Micheal Espesito: *just grumbles to himself, can't this
shit happen to someone other than him right now in his life?* "Hey can i still
get my drink even if he is dead?"
Rocco: **He's sloppily tossed together, an
italian man with the typical italian hairiness, a short scruffy beard and 'stache,
the same dark brown as the greasy hair waving to above his shoulders in an
unkept sweptback mess. Clever brown eyes that gleam over a wide grin, a dark tan
and perpetual neck stubble. The man's usually in a loose white t-shirt and
jeans, a long navy coat tossed over the entire lackluster ensemble. You get the
impression that were he clean shaven and dressed up, he might be worth looking
at, but right now? ... not really.*
Alice Newcomb: And finds herself looking
up at Gunther as she was heading towards the loud voice and he's heading towards
the dance floor she just walked across.
Gunther Kasimir Berg: Gunther plants his
boots in the floor and peers down to Alice "Oh. It's you." He gruffs.
Miss Raines: "Mac" and another guard head
around the bar to grab the guy, pull him aside, but as Mac touches his arm he
jerks back again, "Shit hes cold, how long has he been here?" he asks, as they
tug him towards the end of the bar, trying not to alert anyone else.. badly.
Miss Raines: The barman serves Micheal..
and himself.
Alice Newcomb: Does her best to look
tough. All five feet of her. "Yeah, it's me. What about it?"
Alice Newcomb: ((Intimidation: zilch!))
Rocco: *bump, shove.. watch it you guido
asshole.. he looks around in a bit of a haze,* What the fuck are you assholes-
*oh.. they're dancing.. he's on the dancefloor. he snorts loudly and scruffs his
beard. what does he do?*
Gunther Kasimir Berg: He sneers down at the
tiny female "Ain't it past yer bedtime, slutpuppy?" He gruffs "Step off fore I
bend ya over Gunther's knee" (man+intim)
Gunther Kasimir Berg:
Alice Newcomb: She does however,
subconsciously take a deep breath as though that might make her bigger and
somehow scary.
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: ((if any girls was
intimidated by being spanked that would be scary... instead I imagine it is just
a turn on*G*))
Alice Newcomb:
Gunther Kasimir Berg: ((*giggles* potence
spanking *SPAT!*))
Durst Whitright: "So do you think that you
could teach me to dance with it on my back?" *he says with a smile to Roxy as he
takes another drink of his beer killing it*
Alice Newcomb: Of course Matt isn't here
to back her up, and she swallows, trying to think of a snappy comeback. Nothing
is coming to mind however.
Micheal Espesito: "he's cold alredy ? " taking his drink
he seems in thought *intel medicine roll comming up*
Rocco: ((quite frankly.. a huge
skinhead SNeers at me and asks if I want a spanking? I shit myself. Twice. then
find someone bigger to stand behind)
Micheal Espesito:
Alice Newcomb: ((Oh, shit, that would
hurt! *L*))
Gunther Kasimir Berg: Gunther pushes his way
past the tiny female muttering to himself "Hate bitches.."
Micheal Espesito: *utters a decent aproximation for how
long a body takes before taking a sip from his drink*
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *looks a bit
skeptical* I am gifted but even I have my limits, not sure there is a way to
look good carring that thing around. But next time you might want to just leave
it at home you know. *said with a slight smirk as she takes a drink of her rum
and coke*
Alice Newcomb: Edges a step back.
Rocco: *well.. dancing... not really his
thing.. so he launches into it.. beeeeeeeaming and grinding lewdly against the
closest body with a vagina attached to it. the sarcasm practically driiiips off
Durst Whitright: *He smiles to her* "So
there will be a next time then?" *He says as he puts the computer back into the
Alice Newcomb: Makes a very unkewl squeek
as he shoves past. So much for standing tough.
Gunther Kasimir Berg:
Gunther Kasimir Berg: (holy hell.. gunther's
a damn fox tonight.. why wasn't i rolling like this when i was DODGING BULLETS?
*shakes head*)
Miss Raines: The guy is dragged into a back
room, and a paramedic is soon on the way,
Alice Newcomb: Good one Alice. Best
imitation of a deer in headlights yet. You take the prize.
