Surly (PB 2): *she's already there, sitting near the back of the place, facing the door. clad in a snug charcoal grey weskit and tighter suede jeans in a darker charcoal. black and red hair loose under a grey bowler. glaring at the door over her gloved hands*

Marcos: Marcos arrives at Redbones and looks around some, dressed mostly in black with a hint of a red shirt poking out from beneath his coat. The youngish man continues to stand near the entrance for a minute or two as he tries to get his barings inside the establishment.

Surly (PB 2): *notes Marcos and waves to him. in her usual fashion, with the single finger* yo! over here!

Marcos: He returns her wave, and makes his eay over through the light gathering of customers to where she is seated. "Interesting place you choose." and he takes a seat across from her.

Surly (PB 2): good food here. *shrugs* German. i'm not buying you beer. i'll pay for dinner, though.

Marcos: "Ah, so I'm the one paying for dinner?" he asks with a hint of a grin as he starts to get up so he can go to the bar to order up some stiens.

Surly (PB 2): *smirks* asshole. i pay for food. you buy whatever booze suits your tastes--i don't drink.

Marcos: He grins about that, ordering up what he wants. Beeer. Then brings her back over some cider. "Well how about this then miss too good to get a little drunk." Sitting down, he sets the glass infront of her. "You've heard about wine being good for the system had once in a while."

Surly (PB 2): *smirks and sips the cider. after a sniff to make sure it's soft cider* works. alcohol dulls the reflexes. i prefer to keep my reflexes honed as sharp as i can manage.

Marcos: He nods about that. "Yes, well it makes Surly a dull girl." but he shrugs before she can slug him or something. "So what might be on your mind?"

Surly (PB 2): you realize you're sitting across from a bitch wearing steel-toed boots, right? within reach? *snickers* need ideas. and any info you've come up with. i'm still operating on the last bit of shit. oh, by the way......this place's run by family. so you know if you didn't already.

Marcos: He nods some as he listens to what she says, glancing around some at the place. "I knew that, but never came here before." and then gets a bit more serious. "So, where should I start first?"

Surly (PB 2): *shrugs* where last we left off sounds like the best place to me. let's order first. hopefully i won't end up having to rinse anyone's balls in beer tonight.

Marcos: That gets a bit of a quirk of the head before he shrugs and motions over one of the waitresses for them to order. "Do I even want to know?" he asks her.

Surly (PB 2): *smirks* first time i came here, one of the guys decided to hit on us. was with some other people. wouldn't leave. i dumped a beer in his lap. *ponders* actually--i dumped a beer over some little brat's head later on. *she's already made her choice. requesting her food in flawless German*

Marcos: He orders up something as well, though not using the fluent german of course. Certainly a decent selection of course. Once the waitress wanders away he looks back to Surly. "We were looking for information about the Son and or Mother right?" he asks with a tilt of his head as if trying to remember something.

Surly (PB 2): *nods* yeah, and any info on where more of his stuff might be. i still think widow's holding out for more money. either taht, or she's allied with Doc, too. that's getting a bit paranoid, though.

Marcos: He nods some about that. "His other things are certainly not on the market, and I've only been able to track down one other person who openly admits to owning some of his effects. A morbid collector who runs a website where he displays things connected to a variety of killers around the globe." he says to her while watching her. Taking another sip of the beer finally before setting it back down.

Surly (PB 2): *frowns, eyes narrowing thoughtfully* lemme guess. he's not willing to sell anythign of the Doc's, is he. where is he?

Marcos: "Here in the city actually, and no he doesn't. He's supposed to be a Professor that sometimes teaches or lectures. More lecture then anything though. He talks about the growing deprivation of human society and the monsters it creates. Even some BS about the power these monsters have over people."

Surly (PB 2): mmm...*frowns* first it'd be a good idea tro find out for sure if he really does have any of the stuff. then, if he won't sell...*shrugs* and we can't find anything to trade........

Marcos: "I'd say he does. He posts the occassional picture up on his website. He's got a gag, and some instruments. I'd not call them weapons, but they were certainly used to kill some of his victims he claims."

Surly (PB 2): *nods slowly* think he'd be willing to trade? assuming, that is, we can get the widow to sell. *purses her lips* wish there was a way to, like...excorcize the stuff without having to keep ahold of it for any length of time. for all i know, there is.

Marcos: Marcos shrugs some with a bit of a furrowing of his brow. "Well, not sure really since he seems to go for the implements that caused harm. The more mundane items are not displayed at all if he even has any."

