Brianna McCarthy: She sat on a bench, leg tucked underneath her. There was a tupperware container of something beside her, which she absently ate. In her other hand she held papers, music it seemed. She flipped through them now and then, actually wearing... glasses?

Troy Lawrence: The Alpha makes his way through the park, having taken a couple of days vacation. After the truimph of his pack and the retrieval of the Ronin, he deserves a break from putting away petty criminals. He walks along, cigarette burning between his lips. With his vacation, the young Royalist is dressed remarkably casually. Of course, for him, that means an baltic short sleeve twill shirt, khakis, and a pair of oxfords, with a Euro Style leather jacket over it all, open.

Brianna McCarthy: 2,9,9,8,2,

Troy Lawrence: 9,2,7,10,

Brianna McCarthy: Chewing on her fork slighly, she look up at movement, pushing her glasses up briefly and peering at whomever that is. Ahh, Troy.

Troy Lawrence: As Brianna looks up, he looks over, and their eyes meet. A raised eyebrow, and he alters course slightly, heading toward her with direct yet unhurried steps.

Brianna McCarthy: She blinks and then slides away her papers, and her glasses. Her container of food is moved to the otherside, making room for Troy on the bench. "Mr. Lawrence."

Troy Lawrence: "Miss McCarthy." An inclination of his head, and he takes the offered seat. "How are you today?"

Brianna McCarthy: She rubs her eyes, as she adjusts to not having the glasses again, and blinks a bit. "I'm doing well, yourself?"

: ((open? which part of the park?))

Troy Lawrence: ((Somewhere, say, near the North Meadow?))

Brianna McCarthy: ((A bench on one of the walkways))

Brianna McCarthy: ((That works too *G*))

Troy Lawrence: ((A bench on the walkway near the North Meadow. There ya go. *S*))

William Campbell: DD>William appears to be in his early to mid twenties, and if one word describes him, it's scrawny. He looks too thin to be healthy, almost too thin to support his own weight, but somehow he manages it. He's probably about 120 pounds and 5'6" tall. His black hair is cut very short, and combed with a part along the right side, and fails to cover up his dark green eyes. He's not especially good looking, though certainly not ugly. He wears a t-shirt, generally solid white, and jeans, with sneakers. Somehow, despite his average appearance, and scrawny nature, he has the look of someone who could be great...or at least, who greatness runs in the blood of. ((SF PB 4))

William Campbell: *he enters the park, a backpack slung over his shoulder. Not the part of the park he usually spends time in, but best to aquaint yourself with the terrain...he heads towards the North Meadow*

Troy Lawrence: "I am doing...quite well, actually." A polite smile. He looks to his sleeve and brushes something off of errant piece of ash that dared show up grey against the black. "Busy, but in the good way, for once."

Brianna McCarthy: "That's good." She smiles to him.

Troy Lawrence: 4,10,3,3,

William Campbell: *he proceeds along the path, looking around at the area*

William Campbell: 9,5,2,5,8,8,

Brianna McCarthy: 9,7,7,2,5,

Troy Lawrence: He glances up as he sees someone coming up, then looks back to Brianna. "Indeed, it is." A moment's pause, before moving onto a new subject. "Tell me, perchance, Miss McCarthy...have you been back to that gallery that we ran into each other in a few weeks ago?"

Brianna McCarthy: She notices William but her attention shoots back to Troy. She shifts slightly. "No... no, I haven't."

William Campbell: ((Could I get DDs? I don't believe I've met either of these PCs before)) *he continues along the path, which happens to be in the direction Troy and Brianna are in, continuing to, apparently, inspect this area of the Park*

Troy Lawrence: Money and power...that’s what the man projects. He’s quite attractive, in the high-born, aristocratic way, somewhere in his mid-20’s, with well- formed cheekbones, a slightly hawkish nose, immaculate skin, and perfectly coiffed blonde hair, going down to his collar. His eyes, a dark green, hold a cynical, dismissive look in them, behind a pair of small glasses. His body is toned, the body of a man who has worked for his muscle-mass, rather then being blessed with it, and is contained within an tailored suit, sport coat open. An attache case is ever present nearby, as well as a cell phone at his hip. Everything about the man’s appearance is tailored to perfection, to present no weakness to an enemy, whether that be on the job or on the battlefield. ((SF PB 4; Mistaken Identity: Troy Harris))

Troy Lawrence: He nods a little. "I see." He flicks a glance over her appraisingly. ((Per+Emp))

Troy Lawrence: 4,2,9,1,

Mercury: He comes clomping along the paths. But he's cleaned up well. Instead of his usual street-rat jeans and t-shirt, he's wearing a pair of spiffy, tailored black trousers, polished (!) black Italian leather oxfords, and a rather nice, dark red button-down shirt. It has a high collar that even covers up the flame tattoos that go up his neck. He has removed all of his piercings (!) except the one through his lower lip.

