Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She scowls at Adrian, muttering something about pigs, finishing off her coffee*

Eddie: *smiles to Joce* it's tha truth. eat another cookie, would you? *sighs* i thought i was hungrier than i am. or rather--i just dun want cookies much tonight....*smiels to the waitress* may i have another hot choc, please? and...*nibbles her lip* a salad? spinach, if you have that--i've never looked at the salads you guys have here.

Eddie: *tries not to grin at Adri. and Sam. the waitress bustles off to get hot chocolate and spinach salad*

Samantha Jacobs: d10: : 7,1,9,9,4,8,7,

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: Oooh... Two hot chocolates? *Calling after*

Samantha Jacobs: She saw Adrian looking, judging by the flat gaze leveled at him, before she flicks eyes up to the waitress who has her coffee. A mutter of a thank you, before eyes flick back around the cafe.

Adrian: Flat or round, he still watches it. His eyes cut to Jocelyn at the muttered remark, but he just shrugs. "If man wasn't meant to desire sex, man wouldn't have a cock in the first place. It's called nature."

Adrian: "'Sides, I have a thing for women who kiss and grope other women." A side glance back over at Sam, then looks to Jocelyn. "She was having a fling with some female model. It was in a bunch of tabloids."

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: You're a pig. *Certainly loud enough to be heard now*

Samantha Jacobs: She could shoot him. Riiiight here. Perfect angle. But there's all those legal entanglements, and going to jail and stuff. "Men desire to reproduce. Not stare at women's asses. That's nature. And it wasn't a fling, nor was it a model."

Eddie: *rolls her eyes and sighs. loudly* all right, guys. chill, please. Joce, he's a guy. and a guy is always going to look, and have fantasies about chicks, unless he's gay or dead. heck, he'll prolly check out your rear view, and mine, at some point. *shrugs* take it as a compliment--i mean, if you were a total hound, he wouldn't. on the other hand, Adrian--most guys at least make a pretense of not staring at chicks unless they're trying to hook up. *chuckles*

Adrian: Shakes his head, but his strange mood seems to be evaporating, as the jerk seems to be enjoying himself more now. "We could argue more comfortably if you were sitting over here, Sa-man-tha. And yeah, it's nature to stare at the female body. If we don't desire it, we won't want to do anything with it. You just don't like to be seen as someone sexy in any way. You try to cover up your feminism." He nods to Jocelyn. "I'm a pig."

Adrian: Eddie: "I've checked yours, several times, *very* nice by the way." Motions to the waitress. "A cup of coffee, black. Thanks, darlin'."

Samantha Jacobs: "Sam." She says calmly as she rises, moving towards the table. Shouting across the resturant did piss off the people who were doing nothing, after all. "And wrong. On all accounts.

Eddie: i'm Eddie. *pausing in her feeding to offer Sam a golden hand, once she's closer* have a cookie, please?

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She looks torn between scooting in to make room for the other girl, and bolting. Her hot chocolate arrives though, and she settles on moving over*

Adrian: Sam: "Then enlighten me. Please. Every time you see me, your fingers inch towards your gun, and I suppose that's only natural. Don't mind it, anyway. Just curious what's up."

Samantha Jacobs: She takes Eddie's hand, nodding to her. Jocelyn doesn't have to worry, as Sam pulls up her own chair. She glances to Adrian and says simply, "PTSD."

Eddie: *shakes Sam's hand cheerfully* seriously--you guys, eat the cookies? i hate waasting food, and i just dun want them. *continues to enjoy her bunny food*

Adrian: A brief moment, and then the light dawns and he nods. "Fair enough. I'll stop trying to provoke you, then. I usually have that effect on people anyway."

Samantha Jacobs: "It be smart. Nothing personal, but that would be a smart move." She nods to Adrian, and then shakes her head at Eddie. "No, thank you."

Adrian: He picks up a cookie and sniffs at it suspiciously, an edge of paranoia creeping back into his eyes.

Eddie: mmm..*nods to Sam* well, if you want some to take home with, feel free on that score, too. *chuckles as she finishes off her salad*

Adrian: Sam: "Your reactions intrigued me, nothing personal. You didn't act like prey. I'll back off."

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Scowling at Adrian again*

Samantha Jacobs: "I'm sorry, did you just say I didn't act like prey?" She shifts her gaze back to Adrian, a brow arching. Her tone is bordering on curious, not accusing.

Eddie: i think that one's a macadamia nut one. *chuckles softly to Adri* there's nothing wrong with them. i just got 'em and found i didn't really want them after all.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Slinking down in the booth again, looking out the window*

Adrian: He tries a bite of cookie, then pauses as if waiting for poison to take effect. He nods at Sam, looking to her steadily. And yes, his eyes this time remain on her face. "Prison. You're predator or prey. I got out in June. Still adjusting to life outside." He moves his shoulders in a partial shrug. "I come off aggressive and predatorial cuz that's the only way to survive on the inside, unless you *want* to be someone's bitch."

Eddie: *wrinkles her nose* remind me never to go to prison, ok?

