Laidan: It taken a little wandering to get to Reyna's beat up old van. The tired little metis rapping on a few wrong cars before she finally finds the one that has Reyna smell. And she taps on it hopefully. Her feet didn't like the fact she'd been walking around without shoes.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: The side door opens, and she looks out. Ooh, there's the smell of pot, fairly strong, too. She smiles as she sees Laidan. "Hey, you. How are you?"

Laidan: "I'm okay." She says, subdued. A bit of feeling, and then she crawls into the van with the other woman.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She lets the woman in without complaint, and shuts the door behind them. "It's good to see you." She puts a hand briefly on the other's shoulder, a touch of warmth and affetcion. "Have a seat wherever."

Laidan: "Thank you Reyna." She says quietly, and simply sits right where she is. A hand pauses to rub her feet, just a little bit.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "Any time, hon." She nods a little bit and takes a seat. "You want something to drink, or anything?" Yes, she's trying to play hostess in the back of a van.

Laidan: "Do you have any water?" She 'looks' up to the woman again, starting to relax a little.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "I do, in fact." She nods, moving to the minifridge she has in the back, and taking out a bottled water. She uncaps it and presses it gently into the other's hand.

Laidan: She makes a little smile, half amused by the fridge in the back. She takes the water, and holds it in both hands. "Thank you again, Reyna."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "Again, any time." She takes a seat on the floor, sighing. The joint is still burning in the ashtray...she reaches over and stubs it out. "So, what's new with you, hon?"

Laidan: She sootches, so she's leaning against the other, curled up against her. "I had to play peacemaker today. It was hard. It's not my moon."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "Ahh. Yeah, peacemaker isn't easy. I had to do it a lot, and it sure as hell ain't my moon."

Laidan: "I don't like it." She murmurs, sipping the water a little bit. "I'm sorry you had to do it too. It's not fun."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "Nope." She shakes her head, an arm slipping around Laidan. "Our people...they aren't peacemakers. We don't keep things calm, we stir shit up. I think..." She frowns. "I think it's part of what got me so far off-base."

Laidan: "You're like a Ragabash. Ragabash aren't meant to be Philodoxes either." She murmurs, her head resting on Reyna's shoulder. A hand reaches out to curl in Reyna's. "M'gonna try and help you too."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "Thanks." She grins a little bit at that. "You're good people, y'know that?"

Laidan: "So are you. You always help me, no matter what. It means a lot." She curls into her more, with a little sigh. "I like your van."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "Thanks." She looks around it with a grin. "I like it, too." There's a moment, before she speaks up again. "So, I met Ashlyn last night. The kin Joshua's living with." Conversational tone, just for a switch in topics, maybe.

Laidan: "Joshua is living with a kin?" She blinks and slumps a little bit. No one told her. "Oh. Is she nice?"

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "Yeah, she's nice." She nods a little, shrugging. "Her name's Ashlyn...she's a model. Hung out with her last night, looked for a serial killer, then headed back to her place and had a good, long chat about Nuwisha and kinfolkd and Joshua and a lot of other things." She sighs, leaning back and looking at the ground. She shifts a little bit, staring at her feet.

Laidan: She shifts her head to listen to Reyna better, still stroking her hand. Soothing as best she can. "What's wrong?" She asks softly.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "Nothing," she says with a shrug and a smile. "Lost in my quicksand-like mind for a moment, is all. Stuck on wierd thoughts."

Laidan: "Do you want to talk about the weird thoughts? Or just let them lie for now?" She says quietly, just... wanting to help. Reyna was one of the hard ones to help.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "I dunno," she honestly responds. "Just one of those confusing things, y'know? Just kinda fucked up, and funny, and frustrating, and I have this urge to start screaming profanity at Father Coyote, 'cause his sense of humor knows no bounds."

Laidan: "You can scream at me." She offers, sincerely. "And sometimes, it helps if you just... start talking. One word. And then it all comes out and you just keep talking. And sometimes you get mad or upset, and you're so tired in the end but... you said it. All those words and thoughts and hurt go out. And yeah. I know. I really do."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She sighs a little. "Laidan, sweetie...I just don't wanna wierd you out. And I think...this kinda might, is all."

Laidan: "I don't know. I've had a lot of weird things. My ex-lover was a man for awhile." She tries to gently lift her spirits. Anything. It upsets her she can't help more.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She actually laughs at that. "Point. Mine was different breeds for a while." She shakes her head with a grin. "It's wierd feelings for kinda shit, and all things considered, it might get wierd you some, is all I'm sayin'. Plus, I know you're hurting, and I don't wanna amplify that."

Laidan: "You're hurting too Reyna. You deserve to have someone listen too. I don't know I'll understand all you're saying, I might get weirded out. But I can at the very least listen and let you spill it out." She smiles, a sad little look. "I'm always gonna be hurting about something Reyna. That's who I am- that's how I feel. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna help my friends, ever. So. I'm here for you, when you need me."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She looks at Laidan with a sad smile of her own, then nods. "All right. Well..." She sighs. "You ever have a situation come up where you kinda-sorta-in a half-assed way-but you don't know if that was the case passed someone over, 'cause you were getting with someone else...but then, after that other person's gone, you find yourself wondering about the first person? But the first person is just getting over their own thing, and maybe going after someone else now, and you don't wanna interfere, but you know that the person the first person is maybe going after is maybe going after someone entirely different?"

