Ita McNairee: *she's asleep. Sprawled outon the floor amidst laundry, chest risng and falling with the breath of life as she lays passed out from the days exertions. The babies are gurgling from the bedroom, dogs watching over them, all but clay, who's asleep on the couch, 3 crows huddled together on his broad back. The pikey is holding something under her arm, a small black something*

Aerin Thomas: The sounds of the car pulls up into the driveway, a tired Garou slipping out. He makes his way to the house after a cursory scan of the vicinity, and opens the door, slipping inside. Hair is loose, he's just exhausted. Busy day for the Gaian.

Ita McNairee: *Clay just lifts his head, the crows fluttering in annoyance at the movement. the black thing under ita's arm shifts, and Ita makes a soft noise of waking, lifting her head groggily* hmf?

Aerin Thomas: "Hey, love," he says softly, stepping inside. He smiles softly to her, doing his best to hide the tiredness. "Didn't mean to wake you..."

Ita McNairee: *a bit of wobbly scrambling from the black thin as it tries feebly to get on its hooves, little black lamb not too sure about the garou.. that latent "flee" instinct serving it well.. until ita gathers the little thing to her chest* shh noow. *she looks up from under her curtain of hair, giving a sleepy smile* ets aulrecht doves.. ye 'ave a good day o work?

Aerin Thomas: "Busy. Very, very bus..." He blinks. A lamb. He sighs, shoulders slumping. "Where do you even find them, Ita?"

Ita McNairee: Och.. well usually they coome enside o beg sheep.. ye kain.. like tha wans oot en tha pasture.. *She rises to her feet and sets the little thing in the kitchen, bringing the little wooden security gate across so its partitioned off, then she trundles towards the thin man, arms outstretched* ye figured they were aul je bloated mayhaps?

Aerin Thomas: "I..." Fuck. He didn't even notice. He shrugs and leans into her arms, hugging her. "I dunno. Hadn't noticed, I guess."

Ita McNairee: *she curls her arms up around his neck and presses a kiss to his cheek warmly* Ah promised ye lamb chops.. nae mutton, selly theng. *she slips a hand to his chest and tugs him to the couch* ye look knackered. ye et?

Aerin Thomas: "Yeah, I ate." He follows her over to the couch and plops down. "Just a long day. Lots of treaty stuff." Hey, it wasn't a lie, really.

Ita McNairee: *she tugs his hair gently and shoos clay and crows away so she has a place to sit, nibbling her lip and watching him with concern*

Aerin Thomas: He rubs at his eyes a little. "Your new look is almost ready. Paperwork's done...almost everything's set from our end."

Ita McNairee: d10: per emp: 7,4,3,8,10,

Ita McNairee: *brown eyes linger on him worriedly*

Aerin Thomas: d10: Manip+Subt: 10,1,9,7,6,4,9,

Aerin Thomas -> Ita McNairee: Tired. Worried that it's all going to fall apart at the end. Harried.

Ita McNairee: *she rubs his knee with a soft jingle* et'll be aulrecht darlin. *hard to keep the worry from her voice, he'd unsettled her these last few days, but she's trying* we're aulways aulrecht.. aye?

Aerin Thomas: He looks over to her and smiles a little bit. "Yeah...yeah, we're always all right, love. And we will be."

Ita McNairee: *a worried bleat from the kitchen, and ita bleaats back, chuckling and shaking her head before looking up to aerin* Sae ets aul set oop then?

Aerin Thomas: "Everything's a go, yeah." He nods. "Just gotta finish it up. Dealt with the Adrian situation, too...well, me and Joe together, rather. In an odd sort of way."

Ita McNairee: Och! yer worken taegether darlin! ee's a good fellya ye? *her eyes brighten happily and she tugs his hair again, voice warm*

Aerin Thomas: "Yeah, he is." He smiles faintly, tilting his head to go with the tugging. "A very good man...he deserves a lot."

Ita McNairee: *she rises on her knees to press a kiss to the man's cheekbone and sighs* sae wha 'appens after ah gie changed darlin?

Aerin Thomas: "Well, then we've done everything on our end. Way I figure, even if the rest of the plan falls through, they won't find you...they'll be looking for someone entirely different, you know?"

Ita McNairee: Aye, reckon saae.. ah'll 'ave tae dissappear fer a bet afore ah can gawn oot an aboot wie ye en public ah reckon.. aye? dinnae wan them tae link oos taegether sae fet.. mayhaps ye've a sester?

Joe Vellim: *At first it was a pretty nice smell. Sort of cozy, the way Joe imagines an old lady's kitchen smells from time to time. Bags upon bags of bad apples- a refreshing summer scent in the midst of white winter. About the time he hit the highway into Luddington, the windows were down.. by the time he pulled into the driveway.. A tinge of green to his skin matches the irish heritage in his veins.*

Aerin Thomas: He knows a sister wouldn't work...kinfolk or Garou, and Ita's neither. But he nods a little. "Maybe...that could work."

