Rene Zitas: Locks the dead bolt behind them.
Arlett: *blinking to him, feeling a wush of -this
was a bad idea. at the bolt* that ain't needfull...
Terry O'Brian: "Ok, so you wanted me to explain...Johnny
pointed a freakin' shotgun at Jeff when Jeff wouldn't get into Johnny's car with Joey, and
I figured that I couldn't do anything to stop him and I didn't want to be near enough for
him to shoot me too, I ran like hell. Last I saw, he had a shotgun pointed at Jeff's head,
nearly point blank."
Rene Zitas: "So mon petite, introductions, oui? I
am Rene Zitas." Offers the girl a large, scarred hand.
Arlett: *she blinks to Rene* Arlett...*taking his
hand, at the time she stares at Terry* what?! why for?
Terry O'Brian: "Because Jeff wouldn't get in the car."
*shrugs, then to Rene* "I'm Terry."
Rene Zitas: "And you mon?" Offering his hand
to Terry next.
Arlett: *frowns* there gotta be a reason *frowning
Terry O'Brian: *shakes Rene's hand, having already given him his
Terry O'Brian: "The best reason I can think of is that Johnny's
a nutjob. When you've just been attacked by outsiders, a group is supposed to stand back
to back and put aside differences to fight against the common enemy. If shooting each
other in the head is what you guys do to each other, I want no part of it."
Rene Zitas: Listens to the two of them go back and
Arlett: *looking to Terry, shakes her head* I...
I'll talk to him.. make sure he is fine *frowning worriedly*
Terry O'Brian: *shrugs* "So, I believe you had something
important to discuss with Rene here?"
Arlett: *blinks then still worried frowny, looking
to Rene, then to Terry, sighs* that british guy gotta warn ya for a reason.... so with a
wide abert of mistake I am gonna asume.... *breaths in* can... does odd things happen
around you?
Rene Zitas: "Dis afternoon was odd, oui?"
Rene Zitas: "Out wit eet, petite. If it is not for
me you will know quickly, eh?"
Arlett: *blinks at Rene* oh.. take it a yes....
*biting her lips* ok... intrudic from scratch * and praying she is not puling her leg UP
deep in the bucket* I'm ARlett of the Son's of Ether...*lookign to him, hopefuly*
Rene Zitas: "Verbena," he says with a polite
Arlett: *huffs sighs, relieved, and then grins* ok..
those chasing us out tehre where technos.. if ya dind't guess...
Rene Zitas: Coal black eyes flicker to Terry
Terry O'Brian: "I'm just confused. I don't even know what a
Verbena is. I'm new at this, and today is making me think that if it's possible to give it
up, I should."
Rene Zitas: "Ah, day boy called dem technocracy. I
om not familiar wit dis group."
Arlett-O-Phone: *Ringy-ding-ding*
Terry O'Brian: "I'm told that they really suck, and want to
kill us." *shrugs*
Arlett: *looks to Rene* uh. he is new.... *then
blinks* technocrats, guys in blakc who wants to kil us or brain wash us or the like?
*blinking, picking phone and asnwring* ya?
Rene Zitas: Looks back to Terry. "You will swear to
reveal nothing you have heard boy."
Arlett-O-Phone -> Arlett: "Arlett? It's
Michelle." She sounds very worried. "What the hell happened? Are you all
Terry O'Brian: "Sure, why the hell not?" *rolls his eyes*
"They were chasing me too, ya know"
Rene Zitas: Sets an ash tray on the small table and
pulls a small case from his ragged coat, flipping it open and removing a cigarette.
Arlett: *blinks, sighs+ yea.. I'm fine, trying to
figure out all that happened Terry is teling me Johnny tried to kill someone of us.. I..
dunno.. righ tnow talking to a new guy and Terry....
Terry O'Brian: "Who's on the phone? Anyone I know?"
Rene Zitas: Lights the cigarette with a cheap bic and
takes several long draws, then taps the ashes.
Arlett: *looking to Terry, eyeing Renny* Michelle
*cover the mouth a bit*
Arlett-O-Phone: "Yeah, I gathered that much
about Johnny. Jeff showed up at my apartment. Where are you? Does anyone mind if I drop by
and get the heads up?"
Arlett-O-Phone: ((Hands the PM over...not my worst
dropped PM, though...))
Rene Zitas: Licks his thumb and presses it into the
ashes, setting down the cigarette then drawing a streak across the boy's forehead.
