Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: Late night. He's back here. Always finds himself hanging around the cannons, when he needs to think of times being good. He's left the trench coat behind today, wearing one of his old wrestling shirts. It's a nostalgia night...because one year ago today, he was saved be a silver flask to the groin. He walks up toward the cannons, taking a deep breath and leaning on his staff as he lights a cigarette.

Gina Torrio: *The curvy italian is walking quietly through the cannons the park is named for, brassy gold hair spilling over her shoulders as she reads inscriptions and lingers like a ghost*

Gina Torrio: *Seems she just can't dress for the weather. She'd wrapped in a long green sweater that hangs just above her knees. A bangled gypsy style beld hangs at her waist, making the sweater into a sort of dress. At first glance one might think she'd get overwarm, until a closer look reveals she's wearing ONLY the knit sweater, and a pair of light sandals. A Satchel hangs heavy at her waist, puppies head popping out of it occasionally, a sling dangles at her front, containing a dozing baby. She sighs, all but obscured one of the larger cannons, small as she is.*

Gina Torrio: (by one of the cannons.. *coughs*)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Alert: 9,4,8,4,2,4,

Gina Torrio: d10: the same: 8,5,5,7,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He seems to sense someone nearby, but doesn't give them much thought. The cannons are a popular place. He sighs deeply, making his way over to a particular spot. He looks a bit older. Calmer, yet sadder. Off to the spot next to the cannon he heads, where once he was pounced onto.

Gina Torrio: *a heavy sigh as she notes someone approach out of the corner of a sad brown eye. trust et tae a bloody New Yorker tae peck THA bloody cannon fer a fag. She fumes, turning to get a better look at the culprit and stopping still... Oh.*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He turns around the corner...and stops dead in his tracks. The cigarette dangling between his lips as he stares at Gina, wide-eyed. Wordless.

Gina Torrio: *Its a testament to the blonde woman's shock that several long seconds drag out between them before both her hands come to cup Archie to her chest. Her posture protective. She makes a pained yip in her throat that dies almost as soon as its voiced. The puppy struggles in her satchel and peers out blearily*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He takes a step back when she gets protective over Archie...hands coming up without thought. Clearly showing no intent to take her son from her. He stares at her mutely for several more moments, until one of those hands rises up to pluck the cigarette from his mouth. "Ummm...hey." Yes, that's the best he cam come up with, stunned as he is.

Gina Torrio: *her brow knits, as if she's stuck on some puzzle she can't quite figure out. A swallow as she turns her body from him and bites her lip. Its awhile before she drums up an unfamiliar voice and trills almost petulantly* You've your own bloody park..

Gina Torrio: *the wrinkled puppy thrashes a little at Gina's side. She sniffs, a hand slipping off the baby a moment to press the satchel, before zipping back up to clutch at her son*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little bit, looking down. "Yeah. But I..." He frowns as his eyes flicker up and then away quickly, a deep sigh shaking his chest. He flicks the cherry of his cigarette away, stamping it out as the butt goes in his pocket.

Gina Torrio: *Gina sniffs again. She'd be damned if she was going to cry, her insides could yowl all they'd like. Archie's held close as she bites her lips. She should go. Slap him. Hug him. Cry.. Something... But all her body seems willing to do is stand tensely, baby sheilded from him carefully. Her voice wavers as she repeats* You have your own. You do. *her jaw sets a little and she swallows, tears beginning to dribble down her cheeks, despite her best intentions*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little bit and sighs. "Yes, but I don't have any good memories of the inside of that place," he mutters, a hand coming up to riun through his hair. He's clean-shaven...almost an eerie resemblance to how he looked way back when, with the clothes--but for his expression, and the sense of being older, wiser, and sadder. "I'm sorry."

Gina Torrio: Don't do that. Jesus christ Don't do that! *she blurts, shaking her head. Blonde hair gets further mussed. She resembles how she looked way back when only in mannerisms. She loosens a hand on the baby in order to hold herself, head cocking as she peers tearily into his face*

Gina Torrio: d10: per emp (wp): 8,9,5,9,1,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He blanches, looking up finally, eyes wavwering when he sees tears coming. "Not for..I mean, I am, but..." He stammers is way through it, then takes a moment to recollect his thoughts. "For...I didn't know you were here. Not that I don' know...gaah..." He puts his hand to his forehead, teeth grinding in frustration. His words are just...lost.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Gina Torrio: He's stressed. Not doing well at all, without her. He's calmer now then he was at the end, but that could very well be because he was so busy trying to conceal the plan. He seems more put-together then their phone conversations since, and certainly then when he walked out. But he's lost and desolate. Ethan is there, but it's's not THE Love. It's He misses her horribly, and is torturing himself over it. And he's worried about her, and prays she's okay.

