Durst Whitright: *Durst is sitting next to the window looking out it watching everything going on outside with the computer strap on his back hand periodically slipping inside of his pants running it over the .38 in his pocket*

Michelle Morgan: She drives up to the apartment, her Audi pulling into a parking lot. She gets out, her IPod plugged into one ear, coiling around the back of the ear like some kind of Secret Service earphone. She turns it on, volume low, and heads her way on up.

Dara : *shes half trying to quietly occupy herself, working on some translation work with fuzzy pink bunny slippers on and 'happy bunny' pjs, papers strewn about her on the floor, every once in a while throwing a concerned glance towards durst*

Durst Whitright: *Durst sighs as he sees Michelle get out of the car but continue to stand by the window watching*

Dara : wha?*Hearing the sigh, she looks up, brows furrowing head tilting* smatter?

Durst Whitright: *he stands there looking outside* "nothing, absolutly nothing Dara tommrow we are going to have to move allright?"

Michelle Morgan: She comes up to the front door and knocks, three quick raps on the door. A deep breath and then she puts on a happy, concerned face, waiting.

Dara : oookay........*nipping the lipring, soft clicking inside her mouth heard*.......bad nothin I take it?

Durst Whitright: *Durst freezes for a moment when he hears the knocks on the door before turning towards Dara to answer it* "Could you get that Dara?"

Dara : *dara jumps, her attention was on durst....his nerves getting her a little jumpy as well , so she takes a deep breath, nods to his request, then heads to the door, looking to him to be sure one last time before opening it just enough to see out there* h'lo?

Michelle Morgan: "Hi, Dara, I assume?" She smiles a little. "I'm Michelle. Durst called for me. Can I come in?"

Dara : y....yeah...um..hold on a sec*brows furrowed lightly.....she didnt know about this, but...oookay, a quick glance to durst*

Durst Whitright: *Durst nods after hearing the voice but still staying near the window*

Dara : *looking back to michelle she nods , moving from the door enough to let her in....eyes to her, then to the doorway beyond(behind) michelle*

Michelle Morgan: No one in the doorway behind her. She nods to Dara and moves into the room, looking over to Durst. "Hey."

Durst Whitright: *He stays near the window as he watches her come in* "Hey" *he says in a low meek voice* "so what happened Michelle, do you have any idea" *he says again in the same terrified voice*

Michelle Morgan: "Yeah." She nods, and looks to Dara. "Sweetie...Durst and I need to talk about some things of a...private matter. Can you do me a favor, and give us some space?"

Durst Whitright: "No my wife is involved in this as much as I" *he says looking at Michelle* "We dont have any secreats"

Dara : *another deep breath, she shuts the door and locks it behind michelle, looking between the two cautiously, and with ALOT more concern*

Michelle Morgan: "Really." Her brow raises. "Because we have a rule to worry about, Durst. A very shadey rule."

Durst Whitright: "If you choose not to speak in front of her then you can leave I will go to for aid elsewhere" *he says still looking very terrified* "why newyork" *he mutteres to himself quietly*

Dara : yeah...you an half tha other supers in tha city.....me included.....*moving over towards durst, looking to michelle*

Michelle Morgan: She takes a deep breath, then nods. "All right. Let me at least ward this place, first."

Durst Whitright: *He looks at her* "I can do it, it is my home" *he says as he starts typeing on the keyboard on his arm*

Michelle Morgan: While Durst starts typing, she nods...that's all the distraction she needs. She starts listening to the IPod headphone, using the music to focus her thoughts as she hums almost inaudibly, under her breath.

Durst Whitright: d10: Arete: 2,3,5,

Durst Whitright: *Durst presses the enter key and stops looking up at Michelle* "Allright so what went wrong?"

Michelle Morgan: ((Mind 3: Sleep. 2 Quint, 1 WP. Directed Durst's way))

Durst Whitright: ((Per+Aware to detect and will to resist?))

Dara : *shes looking between the two, back, forth ....back forth, brows still furrowed, and soft clicking from inside her mouth.......every bit of her reads 'not liking this one bit'*

Michelle Morgan: d10: Arete: 9,6,9,3,

Michelle Morgan: ((You don't have Mind, Durst...at best, you don't know what Sphere she's using.))

Durst Whitright: ((So there is absolutly no resistance))

Fangwulf: ((Can still roll Per+Awareness to see she's casting. But countering what she's doing without knowing WHAT she's doing...))

Fangwulf: ((Bit presumptuous, I think.))

Durst Whitright: d10: Per+aware: 7,2,2,10,2,

Michelle Morgan: ((That's why Mind is so powerful, if you use it right. It's why Mind is Bashing damage, because it's so useful in other ways. Balances it out.))

Durst Whitright: ((I just thought that there was a resistance towards mind that usually involved will but I guess I was wrong))

Fangwulf: ((Countering with Mind is the only way, really. Or Prime, if you know what it is.))

Durst Whitright: *Durst pauses for a sec as he reaches out to Dara* "Dar..." *is all he gets out before collapsing to the ground asleep*

Michelle Morgan: ((Yes, per Mage Rev p. 152. "Can be countered by a Willpower roll if you know what's going on." Durst doesn't know what's specifically going on, because he doesn't know what Sphere he's using.))