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *shrugs ever so
slightly at the question of a next time. Takes a drag off her cigarette and
smiles around it a bit* Maybe guess will have to see what Erika thinks.
Durst Whitright: "Well I guess I could just
go and drop the comp in my car, so that maybe I could get a few dancing lessons
from you" *he says with a smile*
Gunther Kasimir Berg: Gunther peers
cautiously about the place, taking in every detail his feeble brain can bother
to store. He notes the lewd Italian grinding on the somewhat displeased female..
There's a difference between hating bitches.. and violating them. He makes a
heavy step in his direction.
Alice Newcomb: ((Damn Gunther, you've got
the dice tonight. What have you been doing in the back room with the dice bot?))
Dante Angelakis: A striking thin man of slight
mediteranean descent his skin a dusky pale his hair black as coal. His sharp
blue eyes have a feint bruised ring around them suggesting he either doesn't get
much sleep or he perhaps puts on eyeliner and then smudges it. He has an intense
look that's both predatory and sad. Sad perhaps because he's longing for
something else something that he apparently believes is no longer an option for
him. His suits easily on the priceier end of things. And a gold chain drifts
down into a pocket of his slacks.
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *shrugs a little
bit* Well if you think it would be safe enough and that is if it matters enough
to you. *offering a small little coy smile*
Miss Raines: The young lady stands in the
shadow of a corner, arm around a young man, chattering idly with him, holding
him tight for comfort as she watches the body be dragged to the backrooms.
Rocco: *he's getting slapped on suddenly
by a very indignant 20 year old, eyes shut.. still grinding.. flinching..
finally he steps back and goes* whaaaaa? *he snorts in laughter, amused and
shaking his head as she storms off*
Dante Angelakis: (changes gold to silver)
Joshua Coil: *A drink. A drink is ALL he
wants. The last thing he NEEDS, but all he wants. He squirms in through the
front door. Of course i.d. isn't asked for, or necessary. Big, angry guy. He
looks up, and around.*
Joshua Coil:
Gunther Kasimir Berg: Gunther tromps up
to just behind Rocco, folding his heavy arms across his chest and watching the
man. Waiting to be noticed.
Durst Whitright: *He smiles to her as he
moves to get up and head out towards his car* "Ill be back in a minute"
Micheal Espesito: *and with his drink in hand and his
knowledge spewed forth. he begins to make his way around the room sipping his
Rocco: *... drunk guy being towed away at
the bar.. with any luck that'd be him in a -whoa holy fuck a giant nazi-*
Alice Newcomb: Heads for the door, Gunther
having convinced her it really is past her bed time.
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *can't help but
grin when Durst hurries off imagining once outside he will break into a dead
run. That thought has her giggling after he is long gone for the moment, shaking
her head takes a drink of the rum and coke*
Troy Lawrence: He heads in with Joshua. For
once, the man isn't in his power suit...it's a black turtleneck and slacks. Very
utilitarian. The Assistant DA is out for a night to relax, and he's doing it
with Joshua.
Troy Lawrence:
Gunther Kasimir Berg: Gunther peers down at
the lewd italial with a look of clear discust "You ain't should be doin shit
like at. Gonna catch a boot in tha ass." He snorts.
Durst Whitright: *On his way out the door
Durst bumps into Alice as he tries to quickly move out to his car*
Joshua Coil: *His mood... quickly sours.
The growl in his throat is prevalent, and he murmurs something to Troy.*
Alice Newcomb: The underaged teen damn
near bumps into the DA on her way out.
Troy Lawrence: He sees something, and
his eyes narrow. Even the underaged girl bumping into him is ignored.
Alice Newcomb: She's playing pinball as
she swerves to avoid Troy and bumps into Durst. "Excuse me."
Rocco: I didn't fuck her! She's yours! *he
gives a lopsided lazy grin, hands coming up almost panicked.. but somehow.. the
man's cocky*
Joshua Coil:
Dante Angelakis: A practicied glance around the room as he
Troy Lawrence:
Dante Angelakis:
Miss Raines -> Troy Lawrence: ((might want
to make a per primal urge to sense the blood in the air... though it might not
surprise him in a club.))
