Arlett: *Shrugs* nothing...*with a sigh* things are getting more bored each day

Terry O'Brian: "Well, that's not all bad. No mass killings and such."

Arlett: Guess *nods* shoulnd't comlain uh?

Terry O'Brian: *he nods* "Probably not. So, you doing ok then? Studying...psychology?" *glancing at her book*

Arlett: *shrugs* yea... doing ok...*blinks giggles* I am trying to break thorugh a Noetic Science theory

Terry O'Brian: *blank look* "Noetic science?"

Arlett: ergs... Mind

Terry O'Brian: "Ahhh! I know that!"

Arlett: *giggles, then blinks* oh you do?

Terry O'Brian: "Of course I do, you knew that." *grins a bit*

Arlett: hummm *tilts her head* humm..... true... sorry.. distracted

Terry O'Brian: "You ok?"

Arlett: *nods, smiles a tad* distracted....

Terry O'Brian: "...and?"

Arlett: and.... just that.. distracted... nothing is around.... like if no body cares *peering to him* haven't seen no one...

Terry O'Brian: "...sorry..."

Arlett: not your fault... well for the others *sticks her tongue out to him*

Terry O'Brian: "Can't get mad at me anymore, I showed up." *sticks his tongue out at her in response*

Arlett: ((sorry accident with drinks all spilled))

Arlett: *grins* not mad.... kinda ussed to it now

Terry O'Brian: ((gah! that's ok, clean that up!))

Terry O'Brian: "Again, sorry...gonna try to be around more, I think..."

Arlett: ((did. that's why I took time *S*)) *shrugs* don't worry *moving to find cereal* want?

Terry O'Brian: "Nah, I've eaten...was just bringing some stuff here."

Arlett: sure ? ^*seeking bowls, serving herself, then milks and sitting*

Terry O'Brian: *he nods* "Yeah." *sits down though* "So how is everyone?"

Arlett: Dunno *Grins to him, starting to eat*

Terry O'Brian: "Really? You haven't heard from anyone in a month?"

Arlett: *shakes her head*

Terry O'Brian: "No one? Not even like, Michelle? or Elena?"

Arlett: *shakes her head, still eating*

Ravyn: ((Guys...Michelle is here every day, I just don't RP her here every day. Assume that you see her, and maybe some little conversation is had...just nothing necessarily scene-worthy.))

Terry O'Brian: ((Terry has not been here *G* Thus the asking))

Arlett: ((*ticles Ravyn* I have -not- hear of anyone iclyr or oocly Rav but for the game.. and I know scenes were made on icq.. which means... Arlett really has not heard of anyone...))

Terry O'Brian: ((c'mon, bring out Michelle, RP with us! you know you want to...*lure*)) "Oh..." *frowns a bit*

Ravyn: ((Arlett, you haven't asked me for RP. I'm not going to throw Michelle in Haven and RP myself until someone shows up, and frankly, I tend to be busy running or RP'ing in scenes others have asked me for for most of the time I can spend online lately. Which means I am unable to solicit RP from others. It has, however, been established in the past that Michelle does visit Haven daily, spending at least a couple hours here.))

Arlett: ((*sighs* fine what ever... change that to Arlett saying she has seen Michelle... I am not going to argue.... even though it IS fare to asume she has not *shrugs*))

Terry O'Brian: ((doesn't change Terry's response, so continue.))

Arlett: *She shrugs a tiny bit to Terry, eating the ceral, book near*

Terry O'Brian: *this definitely bothers him, and not just a little...he's quiet for a long moment*

Michelle Morgan: The doors slide open, and into the living area she steps. Dressed in a black T-Shirt that reads "Frodo Failed: Bush Got the One Ring" in white and a pair of jeans (as opposed to her usual ankle-length skirt), hair pulled back into a ponytail, she looks around as she steps into the place.

Arlett: *she is quiet herself, seeming rather calm, eating*

Terry O'Brian: The New DD> The seventeen year old boy has become citified. Having a job and thus, money, has caused him to clean up quite well. He's allowed his blonde hair to grow a bit longer, just reaching the bottom of his neck, and it now has the sort of unkempt look that can only be achieved by careful planning. He's wearing jeans and a black t-shirt, both of which appear as though they could be new. Unless someone knew him fairly well before, they might have some trouble recognizing him, especially because his previously ever-present smile has been replaced by a serious look.

Terry O'Brian: *he glances up as, almost on cue, Michelle shows up*

Arlett: *does peer, out of the kitchen door from her sitting place, seeing Michelle go in, makes a nearly lazy wave of hi, still eating up her cereal*

Michelle Morgan: A little smile goes to the two, slightly muted. "Hey, you two. look good." She makes her way across the lounge to the dining area, leaning down to give hugs to the both of them.

Terry O'Brian: *he returns the hug* "Thanks." *blushes slightly at the compliment* "Been awhile..."

