and FYI:  (tranq darts do 5 die damage (plus extra sux from the attack roll, as per firearms), first one is lethal rest bashing, if the vic doesn't soak all damage, then the needle pierces, if the needle pierces. roll 9 dice for the drug, if the person soaks vs. 8 on the drug they can spend WP for each turn to ignore it, but are at -3 on dice pools.  when out of WP they are paralyzed by the drug))


Angelia Caponelli [AM]: So, morning jog. Designer runners are beating the pavement. The kind with the little mirco processor inside that modifies the tention in the sole as needed for the differant surfaces? Any how. Ang's jogging along looking a little annoyed and restless for her lack of disc man.

Alexi Rothechilde : A tall, coldly handsome man strides powerfully down the jogging path, steaming cup of coffee in one strong hand. There is something vaguely familiar in the way he walks and in the line of his jaw. Something familiar in the deep brown of his eyes and the shoulderlength sweep of raven black hair. He's dressed neatly in a simple black business suit, a blood red tie bisecting his broad chest.

Alexi Rothechilde : ((SL pb 3, app 3))

Alexi Rothechilde : ((post, I'll BRB real quick...dogs whining!))

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: 5,2,8,8,7,4,

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: She glances around, trying to get to that happy zone out place she usually gets to when she's running but it's no where to be found and when she catches sight of that shadow lord look it totally detours her train of thought. Her dark eyes follow the man curiously.

Alexi Rothechilde : 7,6,10,7,6,7,

Alexi Rothechilde : He sees the slim, blond runner. He sees her and his brow cants upward as a slow arrogant and heated smile curls his lips. Nodding, he lifts his coffee to her in a salute.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: She slows her pace a bit as she gets closer, her expression getting a bit more causious when she note the recognition in his expression. "Hello?" She calls, stopping to run in place a good yard back from him.


Alexi Rothechilde : No recognition, just...admiration as his eyes trace her curves. "Good morning," he says, voice deep and husky.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: She crinkles her nose a bit, plucks her water bottle from her hip and takes a sip. "Can I help you?"

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: 3,5,8,2,4,7,4,

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Alexi Rothechilde : (That's sense wyrm)

Alexi Rothechilde : "Not unless you know my daughter, which I doubt. New York's a big city after all," he says, taking a sip of his coffee.

Alexi Rothechilde -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: ((*LOL*Daaamn. Yup.))

Alexi Rothechilde -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: ((Ooooooh. Actually, disregard that! Just informed that i'm no more tainted then the normal urgan human!))

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Who's your daughter?" She her weight shifts back onto the balls of her feet, getting ready to resume her jog.

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Alexi Rothechilde : (kk)

: ((Cthulhu))

Alexi Rothechilde : "Alexis. I believe she goes by Donovan, rather then Rothechilde." He shrugs almost lazily.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: Her brow lifts a bit, "I know her. You just come to town?"

Alexi Rothechilde : "Yes. I've come to take her home. I've heard some disturbing rumors about her recent behavior. " He moves to fall inline with Angelia.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: And that causion comes back into her expression as the man falls in beside her, "I can contact her for you and tell her you're looking for her if you like."

Karlos Basoalto: He strides swiftly along the sidewalk, heading south.

Alexi Rothechilde : "I'm also concerned as her mother contacted me and told me that she's been unable to get a hold of the girl for the last three days. Very unlike Alexis to be unavailble by phone or email." He shrugs and offers Angelia a smile, as well as his hand. "But I've been horribly rude. Alexi Rothechilde."

Karlos Basoalto: 6,7,8,3,2,2,

Karlos Basoalto: He offers Angelia a polite smile, a nod, as he approaches, but is vectoring to pass them on the street.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: She smiles a bit to Karlos as he passes and reachs over to shake Alexi's hand, "Angelia Caponelli. I'll look into it. I'm sure you'll understand when I say I can't just blindly surrender her over to some one I don't even know."

Karlos Basoalto: He glances over Alexi curiously.

Alexi Rothechilde : "Understandable." He nods, his hand holding hers for a moment longer then absolutely propper. "In fact it shows some care for the girl's well being, which I appreciate. But I have to ask why. I was under the impression she wasn't well liked."

Alexi Rothechilde : ((And I was just reminded that I utterly forgot to roll for the acting here. *LOL*))

Alexi Rothechilde : 10,8,7,


Angelia Caponelli [AM]: (should I be rolling subterfuge here?)

Karlos Basoalto: 6,6,7,10,5,7,1,

Karlos Basoalto: He smiles affably at the gentleman. Nods politely.

Karlos Basoalto -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: 8,9,6,8,2,7,1,

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: She pulls back her hand, "I'm afraid I can't tell you anything more until I know for certin you are who you claim to be Mister Rothechilde." She says clearly enough for Karlos if he's still close to hear.