"Say you swear. Use dat word."
Terry O'Brian: "Tell her that I want to talk to her sometime
soon, and if possible I'll be dropping by later tonight."
Terry O'Brian: *rolls his eyes* "Fine, I swear it."
Arlett: ((*^giggles* we knows! *snickesR*)) we are
an hotel.. wait *to the otehrs.* ok, person who knows more them I is saying she'll come,
you mind? *looking to Rene eve if the question was to both*
Arlett: *eyes Rene*you can't do magic this side of
the city, Neutral ground
Rene Zitas: 4,2,9,
Terry O'Brian: ((is that an Arete roll?))
Rene Zitas: Arlett goes unheeded as the dark thrum of
entropy passes briefly through the room. Terry> "Break your word upon your own
Arlett: *do saying over the phone* I think you do
better come *saying what hotel they are in and room humber to Michelle*
Rene Zitas: (yes it is)
Arlett-O-Phone -> Arlett: "On my way."
Terry O'Brian: ((hold up there, you're not following site protocol
for magic. If you roll, people get to roll Awareness to catch it, and then they get info
based on that, and a chance to react.))
Terry O'Brian: 8,6,7,4,
Arlett: *hangs, frowning* stop it *trying her utter
most commanding.. for a teenagerwhich is Arlett*
Arlett: 9,9,9,5,
Terry O'Brian: ((now with three successes, NOW I get that you did
magic at me, and I get an inkling of the sphere if I would recognize it, which I don't.
Arlett also gets a roll)) "What the fuck are you doing?"
Arlett: (8ouch!))
Rene Zitas: ((I gave you more info then you needed,
figured you'd roll awareness and act on it appropriately.))
Arlett: *frowning, moving to Rene* you do NOT DO
MAGIC ON ThiS SIdE OF The CIty!! that's breakting the Nutral treaty!
Terry O'Brian: ((but that's not how things go, you have to tell us
to roll Per+Aware, and then we get info based on successes, and you're supposed to PM it))
Terry O'Brian: "I don't know what you just did, but I didn't
like the feel of it, and if you ever fucking do it again, you'll regret it."
Arlett: *Lookin gto Terry* calm down, please *then
to Rene* you dind't need to do that
Rene Zitas: ((Okay, I'll be more secretive next time.
Rene Zitas: "Watch your tongue boy, if you wish to
keep it." Eyes the girl. "I om party to no treaty here."
Terry O'Brian: "You Tradition types must all be crazy, paranoid
psychos waving around shotguns and not trusting people even if they've already agreed to
not tell your stupid, petty little secrets. I've only met a couple of Mages, and so far
three seem sane, and two seem insane. Frankly, I want nothing to do with those odds, I
LIKE being stable."
Michelle Morgan: She gets in her car and starts to
head to the hotel post-haste.
Arlett: no.. but stil if you do anything in the
Neutral ground the ones who ARE are gonna lauch on you.... so you are warned.. and is not
a threat, really. you you don't
Terry O'Brian: "Fuck you mister badass. Even I know what the
Technocracy is, moron."
Arlett: *Glancing to Terry* eh.... sorry, but we DO
are a tad paranoid.... its part of.... 'Knowing'
Rene Zitas: "Boy, you are unschooled, and as such
should consider long and hard upon what you see. Do not expect to understand it all. You
do not have day foundations to make a choice at dis time."
Terry O'Brian: "Even if you need to be careful, if someone is
ALSO being chased by the same enemies, you don't need to fuck with them, and you don't
need to shoot at them." *Terry seems angry...his smile is gone*
Terry O'Brian: "Fine, if I'm so unable to be a fucking
Tradition Mage, maybe I'll go join the Technocracy." *turns to Arlett* "Where's
the base? Or am I going to have to go around yelling 'Here I am, recruit me Technocract!'
for them to notice me?"
Arlett: *bites her lips, looking lostly at Terry* I
really don't know why he did it.... but I'll found out *looking back to Rene* and listen..
he's gone... kinda first time this all.. so pleace calm down
Arlett: *blinking to Terry* shit! you don't do that!
Rene Zitas: ((Damn you type fast Terry! Slow down! *L*))
Rene Zitas: 3,
Rene Zitas: ((10))
Terry O'Brian: 8,
Terry O'Brian: ((14))
Rene Zitas: He raises a hand, clearly intending to
backhand the boy.
Michelle Morgan: Drive, drive, drive. Damn traffic.
15 minutes to drive 5 miles.
