Troy Lawrence: Troy's apartment, interestingly, is very much different from his office. Where as his office in the NY County DA's office is simple to the point of being spartan, his condo is quite lavishly furnished--as befitting a Silver Fang Royalist--without being gaudy. Everything is done in dark greens and browns. Leather couches, a large coffee table, several bookshelves...topics range from war philosophy to political theory to many, many law journals. He seems to be quite the fan of Victorian literature, as well. Everything's perfectly in place, as it is on Troy.

Desiree Vespucci: ((arrives!))

Laidan: Being blind, she missese the perfection that is Troy's home. She is, however, pretty damn aware it's Troy's place, and it's a nice place, so the metis stands a little bit out of the way, quietly.

Desiree Vespucci: A bit rustic for her tastes, but lovely none the less.

Troy Lawrence: "Miss Laidan...please. Take a seat." He doesn't bother effecting a smile...she can't see, after all. He merely takes her by the arm, an assertive grip, without being foreful, and leads her to the couch.

Joshua Coil: *He brings coffee. In a carrier. Four of them. An extra for himself. No meeting is complete without coffee.*

Laidan: She moves easily, used to being led around, and settles into a seat. Fingers idly press to the leather, not a fabric she's used to. "Thank you."

Troy Lawrence: He nods a little as Laidan sits down. "You are welcome." A smile to Desiree, and he goes to the door as Joshua comes up and opens it for him, letting him in. "Good evening, Mr. Coil. Please, come in."

Desiree Vespucci: Nods to the smile, leaning back in the overstuffed chair she's selected, looking quite comfortable.

Joshua Coil: Thank you, Sir, *he says softly.* coffee? Anyone? *He looks around. After all, any they don't drink, he will.*

Laidan: She gives a little waveto Joshua as he enters, though she doesn't know Desiree.

Desiree Vespucci: "I'd love one, Joshua. Thank you." Noting he does indeed have a last name.

Laidan: "No thank you." She murmurs.

Joshua Coil: *He hands one over to Desiree, and the remainders are placed on coasters.*

Troy Lawrence: "I will take a coffee, yes." He takes a coffee and moves to stand in a central location. "Thank you all for coming. Eddie, unfortunately, was unable to make it, but I advised her that I would bring her up to speed on all events discussed here."

Desiree Vespucci: Accepts the coffee with a smile, and rises to seek out cream and sugar.

Joshua Coil: *He nods, and looks ot the spare coffee. Three for him, then. He sips at the one in his hand, as he takes a seat on the floor by the table, cross-legged.*

Troy Lawrence: There is cream and sugar on the bar, already laid out, as well as a few glasses and a few bottles to alcohol, for those interested. It appears that someone is quite used to the aspects of running such meetings.

Laidan: She stops idly petting the leather, and moves to rest her hands in her lap, quietly.

Desiree Vespucci: Sweetens and lightens her coffee, then returns to her seat, legs demurely crossed, dress smoothed over her knees.

Troy Lawrence: "I believe everyone here is aware of my intentions toward forming a pack, involving myself, Joshua, Desiree, and Eddie. Miss Laidan contacted me this morning in regards to joining with us as well, and has information from the elders in regards to an item that the Sept is needing retrieved...something that can suffice for getting our quest taken care of."

Laidan: She nods slightly.

Desiree Vespucci: Listens politely, saving her questions for the end of his talk. Most of this is quite new to her.

Joshua Coil: *He remains silent as well, sipping at his coffee.*

Troy Lawrence: His gaze turns to Laidan. "Miss Laidan. If you could explain this situation regarding the torc?"

Laidan: "Of course." A small nod, and a slight pursuing of her lips. "According to Poppa Rustcruncher, there was a pack called the Brass Arm pack, that was gifted a powerful fetish by Stag, a torc. This torc was lost in a battle with Black Spiral Dancers in a Pocket Wyrm Realm in New Jersey. One of the Spiral's was Malcolm De Witt's twin sister, Lucinda. Its said that she, and mant of those she worked with have been killed, but that's -not- for sure. It was never heard if the fetish was recovered. The realm itself should be abandoned too, but again... should be. If we get thos torc, it can be used to hold down the corrupt bear totem that's plauging the Asian pack too." Her voice quiet. "I spoke to Mr. De Witt too, and gathered information from him as well."

