Spitfire: He laughs "You'd be amazed
howe many have said that to me. Call me, Gunther has my number I want to meet he
higher ups anyway." He scowls not use to this at all "Sorry about leaving your
ass out, fucking lost it there."
Sady: ~She blinks. Just once~ Where tha
fuck is he?
Teri Jensen: *Brow arching, just a bit,
quiet as she watches Sady intently*
Spitfire: A raised eyebrow He went back
out from my place last night, said he was going your way, mentioned fucking home
Spitfire: (("He went))
Sady: ~Her eyes narrow, peering at him~ Ya
ain't seen 'im since? ~She finally reaches up and straightens her jacket from
their run in, the scowl deepening on her face~
Spitfire: He snakes his head "Nope, left
fucking early to." He looks to Tewri then back to Sady "He is a big fucker, you
can't have lost him?"
Spitfire: ((Snakes=shakes *God bad
spelling tonight! my apologises*))
Teri Jensen: Dumb fucker. Probably lost
himself. *Half muttered as she scowls*
Sady: He didn't come home last night. An I
can't get 'im on tha phone. He said 'e was goin somewhere but I can't member
what tha hell 'e said an now I can't find 'im. ~Her lips purse, eyes flickering
with that odd emotion for the mouthy little thing. She looks away again, eyes
narrowing to tiny slits~
Sady: ~Her eyes slowly slides to Teri, her
balled up fists coming out of her pockets~ Ya better check yer girl.
Spitfire: "He mentioned Marcel."
Teri Jensen: *She arches a brow again* He's
lucky he's got teeth left, after how he talked to me.
Sady: ~She looks back to Bruce, nods, then
turns and starts walking again, pulling her phone from her jacket~
Sady: ~She stops, turning to look back at
Teri with a snort~ Did he call ya slut, bitch, cunt, shit like that?
Spitfire: He smiles a little "Yeah he did
call her that, he also went a little far Sady. We all have mouths but he can't
take an insult so he shouldn't fucking give them."
Sady: That's jus tha way 'e is. Don' like it,
then stay tha fuck away from 'im. Where most guys call bitches cutesy fuckin
names, he calls 'em names that piss 'em off. He don't understand any different.
Ya take a swing at 'im over it, and ya got me ta deal with. Get it?
Teri Jensen: *A half shrug, looking at Bruce
again* So. Tree?
Spitfire: His face drops "I like Gunther,
an I respect he doesn't want me calling you bitch and the like, so I don't, but
when he doesn't respect mine, then it gets nasty. I forgave his ass once, even
gave ghim so fuckign tips to help your realationship so how about you back the
fuck off...Now! You got my respect but don't fucking push it!"
Spitfire: ((ghim so fuckign=him some
Sady: ~She sneers~ I ain't pushin shit,
so go fuck yerself. I'm tellin ya like it is. Now go distract yer little barbie
doll with tha pretty lights before she gets 'er panties in a bunch. I gotta
german ta go find. ~She turns and tromps away once more~ I'll call ya later.
Spitfire: He scowls the bitch had no
respect. "Yeah smell you later Sady!"
Teri Jensen: See what I mean? She fucked her
way into a position, and now it's nothing but attitude. *Arm linking in his*
Sady: ~She doesn't look back, the phone
already to her ear as she stomps away~
Sady: ((~G~ Character switch. Sady
might've been nicer if she wasn't so worried about Gunther. ~LOL~))
Spitfire: "Nah, I think she earned it, but
that still doesn't make her the end all be all, I have yet to be stopped in this
fucking town, am the fucking Spitfire!"
Ricky Prince: The man stalks his way down
the street, sticking to the shadows. The term 'stalks' is appropriate...or
perhaps, 'prowls.' Whatever he's doing, it sure as hell isn't walking in what a
normal person considers. He's crouched low to the groun, looking around from
underneath a baseball cap, sniffing at the air with a deformed sort of
nose...something almost like a dog's snout. A new beauty mark for the man.
