Darkstar: In one of the
shadier areas of Brooklyn resides the Velvet moon a two bit strip club that
serves as a place for all kinds of low lifes to make there deals. Inside there
is only one stage where the girls can sometimes be found danceing when they are
not working the floor looking for tips. The furniture is pretty piecmail and all
through the place there are thugs either gathered around the stage to watch the
girls or huddled in corners talking amongst themselves. Music of all kinds seem
to come from the jukebox that serves as a DJ, but Prodigy seems to be one of the
house favorites
Darkstar: *Outside of the Velvet
moon are a few men standing next to some bikes smirking a bit as they watch the
passer bys*
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She walks up to
the place casually, scoping it out with her eyes. Blue is parked a block away.
Darkstar: *One of the men next to
his bike gives Mary a whistle and begins laughing* "So are you one of the new
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She smiles at
the man like he didn't know what he was talking about. Her leather jacket has
her gang emblem large on the back. She moves to walk past them into the bar.
(She has Fame 1 among the gang violent and the addicted. Also, raising dex with
Darkstar: *The man steps back a
bit when her face comes into a better view clearing the way for her*
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Thank you."
She smiles at the guy like a friend of a friend, and enters the bar.
Darkstar: *Once inside of the
joint the music can be heared clear as day heavy bass beats hitting all around
as the girl on the stage dances around the pole and the men hold of there
dollars makeing cat calls for her attention, off in the corner is a rather large
man fitting the dexcription Mary was given sitting with two rather nice loonking
women at his side*
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary takes a
step to the side and leans against the side of the door frame for a moment,
letting her eyes settle on the man. She listens for God's voice. (Eyes of Chaos
to try and read the patterns of the bar and that man.)
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 3,1,
Thanos Augustus: He walks up to the bar,
hands in the pockets of his jacket, shoulders slightly hunched, head down. His
shirt is open for the first two buttons and the rune pendant is clearly vissable,
his dark hair is a mess and his clothes obviously well worn.
Darkstar: *As Thanos approches
the men on the bikes laugh mummering somthin under there breaths about some
fresh meat*
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Her eyes
unfocus, and she's lost in the sweeping declarations in the area. She hugs
herself as her mind unhinges slightly.
Thanos Augustus: He looks up at the men
as they murmer amoung themselve, a slight shake of his head as he pushes past to
get into the place.
Darkstar: *One of the men in the
club get up and walk over to Mary as she hugs herself* "You okay broad if your
looking for the aera to dress its back that way" *he says as he point to a small
door about three feet from the large man*
Jack Heller:
*Jack is sitting back against the wall smileing as one of the girls he is
sitting with whispers somthing in his ear*
Thanos Augustus: He looks around for any
vacant places to sit also studying the people in the place in the same glance
his fingers turn the pendant on his neck and then back again.
Ricky Prince: And oh, look, here comes
another one. He stalks his way toward the club, just needing someplace to hole
up for a while...somewhere that maybe, the Jersey fuckers might not be. He's in
a typically foul mood as he approaches the place, a snarl on his face and his
fingers flexing, as if they're talons.
((DD: Caged fury rails behind the blue-green irises in this young man’s face.
Maybe 23, 24 years old, with unruly golden-brown hair that ends midway down his
neck and covering his ears, he walks with the moves of a predator, stalking his
prey...whatever that may be. He has a habit for wearing solid-color or band
T-shirts, usually greens and reds or industrial and Goth metal, and a pair of
torn. dirty jeans. A pair of fingerless gloves cover his hands. Animals tend to
shy away from him, sensing his status at the top of the food chain combined with
a sharper instinct then even they possess.))
Thanos Augustus:
d10: Per alertness diff: 9,6,3,6,7,
Darkstar: *Then men next to
the bikes just begin laughing harder and talking amonst themselves as Ricky
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She comes back
to the surface again when the guy asks her the question. She shakes her head and
starts to walk over to the large man she had been looking at.
Ricky Prince: The men don't even get a
moment's notice. Not worth his attention...he may not even have seen or heard
them. The smell, though...yes, he did certainly note them, likely, despite the
lack of indication that way. He pushes through the door, looking around as he
does so.
Jack Heller:
*Heller smiles as he sees Mary approach looking her over, maybe she would make
him a few bucks out on the street*
Thanos Augustus: He gives the room a
second glance then starts heading for the same corner, though for the table a
few feet away.
Darkstar -> Ricky Prince: ((do
you need a description of the place?))
Ricky Prince -> Darkstar:
((Nope, been lurking.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She stands in
front of him casually, "You Jack Heller?"
Ricky Prince -> Darkstar:
((Also, it's still at the top of the page. *G*))
Darkstar -> Ricky Prince:
Jack Heller: *The
man looks at her before standing up and looking down at her* "Who wants to
know?" *he says in a gruff voice*
Ricky Prince:
d10: Per+Alrt:Acute Smell: 5,6,2,4,9,
Jack Heller: DD
Heller is 6'10 a man to rival the mythical Goliath. He dress in a very punk
style usually seen wearing a black leather motorcycle jacket and leather pants.
The jacket is covered in safty pins giveing it a metallic sheen. Underneath the
jacket several band shirts rangeing from Social distortion to Black flag can be
found. On the back of the jacket is an Anarchy symbol done in white tape.
Ricky Prince: Oh, it's RANK in here. And
that draws a savage little grin for him...smells like the Titty Twister across
the bay, only cleaner. He scans the room, noting a good amount of the goings on,
before moving to the popular corner. Big men over here...maybe one of 'em will
pick a fight. Might be fun.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She smiles,
friendly. "I'm Mary Margaret. I just wanted to have a few words with the guy
that was messing with my business. Perhaps we could come to an understanding."
Thanos Augustus: He slumps into the seat
and sits back closing his eyes for just a moment, a snif and his nose crinckles,
his hand goes to the pendant again as he opens his eyes looking around the room.
maybe this time.
Thanos Augustus:
d10: per alert: 6,1,5,6,9,
Jack Heller: *He
laughs* "So those punks are so afraid to come talk to me they sent a little girl
in there stead?" *he says with a smile* "How about this doll you tell them this
if they want to talk to Jack they need to not be pussy's about it and come
Ricky Prince: Jack's comment draws a
look in his direction as he passes by, and an amused snort. He heads toward a
table vaguely nearby, pulling a cigarette as he does so.