Surly (PB 2): what about, like, the electric chair widow owns? *tilts her head. sharp eyes glance up at the incoming waitress*

Marcos: He thinks on that, glancing to the woman with a nod when she comes up with the food. "Thank you." and then looks back to Surly when the waitress is gone. "Well, it might work. But are you really willing to part with it?"

Surly (PB 2): i don't have it. i figure,if we can get it and "clean" it--however you do that--we can make sure it doesn't work and offer him a trade on it. maybe some other stuff, after it's been cleaned or whatever you call it.

Marcos: "Like recycle the evil out of it?"

Surly (PB 2): *shrugs* i dunno. douse it with holy water or something. *smirks* maybe we can get a priest to piss on it. should work just as well.

Marcos: He chuckles some and nods about that. "Well we need to find a expert who can help with that."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: The door opens, and in walks Aerin, popping his neck to either side as he lets the door shut behind him. He's in trench coat business casual today...the dress shirt white, slacks black, and the steel-toes as always. His staff is by his side...he sets it next to the the side of the door before taking a look around. Everyone needs to eat sometime, right?

Surly (PB 2): *nods* yeah. i think Aerin might've mentioned he might know someone who can help with that. not positive, though.

Madisen Stamper: The young Get kin wanders out from the kitchen. She'd been cooking again, helping to fill in for one of the cooks who had called in sick.

Surly (PB 2): *and snickers* i don'tknow if this is a case of ask and ye shall recieve, or speaking of the devil. *waves--yes, her usual wave--toward Aerin* yo!

Surly (PB 2): *and waves again to Madi. not her usual wave this time. she IS only fifteen, after all*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over at the wave and smiles a bit in Surly amd Marcos's direction before heading off that way. "Hey, Surly. What's up?" Marcos gets a nod. "Marcos. Good to see you."

Madisen Stamper: She is carrying out a plate of the daily special (too tired to think up a German dish) and a mug of something.

Marcos: Marcos looks to Aerin when he comes over and nods with a bit of a smile. "Hello Aerin." and glances to Madisen when Surly waves to her.

Surly (PB 2): you are. sit. *pushes out a chair with her foot* we're brainstorming on our fave mutual subject again.

Madisen Stamper: She can't wave exactly, and well, she can cook but isn't a waitress for a good reason. Instead Madi just uses her mug to semi-wave with. Seeing there are others....adults around....she doesn't exactly crash their party. She takes a seat a few tables away for now.

Surly (PB 2): that's one of my students. youngest i have at the moment, a great deal of natural talent, and Doc's picked on her. she's also seen one of his vics personally. *scowls at the memory*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over to Madisen, a brief appraising gaze before he nods to her with a smile, and then takes a seat. "Ahh, let me guess. The good Doctor?" Even saying those words again gives him a frown and a bit of a shiver running up his spine.

Surly (PB 2): *nods* yeah, him. want her over here or are you going to try and keep her out of it? he's tried contacting her, by the way. and don't mention anything religious to her.

Madisen Stamper: Girl doesn't smile but gives a polite nod when she notices Aerin glancing her direction.

Marcos: "Yes, though I don't think of him as good."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "If she's a focus of his, she might want to be in on this. And define 'religious.' That has a lot of potential connotations."

Surly (PB 2): Doc Dickcheese. or Doc Dragqueen. *nods*

Surly (PB 2): doesn't go in for talk about God or Gods or whatever. *shrugs* her parents aren't with her any more. *and leaves it at that* i dunno if she is or not, but he has tried to get through to her. *waves Madi over* Madisen, join us. we're talking about that creep again.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods, understanding. It's a Goddess-free night.

Marcos: Marcos nods some with a little nod, downing more of his beer before eating some of the food that was brought to th table. "Makes sense, and it would be good for her to stay abreast of things."

Surly (PB 2): *nods back to Aerin. smart guy. brains are good--too bad she hasn't got more of them*

Surly (PB 2): exactly. here. *shoves a chunk of gravy-dripping bread toward Aerin* eat, or you'll stay so scrawny it wouldn't be fair of me to spar with you. *a smirk*

Madisen Stamper: She looks up from taking a bite off her plate, nodding and not speaking with her mouth full.

Surly (PB 2): *kicks lightly to push another chair out for the girl*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Thanks." He takes the bread from Surly and grins a bit. "But I don't wanna bulk up too much. People will stop underestimating me, and then where would I be?"

Marcos: "So are you up to speed on things of late?" he asks to Aerin while Madisen makes her way over.