Twitch: ~Shuffle..... shuffleshuffle.....
out of an alley, and into the flow of foot traffic. A little squeak and a hop to
the side, the little robe hugging at the wall, narrowly missing being tripped
over by a couple of pairs of much taller legs~ ((If anyone needs a description
lemme know))
Ricky Prince: ((Same here, with the DD))
Twitch -> Ricky Prince: ((Yes please?
Ricky Prince -> Twitch: Caged fury rails
behind the blue-green irises in this young man’s face. Maybe 23, 24 years old,
with unruly golden-brown hair that ends midway down his neck and covering his
ears, he walks with the moves of a predator, stalking his prey...whatever that
may be. His face is oddly shaped...his nose is deformed, a bit longer and raised
around the sides, almost like a wolf's snout. He has a habit for wearing
solid-color or band T-shirts, usually greens and reds or industrial and Goth
metal, and a pair of torn. dirty jeans. A pair of fingerless gloves cover his
hands. Animals tend to shy away from him, sensing his status at the top of the
food chain combined with a sharper instinct then even they possess.
Teri Jensen: Come on, Spitfire. Let's go
see the tree. *Giving him a slow smile*
Spitfire: He turns his head slowly to look
at her a small curl of the lips "Okay I'll take you to see your tree."
Ricky Prince: He looks up, eyes falling on
Spitfire and Teri, and he pauses in his stalk down the street. Lips curl a
little, momentarily, as he watches them...more a threatened animal's look then
anything like derision.
Twitch: ~Little arms tighten around the
bugs bunny doll and the small stuffed wolf in the cloaked arms, and the little
lump takes off at a bolt, heading for the big tree, a little extra spring to the
d10: Per & Alert: 8,1,9,2,
Spitfire: He walks head looking as he just
catches Ricky, he looks about to say something then he notices the look. His
eyes half close as his fist balls at his side, You want to hunt me, not
fucking likely.
Teri Jensen: *Following his gaze when he
tenses, looking Ricky over slowly*
Ricky Prince: The gazes from the two bring
a narrowing to his eyes, the curl of his lip returning, peeling back from his
teeth in a warning gesture. "The fuck you lookin' at, ese? I ain't done
shit to you."
Spitfire: "No you fucking ain't, but you
started the fucking looking, see you have had a nose job."
Ricky Prince: "Ha fuckin' ha." He sneers. "See you got a useless growth attached to your hip."
Twitch: ~Tree in sight. An excited
squeal, and the nubby little legs double their effort. Brushing past long legs
and weaving through people, the little thing bolting........ straight onto a
patch of ice. There's a loud squeal of surprise, nubby arms and legs flying out
wide, then a belly flop and a lump of robes goes sliding along the sidewalk~
Spitfire: That get a low growl in
Spitfire's throat his eyes hardening over as he step forward "Watch your fucking
mouth mutt!"
Teri Jensen: *She lets go of his arm,
content to let him take care of it, attention grabbed instead by the squeal*
Ricky Prince: He mutters something back in
Spanish. Whatever it was, it was hardly a compliment. Fingers flex into a stance
like claws, sharp eyes flicking over to Twitch before going back to Teri and
Ricky Prince -> Twitch: ~SP~ "Suck my dick,
fucking punk bitch." ((That's what Ricky said to Spitfire. *S*))
Twitch: ~A doll in each hand clenched
tightly snap up over the misshapen hood as the little robe skids along the
pavement, right at Ricky's legs. The startled little squeal still coming from
it's throat~
Spitfire: He half turns looking to where
Teri is going but keeping Ricky still well within his vision "Whats your fucking
beef big Ricky."
Twitch -> Ricky Prince: ((~G~ Spank ye))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Athletics: 6,6,7,4,1,
Ricky Prince: He leaps to the side, away
from the dimuntive woman sliding at him like a runaway sled with a snarl. His
eyes watch her slide by, before looking back to Spitfire. "I ain't trust ya,
chico. Yer Chucky's boy, from what I seen, and I dunno what that means for
Twitch: ~And......... kersmack. Had the
nubby little arms not been covering it's head, that could have been alot more
painful when the robe met the wall~
Spitfire: He puts his foot out stopping
Twitch and grin "Ricky, Chunky ain't running the show anymore, I'am, went a
little to far and had to play the fiddler, he owed the devil a wager."