Adrian: He looks at Eddie, then nods and relaxes, wolfing down the cookie, quickly followed by another.

Eddie: you ok, Joce? *tilts her head at the girl*

Eddie: *grins to Adri cheerfully*

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Shrugging a shoulder, then nodding* Yeah. How close are we to the park?

Eddie: eh, it's across the street. *a tiny frown* be right careful if you go there--some kinda maaaajor shit just went down last nigvht. *again, her eyes flash with sadness*

Adrian: Eddie: "No shit. It's an experience. Several packs, several Alphas, all drooling to rip out the throat of anyone trying to be the new king of the dung heap. I'm being careful, don't want to go back. Oh, thanks for the job reference. Still working there, and got a second job working at a vet's."

Samantha Jacobs: The words are on the tip of her tongue, a scathing comment for all those he sent to her. A pause, and she glances at him, her voice deadpan when she speaks. Probably not serious. "You mean you weren't the bitch?"

Samantha Jacobs: She glances at Eddie at what she says, and then back to Adrian.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She's not ~quite~ able to stifle the giggle, hand slapped over her mouth quickly to cut it off*

Eddie: *grins to Adri* awesome! glad i could help, too....what d'you do at the vet's? *blinks at Sam, eyes rounding*

Adrian: Sam: He shakes his head. "Third night in, a wolf pack closed in on me. I ripped out the leader's throat, shanked his buddy. Killed the leader outright." Eats another cookie. "I was a wolf then. A chicken's life ain't for me."

Samantha Jacobs: She shakes her head at something, grinning faintly, a gleam in her brown eyes. She picks up her coffee, gaze flicking around again.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Staring at Adrian then, eyes huge once more* Wolf pack?

Adrian: He doesn't seem to care one iota what Sam was implying. No offense taken, oddly. Eddie: "Clean out kennels, feed and water the animals, walk the dogs. Now that Ethan's gone, I've been assisting the doc with euthanizing, just holding the animal while he puts in the needle. I have a way of calming them down. Always was better with beasts than people."

Samantha Jacobs: She glances at Joc, and then at Adrian. "You mean a gang when you say wolf pack, don't you?"

Adrian: Jocelyn: He nods. "In prison, male populace anyway, you got the chicken, the wolf, and the devil. Wolf preys on the chicken, devils take the wolves. With the female cons, it's something about tuna and fish, but I don't know their lingo. Didn't cross paths in Sing Sing."

Michelle Morgan: She pushes the door open, stepping into the XXX. The rock chick is in a fairly good mood tonight, and she looks around, just out for something to eat on her way home.

((DD: Wow, here comes sex in a flowing skirt. The woman walking ahead radiates “hippy free love,” and has the body to prove it. Standin g about 5’7” and weighing probably around 110-115 pounds, she is one of those people that everyone secretly despises; she looks good without really trying. Her hair, a light honey blonde, hangs free, curling slightly where it ends at the shoulder. She has bright green eyes, filled with an exuberant, rebellious energy. A white tank top covers her from the waist up, with the phrase “I'm a gay woman, and I hate Bush. Deal with the reality of THAT.” silk- screened across it. From the waist down, it's an ankle-length hunter- green skirt and sandals. Fame 3))

Eddie: *nods* people often act like rabid wolves, when their blood's up. *tilts her head* you like working at the vet's?

Michelle Morgan: ((XXX = cafe :P))

Samantha Jacobs: d10: : 5,7,4,10,10,10,6,

Adrian: Sam: A baffled look. "Yeah. I know prison is a zoo, but there aren't REAL wolves in there. Just people."

Eddie: d10: : 5,2,2,1,3,2,

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Her mouth opens, hanging there for a minute before she quickly looks back out the window*

Eddie: *intent on the conversations, she doesn't even notice the Sexay Woman coming in*

Adrian: d10: : 9,2,3,1,8,

Adrian: Glances towards the door idly, no more paranoia, but misses whoever walked in.

Samantha Jacobs: She lifts her head at the bell, eyes going to the door. Lips quirk into a smile, her look softening just vaguely at Michelle. A quick glance at Adrian. "I know -that-. -She- didn't get it, I don'think." A finger flicking to Jocelyn

Adrian: Eddie: He grins and snags the last cookie, if there's even one left. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. I can relax around animals. They don't judge."

Adrian: Jocelyn: "I'm gonna go on a limb and guess that you're off the streets. Which is a good thing, or you'd be learning soon first hand what it's like on the inside. Believe me, you don't want to go there."

Michelle Morgan: d10: Per+Alert: 3,9,7,6,8,

Michelle Morgan: She smiles as she notes Sam, above all, and makes her way over in her direction. "Hey, you."

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: Yeah. I don't do that anymore. *Looking back at Adrian again*

Adrian: Jocelyn: "Good. You're too smart for that shit." He glances up at Michelle as she approaches and then shuts up, his eyes drinking her in greedily. The pictures didn't do her justice.

Samantha Jacobs: "Eyes off." She mutters to Adrian, rising so Michelle can sit. Again, that little smile to Michelle. "Hey."

