Teri Jensen: *She's there not long after nightfall, settling on a park bench to wait*

Felisa Espinosa: Apparently she made a quick snack out of somebody who had a few; she seemed a little tipsy as the shadows played hide and seek with her form. She was dressed in her old clothes, the ones Teri saw her in first, and her face is a little long but no less emotional than that.

Teri Jensen: *She still looks irritated, but tired and aged now as well, mind a million miles away and the weight of the world on her shoulders*

Spitfire: Off to meet a fucking ghoul, an older one than him and one that has him mixed up in a pot he didn't mix.

Felisa Espinosa: d10: per + alert: 2,2,3,1,5,

Felisa Espinosa: She's pretty out of it as far as her surroundings go; what little emotions she feels are all in a muddle as she walks. First find a phone, then Snaggletooth. He'll set her up for sure. Then once she found a good hole in the wall she'd start anew, try to avoid everybody for as long as possible.

Spitfire: d10: Per & Alert: 3,8,8,6,

Spitfire: He looks over noticing Teri at the spot, his eyes trail a little futher and spot Felisa.

Teri Jensen: *She's talking to herself. Arguing, more to the point, muttering as she scowls at the ground*

Felisa Espinosa: She's still walking, looking at the ground, kicking a can. Not frustrated, or angry, or frightened. Not really. Probably back there somewhere, in her head, but the feelings are quiet, if they're there at all."

Spitfire: He heads over to Teri, kicking the ground as he gets close "A no fucking show eh?"

Teri Jensen: *She looks up, mid mutter, some of the stress melting from her* Not yet. It's early.

Spitfire: He moves over sitting behind her, legs resting next to hers one arm around her waist.

Teri Jensen: *She leans back into him, arm circling his* I was too hard on her.

Felisa Espinosa: She's getting close, or close enough, and she still hasn't noticed a thing (thanks to the botch).

Spitfire: "What did you do cos she is right there?" He points out towards Felisa

Aerin Thomas: He strolls his way into Battery Park, whistling a little bit. Seems to be in a good mood, really. Despite the fact that he nearly got his ass kicked not long ago...hey, he's a fast healer. He whistles a little, tromping along the paths, looking around.

Teri Jensen: *Looking up, eyes taking her in slowly* Felisa...

Spitfire: He unhooks himself from her and stands

Aerin Thomas: d10: Per+Alert: 7,7,4,10,2,8,

Aerin Thomas: He pauses as he sees...ahh, there's Spitfire. Those must be the others. He turns and makes his way in what is obviously their direction.

Spitfire: d10: Per & Alert: 6,5,7,8,

Felisa Espinosa: She snapped up, alert, but her face was expressionless.
"What would you have of me, Teri? Is this my end? Have you decided on demise due to incompetence? Because I wanted a peaceful end to this travesty?"
She stood firm and unyielding.

Spitfire: He notices Aerin walking over and moves forward "Aerin"

Teri Jensen: I want you to shut up and come sit with us. *Holding her hand out to her*

Aerin Thomas: "Hey, Spitfire." He stops as Spitfire starts walking his way. A little smile on his face. "How are you?"

Spitfire: His arms thrown wide "Risking this, risking that, causing chaos!" He grins

Felisa Espinosa: She stood.
"I'm happy here."

Teri Jensen: *Eyes flickering to the man, taking him in before turning half her attention back to Felisa*

Aerin Thomas: "So I hear, so I hear..." He looks around the park, then back to the man. "So what are you doing here at this time of night? Not out performing your latest stunt?"

Teri Jensen: I'm not like your other mother, Felisa. I'm not going to just give up and let you disappear from me. Now come here please.

Spitfire: "Nah, something far more fucking mundane." He smirks

Aerin Thomas: ((PM if DD needed)) He's dressed in his more business-like look...white button-down shirt, black slacks, steel-toed boots, leather trench coat.