Karlos Basoalto -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: ~TP~ "That man walks like a woman. His hips move incorrectly."

Alexi Rothechilde : Alexi returns Karlos' nod. "Good morning, sir."

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Karlos Basoalto: ~He's mostly clean. Mostly.~


Karlos Basoalto: He smiles warmly, offering Alexi his hand. "Good morning, Mr. Rothechilde."

Alexi Rothechilde : "And what proof would you like, Miss...?"

Alexi Rothechilde : One raven brow arches in that oh so familiar gesture and he turns, offering Karlos his hand.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Could you give me the names of those in charge where you've come from so that I might contact them myself?"

Karlos Basoalto: He blinks, withdrawing his hand apologetically. "I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean to cause offence."

Karlos Basoalto -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Clean or not, he's not remotely what he claims to be, Angelia. Be careful."

Alexi Rothechilde : "I suppose you could call Alexis' and verify that I am her father. I'm sure, given the rumors, Michael would be more then happy to have her back."

Karlos Basoalto: 10,3,9,7,9,2,

Alexi Rothechilde : "You didn't. I'm just concerned about my daughter's well being."

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Karlos Basoalto: ~I will. Can you locate Alexis?~

Karlos Basoalto -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "He's not her father," he says urgently. "Angelia, something's wrong. Seriously wrong."

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "I'm asking for a reference from your superiors Mister Rothechilde."

Alexi Rothechilde : He sighs, lips peeling back from his teeth in a slow smirk. "I have no idea who you are, other then the fact that you claim to know my daughter. I simply wish to know if she is well, and if possible to retrieve her and take her back to Chicago where she can be...cared for."

Karlos Basoalto: "Well, this clearly isn't my conversation." He smiles amiably at them both. "Please, do excuse me." He nods to them, then continues on his original route south.

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Karlos Basoalto: ~Can you sense his motives?~

Karlos Basoalto -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "I don't want to go into anyone's head who I don't know with absolute certainty is not infected."

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: She nods slightly to Karlos and steps back from the man, "Of course. I'll contact the bosses in Chicago and get back to you with the result. Would you at least be able to tell me where you're staying in the city so that I might contact you?"

Alexi Rothechilde : He tosses his cup into a nearbye trash can. "I'm staying at the Plaza." There's a pause as he smoothes his tie, eyes on Angelia's face.

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Karlos Basoalto: ~Find Alexa then I'll work on him~

Karlos Basoalto -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Lex is probably infected, remember?"

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: She nods slightly, "Of course Mister Rothechilde. I'll contact you this evening. Is there anything else?"

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Karlos Basoalto: ~We can still find out where she is and why this asshole's looking for her.~

Alexi Rothechilde : "I would like to know whom I have the honor of speaking with. You've parried every queery rather deftly. I'm impressed."

Okami Yuki: ((if you need her dd tell me!)) *and the asian lady in perfect attire walks cassually on, those eyes looking curiously at the street*

Karlos Basoalto -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Or we could FIND MALCOLM AND KILL SCHONDORF instead of getting distracted by every fool thing that comes along!" His frustration and anger is seething right there along with his utter conviction that if it were Trevor in Malcolm's position, there would be none of this pointless timewasting procrastination.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: She winces and pulls her hand up to her head.

Karlos Basoalto -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "I'm sorry," he adds quietly. "That was wrong of me. I should go."

Alexi Rothechilde : He unbuttons his jacket, pausing with a frown as Angelia winces. "Are you alright?"

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Karlos Basoalto: ~I wanted to pull Malcolm ages ago. You're the one who wanted to plant him there until we went to kill the fucking son of a bitch and I'm ready to do that RIGHT NOW. So please don't yell and scream in my head. I'm on your side now against you.~

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: Shakes her head looking a little distracted, "I'm fine, just a head ache."

Okami Yuki: *she slightly lets her eyes roam in search of any other, though she is walking, casually very regally*

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Karlos Basoalto: ~I love you Karlos and I understand... I've been standing in your shoes lots of times. I'm sorry~


Alexi Rothechilde : "I'm so sorry," he says, drawing a dart gun from beneath his coat.

Karlos Basoalto -> Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Just... be careful, Angelia. Really, really careful. He's not what he says he is, he's not who he says he is, he's not the gender he pretends to be, and he's not entirely clean according to you."

Okami Yuki: ((Will to see with perct))

Okami Yuki: 4,9,8,10,6,

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: (dex + dodge)

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: 3,5,6,4,

Alexi Rothechilde : ((firing))

Okami Yuki: *she'll keep waking though in the last moment, she'll just try to leap, behind the man in front of Angelia, asking Firesnake his blessing to ((Forgot the word! the finrenskae gift*searches*)) (( we need st *S^*))

Alexi Rothechilde : 6,1,

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: Ang blinks, yells "KARLOS!" And tosses herself to the side fumbling under her shirt for her own weapons.

