Ravyn: Scene: An alleyway in Brooklyn. The Red Hook district is one of the rougher areas of the borough, named for the red clay soil and the point of land projecting into the East River. In the 1970s and 1980s, Red Hook earned a reputation as a crime-ridden, desolate place. Abandoned warehouses and empty lots abounded. It is nearby one of these alleys that we begin.

Arlett: ((guessing we going on Michelle's car or on foot?))

Michelle Morgan: She drives the three of them up to the area. She's dressed down, in a black T-Shirt and jeans, her hair tied back. According to the newspaper, it was...messy.

Michelle Morgan: ((Was figgering the car. Easy getaway if necessary. *G*))

Samantha Jacobs: She looks on edge, and protective of the pair. She shifts, getting adjusting to the unfamiliar gun on her hip. Eyes constantly look around and about.

Arlett: (nods)) *oh.. yea... she'll braid her golder hair on the way, a bit pouty of having to do so, but rathers it to get it dirty, peering out the window*

Samantha Jacobs: 3,4,10,4,5,5,7,

Michelle Morgan: She drives along. "Paper didn't list the alleyway...keep an eye out for their pretty yellow tape. That'll be our best bet."

Arlett: *nods* alright *looking out of the window*

Arlett: (perc. alert..))

Samantha Jacobs: Her eyes roam around, just a short nod to Michelle.

Arlett: 5,4,6,4,

Ravyn: Sam sees it first...an alleyway cordoned off not by yellow tape, but by roadblock signs. It's kind of hard to yellow-tape off a whole alley, after all.

Samantha Jacobs: "There." She points out to Michelle, easily.

Arlett: *blinking as Sam points, looking over, wrinkling her nose a tiny bit*

Michelle Morgan: She glances over, and nods, finding a nearby curbside parking spot about a quarter-block and killing the engine.

Ravyn: Arlett also notices the roadblack. Sam further notes black tarp-like material about half a block in, hiding the last half of the alleyway.

Ravyn: ((Halfway in. :P))

Arlett: oh ya there is it! *as Michelle parks looking slightly back to keep looking*

Michelle Morgan: She undoes the seatbelt and opens the car door. "Arlett, can you grab my backpack next to you?"

Samantha Jacobs: She grunted, sliding out of the car and looking around warily. Half a dozen people don't just die brutally like THAT in an alleyway. At least, not in America. Aas far as she knew.

Arlett: *looks for it* sure *taking it to drag it out, hefting* ((and hoping it ain't got nothing to heavy *G*))

Arlett -> Ravyn: ((with a marvelous str of ONE!99

Michelle Morgan: ((Naah, nothing too heavy at all. *G*)) She looks over at the area, then does a quick glance around. A sigh. "No cops...that's both good and bad..."

Samantha Jacobs: She nods, agreeing with Michelle, and resting a hand on the gun. She looks around again, taking in details.

Samantha Jacobs: 3,10,7,9,1,5,3,

Arlett: *looking ot Michelle* why bad? *lookign then around, brining too her own baggie*

Ravyn: As befitting the places reputation, the area is low-income, probably normally containing many homeless. Today, the streets are pretty clear of vcagrants for some reason. The area is pretty much just warehouses and empty lots...it's the industrial district. The one except is a low-rent, no-tell kind of motel on one side of the alley.

Samantha Jacobs: "Let me go first." She mutters to the other two

Michelle Morgan: "Bad means either that they did a 'hide the mess,' a quick look around, and went home, letting the locals clean it up, which they probably haven't done...or that they should be here, and aren't."

Arlett: *Looks to Sam* sure? *then around, to trying to pick out something, for if*

Arlett: *blinking, looking to michelle * ya mean... the corp... they... they are still there? *eyeing the alley, oh please not*

Samantha Jacobs: "They shouldn't have done that if they were doing shit proper." Her lip curl a bit and she slowly advances ahead of the other two, eyes darting around. "YTeah. I'm sure."

