Antonio Pavlato: Things around the room seem a bit neater, sleeping bag made up, and Merc snoring in the corner while Tony sits on the sleeping bag, playing a bit with the kitten. He still has a bit of shadow to his eyes, but they aren't as dull, he got some restful sleep.

Antonio Pavlato: (Oh, the rolls! I never showed you his rolls... you want all of them at once, or me just c/p in appropriate places?)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Go ahead and C/P where appropriate))

Antonio Pavlato: (kk)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: The outside door shuts, and as Bliss and Kelsey quietly head off to their sleeping spots, Aerin slips to Tony's room. He waits until the others are safely settled away for the night, and then lightly knocks on the door.

Antonio Pavlato: He hears movement in the hall, glances toward the door, then listens and goes back to messing with the kitten until he hears the light knock. He glances to Merc, then looks to the door, quietly murmuring, "Who's there?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "It's me, Tony. Aerin. Can I come in?"

Antonio Pavlato: He still thinks it odd that they ask, but he dutifully rises up enough to reach over and unlock the door.

Antonio Pavlato: (And per Raven - when the door opens and Aerin comes in, Merc would end up groggily getting up, greeting Aerin but saying he needed to check on Rei, and would be back later)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Kay)) He opens the door and slips in, shutting it once Mercury leaves. He gives a smile to the kin. "Hey, Tony. You're looking good. How are you feeling?"

Antonio Pavlato: "Not so... tired now." Pauses, still speaking slowly, softly, " My head don't hurt so bad neither, kin sorta think a little now... sorta." He still looks like he could still use a bit more sleep, but definitely got a better color to him. The kitten starts to curl up in his lap, getting tired and sleepy herself. "Alex said he's gonna bring ya one of them ggg... good bottles a Scotch ya like sometime tomorrow. He was real happy to hear ttt... they was gone." He was here talkin' to Merc when I woke up."

Antonio Pavlato: For just a moment he seems to be about to say something else, but doesn't. He crawls across the floor enough to put the sleepy kitten into her carrier.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Good." He nods a bit and smiles, then moves to take a seat. "I'm glad you got some good sleep. Have you eaten anything?"

Antonio Pavlato: He makes a face, "Alex didn't stay long. Since he heard I www... was feelin' better he was gonna go take Yvonne out to supper. 'N so Merc made soup... I ate some of it, 'n he kept on at me 'till I ate most of it."

Antonio Pavlato: Which, Aerin would know means he poured a can of soup in a bowl and nuked it.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He frowns a bit, but nods. "Okay. You're still feeling tired, though? And headachey?" Mental note: Vitamins, until he's up to eating more regularly, in addition to the meds.

Antonio Pavlato: He nods a little, curling back up on the sleeping bag, his head resting in the corner. "Yes, sss... Sir. Stomach still kinda... jumpy, but Merc said that was because I ain't been puttin' much in it."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Oh, shit. Assume that he used his Persuasion before he entered? It lasts the full scene. Or I can have him activate it later, if you would prefer that.)) He nods. "More then likely, yeah. You'll get to feeling better."

Antonio Pavlato: (either way, he hasn't really done anything yet, and we already know your roll.)
"I hhh... hope so. I was feelin' pretty good... bbb...before," A little nervous glance up at Aerin, then he picks a bit at a loose thread in the sleeping bag, "'cept when I was hurtin', but the meds took care'n that pretty much."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "You will," he says with that reassuring tone. "I know things have been hard on you, Tony...and I'm sorry if I contributed to that. I've only wanted to help you."

Antonio Pavlato: He doesn't respond for a long time, then gives a little brief nod. "Alex said ya did, bbb... but I still ain't real sss... sure why I'm really here." This said extremely quietly. "Alex said one thin', then others say somethin' else, ttt... then you say somethin' else."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Well, why don't you tell me what Alex and the others have said, and we'll get to the truth of it? I'm sure it's somewhere in-between all of us."

Antonio Pavlato: Again a long time before he responds, and even with his head slighlty lowered, easy enough to see him lick his lips nervously, "Alex... ttt... toldt me that I needed to be here to be sss... safe, that sss... stuff was happenin' that needed to calm down, 'n we'de continue lessons 'n all, but that www... we couldn't... hhh... have sex no more 'cause they was www... watchin' us, 'n wouldn't like it. I ddd.. didn't ask... figured it was 'causea what hhh... happened at the club, 'n they was mad at him." Murmurs something, hard to hear, but the a few words, ....'female hates guys'. "The others...." His voice trails off, and he turns his head a bit to the wall.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He frowns a little at that, but nods. "What did the others say?"

Antonio Pavlato: Another long moment or two, then finally, even softer words, "They sss... said stuff like... the one that skairted me iin the hall, the dark fur one that went "Boo" from the shadows... he told me I had to stay hhh.. here 'til I weren't sick no mmm....more, 'till I was well... sorta though he meant... the drugs but..." A tightness in his chest makes the words more difficult, "... he didn't... 'n when I tried to lock the door... he toldt me it didn't matter... he could still come in iffen he wanted... I heard 'em talkin'..." He rubs his temple, "... stuff 'bout abuse, 'n the sss... spirits bein' watchin' me... 'n Alex didn't never abuse me, 'n I toldt 'em so... the game... it was about the game... but others do it... that's all it was... you even ddd... done it, toldt 'em so... that couldn't be it...." His words keep getting lower 'n lower, and slower , seeming very hard for him to either think or maybe just talk about. "They said it www... was okay fer ya 'n Ethan, or fer Jez, but not mmm... me... 'cause Alex was Bastet.... 'n... that I... I weren't like Jez 'n Ethan... 'n" He rubs his head again, voice trailing off, pulling his legs up under him.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Who is 'they,' Tony?" He frowns a little bit, concerned. "You use 'they' a lot, sometimes for different theys. Who do you mean?"

Antonio Pavlato: He bites his bottom lip, curling up a little more. "They... ones ya asked 'bout then... Merc, 'n the other one... somethin' ain't right 'bout me... I toldt Jez I whist Alex'de let me bbb.... burn, 'cause everythin' he ever toldt me... don't work fer mmm... me. Them others, bbb... before they said plenty bbb.... 'bout ya'll... told Merc... they wolves too..." His breathing starts to get faster and harder as he tries to talk, wheezing more pronounced, and he shakily has to dig an inhaler out from under the little stuffed animals at the head of the sleeping bag. (Add a few times when they have talked and he gets upset that he might need his inhaler, I had forgotten in that other scene with you). He tries to catch his breath, "Ddd... don't ... mmm... matter." Last words come out in a wheeze before he leans his head back some and closes his eyes, trying to let the meds kick in and help his breathing.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He frowns, trying to make any sense out of what Tony said at all. The words are English, but while he got some of it, the rest of it is just complete incoherance. "It does matter, Tony. It matters what you're thinking, very much."