Gunther Kasimir Berg: Gunther just look at
the man with a hint of suspiscion before he lets down his guard.. deeming him
harmless "Ain't wanta bitch. Got plenty cunts followin my ass around at I can't
get rid of." He snorts and takes a swig from his beer.
Troy Lawrence:
Joshua Coil: ((Dex+Ath to work way through
the crowd))
Joshua Coil:
Miss Raines -> Troy Lawrence: FReshly
spilled blood on the bar... right next to micheal.
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *taking a drag off
her cigarette she notices the place has really filled up, not to surprising this
really. More of a late night type club anyways.*
Durst Whitright: *Smiles at the girl as he
continues for the door* "dont worry about it"
Joshua Coil: *He is working his way
through the crowd, not quite as graceful as he would like. In a direct beeline
for Espesito.*
Alice Newcomb: Squeezes out the door with
Durst, and turns around to look at him.
Micheal Espesito: Not really paying attention right now as
he takes another drink grumbling.
Miss Raines: Cassie smiles as she whispers
into her new dates ear, tells him how much he should praise her, and how lucky
he is that she wants him, life goes on and sometimes it doesnt.
Joshua Coil: *Blood... he smells a
little... but it is of no concern to him. the blood he will be smelling later...
Rocco: oh yeah I'm sure. women are always
up on jauger swilling aryain motherfuckers... *he snorts. hard to tell if he's
sarcastic or drunk. maybe both. he doooes smell like booze. and pot*
Troy Lawrence: He moves alongside Joshua,
calm, but ready. Moving in on Micheal like a shark toward a bucketload of chum.
Durst Whitright: *Durst smiles to Alice
before moving off towards his car parked a little ways down the road*
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *for the moment
content to sit in her booth, drinking her rum and coke supplied by durst while
she waits on his return and watching the thicking crowd of people mingling*
Joshua Coil: *Perhaps he's simply never
been this angry before. But it is coming off of him in waves. Good. He's not
paying attention to him. Then he won't note the punch to the back of his head.*
Joshua Coil:
Troy Lawrence: He leans over to Joshua,
murmuring to him as they move in.
Gunther Kasimir Berg: He shrugs, lookng
around the place. He doesn't seem to mind the man's demeanor.. just glad to be
in the company of another male for once. "Ain't make no sense ta me neither.
Crazy sluts.." In snorting, he catches a whiff of the man. "You smoke." He
gruffs "You look for anythin? I got some fire shit.. Just came in yesterday."
His voice low.
Alice Newcomb: Double checks the flaming
guy as she climbs on a black and green Ninja and rocks it off the stand, skirt
hiked to hips.
Troy Lawrence -> Joshua Coil: "Careful,
Joshua. This is a public place, though I can surely get charges dropped against
you, if there are any."
Joshua Coil: *what a waste of an amazing
roll. Troy's words make his fist slow. Leveling at the back of Micheal's neck.
Muscles corded in fury.*
Miss Raines:
Durst Whitright: *Makes it to his beat up
old car and pops the trunk stashing his gear into it before looking into the one
sideview mirror thats left on the car and fixing his hair trying to actually
look nice before turning to move back into the club*
Rocco: Good. this place sucks my pathetic
little dick. *an affronted huff from a gril trying to walk past him as his hand
strays "accidently"*
Alice Newcomb: Smirks to herself as the
guy primps like a chick, then takes off.
Joshua Coil: *No, just a dark shadow
behind him, holding a VERY good punch, quivering in fury.*
Joshua Coil: *And he whispers to Troy.*
Joshua Coil -> Troy Lawrence: It smells of
blood around him, sir.
Micheal Espesito: another sip of the whiskey taken not
registering those behind him*
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *while she waits
alone she debates asking him about the paganistic symbols on his computer,
rather a odd combo all and all. Taking a slow drag from her cigarette*
Troy Lawrence: He nods to Joshua,
indicating his awareness of the situation. "Mister Espesito." He looks at the
man's back, speaking smoothly. "Turn around." There is no question of obeying.
It is a command, pure and simple.
Miss Raines:
Gunther Kasimir Berg: Gunther nods and moves
off. Between hardwired nerds and dead bodies.. this place has lost major points
with the skinhead. He trudges toward the door.