Durst Whitright: ((But he does know that magic is being used, but oh well))

Michelle Morgan: She looks to Durst as he falls, then to Dara, sadly. "I'm sorry, Dara. This is a mage matter...you can't interfere, per the Treaty."

Dara : DURST!*of course moving to try and catch him before he falls completely....knocked to the ground slightly herself being the petite thing she is (hollow bones'll do that to ya), she looks to michelle at her words and frowns deeply* youre telling me.......to just step back and let you take my husband, and not ask questions and just ...*snorts disbelievingly* thats just....fucking........*shaking her head more, arms about him*

Michelle Morgan: "Dara..." She sighs. "I'm sorry. I very much am. But your husband caused the deaths of many mages in the city through his actions. He needs to answer for it. Call the Concerto, if you like."

Michelle Morgan: "They'll tell you this is a matter between two mages, and as a non-mage supernatural, you can't intervene."

Dara : *she reaches into the pocket of the pjs and nabs out a small cellphone, hitting a number on speeddial(concerto), eyes on michelle and saying nothing yet*

Michelle Morgan: She waits there by the door, making no move to collect Durst until Dara gets off of the phone. She looks at the other woman, her heart going out to her...but she had a job to do.

Dara : *deep breath, she rattles off, TRYING to keep slow enough for understanding*...miss drake Ive got a problem an its real bad because someone named michelle is sayin he did something that caused the deaths of many mages in tha city by his actions an that he needs to answer for it but I know he would never do anything on purpose an Im not a mage but hes my husband an shes sayin theres nothin I can do an I hafta jes let her take him even though I know hed never knowingly do somethin bad like that...*taking a breath...a pause*

Michelle Morgan: She reaches slowly into her purse, deliberately and obviously pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, nothing more. She shows them to Dara, as if to show no threat, and then goes to light one.

Dara : *her arm still goes around durst more protectively, watching michelle with narrowed cautious eyes*

Dara : (gah, one more time*kicks html*) but they aint said how they know fer sure he was tha one, I dont even get an explanation cept for he did somethin bad that killed people so now hes gotta go.......*brows furrowing more, swallowing hard* 'sorry dara, gotta take yer husband, cant do nothin , have a nice day'...

Michelle Morgan: She opens her mouth to say something, and then sighs, shutting it. Nothing she can say to make the situation better right now...best not to interrupt the Concerto's representative. She leans against the wall, smoking.

Dara : *she barely murmurs 'what the FUCK?!?' , not even hanging up the phone before throwing it and starting to cry quietly, clinging to durst*

Fangwulf: Hello? *The crackled voice on the other line is audible from the phone.*

Michelle Morgan: "Dara..." She sighs. "I need you to calm down, and listen to me for a moment."

Dara : this is fuckng calm, ok?......trust me......*swallowing hard, forehead against dursts head*

Michelle Morgan: She moves to the phone, bending down and picking it up as she looks at the other woman. The phone is placed to her ear. "This is Michelle Morgan. Hold for a moment, please."

Dara : *sniffling, rubbing at her eyes, her other hand runs fingers through his hair....more for her own comfort considering*

Michelle Morgan: "Dara...I'm very sorry you got involved in this, in any way, shape, or form. If I could take back what happened, then I would. Because then, my friends, people I loved, would still be alive." She leans down into a crouch. "I don't know what to tell you, other then to say that if someone killed Durst in the same manner, I'd go after them, too."

Dara : how do ya know for sure its him...? how? I wanna know at least that, what yer proof is....

Michelle Morgan: "Our enemies picked up a communication sent by him. We have proof."

Dara : Ive sent stuff in emails an forums unner other names 'fore ta things an peeps....

Michelle Morgan: "But that's not my concern, unless you've discussed mage matters, Dara. Especially if you didn't get an entire organization of people killed by it, and risked the rest."

Dara : so what the hell am I supposed to do, jes let ya take him an not know what happens?*frowning again and sniffling*

Michelle Morgan: "I'll let you know what happens, Dara. I promise you."

Dara : yer not gonna jes outright kill him? yer gonna look inside him an give him a chance?*looking at her with deep green eyes and tear streaked face*

Michelle Morgan: "I'll..." She sighs, closing her eyes. A deep breath. "Dara. You have no idea...none at all...how difficult this is going to be for me to do. There are mages out there who will probably kill me to get to Durst. But I will get him a tribunal...a trial."

Dara : a fair one*sniffling and swallowing, shes not 'clinging' to him now at least*....I love you baby...*closng her eyes and giving him a squeeze* (*curses and kicks at keyboard* sorry)

Michelle Morgan: She nods. "As fair as is humanly possible." She purses her lips and waits, giving Dara as much time as is needed with him. She's got plenty.

Dara : thank you.... *taking a deep breath, she looks to his neck to make sure hes wearing something...nods slowly in satisfaction......then VERY reluctantly after kissing his cheek lets him go, not looking at either of them*

Michelle Morgan: She sighs, and moves to Dara, handing her a card with her number on it. "This is my new cell number. Call me if you have any questions. I'm sorry." She hands it over, then moves to Durst, picking him up in a fireman's carry.

Dara : dont....dont let him lose that necklace.....ok?*sniffling, rubbing at her eyes here and there, she just looks at the card absently, not even really 'seeing' whats on it*

Michelle Morgan: "I won't." She nods, offering her a soft, apologetic smile, and moves out of the apartment with him, down to the car.