Surly (PB 2): *snerks at Aerin* so go for a good jog after dinner. or i'll sweat some of the calories off you with a good lesson or spar. your choice. mmm, i think he knows everything i did before we started talking, Marcos.

Madisen Stamper: Once she's finished swallowing, she carefully collects her plate with the silverware on it, and mug and takes a seat at the chair that was pushed out for her.

Surly (PB 2): Madisen. Aerin. Marcos. who says i don't have good manners? *smirks and takes a swig of her cider*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "More or less," he says to Marcos. "Surly showed me the pictures of the Doctor'" He frowns briefly, but shows little other reaction to it. "Heard we're trying to buy all of his old's that going?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over to Madisen and smiles to her again. "Hello."

Surly (PB 2): *points to her dinner* you make this or one of the others?

Marcos: "I was telling her about a collector who lectures some. A Professor that collects morbid items and has a website and everything." he says with a bit of a shrug. "Surly was thinking we could get the widow's items and then cleanse them. Easy enough to then trade for other tainteditems in his collection."

Madisen Stamper: She nods to the two men whom she is introduced to. Being ever polite and respectful. "Hello," she says quietly, not wanting to interrupt.

Madisen Stamper: Madisen glances over to Surly's plate. "I made the other food, and what is on my plate too. Not that."

Surly (PB 2): *nods* thought so. it's good but there's a little much pepper.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little to Marcos, lips twitching a little. Far too many Professors and Doctors in his life. "Not an entirely bad idea, actually...long as this Professor won't be able to sense that the stuff isn't tainted anymore."

Surly (PB 2): *tilts her head at Aerin* if he can, doesn't that mean he needs an exorcism of his own anyway?

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "At the very least," he says with a nod to Surly.

Marcos: "Not sure if he's mystical in some way or just a messed up guy that likes to hear himself talk. Maybe he likes to go after the coed's or something that goes to his lectures. He's defiantely doesn't seem like the studious type from what little I've talked to him."

Madisen Stamper: "You want me to get you some of mine?" she offers, but quickly quiets again as Surly speaks to Aerin.

Surly (PB 2): *shrugs* then, if he can, we know he needs it. so, we do it. simple.

Surly (PB 2): *shakes her head to Madi* nah, it's edible. you do a better job, though. did you make anything on the dessert menu tonight?

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "We'll find out one way or the other," he says to Marcos. "Either way, he's got something we want-slash-need, and so we need to deal with him."

Madisen Stamper: She nods and names off two of the desserts she made.

Marcos: "Before the you know who does." he says with a bit of a nod. "The guys an easy target."

Madisen Stamper: She goes back to eating again, sipping the cider from time to time.

Surly (PB 2): *nods to Madi, giving the girl a faint grin. looks to the men* we're ordering her desserts. save room. umph. i'm wondering how to get the stuff fromt he widow if she won't sell. i'm guessing we may end up having to do the five-fingered discount. *scowls at the thought*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Point." He nods to Marcos and sighs, leaning back in his chair. "So what all do we know about this professor? What school does he go to, what does he teach? We know where he lives?"

Madisen Stamper: "I'll be happy to bring some out once I'm finished," not real smile, but her face looks a little cheerful.

Surly (PB 2): *nods to Madi* that would be good. *smirks*reminds me that one of my other students decided to give out more swiss chard than i can eat. if you know any recipes for it, i'll bring some to our next lesson.

Madisen Stamper: One of the cooks comes out and speaks quietly to Madisen. She nods, rising and takes her mostly eaten plate. "I'll be back shortly," taking her leave. ((I'll be back in a few. Need to grab a shower. Dropping nick.))

Madisen Stamper: "I can find something or come up with my own I'm sure," she tells Surly on her way to the kitchen.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles and nods to Madisen as she leaves. "Thank you, Madisen." As she walks away, he looks to Marcos to get the skinny on this professor.

Marcos: Marcos shrugs some. "He doesn't teach anything right now. Only does so once every two or three years and goes for subjects like 'American Psycho, Real or Myth' and 'The Killers Among Us'. In the last two years though he's done about one lecture a month at NYU."

Surly (PB 2): *nods to Madi* allright. i'll bring it. *arches a brow to Marcos* how's he fund his website and collecting hobby? profs don't make shit for money. part timers even less.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Interesting." He says it with some actual degree of sincerity. "You know, serial killers has always been a bit of a morbid fascination of mine. Maybe a trip to one would be a good idea." His brows raise and drop quickly, as he picks up his bread to eat. "Or did he just have one? Don't feel like waiting a full month to meet with the guy."