Darkstar: *A few of the men wo
were near by Jack seem to back away as he glares down at Mary*
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (blood to dex,
maxing it.) "See, that's funny. You must be new in the area." She grins again,
but suddenly dangerously. An aura of command enters her stance. "Don't fuck with
my people, Mr. Jack." ((manip + intimidation))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 3,7,3,9,9,1,
Thanos Augustus: he lets out a sigh and
sits back further in the seat, listening to the music and picks up on the fact
that somethings going on behind turning a head to look at the disterbance.
Darkstar: d10: :
Darkstar: *The man takes a step
back* "Your people so you are there boss then?" *he says as he moves to sit back
down motioning for one of the girls to get up so Mary can sit*
Jack Heller: *The
man takes a step back* "Your people so you are there boss then?" *he says as he
moves to sit back down motioning for one of the girls to get up so Mary can sit*
Ricky Prince: He drops into the seat, his
attention on the big guy staring down the little chick. This is interesting...he
pulls a electric "flameless" lighter, flicking it to life a ways away from him
and bringing it slowly to the end of the cigarette as he watches.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She sits
down properly, mocking a courtly lady. "Yeah, I'm their boss, and a business
woman. It is in my best interest to make sure that we get along, so that I can
continue to make money. Understand?"
Jack Heller:
"Okay then how does this sound to you" *he says as he looks at her* "Your guys
stay the hell out of my way and my girls ways and they wont come back with
anymore broken bones"
Ricky Prince: He chuckles a little. Gangs
arguing over territory...typical. Small potatoes shit. He shakes his head,
exhaling a drag of smoke.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "No good.
Brooklyn is, and always has been, open to my people. If you want to make a
problem of yourself, I'll have you removed." She smiles mysteriously at the man.
((More manip + intimidation.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 7,7,9,4,8,10,
Thanos Augustus: He twists the pendant
he's wearing around on it's cord.
Jack Heller: *He
looks at her and flexes his arms* "You can try" ((Countering with
Jack Heller:
d10: str+intim: 10,6,4,5,9,2,6,9,
Jack Heller:
((Nix that my mis understanding))
Jack Heller:
d10: manip+intim: 8,8,6,4,2,6,
Jack Heller: *He leans back in his chair and looks at her* "Okay then whats your propostion, because I think you will find me a harder rat to get out of here than you think"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "I'm not
trying to get you out." She smiles, the threat lingering in her eyes. "I just
don't want you interfering." ((Passion: increasing his current emotion.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: charisma + empathy: 9,9,7,5,
Jack Heller: *He
shrugs back a bit as she stares at him a twinge of fear finally showing in his
eyes* "Okay so what do you not want me interferring in girl?"
Thanos Augustus: he rubs a finger over the
symbol and turns back from watching looking over to the stage.
Ricky Prince: Ooh, he's intrigued now.
Little girl's managed to scare the big boy. He starts paying a little more
attention, less subtlely. Hey, who's gonna stop him?
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "You will
not interfere with the people that you fought a few night ago. You will not
interfere with anyone else and their business while in Brooklyn. When in
Brooklyn, you will not touch St. Michael's Army."
Jack Heller: *He
looks at her* "Or what?"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She rolls her
eyes casually. "We've been over this. You'll be removed. I can have it
Jack Heller:
"You can have it done?" *he says with a smirk* "By those same people I beat the
shit out of the other night?" *he says as he moves to stand up* "Or can you do
it yourself?" ((dropping blood into dex))
Ricky Prince: Ooh, a fight's potentially
comin' on. He grins, and begins to prep himself, just in case things get ugly.
((Blood to Dex here, too!))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Yes, sir. By
me." (dropping blood into strength) She's still sitting.
Darkstar: *When Jack stands up
the other girl that was sitting near him gets up a moves behind him before
speaking* "Jack come on, theres no need for this hear"
Jack Heller: *He
laughs* "Allright then ill make you a solid promise remove me from here and ill
leave your little bitches alone" ((dropping more blood to Dex))
Thanos Augustus: He shakes his head to
himself and clasps the pendant in his hand. ((Dex here too.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary reaches
into her jacket and pulls out her black hunting knife. It doesn't reflect in the
light. She lets it rest under the table on her lap. ((4th blood dropped to raise
Str)) "I don't know if that promise if fair."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (*is fair)
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: dex + stealth: 4,9,1,2,5,4,3,3,5,
Ricky Prince: "Ahh, let 'em," he says
finally, addressing the girl that's trying to stop the impending barroom brawl.
"Should be good."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((worst roll
Ricky Prince:
d10: Per+Alertness: 6,6,9,10,7,
Ricky Prince: ((As opposed to that one...
Jack Heller: *He
laughs* "And why not? You talk big and said you could do it yourself all I want
is a little show becasue talk is cheap girlie" *he says still a bit of fear in
his eyes but hey whats a man to do*
Jack Heller:
d10: : 3,8,7,9,9,
Thanos Augustus: he looks over to ricky
when he speaks, and gets to his feet looking to the other two then to the door.
twisting the pendant.
Darkstar: *Several of the patrons
move away from the two when they notice the potential altercation*
Jack Heller: *He
looks at her* "You gonna shank me girlie?"
Ricky Prince: He's going nowhere. Shit, he
still hasn't even STOOD yet. He smokes his cigarette, watching the two with that
snarky little grin.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She going to
reach forward with her free hand to grab and tighten his jacket to immobilize
him, and stab him with the knife.
Jack Heller:
((oops that was per+alert still havent gotten used to the fact that you can put
what your rolling in))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Shall we
do init, or shall I just roll?))
Jack Heller:
*when she reaches forward he moves to grab him he moves to grab her arm and
twist it behind her back*
Jack Heller:
((and with this lets all do that fun little thing called init))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 1,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (9)
Jack Heller:
d10: : 3,
Jack Heller:
Thanos Augustus:
d10: : 3,
Thanos Augustus: ((8)) when he see's this
is escolating to that level he begins to head for the door
Thanos Augustus: ((9 even))
Thanos Augustus:
d10: Dexterity Athletics: 4,2,10,10,10,2,3,
Jack Heller -> Ricky Prince:
((is Ricky just watching? or should I wait for his
init roll))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary's still
doing the grab and stabby thing.
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: dex + brawl: 1,8,3,5,7,5,7,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: dex + melee: 3,8,7,3,2,7,
Ricky Prince: ((Sorry, guys, got booted.