Aerin Thomas: d10: Per+Alert: 6,1,3,7,8,10,

Aerin Thomas: He looks up at the sound of the car approaching, getting off the couch to go over to the window and look out. Okay...Joe's car.

Ita McNairee: *she rises off the couch, head cocked at Aerin* oo es et loves?

Aerin Thomas: "It's Joe." He relaxes a little bit and sits back down.

Ita McNairee: Och! *And the pikey trundles to the door, opening it and hollering as the car shuts off* Allo Darlin!

Joe Vellim: *He waves and smiles before bending over again to drag some of the hated bags out of the front seat.* Ey deah... jussa sec- be right in!

Ita McNairee: Och tha apples! darlin ye remembered! *she exclaims happily, leaning on the door frame* jes set em o the front door darlin..

Aerin Thomas: He smiles a little, sighing silently as he watches her go to the door.

Ita McNairee: *she looks back to aerin and explains* apples.. fer tha sheep loves. ets good fer their melk.

Joe Vellim: Ya shuwah don' wannem inside- tellya dat! *He makes a trip or two, settling all of the very sweet smelling bags by the front door.* Howah yew guys?

Aerin Thomas: He rises up. "Hey, Joe. I'll be back out in a few, guys...gonna go shower up." ((Guys, I gotta go take a back is killing me. Will be back in a short while.))

Joe Vellim: *Joe waves to Aerin, a touch sheepish.. couldn't quite sit that girl right.. crazy kid. He nods slightly, then looks Ita over.* Howahya doin? ((Sure thing))

Ita McNairee: ((*blinks.* oh dear! *laughs* okies. you get better jer!)

Ita McNairee: daen aulrecht peaches.. *she watches aerin head for a shower and ofers a hand to joe* och.. ye smell o apples.

Joe Vellim: Eh, don' remin' me.. *He chuckles, but grimaces a bit as he shrugs out of his coat and moves toward the hall closet.* Nasty bidness, dem apples uh yoahs. Wha' weh ya ganna do widdem again?

Ita McNairee: feeden em tae tha ewes darlin *she watches him, slouching into the couch*

Joe Vellim: 'Ey wheah yew goin? *He looks around with a mock frown as she starts to walk away.* Gimme dat han' back Peaches. Ah wuz jes' puttin away dis coat. It reeks! *He laughs jovialy, loosing the sheepish mood as Aerin takes off for a shower.*

Joe Vellim: *Once its hung up he crosses the living room toward her.*

Ita McNairee: *she smiles, warm and apologetic* ah'm soory darlin.. ye moost o been green driven oop 'ere.. why'd ye nae put em aul en tha trunk? *she reaches her hands up from the couch*

Joe Vellim: *He cocks his head quizzically as she slouches into the cusions.* What's up deah, Eeda? Ya... kinna don' look tew smily..

Joe Vellim: *He spreads his hands wide as he answers.* Cause ah'm stoopit- dat's why. *He laughs and grabs her hand, settling down beside her.* Camaahn. Whas' wroang?

Ita McNairee: *she sighs and melts against his side, head resting on his shoulder. she listens a moment to be sure she hears the shower, then sighs again, bumping his arm with her head*.. och.. jes.. thengs are sae tense lately.. ets wearen es aul..

Joe Vellim: Yah.. *he chucks her chin a bit with one thick knuckle.* s'dat freako what called Eth'n, ah bet.. dat whole ting gaht real wiehd.. kinda tirin', yannow? *Guilt. Yep.. that's guilt Joe.. ya prick.*

Ita McNairee: och.. but ye tae fexed tha aye? *she nuzzles into him and rests with a long breath, brown eyes tracing over his face kindly* Och! *her eyes sparkle and she sits up a little* Tori blurted a word yesterday..

Joe Vellim: *He starts to rub his head before answering, but his eyes go wide and he forgets the movement, blaring-* Wha?? Dat's great! Wha' she say? Sometin' all pikey'd up? *He grins broadly and winks.*

Ita McNairee: she said "dag" *a light melodic laugh as she smooths a jingling hand over the bald man's head* .. reckon she's a wee pikey aulready

Joe Vellim: HAHA I knew it! *As with anything of excitement, the short irishman's broad chest erupts in an avalance of mirth. Always just a bit too much, babies sleeping? But.. they don't, right?*

Ita McNairee: *its contagious, and the pikey at his hip laughs as well, shaking her head and shutting her eyes*.. och.. et couldnae be soomethen like ma, oor bottle.. et 'ad tae be fooken "dag".*she sighs and rubs at her eyes, chuckling* reckon tha makes sense tho.. amount ah yell o tha dags aroond 'eere.