Arlett: *hugs softly back, going back onto eating cereal, right now a just somewhat quiet*

Michelle Morgan: "It has. I've been kind of worried about you. How are you doing?" Arlett gets a curious expression. "And you too, are you?"

Arlett: *shrugs a bit to Michelle* I'm fine *after swallowing the ceral*

Terry O'Brian: "Busy, working..." *shrugs a bit* "mostly doing that, settling into a somewhat more normal life for a while."

Michelle Morgan: She nods to Terry. "Nothing wrong with a normal life...we do kinda like seeing your face around here, though." She looks to Arlett, and just watches her. Obviously not buying the 'I'm fine' routine, but not saying anything. Just...watching.

Arlett: *She is just eating her cereal, listening an more or less watching towards the two of them*

Terry O'Brian: "Well, I'll try to drop by a bit more often then."

Michelle Morgan: "That would be nice," she says to Terry, still watching Arlett. Waiting.

Arlett: *starts frowning a tiny bit, but keeps just eating*

Michelle Morgan: "You're quiet," she says finally, softly.

Arlett: so...? *peering to her*

Michelle Morgan: "You're usually only this quiet when something's wrong."

Terry O'Brian: *he glances between Arlett and Michelle...oh, such tension...the old Terry instincts are going to have to kick in soon, he'll have to try to put a stop to it comes out a bit differently than it would have a month or two ago* "Arlett, you're doing everything but ~screaming~ that there's something wrong. Tell us and maybe we'll be able to help."

Arlett: *blinks at the both of them, sighs* there is nothing wrong

Michelle Morgan: d10: Per+Empathy: 4,7,2,8,6,9,

Arlett: ((that is cheating =P))

Terry O'Brian: *he rolls his eyes, obviously not believing a word of it, and he then lowers his gaze to make eye contact with Arlett and he absently hums a few bars...* ((nope, not even attempting magic, just humming a bit...))

Michelle Morgan: ((No, it's not cheating. It's using skills. *G*))

Arlett -> Michelle Morgan: ((*pouts* she gots much of what I got.. is just spending far to much time alone, having the feeling no one cares... so she is just kind of down and 'uncaring' on the outside

Arlett: ((yea.. sure)) *huffs a little bit and continues to eat her cereal*

Michelle Morgan: She raises her eyebrow, and sighs. " know that I'm always available to be talked to, if you want to. I'm sorry I haven't been more proactive in coming to see you, but between my Deacon duties in dealing with the other Chantries, my music career, my talk show, and..." She flinches a little. "...other things, I've been very busy. I'm always here for you, though. You know that, right?"

Terry O'Brian: "What? You don't trust us? Do you think we're stupid? You suck at lying. There's no way you'll convince us that nothing's wrong."

Arlett: yea... know *low, with a frown to Michelle, settling the spoon down, rolling her eyes to Terry*

Michelle Morgan: She drops to a crouch near the chair. "Arlett, honey...I do worry about you. A lot. And I think about you a lot, too. I'm sorry if I haven't shown it that much lately...there's been some..." She sighs, looking down. "...some things in my life that I've had difficulty...getting over lately. I'm not neglecting you on purpose, I promise. It's not because I don't care."

Arlett: *she looks off, simply saying* I'm not saying anything like that

Terry O'Brian: *his turn to roll his eyes. he gets up from the table and heads to the cupboard*

Michelle Morgan: "Then what, Arlett? What is it?"

Arlett: nothing... why does it has to be something? *frowning* I'm fine

Michelle Morgan: "Because I know you're not fine, Arlett." She puts a hand on the girl's shoulder, looking up at her. "You're feeling alone, and you don't think anyone cares."

Terry O'Brian: *Terry's quiet as he rummages*

Arlett: *frowns, huffing, just looking off*

Michelle Morgan: "Are you saying I'm wrong?"

Arlett: Doens't matter *softly* I knew it'll end this way

Michelle Morgan: "What will end this way?" Her brow furrows.

Arlett: things

Michelle Morgan: "What things?"

Arlett: *rolls her eyes again, standing like of to get the dishes to the sink* just things.... I told you once

Michelle Morgan: "You're not answering my question. And I want to help you feel better." She rises, watching Arlett. "If you don't want to feel better, then tell me you'd be happier being alone and sad and thinking that no one cares about you, and I'll wait for you to come to me. Otherwise, let me try to help."

Arlett: *sets the dishes on the sink and washes them, sighing* It ain't gonna change anything.... people do -not- care.... and that's it.... ya really cannot go changing them onto caring....*frowning* they'll keep leaving, and other things will always be there that are more important

Michelle Morgan: "Have I ever left, Arlett?"

Arlett: no.. you just always have more imporatn things to deal with... *drying*

Terry O'Brian: *he stops rummaging, not having taken anything out of the cupboard, and he watches Michelle and Arlett speak...Michelle seems to be makign progress, he doesn't want to screw it up*

Michelle Morgan: "And I'm also here for you, if you need me. All you need to do is ask." She shrugs a little. "I admit, I haven't reached out lately. But you haven't reached out to me, either."