Rolling Init now))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Initiative: 2,
Thanos Augustus -> Ricky Prince: ((no
probs, happens to all of us))
Jack Heller:
*Jack is grabing Marys arm and twisting it behind her back trying to break her
Ricky Prince: ((Going on 9)) He rises to
his feet, watching for the first actions, to see who's got the advantage.
Jack Heller:
d10: : 1,5,6,5,5,5,4,5,2,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Best roll
Jack Heller:
((Now that was a shitty roll))
Ricky Prince: ((WOW.))
Jack Heller:
((okay roll damage str+1+2 for extra suc))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 6,6,8,4,9,10,9,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 9,6,6,
Jack Heller:
RECAP Thanos heads for the door makeing it all the way there, while Ricky sits
and watches Mary and Jack. Mary Reaches out and grabs Jacks Jacket and stabs him
with her knife as Jack goes for her arm and fucks it up hardcore. The knife
slides into Jacks Flesh leaveing him hurt
Ricky Prince: ((Ricky RISES and watches
Mary & Jack. *S*))
Jack Heller:
((okay yes ricky rises *G*))
Jack Heller:
((New Round order lowest to highest Thanos, Rickey, Mary, Jack))
Thanos Augustus: He steps out into the
night, not looking back but equally running not wanting to attract attention, he
slouches into his jacket again hands in pockets.
Ricky Prince: He likes this chick...she's
got balls. He moves to take a position next to her, ready to fight off anyone
who might be wanting to interfere in this little Brujah-hah. ((I R teh M45T4 of
Pun5. Blood to Dex))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary
maintains her immobilizing hold on him, keeping his jacket, and therefore arms,
tight and bound, while driving the knife farther and deeper into Jack's body,
twisting it around. ((Str + brawl, then dex + melee))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 2,4,2,9,5,5,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 6,8,4,2,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (opps, that
last one was the wrong number of dice.)
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 3,3,4,7,9,3,
Jack Heller:
*Jack pushes Mary trying to knock her the fuck back* ((droping blood into
Jack Heller:
d10: : 2,3,10,6,2,2,3,2,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 9,5,7,3,
Jack Heller:
Recap Thanos moves out of the Velvet moon, as Ricky moves to stand next to Mary.
Mary Attempts to push the knife in further but is countered by Jack as he pushes
her off of him
Jack Heller:
((new round Ricky, Mary, Jack))
Ricky Prince: Ooh, the vatto can
push. He remains where he is for the moment, pumping himself further up. ((BP to
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary kicks him
hard under the table, then reaches forward with the knife to stab him again. ((Dex
+ Brawl, then Dex + Melee))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 9,2,7,9,4,3,4,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 9,10,4,6,8,5,
Thanos Augustus: ((thanks for the scene
guys, been fun, I'll, cya))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Cya!))
Jack Heller: ((Droping
blood to heal)) *Jack jumps to the side trying to avoid Marys attacks and
closing in on her*
Jack Heller: ((cya))
Jack Heller:
d10: : 3,7,4,9,9,6,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 4,8,1,1,2,
Jack Heller:
((Str+6 for the knife strike as he jumps into the blade))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 7,9,9,5,5,5,5,6,9,8,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 5,2,7,
Jack Heller:
Recap Ricky moves over to stand next to Mary as Mary attempts to kick Jack under
the table and Stab him again. Jack dodges the kick and slams into the knife and
slumps down onto the ground
Jack Heller:
((combat can be considered over))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary steps over
Mr. Jack and grabs him by his shirt. She smiles like a friend toward Ricky,
having enough fight awareness to know what he had done. "Thanks." She then
proceeds to drag Mr. Jack out of the bar.
Ricky Prince: He looks down at the dead
guy, chuckling a little. Damn, he didn't get to stretch his limbs any. He looks
to Mary. "Nice work, chica. 'm impressed."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Thank you!"
She continues to drag.
Ricky Prince: "No problem." He grins and
moves to follow Mary and the dragging along Jack out of the club. "Nice place,"
he says to the bartender on the way toward the door. "May just come back."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She continues
to drag the body out of the place and onto the street.
Darkstar : *As the Jack goes down
one of the girls that was with him takes out a cell and makes a call*
Ricky Prince:
d10: Per+Alertness: 9,9,2,4,1,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary drags Jack
over toward her vehicle, with Blue rushing out to help her move Jack's dead body
into the backseat.
Ricky Prince: Someone's making a call...ehh.
Nuh-uh. He turns around, stalking back to the girl and glaring at her. "Less you
wanna be joinin' yer pal, I'd not be doin' that shit, puta." He grins
Darkstar : *As Mary and Ricky
continue draging Jack out of the Joint a Black van pulls up screeching to a halt
beside them and the side door slides open with a man sitting there looking at
the two* "What the hell happened to Jack?"
Ricky Prince:
d10: Man+Intimidation(WP): 5,6,6,1,8,
Darkstar : ((okay just to help
me out where is everyone))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She blinks
confused at the men. "He got in a fight."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary is outside
moving Jack into her backseat with Blue, and I thought Ricky was inside
preventing that call. ?
Ricky Prince: ((Okay, confused on the
timing here...the phone call happened directly after Jack went down, right? So
they should have had a chance to see it & try to stop it? If not, ignore what
Ricky just did, he's outside with Mary.))
Darkstar : ((and Blue was a
couple of blocks away))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: A couple of
blocks? Okay, she'll call him to bring the car up the few blocks.
Darkstar : ((Honestly she would
wait until she wouldnt be threatend. Just trying to save one of my plot devices
here *G*))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: No, she
wouldn't wait. She doesn't care who makes calls. She won't be in jail long even
if they grab her, and she's got ties with the mob, and she's in Brooklyn. As far
as she's concerned, she's safe.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: But, sure, it
may take a while to get the car.
Darkstar: ((not mary the other
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Oh, I see!
Opps, sorry! *s*))
Ricky Prince: ((Ricky's outside with Mary,
Darkstar: *The man in the van
steps out wearing a long red jacket looking over the two* "Mam would it be okay
if I took my friend?"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: So, she blinks
confused at the men. "He got in a fight."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She shrugs.
"Um, sure. Make sure he doesn't come back to Brooklyn though. He's trouble."
Ricky Prince: He sniffs and looks up to
the guy who just stepped out of the van, looking him over in a way that
obviously says "I'd like to kick your ass."