Michelle Morgan: She looks to Sam, hesitantly, but nods. "All right." She gives the woman a little smile.

Arlett: *and bites her lips, moving on with Michelle to ... start onto getting in the alley, peering around again*

Samantha Jacobs: Carefully, she steps around the roadblocks, a hand on her gun. She breathes shallowly and through her mouth just incase the bodies ARE still there. Eyes shift and take in things.

Samantha Jacobs: 9,5,2,5,9,1,8,

Michelle Morgan: She does follow along, about ten feet behind Sam, stopping at the edge of the alleyway when Sam goes in. She's keeping Sam in her sight as much as possible.

Ravyn: Moving past the roadblocks, Sam finds a mostly typical alleyway, all the way up to the tarps that separate the back of alley from the front of it.

Arlett: *moves with them, a bit ahead of Michelle*

Ravyn: She does notice several spots of dried blood on the ground in spatter marks, peeking from the bottom of the tarps.

Samantha Jacobs: She slowly pulls out the gun, and uses the gun to slightly move the tarp. She does her best not to touch it with her hands at all.

Ravyn: Well, the body's are gone, and most of the gore. Unfortunately, it appears that the police were NOT in the mood to scrub down the alleyway, and a good srubbing it does need. The blood is all dried, but it's all over the place, with the highest concentration being in the back of the one-way alley, against the wall. There's a smear mark, as if someone was crawling while they bled, aprubtly ending near where the tarps are. The smell is still horrendous. ((Stamina roll, Sam!))

Samantha Jacobs: 2,

Arlett: *bites her lips, just peering ahead, staying yet a bit ahead of Michelle and a somewhat appeart from Sam, waiting on the clear to come closer*

Samantha Jacobs: She turns sharply and tries to get OUT of teh alley before she throws up. Gore she could handle. But that smell, thaht dead body smell always made her sick. The little she had eaten that day is thrown up, just outside the roadblacks.

Ravyn -> Samantha Jacobs: The smell overwhelms Sam, and she finds herself neausated. ((Can spend WP to keep from puking, if you want.))

Ravyn -> Samantha Jacobs: ((Or not. *G*))

Arlett: oh! *or rather get out the way of pucking Sam, blinks, a galnce to Michelle* ya ok? *to Sam, moving to her, eyeing the alley*

Michelle Morgan: She tenses as Sam books it, moving to her with a highly concerned frown as she throws up. She puts a hand on the woman's back, rubbing it lightly. "Sweetie?"

Samantha Jacobs: The woman remains hunched over the one of the roadblocks for a moment. She spits a bit, wiping her mouth before she stands up again, pale. She doesn't put the gun away, and wipes at her mouth again. "Smell." She explains to Michelle. "Bodies gone. Bloods not."

Arlett: *Eyes behind, biting her lips more* we needa cover mouth and nose then...

Samantha Jacobs: "You'll still throw up." She mutters to Arlett.

Arlett: nhe if ya dip them in vinager or some chemic that hides the other smell

Samantha Jacobs: "Wicks. Rub it under your nose..." Who knows if she's talking to Arlett or herself.

Michelle Morgan: She looks back at the tarp, still rubbing Sam's back, her face tentative. She looks to Arlett, frowning a bit. "I can do what I need to from the non-tarped part of the alleyway..."

Samantha Jacobs: "What are you going to do?" She looks to Michelle almost sharply. "Are you gonna do what Rachelle did?"

Samantha Jacobs: ((brb))

Michelle Morgan: A nod. "That was the plan, yeah." She smiles a little bit. "Try to see what happened before everything went down. Maybe I can cut out before it gets too nasty."

Samantha Jacobs: She frowns heavily. "I don't think thats a good idea."

Arlett: ((I got rather BIG time booted!))