Joe Vellim: *The laughter stills after a bit too long, mischief lights Joe's ruined face.* Gahnna teach heh "mook" uh.. "stooge" heh heh..

Ita McNairee: Och yer hoorible.. she's gintae 'ave a mouth awn er like a bloomin trucker afore she's en kendergarten..

Aerin Thomas: ((Back!!))

Aerin Thomas: He makes his way down the stairs, shirtless now, wearing only his slacks...wet hair falling in wet ropes down his back. His chest displays the scar in the shape of a weeping rose as he comes down, towel over his shoulders. He looks a little better...more refreshed, maybe. Still tired, though.

Joe Vellim: *Now and then, the bullish little man glances toward the bedroom door. He knows he shoud have kept better track of that Alice.*

Joe Vellim: *Joe's eyebrows wander up his head as Aerin comes down shirtless. Interested, he gestures toward the other man's chest.* Hey- Ah gahtta buddy dat's inta that... wha.. body modifyin'? Dint know ya weh inta that.. *He leans foreward a bit to look at the scar.*

Ita McNairee: *a sigh as she hauls an afgan over herself, tugging the sweater she's wearing over her hips in annoyance. They'd spread since she'd had the baby.. and her old clothes liked to creep indecently, she gives a sleepy sort of nuzzle to joe's arm, then looks up to aerin's tattoo* och.. darlen.. as et always daen tha?

Aerin Thomas: "Hmmm?" He looks at Joe, then down. "Oh." He smiles a little, brushing his hand over the mark. "Yeah, this a while back. of those things. Kind of an initiation thing, of sorts."

Ita McNairee: *she cocks her head and rubs at her eyes with small knuckles, giving a small smile to aerin*

Joe Vellim: *He nods slowly, cocking an eyebrow quizzically.* Yew was in some kinna crew deah, Aerin...? *He seems a little intrigued by the mark.. wonders if Willie ever did that sorta thing.* Yannow ah ran inta dis lady.. did stuff like dat like.. medicine uh summat. Like extreme acupunctuh, I dunno. Neveh done it dough. Was lookin feh stuff ta fix mah neck...

Aerin Thomas: "No, it was more..." He shrugs. "Sort of a circle of friends, I guess you could say." A faint smile. "Most of them are gone, now."

Ita McNairee: *she purses her lips as he mentions his neck, looking up to aerin and then back to the boxer. She scratches her head, considering something*

Joe Vellim: *He nods faintly, still looking at the mark from time to time as the three settle into the living room.* Say uh.. Aerin. Alice kinna gaht away frahm me, frahm time ta time... once she kinna.. came back drunk. Ah jes' puttah ta bed, but she seemed awright.

Aerin Thomas: "Yeah..." He nods a little bit. "Don't worry about it. I ran into her today...I was a little harsh with her, but she got the message. Don't stress I understand, she's good at slipping away from people. Not your fault." He gives Ita a curious look, as he goes to sit into the single chair.

Ita McNairee: Darlin.. es there nae way tae fex yer neck et aul? *she cranks her head sideways and touches the bald man's head, looking to aerin again, and nibbling her lip*

Joe Vellim: *Joe nods to Aerin as he speaks.. a bit sheepish, but still involved. He shrugs a bit to Ita before he responds.* Whul.. th' doctahs said thet deah's nuttin ta do 'bout it. Poymanent noyve damage an' spine stuff. *A sour look as he waves one hand.* fahgettabahtit.

Ita McNairee: *she nods, but it doesn't much look like she's forgotten about it, chewing a bit of nothing as a kernal of an idea begins to germinate in her dull pikey mind. she pats his knee, and stands up to move into the kitchen* ye et?

Aerin Thomas: He's quiet as he listens, frowning a little bit contemplatively. A slight shake of the head to Ita...very doubtful.

Joe Vellim: Yah- but ah kin do it again. *He smiles up at Ita as he nods. Looking back to Aerin as she moves toward the kitchen.* Sa.. Aerin.. ah don' wancha ta tink.. yannow.. ahmean... jes need practice, huh?

Joe Vellim: Ah'll do bettah next time.. yah?

Aerin Thomas: "No, no, Joe..." He shakes his head, giving the man a supportive smile. "I don't think that at all. She very well could have evaded anyone. It's not your fault...happens to the best of us."

Ita McNairee: *she steps over the little safety gate into the kitchen and is met with a bleat and the patter of little hooves.. soft noises ensue from the gypsy as she sets about geting everyone fed, lamb included*

Joe Vellim: *He smiles and nods a bit, raising a hand to rub his neck.*

Aerin Thomas: He rolls his neck around, satisfying pops coming from it, and then looks up with a sigh. "Hey, Joe...Adrian's dealt with, I've got him pretty well under my thumb, until we get the bigger and badder. Would you mind too much giving Ethan back his phone?" He shrugs a little bit, amicably. "I understand fully why you did it and agree with it, but...I don't think it's a concern now, you know?"

