Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *Benny's not far from
Chinatown coming out of a cafe and sitting down at a table where he proceeds to take his
puzzle book out and open it to a marked page..
Ricky Prince: He stalks his way down the street,
scratching at the gloves he's wearing on his hands. He's a little irritable tonight, and
he heads in the general direction of the cafe.
Ricky Prince: Caged fury rails behind the blue-green
irises in this young mans face. Maybe 23, 24 years old, with unruly golden-brown
hair that ends midway down his neck and covering his ears, he walks with the moves of a
predator, stalking his prey...whatever that may be. He has a habit for wearing solid-color
or band T-shirts, usually greens and reds or industrial and Goth metal, and a pair of
torn. dirty jeans. A pair of fingerless gloves cover his hands. Animals tend to shy away
from him, sensing his status at the top of the food chain combined with a sharper instinct
then even they possess.
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *Benny's practically
engrossed in the puzzle that he's working on, half eaten, and now cold, plate of nachos
and a soda sitting on hte table next to him...
Ricky Prince: 2,3,7,6,2,
Ricky Prince: Something catches that hunter's nose
of his...nachos, soda syrup, and kid. He pivots his head in the direction of the kid at
the table, a little smirk playing on his face.
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *Benny's a kid alright,
just your every day run-of-the-mill one, and pretty much non-descript at that and probably
would have gone unnoticed if he hadnt been the only one sitting outside at the time of the
morning it is. Quietly working away at a find-a-word puzzle which he's about half way
through completing...
Ricky Prince: He pivots turning in the direction of
the kid, and starts heading his way. He heads up to the table and looks over Benny's
shoulder, grinning down. "Whatcha doin', kid?"
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): 7,2,2,4,5,1,5,
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *He jumps startled by
Ricky, head snapping around to look at Ricky...
Ricky Prince: "Whoops. Didn't mean ta scare ya,
cabrito." He chuckles a little bit, watching Benny with somewhat predatory
look. "So whatcha doin'?"
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *Eyes study Ricky
quietly for a moment...* (qw)"Just a puzzle..."
Ricky Prince: He looks over Benny's shoulder at the
puzzle for a moment. "Hey, I see one. You want some help?"
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *He shakes his head
slightly...* (qw)"No..."
Ricky Prince: "Aw, man. 'cause I saw a real
good one, to." He hops up on the picnic bench, looking down at Benny and the Puzzle.
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *He watches him a moment
longer quietly before he tilts his head slightly...* (qw)"Where?"
Ricky Prince: Right there. "He points out
letters...they aren't exactly in the same line, but they're legible. They read
"VICTIM." He grins. "Whaddya think o' that one?"
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *He shakes his head
slightly..* (qw)"They arent in a straight line..."
Ricky Prince: "No, but the word's still
relevant, ain't it?" He smirks at Benny.
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *He shakes his head
again...* (qw)"Nope.. not with this puzzle..."
Ricky Prince: "I wasn't talkin' about the
puzzle, muchacho."
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *He tilts his head
slightly...* (qw)"How is it relevant to myself?"
Ricky Prince: He slides off the table top, rotating
to be sitting the same direction as Benny, and puts an arm around his shoulder. "Ya
believe in destiny, cabrito? Do ya know what it is, even?"
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *Benny shifts out of his
seat and reach of the arm the moment Ricky goes to put it around his shoulder...*
(qw)"I know what it is..." *He watches Ricky cautiously...
Ricky Prince: "So ya believe in it?" He
grins as Benny shies away.
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *He quickly reaches out
and grabs his puzzle book, still watchful for Ricky..* (qw)"I believe in it... But I
also believe that it is something that can be changed..."
Ricky Prince: "Mmm. Well, I got an eye for
destiny, kid, believe it or not. And you? Yer the kind o' guy destined to be a
victim." He leans forward toward Benny, sniffing, and then leans back again to cock
his head a little. "How old are ya?"
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *Benny watches Ricky
closely, ready to bolt for it at a moment's notice...* (qw)"Old enough to know how to
keep out of trouble and away from it..."
Ricky Prince: "Go ahead and run, ya little
future chapero. They'll find your spleen stuffed in the mayor's mailbox. I'm faster
then you, trust me." His vocal tone doesn't change throughout that threat. "Now.
How old are ya?"
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *He still keeps watch on
him, still ready to bolt for it, move slightly as he starts putting the table betwen
himself and Ricky...* (qw)"Take a guess..."
Ricky Prince: He leans forward one more time,
regardless of personal space or table, and takes a deep inhalation, capturing Benny's
scent before leaning back to consider. "I'm sayin'...9 to 12."
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): (qw)"Then maybe you
guessed right.." *Still watching him closely...* ((30 minute warning here))
Ricky Prince: He smirks. "I'm sayin' ya won't
make it to 13. So what's yer name?"
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): (qw)"I only give
that to people I know and trust..."
Ricky Prince: "Well, lemme introduce myself.
I'm Mr. Gangrel. And you can trust me...I don't lie ta people. I'm nice an honest about
what I plan ta do ta people. After all, trust is beiung able to believe them. You believe
I'm bein' honest with ya about my intentions, kid?"
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): (qw)"Nope... And
trust goes a lot further than that..."
Ricky Prince: "So you don't think my plans for
you are genuine?" He quirks an eyebrow, and his eyes get a nasty, unnatural red glow
to them as they look him over with nothing less then the eyes of a predator staring at his
next dinner.
Ricky Prince: ((Gleam of Red Eyes, obviously))
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *He glances over Ricky's
shoulder where the sky is just starting to brighten up, gaze no fully leaving Ricky as he
starts to move towards the cafe door..* (qw)"Nope.."
Ricky Prince: ((Benny, you can't just decide the
time at a time that would be convenient for your character. It's not "current
time" or Ricky never would have been out. And it's quite frankly rude of you to try
and put an end to a scene without us both agreeing to the time.))
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): ((Err, you never asked
me what time it was IC, I always go by current time, sorry... But also I have about 5
minutes of juice left in myself, I'm practically falling asleep at the keyboard here))
Ricky Prince: ((Benny can leave into the cafe,
that's fine. But don't do the "brightening sky, because that limits my PC if I want
to do later scenes.))
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): ((Ok, scratch the sky
: ((Would like to point out that current time is 8 am and the sun
rises at 5:30 AM....))
Ricky Prince: ((By current time, Ricky would be Ash.
And I know you know who Ricky is, he's been discussed in the OOC room in your presence
many times, so don't try to claim that you didn't know he was a Vampire.))
Ricky Prince: ((Cool, thank you.))
Ricky Prince: He watches Benny retreat into the
cafe, and smirks. "I'll see you around, kid. Don't get killed 'fore I come around.
Don't wanna miss the fun."
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): *Benny's scooted into
the cafe and watches the guy cautiously from within, hands going into his pockets, one
containing his phone...* ((And sorry, but I didnt know Ricky was a vamp until the Mr
Gangrel line... I dont always pay attn to stuff mentioned in OOC...))
Benny Jones (Outdoor Cafe): ((*needs to get going*
Ricky Prince: He watches Benny from inside,
smirking. He's got the kid's scent. He's his whenever he wants. So off he heads.