Laidan: She pauses, and seems to think about that, slowly going through each process. "... no. But I -do- understand what you're saying. Very much so."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She sighs. "So...yeah. That's what I'm goin' through right now." She sighs. "I ain't good with love, Laidan. Didn't really love anyone at all 'fore I hit New York, and then...well, I loved Trevor to death." She snorts a little. "Literally. But let's be honest, that whole thing was hardly an example for a normal or healthy relationship. It was good, even when it was bad, but...damn. Didn't help the old Reyna Emote-O-Meter 5000, y'know?"

Laidan: She squeezes Reyna's hand gently, and turns so she can hug the woman. "You think I'm very good with love Reyna?" It's gently, just letting her know she's not alone. "I loved Alexis. Who betrayed the Garou. Who betrayed me. Who loved Fausto. And who didn't love me enough. And then I loved Brian. Who... hated... the Garou. You don't love at all. And then you love with abandon. And it hurts. It hurts so much. But..." He hesitates, trying to think how to phrase it. "I know you hurt more. I know it was much harder on you. But I don't... think it's impossible Reyna. If you like this person... take tiny steps. Don't go so fast, I guess."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She purses her lips, quiet for a long moment after Laidan speaks, staring at her wide-eyed.

Laidan: The little metis misses that look. But she continues to snuggle Reyna and hold her hand. She looks a little nervous at the silence, but that may be because she's not usre to it.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "You... I... he..." Each time, her mouth opoens, and then shuts. She's quiet for a moment longer, and then shakes her head, blinking several times. "...Jesus, Laidan. You're good."

Laidan: She flushes, a little but smiles. She leans up to gently kiss Reyna's cheek. "I got hurt. I learned from the hurt. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt now, just means... I can use it. I'm... not good or anything. I'm just me. I say what I feel. Acting on what you feel can hurt. A lot. But sometimes, it just feels so right."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She nods a little bit, her voice getting a little rougher. "Yeah, I know. But a lot of things feel right, Lai. Doesn't mean they are. Mind plays funny tricks on ya, y'know? Hell, if I did what felt right, I woulda run out of this fuckin' black hole of a city a few months ago, if not earlier."

Laidan: "I know Reyna. Sometimes what feels right ends up... feeling right, but being wrong. I use Alexis again. It felt right. I loved her. But it was wrong. By Garou standards and overall." She hugs the woman a little more. "It's selfish of me to say so Reyna... but I'm glad you didn't run Reyna. You're a good friend, a very close friend. One of the only people who... mothered me in a way. And I think you're so much stronger Reyna. For not running. For staying. For sticking out despite everything." She nuzzles the others. "I probably would have run."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She sighs. "Yeah, well...what can I say. Maybe you'da made the smarter choice." It's a joke, obviously, despite the still-slightly-hoarse voice. "Thank you, though. I 'ppreciate hearin' that."

Laidan: "Maybe. But I don't know how to travel back in time yet to find out." She lifts a hand, stroking her hair as she hears the stress on her voice Reyna. "It's the truth. I'll keep saying it Reyna. For a long time. You're a good person too."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She smiles a little, and sighs, leaning against Laidan. After a moment, she clears her throat and wipes at her eyes a little. "Whoo. So, then...who needs a drink?"

Laidan: She kisses Reyna's head and squeezes her, asking in a soft voice. "Little better? And I still have my water. Thank you though."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "I..." She frowns, thinking. "Yeah, I guess. A little." She disengages from Laidan, moving over to the mini-fridge, and pulls out a bottle of El Jimador Tequila and a glass from the floor next to the fridge. A good, tall glass is poured.

Laidan: She releases Reyna without question. And she pushes the woman no more. What she spilled out and figured out was enough for now. Laidan was happy with that. She pick up her water and sips it, pulling her knees to her chest.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: The bottle is put back in the fridge, and she moves to sit back down near Laidan, sighing. "This is, by far, the most fucked-up city in existance. No wonder I haven't left yet." She chuckles, taking a drink of the potent alcohol.

Laidan: "I wouldn't know. I've never been to any other cities, really. Well, not that I know of, at least." She makes a small sniffing noise, having never smelled tequila before.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "Los Angeles was fucked-up...Miami was pretty bad. Never, EEEEVER go to Montreal. But none of 'em hold a candle to En-Why-See."

Laidan: She seems to think about this. "It is, I guess. But you know... I'd never leave. Because all the people I've come to love are here. Maybe, if they all left or something... but... otherwise, no."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She nods. "Yeah, I know. Damn silly attachments to people." She grins a little bit, the alcohol adding to the buzz from the pot she was smoking.

Laidan: "Silly indeed." She yawns a little bit, curling up against the other woman again. "Silly or not. Still love you."

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: "I love ya too, Laidan." She finishes off the glass in a couple quick gulps, making the tequila face and shivering. "Ughlrh." Yes, that is a word. She smiles and leans against Laidan, comfortable. "Yer good peeps."

Laidan: "So are you." She yawns again, her voice starting to sound a little sleepy.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: She reaches up and drags a couple blankets off the cot, fumble-wrapping them around the two of them and settling back, closing her eyes. A little laugh-ish sound. "Mmmm. I love it when the room spins..."

Laidan: Laidan makes a little noise, maybe agreeing, though she doesn't know what Reyna means. She curls up against the other, snuggling into the blanket and closing blind eyes.

Reyna Varinia Reiruno [Back of the Bitchmobile]: And slowly, she drifts off to sleep, resting comfortably against Laidan.