Miss Raines:
Troy Lawrence -> Micheal Espesito: ((DD for
reference: Money and power...that’s what the man projects. He’s quite
attractive, in the high-born, aristocratic way, somewhere in his mid-20’s, with
well- formed cheekbones, a slightly hawkish nose, immaculate skin, and perfectly
coiffed blonde hair, going down to his collar. His eyes, a dark green, hold a
cynical, dismissive look in them, behind a pair of small glasses. His body is
toned, the body of a man who has worked for his muscle-mass, rather then being
blessed with it, and is contained within an tailored suit, sport coat open. An
attache case is ever present nearby, as well as a cell phone at his hip.
Everything about the man’s appearance is tailored to perfection, to present no
weakness to an enemy, whether that be on the job or on the battlefield. ((SF PB
4; Mistaken Identity: Troy Harris))))
Durst Whitright: *Finally Durst moves back
into the club computer free, feeling a bit exposed without the wires, but hey
you do what you have to do, he thinks as he moves back over towards Roxy*
Micheal Espesito: brow raised Fuck they found me again
Slowly turns around half expecting the guy who jumped him in his hotel to be
Joshua Coil: *He mirrors Troy, blocking
off escape from the stool.*
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *notes Durst
approuch and down the last of her rum and coke just as he gets to the table and
gives him a sweet little smile*
Micheal Espesito: Grumbles slightly when he sees the
pair...some how he had almost hoped it was the person who jumped him earlier
this month.
Troy Lawrence: "You will come with us." His
gaze is leveled at Micheal, something very hard and cold behind them.
Something...oily. "Now." Again, no question. He's ordering the man.
Rocco: *Rocco gropes a few more as he goes
after the skin head. hopefully this one didn't need his ass caught on fire*
Durst Whitright: *Durst smiles at Roxy and
looks down at her drink* "How about I get you another one of those and myself
another beer and then you teach me to dance?" *he says with a smile*
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *awards him with
one of her most dazzling smiles she can* Awww thats sweet thanks.
Gunther Kasimir Berg: Gunther slips out
of the place and starts down the sidewalk, stopping to spark up a black n mild.
Durst Whitright: *Durst walks like a man on
a mission to the bar and orders another beer and a rum and coke, as he stands
watching all the people in the crowed*
Micheal Espesito: ...he takes a long drink. "I'd love to.
for the record though someone might be watching me." his voice low. Well
unless i can get away She's dead now. Sorry darlin.
Rocco: *he gets half thrown out the club
by a bouncer.. hair wild*
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *watchs her
current boy toy, march off to get her another drink. Smile not leaving her
voice, sometimes it was just to easy. Taking a long final drag off her cigarette
before crushing it out*
Troy Lawrence:
Gunther Kasimir Berg: Gunther chuckles at
Rocco, with a smirk to the man "At's whatcha get"
Joshua Coil: Wonderful. More for me to
kill, *he growls, low, under his breath.* He told you to move, asshole.
Troy Lawrence: "You misunderstand. This is
not an option." He stares at the man, meeting his gaze directly. Something
shifts behind his eyes, some of the politeness vanishing. "Get off your stool."
Durst Whitright: *Gets the drinks and moves
back over to the table and sets the rum and coke down in front of Roxy befor
sitting down and takeing a drink off his beer*
Micheal Espesito: He stands slowly."no I didn't
misunderstand you. Just thinking about something else."
Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *picks up her rum
and coke and takes a big long drink of it. Nearly downing half of it, then gives
him a pleasent smile. Slight effects of the alcohol starting to emerge finally*
So whats up with the symbols and stuff on your thingy?
Joshua Coil: Sir, permission to beat the
ever loving shit out of him until he gets the idea?
Troy Lawrence: He reaches out and grabs one
of Micheal's arms just below the shoulder. With a look for Joshua to take the
other arm, he starts to move them toward the door.
Miss Raines: Cassie sighs and pats her
dates arm, looking at the door, nodding to herself, and heading for the door,
Miss Raines: ((and unless anyone wants her
shes gone :) ))
Joshua Coil: *And he does. He grabs
Micheal, tightly, perhaps TOO tightly.*
Gunther Kasimir Berg: (switching to DT
Micheal Espesito: Is dragged since there likely moving at
a pace beyond what he was willing to do.
