Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
~the park is relatively quiet this weekday eve,
those of the flock on their way home from work move quickly, a few odd types
mull around mostly youths and others who enjoy doing things they're advised
against. The homeless mill around also most of them sticking away from the paved
pathways picking through garbage cans or doing some evening pan handling. All
seems relatively in order for the park...but one really never can tell what
awaits just around the corner~
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*the large Fenrir sits quietly upon one of the
benches, he scowls at those who glance in his direction, most are smart enough
to avoid doing so though. He watches the goings on passively not really paying
attention to any individual or group too closely*
Caroline McGregor: *And up around the
corner....comes Carrie with her usual nightly constitutional. Managing to avoid
what odd types she can that might make a nice night's walk not so nice.*
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*he glances down the path and catches sight of
Caroline. His expression remains stoic although he gives her a brief nod*
Caroline McGregor: *And she meanders his way,
picking a bit of the bench that's not Arn filled.* Hi. What are you doing out on
a nice, quiet non excitement filled night like this?
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
Pondering something. *he shrugs a bit* What're
you out here for? Just passing through?
Michelle (Rauko): ((oh well *hides*)) *and
well the girl was walking thorugh the park, after Aerin leaves her by, she makes
her way slowly, -still- trudding the less croweded paths, but she is staying to
the paths,.. staring ahead... and heading slowly inwardly*
Michelle (Rauko): ((eh.. halts entrance
for a sec))
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Open? Since the
other Aerin scene was last night... :) ))
Caroline McGregor: I like to wander. It's nice here
during the night when I don't have job responsibilities constantly distracting
me. You do look deep in thought. Want to talk about it? *She leans back on the
bench and crosses her legs, getting comfortable.*
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
(sure thing!)
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
Do I want to talk about it? *he ponders that for
a moment* I'm not sure there's really much to say unfortunately.
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
(ugh, the Yankees are -killing- me)
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: Well, maybe he didn't
leave her. In fact, Aerin is walking alongside Michelle, his staff in his right
hand as he moves. The Gaian is in a straight black tank-top and jeans, showing
his thin, lightly-muscled frame. The top of an odd scar can be just on the edge
of the tank top, the rest underneath the clothing, over his breastbone. Hair is
hanginf free, to his waist.
Caroline McGregor: What do you mean? *She tilts
her head as she watches him.* (come on in, the water's fine. And clean!)
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
It concerns the timid one. It's time for her to
rejoin her own family.
Caroline McGregor: *An eyebrow raises at that.* And
what's her take on this?
Michelle (Rauko): ((dunno about clean
*;)^* there is a lot of red and black *G*)) *she is quiet so, just moving near
Aerin, though keeps her eyes off*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
d10: Per+Alert: 4,2,2,5,1,7,
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles down at
Michelle a little bit, and looks up. No sight of the big guy yet, or Caroline.
He seems more concerned with the little kin at his side...protective. Almost
overly. "You okay, Michelle?"
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
She claimed she wished to continue being part of
that which she was born to. It is on her now though, time to finally make a
decision for herself. *he says quietly*
Michelle (Rauko): *She glances to Aerin,
making the atempt at a little smile with a nod* yes
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Good." He smiles and
sets a hand lightly on her shoulder, squeezing gently in a reassuring manner
before letting it fall. "We don't have to talk to him until you're ready, by the
way. Whenever that is. But you know I'll be there with you."
Caroline McGregor: Well, it sounds as though she
just did. *she points out.*
Michelle (Rauko): *She blinks, well at
least is not flitchign away from the touch, and again looks a moment up to
Aerin, then slightly down and finally back ahead* I'm fine...
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
I'm not the one who she has to inform of her
decision. I'm..not sure I'm ready to believe her anyway. She claims that being
part of her family is important to her. Yet...she's terrified of us..without
truly knowing any of us.
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I know you are," he
says calmly. When her attention goes traight ahead, he purses his lips breifly,
and then continues on ahead in the path they're headed.