Twitch: ~Or foot, rather. A grunt, and the
beady little eyes peering around the arms up at Spitfire~ Thankth.....
Ricky Prince: His head cocks to the side,
curiously regarding the man. "Ya iced 'im?"
Joshua Coil: *Walking home from the firing range, alone,
in the dark. His gloved hands are tucked into the pockets of his long coat. He
walks with a slight lurch, and a hunch to his back. His eyes remain up, alert,
but mostly he just looks tired.* ((http://www.geocities.com/fangwulf/josh.html))
Twitch: ((~Staples tag~))
Spitfire: Twitch: "Get up T", he then
looks to Ricky "You can call him on ice."
Twitch: ((~Tries again~))
Twitch: ~The tiny thing squirms up to it's
feet, shaking the robe straight. The hood tilting to Spitfire, then to the man
he's talking to~
Ricky Prince: A grunt of ackowledgment...eyes
flick over to Joshua, then back to Spitfire. "Then I got one question for ya.
Mary-Margaret. She with ya, or not?"
Teri Jensen : *Watching Twitch, head still
tilted a bit*
Joshua Coil: *He grunts slightly,
noting Ricky's presence, and he straightens. Just a bit. Watching curiously. A
fight? Oooh, a FIGHT. Yum.*
Twitch: ~Beady little eyes turn to Teri,
the hood tilts, the little robe taking a few steps back, clutching the dolls
tightly to it~
Spitfire: "She helped me catch out Chucky.
Why? She fucked with you too?"
Spitfire: His eyes flick to Joshua, great
all they needed was a fucking audience.
Ricky Prince: "Puta bitch is
crazy...no surprise, obviously. But she tried to fuckin' kill me. Where you
think I got the nose, a fuckin' plastic surgeon?"
Spitfire: He hooks his belt buckle, the
punk standing very much like a cowboy. "I know the bitch is crazy and I'm ready
for the double cross, for a bitch thats says she owns Brooklyn she is a scared
little girl when you have a rep to back you up...not sure whats to be done with
her yet."
Twitch: ~The little hood tilts over at
Ricky~ No hay nada mal con su nariz. Es una nariz muy agradable. ~The words all
but butchered by the lisp, but still they come~
Twitch -> Ricky Prince: ~SP~ There's
nothing wrong with your nose. It's a very nice nose.
Joshua Coil: *He shrugs, and lowers his
head again. Still listening. Something to worry about? Maybe.*
Spitfire: ((BRB))
Ricky Prince: He looks to Twitch, head
tilting, and he answers her in Spanish before looking up to Spitfire. "Yeah,
well, keep 'er ass away from me. Try to kill me once, shame on me. Try to kill
me, and end up blowin in the wind."
Joshua Coil: *He growls slightly, and
walks past. Done. Over with, and no fight. Dammit all.*
Spitfire: "Hey she comes at you again do
what you have to do."
Ricky Prince -> Twitch: "Thanks. Most find
it ugly, but it's good to know someone don't."
Twitch: ~The little hood turns to face
him, rattling off more spanish at Ricky, the tone bordering between amused and
Ricky Prince: "That's my plan." He nods to
Spitfire, eyes tracking Joshua as he walks past. Whether he considers the man
friend or foe, hard to tell. "Hey, Coil."
Spitfire: He looks to Joshua as he walks
off the growl getting his attention more than anything else
Joshua Coil: *He looks up slightly, again,
with a grunt. And when he speaks, the world wishes he wouldn't.* Hello, Mr.
Twitch -> Ricky Prince: Look at me. I find
beauty in what most call monstrous and ugly. Hey, if you're going to eat him,
can I watch? He's dumb as a brick and has the tact of a meat cleaver for a
butter knife.
Twitch: ~The little hood turns to watch
Spitfire leaving, then tilts to Teri again curiously~
Twitch: ((~takes white out, covers
leaving, scribbles in "for a moment"~))
Joshua Coil: ((The worst part about that
is, it'll cover a different word every time you refresh!))