Marcos: Marcos shrugs some. "I've not gotten too nosey with him." he says to her. "Could be inheritance, or something on the side."

Surly (PB 2): mph. i'll go with you on that. *nods to Aerin*

Surly (PB 2): or it could be something worse. *smirks* i tend to think the worst of people. saves time. and occasionally i get a pleasant surprise. very occasionally.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods to Surly. "Works for me."

Marcos: He's got one coming up next week actually." he says with a bit of a nod to Aerin.

Surly (PB 2): what's the topic exactly? *a jet brow arching at Marcos*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Oh, please let it be the Zodiac Killer. It's a fasinating case study." Deadpanned tone. Might even be a bit serious.

Surly (PB 2): *blinks at Aerin* the what? *scratches her head*

Marcos: Marcos smirks about something when he looks to Surly. "Is it in the Gene's? Something about is a Seriel Killer born with the inclination or is it something that the enviroment and society creates?"

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): She comes back out of the kitchen, having averted whatever disaster there was to have been had there, behind her one of the waitresses carrying some desserts. Apparently Madisen wasn't trusted to do it herself.

Surly (PB 2): *blinks at Marcos and smirks right back* heh. maybe we should catch Doc and Junior and let Prof use 'em for a case study. i'm sure Junior's helping. and i'mnot going to be shocked if he wants to help Daddy Dearest.

Surly (PB 2): *notes Madi's reappearance and calmly sets her plate, and the little left on it, in front of Aerin*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Ahh. Nature versus nuture." He grins a bit. "Should be quite the interesting lecture. I'll get us tickets." He looks over at Surly. "Zodiac was a serial killer in the 60's and 70's in San Fransisco to Vallejo area. Never got caught...was fond of cryptograms. No one still knows who he is."

Surly (PB 2): *nods to Aerin* like Jack the Ripper. they never found out for sure just who he was, right?

Marcos: "Yes, but look at BTK." and he says. "Time will tell."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Exactly." He nods to Surly, and looks up as Madisen comes back, smiling to her.

Surly (PB 2): huh. *a slow blink. and she nods to the girl and the waitress* smells good. he's finishing my dinner so i can start on dessert.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "True enough," he says to Marcos. "Green River, too. They caught him near my hometown, as a matter of fact." He gets to eating what Surly left over for him.

Surly (PB 2): *and she starts in on dessert, savoring it* good.

Surly (PB 2) -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((i think the Gods of Boot planted a foot in Ash's ass....))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Surly (PB 2): ((Seems like. Uktena, too.))

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): She nods politely to Aerin, he doesn't get a smile. The waitress starts putting out the plates of dessert as Madi sits back down.

Surly (PB 2) -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((murgle. you're right. *frowns* ISP probs at their home, maybe?))

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): ((Sorry....connection died. I hopped onto someone else's wireless))

Surly (PB 2): ((*hugs* NP, hon. *skotc*))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((It's cool. *hugs*))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He takes advantage of the moment of silence to finish eating, then pushes the plate back.

Surly (PB 2): *smirks at Aerin* try desserts. they're good. *her plate, however,is being guarded. good thing there's other plates....*

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): That makes the girl smile just a little as she sees how protective Surly is of her plate.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He grins a bit at Surly and nods. "All right...if you insist. I'll just go for one of this one, a ways away, Surly. So I can keep my hand." He winks at Madisen with a smile and pulls himself over something.

Surly (PB 2): good. *smirks at Aerin. gives Madi an actual grin as she makes short work of her desserts*

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "I hope you like it."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I'm sure I will," he says sincerely to Madisen, before starting to eat. From the looks of it, he was right. After a bit, he smiles to Madisen. "Surly's right, it is good. Thank you."

Surly (PB 2): *she likes it, certainly. the plate is almost empty*

Marcos: Marcos continues to sit there as he finishes his food.

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "You're welcome. I'm glad you do." She finally eats her own desert.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: When he's finished up, he leans back and sighs. "All right. So. We go watch this professor's lecture...what's his name?"

Surly (PB 2): *settles back* next time i come here to eat,i'm calling ahead so i know what you made. *pronounces*

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "When I'm cooking. I'm filling in here and there. But if you call ahead and I'm here I'd be happy to make something special for you."

Surly (PB 2): *waves a hand* if you're not cooking, i'll pick the next best thing. *she's certainly in an expansive mood tonight* when's the lecture, too?

Marcos: "Donald Hutchings." he says.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods. "All right. I'll look up the lecture and get tickets. We can try to belay him after the lecture as intrested parties, and go from there on that front."