Eddie: *nods to Adri, with a wry grin* different from me. animals don't tend to like me much for some reason. *laughs softly. and muffles a faint yip of surprise as Michelle pops up out of, to her mind, nowhere* um, hey. i'm Eddie. *offers a hand, sheepishly*

Adrian: "Like hell," he mutters back to Sam, but finally wrenches his eyes away, making a mental note to buy some magazines later. Preferably with Michelle's picture in them.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Her eyes flicker to Michelle, hating the girl on sight. She looks out the window again, both hands wrapped around her hot chocolate*

Eddie: ((*L@Adrian*)) *fights a grin at the byplay between Adrian and Sam again*

Samantha Jacobs: She could hit him. But like the whole shooting thing, there were all those legal entnaglements. She'd have to settle for pretenindg it happened. She relaxes, only vaguely, as he stops looking at Michelle like that.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She looks at Eddie suddenly again* Did you answer me? How far is the park from here?

Michelle Morgan: Eyes moves around the table...Adrian getting a curious look...she ignores the leer, she's quite used to them, thank you. Instead, he gets the rock star publicity smile...damn, though, she has a natural way of making that polite "Hello" look sincere. Maybe it is...who knows. Eddie's hand gets shaken. "Hi...I'm Michelle. Nice to meet you, Eddie." She smiles to Sam, leaning very briefly into the other woman. "You don't have to get up for me, you know..."

Adrian: He unconciously mimicks Jocelyn, wrapping his hands around his coffee mug as he stares glumly into the dark liquid, his mood seeming to shift once more.

Eddie: *nods, chuckling* yep, i did. it's pretty much across teh street from here. but keep yer eyes wide if you head that way. some kinda bad stuff went down there last night.

Adrian: A glance over at Michelle. "Adrian," he says quietly, returning his eyes to his coffee with a sigh.

Samantha Jacobs: "No, I didn't." She agrees, pulling up another chair. "But I did. So you should sit."

Adrian: Eddie: A faint flicker of curiosity. "I heard you say that earlier. What happened?"

Michelle Morgan: She sighs and shakes her head, though the appreciative grin is obvious there. "Thank you." She takes a seat, nodding to Adrian, and then looking over to Jocelyn a moment. Her eyes flicker back to Adrian. "Nice to meet you."

Eddie: *grins back to Michelle cheerfully* this's Adrian, and Jocelyn. i gather i dun need to introduce Sam, which is good, cuz we only hjust met, like, a salad ago.

Adrian: Michelle: A faint smile, but he doesn't look at her. "Same here, but I probably shouldn't talk to you until the girl with the gun is gone, or I might be missing a few parts soon."

Samantha Jacobs: She slides into her own seat, smirking slightly at what Eddie says. And she grins, just faintly, at what Adrian says.

Eddie -> Michelle Morgan: ((*snugs* i figure, since your comp's playing heck with you tonight, one less onsite scene'd be good. so, i'm heading Cori out. *HUGS* thank you, for that scene. *skotc* much appreciated, and much enjoyed. and, Cori will indeed come by tomorrow with philosophy and epicish books, including some modern 'epics', for Seb.))

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *There is no being on earth worse at pointedly ignoring someone than a jealous teen girl. She fluctuates between not ~quite~ looking at Michelle, and glaring at Adrian when he does look*

Michelle Morgan: He looks to Adrian a moment, blinking, and then grins slightly to Sam. "Sharing your special version of friendliness again, sweetie?" A lightly teasing tone to her voice, without reproach.

Eddie: *shrugs to Adri, pretty face growing even more pleasant* i heard it was, like, gang stuff. people got hurt and stuff.

Michelle Morgan -> Eddie: ((*Hugs* Cool cool. Sorry about slowness, hon.))

Samantha Jacobs: "Sharing it all over town." She deadpans to Michelle, and then shrugs. "It's not like I can hurt him anyway. Too many witnesses." She's joking. Right?

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She shifts suddenly, sitting back up just a bit*

Adrian: Eddie: "Oh, gangs." He wrinkles his nose and takes a sip of coffee. "Pointless things. Can't believe how trendy it's gotten to be in a gang."

Adrian: Sam: "Never do anything to someone unless you're prepared to off every witness, eh?"

Eddie -> Michelle Morgan: ((*HUGS* no problem. none at all. *skotc*))

Samantha Jacobs: "Something like that." She nods faintly Adrian.

Eddie: *chuckles suddenly* heh. and besides--if you went after ~all~ the witnesses, Sam, that means Michelle, too. and that would suck hugely. *grins widely and tilts her head at the teen*

Michelle Morgan: She chuckles a little bit at Adrian and Sam's exchange, and flags down the waitress, getting a double mocha, extra shot.

Adrian: He slides his eyes towards Jocelyn.

Michelle Morgan: "Oh, no, Eddie...see, she's got my firmly tucked in her back pocket. No rolling over from me."