Ricky Prince: He gives a vicious sort of
snicker and answers Twitch in Spanish, before looking back to Joshua. "Rough
night at work, or easy? I'm due there in a bit."
Ricky Prince -> Twitch: "I might. We'll
see. And sure, you can watch."
Joshua Coil: I apologize, for my
hesitation, *he says, his voice a jarred, choked growl. He cants his head, the
scar across his throat moving with his adam's apple.* I thought, perhaps, there
was about to be some tension here.
Twitch: ((~Blinks~ Damn.... I did it
again. ~Snickers~))
Joshua Coil: I'm off now. It's been slow.
I stopped off at the firing range to hone my skills. Now I'm off to do family
Spitfire: He looks to Teri and Twitch then
back to Joshua and Ricky. Teri "Hey baby, you know short stuff."
Twitch: ~The beady little eyes turn back
to Ricky, lighting up happily. A look to Spitfire, a little burst of snickers,
and the little lump shuffles towards Ricky, speaking again~
Twitch -> Ricky Prince: I'm Twitch. What's
your name?
Ricky Prince -> Twitch: "Ricky."
Ricky Prince: "Ricky," he says to Twitch,
before looking to Joshua. "Cool. Don't do anythin' I wouldn't do. Or most of the
shit I would."
Joshua Coil: *His head swivels, to
Spitfire, and then to the girls. Back to Ricky.* Friends of yours?
Twitch: ~A little nod, the gnarled little
hands clutching at the stuffed animals, then a toothy grin up at the big scary
man, and a look over to his friend, then over to Spitfire and Teri yet again~
Joshua Coil: *He looks curious at the big
smile. He frowns, and sniffs at her.*
Spitfire: ((I think we lost Bunny just so
you know))
Ricky Prince: "Associates." He shrugs a
little. "He's an ass, and she's...well, based on the way she looks, ya make yer
own guess. Don't wanna be rude to 'er, or some shit." He leers at Teri, then
looks back to Joshua. "This one seems cool." Jerking his head toward the tiny
Twitch: ~Beady little eyes blink at
Josh, lumpy little body taking a couple of steps back away from him~
Spitfire: He rolls his eyes and turns arm
going around Teri's shoulders as he stomps away with her.
Joshua Coil: *He blinks at that.* Okay,
*he says with a slight shrug.* Hello.
Twitch: ~The hood turns, watching Teri and
Spitfire, then looks back to Ricky and Joshua, a nodding hood to Josh~ hi....
Yew won't eat me wiw yew? ~The little thing smelling heavily of sewer sludge and
Joshua Coil: I'm not intending to. You
don't look ripe yet, *he says calmly.*
Spitfire: ((Thanks for the scene guys and
gals *hugs*))
Ricky Prince: "Yer fine," he mutters to
Twitch with a grin. "Ya ain't look like a steak er coffee."
Ricky Prince: ((Thanks, man! *Hugs*))
Joshua Coil: ((*L* Sorry we didn't get to
fight... I've been TRYING...))
Twitch: Thith ith ath wipe ath it getth
big man. Thowwy. ~Another toothy grin up at him, stuffed animals planting on
what should be hips in comparison to the size of the robe~
Joshua Coil: Or that, *he agrees.*
Speaking of which, I should probably grab one. Coffee, I mean, before going back
to work.
Twitch: ((~LIX a Judas~ Thanks sweetie
Twitch: No... But I could get yew thome if
yew ith hungwy. ~A confident little nod~
Ricky Prince: A snicker at their banter.
Joshua Coil: *He shrugs.* I'll get
something to eat on the way. Thanks for the offer. Err. Little. Person.
Twitch: ~The wolf gets stuffed under the
left arm with the bugs bunny doll and the gnarled, thick and yellowed nailed
right hand comes up~ Twitth. Nithe tew meet yew.
Joshua Coil: *He watches all those stuffed
animals. And he looks down to the hand. He takes it, trying to restrain his grip
as much as possible.* Joshua.
Twitch: ~The grip he gets it's average.