Aerin Thomas: "Really? Don't figure you for the kind of guy who likes mundanity." A chuckle, as he pulls a cigarette, flicking a lighter to life and lighting it.

Felisa Espinosa: She looked over and regarded Aerin, who had something to do with Gunther. Who did that goofball piss off again?
She regarded him with suspicion at best.

Teri Jensen: Felisa. Please. *She looks over to Aerin, giving him an almost apologetic smile* Our foster daughter. We've had a misunderstanding.

Spitfire: He doesn't get close to the light "I need to talk to you about some shit cos..well everything aside like you said before I like your ass."

Aerin Thomas: He looks Teri over with a benign smile. "Let me guess. You must be the other woman, right?"

Aerin Thomas: "Cool. Talk away, Spit."

Teri Jensen: Other woman? *Head tilted just a bit, glancing to Spitfire and back*

Felisa Espinosa: d10: per + emp: 9,6,10,6,2,

Felisa Espinosa -> Aerin Thomas: What's this guy's deal...

Aerin Thomas: ((Assuming that's for Aerin, Felisa?))

Spitfire: He moves closer light be damned to whispher in the mans ear.

Spitfire -> Aerin Thomas: "Watch it, word has reached me there looking for a gypsy, and suffice to say I think you know who. Heads up the cammie is after your ass."

Aerin Thomas -> Felisa Espinosa: He's quite confident, but wary of the three. Ready for anything. Torn feelings about Spitfire...some like, but a lot of mistrust, too. Doesn't like Teri at ALL. Unsure about Felisa. And he definitely came to find them. He knows something.

Aerin Thomas: He tenses a little as Spitfire comes close, but the man's words bring a bit of relaxation to his body. He nods to Spitfire. "Thanks for the update...I am aware, though."

Felisa Espinosa: "Aerin, what is it that you WANT?"
She looked over to Teri, a knowing look, and she gets between the flame and her sire.

Teri Jensen: *She waits, patiently, looking between the two with no expression at all*

Aerin Thomas: "Well..." He takes a drag off the cigarette, taking a step away from Spitfire. "It just so happens I found something of yours. Yours, specifically," he says, looking straight at Teri.

Teri Jensen: And what would that be? *Standing, giving him another of those small, perfect smiles*

Spitfire: He looks to Aerin then Teri taking a step to put him half between Teri and himself.

Aerin Thomas: "Well, I guess something you TOOK, actually. Nice young toy, or deceptively young. Very well-weathered Ken doll, in surprisingly good condition. Little twisted, though."

Teri Jensen: Where is he?

Aerin Thomas: "Ah, ah. Finders keepers, losers weepers." He shakes his head. "He doesn't like his S&M Barbie Dreamworld and the Totally Slave Ken Outfit you've got picked out for him."

Teri Jensen: Other woman. What did you mean? *Connecting the two in a bizzaire fashion*

Teri Jensen: And he wasn't lost, dear one. *Half a scowl, just for a moment*

Felisa Espinosa: "How do we know if you have him at all?" she questioned, lowering her tone and looking around. "not that this hasn't been a fucking fiasco in the first place. Does Alice know his nature?"

Spitfire: "Aerin." He says harshly "You don't want to be in this fucking business. Not your yard, he was long before we came."

Aerin Thomas: He looks at Spitfire, as he realizes Teri didn't know. A tiny bit faster, and he probably wouldn't have spilled that, grateful as he is for the man looking out for him. "Well," he says, looking to Teri. "The Ken doll told me there were two women involved. I've heard of Felisa before...you're new to me, though. Thus, other woman." Trying to cover for the man.

Aerin Thomas: d10: Man+Subt (WP): 6,9,9,9,1,9,3,

Felisa Espinosa: d10: per + sub: 6,3,5,5,10,

Teri Jensen: *She accepts it. Maybe too easily* He's supposed to meet me her tonight. *Looking at Spitfire, then back to Aerin*

Felisa Espinosa: She didn't notice a lie in those words. "Regardless, his history is obvious, his condition not caused by us."