Antonio Pavlato: "No.... it don't, or I... I wouldn't be here... I'de have rights... likken other folks. They said... lots a stuff.... my head hurts... don't wanna talk no more 'bout that." His last words, although weak from just now getting some breath still hold an almost frantic note.

Antonio Pavlato: (hang on, the rolls I did before weren't for this, they were meant to start after he told him about Kelsey, so let me do one)

Antonio Pavlato: Antonio: d10: WP (nice please): 3,6,4,1,

Antonio Pavlato: (This is just frigging great, and the only one this alter trusts at ALL is Alex.... get ready...)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Okay...okay." He nods a little bit and sighs. "That's fine...we don't have to talk about that."

Antonio Pavlato:
The breathing seems to ease up, but the frantic tone of his voice gives way to something else, and he curls up on the sleeping bag, pillow against his chest, looking very much like he wants to crawl right into the wall. If he seems that he notices Aerin in the room at the moment, he doesn't show it... until he hears his voice, then he starts whimpering, and oddly enough it is Tony's voice but small, very small, almost childlike, " no.... no... gotta hide, gotta hide...." His fingers literally starts clawing at the wall, as if trying to get inside it.

Antonio Pavlato:
(the same voice he heard that other time when Tony suddenly crawled up into Alexander's lap, when Aerin sorta freaked and left)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
He stays where he is, mot making any move toward Tony or away. "Shhh....shh. You're safe. No need to one's here that's going to hurt you. You're okay." His voice instantly takes that calming, soothing tone, trying to help the kin relax some. ((Rolling a Cha+Emp, since the previous was for a diff. purpose.))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
d10: Cha+Emp vs. five: 6,2,3,8,5,8,5,

Antonio Pavlato:
(Make it good, Gordie is hard to play, and without him hearing Alex's voice, but Aerin's, no WP roll against it, this is a terrified childlike alter)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
((5 successes, enhanced by Persuasion))

Antonio Pavlato:
The voice does at least seem to calm him a little, his fingertips though are a little bloodied - not badly. He still stays curled up though, murmuring the same things over and over. (Does Aerin remember Alex telling him the name?)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
He sighs and curls a leg inderneath him, watching the young man. "Gordie. It's okay. I'm here, and no one's going to harm you while I am."

Antonio Pavlato:
He hears his name and he starts to tremble, but no more frantic clawing at the moment.... "Shush..... she'lll hear ya..." Then incoherent mumblings, almost like he talking to himself. "Sss... she'll find us... shhhhhhhhhhh."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "No one's going to hear you and find you, hon. I promise. There's no one here that's going to hurt you."

Antonio Pavlato: Oddly, he holds his right side, as if something is wrong with it, the side with the scars. " shush!" He slowly turns his head a bit, and his widen, but although he is looking at Aerin it is if he is looking through him, seeing something beyond him. He opens his mouth as if he would scream, but nothin' comes out, as if shocked to silence, and down he drops in the ball again. (trying to play this with the Persuasion - he isn't as bad as his first time with Alex, he at least isn't scramblingn around the room, trying to crawl under the furniture) He starts mumblings again, "Make it go away... mmm.... make it go away... gotta get away... gotta hide..."

Antonio Pavlato: (eyes widen)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "What, Gordie?" He frowns, watching the kin. "You have to tell me what I need to make go away, or I can't."

Antonio Pavlato: "Ddd... don't wanna look!" He's crying now, pitiful sounding sobs, but still that odd childlike, small tone. "It hurts..." He is holding his side harder now. "He'll look.... he'll look... make it go away... make it go away... make it go away... make.... it.... go.... away...." His voice seems to be drifting now. (hang on)

Antonio Pavlato: Antonio: d10: WP (come ON!): 5,2,9,5,
His breathing slowly evens out, limbs starting to uncurl, but he doesn't completely pass out. His eyes are out of focus for a few minutes, groggy, like someone waking up. Breathing hard, tears streaming down his face, he suddenly flips over, eyes wide. He spots Aerin, and covers his face.

Antonio Pavlato: Tony's voice, "I.... I didn't mean to wake ya up... ddd... dreamin'... musta be dreamin' again... didn't know I... I fell asleep." His voice is shaky, disoriented, nervous.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles a little bit. "You're okay, Tony. Really, you are. You didn't wake me up."

Antonio Pavlato: He is shaky, and not sure why, and wraps the sleeping bag around himself, the toy wolf Ethan gave him tumbling to the side for the moment. "Guess.... I... I was more tired'n I ttt... thought." His breathing is evening out some, but it takes a few minutes for him to calm down. (I never do Gordie long, about 4 or 5 posts unless he can settle down a bit, emotional overload)

Antonio Pavlato: (Unless the scene calls for it, and Aerin's talking to him like that wouldn't have kept him on edge enough to stay out long)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Probably, yeah." He nods a little bit. He rises and walks over, reaching down to get the wolf and hand it over. "It's're allowed to be tired. It's been a tiring month or two."

Antonio Pavlato: He blink, and his voice is tiny, "I... I been here that llll... long?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "No, you haven't," he says with a shake of his head. "But things have been a bit rough since the incident at the LImelight, I imagine...and that was a month ago."

Antonio Pavlato: He takes the wolf, and a tear slides down his cheek from nowhere. "We ggg... got this in the mall... Ethan got it fer me... when he 'n Merc helped me get more rrr... regular clothes. Ain't nnn... never seen a mall before.... big place..." He seems to be rambling a bit, the thought of being here two months not shocking him like it might some.

Antonio Pavlato: He licks his lips, "I useta... sorta... have problems... back in 'Orleans... I thought it was one day, 'n it weren't... but it nevered changed... I... I knew it was ttt.. horse mainly... makes ya forget shit..."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little bit, looking vaguely curious. "Drugs can do that, yeah. And you haven't had it happen so much up here, until recently?"

Antonio Pavlatos: He hugs the pillow against himself, shaking his head. "" He seems to be thinking, "...not at all, until I come here... except... well, sorta once a while back... I lost my phone, 'n woke up outside in ttt... the hummer..." He frowns, trying to get things straight in his head.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "'ve got good people around you, Tony." He smiles a little bit to the kin. "You've got people around you who won't hurt you, and will make sure that you're going to be okay. You won't wake up in strange places anymore."