Nothing impressive, that's for sure. The beady little eyes look between the two
of them for a moment~
Ricky Prince: He takes a lean against the
wall, pulling out a cigarette and putting it in his lips. He flicks his Zippo,
far from him, and carefully brings it to his face, lighting it.
Joshua Coil: We work together, *he
explains, perhaps misunderstanding.*
Twitch: ~The eyes dart to Ricky, the
gnarled hand drawing back and taking hold of the wolf once more, quickly looking
back to Josh~
Twitch: ~The hood tilts at him~ I kinda
figewed that out. ~A nervous little snicker up at him~ What dew yew dew?
Ricky Prince: "Yep." The zippo is snapped
shut, extinguishing it, and he slips it into his pocket. "Regular office pals,
eh Coil?" A little smirk to the man.
Joshua Coil: *He looks ot the wolf stuffed
animal as well. He lets out a slight grunt, and he turns.* I've got to go.
Joshua Coil: *He looks over to Ricky.*
Well, I figure we haven't gotten into a fight yet. So at least there's that.
Twitch: ~The little face falls, then a
shrug~ I can go if yew two need tew tawk. ~The little robe turns and shuffles
towards the big tree~
Ricky Prince: "There is that." He nods.
"Catch ya later, hommes."
Ricky Prince: "Naah." He looks to Twitch.
"We ain't got nothin' much ta talk about, I don't think. Work's been slow, an'
that's about all I needed ta know."
Joshua Coil: No, it... *He sighs, as the
little hooded girl goes away.* I have to do a bit more work before I can go
home. So maybe I'll see you around.
Twitch: ~The little robe pauses, then
glances back at the two. Beady eyes watch them warily for a moment, then
brighten~ Hey! Maybe yew guyth can hewp me wif my wowk. Thith time of yeaw it
getth weewy thwoaw foaw me tew.
Joshua Coil: I guess... it depends on what
your work IS, *he murmurs.*
Twitch: I make thekewity and put it in
peepowth pwaytheth they hiew me foaw. But wite now thewe ith no wowk. Maybe yew
know thomeone that needth thome?
Ricky Prince: "What he said." He watches
Twitch, exhaling a drag of smoke. Almost looks like his breath is steaming in
the air, like most people.
Joshua Coil: *He pauses. This is harder
than interpreting Ita, dammit.* I... uhh... I'll see what I can do.
Ricky Prince: "I'll ask around," he says
with a shrug. "Never know."
Twitch: ~A little hop, the robe shuffling
back to the two~ Weewy? That'd be gweat! I'm getting weewy boawded and motht of
my fwendth awen't awound anymoaw. Weatht... I can't find them. ~A little shrug~
Mithtew Bobo wiketh to go off on hith own awot tho I'm uthuawwy thtuck by
mythewf. ~The little hood starts nodding~
Joshua Coil: *He turns his head to Ricky,
and his eyes widen. He mouths 'what did she say?'*
Joshua Coil: *He turns his head to Ricky,
and his eyes widen. He mouths 'what did she say?'*
Ricky Prince: "Mister Bobo?" He cocks his
head to the side. "The fuck's Mister Bobo?"
Ricky Prince: Joshua gets a grin, and a
Twitch: My wat. He wattheth thingth foawa
Joshua Coil: *He frowns, confusedly.*
Okay. I think I really should go.
Twitch: Ok. Yew want my numbew tho yew can
caw me if yew find wowk?
Ricky Prince: "Ahh, o' course." Her rat. He
chuckles and shakes his head.
Joshua Coil: I... sure. I should. *He
pulls his cell phone off of his hip. A brief scanning through the missed calls,
and he nods.* Okay. Go ahead.
Twitch: ~The number gets rattled off
slowly, to make sure it comes out as clearly as possible. Then a big grin to
both of them~
Joshua Coil: You need mine too so you
don't think it's a crank call? I've been told my voice sounds odd on the phone.