Gina Torrio: *The hand holding herself keeps shifting, nothing comforting to the woman. Her tears are drying up as quickly as they arrived. One can only cry so much, afterall. Hurt crumples her features, before she nods slowly, eyes shut*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He reaches up, scratching at the back of his neck. "Are you--" he starts, then lets it drop with a sigh. He looks over Gina a moment, letting his gaze finally make it's way to her for more then a moment. Daring to look.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Emp: 9,4,3,6,3,9,4,

Gina Torrio: *Perhaps she can feel his eyes on her, as hers open, and catch his, Baby clutched ever closer as she backs a step away. Her satchel whimps*

Gina Torrio -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: Is she.. well? No. Its hard to see any of the stallwart optimism in her anymore. She's hurt, and hurting. She's confused and betrayed. Its clear she doesn't know what to think anymore. Had he genuinely loved her. Did he? It seems all thats been lumped into a wound to fester.. all catagorized into "It doesn't matter now" for the sake of her sanity. She's mourning him, vulnerable and bitter. She doesn't seem to think as much of herself, and certaintly has none of that old ita will to save the world.))

Gina Torrio -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: The loss of Tori hurts her perhaps the most obviously

Gina Torrio -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: (hence the clutching of archie. She doesn't trust him)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: His jaw clenches, tightly. Pulsing once or twice, as he steps away. "I...fuck." He looks down, taking a deep, shaky breath. "I can't do anything right."

Gina Torrio: You do too much *she whispers, bubble of blood welling from where she's bit her lip. Old habits, but now she can't heal it, and so it dribbles to the corner of her mouth unnotticed, Brown eyes watching him mournfully*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Someone has to," he says, almost a bit bitterly. Not directed at her. He shuts his eyes, swallowing against the lump that's stuck in his winpipe, trying to force it down. "I...I'm sorry. I never wanted this to happen. I just didn't see any other way. Not one that ensured you and the children would be safe." He leans heavily on his staff for support. "I don't...expect your forgiveness. Ever. But I would never take Archie from you. I didn't..." His voice lowers to a near-whisper. "I didn't want to take Tori. But I had to. Not because of you. Because of..." He trails off, shaking his head.

Gina Torrio: *she begins shaking her head at his first statement, swallowing. Renewed sorrow bends her in two as he mentions the little girl* Jesus christ *she blurts again, more a pained yelp than a genuine exclaimation. Her hand comes to her mouth, tears starting up again. She shakes her head, letting it fall into her hands as her shoulders shake.* Just..Just go dream. *a soft keen as she turns away from him in her greif*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He makes a soft, moaning sound. "Love..." He takes an unconscious step forward, works and action done without even thinking about it. Everything inside of him says to take her in his arms and comfort her. But he stops short of that. He can't anymore. He lost that right. "Gina, please." He doesn't even really seem to know what he's asking for. He's just...asking. Begging, really, for everything and nothing.

Gina Torrio: *she makes a weird noise in her throat, choked. Her head shakes, hair obscuring her face. Archie begins to fuss as his mother's chest heaves with swallowed sobbing, jiggling the little boy out of his nap. Her horrible noises fade to hiccupping as she tries to soothe her son, cradling him close. Bloody kisses are pattered on his forehead in desperation. She doesn't look at Aerin*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He reaches out slightly, then stops himself. "Can least heal that?" Said quietly, ready to pull back if she so desires.

Gina Torrio: No. *she whispers, face tearstreaked as she fusses with archie. A hard swallow around words stuck in her throat. She peers at him from under wet lashes, eyes redrimmed.* it'll be alright *she whispers determinedly. "It'll be alright" and other famous lies they'd told each other. She'd find it humurous if it didn't hurt so much* Just go.. *archie's blanket is tucked around him*

Gina Torrio: *shoulders slumped, she makes a great fuss over arranging herself, the puppy, and the baby. Anything to take her mind off .. just.. anything*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He flinches, then nods, taking a couple steps back. His posture tenses, forced deep breaths coming. Shoulders tight and hunching a bit, jaw clenching rhythmically. "I thought you'd be safe...thought you'd be well. happy. Please. You deserve it. I don't." He shakes his head, a free hand coming up to clench at his chest. "I'll never forgive myself, love. But I hope you can get past it. Past me." He turns away from her.

Gina Torrio: Stop it. *she snaps* Stop it. Stop bloody well martyring yourself. God damnit.. *her anger is shortlived, telltale waver creeping into her voice as she turns away with a sob.* damnit just... go dream. *its warbled out thickly as she makes to move in the opposite direction, fading into mournful gaelic. She's curled protectively around her son, shoulders slumped and shaking as she makes for hell's Kitchen, and Joe*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I'm not..." He gapes after her, frustration setting in. "Fuck...Gina! Please, I'm sorry, I...gaaah!" The last word is a strangled sound, a sort of frustrated, growling whimper. He stares after her, eyes mournful and earth-shakingly sad. Hurt. He's not even speaking to her anymore, on purpose, at least. "Please, just...don't hate me." He shakes his head, holding in a sob, and turns to go his own way.

Gina Torrio: d10: wp: 2,3,9,3,3,9,9,

Gina Torrio: *She resists the urge to comfort. A new thing for the woman, whimpering painfully as she looks over her shoulder with teary eyes. She stares after him sadly before continuing on her way, hiccupping against sobs*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He heads off out of the park, very much not watching where he's going. He could get hit...right now, he doesn't care. It doesn't seem like he can die much anyway lately. Cutting through the sparse late-night traffic, he staggers toward home.

Gina Torrio: ~~fin~~