Darkstar: *The man looks at
Ricky as he waves to the rest of the people in the van and 5 others come out to
help him get Jack into the van*
Darkstar: "We will tell him to be
calmer mam" *he says as he reaches into his pocket and produces a couple of
bills reaching them out towards Mary* "For your trouble"
Ricky Prince: One person, five...doesn't
make no never mind to me. "Don't know what you fuckers think yer gonna get.
Hommes is pushin' up daisies now."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She frowns as
she steps back and watches them shuffle around their guy like ants carrying off
a dead spider.
Darkstar: *The man in the jacket
sighs* "but he is ours and we respect our own"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Stay. Out. Of.
Brooklyn." She crosses her arms.
Darkstar: *The man turns to
follow the rest of them back into the van* "Thank you for your consideration mam"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She taps her
foot impatiently.
Darkstar: *The group gets back
into the van and drives off* ((thank ya for the scene))
Ricky Prince: He's standing there, at
Mary's side, a grin on his face. "See you muthafuckas later...just not here, I
guess. Buenos nochas."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She watches
them leave with narrowed eyes. "Fuckers better not come back or I'll cut that
guy apart."
Ricky Prince: ((See you, Dark))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Thanks, see
Ricky Prince: He chuckles. "You're nuts.
And vicious. I like you, chica."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She grins
back at Ricky like a friend. "Thanks man. See you around, maybe." She turns away
from him and starts to walk back over toward her vehicle. Blue walks over toward
the vehicle as well and moves to open the back door for her.
Ricky Prince: "You too. Hasta." He
turns to his right, to head down the street, throwing a glance back at Mary as
he does.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She doesn't
look back. She slides into the back seat of the sleek BMW, and Blue hurries
around to the front to start up the vehicle. It pulls away slowly and heads off
into the night.
Ricky Prince: And down the street he goes,
stalking away, as if he'd never been there. Just the cigarette in the parking
lot to leave evidence otherwise.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Thanks,
cya around, Rav.))
Ricky Prince: ((Thanks for the scene,
Dane. *Hugs* See you.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary walks
up to the place the next night. The car is parked a block away like last time.
She smiles at the guys at the front of the place and walks by them casually.
Yes, she's the girl that dragged out that huge stabbed and bleeding guy last
night all by herself. Yes, she had been holding the bloody knife last night.
She's smiling as she walks through the doors.
Ricky Prince: He's on his way there
too...what a coincidence. Hey, it was a fun night last night, and frankly, he
wanted to learn more about the crazy bitch who knifed bad stud in public. He
takes a drag off of his cigarette and heads on up.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary heads
straight for the table that the guy had been sitting at before. She looks to see
if it's empty.
Ricky Prince: He pushes through the door,
ignoring the bikers as before, and moves into the building, looking around once
he's past the door.
Ricky Prince:
d10: Per+Alert: 8,7,3,7,8,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Seeing as
how no one has taken the spot, she slides into the corner booth. She takes a
look around.
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 1,1,6,7,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: And doesn't see
anything interesting. She leans back into the seat to wait for the other guy to
Ricky Prince: Ahh, she is here. He
grins wolfishly and heads over to the booth where Mary's sitting, nodding to
her. "Hola, chica. S'up?"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She looks up in
boredom. "Nothing. I'm waiting for the guy I stabbed yesterday to show up. He
says he wants to apologize."
Ricky Prince: He blinks a bit, then raises
a brow. Interesting. "Guy'd have t'be pretty tough, t'come back from somethin'
like that. Coulda sworn he wasn't breathin'." He gives her a look as he says it,
slipping into the booth, opposite her.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Yeah, I dunno
either. I thought I got him pretty good, but I guess not." She frowns and looks
toward the door. "It's weird."
Ricky Prince: "Yeah, real loco." He
leans back in the booth, taking a drag off his cigarette. "So, you and he had
some territory shit, from what I heard?"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Yeah, he was
fucking with my people and refused to stop, so I had to stab him. Fucker."
Ricky Prince: He nods. "Makes perfect
sense to me. Someone's fuckin' up yer shit, you gotta fuck 'em up back."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Not exactly. I
don't want a fucking war. I'd rather he just minded his own business. If he
fucks with me again, I'll kill him for good this time." She still watching the
door. She means business.
Ricky Prince: "Sometimes, ya gotta have
war. Cleans shit up, wipes out the old, y'know?"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "It's bad for
business. I don't want the fucking authorities getting excited. I'd rather just
have everthing slow and steady, so that everyone can be nice and happy and I can
run my turf."
Ricky Prince: "Fair enough." He nods. "I
can see where that'd fuck some shit up for ya."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Exactly. So if
this guy is intent on making trouble, I have to get rid of him."
Jack Heller: *Jack walks into
the bar with a grin on his face, its been a while since he had his ass kicked
and this was the first time it had been done by a chick*
Ricky Prince:
d10: Per+Alertness: 3,8,4,1,8,
Ricky Prince: Someone came in. Meh.
"Sounds like a plan to me, chica."
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Per + Alertness: 3,1,8,9,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 9,8,5,7,5,
Jack Heller: *His
grin widens as he sees Mary and Ricky at his table and begins to walk over
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She watches
the guy walk closer to the table.
Jack Heller: "So
Girlie im here" *he says as he grabs a chair and slings it over to the table and
sits down*
Ricky Prince: He looks over as Jack sits
down, eyebrow raised. "Damn, hommes. You healed up real nice, eh? Most
people I know, they'd be limpin', at least..."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She is
watching him as well. "Yeah, what the fuck man?"
Jack Heller: *he
smiles at Ricky* "Ehh maybe so but not me the only thing im upset about id that
was one of my favorite shirts, there hard to find now"
Jack Heller:
*Jack smiles to Mary* "So you wanna talk buisness, Girlie?"
Ricky Prince: "Uh-huh." Well, this one's
fuckin' subtle. He leans back, listening as he smokes.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She clentches
her fists. "We already talked fucking business. You agreed. This is to seal the
Jack Heller:
"Girlie please becasue you got lucky once wont mean you will get lucky a secound
time" *he says with a smile* "and im talking about new buisness Girlie, somthing
that may help us both out"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Her anger is
visibly growing. She takes the knife out of her jacket and places it back down
on her lap again, under the table. "Talk."
Jack Heller:
d10: : 2,4,5,2,8,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: stealth plus dex: 1,5,2,4,8,3,2,
Ricky Prince: He snorts in amusement and
looks between them, listening.
Jack Heller:
((Roll Dex+stealth if she is trying to hide the knife))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Per+Alert: 7,8,2,9,3,
Jack Heller: *He
laughs* "Oh come on now Girlie put the damn blade away" *he says with a smile*
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Girlie, Mr.