Arlett: *blinks, staring to michelle* see back...*blinks, gig a bit pale+ ya gonna see it ALL happen again?!... *as she was about to say soemthing* I... I... I'll look if they left.. any of those... creepy messages... like.. they used

Arlett: ((if I go boot side again I may take up to ten mins to come back.. sometimes it happenes))

Michelle Morgan: She moves to Arlett and takes the backpack from her, looking Sam's way. "Sam...if there's no evidence in there to find out if a Nephandi was involved or not, I'm open to other suggestions. But this is really our best bet."

Arlett: *Looks up to Michelle* then lets first look for writtings? or ... the things they used to leave?

Samantha Jacobs: She frowns heavily and shfts from one foot to the other. She has no other means though. "Its going to be horrible Michelle," she warns. "Like really really super bad."

Michelle Morgan: She nods. "I know. I've seen bad before, and I know this'll be worse. That's why I'll try to stop before it starts in earnest."

Michelle Morgan: "Sounds good, Arlett." She opens the backpack and digs around in it for a moment.

Arlett: *nods, biting her lips, swalloing, do looking in her own back to take out a little bottel and rub under her nose, offering to michelle* for the smell...

Arlett: ((I knows vick vapourub more or less covers it... but another chemic might help more.. I know they use one jsut don't know the name))

Samantha Jacobs: She watches, a little uselessly. Nervously almost. Eyes dart around once more, grip tightening on the gun.

Michelle Morgan: She takes the bottle and wipes it under her nose, which crinkles with the smell. Still, it's better then old blood and death. She looks to Sam, holding out the bottle. "You wanna give it another try, with the smell blocked? Or keep watch out here, make sure we're in the clear?"

Samantha Jacobs: She reaches out to take the bottle and smear it under her nose. "I'll stand in the mouth of the alley." She says reluctantly.

Arlett: *nods, takes an uneasy intake of breath and moves in, searching for writtings.. or trails or anything the one that did this might have left*

Michelle Morgan: She smiles at Sam, touching her arm lightly in a supportine gesture, and moves in with Arlett.

Arlett: *biting her lips, peering up to Michelle* can't be worst then what happened at Hell.. right? *muttered*

Ravyn: ((Per+Occult))

Samantha Jacobs: She shifts,m settling herself at the mouth of the alley, leaning casually. She refuses to look back, eyes moving around and making sure no one is going to come and interrupt.

Michelle Morgan: "Hell was before my time, Arlett, so I don't know."

Arlett: 4,2,

Michelle Morgan: 3,4,10,8,

Arlett: *nods, swallowing* can't be...

Ravyn: ((Per+Invest, too. Sorry.))

Michelle Morgan: 4,10,

Arlett: ((giggles))((will to it!))

Arlett: 7,5,8,

Ravyn: Walking through the scene isn't easy, but the two manage to look around a bit. Arlett is a little too disturbed by the carnage around, and focuses on that. There were probably a good ten victims or so, just from the sheer amount of blood around. They obviously saw what was coming, and tried to get away but were trapped, thus why the majority of the blood is focused on the back of the alley. She's too focused on that to comfirm if there's any ritual implements. Michelle, on the other hand, specifically focuses away from the gore, and can confirm there's no ritual implements.

Samantha Jacobs: She keeps the lookout.

Arlett: *frowns, noticing the blood how many, tensing so much biting at her lips as she moves around* shit... *shaking her head, going through it as long as she can then finally moving off, closing her eyes* shit

Ravyn: And the police are right. It looks almost more animalistic. An average persom could never have done this, with any kind of weapon...not without taking the amount of time that they probably didn't have.

Michelle Morgan: She nods. "Yeah, shit's about right." She waits until Arlett leaves to follow, just a little pale.

Arlett: *swallows, shivering... well ok... probabely AS bad as hell, shivers* they saw it... they saw it and tried to get away...*VERY low*

Samantha Jacobs: Sam glances back at them, ducking her head. She'd seen carnage and felt a little... wrong, when she realized the scene hadn't bothered her. Just the smell.

Michelle Morgan: "Well, fuck. No ritual stuff...'course, they could have taken it all away." She frowns and looks over to the two. "Anyone got any ideas, before I go with Plan B?"