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*he stands slowly when he takes note of who's
approaching. His expression remains stoic though, he simply awaits their
Michelle (Rauko): *She is quiet, either
unsure of what to say... or.... just back onto that of late offness*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
d10: Per+Alert: 7,8,9,6,7,3,
Caroline McGregor: Well..she probably has a reason
for being afraid of you. Of everybody. I don't think threatening to take her
away from her one sense of security is going to endear your family to her. *She
pauses and looks at him thoughtfully.* You don't have to be at loggerheads about
it though.
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks up...and
notes Caroline and Arn. His eyes narrow a little bit, a tightness coming to his
jaw, but he merely continues forward. He whispers under his breath to Michelle.
Caroline McGregor: *She hadn't seen them arrive
until Arn stands up, then she looks their way, rising as well.* Evenign
Michelle, Aerin.
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
I didn't threaten her. I only told her that it
was time to come home. *he doesn't look over at Caroline when he speaks though*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Michelle (Rauko): "Arn's
ahead of us." It's said calmly. "Nothing's going to happen to you."
Michelle (Rauko): *she blinks, firs
looking up to Aerin, then ahead, those odd eyes fixing on Arn, then on Caro, and
then back up to Aerin, she herself seems to just move faintly, her hands closing
a bit more then they where, murmuring something very low to Aerin, before she
speaks, in a forced low, calm tone* Evening
Michelle (Rauko) -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
I'm fine *repeated.. then, like if she was trying* I'm not scared *more low
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*he glances towards Michelle considering her for
a moment before he looks to Aerin* Evening. *such friendly greetings they're
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Caroline," he says to
her with a calm nod. His eyes pass up to Arn, watching him calmly for a good,
long two seconds of silence before he says anything, expression inscrutable. "Arn."
Michelle (Rauko): *Well the girl is 'calm'
or just detached, odd eyes looking a moment to Arn, yet again, before she fixes
her gaze somewhere at is at the men chest level, quietly*
Caroline McGregor: *And who's going to make the
first move?*
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
Are there words to be exchanged or shall we stand
in silence?
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
(Yankees win!)
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I don't know, Arn."
He shrugs a little, eyes casted up to meet the bigger man's. "Are there?"
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
Is there a disagreement to be resolved? A protest
to a girl returning to her own?
Michelle (Rauko): *and she frowns
faintly, hearing the first exchange of ... words?... *
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: His voice lowers, so
that only those in the few feet nearby can hear it. Certainly none of the
humans. "No, there's nothing I need to protest to you, Arn. Because the decision
isn't yours to make, and I won't deal with someone who's acting like a bumbling,
poor man's Shadow Lord."
Michelle (Rauko): *ah... and she blinks,
odd eyes moving lighting to Aerin, as her hands faintly tug a moment of her
sleeve, a moment*
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*he shakes his head* You've misunderstood. I
merely extended an invitation, it is not on anyone but Michelle to decide. You
believe you know the motivation behind my actions..but you are mistaken.
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I don't care about
your motivation, you retarded blob of muscle. We're a people of rank and
etiquette. You do things through the proper channels, and do things the correct
way. You don't go skulking your big, dumb ass through the shadows and behind my
and Hagen's back, and demand--not invite, but demand--she give you a decision
two days from now, without so much as the courtesy of telling me. I went through
proper channels to take her under my protection, but your actions...they
seriously lack of any honor whatsoever." Still in that same low tone, but with a
definite edge to them.
Caroline McGregor: Michelle, can I ask you a
question? *she looks at the other girl a moment, ignoring the two men a moment.*
Michelle (Rauko): *And the girl blinks,
for a second seeming to look to Aerin...'scared?', before its gone, trying to
just swallow it, ohhh..... she though still stays in place, not moving from....
their side*
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
That you don't care shows your true colors. She
is not yours yet you treat her as such. I went behind no one's back, there was
no clandestine action taken, that you believe there to be shows the depths of
your paranoia. If you believe her better off as part of your family challenge me
for her. If not, the decision to come home is hers. She's expressed the desire
to return to her family, I did not demand she do so. *he shakes his head again*
Michelle (Rauko): *blinking, and just half
looking to caro, when she calls her and asks*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smirks and shakes
his head. "And something you just said shows how little you know of the
situation, Arn. You're truly...truly clueless."