Eddie: *blinks suddenly* weird. i want cranberry sauce all of a sudden. *laughs softly. and does not order it*

Samantha Jacobs: She chuckles faintly at what Michelle says, sitting up as she coughs a little into her hand, still grinning.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She glances to Adrian, then away again, chewing her lip*

Eddie: *giggles at Michelle* darn! there goes that plan. oh well--so long as i can keep at least one of the rest of you between me and her gun, i'm good. *grins playfully*

Adrian: He motions the waitress over. "Cherry sundae, extra cherries," he says casually, then leans back in his chair.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Lip chewed harder, eyes a little big*

Eddie: *grins to Adrian* oooo, ice cream! that'd be good. miss, may i have a dish of...hmm. surprise me--just pick something?

Samantha Jacobs: She makes a slight face as she clears her throat, and then grabs her own coffee to drink it, sitting up straight.

Michelle Morgan: A raised eyebrow at Adrian, and then she just shakes her head, waiting for her coffee. Her eyes go over to Sam. "How's your day been?"

Adrian: Sips his coffee. "I have a weakness for ice cream," he confesses. "One tends to crave what one cannot access."

Adrian: "Right, Jocelyn?" he adds, setting his coffee aside as the ice cream arrives.

Eddie: *chuckles to Adri* wait until you see their sundaes, here. frickin' HUGE. *solemn nod* i keep a few gallons of ice cream in my freezer.

Adrian: He reaches for the bottle of ketchup in the middle of the table and opens it up, slathering it over the sundae.

Samantha Jacobs: "Uneventful, though I did look at some motorcycles. I'm going to bring Evan with me next time- he knows more about that stuff than me." She nods.

Samantha Jacobs: She blinks as there s suddenly ketchup on Adrian's ice cream. That's an odd taste.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: Um. Yeah...

Eddie: *blinks at the man, laughing* ewwww! is it good? *spoon deep into her own bowl of frozen goodness*

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She swallows, hard, staring at the ice cream*

Adrian: Eddie: "I have uncommon tastes." An offbeat shrug and he digs into the ketchup-spiced ice cream. He seems to enjoy it.

Michelle Morgan: "Sounds llike a plaaa...." She trails off, staring at ketchup and ice cream. She looks faintly ill at the thought.

Eddie: huh. *ponders. and reaches for the ketchup. drips a tiny amount over a spoonful, braces herself, and eats it*

Adrian: ~Tang and sweetness collide in a riot of flavor that just shouldn't be. It's an acquired taste, if it's a taste at all.~

Samantha Jacobs: She makes a slight face as Eddie tries it too. Not even army rations could taste that bad. She glances at Michelle, noticing her look.

Kiara Trapani: Kiara was a little hungry after work and trying to learn her way around more in town, was often checking out the local cafes and restaurants. This one looked as good as any and she stepped inside, glancing around to see if it would do.

Blue is her color. From her blue jeans, to her cropped long-sleeved ribbed top, the sapphire belly ring, and blue jean-type duster to the blue tips and streaks through dark blonde hair, a simple blue wool hat on her head. Thick black eyeliner, that being her only makeup she wears, highlights her blue eyes. Crossed over her chest is a black attache case.

Michelle Morgan: She puts a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry...but that's just fuckin' nasty."

Adrian: He appears to be in his mid-20s, standing at just under six feet tall, his body strong but not bulked up. He has the face of an angel, roundish and handsome, a strong chin and the hint of dimples. His short black hair settles in waves on his head, loose locks playing with his forehead. The collar of his faded denim jacket is pulled up over his neck; he dresses casual and a bit down as perhaps a working-man laborer would.

Adrian: d10: : 3,2,9,9,4,

Eddie: *smacks her lips, considering the taste carefully* nope. not for me. *chuckles softly and goes back to eating her plain, unadorned ice cream cheerfully*

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Sighing, she goes back to gazing out the window*

Eddie: d10: : 2,10,7,6,8,6,

Adrian: "Navel ring." He glances over at Eddie and grins. "Something about them..." Sips his coffee, works more on the sundae.

Eddie: *notes the new arrival with a slight, polite nod, and chuckles to Michelle* it's not, like...the worst thing i've ever eaten. but it was definately different.

Samantha Jacobs: She glances at the door, then back to the table. Eyes narrow just slightly at something and then she seems to relax again.

Michelle Morgan: She shakes her head, and takes her coffee from the waitress, getting right to it. Something to wash the imagined taste of ketchup-flavored marachino out of her mouth.

Kiara Trapani: Kiara can't help but notice getting looked at, and gives a polite smile in return as she goes to find a place to sit down. Before she takes a seat, she takes the case off from around her and sets it down next to her.

Eddie: *giggles at Adrian cheerfully* i've never even peirced my ears. but, i can see the attraction--if it's on a guy with nice, tight abs. yum. *polishes off her ice cream cheerfully*

Michelle Morgan: "Not one for piercings on men, myself." Hey, she has to contribute SOMETHING to the conversation.

Adrian: Thankfully as he eats more of the sundae, the ketchup is going away.

Kiara Trapani: Kiara flags down a waitress, ordering a coffee and some fries. It was just a snack after all.