Joe Vellim: *He smiles again, pulling it from his pocket and tossing it back.* Deah ya go. Jes.. ah know some uddah folks wit drug prahblems. Tought it wouldah been best. *He chuckles knowingly.* Hope 'e stays clean.

Ita McNairee: *scurrying in the kitchen. the fridge opening and closing, she hollers* Aerin loves.. yer sure yer nae hoongry et aul? ah've sandweches..?

Aerin Thomas: He catches the phone and nods. "Yeah, I know. He's over it, he just...Adrian had offered, and he hadn't expected it. He'll stay clean. Thanks for looking out for him." He slips the phone away and looks into the kitchen. "If you're making, Ita, I won't complain..."

Ita McNairee: O course ah'm ma- ouch.. damnet.. dinnae bunt.. *she continues to rustle about. god knows what she's doing.. or if you even really want to know*

Joe Vellim: *Joe seems for a moment, entirely content at simply the noises. Happy jingling and singsong soothes, and he leans back to enjoy it a while.*

Joe Vellim: Nah.. what was ya sayin'... abaht biggah an' baddah? *He squints slightly, looking to Aerin.* Ahmean.. biggah and baddah what?

Ita McNairee: *she appears from the kitchen, a plaintive bleat behind her as she struggles to balance a plate of sandwiches and a glass of oj, while stepping over a safety gate and avoiding a lamb at her legs*

Aerin Thomas: He leans back into the chair, sighing a little, as at ease as he can be in the here and now. he could almost relax enough to sleep...until Joe's question. "Oh. That would be three vampires that may be a problem. Not from the group that's...our problem. There a few individual groups...these guys are anarchists. I don't know how big a problem they are yet...still trying to figure that out. Adrian's pissed them off, though, and so he's a way to find out. And he's found something bigger and nastier then himself, and it's given him a sort of a reality check."

Joe Vellim: *Joe rises smoothly from the couch to help, but still seems quite interested in what lies ahead*

Ita McNairee: och darlin.. tha anarchs are good folk... *she chimes, letting joe take the oj, then trundling to the coffee table and setting down food*

Joe Vellim: Weah still gahnna be abaht fuckin' 'im up propah- like, right? Tanks, Eeda...

Joe Vellim: ((Mod last to "Still gahnna be abaht fuckin' Adrian up...))

Joe Vellim: *anarchists.. whoda thunk it.. vampiahs is political. Maybe deah why dat shmuck offa meathead coke addict's in office?*

Aerin Thomas: "Not this ones, Ita." He looks up to her. "One of them...maybe. The other two, I'm not so sure of. The three of them started a fight in Battery Park, for one, and ghouled a friend of mine, though I got that fixed. They seem to be all about trouble."

Ita McNairee: *ita settles into the couch, nabbing a sanwich and chewing it hungrily, with a contemplative scowl*

Aerin Thomas: "Adrian?" He frowns. "Yeah. I was hoping maybe I could control him...use him against the Camarilla. But..." He shakes his head. "Not so sure anymore. I don't know that I want to be playing with that particular brand of fire."

Ita McNairee: *ita scowls further at that, shaking her head* dinnae play games loves.

Aerin Thomas: "I wan't talking about a weapon. I was meaning more..." He shrugs, rubbing at his eye. "Maybe you're right. I just need to get rid of him and be done with it."

Ita McNairee: aye.. nae a good idea darlin.. dinnae use folks *she nods. chewing her sandwich awhile before curling into the corner of the couch, blanket pulled up over her curves*

Joe Vellim: Camma- huh? *He looks from one to the other.*

Joe Vellim: *Joe reaches out to swipe a sandwich himself, still eyeing the other two. Oddly not so self- conscious, he reaches out and pats Ita gently under the blanket.. the comforting gesture only slightly offensive to some because of the heavy hint of "dont worry the men'll handle it."*

Joe Vellim: ((Clarify: hand on top of the blanket. pats her after she's wrapped up.))

Aerin Thomas: A mental wince. Too much free talking. Best explain. "The ones after Ita."

Ita McNairee: *a hum as she stretches her feet to touch joe's leg, seeming content to let Aerin and joe have their man talk. Her nap had been interrupted afterall. Her half eaten sandwich set on the arm of the couch as she seems to be drifting off*

Joe Vellim: Gahtcha. Camma-whatevah, we fuckem up propah. Dem anahchists is awright. Okay den. *He smiles, nodding. Glad he got it.*

Ita McNairee: nae aul o em are bad.. *she mumbles, turning over so she's facing the back of the couch* ye'll see..