Karlos Basoalto: He slips into an alley

Alexi Rothechilde : "Fuck me," he snarls. "Shoulda asked Josh for lessons."

Okami Yuki: ((ok... trying to graple Alexi...))

Okami Yuki: 4,3,6,10,6,1,4,4,

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: (We should inititive right here)

Okami Yuki: ((ble))

Karlos Basoalto: 4,

Alexi Rothechilde : 5,

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: (or you can grapple. It's str + brawl to grapple Okami)


Karlos Basoalto: ((13, but this will change, so ignore it for now))

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: 3,

Okami Yuki: ((I think so... ))

Okami Yuki: 2,

Okami Yuki: 8

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: (8 for me and brb 2 secs)


Karlos Basoalto: ((Rollit okami))

Okami Yuki: ((well I did saw the he pulling the dart gun =P at least *G*))

Alexi Rothechilde : ((11))

Karlos Basoalto: ((I have half an hour. Roll the dice))

Okami Yuki: ((there!)) eight

Karlos Basoalto: ((Roll STR+BRAWL to grapple!))

Okami Yuki: 9,4,7,5,1,2,8,9,

Karlos Basoalto: ((Ok, end of turn. Karlos is down an alley, Angelia is diving and Alexi misses, yet gets a small Japanese woman wrapping her arms around him.))

Alexi Rothechilde : ((Rolling str+Brawl as well...))

Karlos Basoalto: ((Your action was to fire the gun, Alexi))

Karlos Basoalto: ((You can attempt to break free in the next round if you wish))

Alexi Rothechilde : ((Sorry jumped ahead. *sheepish grin*))

Karlos Basoalto: 7,

Karlos Basoalto: ((Init back to what it should be for this turn. Still, no sign of Karlos))

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: (Back)


Alexi Rothechilde : 5,7,

Alexi Rothechilde : With the woman riding him, Alexi presses the gun into her gut, the barrel upside down and fires.

Karlos Basoalto: ((So, Karlos is on 13, Alexi on 11, Okami on 8, Angelia was on what? 14?))

Okami Yuki: ((oops, I didn't consider THAT!)) *she'll heck try to move out of it* ((and spending rage to be able to dodge and do kichi him off the gun!))

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: (Is 8)

Karlos Basoalto: ((Ok, so Karlos, Alexi, Okami, then Ang))

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: Ang hits the ground and pulls out her own guns, tranq in her right hand, pistol in her left. (drawing weapons this round - spending one rage to shoot at the end of the round too)


Karlos Basoalto: Karlos is kinda passing this turn, doing invisible thingies down an alley. Or maybe he's vanished. Alexi is firing at Okami. Okami, roll dex+dodge.

Okami Yuki: 2,3,4,5,4,5,

Okami Yuki: ((no good =( ))

Karlos Basoalto: 4,8,1,9,5,7,

Okami Yuki: 7,6,8,

Angelia Caponelli [AM] -> Karlos Basoalto: Incase you don't have the info on hand - : (tranq darts do 5 die damage (plus extra sux from the attack roll, as per firearms), first one is lethal rest bashing, if the vic doesn't soak all damage, then the needle pierces, if the needle pierces. roll 9 dice for the drug, if the person soaks vs. 8 on the drug they can spend WP for each turn to ignore it, but are at -3 on dice pools. when out of WP they are paralyzed by the drug))


Karlos Basoalto: The dart gets snarled up in Okami's robes, squitting tranquiliser all over her skin.

Karlos Basoalto: ((Rage actions: Okami's, then Angelia's))

Karlos Basoalto: ((Okami!))

Okami Yuki: *lets out a faint hiss, and reaches to twiste the hand, wth a sharp quick gesture to send the gun flying* ((well I was gonna kcik, but taking she is behind...))

Okami Yuki: 3,5,2,6,5,6,7,4,

Okami Yuki: ((mhe on die more! sorry!))

Karlos Basoalto: ((dex+martial arts, or simply brawl if you don't have MA))

Okami Yuki: 10,7,1,10,1,8,6,

Okami Yuki: ((well Singha said Brawl in asias was MA *nods*))

Karlos Basoalto: ((Yes, well. Moving swiftly on))

Karlos Basoalto: ((Ang?))

Okami Yuki: (roling damage.. ))

Okami Yuki: 7,2,4,2,5,

Alexi Rothechilde : 2,6,3,

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: Ang shoots Alexi with her own dart gun. Nini Alexi.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: 3,8,7,5,4,9,9,

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: 9,6,9,9,4,4,1,5,

Karlos Basoalto: There's a grapple for the tranq gun that's locked in a stalemate.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: (The second being damage)


Alexi Rothechilde : 2,2,3,

Karlos Basoalto: 5,3,8,2,6,2,1,9,8,

Alexi Rothechilde : 3,2,3,

Alexi Rothechilde : ((The dice...hate me.))