Jack fucking Heller?" She raises an eyebrow.
Jack Heller: "Yea
Jack fucking Heller" *he says with a smile* "ya got it right, so what I was
thinking Girlie is this right now we have two gangs and my guys dont want to
move, so this leaves in a spot that is really bad for buisness on both ends. So
how about this maybe we can have some negotiations and work out somthing that is
mutually good for buisness"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (blood to dex)
She looks over at Ricky. "Does this guy just not get it?"
Ricky Prince: He mutters something in
Spanish under his breath, shaking his head as he ashes the cigarette.
Ricky Prince: "'pparently not, chica."
He grins a little bit.
Mary Margaret St. Michael -> Ricky Prince:
((Mary knows Spanish))
Jack Heller: *He
looks at her* "So Girlie you dont like the propostion thats fine" *he says as he
stands keeping his had on the chair* "a little rough and tumble in the streets
isnt anything im afraid of"
Ricky Prince -> Mary Margaret St. Michael:
"Fuckin' Lick's gonna get his dumb-ass stabbed
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (blood to dex)
She turns to smile at Jack. "Jack, buddy, sit down. Don't get your panties in a
knot just cause you're a shitface retard. I'll still do business with you with
you think you have something to offer."
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (if you*)
Mary Margaret St. Michael -> Ricky Prince:
Jack Heller:
((Drops blood to dex)) *he continues to stand stareing at her as his grip
tightens on the chair* "Girlie I still dont think you understand the this fact I
like you thats why I decdied to come talk with you, and not just get rid of you.
But if you really think your big then put the knife away and we can talk"
Jack Heller:
((that should read the fact is))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (blood to str)
"What fact? The fact I fucking stabbed you twice in the gut last night, but that
you don't seem to be feeling any fucking pain right now? The fact that I was
nice enough to give you back to your folk last night instead of chopping you up
and burning your body? The fact that I was nice enough to meet with you when you
fucking begged for it. You owe me." She grins dangerously up at
him. ((intimidation + manip))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 7,4,3,1,9,9,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 7,5,7,9,9,
Ricky Prince: He looks over at Mary, then
back up to Jack, grinning viciously, to see his response.
Jack Heller: ((That was
Willpower)) *He smiles* "I didnt beg to meet with you Girlie, I asked to because
I like you" *he says as he stares down at her* "But dont think that knife will
save you again"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She smiles
seriously and spits out. "Fine. Enjoy hell." ((The Haunting.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Manip + Subterfuge: 2,8,8,4,7,5,7,
Ricky Prince: "She don't need no shank,
coño. Think she's got all the backup she needs." A wink goes across the
table to her.
Jack Heller: *Jack smiles to
her* "Ive been there Girlie" *he says as he turns aroud to walk out* "If you
want to talk again you have my #"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She smiles at
Ricky, and then goes back to waiting for Jack to respond.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She stands
up and stabs him right then and there.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Preferably in
the back.
Jack Heller: ((Initiative))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 4,
Ricky Prince:
d10: Initiative(Assuming): 1,
Jack Heller: d10: :
Ricky Prince: ((7))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (12)
Jack Heller: ((14))
Jack Heller: ((Order is Ricky,
Mary, Jack))
Ricky Prince: He's doing nothing this
round, as he didn't expect that Mary would do that. Crazy fuckin' bitch.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She stands
up and stabs him right then and there. Preferably in the back.
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: dex + brawl: 2,2,10,3,5,4,7,8,2,
Jack Heller: ((Dropping blood
to Dex)) *Jack turns and makes a grab for Marys arm thats holding the knife and
attempts to twist it behind her back*
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Er, dex + melee: 2,10,4,5,4,3,7,3,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 5,2,10,1,4,10,8,6,8,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Rolling
willpower to abort action to a defensive one.
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 8,6,7,9,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She's
dodging instead. ((Spending willpower.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: dodge + dex: 3,7,7,3,7,8,
Jack Heller:
Recap Ricky stays seated as Mary lunges at Jack and then dodges as he makes a
grab for her arm
Jack Heller: New
Round Ricky, Mary, Jack
Ricky Prince: ((Blood to Celerity)) Okay,
it's starting again. He's backup. He hops to his feet, cigarette still in his
hand, and moves to back Mary up.
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary makes to
stab him with the knife three times in a row quickly. ((Willpower on last
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 8,3,9,3,9,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 2,10,8,8,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 9,9,6,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((dance!))
Jack Heller:
*Jack moves to dodge the attacks* ((Blood for celerity))
Jack Heller:
d10: : 1,6,6,4,8,2,7,4,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 7,7,5,6,8,7,2,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 9,5,5,6,5,2,
Jack Heller:
((Roll damage str+2))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 8,1,5,4,9,6,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 2,5,2,
Jack Heller:
Recap Ricky gets up and activates Celerity as he moves to back up Mary, Mary
makes three quick stabs at Jack and he dodges the first two but is caught with
the third one which slides into him a bit, and he also activates Celerity
Ricky Prince: He's going to act now...yep.
He reaches out to grab Jack by the head for his first action. ((Blood to Dex))
Jack Heller:
((new round Ricky, Mary, jack))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary reaches
out to stab Jack three times again.
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Brawl: 8,3,4,1,3,1,9,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 8,3,7,7,9,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 7,9,10,7,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 7,2,9,
Jack Heller:
((Blood to Stanima)) *Jack attempts to dodge around Marys attacks again*
((blowing will for the first dodge))
Jack Heller:
d10: : 3,4,6,5,8,8,6,8,
Jack Heller:
((Okay Celerity actions))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Um...?
Jack Heller:
((Need to do the celerity actions becasue Jack will use his other actions to
dodge the rest of the attacks))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Oh, cool!))