Antonio Pavlatos: He glances up at Aerin and does seem at all convinced, "I got... www...wolves all around me."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I know." He nods a little bit. "And believe me...that used to scare me as well. For a long time, all the way up to not so long ago, I was very nervous around other wolves myself."

Antonio Pavlatos: (doesn't) He blinks trying to figure that one out. "You're a wolf... but I... I trusted ya, 'n Alex trusted ya... but... it seemed different..." He drops his head a moment, rubbing the pillow with it, seeming that the relationship with Aerin and the two of them (Alex and Tony) was different from others, in some manner.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "It seemed different in what way?"

Antonio Pavlatos: "yyy.. you." He curls up with the pillow.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: His head tilts to the side. "How am I different?"

Antonio Pavlatos: He gives a quick glance to Aerin, but seems very reluctant to respond, only the manipulation by the gift drags it somewhat from him, "You was... our friend... you was there with us... then you was mad, 'n ya don't like Alex no more don't think... he was tryin' to protect me 'n ya blame him... 'n... ya mmm... made me..." His voice trails off.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He frowns a little bit, concerned. "Being angry with Alex doesn't mean that I don't like him. I think he's made some mistakes, Tony. And I've gotten angry, yes. But I still like him. Honestly, I do."

Antonio Pavlatos: Curling up a bit more, as if afraid he would get punished, but still responds, "He didn't like that one... he thought he should be dead... didn't understand how you... helped him... wanted to be sure that one understood he couldn't hurt me..." His head rubs against the pillow. "He wanted so much... he toldt me stuff.. told me to believe... toldt me I should try things... but it weren't his fault I didn't do like he said... it was mine...."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little bit and sighs, running his hands through his own hair. "I understand, Tony. I still like him. Really."

Antonio Pavlatos -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: Empathy rolls.. not sure how you can swing that in trying to influence someone, but not complaining, going with it - he isn't telling him everything.

Antonio Pavlatos: Murmuring, "He likes you... toldt me he would protect Ethan 'n me both... protect him just liken he would me... he toldt me about this one... don't remember the name... that thought things should be different..." His head is still hurting him, "But don't... matter... I wasnt suppose to be around him, but... I didn't wanna leave Alex alone... I wanted to help."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I know." He nods to that. "And there's nothing wrong with wanting to help, Tony. have to realize that there's people who want to help you, too. I want to help. And I can't help if you're holding back things from me." He's not accusing or angry in his tone, merely calmly explaining. "I promise, I won't hurt you. And I'll try not to get angry with you. Even if I do, I won't hurt you. I never would."

Antonio Pavlatos: He looks up at Aerin and the only thing he murmurs is, "You would have... but ya did it to the door... to the window..."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I did," he said with a nod. "And if I ever get angry...the only thing I'll ever hurt will be an inanimate object. I've only ever lost it like that once before...and perhaps it wasn't the best time for me to talk to you. But it wasn't your fault, and you never have to worry about me hurting you. I won't." ((Cha+Emp, since that other Cha+Emp is still for the other part))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Actually, will make this one Expression, since he's trying to convince him, not calm him.))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Cha+Exp vs. five(WP): 3,6,3,5,8,9,

Antonio Pavlatos: (I did a roll, but was meant for him talking about Kelsey to him, not this, hang on)

Antonio Pavlatos: (*sighs* Perc/Alert: 1,3,3,7,1,7,7,)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: (('s WP, not Per+Alert. At best, Per+Emp))

Antonio Pavlatos: He can't pick up much from Aerin, which only worries him more. He hears the words which seem so true, but what to believe... what to believe... "Alex gets... mmm...mad sometimes, but never means to hurt mmm... me... he cried... ain't ever seen him cry like that..."

Antonio Pavlatos: (that was suppose to be Empathy, not Alert)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Antonio Pavlatos: ((If he can't pick anything off from him, then he gets what Aerin is trying to show him. A Per+Empahty is a ~resistance~ roll, not a roll to compliment it. This is why it's WILLPOWER. Because with an Expression roll, it's Aerin being dead honest and trying to get through Tony's stubbornness (thus, his WP). When I said "At best, it's Per+Emp," that means it's if Tony is looking for something that would contradict it, any little thing, it would have to get through Aerin's words. When someone's rolling to convince you of something, and gets successes, you don't need to roll Empathy to see if you pick up on it.))

Antonio Pavlatos -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He's trying to see if Aerin is lieing to him, the only way he can - per the dots on a sheet. I can do a WP roll, but he isn't trying to not believe him, he is trying to see if he is trying to be straight with him)

Antonio Pavlatos: (WP: 5,6,2,8,)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Antonio Pavlatos: ((He can tell he's being straigh with him without rolling. Only if someone's LYING do you have to roll to see if they're lying.))

Antonio Pavlatos: He unwilling believes him, somewhat, but there are more issues than what he mentioned. He just glances up at Aerin, his eyes nervous but anxious, trying to figure the other man out.

Antonio Pavlatos: (Perc/Sub: 10,8,4,9, and then 9)

Antonio Pavlatos: The Empathy roll: Antonio Pavlatos: He can't pick up much from Aerin, which only worries him more. He hears the words which seem so true, but what to believe... what to believe... "Alex gets... mmm...mad sometimes, but never means to hurt mmm... me... he cried... ain't ever seen him cry like that..."
He believes him, somewhat, but there are more issues than what he mentioned. He just glances up at Aerin, his eyes nervous but anxious, trying to figure the other man out. So many things, not yet discussed coming to mind. For the moment though, he believes him. The one time Alex almost lost it and slapped him, he had cried.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Antonio Pavlatos: ((For the Per+Sub: He's telling the truth. 100% truth there. Under no circumstances will he ever attack or hurt Tony. In fact, he'd probably put a bullet through his own head before he had the opportunity to. Only on the likely impossible situation where he had zero Willpower and frenzied would it be an issue, and that is SO unlikely to happen.))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He stiffens at that, some memory coming back from deep in his mind...Alex. He remembered that. Somehow, he just KNEW that was going to bite them in the ass later. "I...I'm sorry Alex...did that, Tony." He sighs, and nods. "I will get angry. It happens from time to time. But as angry as I've gotten...I've never, in my entire life, attacked a kin. Not even when angry." Again, complete truth there.