Marcos: "Sounds good." he says with a little nod and smile.

Surly (PB 2): *nods shortly* i'll tone down the attire. *smirks*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "All right." He nods, arms crossing over his chest as he leans back some. Surely gets a sidelong grin. "Maybe I can get you in a suit?"

Marcos: "Or it might help to get his attention." he says with a hint of a smirk.

Surly (PB 2): *smirks at Aerin* i have several suits. granted, they're mostly Edwardian-themed walking suits......

Surly (PB 2): *snickers* maybe i should wear my tux. without the shirt, like normal.

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): She listens to them quietly.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah, I meant the normal kind." He looks at Marcos and nods. "Though you have a point. Maybe we shouldn't tone it down, if this guy's a lech."

Marcos: "Just an idea, it is always a gamble on if it would work or work against us here."

Surly (PB 2): so how do we find out if he is beforehand? *arches a brow* or, i could try to find some kind of outfit that clings where it'll draw attention. flash some cleavage. but not enough to make him wig if he's not a lech.

Marcos: He shrugs some with a little grin. "I'm not very good with such things."

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "I could go and dress like a pretty young school girl in a uniform and see how he reacts to me?" she offers slightly timidly.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Well...I can try to look into whether he's got any complaints, or see if there's any rumors around campus about him."

Surly (PB 2): *arches a brow at Madi* you'd be willing to do that? it's not a bad thought. if all four of us can go, we can make sure he doesn't do anything he shouldn't, if he tries.

Surly (PB 2): ((mmrr. i need to go to bed very soon. *soft sigh*))

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "I want to help. I've got the young factor going."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over to Madisen, then Surly. "Another possibility."

Marcos: "And give him two choices?" he says while watching the two of them.

Surly (PB 2): *nods* why not. i'd say try to pass ourselves off as older and younger sisters, but we don'tlook enough alike for that one to fly.

Marcos: "Half relations? Or something smilar. Maybe Step sister too."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Cousins," he says with a shrug. "It's not exactly a lie, and it would fly."

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "Step relation would work."

Surly (PB 2): *considers a moment* cousins. or half-sisters. i'mnot redying my hair, though. the streaks stay. *wrinkles her nose sourly and heaves a sigh* i have a bad feeling i need to stop dying it for a while at all.

Surly (PB 2): ((*laughs as everyone plays cross post tag*))

Marcos: "Afraid of going bald?" he asks to her with a little smile.

Surly (PB 2): *nods* pretty much. i've been dying my hair since i was twelve. this is as close to being its natural color i've had in years. *shrugs* no matter how well you care for it, bleaching and dying it for that long's going to leave damage that can't be fixed. anyway. i'll try for the "classy slut" look. Madi goes for the sweet schoolgirl look. are we going in as a group or supposedly separate?

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Group would be best, I think. If you two are going to be cousins, it would be good, just in case, for me to be as nearby as possible. The Doctor may have his attention on this guy already, and seeing you two again may be too good for him to pass up."

Surly (PB 2): *nods* all right. *she rises* unless we've got more plans to lay right now,i'm going to go home and raid my closet before my last workout of the evening. *already fishing money from her pocket. she did say she'd buy the food, after all*

Marcos: "Good idea, and I'll stay nearby for support." he says with a nod. "Incase backup is needed but I would not get too close to the girls so as not to hinder his actions. He may not want to approach them if they are with big brother."

Surly (PB 2): unless maybe we add another plant in the audience. Aerin, you know any chicks you can conveniently meet there? so "stepsister" can tell "big brother" she'll care care of the munchkin or something?

Surly (PB 2): someone who won't put a lid on the whole thing, of course.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I know half this damn city, it feels like sometimes," he says with a smirk. "I'm sure I can find someone."

Surly (PB 2): *nods* good. are we set, then? *looks around the table* Madi, i'll get something for you to wear for the school girl thing if you want. i can guess your sizes well enough, i think. and i know where to shop for the good stuff.

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "That sounds good, Surly. Thank you."

Marcos: "I'll get things ready on my end."

Surly (PB 2): *smirks to Madi* it would prbably be a good idea not to model the outfit in front of your uncle, though. even if it won't be ~that~ bad.

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): This confuses her slightly. "Uncle Hagan?"

Surly (PB 2): all right. i'm off then. Marcos, Aerin. i'll call you guys later to confirm the times and shit. Madi, see you next lesson with swiss chard and new clothes. *tosses her money onto the table*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I think we're good." He looks up to Surly and nods to her. "Good deal...catch you later, Surly. Be well."