Adrian: Eddie: "Don't much look at men," he chuckles, "but to each their own." Grins over at Jocelyn.

Samantha Jacobs: "I used to have my ears pierced. But that was before I entered the army." She tugs on an ear faintly.

Michelle Morgan: She looks between Jocelyn and Adrian, frowning faintly.

Eddie: *grins to Michelle* my guy's not all over metal in interesting places. *fights that stupid, sappy look in her eyes* but, he does indeed have nice abs. *was there a slight hesitation before 'abs'? nah...she looks far too innocent for that....*

Michelle Morgan -> Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: d10: Per+Empathy: 5,6,4,1,2,4,

Eddie: *chuckles to Adrian* i've noticed you don't look much at guys. *impish grin* did peircing your ears hurt as much as i've been told it does? *asks Sam curiously, eyes flicking to Joce*

Adrian: Eddie: "I've always liked the curve of a woman's thigh. Not the stick-and-bones kind, but some meat to her. Older women, especially, like in their late 20s, early 30s. Something almost smoldering about an older woman who knows what she wants."

Samantha Jacobs: She shrugs. "It was a long time ago, but not really. Just a pinch and it's done." Her eyes narrow just a little bit again, casting over to Adrian.

Eddie: *chuckles softly* eyes, for me. and a nice butt. i like 'em with a lil bit of roundness, but firm. *makes sure Joce's still looking out the window, and makes a slight grabbing motion to explain why she likes rumps formed in such a way*

Kiara Trapani: Pulling out a cell phone from her jacket pocket, she flips it open for a moment, then closes it again and putting it away. Her eyes glance toward the kitchen when she sees her waitress return with a cup of coffee. Politely she thanks her and waits for the fries to arrive shortly.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Scowling out the window again*

Eddie: *ndos to Sam* hmm. i wonder if i shuld go for it. but...i take care of kids. and my littlest one's the sort who likes to hold on to maybe she'd try to grab the shinies. that wouldn't be fun at all.

Adrian: Eddie: Mutters, "Yeah, funny enough, I've had my fill of men, thanks. Frankly can't see what women see in us anyway. We're hairy and rough and bleh." Sips his coffee.

Samantha Jacobs: "If you'd have them for awhile, it be fine. But when they're new, yeah, that would hurt a helluva lot."

Michelle Morgan: She chuckles a little, despite herself, at Adrian's comment. She can't really disagree, these days.

Eddie: *laughs softly* maybe, it's the attraction of opposites? i can appreciate that another lady looks good. *nodding toward Michelle* but that's as far as it goes with me. i'm just, totally not into other chicks that way. *laughs softly* good freind of mine's bi, though. *sighs* i miss her.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *The frown turns into a small, soft, dreamy smile for a second, gone again after she takes a sip of her coffee*

Kiara Trapani: Kiara sips at her coffee, taken black, a few minutes after it arrived. She mused silent about something as she looked over to the case sitting next to her.

Adrian: Eddie: "You have kids now?" He looks curious. "That's really cool. Foster? Adoption?"

Samantha Jacobs: She smirks slightly at something said, arms crossing over her chest.

Eddie: *grins broadly* long term care, for now. they're ~awesome~.

Michelle Morgan: She nods to Eddie, smiling a bit. "To each her own." As if her T-Shirt or reputation didn't give away her preference...

Adrian: Shakes his head. "I really miss my ex-girlfriend's kid, Delilah. Damn, that little redhead was a spitfire. I miss her more than the mother. How old are yours?"

Eddie: *nods, giggling softly to Michelle* yep! s'what makes the world go around, right?

Samantha Jacobs: "I thought it was love that made the world go wrong..." She mumurs, smiling a little. "Or was that gravity?"

Kiara Trapani: Fries are served up and again she thanks the waitress. Grabbing the mustard bottle, she pours a small circle of the condiment on the plate with the fries.

Michelle Morgan: "Damn straight. Or not." A wink to Eddie, and she sips at her coffee. Sickness ovr ketchup ice cream officially gone.

Eddie: *chuckles softly* youngest is two, and the oldest is nine. heh, the baby's a redhead, too.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: Love. *Moving suddenly, sitting all the way back up*

Eddie: *giggles merrily at Michelle, nodding happily. and tilts her head at Sam* but, it is love, here.

Samantha Jacobs: She slides eyes to Jocelyn as the girl finally speaks. "Oh, so I was right the first time?"

Michelle Morgan: "Love's just part of the revolution," she says with a shrug, setting the cup down. "There's a lot of other emotions that give a big hand to it."

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *Looking at Sam* Huh?

Eddie: *nods to Sam, then tilts her head at Michelle* truedat. but, it's mostly love. and hope. or, it should be.

Adrian: Eddie: "Be warned, redheads *are* quick tempered. You're in for a hell of a ride."

Samantha Jacobs: She raises an eyebrow at Jocelyn. "You said 'love'. What about it?"

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: Oh. Yeah. *Shrugging a shoulder, looking at her cooling hot chocolate* Love wins over anything. Real love.