Samantha Jacobs: Sam silently shakes her head where she is, tensing up. A lot.

Arlett: *eyes behind, swallows* I can try to scan the place for rescidues... anything that is... not... blood.. that could indicate the use of other materials in a ritual... or.. marks first can go with a simple material scan over the .... place... the other I can amplify with my scanner so the sight is clearer on any markings from knives or something the like...

Michelle Morgan: She nods to Arlett, a tiny bit relieved that the looking back has been delayed, at least. "Do it, then."

Arlett: *nods, biting her lips and going to search on her back for that gameboy looking gadget, then looking for what seems like a hand scanner, and plugs, ging to plug all things and then typing a key on the game controls breaths and goes back.. not going slowly over the place, analysing the material there* ((well mater and corro to get it scann spread to the tiny area...))

Arlett: ((going for the two rolls I got from arete 2))

Samantha Jacobs: She glances back, once, and then back to being on guard.

Arlett: 2,8,

Arlett: ((erh and will to this one with one of quint))

Arlett: 2,7,

Ravyn -> Arlett: It's a little difficult to tell, because there ARE elements of things that might conceivably be considered ritual stuff. A hint of wax residue here and there...some garbage in the area has some things...of course, blood is a ritual for componants. There's just a lot of trash in the alleyway, like most alleys have. Nothing overtly says "Yes, there were Nephandi here," though.

Michelle Morgan: She stands next to Sam, staying alert, a calming hand on Sam's shoulder.

Samantha Jacobs: She's tense under Michelle's hand, and though she glances back once again, she keeps her eyes out for trouble.

Arlett: *frowns, sighing, shaking her head, biting her lips* no good on seeing materials... mean.. there is a bit of wax.. and trash.. and... blood.. but... that we knew would be *peering over* I'll go with trying to find markings... maybe something a knive or a weapon would do *changing the plugs a bit and typing another thing on the game*

Michelle Morgan: She nods to Arlett. "All right."

Arlett: 88same two rolls =) will on first roll))

Arlett: 6,5,

Arlett: ((uh.. and one quit on second *pout*))

Arlett: 3,3,

Arlett: ((ble))

Ravyn -> Arlett: There are no occult-style markings, beyond some grafitti on the walls that were missed under the blood that splashed over it in the massacre. However, there are claw marks in the back wall of the allew, caked with blood, and a piece of claw stuck in said marking.

Michelle Morgan: She looks at Samantha while Arlett works. "What are you feeling right now?" Yes, this exercise again.

Arlett: *blinks, frowning moving to the back of the alley, picking in her bag for gloves and a bagie, and trying to unstuck something from teh wall to get in the bag*

Samantha Jacobs: "Nervous. Worried. A little freaked out by myself." She nurmurs, eyes sweeping the street. "You?"

Ravyn: The item is easily extracted. It's a tip of a claw, bear-sized, but with a saw edge to it.

Arlett: *blinks, swalloing, droping in bag* Michelle...

Michelle Morgan: "Apprehensive. Concerned. Disturbed. A little sick. And very happy you're here to keep us safe."

Samantha Jacobs: She smiled, just barely.

Michelle Morgan: She looks behind her, to Arlett. "Yeah?"

Arlett: *starts moving slowly over to them* i'm thinking they ain't were human...*showing her the tip of claw on bagie* I.. can run a test to know what... it belogs to...

Samantha Jacobs: She listens and plays lookout.

Ravyn: She takes the bag, looking at the claw curiously. "What the...?"

Michelle Morgan: ((Damn X-Posts...))

Arlett: ((gigles)) was at the end.. there are other marks there too... on the wall... it was there...

Michelle Morgan: "Well, I'm not a biologist, but I don't know what the hell it belongs to..."

Arlett: I can run DNA tests... it looks like a bear... but can be wrong.. mean... bears don't.. usually.. just kill... for killing... like this...