Karlos Basoalto: Sack of spuds, our Alexi, just as the Bitchmobile pulls up at the kerb.

Karlos Basoalto: ((That's curb to you heathens *G*))

Alexi Rothechilde : "Frell," he grunts, brown eyes widening as he goes down in a heap.


Okami Yuki: *once he is down, she doesnt wait, she just tries to scoop her, just reaching to untanlge darg from cloth were not it to stink her NOW*

Okami Yuki: 6,6,8,

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: Ang shoves her guns away and growls, "Son of a whore why is it always me they shoot at?" She shakes her head and looks around to see what sort of PR clean up they're going to have to do before she reaches around to grab Alexi's arms.

Karlos Basoalto: He strides from the alley, his sword sheathed at his side, scowling. "Into the car. Now!"

Okami Yuki: *she frowns, cletching her jaw, moving and UNTIL she is at the car she says in a soft voice* I was affected by the dart *trying to keep herself focused*


Karlos Basoalto: Well alas they chose to have a gunfight on a downtown street mid-morning. Possibly not the best choice.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Would you help me with this bag of bones some one?"


Karlos Basoalto: His strides take him right to Aleksi, where he helps Angelia heft him into the Bitchmobile, and fast.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: Ang haulls him into the bichmobile fast with Karlos' help and pulls the door closed. "Okami, we have the antidote at home."

Okami Yuki: ((Prods Okami sllunched it to carry to car*points up*, but that Karlos and her works)) *moving along with them, tense, focusing*

Reyna: She pulls up in the Bitchmobile and opens the side door. "Who needs a ride?"

Karlos Basoalto: He ushers Okami into the car, then gets the shotgun seat, barking at Reyna "Go."

Okami Yuki: *and nods to Angelia, looking to her a moment, while she places both her hands over her lap*

Karlos Basoalto: ((We already did that bit, Rave *G*))

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: (Lol! We're in the car :) )

Okami Yuki: ((^snickers*))

Alexi Rothechilde : ((Yup! In the car with a handsome man, obviously Lord who looks a bit like Lex! *grins*))


Karlos Basoalto: Presumably the bitchmobile starts moving at some point.

Karlos Basoalto: He glances into the back. "Everyone okay?"

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: Ang growls and climbs in the back to start looking over the man, trying to figure out his disguise.

Reyna: ((Sorry. Misread. *S*)) She guns it, driving off.

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Yeah. Just could you keep an eye on Okami please Karlos?"

Okami Yuki: I am fine... still *softly, moving in place* should we search him? *well keep focusing, helps keep here, right?*

Karlos Basoalto: He nods. "Take this one to the Elders. See if he, she, or it is infected. I'll get Okami home."

Reyna: "Where am I driving? K-R or Park?" Keeping her eyes on the road, alert.

Alexi Rothechilde : And Alexi is an unresponsive lump.

Reyna: "Park it is, then."

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "It's Alexis Karlos."


Karlos Basoalto: He nods. "Park first."

Karlos Basoalto: He frowns at Angelia. "You're certain?"

Okami Yuki: *she'll glance at Alexis, then back to the others*

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Yes."

Karlos Basoalto: He frowns worriedly. "The baby?"

Okami Yuki: *perks slightly, looking from one to the other* the woman is pregnant?

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "I don't know... I don't know what's happened to her but I'm sure it is her."

Reyna: "What, the Doc take her to Sweden?"

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "Looks like Reyna..." She frowns.

Karlos Basoalto: "Let's just... get her cleansed... Get it out of her... Ask Rose to help. She can save the baby, maybe..." He looks worried.

Alexi Rothechilde : Given what Ange's hands find as she looks for a way to get the suit off, Reyna's comment doesn't seem so far off the mark. The disguise is rather...complete.

Reyna: "Ouch. So what about the kid?"

Okami Yuki: *frowns now, looking at the guy who is a woman laying there*

Angelia Caponelli [AM]: "There's healers in the sept. I have no idea how they did this."

Karlos Basoalto: "See if you can figure it out." He glances over Okami, then falls silent, simply waiting for Reyna's mad driving skillaz to pay off.

Karlos Basoalto: ((And I really gotta bail folks *hugs*))

Alexi Rothechilde : ((*HUGS* bye hon! Thank you!))

Karlos Basoalto: ((*snugses*))

Reyna: "This Doc doesn't have to worry about just an ass-kicking now. He's got a serious malpractice suit on his hands now."

Okami Yuki: ((*snugs* seeya!)) *she is just trying to stay awake, looking drwosy*