Caroline McGregor: If you had a chance to meet more
of your family, without any...strings attached; maybe some kin. Just to get to
know them. Would you want to? Perhaps with Aerin, or perhaps Bliss to keep you
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
You carry hostility because her family wishes her
to return to them? To accept their aid in strengthening herself? Do you care at
all what she wants? Have you ever asked?
Michelle (Rauko): *And yet a more...
startled look to Caroline, she seems to confuse her, along with the words that
are being uttered among both True Borns.. she blinks, before she speaks...
trying, forcing herself to keep her voice, even... slow* I know my people...
I.... grew among them
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "'re not even
listening. You're just stopping and planning what you're going to say next."
Caroline McGregor: Have you met any here, in New
York? *she asks.*
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
If you possess knowledge I do not...enlighten me
Aerin. You believe my aims to be selfish..that I am are wrong.
Michelle (Rauko): *She gives the two Garou
a little look, as her eyes dance lightly from them to Caroline... half nods to
her... more or less*... some...
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks at Arn a
moment, eyes scornful. Almost, but not quite, hateful. Finally, he nods, slowly.
"Sure. Let's see if you can wrap your dinosaur-sized bult and brain around these
concepts. Are you willing to truly listen, and consider what I have to say? Are
you capable of that?"
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
You've proven yourself in my eyes. I will listen.
I care not for your petty insults, I know you are above such, but speak as you
wish. I have knowledge that you do no possess also, perhaps we can make an
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Sure." He raises an
index finger. "One. I've never said you were doing this for selfish means. Your
means lack honor, intelligence, the remotest thought of anything beyond
instinct, but they aren't necessarily selfish. They're just straight-out fucking
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
More insults, your argument holds no weight. I
would hope you have something stronger to present.
Caroline McGregor: *She looks back at the two True
Born a moment and then back at Michelle.* I have a suggestion that might make
things easier. I think I've been listening pretty well to what's been going on
here. Not only that but observing things as well.
Michelle (Rauko): *she yet again bliks to
Caroline, before she darts another look between Arn and Aerin*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over to
Caroline and frowns a moment before looking back to Arn. "I thought you'd say
something like that. Doesn't make it less true." Second finger rises. "Two. I've
never planned to take her away from her family. If you'd ever gone through
proper channels, spoken to Hagen or me, you'd probably have known that I
proactively stated that fact. I would never take Michelle away from her people.
And I'd never want to force her into becoming one of mine, unless she chose
to...and I certainly haven't made any effort to do that to her. I have honor,
and I meant what I told Hagen."
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
Shall I tell you what I know then?
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He scowls, but nods.
"Sure, I'll hold off three. Shoot."
Caroline McGregor: I'm to take it that you truly
want to remain a member of your family, correct? *She asks her, already
suspecting the answer.*
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
There are those within my tribe who don't
understand that you wish to see Michelle grow and find her own strength. How
long have you been her Warder? 2 months? 3? What progress has she shown? In 10
days she has grown more than in the last 100. You believe I seek to take her
away from you? No, I wish to see her find her strength, as I wish for all I
encounter who have worth. We need not be enemies over this, such would benefit
her most for us to be allies. You do want what is best for her do you not?
Michelle (Rauko): *there is a light frown
to Caroline* yes...*her voice low, she is still mostly looking to her ANd the
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
d10: Per+Subterfuge: 5,8,7,3,3,8,10,
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
d10: Specialty: 7,
Caroline McGregor: Ahhhh...did you hear that
Michelle. I think truly, both of them want the same thing for you I really do.
But if they don't work together they're just going to tear you apart.
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~ -> Aerin Thomas [PB
3]: (Arn speaks the truth, his hidden
motivation is that he wishes to prove that he is capable of more than smashing
things to a Fenrir of higher rank, the Get Carleen Reiter.)