Samantha Jacobs: She glances back, eyes narrowing at the claw. She shifts uneasily, and notes to talk to Rei.

Michelle Morgan: "And they don't normally wander around Red Hook." A nod.

Arlett: *nods* so.. I can do a quick on here and a thoroughtfull one with time... wanna me to try the first now?

Michelle Morgan: "Do your thing, Arlett." She smiles to the woman a little, nodding.

Arlett: *nods, and well out of blood part, opes the bagie again, taking out a credit card sized thing and tiping it a bit inside to make the DNA lecture on the thing*

Arlett: ((well just in case, again the two rollws))

Arlett: 5,9,

Arlett: 3,9,

Samantha Jacobs: She shifts as she stands and then settles again, gun still out. As if too on edge to put it away.

Ravyn -> Arlett: It's absolutely nothing Arlett has ever seen before...feline, certainly. Se recognizes elements of several different elements of big cats in there...but there's way that Arlett knows that one creature could have all these DNA strands.

Ravyn: ((Per+Awareness))

Arlett -> Ravyn: there no way ya mean? *S*

Michelle Morgan: 7,2,4,5,4,

Arlett: *frowns* shit....* closing the bagi, eyeing the lecture* its like.... way to much diff cats in one.. with something else...

Ravyn -> Arlett: ((there's no way, yeah. *G*))

Arlett: ((me too?))

Ravyn: ((You too, Arlett, for the Awareness))

Arlett: 7,5,5,7,

Ravyn: Michelle feels something, but it's timed perfectly in snych with Arlett's effect, so she doesn't recognize it as different. Arlett, however, picks up a flash of something supernatural occurring off to their left. In the Alleyway, on their side of the tarp. Where there is nothing visibly there.

Arlett: *flitches, looking over at where she felt something, murmuring* something is there... and it did something... taking all quickling into her bag so she can reach for her gun or hair spray if needed*

Arlett: ((all but credit card, just though, prime scanning the spot))

Samantha Jacobs: She turns around at Arlett's words, half looking in, half looking out. "I think its time to go." She says, teresly.

Morgan: She glances at Arlett, then in the direction she's looking. "Yes, Sam, I think you're right. Fuck the looking back."

Arlett: *nods starting to move with them, just pushing slighlty on the credit thingy for a quick prime scan*

Arlett: 8,10,

Samantha Jacobs: "Move. I'll cover from behind." She says it disturbingly calm, safety clicked off the gun.

Ravyn -> Arlett: Something is hidden there, watching them. Something with a very strong feel of both...faith and corruption?

Arlett: *frowning, swalloing, ohhhh no, she is NOT getting scared, but she is moving with Michelle out of there, murmuring* is there...

Arlett: and is not good

Arlett: *to Michelle that is*

Samantha Jacobs: "Move!" She barks it to the two woman in a no nonsense voice, gun pointed towards the alley now. Eyes darting around.

Michelle Morgan: She's moving toward the roadblocks. "Sam. Come on. Now."

Arlett: *takes out her gun, juuuuuuuuuust in case, and do starts moving out quiker then she was*

Samantha Jacobs: Not until Michelle is past her does she start to move slowly, gun aimed at the alley. She carefully walks backwards, the soldier in her coming out.

Ravyn: Nothing comes out to attack. As far as it looks, the alleyway is empty.

Arlett: *she WILL keep looking at were the thing is at, all the way*

Michelle Morgan: "Faster is good, Sam!" She's on the other side of the roadblocks, but not moving an inch until Sam reaches her.

Ravyn -> Arlett: It's not moving from it's spot, though it has shifted to face the woman pointing the gun at it.

Arlett: Sam.. it ain't moving.. just... come on... now.

Samantha Jacobs: "Just go to theh car Michelle. Have it opened, and have it on, I'll be there." Its calm, though eyes keep darting around. She moves bpast the roadblocks, keeping her eyes on the alley. She refuses to turn around.