Arlett: ((want are you doing?!))
Terry O'Brian: ((Terry's gonna try to catch the hand as it comes at
him. So that means we roll Dex+Brawl, diff 6 against each other, I believe.))
Rene Zitas: ((Hitting Terry. *c*))
Terry O'Brian: 2,4,1,10,3,
Rene Zitas: 2,3,5,7,7,2,9,
Terry O'Brian: ((ahh, fuck. Terry missed with his block.))
Arlett: ((Gha!! gong last as she will be STARTLED!))
SHit STOP IT!!!!
Rene Zitas: Rene is big, Terry isn't. That heavy hand
sweeps through his defensive gesture and he bops the boy upside the head.
Rene Zitas: 8,4,10,
Terry O'Brian: ((roll damage, str+2, if I count right...I'm rolling
Terry O'Brian: 6,5,9,
Terry O'Brian: *Terry takes it.* ((reroll Init, or shall we just
keep it for the remainder?))
Rene Zitas: He doesn't use full force however, its a
warning. (just take 1 bashing)
Terry O'Brian: ((Nope, none. I soaked all your successes))
Arlett: ((damm... damm.. damm...))* frowns, wel
shit, both.... friends.. well on ekinda .. she moves trying to get in the middle of them
both* KNOCK it OUt!
Rene Zitas: He clearly isn't intending an open brawl,
but if Terry presses, he'll defend himself.
Arlett: ((O can picter tiny Arlett in the middle and
them going over with it above her *G*))
Rene Zitas: ((*LOL*))
Rene Zitas: ((He probably could just reach over her
head. *c*))
Terry O'Brian: "You ever fucking do that again, and I'll make
YOU regret it. I'm a lot more dangerous than I look, and this is the only second chance
you get."
Rene Zitas: Looks down at the girl between them, then
walks over to the door and opens it. "Get out, boy."
Arlett: *frowns* you both should wait for Michelle
Michelle Morgan: She pulls up to the hotel and gets
out, heading in and into the elevator to head up.
Terry O'Brian: "Fine. Asswipe." *he heads out. Ready for
an attack from Rene for that comment*
Arlett: Terry!
Rene Zitas: ((ground floor))
Michelle Morgan: The elevator door dings, and she
quickly steps out...she does NOT like elevators. She turns into the hallway, heading
toward the door.
Rene Zitas: ((cheap hotel)) "Let him go, cher. He
is not ready." Ignoring the boy's comment.
Michelle Morgan: ((Or not.)) She turns into the
hallway, heading for the door.
Terry O'Brian: *steps out of the hotel room door, his customary
smile absent from, his face, he seems rather pissed off* "I'm not staying where I'm
not wanted. You know where I hang out, you can find me there sometime."
Arlett: *sighs* but if he goes now without
explanation he is going to.. go .... wrong! *frowning to Terry* no, wait for Michelle,
Rene Zitas: "Then we will kill him," he says
calmly. "It is his choice, what path to seek. He has not yet chosen."
Michelle Morgan: She frowns as she sees Terry and his
obvious glare. "Terry?" She picks up the pace, moving to the door.
Terry O'Brian: "Yes?" *glances to Michelle, stopping a few
feet down the hall*
Michelle Morgan: She puts her hands on her hips,
frowning...not angry at him, just very plainly frustrated and confused. "You
Arlett: *frowing to REne* he is My friend! *looking
over at hearing Michelle, sighing in relieve* thanks God
Terry O'Brian: "I'm not wanted here, and I don't stay places
where I'm not wanted. Especially if the other people there know I'm there."
Michelle Morgan: "Hold up. Before you go taking
off, come in and let everyone bring me up to date." She has that authoritative tone
in her voice, the take-charge tone that Arlett would recognize as her 'Soccer Mom' voice.
((Cha+Leadership, WP!))
Rene Zitas: "Then perhops you should speak to him
about his manners. Or he'll likely be your dead friend sooner than you may wish. Threats
are not to be made idly."
Michelle Morgan: 5,7,9,9,6,3,
Michelle Morgan
: 5,7,9,9,6,3,Arlett: yea.... just worried.. they wre going
balistic on each other
Rene Zitas: ((Rene, regardless of his actions, never
raised his voice nor displayed anger in the emotional sense. He's been quite calm and
deliberate throughout.))
