yes, booby traps, she waits eyes still looking around.

Melinda Stowe: 7,5,2,4,2,6,

Ravyn: Neither Melinda or Sam see a trap on the door.

Abbey Randelle: *she waits, patient as death*

Samantha Jacobs: She motions them all back. She won't risk anymore people getting hurt. Once they're back far enough, she moves to undo the lock.

Abbey Randelle: *An eyebrow raises, but she steps back*

Terry O'Brian: *he'll wait for them to open the door.*

Melinda Stowe: She will move back as far as 10 feet away from the door just in case.

Ravyn: The lock turns with a click. Nothing else happens.

Terry O'Brian: *he steps back*

Samantha Jacobs: Gun raised, she slowly pushes open the door. Ready for anything. She hopes.

Ravyn: The door swings open with a creak, leading to a staircase, descending down into the darkness below.

Melinda Stowe: Eye continue to look about, as the door is opened, she is hopefully ready for anything as well.

Samantha Jacobs: She starts to descend down the steps, her movements strangely fluidly. Her training doing her well.

Abbey Randelle: *abbey follows, feet falling lightly*

Terry O'Brian: *he follows along, heading down the stairs, looking around for any sight of a threat and ready to either hide, duck, or cast in response*

Melinda Stowe: She is the last one down the stairs, treading lightly as she goes.

Ravyn: The make their way down the stairs without incident. The darkness is almost stifling. ((Roll Per+Alert vs. 8 to see in the darkness))

Terry O'Brian: 4,6,6,7,4,9,

Abbey Randelle: 2,7,8,5,

Melinda Stowe: 3,6,6,8,8,9,

Samantha Jacobs: 8,5,2,5,1,6,8,

Ravyn: Abbey, Terry, and Samantha are having trouble seein through the darkness, registering only very vague shapes and having to rely on what they hope they know from before. Melinda, on the other hand, manages to make out the basement fairly well. The room is spartanly furnished, an unfinished basement with a dirt floor. There is a twin-sized bed in the room and a chair in the corner, with a form sitting in it, unmoving.

Samantha Jacobs: She swallows, aand squints, trying to see in the darkness.

Melinda Stowe: She spots someone sitting in that chair right over there. Once at the bottom she will lead the group over to where Michelle, or she hopes it is Michelle, is sitting.

Abbey Randelle: * moving a few steps away from the group, abbey flicks out a cell phone and uses the display to help light their way. this was foolish.*

Melinda Stowe: A wiapered "Follow me." as she passes people.

Terry O'Brian: *well, he'll follow Melinda unless it seems decidedly not in the direction that Michelle's chair was last night*

Samantha Jacobs: She glances at Abbey. It be absurdly funny at another time. And she moves after Melinda.

Melinda Stowe: Once she is cloe to the chair she wispers. "Miss Michelle?" although she is more worried at this point of someone bumbing into her.

Ravyn: Abbey's cell phone illuminates the room, and reveals that the form in the chair is, in fact, Michelle. She's not chained to the chair like before...she's merely sitting there, her clothes badly torn and dirty, blood over the lower half of her face. She's very not conscious.

Samantha Jacobs: She takes a shuddery breath, and slides her gun back, finally. Taking long steps towards Michelle.

Ravyn: ((illuminates as much as a cell phone can, at least...which really, can be quite significant. *G*))

Melinda Stowe: She blinks at the change in the room, thanks to Abbey's phone, it works, She steps away from Michelle so that Sam and the others can get to her.

Terry O'Brian: *he heads over closer to Michelle...but he certainly doesn't get in Sam's way...just standing nearby in case she needs/wants help*

Samantha Jacobs: One hand cradles Michelle gently, fear flickering over her face, fingers reaching out to search for a pulse. She can't be dead.

Abbey Randelle: *abbey moves towards miss morgan, white light from the expensive phone bringing the battered rocker into greater detail.* She will need medical attention.

Abbey Randelle: *a murmer*

Ravyn: ((Per+Med))

Samantha Jacobs: 8,8,9,9,

Ravyn -> Samantha Jacobs: ((She's alive, stable. Bad bruises on her wrists, like from restraints that were fought against. A couple open wounds here and there. She's hurt, and preety badly...but she's going to live.))

Samantha Jacobs: Shaking hands pull away, and she moves to pick the woman up, breathing shaking and uneasy. She licks her lips as she carefully cradles the woman. "She's alive. Hurt." An absent nod to Abbey, as she whispers, "Michelle?" ((rolling dex+athl to pick her up, spending last wp))

Samantha Jacobs: 10,10,3,8,2,4,

Melinda Stowe: Her eyes dart around the room, looking for any type of documentations or anything of the like that might lead to other's of Ropberts ilk.