Twitch: ~Little hand disappears into
the robe with a nod, then a cell phone is produced. It gets opened up, and set
up for his number~
Karyan: *strolls down the street calmly.
tailored, bland suit covered by a tailored, bland coat. wearing a bland hat and
bland gloves. bland face composed under the hat's low brim. bland heels clicking
gently onthe sidewalk. here comes miss average in business attire*
Joshua Coil: *He of course spouts out his
number easily. There are some things one must never forget. A cup of coffee in
the morning and a cell phone.*
Twitch: ~The number gets entered, then the
phone is tucked away. A little hop, and a big smile up at him~ Yew be thafe now,
Ricky Prince: He glances over at Karyan as
she comes up, brow raising with some interest. A growl escapes, notifying others
of the approaching woman.
Joshua Coil: *His head swivels quickly.
Nostrils flare.*
Karyan: *hmm. two semi-familiar faces. now,
wherever does she know them? the large fellow talking to the unknown microbe--she'sseen
him quite recently. she does not allow her thoughts to cross her serene face*
Twitch: ~The little hood turns to look at
Ricky, then to the woman approaching. The lump shuffles quickly behind the two
men, tugging the hood down~
Karyan: *ah. the Club. nods to Joshua with a
small, composed smile. when she's close enough* good evening.
Joshua Coil: Evening, *he says, his voice
an unpleasant mess.*
Karyan: how are you this evening? *tilts her
head. perfectly calm despite his unmusical tone* i beleive i've seen you at the
Club, although i don't believe we've actually met. i work in the offices. i'm
Karyan. *glances to Ricky swiftly. WHERE has she seen him before. Twitch seems
to want to hide. ergo, she doesn't drop her dignity to peer about looking for
the little thing*
Ricky Prince: "Hola." A gruff nod to Karyan.
She works at the club...but he's also heard rumors about who she used to work
for. So it's a strange sort of wary kinship in his regard for her.
Joshua Coil: Security, *he says with a
Karyan: *nods politely back to Ricky* hello,
Karyan: *nods to Joshua* so i've seen.
*chuckles, very softly* you're a good security man.
Twitch: ~Beady little eyes peer around
from behind Ricky's legs at the woman, then duck away again~
Joshua Coil: You fix a gun well, *he says
with a calm eye.* Haven't missed since you recalibrated her.
Karyan: *arches an eyebrow mildly at the
disappearing eyeballs. odd little creature. she's seen odder. nothing to worry
about unless it attacks*
Ricky Prince: Eyes between his co-workers,
then back to Twitch. He drops to a crouch, trying to do so without sitting on
the little one, and murmurs quietly to her in Spanish.
Karyan: *a slightly more real smile* thank
you, sir. i do enjoy working with high-quality firearms. if you've others you'd
like looked over, do let me know.
Ricky Prince -> Twitch: "You okay?"
Twitch: ~A little shrug, and a whisper
to him in like language~
Twitch -> Ricky Prince: The last person
that looked normal like her that saw me freaked out and ran away screaming. I
don't want to scare her away too.
Ricky Prince -> Twitch: "She ain't
normal...far from it. She's like us, only Neutral."
Ricky Prince: He murmurs back to the little
Twitch: ~He gets a curious look at that
bit of news, the beady eyes peering around him at the woman, then to Ricky
again. More whispering~
Karyan: *looks down at the little one
curiously* mmm?
Twitch -> Ricky Prince: What families is
everyone from? And what teams?
Twitch: ~The nose wiggles at her, and a
hesitant smile, sending the bone spike through it's little nose waggling like a
Joshua Coil: I'll think about it, *he says
calmly. His head swivels back to the two. Not a lick of Spanish spoken by him.*
Karyan: *a soft chuckle, and smiles to the
little one* i assume you heard my name. what is yours? *nods to Josh* very good,
then. i work most evenings. i'm sure yoiu know what office i work out of.
Twitch: Twitth. Nithe tew meet yew.
~The hood tilts at her~
Karyan: it's a pleasure to meet you as well,
Twitch. *she actually sounds as if she means it, offering a gloved hand*
Ricky Prince -> Twitch: "I'm Gangrel, for
course. Ain't know what she clan she's from...Coil's a Lupine. They both work fo
eh Concerto...so do I. Don't tell them I toldja this shit, either.