Ricky Prince: Okay, so he wasn't able to
grab the head to stablize. That's fine. See cigarette. See cigarette aimed
stright for Jack's MUTHAFUCKIN' EYE!! ((Diff is +3, spending WP for
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Brawl: 3,8,2,8,1,7,2,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 2,10,8,2,8,1,9,1,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 6,7,5,1,2,8,5,8,
Jack Heller:
((Okay Mary roll damage str+2))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 4,10,5,3,1,7,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 8,5,6,1,
Jack Heller:
Recap Ricky attempts to grab Jacks head and misses as Mary attempts to do her
triple stab again on Jack conecting once but the knife slides harmlessly off his
jacket. Ricky then decides to try to blind him with his cig but is dodged by
Jacks last ditch effort to save his eyesight
Jack Heller:
((New Round Ricky, mary, Jack))
Ricky Prince: If at first you don't
succeed...put more blood into your Dexterity, then TRY AGAIN! ((Blood to Dex; WP
to cig to eye maneuver))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Brawl: 2,1,9,7,3,5,9,9,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary reaches
out to slash the guy up, unleashing a flurry of cuts and stabs. "Stay still
fucker!" ((Three dex + melee))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 6,3,8,4,3,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 7,10,9,3,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 6,7,5,
Jack Heller:
*Jack glares at Mary as he shows his fangs* ((Dread gaze, if your going to
breach the masqurade why not really breach it blowing will droping blood into
Jack Heller:
d10: : 4,3,1,8,2,7,2,8,
Ricky Prince: ((Since he's Dread Gazing
Mary, can I assume to roll damage on my Cigarette to the eye maneuver?))
Ricky Prince: ((Gaah! How did THAT
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Eep!" Her
eyes go wide, but she continues with the attack. ((Diff 6. Got only two
successes you did, Mary can still attack.))
Jack Heller: ((He
blew a will))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Oh. Nevermind...))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((May I spend a
willpower to continue?))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Damage: 3,4,2,7,3,
Jack Heller:
((Ricky roll dam str-2 agg))
Jack Heller:
((okay you can but also you need to make a will roll diff 8))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: will roll: 1,9,4,1,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Oh...))
Jack Heller:
((Recap comeing in a secound))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Eep!" She
darts under the table and hides, shaking in fear with large blue eyes. She madly
looks around for a place to escape to.
Jack Heller:
Recap Jack galres at Mary bareing his fangs as she lunges for him and then
changes her mind moveing to get away, as Ricky slams his cig into Jacks eye
makeing his skull into a new ashtray
Jack Heller:
((New Round Ricky,Jack,Mary))
Jack Heller: ((My
order was fucked up it should be Ricky, Mary, jack))
Ricky Prince: Okay, time to get NASTY. The
psycho-boys already broken this Masquerade thingy his new friends love so
much...he didn't. So psycho-boy's gonna get the blame. He splays his hands,
letting claws grow out of them, a sadistic grin on his face. "You wanna play,
One-Eyed Jack? We'll muthafuckin' play, hommes." ((Blood Point to Protean
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Hey,
wait..." She murmurs to herself, "That explains alot..." She peeks out from
under the table and looks up at Jack, then reaches out to stab him! ((Dex +
brawl twice.)) One-Eyed Jack... That's awesome!
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 8,2,10,3,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 4,8,8,
Jack Heller: ((mary
should be flleing the scene not attacking))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((She flee'd
last turn, didn't she?))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((If not, she
cowers for another turn under the table, trapped.))
Jack Heller:
((Okay then she would have to take time to move back up to him since she spent
the whole turn fleeing and all actions she takes will be at a -3 die pool this
Ricky Prince: ((I'd say split for
Dex+Athletics to get out from under the table, and then Melees))
Jack Heller: ((works for me))
Jack Heller:
((Both at a -3 die pool for the actions since there were 3 sux on dread gaze))
Ricky Prince: ((Correct.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Okay, if he's
far away, then she spends this action running over to the other side of him so
he can't run toward the door and escape. ((Dex + Athletics.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 2,7,7,
Jack Heller:
*Jack turns to run out the door*
Jack Heller:
d10: : 3,1,5,6,8,4,
Jack Heller: *For
the rest of his celerity actions Jack continues to flee out of the door blowing
will on the last roll*
Jack Heller:
d10: : 2,9,5,10,5,7,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 3,5,2,3,4,6,
Jack Heller:
d10: : 6,6,8,3,7,8,
Jack Heller: ((So
is anyone going to chase? or can we drop combat there?))
Ricky Prince: He glares as Jack high-tails
it at Ludicrous Speed. "Chickenshit fuckin' almeja..." He sheathes his
wolf claws, and looks around. Oh, this is fuckin' BEAUTIFUL...
Ricky Prince: ((No chasing here. *S*))
Jack Heller:
((Yea for masqurade breaches))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "That was
fucked up. Now he's going to start a fucking war." She looks around at the other
people in the bar, and then looks back at Ricky. "How do you figure we fix
Darkstar: *The
baretender sits there stareing at Ricky, fear showing in his eyes as he moves
slowly for somthing underneath the bar as Jack hightails it out of the club*
Darkstar: "Son" *he
says in a low almost muffled tone* "i think you should leave"
Ricky Prince: "Ummm..." My old group,
we'd just kill all the blood bags. Can't do THAT anymore... He sighs. "There
someone we can call in for this shit?"
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She eyes the
bartender, and whispers to Ricky in Spanish. "I dunno. We have to fix this. I
suggest killing everyone in the bar."
Darkstar: *The
bartender slowly pulls up an old shotgun and points in the direction of Ricky*
"Please son I dont want to drop you, but you are just to fucking wierd for me"
Ricky Prince: ~SP~ "May have a plan." He
murmurs it to Mary, then nods to the bartender. "A'ight, a'ight...I'm a-leavin',
vatto." He puts his hands out to the side, head lowered to the floor,
showing no aggression...the look on his face is almost one of canine submission.
Slowly, he makes his way to the door.
Darkstar: *The
Bartender follows Ricky with the gun pointed in his direction the rest of the
patrons clear a path for him not wanting to be any where near him*
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She gives Ricky
an odd look, shakes her head, and starts walking toward the door alongside and a
little ahead of Ricky. ((Passion on the bartender.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Increasing
emotion in the bartender.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Charisma: 5,6,4,2,
Ricky Prince: He gets outside, and looks
around for a vehicle. A big one that's easy to break into and hotwire.
Ricky Prince:
d10: Per+Alert: 1,8,6,4,6,
Darkstar: ((okay
back up just one secound, becasue the bartender is about to take a shot out of
absolute fear thanks to miss passions *G*))
Ricky Prince: ((okay. *S*))
Ricky Prince: ((Initiative?))