Brianna McCarthy: She's a small woman, no more than five feet tall, and maybe a hundred and twenty pounds. But she is by no means thin or scrawny- it's all muscle on the small woman. She's dressed in sharp black business pants, and a white tank top. Coffee brown hair is braided into two small french braids. Her eyes are a sharp green and take in everything. ((Fianna PB 1. Fame 1))

Mercury: 9,6,4,10,5,

Brianna McCarthy: She shifts to meet him gaze. Hard to figure out what she's thinking. And then she gets distracted by the cleaned up Mercury. And she raises an eyebrow.

Mercury: ((zero pure breed *S*)) He rounds a corner, taking note of the people here. He starts to grin at Brianna and Troy, but at the last minute tames it into a nice smile instead. One can just *see* him having to rein in himself. ((William, do you have a DD for William? Do you need one for Merc?))

William Campbell -> Troy Lawrence: ((Ok, just want to be sure I remember right...PB is pretty freaking obvious to people who think in terms of it, right?))

Troy Lawrence: "That is, I believ, a good thing." He nods a little. "Officer Martinez was quite enamored of the work there. I don't know how good of a prospect that is."

Troy Lawrence -> William Campbell: ((Yes.))

William Campbell: ((I would appreciate one for Merc, yes. *nods* and My DD is still on the page, a bit up))

Mercury: "Afternoon, Troy, Brianna." Remember manners. You know how to do this, you plebe. "How are you both? I hope I'm not interrupting."

Mercury: ((Got it, William. *S* Just a sec, I have to type out Mercury's.))

Brianna McCarthy: She gets pulled back to Troy again, the smile that was forming falling. "Well... you saw Casey (I believe that's the name). He looked at the paintings like they were a lost love," yeah, and then he turned the look on her, "completely taken by it. I might... set up a time to talk to him."

William Campbell: *hmm, that could well be the one he was referred to. He ceases his survey of the terrain and starts moving towards Troy with intent. He's quite obvious about it, intentionally so*

Brianna McCarthy: A faintly bemused, if confused, smile up to Merc. "I'm... fine. How're you?"

Mercury: ~6'2" Cherokee man in his late teens, maybe early 20s, with a powerfully built upper body. His ebony hair is long, loose, and clean, and his eyes are so dark the irises appear to be black. He is exotically handsome with a chiseled face, a gold hoop piercing the left side of his lower lip, and silvery-metal studs of three in each ear. His left hand has a black skull and crossbones tattooed on the back of it.~

Mercury: Brianna: "Perfectly well. Spoiled rotten, so that's to my liking." And the incorrigible grin comes out, though he tries not to let it. He gives William a curious look and a nod.

Troy Lawrence: He looks up at Mercury, brow raised. "I am well, Mercury." A glance goes to William, and the brow stays up as he notes the other's obvious lineage. He rises to his feet.

Mercury: Troy: "Good, good." He nods, and looks back to William again.

Brianna McCarthy: She glances at Troy, and seeing he's got business, she turns back to Mercury, grinning. She tugs on his slack lightly. "Is that what this is all about? Being spoiled rotten?"

William Campbell: *good, Troy has spotted him. He gives a polite and slightly deferential nod as he completes his approach* "Would you happen to be a Mr. Lawrence?" *he speaks in a cultured baritone, accent nonexistant*

Troy Lawrence: "I would be." His stance, despite his causal dress for the day, is nothing but formal. "And you?"

Mercury: He chuckles and sits down next to Brianna while 'the boys' talk. "No, I'm really trying hard to get my act together, grow up. You know. I'm left out of a lot of things, and I still haven't found a...a you-know, *group* to be with. I really think I need to change, let people see I actually have a real brain and can use it." An almost morose sigh. "I developed the slacker persona to piss off people, but...I have to's time to stop. I'm nearly 19."

William Campbell: "I am William Campbell. A girl by the name of Catie recommended that I make contact with you."

Brianna McCarthy: "... oh jesus, you're younger than me. When did I start being -old-?" She grins a little bit to him, and nudges him with a shoulder. "You can grow up and not change you, you know that right? You can show people you have a real brain without having to change you're appearnce. Though...," a wry smile, "it probably helps. I can't deny that."

Brianna McCarthy: Her eyes flick to William at the mention of Catie, and then back to Mercury.

Mercury: The name captures his attention. Another curious glance over at William. Might be the same Catie. But Catie/Katie is a *very* common name.

Troy Lawrence: "Ahh, yes. Catie." He extends a hand out, his motions smooth, grafeul yet not without power and bearing behind them. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Campbell."

Mercury: He smiles wryly and shakes his head. "I'm not being taken seriously. My bad temper is enough of a detriment without adding the juvenile appearance. I came here to start over, you know. I can't do that if I'm still behaving like I did in L.A."

William Campbell: *he shakes Troy's hand* "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Lawrence." *his grip is somewhat weak, but that is to be expected with his build*

Brianna McCarthy: She smiles to him. "Then... good luck, with everything. I still like you."

Troy Lawrence: His grip is quite strong, thought not painful. "Where do you come from, Mr. Campbell?"

Mercury: He laughs. "That's a good sign, then. And Rei is relieved since it also means I've stopped drinking." He looks over to the Fangs.