Antonio Pavlatos: "He didn't... mean to either... he got so upset... he cried... he didn't mmm... mean to hurt me. I know... he would never hurt me on purpose... I kin... sorta... calm him ...sometimes." He throws a look to Aerin, then drops his head.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Emp: 6,4,9,7,8,1,8,

Antonio Pavlatos -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: (again, the injuries Aerin saw weren't serious, he was merely slapped abit was all, but TOny is fragile, so it would bruise up bady - looking worse than it was)

Antonio Pavlatos -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He isn't blocking anything at the moment, not in the frame of mind. WHat he said was truthful. Alex got scared, ALMOST frenzied, but didn't, used a WP but did slap Tony a bit, then immediately afterwards held him and cried for what he had done. As far as I know, NO ONE has even seen Alex vulnerable but Tony. And as far as the calming... he did that at the club, and he does seem to pick up that Tony can do something to help depression and other emotions, simply by touch - perhaps recalling that time in the club he did it to him.)

Antonio Pavlatos -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: And he would pick up nervousness still from Tony, although not as bad as before, bascially that he had once loved visiting here, not it is a hated prison seeming for him.

Antonio Pavlatos -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: As to the look though - he isn't telling him everything, of course. He gets thoughts of Micah, of seeing him at the club with Ethan and then others, and the concern that Aerin doesn't seem like the same person at times.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little bit, sighing. "Well, I can promise you, Tony...I never will hurt you. Ever."

Dusty: "Alex almost tore that ddd... door off the bathroom stall that night in the club. That's the night Ziahl scairted me too." He hugs himself, eyes a little distant for a moment, "Weird... I ain't ever really scareda Alex, 'n even you that one time.... but her... she skarted me bad."

Dusty: ('n even you that one time didn't make me the same kinda skart)

Ravyn: He nods a little bit. "Yeah. ZIahl is...she's a singular creature." He's quiet for a moment. "She saved my life once."

Dusty: "We fixed it though, she toldt me she was skairt I'de tainted myself on purpose. I didn't know horse was taint, its... just a drug. Ain't good fer ya, but not like the ttt... taint they kill ya for." At that remark, he turns his had again.

Ravyn: "Taint can mean several things. We just have that special meaning. Tainted by the Wyrm. Taint on it's own, just means impure." He nods a little bit when Tony looks at him, smling a little. "Yeah, she did. Someone attacked me...almost killed me. ZIahl leapt, unasked and without even really knowing me, to my defense."

Dusty: "She protected me too...." Very slowly he dares a glance up at Aerin. "Why is it that..." He seems hesitant to ask, but the words tumble out anyway, "Why is it that it ain't ever wolves that treat me nice, it's always the others? But they ain't thanked. She was treated bad... toldt Alex not to go to the wolves, nnn... not to tell 'em 'bout me, 'n they done just what she said... she said they don't care 'bout what's best... just what they think they own."

Dusty: (Speaking of Alex, Ziahl as well as Damien, although I didn't add him.)

Ravyn: He sighs a little bit. "The Garou...the wolves...we have a bad past. A lot of mistakes were of the worst was the War of Rage." He looks at Tony, trying to see if the phrase has any familiarity to the kin.

Dusty: He blinks, nodding, "Heard of it... heard it from Alex, 'n hhh... heard him talkin' to Ziahl 'bout it. Thing is... it was the wolves then too... mainly, though Alex, he says everybody was at fault. That once we was all family, still are, 'n that's why he thought.... ttt... thought she was wrong, 'n to be truthful with the wolves, 'n wanted me to know about all my past... them, the Cherokee... he says he believes in what this lion king says.... that they all gotta work together some, or we ain't gonna have no chance. The others don't always think like him though..." He hugs the pillow again. "I brung him trouble all the way around, 'n all anyone wants to do is ttt... talk bad about him. They just ddd... don't now him, or don't try to."

Ravyn: "He's a progressive man, Tony." He nods a little bit. "But unfortunately, he's not a patient man. And there's been so much bad blood, for so many times like that, people who are progressive and try to make changes often end up becoming pariahs. You know what I mean?"

Dusty: He blinks at Aerin, "I ain't knowin' what 'progressive' means sss... Sir, 'n he's patient, real patient, you just ain't sss.... seen it. If folks come at him wrong, rub his fur the wrong way he gives it back, but I seen...." Voice trails off. "...'n I don't know what pariahs are neither..."

Ravyn: "He's trying to make changes, Tony. In a system that is resistant to change. That's going to mean a lot of people will come at him and call him a troublemaker, and many other things. They'll do this on both sides, wolf and cat. And it's those people he has to be patient with, if he wants to change things. If he lets them get to him and pushes back, then he'll be falling prey to the arrogance that's caused the problems we've got up to now."

Dusty: He looks down, "Sometimes he ain't real good with people either... but he tries, leastways that way. He can play the clubs good, 'cause that's where he watches for them that ain't right. He said ya ain't gonna find 'em no place better than there 'n bad places in town. 'N sides, he likes the music, he likes people, but Jez toldt him he needed to learn die...." He seems to have troulbe with the word. "...die-plumicy, that he says things too straight out." Again with the look, "But... iffen it's true, that we all family... how come somebody I don't know....that ain't even bbb... blood family kin just demand me 'n take over my life? I know what that is... that's slavery. Learn that."

Dusty: (Learnt)

Dusty: (and as promised Aerin woudl notice he talks about Alex with passion and love, but there was more emphasis on why someone he didn't know could just take over his life)

Ravyn: "They can't take over your life, Tony. Because I won't let them." He sighs. "But in general, the Fullbloods of the Garou Tribe are the leaders of that tribe. Which gives them a say as to what happens to their kin. It's kind of...each tribe is different in how they handle their kin. The Silver Fangs, for example, are in what they expect of their kin." Ahh, euphemisms. "By contrast, my Tribe, the Children of Gaia, give our kinfolk a lot more leeway. But in the end, we care a lot about our kin, and want them to follow our paths. To us, our kin is our family, even when we don't know them."

Dusty: "But.... what iffen they didn't wanna? Ya say tribes... I'm Cherokee too, that's a tribe. I know having this.... wolf blood (and he doesn't say it in a manner that is anything but something that he hates) makes me different than most humans. I got less rrr... rights. I kin understand caring, protecting... but I learnt what it means when you force somebody to ddd... do somethin' or be sss.. somethin' they don't want... that's slavery. I... I had to do that before... 'n they was wolves..." He blinks then glances around, his tone low, "They said they was the greatest ones ever... they was like you 'n like the others that ya say are good, but... they learned the truth. Alex said they didn't learn no truth, they got corrupted by the unmaker, but if the greatest kin... 'n sss... Sir... outside of you 'n Merc, Mr Kris... ain't none of them wanted me around, or give a damn 'till Alex made a mistake in thinkin' he was protectin' me." He shuts up, closing his eyes and dropping his head, trying like hell to understand, but the logic isn't getting to him. He was taken from a hellish bubble, told one thing, then suddenly other wolves up and want to claim him. Especially hard to explain they did it out of protection and care,when he was protected and cared for already - that leaves one explanation. But... Aerin can see he is thoughtful. He's trying to work this out in his head.