Durst Whitright: "The symbols on the
computer?" *he says with a smile* "Well this is going to make me sound like an
even bigger geek but I have two passions in life one of those is computers, and
the other is the occult, those symbols were put there by a friend of mine who
taught me alot about the occult while I was in school" *he says as he takes a
drink from his beer* "now let me ask you a question, why are you actually
talking to me?"
Troy Lawrence: He heads out with Joshua and
Micheal, moving down the street and heading to a nearby abandoned alleway. ((Off
to DT Open))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]:
Micheal Espesito:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Was a WP roll,
for the record))
Micheal Espesito: (that was apercep
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: He drags Micheal
into the alleyway with Joshua, moving all the way to the back of it, to ensure
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He is infuriated.
And clearly so. His lip curled, as he holds tightly to Micheal's shoulder.*
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: Michael notes it
is an empty alleyway. The one-way kind.
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: He also notes
that Troy has led them to an area outside of the DMZ.
Micheal Espesito: remains silent for the most part.
Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll kill me here ? heres hoping if they are
watching there still watching and it's quick.
Joshua Coil [alley]: *Josh notes this as
well. Having worked the area before.*
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: He looks to
Joshua and nods, shoving Micheal against the wall at the end. "Mister Espesito.
You have performed unspeakable acts against kinfolk. And further, you have
shamed yourself and your tribe by refusing to show yourself at the Sept to be
tried. You have been declared Ronin, the Rite of Ostracism having been performed
in absentia upon you."
Micheal Espesito: lets that sink in for a moment
another glance around the area.
Micheal Espesito:
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He listens,
watching... just waiting for the word. Waiting for the shift. He grows... just a
bit. Glabro, to add a bit of... punch, to his punch.*
Micheal Espesito: "So your mans punishments that were
perfomred upon me weren't enough for you eh?"
Joshua Coil [alley]: If I had my way, *he
growls,* you would be shoved into a small box. Forced to breathe in what you DID
to those kin. Catheterized. Plugged. Offered little air and water. And when you
got out, you would be raped to death. Live out your days as nothing but a whore
for the more powerful, until the hope soaked out of your fucking eyes.
Micheal Espesito: "those kin? "
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He can't hold his
temper any longer. Troy might be holding him, but the punch goes aimed for his
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: "I have no man
who has punished you." He watches the man, face dead cold, voice eerily calm..
"Had you suffered an eternity of torture in a Hive, I would not be satisfied
with your retribution. As a..." He looks disgusted to even say it in relation to
him. "A trueborn, you have a responsibility toward the welfare of your kin. You
have betrayed that trust. And now, you shall pay." He looks to Joshua, shifting
up to Glabro himself.
Joshua Coil [alley]: *The punch is veered
once, to simply avoid punching the man. His fist slams into the wall, hard.*
Joshua Coil [alley]: Names. Your names of
your accomplices. Now.
Micheal Espesito: "I don't have any. Don't you get it I
came here to get her before they did. Didnt Xu tell you anything after he beat
me senseless and took her ? or ingvar ?"
Joshua Coil [alley]: *His lip curls, and
he lets out a savage, guttural snarl, made mockery by the scar across his
throat.* Ahh yes... he beat you senseless... after you beat HER senseless.
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: "Xu. Ingvar." He
raises an eyebrow. "Interesting." He shrugs. ((Per+Subterfuge))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Wow. Thank GOD
that's just a fail in Revised))
Micheal Espesito: "in response to her shooting me tell
me how many men walk away from you when they shoot you with a .45"
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: "Trueborn do.
Because they have honor."
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Same here.))
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Micheal Espesito: "and i was trying to get help for
her, but the few people I told wouldn't listen. they were all to concerned with
how insane the story sounded."
Micheal Espesito: (No he isnt lying didnt realize thats
what that was for)
Joshua Coil [alley]: In a heartbeat, *he
growls.* You walk away because while they can hurt you, YOU can KILL them
without a thought... and it is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to protect them. Not to whore
them out for profit.
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: "And the...rape?"
The mere word makes him twitch.