Abbey Randelle: *Abbey shines her phone towards the stairs to light miss Sam's way*

Ravyn: Sam picks her up with absolute ease. She moans a little, shifting, and her eyes crack open a bit. She looks up at Sam with unfocused eyes, smiling slightly, and murmurs with a faint voice. "Hey, you."

Terry O'Brian: *he's quiet, and he follows people out...definitely relieved that Michelle is safe and alive*

Samantha Jacobs: She licks her lips, eyes starting to get wet as she moves with the woman. "Hey. We're getting out now, okay? Then we'll get you all patched up."

Ravyn: Melinda finds no such paperwork in the basement.

Melinda Stowe: She is the last to leave headding back up the stairs, she will even shut the basement door behind them.

Ravyn: "Okay." She nods, curling against Sam and falling back asleep.

Abbey Randelle: *once out of the basement she streaks from the house at a graceful run, moving to get the car and have it at the door*

Samantha Jacobs: She cradles Michelle to her as they move,swallowing thickly every now and then. A hesitation upstairs, as a bloody beaten Michelle would attract a LOT of attention. She glances at Abbey.

Samantha Jacobs: And Abbey is two steps ahead of her.

Abbey Randelle: 6,4,10,5,5,9,1,3,

Abbey Randelle: 9,

Melinda Stowe: She takes the opertunity while they await the car to take a quick look around.

Abbey Randelle: *weeeeeeee she's a white bullet*

Melinda Stowe: 1,1,8,4,10,7,

Ravyn: Melinda finds the place much the same as when they just passed through...i.e. nothing of significance.

Melinda Stowe: A slight shrug, and when the car arrives she walks out with everyone else, and climbsinto the awaiting car.

Terry O'Brian: *he remains quiet, waiting for Abbey to bring the car around, at which point he'll wait for Sam to get in with Michelle, and then will climb in himself*

Abbey Randelle: *she pulls the car up and waits. not getting out*

Samantha Jacobs: Sam moves swiftly to slide into the car, still holding the battered Michelle close to her.

Ravyn: She makes a small sound as they climb into the car, slightly plaintive, but otherwise shows no signs of discomfort or anything else, seeming perfectly content asleep in Sam's arms.

Melinda Stowe: Once again door locked and plastered to the door as they drive away from the house, eyes focused on the road ahead of them. She is silent as they head to wherever.

Samantha Jacobs: She hunches down in the seat slightly, wiggling out of her jacket to carefully drape it around Michelle. Holding her close as they drive. A whisper to the three around her, "Thank you."

Abbey Randelle: *a nod*

Melinda Stowe: A wiapered reply and a nod "No thanks are necessary Miss Sam."

Terry O'Brian: *he nods a bit, staying quiet*

Abbey Randelle: *she waits, driving MIchelle to where ever sam deems she should go*

Samantha Jacobs: "May we go back to your house Miss Randelle?" Murmured. Quietly. "Aconite may be able to heal her a bit. Please."

Melinda Stowe: Once they have reached their end destination, Melinda tells Sam to call her if she needs anything else, then takes off, as she is not needed any further.

Abbey Randelle: *abbey inclines her head, murmering to the other two* Had you anywhere you'd care to be dropped off?

Samantha Jacobs: Sam distractdly thanks Melinda with a little smile. But she's focused on Michelle.

Terry O'Brian: *he shakes his head* "I want to check on the captives anyway."

Abbey Randelle: why? *she murmers quitely, an eyebrow up*

Samantha Jacobs: She half strokes Michelle's hair, and half listens.

Melinda Stowe: She knows this is Sam and Michelles time, and Michelles time for healing. A nod to Abbey and Terry as she leaves, walking away from the mannor.

Abbey Randelle: (mel. she's not taking them to the manor. she asked terry and MEl where they wanted dropped off. she'll not allow them to come)

Terry O'Brian: *a nod to Melinda, and his voice hardens a bit as he responds to Abbey* "I have my reasons. If you don't question my motivations, then I won't question yours in the future."

Terry O'Brian: ((then remove the nod to Melinda, the rest stands))

Melinda Stowe: ((Shoot To Abbey in regards to being dropped off anywhere.)) "No thank you though this works quite well. Thank you."