Ravyn: He sighs a bit and nods. "The ones you're talking about...they're called Black Spiral Dancers. They're all insane and yes, very corrupt. And the people who are trying to claim you...they're doing it because they want to protect you, and care for you. I'm not saying their right by what they're doing. But they're looking at it this way. Sometimes, people do things that might hurt them. We have to try and keep them from it, right? That's what they're thinking they're doing. I know, I know...they're wrong. Alex isn't hurting you. But they think differently. They're doing the wrong thing, for the right reasons, you know?"

Dusty: He nods a little, understanding it put that way a little better. "But... you 'n Merc 'n Alex, like ya said... ya stopped 'em, right? You let 'em know I don't need their protection... not... them. We gotta show 'em that he ain't bad... in fact... tweren't even him. He kept tryin' to get me to go out... 'n I didn't wanna... but I like the clubs... I 'like' the game. Not the way... the way before, they did stuff I don't wanna ever do no more." For a brief moment something flares in his eyes. "But I wanna be...'me'... I was just... "Tries to think of the phrase he had heard Jez use, "...I was just 'findin' out who me was, 'n I sorta liked that."

Ravyn: "Why do you call it the game, Tony?" His head tilts curiously. "Relationships, I mean."

Dusty: He shakes his head, "No, the 'game'... S&M. The game we play at the clubs that are into that. It ain't like the others games, the ones before... they did... things I didn't like. With me 'n Alex, it's different. I seen you 'n Ethan playin' it too." He pauses, trying hard to put into words what he means, "Back there... when I first come here... lots folks, 'n before in 'Orleans couldn't nnn... never leave much. People I seen there, didn't wanna talk, they just wanted sex, or... stuff... the dancin' was different." He gets a slightly dreamy eyed expression again, soemthing the boy obviously very much missed, "I could go away in that.... but when... well, when I tried to be 'friends' with Ethan, it got him upset, 'n Alex toldt me about things, 'n how some people don't understand things, that I didn't hafta do stuff like'n that to be friends. Alex 'n I play games, but that's all they are... 'n I like it, 'cause I get to play 'n serve, 'n I feel safe, loved. I talked to some others that like the games too, 'n they understand, but others don't."


Ravyn: He sighs a bit and nods. "The ones you're talking about...they're called Black Spiral Dancers. They're all insane and yes, very corrupt. And the people who are trying to claim you...they're doing it because they want to protect you, and care for you. I'm not saying their right by what they're doing. But they're looking at it this way. Sometimes, people do things that might hurt them. We have to try and keep them from it, right? That's what they're thinking they're doing. I know, I know...they're wrong. Alex isn't hurting you. But they think differently. They're doing the wrong thing, for the right reasons, you know?"

Dusty: He nods a little, understanding it put that way a little better. "But... you 'n Merc 'n Alex, like ya said... ya stopped 'em, right? You let 'em know I don't need their protection... not... them. We gotta show 'em that he ain't bad... in fact... tweren't even him. He kept tryin' to get me to go out... 'n I didn't wanna... but I like the clubs... I 'like' the game. Not the way... the way before, they did stuff I don't wanna ever do no more." For a brief moment something flares in his eyes. "But I wanna be...'me'... I was just... "Tries to think of the phrase he had heard Jez use, "...I was just 'findin' out who me was, 'n I sorta liked that."

Ravyn: He nods a little bit. "I'm glad that you liked that, Tony. And I hope we'll be able to do that for you again. Find out who you are, I mean." He takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly. "Tony...let me ask you something. If you could, right now, be anything you wanted to, anything in the world...what would it be?"

Dusty: He seems to think for the longest, perhaps maybe even a little nervous to speak it out. He closes his eyes, not looking at Aerin as he answers, "I wish I could be... free... free to make my own choices... I wish...." extremely soft tone, "...I wish I weren't wolf kin."

Ravyn: He sighs a little and nods. "What if you were free to make your own choices, but still wolf kin?"

Dusty: He opens his eyes, looks at Aerin through his hair, then drops his eyes, "That's a dream... ain't real. Tried to think that when Alex talked 'bout tryin' to get to know my family, that it was important even iffen I decided I wanted to stay with him... 'n some... they got choices, but I don't. (more)

Dusty: Everythin's decided for me when I'm with wolves, but not when I ain't... if it could be different..." words halting, but thoughtful, "...but they can't be, 'n I'm just... tired of hopin' no more, sss... Sir. I ain't like the others, somethin' wrong with me, 'n I weren't wolf kin, it wouldn't matter."

Ravyn: "That's not true," he says calmly, looking at Tony. "You think I only care because of what you are? I care because of who you are."

Dusty: That causes him to blink rapidly, voice still very low, "If I was human, ya wouldn't be messin' with me, 'n I could do whatever I wanted... I ain't smart 'n 'clean' like the others... ain't sure why you would care 'bout me. Less... ya want to have sex with me... 'n ya already said ya didn't. Ain't sure what ya want then. 'Friends'... don't never work right." And that is naked sincerity.

Ravyn: "Again...not true. It's been done. I have done it." There's sincerity there, too...some good amount of pain as well, but he speaks truth. "It doesn't always work out...but whether I care or not doesn't depend on the status of one's family ties. It depends on the person and who they are, not what they are."

Dusty: Now that he doesn't understand, "How can who ya are not be what ya are? I did what Alex wanted... I called people, talked to 'em 'stead of him, 'cause he thought I neededta... I made friends, even those that cared about me enough to stand up fer me, then told they couldn't be friends.

Dusty: I ain't wantin' that no more... don't want to even try that no more. It hurts, 'n ain't no need. I was better off before, when I didn't care 'bout nobody, but then... then I cared 'bout Alex, 'n now I hurt inside... I hurt lots, 'n everythin', sss.. Sir... everythin' that hurts just about always... comes... down.. to the wolves." He pauses and then looks up at Aerin. "You've... done... what?"

Ravyn: He blinks as Tony hits several points all at once, and takes a moment to try and sort it all out. "I've been friends with humans. Cared about them. Risked everything for them, from time to time."