Surly (PB 2): *nods to Madi* yeah. he's not so stupid that he won't think "bait" if he sees you in a schoolgirl outfit. particuarly since you aren't Catholic, and he knows that damn well.

Surly (PB 2): *nods shortly to Aerin and Marcos. holding for a moment to see if Madi has any questions or whatever before leaving*

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "Ohhhhhh," she looks down slightly embarrassed.

Marcos: "Have a good night Surly." and then grins to Madisen. "I think she just means men are men."

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "Good night Surly."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "More to the point, I think she means that he'll not approve of Madisen being used in such a manner," he says with a slight shrug.

Surly (PB 2): *nods to Marcos with a short laugh* exactly. and most men seem to turn into gibbering idiots when unexpectedly shown a pretty girl dressed like a schoolgirl. don't anyone die anytime soon. *and she strides off*

Surly (PB 2): ((*hugs all around* you guys take care, and thank you. *G* i enjoyed this a lot. *sleepy, happy purrs. and kerflopples*))

Marcos: Marcos nods some to Aerin and grins. "Who knows what the big guy will think but best not to tempt fate."

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): ((Sleep well *huggles*))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah, I'm most definitely down with the 'not tempting fate' plan." He smiles a bit to Marcos. "Do that enough elsewhere."

Marcos: (Sleep well! :) )

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((*Hugs the Harper* Night!))

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): She sighs a little about something, excusing herself. ((was thinking of bringing someone else in unless you two are gonna take off.))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((I'm good to hang for a bit!))

Marcos: He nods to Aerin about that. "Is there anything else you want to cover or discuss?" he looks between the two of them.

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "I think I need to go....errrrm....find something to do," she apologizes shyly.

Autumn Beck: (open?)

Marcos: He nods with a bit smile to Madisen. "It was nice meeting you."

Madisen Stamper (pb 4): "Let me know about visits and I'll have some of my desserts ready for you," quickly she takes off for the upstairs area, leaving the dishes for someone better to clean up than herself.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "That's okay, Madisen." He smiles warmly to her. "I'll see you later...nice meeting you." He looks over to Marcos, considering before he responds to the man.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Garou Lore: 6,7,7,2,1,5,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "If this thing goes toward getting ugly, Marcos...I'm guessing you can take care of yourself to a degree, at the very least?"

Marcos: He nods to Madisen then looks back to Aerin. "I'm still curious if you've made any progress on the ghost or Spirit. Him being in a body wories the shit out of me though."

Tyler Forsythe: Tyler walks in, blue eyes inspecting the place as she moves in further.

Marcos: "And yes, I've spent a number of years getting trained. I'm a Fixer normally, and help provide tech support for things with my family and extended family as needed."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He shrugs a bit. "I've been talking it over with Surly...she seemed to think this fact of being in a body was some kind of thing with him repossessing his old body. I still have the knife...I was considering using it to try and get a location on him. I know someone who can do that."

Marcos: "Well if he's in a body I hope he can't get the hell out." he says softly to him and then looks over to Tyler for a moment. He then looks back to Aerin. "You met Tyler?" he asks him.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods. "Perfect. If something goes down and it gets bad, get Surly and Madisen out of there. Whatever happens, I don't want anything happening to them."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He follows Marcos's gaze to Tyler, looking her over for a moment. "No, I haven't."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Tyler Forsythe: ((Can I get a DD for Tyler? :) ))

Tyler Forsythe: She's dressed pretty casually this evening, in a long-sleeved navy blue polo shirt, tucked into a pair of relaxed-fit jeans and black ankle boots. Her curly red hair has an almost wild look to it.

Tyler Forsythe -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Sorry..I was working on one. Pic also in gallery. I thought I had an old descrip around but couldn't find it on this computer.))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Tyler Forsythe: ((Totally cool. I'll go check out the pic. *Hugs*))

Tyler Forsythe -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Thanks. *hugs* Not a great descrip though, but it works. *laugh*))

Marcos: "Some specialist that Simon brought in to help clean up messes and pathology to solve mysteries and problems." he says and waves her over. "Tyler, come and meet someone." and then looks back to Aerin. "Don't know how far I would trust her though." and he shrugs.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Trusting too much is rarely a problem for me," he murmurs to Marcos, before looking to Tyler and offering her a polite smile.

Tyler Forsythe: "Don't trust me," she smirks to Marcos. "Isn't that a nice little intro?" seeming amused.