Michelle (Rauko): *she frowns a moment at
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He scowls and shakes
his head. "You haven't known her for the last 100 days, Arn. You don't know what
progress there's been. And you and I, Arn. We're not allies. There has to be
trust to have an alliance that's truly going to work. And I can't trust someone
who's got something to prove to someone, whoever that is. You're not deceitful,
Arn, you're just without a clue."
Caroline McGregor: You don't believe me? Have you
taken a good long look at yourself over the past week Michelle? You've changed.
Not for the better either. You've become withdrawn, angry, bitter. And yes...a
lot of that is because of hte pressure that's put upon you by Arn. *pause.* more
than a lot.
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He does seem to have
calmed a little, to be fair. Some. So maybe he is taking Arn at his word.
Paranoia's a bitch, though.
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
You believe that I wish to harm her to further
Michelle (Rauko): I'm fine *yes, said a
bit tense, she IS listening to them... all*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over to
Caroline and nods a little, agreeing. The change isn't for the better.
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I don't think you
wish to harm her, I think you wish to help her. But you trying to help her is
like an elephant trying to put a glass hutch together. You're just doing more
and more damage. And yes, I think it's to prove yourself."
Caroline McGregor: Fine isn't blocking everything
out and feeling as though you're backed into a corner. Fine is not making
decisions that you don't want to make regarding who you are and the kind of
person you want to be. *She sighs.* I'm worried for you Michelle.
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*he scowls* Then help me to help her. We test
ourselves through trial by fire, if she cannot stand up to that, perhaps it
would be best if you adopted her into your own.
Michelle (Rauko): *And yes, she frowns
more, letting her eyes look off, for now not answering Caroline seems*
Michelle (Rauko): *and then she does say,
hearing Arn* I AM Fenrir *frowning more, and looking to him a moment* and I
NEVER told you Iwantedto come back becauce I NEVER thoughtIwasaway!..
youwerenthere! none ofyou were! *frowning, no is not yelling.. but for her it
might be..., and she peers to Aerin* I AM here *frowning a bit more, to glance
to Caroline* an dyou don't knownothing! *well you really dindt' spect she could
make her words slow ALL t he time at that... she frowns even more.... before...
she starts walking away from them THREE!*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I'll help her get to
the trial, Arn. I do know something of your perople's ways. But she has to be
ready for it before she can face it. That's what I'm doing. That's why Hagen
agreed to our arrangement. She will not be one of mine, unless she makes that
choice, and Hagen agrees. Not that I'd complain, but that's never been my goal.
And frankly, I'd really like to know who's spreading rumors that it is. 'cause
it'd be nice to know who's deciding my motivations and goals for me."
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*he raises an eyebrow at Michelle's outburst. He
blinks a few times as if he's trying to understand what just happened*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over his
shoulder at Michelle, sighing a little bit at her outburst. "Michelle...I know."
No, he's making no move to follow her. "I know you're here. I've never thought
you weren't."
Caroline McGregor: *and she smiles at that.* Bravo,
Michelle. Bravo. *The first sign of honest to god backbone she's seen come from
Michelle in god knows how long.*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over at
Caroline, and smiles faintly, very briefly, before looking back to Michelle.
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*he takes a moment to consider what has been
said. Michelle's words seem to have confused him a bit and he had trouble
hearing what Aerin was saying* Us seeing you...but knowing nothing about you
other than that you fear us..that is the very definition of being away. *spoken
to Michelle as she moves off*
Caroline McGregor: Tell us all to go to hell. *She
says softly.* I'll buy you the biggest hot fudge sundae in New York City if you
just tell me to go to hell.
Michelle (Rauko): ((*pokes Caro =P *S*))
*she can't help it... she glances to Aerin a moment seeming she'll halt, then
once to Caroline, and moves on away, seems, into the park*
Caroline McGregor: (*lol*)
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: As long as she's going
into the park and not out of it, he sees no reason not to give her her space.