Samantha Jacobs: 6,3,5,

Samantha Jacobs: "You think Evan would do something to them?" Quietly. Eyes still on Michelle.

Melinda Stowe: ((DLP)) "You could drop me off here Miss Randelle and that would work for me."

Melinda Stowe: ((In otherwords Abbey could drop her off in the middle of nowhere and she would be good with that))

Abbey Randelle: Rest assured, they will be taken care of. where would you prefer dropped off sir? *all a quiet murmer. she'd sacrificed enough of her privacy in this endeavor. the less people interferring in her business the better.... she stops the car so that Melinda can get out* Good day.

Terry O'Brian: "He's not the only one there. And I just want to have some guarantee of their safety."

Terry O'Brian: "Good bye." *to Melinda*

Samantha Jacobs: She lifts brown eyes to stare at Terry. Something flickers in her gaze, and then she looks abck down to Michelle. Just holding her.

Melinda Stowe: Thank you Miss Randelle, Good By Terry, a nod to Sam. She shuts the door and unhurridly walks off down the road, perfictly at ease with this.

Abbey Randelle: * the car doesn't move. she turns in her seat to look at terry* I cannot gaurentee this. PLease get out of my vehicle. I wish to see miss MOrgan healed as soon as possible.

Samantha Jacobs: "Terry, what do you want us to do?" She looks to him. "Do you think we can just keep them around?"

Terry O'Brian: "We COULD try to help them. It's not their fault that they were kidnapped and brainwashed." *in response to Sam. He's not responding to Abbey at the moment*

Samantha Jacobs: "We can't help them Terry, just like we couldn't help Robert. They're both gone." She watches him.

Ravyn -> Terry O'Brian: (( do recall that Michelle already told Terry, a while back, that Marauders CANNOT be fixed, ever.))

Melinda Stowe: And eventually Melinda find a cab and heads home in a round about fashon.((thanks forthe scene))

Terry O'Brian: "Fine. The only reason I'm leaving is so that Michelle can be healed. Give up on them. You see the impossible regularly, but of course THIS specific thing actually IS impossible." *he's pissed off, and he climbs out of the car and starts walking off, activating his Arcane as he goes*

Abbey Randelle: Do leave me. Miss Morgan is in need of attenetion, and I've a good deal of blood on this jacket. Yours would not ruin it further. *a polite smile. but the albino isn't joking. a picture of cold purity. she nods as he gets out, and continues driving*

Terry O'Brian -> Ravyn: ((Terry doesn't consider Michelle infallible. She knows more than he does, but she doesn't know everything. Maybe there's something no one has tried before, or that she just doesn't know about yet))

Samantha Jacobs: "It is Terry. They're already Maurders. Thank you." The last is said with sincrty as he heads off. And she slumps down into the seat, still cradlig Michelle.

Abbey Randelle: *and awaaaaay to randelle manor.

Terry O'Brian: *and Terry disappears*

Abbey Randelle: *ah yes. bleeding hearts. the reason why she didn't work with any of the other mages in the city. she parks the car and glides to open the door for sam, then moves to unlock the bomb shelter*

Samantha Jacobs: "Thank you." A mutter, cradling Michelle close to her still.

Ravyn: She sleeps quietly, remarkably peacefully. If not for the blood and other signs of abuse, one might think she's just had a long week.

Samantha Jacobs: "I'm going to bring her to the guest house, is that alright Miss Abbey?"

Abbey Randelle: *a slight nod. Abbey leans down. murmering into the hold* Mr. Aston. perhaps you might help MIss MOrgan. She's in the guest house. I can tend to the prisoners now, should you wish.

Ravyn: ((And guys, I gotta head off to game...we can pause it here, if you like, or fade it.))

Samantha Jacobs: ((I'm good with either or *nods* Thank you!*hugs*))

Abbey Randelle: (wanna just say michelle gets healed and sleeps..and the kiddies get disposed of?)

Samantha Jacobs: ((Sounds peachy))

Abbey Randelle: (can do a quick roll to dust if you'd like?)

Ravyn: ((Griffen would insist on being the person to actually kill the kids, so that it in no way reflects poorly on the others in the city, and to allow him to bring final closure to Robert's's safe to say Abbey can decay them to nothing, though.))

Abbey Randelle: (sounds good.)

Abbey Randelle: 3,4,3,

Abbey Randelle: 2,9,2,

Abbey Randelle: 3,5,8,

Abbey Randelle: (alright... soooo they don't rot all that well. bah. she'll rot them again tommmorrow)