Tyler Forsythe: ((oh, she's got animal mag too))

Tyler Forsythe: On her left ring finger is a very shiny gold and silver celtic band. (tosses that into the description)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Compared to some of the introductions I've got, that's a ringing endorsement." He grins to Tyler and rises, extending a hand. "Aerin Thomas."

Marcos: He rolls his eyes at her with a slight smirk and then looks back to Aerin with a shrug. "Forgot to say she as ears like a dog too." and he smiles to her with a little grin.

Tyler Forsythe: She smirks to Marcos, and when Aerin introduces himself, there is an ever slight incline of her head in recognition of his rank, but also mindful of being in public. "A pleasure. I'm Tyler Forsythe." She shakes Aerin's hand firmly.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "A pleasure to meet you as well, Tyler." He takes a seat. "New to the city, I understand?"

Tyler Forsythe: "I have been here a little while now, thanks to an offer from Simon that I just couldn't refuse," she seems amused by that. Tyler takes a seat as well, sitting next to Marcos just to annoy him.

Marcos: He finishes off his mug of beer. "Can I get you two anything?" he asks as he gets up to refresh his glass.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Just a water, please," he says to Marcos. "I'm driving, and it's only got two wheels." He looks over at Tyler and chuckles. "Ahh, I see. Well, good to have you. Every person we can get is a good thing."

Tyler Forsythe: "Oh no thank you. Though I have heard this place has some of the best desserts around."

Marcos: He smirks some and glances to see what Tyler might want as he oders up one beer and one water. Then hearing Tyler he orders up a desert for her and then heads back to the table with his beer and his water. He does sit right back down next to Tyler again. "So you came for desert?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "They do indeed," he says to Tyler with a smile and a nod.

Tyler Forsythe: "But of course. Surprised someone like me has a sweet tooth?"

Marcos: He nods some about that. "I understand Surly spoke with you about that Son of a certain drag queen?" he asks quieter. "And of course, with a figure like yours girls run from desert." and he smiles sweetly.

Tyler Forsythe: She smiles back warmly to Aerin.

Tyler Forsythe: "I'm lucky that my body has wonderful metabolism," seeming proud of that. Then more seriously about the matter of the investigation. "Yes she did."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He leans back and looks between Marcos and Tyler, listening quietly for the moment. Content to observe and learn for now.

Marcos: "Any results so far?" he asks her with a glance around.

Tyler Forsythe: "Some.....slow process unfortunately. It seems like he's hiding his original identity."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Not too surprising," he says with a nod. "The more we know..." He shrugs.

Marcos: "Then we can take the offensive."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Bingo." He frowns a little bit, thinking. "I know a Doctor who was a sick son of a bitch...but I don't think this is him. At least...I damn well HOPE not." He shivers again.

Tyler Forsythe: "Oh?" she inclines her head slightly toward Aerin. Whom might that be?" she asks before taking a few bites of the desert. "You didn't spike this did you," smirking to Marcos.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Hermann Schondorf. He was...not a friend to us. Quite the opposite, in fact." He reaches to scratch at the back of his neck.

Marcos: "Of course not, I'd never do that in public." and smiles to her.

Tyler Forsythe: She nods, committing it to memory.

Marcos: Marcos listens some to what is being said, and shrugs some since he's never had much contact with such things. "Well, I really don't think the two are related."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He shrugs suddenly, a bit over-casual. "Anyway, like I said, I doubt this is him. Possible, but he was a little more big-time then random serial killings. Which leaves us...nowhere. Can look for doctors who lost their licenses..."

Tyler Forsythe: "In New York state? Or elsewhere?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "New York, New Jersey..." He frowns and thinks. "There's got to be a way to narrow this down. That estate sale where everything was sold...that has to have records."

Tyler Forsythe: "I am not a good at records, don't get me wrong, I'm definitely familiar with such things, but I'd probably need to let someone else take that avenue."

Marcos: "Well, we have the Doc's real name... its just that this happened back in the late seventies I think. Until he cropped back up. But I still don't know how this Cop could cover up a seriel killer who has taken out nearly a dozen women in the past year."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "We have the Doctor's real name?" He blinks.

Marcos: "Well, yes." and he smirks some. "You've been out of the loop but I've known his name since I first approached Surly."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Ahh." He nods a little bit. "I just assumed...which is the problem." He sighs. "Maybe I'm not as up to speed as I was led to believe."

Marcos: He nods some about that. "We know the son is a cop, or masquerading as one. I assume he is since the murders have been covered up. Either listed as Missing Persons or muggings and unrelated. Since coming to the city, I was able to pin point at least 10 seperate victims but I doubt you know how I came to be involved in this in the first place." he says to him, as if waiting to see.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "No," he admits. "First time I heard of you was when we met in December."