She's safe in the park. He chuckles ever so slightly at Caroline's words and
shakes his head, pulling out a cigarette. "This is gonna be one of those weeks,
I can tell."
Michelle (Rauko): ((mhe)) *ok, and she
does stop, turning slowly, just to look to Arn, then she slowly, moves back...
giving him a look* because -you- taught me so... I am Rauko after all *frowning,
no she is NOT explaining, she just gives him a look with those very odd eyes and
once again moves on*
Michelle (Rauko): ((*blinks* snickers,
tring to picture Michelle saying someone to piss off*))
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*he raises an eyebrow at Michelle. He then looks
to Aerin* What's she talking about? Who's Rauko? What the hell is that supposed
to mean?
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: That comment from
Michelle draws his attention immediately, and he looks up to Arn, eyes narrowing
a little with the unlight cigarette in his mouth.
Caroline McGregor: What the hell does Rauko mean?
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Rauko means..." He
shakes his head. "It's not good." He looks after Michelle, very tempted to
follow now...he's taken three steps before he even realizes it.
Michelle (Rauko): ((eh.. she ment -you- as
a Fenrir generic...*hides*))
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Aerin knows. *G*))
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
*he looks towards Caroline* What just happened?
Michelle (Rauko): *well she isn't
returning this time... just having to make a HUGE effot not to runa way from
them right now, but just walk, which how tense she is might even seem like
Michelle (Rauko): ((Ah cool =) *snug*))
Caroline McGregor: What do you mean not good? *she
Caroline McGregor: *She sighs and looks at Arn.* It
means that adults can be some of the cruelest people in the world. *not knowing
exactly what it means...but considering Michelle is still in her teens, and she
was brought up among the Fenrir..and fears them..well...her conclusions can't be
too far off the mark.*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I mean simply...not
good." He looks back to Caroline. "There are those within her people who are not
fans of Michelle for certain reasons. Ones I cannot and will not go into." He
gives Caroline a pointed look, and then looks to Arn. "Just...stay out of this
one, Arn. Trust me. If you really want to see her gain her strength, then back
the fuck off. You're doing far more harm then good."
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
Do what you must Aerin. *he says quietly he's
made no move to follow after Michelle. Comforting her or reassuring her is not
something he would even attempt*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I will." He nods.
"And I still want to know who's spreading rumors about my intentions." He looks
at the man for a long moment, then to Caroline, before he turns to follow after
Michelle (Rauko) -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
((me moves to Fountain room or here?))
Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Michelle (Rauko):
((Let's go to fountain. :) ))
Michelle (Rauko) -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]:
((runs there))
Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~:
Your own actions Aerin. That you came here to
face off against an enemy whose goals coincide with your own. You are wise
indeed, but in some respects you are even more rash than I, that you have the
self control to contain your rage speaks volumes. If I had such control, perhaps
I too would be of your status. *rank-wise he means*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He shoots a look over
his shoulder as he heads off. He's not buying Arn's words for a moment. He
shakes his head, then turns to head into the park. ((G2Beth))
Michelle (Rauko): *well she had
walked.... untill she was sure she was out of sight, then she had tried a rush
just away.... untill she saw the fountain... and got to slower down, hands
closed tightly, frowning, like if she even would want to hit something*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He comes up toward the
fountain and Pond, staff tapping on the ground. Not running, not chasing. Merely
following. He watches Michelle with a soft, concerned sort of smile.
Michelle (Rauko): *she actually staks a
bit, nearing the fountain, staring at it a moment then frowning and letting out
a tiny little huff, turning, like if she didn't want what to do with herself,...
which is when she sees Aering and looks off*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He stops, about six
feet away from her, and takes a lean on his staff. "Michelle." It's calm, quiet.
She's Michelle to him. Not Rauko. He watches her calmly.
Michelle (Rauko): *she frowns, stayins
still a moment, before she walks a bit on off and slightly aroun, but not really
away, not looking at him, though is clear she listen*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I'm sorry that I
acted like you weren't there." He watches her walk. "That wasn't my intention.