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]:
Micheal Espesito: "I never whored her out for profit, my
brother did. I came here to find her and reuntie her with her children not turn
her over to them, but if they saw me with you" regarding troy ."it's too late
her children are dead because the one thing they told me was if i go to a fang
they kill them."
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Was another
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He snarls, and slams
a fist into his shoulder, again. Or tries to.*
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: "AND THE RAPE?"
He spits the words into Michael's face, snarling them, leaning down to come
within inches of the man.
Micheal Espesito: "that gets complicated yes it happend,
there were extenuating circumstances like her luring me to bed a few times
before and thensuddenly freaking out."
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Roll Soak,
Micheal Espesito: (was responding as fast i could )
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((It's cool. Just
roll soak.))
Joshua Coil [alley]: Extenuating FUCKING circumstances? *he growls.* No ... means... no. *It perhaps isn't clear what is happening, but Josh grows just a bit more.. just a bit, claws from his fingertips. He is swiftly losing patience.*
Micheal Espesito:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: Amazingly, the
Glabro's punch is absorbed by Michael's body. Hurts some, no damage.
Joshua Coil [alley]: ~HT~ Take care of
your control problem, Micheal. Take care of it right now.
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: "Are you
trying...to tell me...she ASKED for it?" Now, his hands clench into fists.
Micheal Espesito: "no I didn't say she asked for it. I
said after a few times of being invited or seduced into he rbed one time on a
night i wasn't clearly thinking i lost control. "
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He looks over to
Troy, that pointed black muzzle, so dark against the night. And he looks back to
Micheal.* ~HT~ Taking care of it.
Micheal Espesito: "in fact call he rand get her side of
things he r numbers in my cellphone"
Joshua Coil [alley]: ~HT~ You were told to
help her, Micheal. By Ingvar. And you failed, *the black dog grunts coldly.*
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: "You
never...EVER...lose control. Not...like that." He shoots visual daggers through
the man. "You have been deemed Ronin. You will not be allowed to act as you have
again." ((Init time))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]:
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((12))
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((17))
Micheal Espesito: 8,
Micheal Espesito: ((14)
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Streamlined
Combat Rules: Declare and roll in reverse order, slowest to fastest, it's then
recapped in proper order. Declaring order is as follows: Troy, Micheal, Joshua))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: He aims a fist
for Michael's face, intending to smash it in, if possible. ((Dex+Brawl, diff is
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]:
Micheal Espesito: (is he still being held?
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((No))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Not by Troy, at
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Not by Josh
Micheal Espesito: (attempting to dodge we use full
outdefense rules right?
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Yep))
Micheal Espesito:
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Spending 2 Rage,
called shot - groin. Diff 8. Spending one WP.)) *Josh is grabbing for... a
rather uncomfortable portion of Micheal's body.*
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((*grumbles*
Well... a success with will... who were you dodging, Mike-p?))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((He's going
full-defense, Joshua. Means he gets a full Dex+Dodge, then a Dex+Dodge at -1,
then a Dex+Dodge at -2, and so on.))
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Ohhhh... okay!))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((So roll your
Dex+Dodge at -1, Micheal))
Micheal Espesito: (doesnt fulld efense allow for me to
dodge all incomiing attacks ?
Micheal Espesito:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: Michael dodges
both punch and grab. ((Rage action time))
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Yeap... and we're
going to claw bite.))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((And of course,
Michael gets dodges against the rage actions, too.))
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((But it's minus two
dice now?))
Micheal Espesito:
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Roll damage,
Joshua; Claw Damage +1 for successes))
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Micheal Espesito: (when can i attempt to flee as best i
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Bite.))
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((After this
action, on the next initiative turn))
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Roll yer one die
dodge... can flee after this round.))
Micheal Espesito: (spending wp
Micheal Espesito: 1,
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Bite Damage + 3
for successes))
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Sorry, +4.
Miscounted successes.))
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Six soakable?))
Micheal Espesito:
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Ack. Nope.))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Unsoakable.
Homids can't soak Agg.))
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Sorry, Mike-p,
it's agg.))
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((And what is your
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((*smacks forehead*
Sorry... t'is early... you rolled it already to stay conscious.))