Ricky Prince: Another quiet sentance of
Spanish to Twicth.
Twitch: ~A gnarled, grotesque little hand
reaches up and takes the offer, shaking it briefly and giving her a smile~ Yew
wowk in thekuwity too? ~Then a look to Ricky and a blink. She looks down at her
dolls, then to Ricky and whispers again~
Twitch -> Ricky Prince: My friend that
gave me the wolf was one of him. Maybe he knows what happened to my fiend? He's
Karyan: *chuckles* no, i work on the money
end of things. as a security person, i make a very good cook.
Ricky Prince: He shrugs to Twitch with a
quick grumbling.
Ricky Prince -> Twitch: "Might. Don't ask
him here, though. Be too obvious I told ya."
Twitch: ~A nod to Karyan, and then to
Ricky, each in turn. Then a smile~ OH! Can yew make good pithgetti? With wotth
of tthunkth?
Karyan: *blinks, then chuckles softly* not
really. that comment meant that i'm justvery, very bad at security. *ponders,
tapping her chin a moment* i can find a good recipe for itif you'd like one. if
Mr. Coil doesn'tmind, i can give it to him to give to you? *raises her eyebrow
at Twitch again*
Joshua Coil: I don't see a problem with
that. But perhaps you'd be interested in iss Twitch's business.
Joshua Coil: (('iss' being 'Miss'.))
Twitch: ~Hands stuff the toys into the
robe, then little arms wrap around Ricky's leg~ Ohhhhhh......
Karyan: *tilts her head to Joshua, allowing
curiousity to faintly color her voice and face* oh? and what might that be? *a
smile for both of them*
Twitch: I can't cook whewe I wive. Too
many tothik foomth. But thankth foaw the offew.
Joshua Coil: *Oh God, she had to ASK. He
pauses, trying to translate what Twitch had said, in his head. It is a slow
process.* Why don't I let Miss Twitch describe it to you? I am not good with
words. *Good one!*
Karyan: ah. *nods to Twitch* then, should i
find anywhere with particularly good spaghetti, i'll make a point of noting it
for you. is that acceptable? *not that she'd know good sketti if it curled up in
her lap*
Twitch: Thekuwity. I make and inthtaw
thythtemth. ~A sage nod~
Twitch: ~Another nod, and a smile~ Thank
Karyan: *nods to Joshua* all right. Miss
Twitch, if you would care to elaborate? *head tilting slightly again*
Ricky Prince: He's just standing there,
leaning against the wall, not seeming to mind the fact that there's a little
thing attacked to his leg. He chain-lights a new cigarette off the old one,
watching and listening. Eyes flick around the vicinity every once in a while,
scanning the street for potential threats.
Karyan: *both brows raise to Twitch*
truly? hmm. then perhaps i would have an interest in your work. *a smile*
perhaps, i might give you my card and we can arrange a discussion of this at
some point? i'd like a better security system for my own place. ((*shoves last
post before Twitch's explanation*))
Twitch: Camewath, mothon detektewth,
awawmth, thtuff wike that.
Twitch: ~Nods~ That'd be good. Wowk ith
thwow thith time of yeaw.
Karyan: *considers* cameras, i wouldn'tneed.
but motion detectors and alarms would be very nice. what are your rates?
Joshua Coil: Trust and the Spirit of
Christmas abound, *he mutters.* No less muggings around Queens, though.
Karyan: *opens up her briefcase to take out
a card and an electronic address book* then, here is my card. may i have your
number as well, please?
Twitch: Cotht of thupwithe, that'th it. I
make no pwofitth.
Karyan: *chuckles to Josh* true enough.
fools and their money are soon parted--particularly when the parter happens to
have a club, gun, or knife.
Twitch: ~A nod to Joshua, then a look to
Karyan, as the number is repeated, just as it was with Josh. Slowly and as
clearly as possible~
Joshua Coil: *He mutters 'thupwithe' aloud
a couple of time,s trying to translate it.*
Karyan: *thatgets ablink* no profit? whyever
not? *attempts to wrap her mind around that one. square peg, round hole....*
Ricky Prince: "Yeah, happy fuckin'
holidays, eh?" He smirks Joshua's way.