Dusty: (And, because of the high scores I am having him talk more than normal, as well as his more relaxed state, enjoy it while we have it, because it won't always be so easy to get him to talk, especially after he finds out things)
He nods slowly, "Humans.. but not wolf kin. I wanna be human..." It is said it a very pitiful manner.

Ravyn: ((The problem is he's talking a lot on many different topics without giving Aerin a chance to respond, and so I can't hit all those topics. :) ))

Dusty: (I know, sorry, part of his problem is hard to concentrate on one thing before he skips to another, and this wasn't long after finally getting rest after that long ordeal about the spirits, so trying to show his confusion and how his mind connects things - weird I know... if it is a problem I can make it simpler)

Ravyn: ((No, it's cool, it's how he is. Just makes it interesting for Aerin)) "I imagine you do," he says with a nod. "I understand. I've..." He purses his lips. "I've never been that happy...being a wolf. If you can believe that."

Dusty: Now that makes his eyes blink, blink fast behind his hair. "But... I thought all of ya was... real proud to be... what ya are... I mean... better'n the rest of us?"

Dusty: And no, he doesn't say it as an insultive type, but as a matter of fact.

Ravyn: "Well..." He sighs a bit and shrugs. "I'm glad that it gives me the ability to help people, yeah. And I'm glad that I have a family I belong to. But...I've never truly felt like I was part of them."

Dusty: "I... ain't good with anythin outside what I knew.... but can't help it that I think it's weird I was toldt one thing, then... somebody I don't know just takes me over. That don't feel like no... family I was ever toldt of. I thought...." He drops his head down, not finishing his thought, but changing the subject again, "Ya got power among 'em... can't see how ya don't fit."

Ravyn: "Power doesn't mean I fit, Tony." He smiles faintly. "There's...are you familiar with the word Ronin?"

Dusty: He shakes his head at Aerin. "No sss... Sir."

Ravyn: "It means..." He pauses a moment. "We' creatures by nature, Tony. We have a need to belong. A Ronin is someone who's cast out of their tribe, and has no tribe to belong to. You'd think it was good,'s not. It leads to depression...bad thoughts." He sighs. "It leads to Harano."

Dusty: "I ain't never... been part of nuthin'... or nuthin' that was good, accordin' to Alex... until I was with him.... 'n... if belonin' hurts, 'n makes ya feel bad 'n... other stuff... what's the real good of bein' in a tribe?" Again the boy shows his ignorance of what true tribes, Garou and so many other thing mean.

Ravyn: "One day, you'll know," he says with a smile. "I didn't, until I found Gaia's Hand. My home Sept, in Upstate New York. I've never been comfortable in Central Park and the Sept of the Green. When I came to Gaia's Hand, even before I was like coming home."

Dusty: Murmurs, "I ain't gonna go back to that park... they don't like me there, 'n don't wanna go there."

Ravyn: "Maybe some day, you can visit Gaia's Hand."

Dusty: "What's the... difference?"

Ravyn: "The difference is...well." He takes a deep breath, considering. "The Septs have a different purpose...different feels. The Green is...well, frankly, I wonder these days. Gaia's Hand is dedicated toward Enigmas and Healing. It's...more peaceful. And the Garou there...they aren't like the ones in the Park."

Dusty: Murmurs very softly, "The ones in the park are mean..."

Ravyn: "I often wonder if it's because the city attracts it...or because they're so surrounded by the Wyrm. Up at Gaia's Hand it's...more peaceful. Calmer. I can relax there."

Dusty: He doesn't have much of a response to that, and starts to pick at that loose thread on the sleeping bag again.

Ravyn: He looks up to Tony and tilts his head, watching the other man. ((Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Emp: 4,1,1,6,8,7,8,))

Dusty: Not even attempting to hide his feelings. From what he has seen, he hasn't ever felt calm around the wolves, except for with Mercury and before now Aerin. The park is a place to be feared, as the ones in it. Basically he doesn't understand what Aerin wants him to say, or do in response. He misses Alex, he misses the music, he misses the little life he had known outside the bubble of the Wyrm club.

Dusty: Oops... add please... but somehow even though he misses it, now he doesn't seem willing to reach out to try to retake it, as if it is lost to him.

Ravyn: He takes a deep breath and sighs. "You know, not everything I say is for a specific reason. Sometimes, I just talk. And I don't expect anything specific from're free to say what you want, okay?"

Dusty: That makes his lips tremble, and his eyes shoot to Aerin, "Sss... Sir... I ain't sure what I'm... free to do no more. You just... don't... understand...." He cringes slightly as if expecting Aerin to get angry for saying that.

Ravyn: He's not angry. In fact, he seems quite calm. "Explain it to me, then. Help me understand, Tony. I won't hurt you."

Dusty: (and stretching a little, but since he just did an empathy roll - his mind did a fast take from being held in control by the spirals, to be freed by Alex, having a short time as being 'free' in his mind and being told all these things - to now being back in control by wolves, only supposedly good ones. Free to say who comes in the room, but not free to do what he wants really)

Ravyn: ((Gotta reboot...BRB))

Dusty: He has a pained expression as he seems to battle for a moment over either how to say what he wants to Aerin, or if to say it at all. Finally, very slowly and quietly, "I weren't free before with the others, then I was... with Alex, now I ain't again.

Dusty: (Was 'free' with Alex, left off a word)

Ravyn: "Tony, I'm..." He gives a slightly pained look, considering the words. "I'm trying to do what I can. I promise. Anything I can possibly do for you, I will, okay? But you have to be patient." He pauses a moment, considering his wording. "I'm trying to give you something. SOmething that will be better for everyone involved, most especially for you. But it's going to be hard at first. This is like...the trial that has to be endured for the good. You know?"

Dusty: "I'm.... tryin', sss.... Sir. Least ya did get the eyes outta here... I.... I... I really am thankful ya done that." He tries not to frown as he concentrates. "Give me somethin'?" He IS trying to understand, "Does that mean iffen I.... iffen whatever it is ya want or... to give me... I take, or do... I kin go back to things again? I kin go home?"

Ravyn: "Quite possibly, yes." He nods a little bit. "Once the trials are done with, and we've all made it through, the choice will be yours. I promise."

Dusty: He looks at Aerin closely, eyes peering at him. (hang on)

Dusty: Antonio: d10: Truth?: 5,3,10,3,9,5,4,
Antonio: d10: : 5,
He gets a feeling of truthfullness, and seems to relax a bit, nodding, even as he bites his bottom lip, "I just... whist I knew what it.... was I was supposed to be doin' here that.... I weren't doin' at home."