Arlett: ya no where to be found *moving around, to put the dishes back in their place*

Michelle Morgan: "The office is right down there." She points down the hallway. "And my cell phone is always at my hip. Nothing is so important to me that I can't take time for you, if you want to dial the number or walk the hallway."

Arlett: *she turns to her, looking up* nor even Sam? or.. the other Chantries?

Michelle Morgan: "Not the other Chantries, no." She shakes her head. "My Chantrymates always come before the other Chantries, Arlett. Sam..." She shrugs. "It would depend on the situation. Sam would understand if you needed me, Arlett. If she was, say, in danger, I would give her priority, yes." She smiles. "Or if she was really hurting. But she understands that I'm a Deacon. She knows how much I care about you guys."

Arlett: *she sighs, closing the cupboard... hum.. nothing else to do....*

Terry O'Brian: "And same here. If you need me, or want to talk to me or whatever, just call my cellphone."

Arlett: *eyes Terry* yea.. for one of the last things you told me is I am leaving, sick of it?.... and fine you came back and talked just to samely just do so

Terry O'Brian: "I told you before that I would still be checking my messages, and that if you wanted to contact me you could. You chose not to."

Michelle Morgan: She sighs a little bit, leaning against the table as she pulls a cigarette, watching the two.

Arlett: *frowns again* so fine is all my fault for not being all day long searching for you....nice *starting to head out of the kitchen*

Terry O'Brian: "So it's mine for not trying to hunt you down?" *annoyed*

Michelle Morgan: "That's not what I said, Arlett. I said, I was at fault, yes. I should have reached out. But you should have, as well. Neither of us is more or less wrong then the other." The tension in her voice has involuntarily come out, and she puts both hands on the chair next to her.

Arlett: ((*pouts* that is just hard when Jano is no online and Rav doens't answer to pings)) *sighs, huffing, getting out the kitchen*

Terry O'Brian: ((I'm almost ALWAYS online...if Arlett wants to talk to Terry, leave me a message...even if I'm away, I'll get it when I'm next around, and will get back to you.))

Michelle Morgan: ((Arlett, I have not gotten a SINGLE ping from you in over a month. Not one ICQ has come my way.))

Arlett: ((*tickles* you were not online for a while Jano.. just saying.. and Rav, sorry to tell you this.. but I have ... forget it though))

Michelle Morgan: ((Then they have not gotten through to me. I can send you my ICQ History if you like...I have not received them.))

Arlett: ((forget it))

Terry O'Brian: ((well, if I'm offline, it's my school network being nuts...I'm pretty much always online, though often with an away message. But anyway...)) *he sighs a bit, and closes the cupboard a bit more forcefully than is quite necessary*

Michelle Morgan: ((No, I will not forget it. I will try to take this to ICQ so we can continue this scene, but I will not drop this.))

Michelle Morgan: She lights her cigarette, following Arlett with her gaze as she exits the kitchen.

Arlett: *She just gets out then huffs and comes back just to retrieve her book*

Michelle Morgan: "Arlett." Her voice is calm, gentle. "We're both here. We're both offering you our love and anything we can do to help. And you're the one who's walking away now."

Terry O'Brian: *he's quiet, watching Arlett's actions.*

Arlett: Maybe I just don't care anymore

Michelle Morgan: Something in Arlett's tone as she walks away strikes her, and her eyes widen. She stares at Arlett for a long moment, before abruptly turning on her heel, heading for the other hallway. There's a bit of a tremor in her walk as she heads for the door to the other side of the Chantry, waiting for it to open.

Terry O'Brian: *he frowns deeply, and then looks a bit angry before he gets himself under control. He heads towards the dormitories*

Arlett: *she just goes to one of the couches, curling on one corner of it as Terry is heading the dormitoreis way and she can't go lock her room till he passes, taking her book with her*

Michelle Morgan: She's actually bouncing back and forth a little on her feet as the doors slowly open, her body tense with nervous energy as she waits to be able to get through.

Terry O'Brian: *he heads into his room, or at least, the room that he had claimed as his before his...hiatus. And the door closes behind him*

Arlett: *she is still where she is, very so, with a slightly nearly glance to the door shut, to the door opening*

Michelle Morgan: As soon as she can, she slips through the door, taking off on a dead, nearly panicked run for the safety of her office. The door slams shut, even before the hallway door is able to finish sliding closed.

Arlett: *she frowns, once BOTH doors are closed, staring off into space a few seconds, before she drops her book and goes pick up her bag... the one she alwasy carries, waiting enough not to run across Michelle and getting out the Chantry*

Michelle Morgan: And in her office she stays, unless someone comes seeking her, for the rest of the night, though morning.

Terry O'Brian: *and Terry will be staying in his room*

Arlett: ((Damm ...))

Michelle Morgan: ((Silly mages...))