Tyler Forsythe: Tyler continues to listen as she eats.

Marcos: He nods some and glances to Tyler as he considers admiting this infront of her and then finally shrugs. "Well, one of the dead girls aproached me." he says with a sigh. "In the Gulf I got shot up fairly bad and died, and now I ... well you get the idea. So I literally stumbled upon this while exploring the various clubs of the city when I first arrived."

Tyler Forsythe: She looks up from the last bite. "Your mind is more open to such things...." not phasing her much.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Ahh." He nods a little bit, understanding. "I see. All you've found ten victims so far. With another who knows how many out there..." He considers. "If we have his name, we should be able to find out where he's buried, right? Maybe...that will give us a clue as to where he is?"

Marcos: "Well, we've been behind the game now that he's aware of us. Covering his movements alot more. And that was ten victims prior to meeting Surly in the October."

Tyler Forsythe: Tyler nods a few times with what Marcos is saying.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods slightly. "Yeah. And who knows more sense." He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "All right. Well, let's try and see if we can track down where he was buried...Surly seemed to think he was in his own body, possibly? It can't hurt to try and nullify that as a possibility."

Marcos: "Charles has pictures of his grave, so he knows where it is."

Tyler Forsythe: "Does he have that special kind of photography equipment that can -see- things that you normally can't see?"

Marcos: He shrugs. "Doubt it, he's a model photographer. Digital and stuff."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I can look into buying some...Kirlian, I think it's called." He nods. "Dunno how legit it is, but it wouldn't hurt."

Tyler Forsythe: Tyler nods. "Yes, that's the name of it. It was one of those things I always meant to try. Not sure how much more different it would be than photographing dead bodies and crime scenes."

Marcos: "Clueless but if it helps, great." he says with a smile.

Tyler Forsythe: "I think I have something else for my list then," she grins. "And I can get the stuff pretty easily. All I have to do is ask my boss."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Well, if not, then I'll have a new toy to play with, at least." He smirks a bit. "For the ten minutes a year I have free time to play."

Tyler Forsythe: "I know the feeling. Being freelance so to speak I have less time then when I actually worked for the state."

Tyler Forsythe: ((make that city...oops.))

Marcos: He chuckles some and nods about that. "Well I should probably get a move on. I'll get the address for you from Charles, got an email address when I can send the information to?"

Tyler Forsythe: She stands up and pulls out a card from her pocket, giving it to Aerin. "If you need to reach me, need a cleaner in a pinch, and any other reasons, this is how you can do it."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah." He grabs one of his cards from a pocket and pulls it out, scribbling his personal address, onto it. He hands it over.

Marcos: "Thank you." he says with a smile and then looks to Tyler. "Thank you for the company." and then he heads on out.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He takes the card from Tyler with a nod and a smile. "Thanks. See you guys later."

Tyler Forsythe: She shakes her head a little as she watches Marcos take off. "He seems to be in a better mood than usual. I wonder what got into his pants lately." Then back to Aerin. "It's been very nice meeting you. let's definitely keep in touch."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "We will," he says to Tyler with a smile and a nod. "Count on it."

Tyler Forsythe: She smiles to him. "Wonderful. I really want to get to meet more people in the city."

Tyler Forsythe: (*ties self down*)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods. "There's a lot of good folk in the city, it's reputation aside. Just gotta give it time, let the assholes slide off your back, if you can."

Tyler Forsythe: ((better))

Tyler Forsythe: "I'm used to that....and I'm used to people who lie. Thus I rely on more than just that. I grew up in DC, so I'm used to the big city....I think it's a requirement," she winks to him. "I should get home to my family. I promised I'd spend some time with our daughter this week."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles a bit, and nods to her. "You should do that, then." It's just a touch quieter, softer. "Hoping to spend more time with my own, soon."

Tyler Forsythe: "I missed a lot of her first few years....trying to make up for lost time...." she smiles. "We can trade pics too some time and stories. Would enjoy that a lot. Take it easy." And she starts to leave.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "You too." He nods and lets her go, staying at the table himself, quiet a moment before he stands and pulls out his phone to make a call. He wants to hear Ethan's voice, and his daughter's. He heads out the door, grabbing his staff on the way out as he waits for the phone to pick up.

Tyler Forsythe: She leaves pretty quickly ((thanks for the scene!))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Thanks back! *Hugs*))