*Terrified of the man before him the bartender squeezes the trigger*
Darkstar: ((Sure
lets all do this happy init thing once again))
d10: : 7,
Darkstar: ((11))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Initiative: 5,
Ricky Prince: ((13 due to pumped up Dex))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 8,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (16)
Darkstar: ((okay
the order is Bartender, Ricky, mary and since the bartenders action is already
declared it goes to Ricky))
d10: : 6,9,8,2,
Ricky Prince: Oh, fuck this shit. He moves
to dodge the bartender, and charge at him. Recently-Sabbat boy is HUNGRY,
anyway. ((3rd WP to Dodge))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Dodge: 3,8,7,4,8,
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Athletics : 3,9,3,9,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary just
walks to the door, and closes and locks the bolt stealthly. ((Dex + stealth.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 6,5,5,2,6,4,3,5,7,
Darkstar: Recap The
Bartender fires at Ricky and misses blowing a nice sized whole in the wall with
the slug, as Ricky advances on him. Mary walks over to the door and locks it
Darkstar: ((New
Round bartender, Ricky, mary))
Darkstar: *The
bartender in desperation pumps the shotgun and fires a secound shot at Ricky*
d10: : 9,5,7,7,
Ricky Prince: Nuh-uh, Barkeep. He goes to
dodge again with a duck below the bar, and then back up, lashing out with a
fist. ((Blood to Stamina))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Dodge: 7,4,8,9,9,
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Brawl: 6,4,2,4,5,
Ricky Prince:
d10: Damage: 4,8,8,7,
d10: : 5,8,
Darkstar: ((ignore
that roll))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary looks
around to see if there are any other people in the bar besides the bartender.
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Perception: 4,8,
((currently in the bar is the stripper who is running towards the back and a two
thugs who are following her))
((actually im crazy keep the first roll that was soak))
Darkstar: ((recap
comeing in a sec))
Darkstar: ((New
Round Barkeep, Ricky, Mary))
Darkstar: *The Bar
Keep pumps the gun again and pulls the trigger trying desperately to hit the
maniac attacking him*
d10: : 4,10,1,
Darkstar: *The
thugs and the strippers continue running towards the back rooms*
Ricky Prince: Close enough, now. He goes
to grab the shotgun out of the bartender's hand and shoot him with it.
Ricky Prince:
d10: Strength+Brawl: 7,7,8,9,6,
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Firearms: 1,9,3,4,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary opens
her cellphone and calls Blue, telling him to drive to the back entrance of the
place, and to be ready to shoot anyone that tries to get out, as she starts to
run after the strippers and thugs. ((One action to talk to Blue on the phone,
and the second action to run. I don't know what to roll for talking.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Dex + Ath (running): 4,8,8,8,
Ricky Prince: ((No roll...talking is a
free action))
((There isnt one just make a roll to chase))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Pulling out
the phone and hitting speed-dial?))
Darkstar: Recap
Mary calls blue and tells him to move around to the back entrace and be ready to
shoot anyone who comes out as she chases. Ricky pulls the gun out of the Bar
keeps hands and attempts to shoot him with it, but only managing to shatter the
barkeeps reflection in the mirror before the barkeep can take another shot
Darkstar: ((New
Round Barkeep-thugs and stripper, Ricky, Mary))
Darkstar: *The
bartender looks at Ricky as he grabs a bottle of jack and attempts to hit him
with it*
d10: : 5,
Ricky Prince: You know what...bartender's
more useful with his blood inside his body, where Ricky doesn't have to
lick it up off the floor. He swings the barrel around to clock the barkeep with
it. ((Blood to Strength))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Melee: 7,2,4,9,8,
Darkstar: *the
stripper and thugs continue to head towards the back rooms*
d10: : 4,9,
d10: : 9,1,
d10: : 4,9,2,10,
Ricky Prince:
d10: Damage: 8,3,7,10,6,6,2,2,10,
d10: : 4,6,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary chases
after the three, running as hard as she can. Running is obviously an action she
is uncomfortable with, because she seems awkward as she does it.
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 2,2,4,7,2,6,
Darkstar: Recap
Mary chases after the strippers and the thugs, as ricky knocks the bartender the
fuck out with the shotgun. One of the thugs stops slows down losing pace with
the others falling into Marys reach as the stripper pulls out in front of the
the other thug
Darkstar: ((New
Round Strippers and thugs, Ricky, Mary))
Darkstar: The
stripper and the thugs continue to run for their lives
d10: : 4,9,
d10: : 5,3,
d10: : 1,3,8,2,
Ricky Prince: It's FEEDING TIME! He leaps
over the bar, grabbing the unconscious man and eating to his heart's content.
((Yeah, being low on blood sucks, but having a Path of Enlightenment where it's
a sin to not Hint or Kill for Survive is your friend...))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary knifes
the slow thug en passing as she continues to run after and perhaps pass
the other two.
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Dex + Ath: 5,2,8,9,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 3,6,1,2,2,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (last one was
the knife.)
Darkstar: *Mary
runs past the slower thug after the other two and tries to stab him but misses
as she passes, Ricky begins to chow down on the bartender as the 3 continue to
run for there lives with Mary in hot prusuit*
Darkstar: ((That
was the recap sorry New Round Thugs and Stripper, Ricky, Mary))
Darkstar: *The thug
that Mary past runs towards the bathroom hopeing to save himself that way as the
other two continue to run out towards the back door*
Ricky Prince: Two Blood Points per
round...the man's still scarfin' down that lovely blood.
d10: : 3,2,
d10: : 8,3,
d10: : 8,4,8,5,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary will
continue to run after and perhaps get ahead of the two in front while stabbing
out at the nearest person with her knife. "Fuck! Stop running!"
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Dex + Ath: 3,8,3,2,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Dex + Melee: 6,10,6,4,8,
Darkstar: Recap The
stripper makes it to the back door as Mary catches up to the 2nd Thug the first
one trying to make it to the bathroom, as Ricky eats yummy Bartender blood
Darkstar: ((opps
didnt notice the knife part))
Darkstar: ((Roll
damage STR+4))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 3,9,3,10,5,2,2,10,
Darkstar: New Recap
Mary catches up to the secound thug and slides her knife into him as the
stripper makes it to the back door. The first thug tries with alot of difficulty
to make it to the bathroom while Ricky eats yummy bartender blood
Darkstar: *The
stripper yanks on the back door but to no avail to get it open as the 2nd thug
curls up on the ground terrified praying to a god he never worshiped for his
life, as the first thug tries to make a run for the bathroom*
d10: : 3,7,
Darkstar: ((oops
forgot to declare order but its the same as it has been))
Ricky Prince: You yum yum! ((6 BP total
gained back after this round))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: Mary rushes to
catch up to the stripper to stab her with the knife as well. ((Third Willpower
to running.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Dex + Ath: 4,5,9,9,
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: Dex + Melee: 9,3,9,7,6,
Darkstar: ((roll
dam str+4))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 9,5,1,9,5,4,1,1,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: (...)