Arlett: *then she blinks and stops a bit, looking at the thing* ya did this? *as if it just ocurred her*

Michelle Morgan: "God dammit..." She gives a frustrated sound, but listens for once, booking it to the car and starting it up before moving to back it up to the alleyway.

Ravyn: The air ripples, light returning to it's normal wavelengths, and a form is suddenly there, looking at Sam and Arlett. ((DD coming))

Ravyn: What’s this...a Neil Gaiman character come to life? Might as well be...if they were casting the part of Death in a Sandman movie, she would certainly be it. She stands at about 5’9”, maybe 110-115 pounds. Black hair and white-face certainly give the slightly tacky illusion of a corpse...the hallmark of the gothic lifestyle, of course. She’s really got the look down, right to the curly-Q drawn in eyeliner coming from the outside corner of the right eye. She’s dressed in a black tank-top, matching jeans, hip-huggers, and Doc Martins. A black girl’s formal jacket and a parasol completes the look, along with black lipstick. Her eyes, a soft brown, carry a keen intelligence and a biting wit, as well as a deep, deep sadness at something unsaid. Goth girls of the world, unite! Here is your Queen!

Samantha Jacobs: She tenses and her breath seems to hitch, fingers mving to rest on the trigger. "Car, Arlett, now."

Arlett: *blinks, watching the girls, swallows, moving slowly on to the car, but still looking to the... girl... for a nod or a shake of head.. ro something*

Ravyn: The girl looks at Arlett, a little sadly...even wistful. "You've got some skills, kid. I'm impressed. Who knew Babel would have worked?"

Arlett: *blinking at that,... yea not getting it* uh... thanks... ya did this? *well michelle got the car agaist the alley, so she can stop right by the door and still look right?*

Samantha Jacobs: "In the car." She snaps to Arlett, gun still trained on the girl.

Michelle Morgan: The car backs up, heading the wrong way down the street, screeching to a stop at the alley. "In! Both of you! NOW!"

Ravyn: She looks at Sam, and the gun. "You don't wanna use that. Trust me." She looks back at Arlett. "Kid...if I did this, you think I woulda been watching you three work the entire time?"

Samantha Jacobs: She's inching towards the passanger seat, but she wants Arlett IN. NOW.

Arlett: *ok.. the thing gots a point, looks from Michelle to Sam a mometn then at her* then who did it?

Arlett: *biting her lips, opening the door, and do getting in, but she wants to know!* ((Damm I have to go *giggles, pokes her Arlett*))

Samantha Jacobs: She turns, swiftly, and pushes Arlett into the car. She doesn't care WHAT the thing says.

Samantha Jacobs: ((There *G* Sam helped))

Arlett: *just in time to get pushed to, frowns a bit, with a tiny sound, but stays in.. *

Michelle Morgan: "Samantha! In the car!" She's in order mode at the moment, as she shifts the thing from reverse to drive.

Arlett: ((thanks!uh I know I be back later if you two are still around and want to do after match talk :) ))

Ravyn: She just watches, sadly, as they head off, acting like SHE'S the enemy.

Arlett: *she keeps looking at the woman, she is NOT scared... suuuure she is NOT, but she too is a bit curious*

Arlett: ((and I am already in, not going out of the car, to let know))

Samantha Jacobs: She tumbles in after Arlett, shutting the door quickly. She turns, frowning, watching the girl fade as Michelle drives off.

Samantha Jacobs: 7,8,6,10,3,

Samantha Jacobs: And she evem manages to stave off a flashback. Go her.

Arlett: 88*hugs all around* ThaNKS! a lot and Arlett will keep looking till they are out of sight of the goth.. then go silent thinking, needa go *snugs tightly* sorry and be back laters!))

Samantha Jacobs: ((Later!))

Michelle Morgan: She peels out, tires sqeauling, as she heads off, out of the area, then out of Brooklyn.

Samantha Jacobs: Sam simply remains as lookout as they speed away.

Michelle Morgan: ((And...faaaade....))