Aerin Thomas: You're welcome, Spitfire. He flicks his eyes to the punk, then back to Teri, silently calling on the Goddess for aid. Gonna need it for this.

Aerin Thomas: d10: Persuasion: 7,1,9,3,9,1,1,

Aerin Thomas: ((D'oh. Oh, well, not a botch.))

Teri Jensen: ((brb))

Spitfire: He looks to Aerin a moment of thanks there as he looks back to Teri "Aerin is a friend, met a bit back."

Aerin Thomas: "Believe me, Felisa, I have him. I have him quite well in hand, in fact. And I'm already involved, people. So here's the situation. It just so happens that your born-a-bitch has committed a Treaty violation. I'm actually here to do you both a favor. As a servant, you're responsible for him. Now, me, I'm willing, due to old friendships with Spitfire, to say he was an independant, acting alone. That means, however, that you never picked him up into your retinue. And it stays that way. Otherwise, Teri, you get punished right along with him."

Spitfire: "Treaty...?" He had heard of the thing paid little attention "What as the fucker done, not knifed anybody, I only met the cocknocker last week and I hated him?""

Felisa Espinosa: Felisa looked all around and cocked an eyebrow. "Treaty? I suppose I'll have to be told of that one later. I'm not mentioned in this violation?" she asked, curiously.

Teri Jensen: What did he do? *She steps closer, shortening the distance between Aerin and herself* We should discuss this elsewhere.

Aerin Thomas: "I can't get into specifics, but he's done some seriously stupid things to some of those those among my people...things that my people won't look upon kindly. Including to one of my family members." His eye twitches a little bit. "Now, just imagine how well I'm going to take it, or how well my people are." He looks to Felisa. "No, you're not. Yet. Although the shootout and brawl that occurred within Battery Park was a violation of the Treaty, too...it just hasn't been reported yet."

Aerin Thomas: "That's as far as you get, Teri," he says, going tense suddenly. "And if any of you try that emotion-dampening shit on me, that is an attack, and per the Treaty, I can defend myself by ANY means necessary."

Wolf: ((open?))

Spitfire: He titls his head "Your people..." A moment pause as the Sptifire comes on through "Whats has the shit done?" He looks to Teri with an almost 'I told you so' look about him. He then shifts his eyes back to Aerin with that, hands clenching "Aerin, what tyhe fuck has he done, cos straight up, we only met the fucker last week."

Teri Jensen: That would be counter productive to the situation, no? *Head tilted a bit again, steps halting* You realize that I need specifics. Not here, of course. And I'll need to see him.

Felisa Espinosa: "Then it will come to light that I saw an attacking dog and reacted, that Adrian pulled a knife and attacked a unarmed man... it would take months to sort it all out, frankly, and I need not be bothered with some supernatural version of Judge Judy."

Aerin Thomas: ((It's open, but it will probably result in the scene breaking up, FYI.))

Wolf: ((Oh Ok, if I'll RP out of it, I wont fuck your scene then))

Aerin Thomas: ((Sorry, Wolf.)) "Me neither, Felisa. But frankly, it's no skin off my ass, so I'm doing you guys a favor by not reporting it." He looks to Spitfire and Teri. "Specifically? Let's start with having made threats against one of mine and myself, stalking, and generally doing everything possible to endanger me and mine. The stuff involving other people, I literally CANNOT get into. And no, Teri...you won't be seeing him. This isn't a negotiation. This is me offering you a favor. Adrian's already in custody. If you try and see him, then you're admitting he's yours. You see the problem there?"

Teri Jensen: The problem I see is that you have no credibility with me. We've never been so much as properly introduced. And if you understand that I may have cause to admit that he's mine, then you surely understand that I wouldn't simply take you at your word.