Micheal Espesito: (all right i thought you could in homid
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Nope. Revised,
page 206))
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Yeah, can't soak it
in your breed form. But as it is, you needed to roll it anyway to remain
Micheal Espesito: 'argghhh .....Loook I didn't know i had
been *gasps in pain * declared ronin. I was trying to take on the derabka
vermyself "
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: Between the bite
and the claw, Joshua just ribs Micheal a new one. Literally. ((6 Agg from bite,
2 from the claw. 8 Agg damage. Micheal, roll Rage vs. 8. Each success heals a
level...if you're not dead, you just frenzied.))
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He is glaring,
hard.* ~HT~ Sir, I think we should drag this thing to the Elders for
Micheal Espesito:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((You heal 1 Agg
damage, have 7 Agg, and are Incapacitated, but since you are not DEAD, you've
Frenzied, and don't have wound penalties. Choose a form, Crinos or Hispo. Next
level of damage kills ya.))
Micheal Espesito: (crinos)
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((All right, next
round: Order is Troy, Frenzy Micheal (it is a berserk frenzy, not a fox one),
and Joshua))
Micheal Espesito: *bloodied and batterd and coverd in his
own gore he lets out a strained growl of pain that turns into a howl as he
erupts from his clothes a sleek black wolf man .*
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((2 Rage spent;
one to take Crinos Form)) As Micheal takes Crinos, so does Troy, and he moves
for an claw strike, then a dodge after. ((Dex+Brawl))
Micheal Espesito: (rolls die to determine if fox or
berserk because right now im iffy on the two for him soooo i'll give 1-7 fox
8-10 berserk)
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]:
Micheal Espesito: 1,
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((No, Micheal.
When you heal from being critically injured, it's ALWAYS a Berserk Frenzy))
Micheal Espesito: (oh i misread what you said sorry its
late i havent gotten much sleep tonite)
Micheal Espesito: (then roll your damage as i pull out the
soak dice
Micheal Espesito:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((You still have
a chance for an attack, Micheal, even though that will technically kill you,
since Micheal goes before Troy. Of course, if Joshua kills you, that'll prevent
your attack.))
Micheal Espesito: *lashes out at joshua*
Micheal Espesito:
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Roll your damage,
as I can tell you, he is NOT dodging.))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Claw Damage +
1, Micheal))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((Claw Damage
+ 1, Micheal))
Micheal Espesito:
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Joshua Coil [alley]: ((Clawing at
Joshua Coil [alley]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: ((So, Recap
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He swears in the
High Tongue as Micheal comes back to life. Because, frankly, he's never seen it
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: RECAP: JOSHUA
tries to claw at MICHEAL, but the Frenzied Shadow Lord surges forward, foiling
the attack as he rips into Joshua ((2 Agg)). TROY, on the other hand, manages to
deal the death blow, ripping into MICHEAL'S chest and felling the man, once and
for all. His body hits the floor and he reverts to Homid.
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He pants hard,
and clutches to his arm.* ~HT~ Son of a bitch... what just happened?
Micheal Espesito: *shifts back to a bloody clawed and
gored corpse*
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: He shifts back
down to Homid. His shirt has been ripped off by his transformation...his pants,
though, remain. Always prepared, this one. "He channeled his rage to stay
alive." A shrug, as he regards the corpse coldly. Eyes flick to Joshua. "Are you
badly injured?"
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He breathes
deeply.* ~HT~ Nothing I cannot handle. But I should get it patched up. It is
bleeding. *His clawed hand covers the wound, tightly, to staunch it.*
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: A nod.
"Understood. Come...we will take the body to the Sept through the Umbra. He
fought back, obviously...we had no choice. Once there, I'm sure we can find
someone to heal your injury."
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He nods, and
looks around to the patchy garments, as he shifts down. He huffs slightly in
frustration, as he moves to bind it, and leans down to pick the body up.*
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: He waits for
Joshua to be ready, and then moves to open the way for both him and his packmate.
((GN; WP spent. Considering Diff to be 7; i.e. "Typical Urban Area"))
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]:
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: And they both
pass through immediately.
Joshua Coil [alley]: *He follows,
hefting the body with ease. Even in homid.*
Troy Lawrence [Alleyway]: And off they
head, to Central Park, to deliver the remains of the Ronin.