Desiree Vespucci: *sips her coffee, eyes on Laidan*

Laidan: A deep breath, and she details the pack members, that the stupid player lost. And promises to get back to everyone. "Mr. De Witt said the pack went into the Belly of the Serpent, which is the dungeon part of the Serpent's Realm, which was seen in a prophetic dream by one of the pack members. They were fighting to free one of the pack members, which ha been kidnapped by Malcolm's mother, a corrupt Black Fury Kinfolk with infernalist powers, and Luncinda. The Torc was lost to Lucinda. The Physical location of the Serpent Realm corrsponds to a mansion along the Hudson in New Jersey's upscale riverside neighborhoods across from Staten Island. It was owned by a man named Scott Foster, who was a rank 4 BSD and one of the followers of Angu, and was killed by Stonewall and the Brass Arm Pack." A pause to collect all her thoughts.

Laidan: "Mr. De Witt thinks that if the torc is from Stag, it would have been given to someone known as the Black Knight, who was a corrupted fae, also a follower of Angu. The Black Knight fell in the battle over Ellis Island. If he had the fetish, it might still be there, in the Shadowlands of Ellis Island." She goes quiet.

Troy Lawrence: He nods to Laidan. "So, then, we would be heading into this Pocket Wyrm Realm, to locate the torc. Do we have any way of knowing what kind of resistance will be there, residually? perhaps scouting it out, if that is possible?"

Laidan: She hesitates. "We -can- ask Stag to help guide us. But he may be reluctant to speak to me, if at all."

Desiree Vespucci: "Have you offended Stag in the past?" she asks Laidan, giving her a curious look.

Joshua Coil: *He looks up to Laidan.* Why? You are of his Children, aren't you?

Laidan: "Stag is not fond of metis." She says softly.

Laidan: A pause. "But as Poppa said... he probably likes powerful gifted fetish in the hands of spirals less."

Troy Lawrence: "Indeed." He nods. "But the fact that you are Fianna may counter-balance that some, no?"

Joshua Coil: Perhaps we can find another Fianna, *he murmurs.* If he doesn't respond to you.

Laidan: "Or just someone who can speak to spirts." She tilts her head to Josh, and nods to Troy. "This is what I hope."

Joshua Coil: *He shrugs, and lowers his head again.*

Troy Lawrence: "I will go with you to speak with Stag." A short nod. "I have the capability to do so, should he refuse to speak with you."

Laidan: She again nods to Troy, easily. Perfect solution to her.

Desiree Vespucci: "One would think that Stag would be proud that one of his children, in spite of a difficult handicap, was still striving for the good of all. Not that I know anything about spirits, but... come on."

Joshua Coil: Adaptation doesn't work for all Tribes, *he says quietly.* Maybe things work differently.

Laidan: "If you don't know about spirits... don't assume." She tilts her head. "We are a living embodiment of a Garou's weakness and sin. It is easy to see why some don't like us."

Troy Lawrence: "Spirits, Desiree, tend to be exceptionally single-minded in purpose. Stag is, thus, very single-minded in his purpose. And that purpose, as it happens, does not generally include metis." A small smile, almost sympathetic, for the sake of those who can see. "We will see how he reacts toward Laidan, and proceed from there."

Desiree Vespucci: Leaning towards Laidan. "Really? These spirits are possessed of human prejudices then?" Sounding a bit surprised. She had rather envisioned them as something a bit more... divine.

Joshua Coil: *It's hard to tell what he's feeling. The cup empty of coffee. First one. He crushes it, and reaches for another from the carrier.*

Joshua Coil: ((I'm gonna crash... assume he sits there and drinks the last coffee.))

Laidan: "It's not human prejudice, they're spirits. They can be born of such things, I guess." She tilts her head. "Me being a metis is not human... it's Garou. I'm a sterile creature, unable to keep a line of Garou, and physically flawed. We can be burdens. And not all spirits have this issue. I've gotten along fine with nearly all."