Aerin Thomas: "No offense, Teri, but I really don't care if you take me at my word. You're not in a position to negotiate here. You can ask around how much I despise Adrian. Ask anyone, it's no secret. I'd just as soon see the little creep from his picked-clean pelvis then see him anywhere near anyone I care about." He shrugs. "But fine, if you're not willing to play ball and save your own ass, I'll make it known he's yours." He turns to leave.

Felisa Espinosa: "How do we know that this man is in custody? By who's court? How do we know that it's not all a sham, you'll give Adrian back to Alice and he goes on another killing adventure?"

Aerin Thomas: ((see the little creap HANG from his picked-clean pelvis))

Aerin Thomas: He stops and looks over his shoulder at Felisa. Something she's said seems to have actively made him angry. "Ex-CUSE me?"

Felisa Espinosa: She frowned, looking at Teri. Thank you for a mountain of hell. Really, thank you. "Spitfire... this is absurd. I'm not going down the drain for some idiot."

Teri Jensen: I'm sorry. *She steps in front of Felisa, giving Aerin another bright smile* She's... inexperienced in negotiation.

Spitfire: He seems to be holding onto things "Aerin, seems we got to this retard AFTER he did this shit, was a fall out in the park that started the fucking thing. Lets get to the punchline, what you fuckig goffering and whats going to happen to him?"

Aerin Thomas: He turns around, jaw pulsing a little. "Do you know what Adrian Bratovich DID to go to Alcatraz? He raped and killed and slaughtered so many people, the DA dropped most of the charges simply to save himself the effort. He RAPED and KILLED a FOUR-YEAR OLD. You think I would let THAT sick fucker out on the streets to run free again??"

Teri Jensen: *Her eyes narrow, then close, and she takes and holds a short breath*

Aerin Thomas: He tears his angry gaze away from Felisa and Teri, looking at Spitfire. "I'm offering you guys a chance to walk away. Right now. Before you join Bratovich as piles of dust on top of his corpse. End of story, end of list. Negotiation over, it's time to sign on the dotted line or get fitted for a dustpan. Take it or leave it. You say yes or no. Right now." Negotiations seem to have been spoiled a little.

Felisa Espinosa: "He was running around free as a bird at Joe's," she said, plainly, unfazed by his anger, emotionally deadened. "Kinda wondered why he was let out in the first place, actually..."
She went over to the bench and sat down, satisfied.

Spitfire: He stares at Aerin a long time, the rebel in him unwilling to surrender so easily even in the face of that, but he wasn't his, he turns his back "Take him." He says

Felisa Espinosa: "Yes. He's not worth my demise or the ones I care about. That's my vote."

Teri Jensen: You. Don't. Get. A vote. *Her voice is low and dangerous, eyes snapping open and suddenly seeming too green* He's ours.

Spitfire: "Teri" He snaps "Let the fucker go, he ain't worth your death." Her seems to mean it carrying a certain seriousness he rarely does, I mean him backing down was hardly unheard of, he must have his reasons.

Aerin Thomas: He snorts. "Fine. Your funeral. This one's gonna count, too." He turns and starts walking.

Felisa Espinosa: "If it's my body burning I will certainly fucking TAKE a vote. I'm involved Teri," she said, "and no matter how inexperienced I am at negotiation if it's a matter of existing or burning I'd rather see you existing."

Teri Jensen: *She looks over at Spitfire, eyes taking him in head to toe before resting on his* Very little is anymore, sugar. *Moving suddenly, up the path toward the park exit*

Felisa Espinosa: She slumped down in a heap, holding her anger in. Stupid. Fucking. Dramatic. Cunt of a woman.

Spitfire: He stalks up to her taking her elbow and whisphering into her ear

Aerin Thomas: He's stalking away from the trio, toward the exit. A couple suspicious glances get thrown over his shoulder, making sure they aren't coming after him. Dumb fucking leeches. Should have known.