William Campbell: "I have recently relocated from the outskirts of Chicago." *his eyes are slightly downcast, most likely he is assuming that Troy is his greater in station*

Mercury: Murmurs to Brianna, "They practically glow, don't they?" His tone isn't disrespectful. Amused, yes, but he doesn't mean it in a nasty way.

Brianna McCarthy: She chuckles. "Rei always worries...."

Brianna McCarthy: "Mmmhmm..." She leans back in her seat, and offers a tupperware container to him. "Alden made it. I promised you I'd let you try some of his food sometime, right?"

Troy Lawrence: "Really." His eyebrow raises. "How fortunate...another from my hometown. How are things there?"

Mercury: "Yeah, but I worry about him, too." He takes the container and opens it curiously. "Maybe I should find someone to cook for us who makes really fattening foods. Bulk him up."

Brianna McCarthy: "He -is- thin. And I know what you mean." She smiles a little bit.

William Campbell: *this seems to catch him offguard a bit, something he wasn't expecting, and he cannot hide his dismay at the unexpected event. It comes through in his face, but moreso in his tone* "Things are more or less as they have been."

Mercury: Assuming there is an eating implement, he tries some. And then continues eating. "Wow! Is he for hire? This is excellent."

Brianna McCarthy: A grin. "He's still in school actually...."

Troy Lawrence: He nods. "Of course." His smile is polite, maybe if a little warm, with some small camaraderie toward the other Fang. "It is good to see another from Chicago."

Troy's phone -> Troy Lawrence: *rings, vibrates, or tapdances*

Mercury: "Sheesh, he should be teaching the flippin' class." Pauses mid-bite. "Er...I'm not eating your lunch, am I? Be honest."

Brianna McCarthy: She waves a hand, grinning. "I already ate a chunk of it, don't worry."

Troy Lawrence: His phone rings a moment, and he sighs, asking for a moment from William as he pulls the thing out and flips it open. This had better not be work. "Hello?"

Troy's phone -> Troy Lawrence: "Good afternoon, Mr. Lawrence. Sadie Blackfoot here. Might I arrange to meet with you?"

William Campbell: *he opens his mouth to respond to Troy, but then the phone rings. He takes a step backwards and closes his mouth, his head stays slightly bowed, eyes downcast*

Mercury: "A chunk? You're a bit on the thin side, too, Missy." he chuckles, but eats a few more bites before giving it back. "Thank you, but I must take my leave. I'm heading to the library. No, not to frighten the librarians, I'm gonna get a card."

Troy Lawrence: A moment's pause. "Certainly. When would be an appropriate time to meet?"

Brianna McCarthy: "Hey, it's allll muscle." She grins and flexes an arm. It is indeed. She takes the container, and then wiggles fingers. "Bye Mercury."

Troy's phone -> Troy Lawrence: "I'm sure your schedule is much busier than mine. At your leisure."

Mercury: He stands up and, with a boyish smirk, can't help but ruffle Brianna's hair. Nods to Troy and William and goes to head out.

William Campbell: *he nods a goodbye to Mercury in polite, rote response the goodbye given to him*

Troy Lawrence: "Excellent. I am on vacation this about, say, tonight?"

Mercury: ~leaves the park~

Brianna McCarthy: She swats away his hand, but grins. And settles back.

Troy's phone -> Troy Lawrence: "Certainly. We could meet for dinner if that suits you."

Troy Lawrence: "That would be superb." He nods. "Say, 7 o' clock?"

William Campbell: *he remains silent and on his spot. His eyes begin to dart around, first as though searching for something to focus on and then his immediate attention returns to the terrain* ((notes the expenditure of a WP point))

Troy's phone -> Troy Lawrence: "That will do nicely. Would you care to pick me? And how formally should I dress?"

Troy's phone -> Troy Lawrence: ((pick me UP))

Troy Lawrence: "I can pick you up, yes. Formal dress will not be necessary...simple business attire will do."

Troy's phone -> Troy Lawrence: "Very good. I'll meet you at fifth and Grand, at 7pm and we'll go from there."

Troy Lawrence: "Excellent. I will see you then."

Troy's phone -> Troy Lawrence: "Have a nice afternoon, Mr. Lawrence." *click*

Brianna McCarthy: There is a small wave to Troy to let him know that she has to go, a nod to William, and then she packs up and slips off.

Troy Lawrence: He looks after Brianna as his phone hangs up, and he slides it into his pocket, nodding to her in farewell.

William Campbell: *he gives Brianna precisely the same habitual nod that he gave to Mercury*

Troy Lawrence: A look over at William. "My apologies...where were we?"

William Campbell: *he hesitates a moment, to choose quite the correct words* "You had just stated that it was good to see another from Chicago, and I shall not dispute that." *oh, he can't hide that he doesn't feel the same way, but he's not disputing it*

Troy Lawrence: ((I hate to do this, but a combat-intensive scene is about to start that Reyna has to be in. Can we pause this?))

William Campbell: ((no prob, IM me when you're done, k?))

Troy Lawrence: ((K))