Laidan: ((Night night *hugs*))

Desiree Vespucci: Listens, absorbing the new information. "I do apologize if my questions seem... obvious or simple. I'm still rather new to the whole, garou-thing."

Laidan: "It's fine." She says softly.

Desiree Vespucci: "Thank you, for your patience."

Laidan: She nods a little again, fingers fidgeting with her dress, absently smoothing it.

Troy Lawrence: "Stag is associated with verility, and that, surely, has a motivation for his difficulty with metis." He nods. "I am not entirely familiar with him, but it would make sense to me." A look goes to Laidan. "We will speak to him together. Now...what else? We will be traveling into the Dark Umbra, you said?"

Laidan: "Yes."

Troy Lawrence: A nod. "All right. So information on there would be good, as well." He considers this a moment.

Laidan: "It's not a very nice place." She murmurs very quietly.

Troy Lawrence: "I would gather not." He looks to Desiree to explain. "By Dark Umbra, we mean the lands of the dead."

Desiree Vespucci: "Sounds.. intriguing." A hint of caution in her tone. "We won't be visiting Hell, I hope?"

Laidan: It takes her a moment to figure out what she means by 'Hell'. A pause as she contemplates this. "It's just... a bad, and dead place. And in the Umbra... anything can happen, to be honest. It can be unpredictable."

Desiree Vespucci: Nods. "My rite of passage took place in a rather nasty part of the Umbra."

Troy Lawrence: A slight nod, as he lets the Theurge explain.

Laidan: "And it can get nastier." She explains. "There are ghosts, there are wars... in the Shadowlands. And we get to go to a place where Sprials once were. Expect nasty, and worse, I would assume. Not just pyshical things... but things that can mess with your mind too. Those are just as devastating." She lowers her head.

Troy Lawrence: He nods. "Exaclty. These are the things we must be prepared to face."

Desiree Vespucci: "How exactly do we prepare for things that can attack our mind? Will we be going to the dark umbra on Ellis Island or at the old mansion? And if it's the latter, who owns the property?"

Laidan: "There is a possiblity of it being in both areas." She admits. "It was lost in the Serpent Realm, technically, but if the torc was given to the night, it may be in the Shadowlands of Ellis Island. And... what about the property?" Someone doesn't get trespassing.

Desiree Vespucci: "If we need access to the property, it might be good to know who owns it."

Troy Lawrence: "Information for us to learn, Desiree." He nods. "Perhaps you can speak with Mr. DeWitt about that?"

Laidan: "Uhm..." She says quietly, and then 'looks' to Troy. He did get her the papers after all.

Laidan: "About which part?"

Desiree Vespucci: "Why Mr. DeWitt? The city Recorders Office should have the information."

Troy Lawrence: ((Gaah, I misread the information previously supplied. Sorry, guys, attention has been split. Delete my last post))

Desiree Vespucci: ((kk, then dlp mine too))

Laidan: ((No problem))

Troy Lawrence: "Information for us to learn, Desiree." He nods. "I can attempt to access the public records of who owns the location...fairly commonplace, in my duties. See what you can find the information as well, in case my own efforts are blocked."

Desiree Vespucci: "I'll check the tax office and county recorder. I'll need the street address though."

Laidan: "I'll see if Malcolm can clarify on which area would be best to look, or we may have to start in one place, and then move to the next. Or... again, speak with Stag."

Troy Lawrence: Another short nod. "Excellent, Miss Laidan. Speak with Mr. DeWitt...after that, we will go together to speak with Stag."

Laidan: She seems much calmer, and more confidant, then when it all first started. She nods slowly to Troy, agreeing.

Troy Lawrence: He folds his arms, face calm and quite satisfied with the entire situation. "Are there any questions?"

Laidan: "Not at this time, no."

Desiree Vespucci: Glances at the others. She's rather sure she'll have more as things progress.

Desiree Vespucci: "Likely more will crop up, but I'm good for now."

Troy Lawrence: "All right." He nods. "I believe, in forming this pack, we will become a lightning rod for the Sept. The Sept has not, obviously, had a pack in quite some time...I've heard mention of beliefs the Sept is cursed in that way. We will break that curse. And a strong pack we will be, the five of us."