Ravyn: Aerin is being perfectly honest, of course. His care for Tony is evident, and he appears to be mulling an idea over. "You're supposed to be becoming more comfortable with things, Tony." He tilts his head, watching him. "Alex himself told me that he knows that he's helped you a lot, but he can only help so much. He's still going to help as much as he's able to...but I'm going to help you, too. I have more experience in this sort of thing."

Dusty: He drops his head, now actually tugging on the loose thread nervously. He doesn't look up, and his voice is quiet, "They said I weren't.... well.... what's.... 'wrong' with me?" The last said as if he is trying very hard to hold back a sob, truly not understanding as he isn't sick - he was taking the meds and staying off the drugs. Their words frightened him.

Ravyn: "Hey. There's nothing 'wrong' with you, okay?" He fixes a look at him. "You've been through a lot in your life. And you've come out of it stronger then anyone ever could have. But you being able to deal with others, and getting back to a more comfortable state, you know? The things Alex was helping you with. But you are not're not wrong. Okay?"

Dusty: He seems like he wants to be convinced more than he might really be convinced but he nods. "yyy... Yes, Sir. 'N you 'n Alex are.... okay now? I ain't causin' no... trouble tween ya?" His eyes peek out, not quite meeting Aerin's but watching him.

Ravyn: He shakes his head with a smile. "No, Tony. You're not causing any problems between us." There's a pause, and he looks at

Tony. "Tony...I want you something, if that's okay. You remember me talking about Rose the other night?"

Dusty: A slightly curious look then in his eyes, and a nod, "Sss.... spirit of love...."

Ravyn: "Yeah." He nods a little bit. "Would you like to meet her...sort of?"

Dusty: He seems nervous for a moment, but oddly his curiousity seems to overcome it as he stares openly at Aerin's shirt. "I..... I... she might not wanna, I mean, but...." Obviously he does, but Tony being Tony isn't going to give too straight of an answer right now. "iffen she.. would." And just as obviously nervous about talking about a spirit as if it actually had a gender, but then he knows nothing of the true nature of spirits.

Ravyn: "I have a feeling she will," he says with a smile, and he reaches down, grabbing his tank top and pulling it off to reveal his chest, and the odd scar there, in the shape of a weeping Rose. He rises and moves to Tony, kneeling next to him and holding his hand out. "Give me your hand, Tony."

Dusty: He licks his lips, swallowing nervously, but slowly extends his hand out to Aerin - not a big thing for most, but for him at the moment that is an extremely trusting action.

Ravyn: He takes the kins hand and slowly brings it to rest over the scar, which is emenating a soft warmth...noticably different then the warmth of his body. He shuts his eyes, taking a deep breath, and focuses on reaching out to Rose, bringing her forth.

Dusty: He keeps swallowing nervously, tongue dancing over his lips, watching Aerin nervously, but again his curiousity keeps his hand in place, feeling that warm sensation he had felt once before, only this time much more so without the cloth in the way.

Ravyn: ((Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Gnosis (WP): 3,6,6,8,7,9,)) The wamrth flares, and Tony feels the overpowering sense of love flowing from Aerin...Rose herself. IN that second, it becomes perfectly clear to Tony, the depths of how much Aerin feels for people. His love is complete and absolute. When he loves, he doesn't do so halfway. He loves with his entire being...even if it's different types of love. Toward Tony, he has a very sort of brotherly love. It's not sexual attraction...something has actually managed to move him past that. It's a want to nuture Tony, to help him, to protect him...teach him to find his own way, the way Aerin has. There's pain there, too...he knows he's caused Tony pain, and he regrets that. He hates that he's done so, and he's determined to make up for that. Above all, he respects the way Alex and Tony feel about each other...he cherishes it, and he wants to give them that chance again.

Tony also feels the overwhelming sense of love from Rose herself. As odd as it may be for him to feel such from a feminine nature, it's genuine and (of course) strong. Again, it's both beauty and pain...that's WHAT love is. It seems to caress him, a brief touch of greeting and support, before the feeling starts to fade, and the spirit subsides.

Dusty: The hand against Aerin's chest shakes, first a little, then alot, but not from fear, something... else. A quick caught breathe, then it quickens but not to the point of wheezing, it is as if he can't get enough air... Aerin will feel the pressure as Tony pushes his hand more against him, as if he could touch the sensation he is sensing, his fingertips curling slightly against his flesh. No words, it seems he is beyond them. (more)

Dusty: If they are hard normally, they are near impossible now. Eyes blink soundlessly as tears run down his cheeks, an odd little smile hovering over his mouth, and again that pressure as the sensation starts to leave, as if he would hold it in his hand for longer if he could.

Dusty: It is only after the sensation is totally gone that his breathing seems a little ragged, and Aerin will have to remove his hand, because it seems that he can't, or simply doesn't wish to.

Ravyn: The reaction from Aerin is rather striking as well. The Gaian seems to be surprised by something himself...though what is hard to tell. He shivers a little bit as Rose withdraws, and relaxes, having to put a hand to the ground to stablizie him. He reaches out to Tony,, brushing his hair back from his face. "You okay?"

Dusty: Tears still sliding unheeded down his face, he nods, voice tiny, as if afraid speaking would break some spell, "yyy.. yes Sir..." His hand caresses Aerin's chest, but it isn't sexual in origin, more as if again he would touch what he had felt, and he murmurs almost inaudibly, "That was.... real...."

Dusty: He seems simply to be entranced, in complete awe.

Ravyn: "It was," he says with a nod. "That, Rose. She's...quite a lady." Putting it lightly. He takes a deep breath, then reaches up, his fingers encircling Tony's hand and gently drawing it away from his chest. He brings his other hand up, folding Tony's hand between his.

Dusty: He doesn't try to remove his hand from Aerin, he still sits there, breathing fast but not in distress, still seeming as if in partial shock. " did did you get that?"

Ravyn: "A good friend gave it to me, last year. It...was very painful." He smiles faintly. "Still is, sometimes. But I wouldn't ever take it back for the world. Maybe, someday, I can pass her on to you."

Dusty: Now his eyes widen. "Mmmm.... Me? I.... I ain't... I mean... she wouldn't want nuthin' to do with me... I... I ain't like you....." his eyes though are still drawn almost magnetically to the scar. It doesn't seem simple fascination, Aerin can tell the boy was truly touched in some way by feeling the spirit. There seems a hundred questions in his eyes, but he doesn't seem to dare ask them.
Dusty: (let me rephrase that please.... "she wouldn't want to 'stay' with me" ...the first didn't fit right with the senstations he got from the spirit.
Dusty: (he might have low self esteem but certain things have to be taken into account and the way that was phrased, she obviously didn't mind having 'something' to do with him)

Ravyn: "Funny..." His lips quirk upward. "I thought the same thing, before Karlos gave her to me."