Michelle Morgan: She shakes her head. "Love's important, but no more then empathy, or envy, or hatred, or rage, fear, or any of the others. They all serve their purpose...all natural. Just don't let any of them get out of balance, and you'll be good."

Kiara Trapani: Kiara dips some fries into the mustard and eats a few slowly. Grabbing a napkin, she wipes off her hands and puts the case on the table, pulling out a small laptop, that she boots up.

Samantha Jacobs: "It does." She agrees, quite simply, with Jocelyn. And this is coming from the hard ass ex-military woman.

Adrian: A momentary glance at Jocelyn, but he looks away and finishes off hsi sundae, now happily ketchup-free.

Eddie: *grins to Adrian* luckily, it's tempered by a bit of blonde. i think they call it "strawberry blonde"? but, shines like fire in the sun. she's a total sweetheart. got me, my guy, my friend Lai, and several other people firmly wrapped around those chubby fingers. but the ~real~ kicker is...not only does she have the hair...she has dimples. i swear, dimples should be illegal! *laughs softly*

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She smiles for a second again, before drinking down the rest of the chocolate*

Adrian: "I'll refrain from throwing in my two bits." He nods over at Michelle. "Except for, well said there."

Samantha Jacobs: She gets a lopsided grin, and nods to Michelle. She knows it all.

Michelle Morgan: "Thank you, Adrian." She nods to him with a bit of a smile.

Eddie: *nods to Sam and Joce* totally right, i think. *tilts her head to Michelle* i disagree. in a way. i try to acknowledge bad feelings, but i try to concentrate on the good ones a lot more. *never said she was ~good~ at this acknowledgement...*

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: You've got to. Otherwise they're like poison.

Adrian: Adrian looks over at Eddie a bit sheepishly. "I'm happy mine don't show unless I smile really big, and I rarely do."

Kiara Trapani: Kiara starts tapping away quietly on the keys, occassionally grabbing a few fries with dallops of mustard and wiping her hands off before continuing.

Samantha Jacobs: "But is any emotion really bad?" She glances at Eddie. "Too much of an abundance of one, sure, but each emotion has a purpose."

Eddie: *nods earnestly to the talk of emotion* exactly. s'why i try to deal with the negative emotyions without dwelling on 'em. *blinks at Adrian* you have dimples? *grins. widely* show?

Michelle Morgan: "Emotions aren't good or bad, Eddie...they just are. The only problem is when you let them go too far. Any emotion, even love, goes bad when you hold on too long, and any emotion, even hatred, goes bad when you cut it off. Look at the man who is so in love that he lets it blind him to his lover's serious faults, or a woman who ignores her hatred of oppression, and thus doesn't fight it, letting injustice prevail."

Eddie: *purses her lips thoughtfully. then nods slowly* good point, Michelle. very good point.

Adrian: Eddie: "I don't smile that wide. I don't find much to smile about." His gaze flickers around the room away from the table. He eyeballs Kiara once more.

Michelle Morgan: She smiles over at Sam, nodding in agreement, a hint of pride there in her eyes toward the woman.

Samantha Jacobs: She nods to Michelle; of course the rock chick put it way better than she did.

Kiara Trapani: Kiara continues typing away on the laptop, not really looking around much except for the plate of fries which is slowly dwindling down now.

Eddie: bummer! *chuckles to Adrian* we'll just have to find you someone to smile that big about. *nods cheerfully*

Adrian: He returns his attention to Eddie. A faint smile. Dimples don't really show. "You can try."

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She eyes Adrian again, before looking back out the window*

Eddie: *giggles* i'll think about it. *nods cheerfully* mmm....ok, i'd better pay up and head on out--i gotta give some stuff to some peeps, then get home to the kids. you guys, be safe, ok? *smiles warmly to the others as she rises, collecting her leather jacket*

Kiara Trapani: Fries gone now, so she slides the plate to the side again, a small smile crossing her lips as she stops typing and seems to be looking at somethng on the computer screen.

Samantha Jacobs: "It was nice meeting you Eddie." She nods to the woman, scooting the chair out of her way.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: Bye Eddie. Thanks for the cookies.

Adrian: He nods to Eddie.

Michelle Morgan: She nods to Eddie, moving so she can leave. "Nice meeting you, Eddie. Have a good evening."

Eddie: Nice to meet you, too Sam. *grins happily at the woman* and you, Michelle. *smiles warmly to Joc* not a problem to share, none at all. think dimples, Adrian! *waves a finger at him, and goes to collect her packages and pay up*

Adrian: A furtive glance around the table. Without Eddie, his own welcome is thin indeed. He finishes off his coffee and considers making his exit.

Kiara Trapani: The waitress comes back to refill her cup and she asks for the bill. Kiara returns back to the computer, typing a little bit more before shutting it back down again and putting it away.

Samantha Jacobs: She glances around, eyes always searching. Protective and wary.

Eddie: *and disappears* ((*hugs all around* thanks, guys. *G* this was fun...*toddles*))

Samantha Jacobs: ((Byeee! *hughug*))

Adrian: He tosses money on the table for his stuff. Leaving no tip. "I'll say my goodbyes as well," he says quietly, scooting back the chair and standing up.