Darkstar: Recap The
stripper tugs on the door as the 2nd thug curls up, Mary stabs at the stripper
makeing contact but only leaving a small scratch as the knife cuts through what
little of her clothing remains on
Darkstar: and ricky
continues to drain the bartender dry killing. The bar keeps heart ceases to beat
this round
Darkstar: ((New
Round stripper and thugs, Ricky, Mary))
Darkstar: *the
stripper drops to the ground crying* "Please dont kill me I didnt see anything
and wont say anything" *she says through her tears*
Ricky Prince: He pulls back with a vicious
snarl, licking the wound. Dead or not, no tell-tale wounds from this man. He
grabs the shotgun and puts it to the bartender's head, pulling the trigger.
((Diff is 4 for Point-Blank Range))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Firearms: 5,7,3,1,9,9,2,
Darkstar: *The
first thug finally makes it to the bathroom and slams the door locking himself
inside as the the 2nd thug lasy on the ground in pain8
Ricky Prince:
d10: Damage: 5,4,10,7,7,6,1,9,7,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She's not happy about this in the slightest, but it's her responsibility. She has no choice. Her face is hardened and professional. "Fine. There is a car outside this door with a man inside of it. if you walk out this door, his job is to kill you if I couldn't. If you move from this spot, I will kill you. Stay put and don't make a sound."
Darkstar: ((okay
I am now going to say we are out of combat))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((There is
still the thug in the bathroom.))
Darkstar: final
Recap The stripper sits on the floor crying as mary talks to her, the first thug
stays on the ground with his had over his wound as the first thug moves into the
bathroom and locks the door. Ricky blows the Barkeeps head away
Darkstar: ((yes I
know but im sure he can be dealt with outside of combat))
Darkstar: ((or at
least outside of initiative))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Hey, guy!" She
calls out to Ricky. "I'm taking this bitch home. I want some information from
her. There is one guy left in the washroom."
Ricky Prince: He stands up and cocks the
shotgun, looking around. The people were heading toward the back, last he
saw...he calls out. "Hey, chica! You there?"
Ricky Prince: "A'ight. Washroom guy's
mine." He heads to the bathroom, checking the door. Hmm, locked.
Darkstar: *The
stripper stays on the ground sniffling as she watches Mary. the thug that mary
stab begins to go pale from his blood lose.*
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She leans down
to the woman again. "Now, stay still." She then causally moves over to the
wounded man. "Hey, you okay?"
Darkstar: "Stay
back" *yells the man in the washroom* "If you come in here ill kill you"
Darkstar: *The
wounded man looks up at her* "No im not okay you crazy bitch you shanked me"
Ricky Prince: He takes a step back and
takes aim at the door, kicking underneath the doorknob to kick the thing in.
Ricky Prince: "Yeah, doubt it," he mutters
as he kicks.
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Brawl: 6,5,9,1,7,9,5,9,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Yeah. Sorry."
She punches right across the jaw to knock him out. ((Dex + brawl))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 6,4,7,6,4,4,7,6,4,
Ricky Prince:
d10: Damage to Door: 9,1,5,5,9,5,3,2,5,
Ricky Prince: ((..........))
Darkstar: *The
door goes flying open and the thug is sitting there holding a switch blade
looking scared as shit*
Darkstar: ((Shitty
door and for expedencies sake im just going to say it was kicked in))
Ricky Prince: He levels the shotgun at
the thug, and grins viciously. "Hola, chico. Buenos nochas." And he
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: : 2,2,1,10,9,5,4,5,
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+Firearms (WP): 5,3,2,5,9,3,4,
Darkstar: *the guy
slumps down uncocious from Marys hit* (Again for expedency)
Darkstar: ((Roll
damage 6))
Ricky Prince:
d10: Damage: 5,8,6,7,3,5,
Mary Margaret St. Michael: She lifts the
guy up in her arms over her shoulders, lifting the guy easily despite being a
girl of average build and height. "Girl, come here." She calls over to the
stripper. Then she brings out her cellphone to call Blue, "Blue, let us out the
back door. I've got two new friends for us."
Darkstar: *The guy
hits the stall ahrd as the bullet tears through him blood splashing all over the
Darkstar: *Blue
moves up to the back door and opens it and helps Mary to escort the two out*
Ricky Prince: Cock. One more shot. Better
do the job.
Ricky Prince:
d10: Dex+FA: 5,7,7,3,9,2,3,
Ricky Prince:
d10: Damage: 9,5,9,7,7,2,2,2,
Darkstar: ((Okay
when Ricky fires this shot the guy will die no roll nesscary))
Darkstar: ((it even
happened in the roll))
Darkstar: *The Guy
slumps to the ground dead after ricky fires the shot his blood pooling all over
the floor*
Mary Margaret St. Michael: "Cya later guy!
Thanks for the fun time." She yells this out to Ricky as she exits the building.
She throws the unconscious guy in the roomy back seat, and instructs the girl to
get in there as well. Mary gets in last. After everyone is inside, Mary wraps an
arm over the girl's shoulders and comforts her, "Don't worry. Everything will be
okay from now on."
Ricky Prince: All right, then. He takes
the shotgun...that'll come in handy later...and moves out to the bar. He starts
spreading alcohol all over the club, saving one bottle. The bottle is taken out
the front door, where he looks for a good, strong vehicle.
Darkstar: ((Well
ya thanks for the wonderful scene but I have a cranky baby to deal with so I
must be heading unless im needed for anything that must be done now))
Ricky Prince: ((Ricky drives said strong
vehicle through the front of the building, them makes a molotov cocktail and
tosses it into the bar before running away. KABOOM!! Bye bye bar.))
Darkstar: *After
looking around Ricky finds an old 80's model ford truck*
Ricky Prince: ((And he takes the shotgun
with him.))
Mary Margaret St. Michael:
d10: conscious: 7,2,
Darkstar: ((Well ya
the scene was great, thanks again for the fun))
Ricky Prince: ((Thanks, Dark. Ricky has a
new friend! *Beams at the shotgun* Oh, yeah, and Mary, too. *G*))
Mary Margaret St. Michael: ((Thank you
Dark! Thanks Rav!))
Darkstar: ((Well
thanks again ya))