Laidan: She says nothing, guilt flashing over her face briefly. But she's silent.

Desiree Vespucci: (per+emp, Lai)

Desiree Vespucci: 4,4,2,7,

Desiree Vespucci: Not knowing the woman well, no grand insight finds her, but she does wonder.

Troy Lawrence: Eyes flick between the two. "Is there anything else anyone would like to discuss?" It doesn't seem specifically directed toward the reaction to his past words, but isn't undirected, either.

Laidan: She shaks her head.

Desiree Vespucci: "Looks like we're good to go, unless there's something I should have asked and didn't?"

Troy Lawrence: He looks at them both a moment, then nods. "Excellent, then. Consider the meeting adjourned." He moves to take a seat in his chair, relaxing.

Laidan: She has to think for a moment, before she relaizes he means the meeting is over. Fingers gently play in her pockets, looking for her cell phone...

Desiree Vespucci: Lai> "We weren't formally introduced, but I'm Desiree Vespucci."

Laidan: She tilts an ear towards Desiree with a little smile. "Laidan. Cliath Metis Fianna Theurge. It is nice to meet you, Ms. Vespucci."

Desiree Vespucci: "Oh, Cliath, Philodox of the Glasswalkers. Also known as Surfs-with-Mice."

Troy Lawrence: he sits there, sipping at his coffee and watching the two women, getting a sense of interaction betweenm them.

Laidan: Her lips quirk up into a smile at the woman's deed name.

Desiree Vespucci: Grins, yeah, she's a ferocious one all right. With the name to with it.

Laidan: "I remember you now." She says softly. "You spoke up at the moot, and declared your deed name. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you at first..."

Desiree Vespucci: "That's okay. Not entirely sure I had any business speaking anyway, but it seemed like a good chance to introduce myself, and maybe get to know more people like"

Troy Lawrence: A slight nod from Troy, acknowledging Desiree's comment. "And thus, it worked out." A bit of a smile.

Laidan: "Of course you did." She blinks slowly. "You moved from cub to Cliath and gained a deed name. You have every right to speak up and claim renown..."

Desiree Vespucci: "It was all pretty exciting."

Laidan: She smiles lightly. "It can be."

Troy Lawrence: He relaxes a little, as Laidan and Desiree get to know each other a little better. The easier the camaraderie, the closer the pack.

Desiree Vespucci: "We went into the digital web to retrieve a fettish for cockroach. There really were mice too. They looked kind of like Stuart Little."

Laidan: "Who's Stuart Little?" She blinks slowly.

Desiree Vespucci: "Oh, a television mouse. Kind of surreal looking thing."

Laidan: She tries to grasp this concept. Its obviously not clicking quite right. "How... he looked surreal?"

Desiree Vespucci: "Well, real but not real? He looked like a mouse, but behaved much like a human with human facial expressions and such. Real mice don't do that."

Desiree Vespucci: ((And I need to get going in a few.))

Troy Lawrence: A small grunt. He's not much into family films.

Laidan: " was a human mouse?" She blinks. Nope. NOt getting it.

Troy Lawrence: "Think if it as sort of an exceptionally...cute Ratkin, Laidan." He says cute the way some might say 'three-day-old hamster vomit' or something similar.

Laidan: That just seems to confused the hell out of her more. "I don't know what Ratkin look like either. But okay."

Desiree Vespucci: "It's hard to translate it to other senses since movies are visually oriented." Looks at her watch. "Oh, I have to go! I have an early meeting in the morning." Rises. "It was a pleasure meeting you Laidan. Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. Lawrence. I'll call you as soon as I've checked the records on the old mansion."

Troy Lawrence: "Excellent. Good evening to you, Desiree." A nod to her.

Laidan: "Goodnight, Ms. Vespucci. Be safe." She murmurs.

Desiree Vespucci: Thank you, good night." And she slips out the door. ((Night guys! Thanks for the rp!))

Laidan: ((G'night!))

Troy Lawrence: A look to Desiree as she leaves, and this his eyes travel back to Laidan, regarding her curiously for a moment. "Miss Laidan...may I ask you a question?"

Laidan: "Yes?" She 'looks' to him.

Laidan: ((Pause!))