Dusty: He looks questioning at Aerin again, "Karlos...?"

Ravyn: "A friend of mine," he says with a little shrug. "Karlos is...a very long story."

Dusty: Nodding slightly, not pushing for answers unless Aerin wants to tell him. He draws back slightly then, seeming to realize he is all up against Aerin almost. "I felt like she... knew things... don't know how... or was that just me feelin'...." he seems to be trying to put it into words,

Dusty: "What I mean is... does she really 'know' stuff 'bout how I feel... 'n Alex...'n you... or was that just the feelin' of love itself?" He looks at Aerin as if he knows he didn't ask that right, but can't think of any better way to say it.

Ravyn: "It was...sort of both." He shrugs a little. "She's...not love itself. Not exactly." He sighs. Maybe a Theurge could explain it better, but he's doing the best he can. "She's able to open those feelings...make us understand how we feel. She knows it, but only because she kind of...knows us, you know?"

Dusty: He blinks, and nods slowly, then looks up at Aerin nervoulsy, "I... felt some stuff... 'bout you... do you... feel anythin' 'bout me?"

Ravyn: He shakes his head. "I asked her not to. I didn't...want to pry into something you may not feel comfortable sharing."

Dusty: He licks his lips and slowly nods again, "She know though..." Again that wonder in her face. "Iffen nobody else believes, she knows...." Again that odd little smile over his lips for a moment. He looks at Aerin slowly, voice still very quiet, "You really... don't wanna break us up...." Not a question.

Ravyn: "No, Tony...I really don't." He shakes his head. "I want to give you all the chance in the world."

Dusty: He tries a little smile, but ends up biting his bottom lip, then ducking his head down as if feeling too much right now, and not exactly willing to show it all for whatever reason, or perhaps just again doesn't know how. "How... how long is... whatever we gonna do gonna... take?"

Ravyn: "I don't know, Tony." He shrugs a little bit. "It all depends on a lot fo things. I have some ideas, but...some things I do, they may be scary for you. But I promise you...I absolutely, 100% promise you that I won't let you be hurt,. okay? And that I'll do everything within my power to help us get through this as quickly as we can."

Dusty: He is still nervous, but he nods, "Sometimes... everythin' a little scary. I wanted... outta there, but... I at least knew stuff there.... what to expect... out in the world, it ain't so easy." Damn, did he say a true mouthful then.

Ravyn: He nods. "I know, Tony. Out here is scary. I'll make sure you're safe, though, okay?"

Dusty: Unconsciously he goes between picking at the thread, or winding a lock of hair in his finger. Again he nods slowly to Aerin, "I'm... hopin' that, sss... Sir."

Ravyn: He takes a deep breath, and watches Tony for a long moment, before finally addressing what he's been dreading. Better now then ever. "Tony...with that in mind, I need to tell you. I have a packmate. Not Bliss...another one. And they stay here, on a very, VERY occasional basis, at night. I can promise that they won't be around you...they're barely ever here. They'll never come in here, and I will make sure you don't need to worry about them. They listen to me, and do what I say, because I'm the Alpha. The person is Kelsey Horn. But I promise you, she won't be around you, and you'll be completely safe from her. Okay?" ((And this is where that Charisma roll comes in: Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Cha+Emp vs. five: 3,4,10,8,6,6,1, Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Specialty: 2,: Enhanced by Persuasion, so three Uber-successes))

Ravyn: ((And really, now that it came to it, it probably is Expression really, so if you want I can roll that instead))

Dusty: (if it's pretty much the same no reason to redo for this scene, not this late :P)

Dusty: He tenses a bit, but entirely stiffens by the time Aerin is through speaking. Several deep breathes, recalling the name with Mercury. Aerin's voice seems to help calm him some, as does a little help from his own self

Dusty: ( Antonio: d10: WP(ifneeded4scene): 2,6,4,9,), although he obviously doesn't seem pleased by this news in the slightest. He sits there for several long moments, seeming to have to consider an answer, before he simply closes his eyes, swallows and nods wordlessly to Aerin.

Dusty: (Sorry, forgot the other roll, before he closes his eyes: Antonio: d10: Per/Empathy: 8,8,6,2,9,9,1)
Ravyn: Aerin meant every bit of that. He very much doesn't think Kelsey would ever hurt Tony, but that aside, will do everything needed to keep Kelsey away from Tony and from making Tony upset.

He nods a little bit. That's about as good as he'd possibly hoped for. He reaches out to smooth a hand over Tony's hair, and drop to touch his shoulder lightly, supportively. "You're family, Tony. I don't mean in a Tribal sense...I mean in a much more important sense. Family is how I feel about you, and I won't let you be hurt. I care too much about you for that."

Dusty: He flinches for a second when his hair is touched, perhaps startled, his eyes open and when Aerin touches his shoulder his head almost leans down to nuzzle his head but he seems to stop himself, and simply nod slowly to him instead. It seems he is clinging desperately to the attempt to believe Aerin.

Dusty: (Antonio: d10: Perc/Alert(Ifneeded): 9,5,6,7,5,8,7, - was made to see if he could hear or sense any other movement outside the room). When Aerin does remove his hand though, the boy moves to the window and pushes back the coverings to check the lock on it, then looks to the unlocked door before he curls back up on the sleeping bag.

Ravyn: ((No movement outside...Aerin made sure the house was relatively empty at the time.)) He watches Tony for a moment. "You want me to stay in here with you? I can, if you'd like. Maybe we could try reading a little...or just hang out, if you're not up to that?"

Dusty: He looks at Aerin as if to say yes, but drops his head and murmurs, "Iffen ya... want... "

Ravyn: "I'd like that, yeah." He smiles and moves to take a seat next to him, picking up the book. "So where were you in the story again?"

Dusty: He looks at the books on the table, shaking his head. "That's the one... Alex is readin' to me.... it's about a witch, a lion, 'n kids.... On the table are Alice In Wonderland, which he reaches over and pushes aside, "This un... the other's readin' to me... he left it in the hall..." He hands Aerin the last book, the book Jez had brought to him earlier, Charlotte's Web.

Ravyn: He nods a little bit and takles Charlotte's Web with a little smile. "All right. Let's get to it."

Dusty: He'll curl up in the corner on the sleeping bag, and listen for as long as Aerin is willing to read.