Arlett: ((he just slaped Terry...*G*))
Arlett: (and say he'll kill him))
Rene Zitas: ((Yes he did. Very calmly. *c*))
Terry O'Brian: ((Terry at least made (thinly) veiled threats *G*))
Michelle Morgan: She sighs, petting Arlett's hair, in
an almost motherly way, but also very much a friend and compatroit. She looks at Rene,
then shakes his hand. "Michelle Morgan."
Arlett: ((now resutls they were all nice and chit
chating! *rolls eyes* - Terry sips tea* oh yea I'll kill you *REne drinks tea* no if I do
it first... would you like another craker* Terry* o yes, please.. but I'll kill you
Rene Zitas: Takes her hand and carries it to his lips,
bowing over it. A brief kiss planted. "Madamoiselle."
Terry O'Brian: ((heehee, excellent instand-replay!))
Rene Zitas: ((*ROTFLMAO*))
Arlett: ((*G*))
Michelle Morgan: A grin at him. "A
charmer." She nods, then withdraws her hand and looks around. "So. S'up,
Arlett: *pouting to Rene, sure... he goes all
D'Argtana on Michelle*
Rene Zitas: Politely allows the children to rant first.
Terry O'Brian: *crosses his arms silently. He's doing just about
everything but saying that he's not here because he wants to be*
Arlett: *sighs* we were chased by tehcnos they both
were left off casue we split when I came Terry sais me Johnny wanted to kill a british
guy, and then we ran over Rene and come her to talk and they just started puling the macho
I have a big dick then you so I'll kill you first shit *frowns at them both*
Michelle Morgan: She smiles a little, somewhat amused
at Arlett's description of the later part of the whole thing. "All right. Other
Arlett: *she is fuzzing over them both, like if they
BOTH were guilty of all the bad day*
Rene Zitas: "De boy was rude."
Terry O'Brian: *he's just staying silent, but certainly not wilting
under Arlett's glare. He clearly thinks he's done nothing wrong, and that everyone else
has gone crazy*
Michelle Morgan: "All right. Rene says that
Terry was rude. Terry?"
Rene Zitas: "So I hit him." Which, of course,
is what most any Haitain would to with a rude child.
Arlett: we ain't kids *pouty*
Terry O'Brian: "He did something...I have no idea what...but I
sure as hell didn't like how it felt...I have no idea how to describe it, but I didn't
like it, he did something to me, and then HE threatened ME. I think rudeness is about the
best response he would get under those circumstances, considering that before all that
he'd rejected my word as being worthless."
Michelle Morgan: She puts a hand out to Arlett, as if
to ask for a moment, then looks to Terry expectantly.
Michelle Morgan: "All right." She looks to
Rene. "Can I ask what you did?"
Arlett: *nods to Michelle but adds* REne
entropically magiced Terry asking him to swear not to say what he heard here...
Rene Zitas: Both the children pouting now. Delightful.
Rene Zitas: Michelle> "May I inquire as to your
tradition, Madamoiselle?"
Terry O'Brian: ((Terry is most definitely not pouting. That would
imply annoyance or sadness. He's pissed off. He's got more of a I-should-hurt-you look
about him))
Arlett: ((See one kid wetn from fuzzy to pouting and
the other *points to Terry* is stil fuzzy))
Rene Zitas: ((Pouting by Rene's interpretation.))
Michelle Morgan: "I'm part of the Cult of
Rene Zitas: "Ahh, bani Verbena, Ms. Morgan."
Michelle Morgan: A polite nod. "Honored to meet
a member of such a long and storied Tradition. Now, as to what you performed on Terry, if
I may ask?"
Rene Zitas: "The undeclared boy was privy to
information not for the untutored." Glances at Arelet in disapproval for speaking
openly before the boy. "So I bound him to swear to keep what he has heard silent. He
agreed. An oath is meaningless without consequences for breaking it, oui?"
Arlett: *shakes head* he ain't knows MUCh but we
explaining things to him.. dha! I aint daft ya know?
Rene Zitas: Casts glittering black eyes on Arlett.
"Dat child, is a matter of opinion."
Terry O'Brian: "Now you shut the hell up. Insulting me is one
thing. But Arlett here has bent over backwards to point out danger to you that you weren't
aware of and trying to make nice. Now you apologize to her."
Arlett: *rolls eyes* like ya know enough not even
knowin of the technos
Michelle Morgan: "Rene. Please. I think we can
remain civil for the moment?" She smiles to him, and looks to Arlett. "Arlett,
sweetie, you're not daft. Just...give me a minute."