Ricky Prince: A lean over toward Joshua,
and he mutters. "Supplies."
Twitch: I have no uthe foaw it. ~A little
shrug and a tilt of the hood~
Joshua Coil: OH, *he says, his eyes
widening.* Thank you.
Twitch: ~The card is tucked away into the
robe, beady little eyes looking amusedly over at Ricky and Joshua~
Ricky Prince: "De nada."
Karyan: *blinks again at Twitch. so not
getting it* ah.....that's an interesting philosophy to hold. *manages to get a
smile past the shellshocked look.no PROFIT? what??*
Twitch: ~The eyes go back to Karyan, a
smalll giggle and a shrug~
d10: per + emp: 2,4,3,3,3,
Ricky Prince: ((*Applauds* Nicely done!))
Twitch: ((~bows~ Thank you....... thank
Karyan: *G* no ones! that's a goooood
thing!)) *blinks several more times. slowly recovering.* well, i think i can
afford the best quality of whatever supplies you need, Miss Twitch*
Twitch: ~The little eyes go big, and
quickly look at Ricky, the little hood leaning in to whisper~
Joshua Coil: I don't put alarms up, *he
says calmly.* If someone breaks in, they deal with me. It seems to be enough.
*He yawns.* Okay. Must get coffee, and get going. Work to do.
Ricky Prince: He leans down to listen.
Twitch -> Ricky Prince: Would I report
to them if I have a problem with a freaky person that I know isn't one of us but
is something?
Karyan: *chuckles to Josh* you're quite a
bit larger than i am, though. have a good evening, Mr. Coil.
Joshua Coil: You too, *he says, with a
nod. A look over to Ricky, and almost disappointment. Not enough fighting. He
turns, and walks away.*
Twitch: ~The hood turns to Karyan and the
little thing smiles~ Whatevew yew want I can dew. ~A nod~ And I give yew
bwoopwintth to awe of it tho yew know how it wowkth too. ~The hood tilts to
Josh, a nod and a smile to him~ Be thafe.
Ricky Prince: "Yeah." He nods. "They'd be
the ones."
Karyan: *nods serenely to Twitch, with a
smile* i can understand basic blueprints, i think. i'd like those, yes. i'm
afraid i must be goingmyself, though. *chuckles softly* i've several personal
accounts to look over this evening still.
Ricky Prince: He looks up to Joshua and
gives an upward tilt to his chin. "Hasta."
Twitch: ~One elongated tooth pokes at her
lip~ Wait! um.... thewe'th.... I have to wepowt thomethingth. Can I wawk yew
Karyan: *blinks slowly to Twitch* part of
the way, at least. i'm going to the Club to work on the accounts. *a small
Twitch: Wew... thewe'th thith wady. And
thee keepth twying to catth me. And thee mewted my caw, and thot at me, and
wunth awound naked and awe covewed with wiewth.
Ricky Prince: He grunts a little. "I better
head off...gotta go find dinner 'fore I get to work."
Twitch: ~The little bundle lets go of
Ricky's leg and nods, waving to him~ Be thafe
Karyan: *eyes widen slightly* goodness! that
doesn't sound pleasant at all. perhaps, this once, you should consider taking on
some profit to at least aquire a new car.....come along, then, if you like.
*smiles softly*
Ricky Prince: "I try." He smirks a little.
"Dangerous times for our kinda folk. Beunos nochas, chicas." A nod to
them both, and he heads off.
Karyan: good evening, sir. *a small smile
to Ricky and a nod. begins to head twoard the club*
Ricky Prince: ((Tankee for de scene!))
Karyan: ((*snug* thank you. *G*))
Twitch: ~A little wave to Ricky, and
shuffling over next to Karyan~ Nah. My fwend ith going to buiwd me a new one. It
wath a thpethawwy made caw. I twied to tew him not tew, but I don't think he'th
going to withen tew me.
Twitch: ((Thanks babe! ~Hugs N lix~))