Adrian: ((Bye!*hugs*))

Samantha Jacobs: "Goodnight, Adrian."

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: ((bye hon *snugs*))

Kiara Trapani: Kiara looks up and watches the guy who had looked at her for a moment, looking back away before he can catch her, by taking a sip of her coffee.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She sits up suddenly* You going by the park? *Looking at Adrian* Like, near it?

Adrian: Jocelyn: "Near it, not in it. That place is dangerous even for me."

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: Walk me over there? *Gathering her backpack*

Samantha Jacobs: She arches an eyebrow, and then glances over to Michelle.

Adrian: He hesitates, looking at Jocelyn, then slowly nods. "Alright." He walks to the door and into the street. No, he didn't hold it open for her, but he at least does hold it open a bit in back of him so it doesn't bop her on the nose.

Kiara Trapani: The watiress brings the check, and Kiara, digs around in her pocket and drops a twenty down, telling the woman she can keep the change. Computer back in case, and meal paid for, Kiara starts to stand and slip the carrying case over her shoulder, across the front of her.

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: *She wiggles out* Bye! *More at Sam and Michelle than to them, trailing him out*

Samantha Jacobs: A flicker of fingers in a wave to the retreating Jocelyn.

Adrian: ((MT basic street?))

Michelle Morgan: She watches them leave, lips pursed, and sighs, looking back to Sam. Have to follow their own rules...

Jocelyn Pasqual ~heaven~: ((sounds good))

Adrian: ~gone there~

Samantha Jacobs: "... I can't fucking -stand- that guy." She says, in a rather conversational tone once Adrian and Jocelyn are gone.

Kiara Trapani: Kiara makes her way back out of the place, remembering this place for a possible return to in the future.

Michelle Morgan: "Yeah, he's pretty fucked up," she agrees, and sighs.

Samantha Jacobs: "Someday, I'm going to end up punching him in the face." It's not a threat, merely a fact. A hand slides out to take Michelle's. "How was your day?"

Michelle Morgan: She chuckles at her statement. The hand is lightly curled around Sam's. "It was okay. Stopped in at HQ, the usual. Lazy Sunday Afternoon."

Samantha Jacobs: "Good." She murmurs, relaxing a little bit, her posture not so tense.

Michelle Morgan: She smiles a bit. "So, you are going to be wearing all sorts of biker leathers and other supposed protections if you get this motorcyle, right?"

Samantha Jacobs: "Uhhhmm... I really haven't thought that far ahead." She clears her throat lightly.

Michelle Morgan: "Well, then can we agree to make the answer yes now?" She smiles innocently. "Best not to scimp now, as opposed to after the fact

Samantha Jacobs: She rubs her hair with her free hand. "Well, I was just gonna get a helmet and a jacket. I didn't really think about anything beside that."

Michelle Morgan: "The pants?" She tilts her head to dam, watching the other win a hint of amusement. "Alwas was a fan of champs." ......yes, she's TOTALLY join.

Michelle Morgan: (Always))

Michelle Morgan: "The pants?" She tilts her head to the side, watching the other with a hint of amusement. "Always was a fan of chaps." ......yes, she's TOTALLY joking.

Samantha Jacobs: Is she getting a little red? No, not Sam. She clears her throat again, still rubbing her head. "Uhm, I didn't really think I needed chaps. I thought jeans were okay..."

Michelle Morgan: "Yes, but the chaps are much nicer." She winks and leans in to kiss the other's cheek.

Samantha Jacobs: "But they're -chaps-." As if that somehow explains everything.

Michelle Morgan: "Hmmm...good point." She nods, as if that's all the explanation she needs.

Samantha Jacobs: "... you're going to make me get them anyway, aren't you?"

Michelle Morgan: "Thinkin' about it," she admits with a slightly devilish grin.

Samantha Jacobs: She scowls, though there's really nothing behind it. "You just want to see me look really funny."

Michelle Morgan: "Pshht." She smiles. "You still haven't told me your Samhain costume, I don't think..."

Samantha Jacobs: "Remember? I said I was going to dress up as a guy. Give the tabloids a field day. Best idea I got."

Michelle Morgan: She blinks for a moment, then nods, frowning gently. "Oh, yeah..." She shakes her head, then smile. "One of those weeks."

Samantha Jacobs: "Actually, I told you a couple months ago." She grins a little bit. "So it's not susprising it might have slipped out of your mind for a bit."

Michelle Morgan: "Ahh. Yeah, that explains it." She looks to Sam. "Did I say what I was going to wear? I'm got to beat the Laia look from last year..."

Samantha Jacobs: "You know, I met you on Halloween. I wouldn't look at you, I remember." A little grin. "And no, you didn't tell me what you were going to wear."

Michelle Morgan: "I remember." She grins, and then thinks. "I'll have to find something quick, then."

Samantha Jacobs: "You don't have something yet?" She blinks slowly. If she's going to top the Leia thing... a small swallow.