Teri Jensen: Take care of it, sugar. You clean up this part of her mess, and I'll clean up the rest. *Kissing him hard before starting away again*

Felisa Espinosa: One of them wasn't dumb. One of them saw the writing on the fucking wall and said hey, let it fucking go. But fuck no. Not even a week of unlife in her.

Spitfire: He looks at her then to Aerin as he growls and stalks after Aerin "Hey, wait the fuck up!"

Felisa Espinosa -> Aerin Thomas: I've been left to die...

Aerin Thomas: He stops and turns around, staring hard at Spitfire. "What?"

Aerin Thomas -> Felisa Espinosa: ((Yeah, looks like... *Hugs*))

Felisa Espinosa -> Aerin Thomas: Oh this is bullshit.

Aerin Thomas -> Felisa Espinosa: ((No one's gonna kill Felisa now. :) Don't stress it too much, hon.))

Felisa Espinosa: ((Brb. I think my city is being torn apart by drunks. I'm in Pissburgh))

Spitfire: "We want nothing to do with him, thank you." He swallows as he says it "Take his fucking ass but don't bring us in."

Teri Jensen: ((that would be a good bet, babe))

Aerin Thomas: "Then you keep Teri from doing something fucking stupid," he scowls. "If she starts running around screaming about her little toy, or goes after Alice, it's gonna be pretty damn obvious what's going on. I can keep your names off out of the ears of the Concerto only if she doesn't give it to other names who can. Understood?"

Felisa Espinosa: ((Oh yeah. It's bedlam))

Spitfire: He blinks, only really half getting it "Past aside, what has the fucker done?"

Felisa Espinosa: Slowly, she calmed down. There wasn't all that much excitement, really, being what she was.
Checked her gun, what little belongings she had in this world.
And she started to walk.

Aerin Thomas: "Like I said. He's come after me and mine. Had it out for me ever since I saw him looking at my then 2-month old daughter like a piece of fucking meat to chew on or fuck. Plus, his name's come up in connection with a family member who has turned up dead...and with another one who has four of our people, all young children."

Spitfire: He listens and looks to the distance "We only got his ass last Tuesday, hell only took his ass back since he frenzied on me, thought I'd found a cammie or even better a Sabbat, no hints on either just older than my fucking self, we feed him so the cunt don't die and bingo, out the morning saying he'd have his as back Sunday." He throws his arms wide "Hence where fucking here."

Felisa Espinosa: Out of the park.
No. Into the shadows. To use what little powers she could to get a leg up on things. After all, there were things that she could do that they could not.

Aerin Thomas: He sighs, shaking his head. "Look...you get her to shut up and accept the fact of the matter, and I'll do what I can. Right now, I'm about five minutes from leaving your and Felisa's name out of it, and the hell with her. For now, I'll just say he's independant. If other word travels to the Treaty's ears via, say, your fellow long-toothed friends or my people because she couldn't stay quiet, then I was mistaken. Not much they can do about that. I guarantee you, my people won't stop at Adrian if they think there's someone else pulling the strings."

Spitfire: "Done" He nods his head and starts backing off "I never liked his ass anyway." He grins that half manic grin and spins stomping off into the night.

Felisa Espinosa: ((Cloak of Shadows))

Aerin Thomas: d10: Per+Subt (Spit): 9,5,9,7,8,3,3,

Felisa Espinosa: She stayed hidden, watching, waiting patiently.

Spitfire -> Aerin Thomas: ((He isn't lying, at least on his end.))

Spitfire: He wanders off where Teri went, thinking he knows where she is going.

Felisa Espinosa: ((Is this over?))

Spitfire: ((Spit has left so am thinking yes, at least between him and Aerin *s*))

Aerin Thomas: He watches Spitfire leave, and turns to head out of the park. ((And unless Felisa wants to follow Aerin, he's done. *S* Thanks for the scene!))