Michelle Morgan: "Nope. I'll have Larry help me find something, though. It'll be all good. He's good at finding perfect stuff." She says it blithely, as she finishes up her coffee.

Samantha Jacobs: She blinks at Michelle. "Ohh..."

Michelle Morgan: She looks at Sam and blinks, innocently. "Ohh?"

Samantha Jacobs: "Uhm, yeah." She rubs her head again, cheeks a little bit pink.

Michelle Morgan: "I do believe you're blushing, Miss Jacobs..."

Samantha Jacobs: That only makes the young woman flush a little bit more, and she looks down, mumbling. "I am not."

Michelle Morgan: "Are too..." It's almost vaguely childlike, the way she says it.

Samantha Jacobs: Her chin juts out slightly, though there's a little smile forming. "Am not...."

Michelle Morgan: "Are tooOOooOOoo..." A smirk, and she sticks her tongue out.

Samantha Jacobs: "You do that again, I'm going to grab that tongue." Her eyes flick up with a little smirk.

Michelle Morgan: "Promises, promises..."

Samantha Jacobs: She arches an eyebrow. "You think I'm kidding?"

Michelle Morgan: "I'm curious what you'll do with it, once you've got it." A brow arches, that devilish little grin returning.

Samantha Jacobs: She starts to flush again. Dammit, Michelle wins every time. "I can't tell you that. It's top secret."

Michelle Morgan: "Ahh. Well, what initiations and endurance trials do I have to go through to get Security Clearance?"

Samantha Jacobs: "Mmmmm. I don't know if you can handle it." A small smirj, just a little one.

Michelle Morgan: "Oh, I think I can. You see, I have all sorts of felxibility and stamina..."

Samantha Jacobs: She thought, just for a moment, that maybe she could get the upper hand. But, no. As soon as those words go through her brain, she blushes again and looks down. "Dammit, Michelle..."

Michelle Morgan: "I win?" Her eyebrows waggle a bit, as she grins widely to Sam.

Samantha Jacobs: "You win, like every other time." She mutters, pulling the woman to her.

Michelle Morgan: "Yaaay!" She chuckles, sliding over as she's pulled, leaning into Sam and looking up to her with an affectionate chuckle.

Samantha Jacobs: "Brat." She mutters, leaning in to kiss the other woman briefly.

Michelle Morgan: "And you love it." She presses her lips against Sam's, briefly but passionately.

Samantha Jacobs: "Of course I do." She murmurs. "And you use that to your advantage all the time."

Michelle Morgan: "Use what ya got...that's what I always say."

Samantha Jacobs: She snorts, but it's an affectionate sound almost, if one can make that sound affectionate. "Well, you use it well."

Michelle Morgan: "Why thank you, m'love." She smiles up to Sam, the amusement taking on a softer tone.

Samantha Jacobs: She raises a hand, stroking Michelle's cheek a little bit. "You like seeing me squirm, don't you?"

Michelle Morgan: "Well, it is kinda fun, yeah," she admits with a little nod. "Doesn't get you TOO uncomfortable, does it?"

Samantha Jacobs: She shakes her head with a chuckle. "Brat. And no, it's fine."

Michelle Morgan: "Good. Means I can go all out tomorrow." She looks up innocently. "You know, I hear that it's legal for women to go topless within city confines..."

Samantha Jacobs: She gets red. Again. Except... there'd be people like -Adrian- looking at her. "No. Uh uh. You can't. Noooo." A pause. "Please?"

Michelle Morgan: "Aww...spoil all my fun." She's grinning under that pout. Quite obviously.

Samantha Jacobs: "I do not want people staring at your chest like that." She sulks, just a little bit.

Michelle Morgan: She leans up to kiss her softly on the lips. "Easy, love. I'm just teasing you."

Samantha Jacobs: "Mmph." She says, easing and kissing her lightly back. No, she's not possesive, really...

Michelle Morgan: "You know..." She says as the kiss break. "You are cute when you're being all possessive..." A little wink, no harm whatsoever meant by it.

Samantha Jacobs: She opens and shuts her mouth momentarily, and then shifts uneasily in her chair, looking away. "... sorry. I don't mean to be. Really."

Michelle Morgan: "It's okay, Samantha." She smiles warmly. "If I had a problem with it, I would have spoken out. You know this."

Samantha Jacobs: She pauses and then nods. "Yeah."

Michelle Morgan: "Good." She nods, leaning in and nuzzling against Sam;s next. "'cause I'm all yours."

Samantha Jacobs: She wraps her arms around Michelle, holding her. "Good... love you Michelle."

Michelle Morgan: "I love yu too, Samantha." A little sigh, perfectly intoned for others to not heat it.

Samantha Jacobs: She tucks the woman against her momentarily with a soft inhale and exhale. "Ready to go home?"

Michelle Morgan: She nods a little. "I thought you'd never ask." She grins and rises to her feet, fingers threading in Sam's.

Samantha Jacobs: She rises as well, putting money on the table to cover their coffee. Fingers curled around Michelle's, moving to the door with her.

Michelle Morgan: She leans into Sam as they head out, into the night and home.