But I can see how that might be how you felt."
Michelle (Rauko): *she just doesn't
seem able to stop moving right now, in difference with how she can stay so very
still for hours to end, untill she finally does come to a halt, where she can
stare at the water in the fountain, murmuring* everyone decides for me
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "I'm not deciding for
you, Michelle. That's what I said last night, remember? I'm trying to give you
that choice for yourself." He walks up toward her, not touching her, just
standing next to her at the fountain, looking down at the surface of the water
with her. "It's always been your choice. You know that."
Michelle (Rauko): *she shakes her head,
keeping her eyes on the water, letting only her hands move now, though trying to
controll it now too,then sighs, slowly, a faint sound*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Do you not believe me
when I say it's your choice?" Not accusing. More...curious.
Michelle (Rauko): *She is silent a long
moment, before she murmurs* I left Malcolm's Rhya house by your choise... Iwent
to it by it. *her voice is slowly comig back to a forced calmness* I don not
regret it, but is how it is...
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "That's not what I
meant, Michelle. Malcolm never meant to take you under his protection like I
had... what I did then, I did because I felt you trusted me enough to let me
protect you in such a way. But do you remember the car ride down from the..." He
pauses a moment, lips pursing. "From the farmhouse? When I asked you if you
would like to stay with me, and you mentioned Ewan had made that offer? Do you
remember what I said to you?"
Michelle (Rauko): *she blinks, finally,
peering at him a moment, before she glances down, murmuring* more or less....
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over at her,
smiling a bit. "What did I say?"
Michelle (Rauko): *there is a secon'ds
findgeting, that she forces to stop, though her eyes keep lowered right now*
besides that Ewan wasn't able to protect me?... t... that you wanted to help...
a... andbe there...
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "And that it was your
choice, in the end. Remember that?"
Michelle (Rauko): *she nods a tiny bit*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks at her,
turning fully to face her. "It's always been your choice, Michelle, where you
would be. Who you would be with. In matters of when it got too dangerous, yes, I
moved you somewhere safe. But in the's always been up to you. And it
always will be. I'll fight to my last breath to let you make that choice."
Michelle (Rauko): *she frowns a bit at
that, murmuring* I don't want you to .... die *softly, peering up* no more
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "No. No more deaths."
He reaches out, finally, to put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm not going
anywhere. I'll always be here for matter what you do."
Michelle (Rauko): *blinks, leting her eyes
adjuct, actually lookin up to him, smiles a tad* thank you
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "You're welcome." The
hand lifts to briefly smooth over her hair, and he sighs, looking back down to
the water. "Have you ever met Mera, Michelle?"
Michelle (Rauko): *she blinks, unnused
still to that gesture, then though blinks more, eyeing the water* I...don't
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Mmm. You'll have to,
one of these days." A small smile. "I can't introduce you, myself. But
she's...incredible. I think...I think you'd like her."
Michelle (Rauko): *titls her head,
glancing to him, then peering to the water, blinks and smiles a hint, murmuring*
at least Spirits sometimes like me
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little. "Mera
would like you. I'm sure of it."
Michelle (Rauko): *She glances to the
water again, then blinks, murmuring* she isn't a Serpent, is she?
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "No..." He shakes his
head and looks down at the water, frowning a little. "She's not. Though she may
know something about what was in the fountain. I know she wouldn't harm you."
Michelle (Rauko): *nods a tiny bit,
frowning, then wihspering* I think.... it has todo with the waterpoisoning...
something big... that they are doing
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods. "And if the
water's being poisoned, Mera will know. We need a Theurge to speak to her."
Michelle (Rauko): *she nods, faintly...
she could ask the wolf.... but.... just nods*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He returns the nod,
watching her for a moment. "Are we okay, Michelle?"
Michelle (Rauko): *she blinks, looking up,
nodding with a little smile* yes
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles. "Good. I
really am sorry I acted like you weren't there." He squeezes her shoulder
lightly. "You want to go home?"
Michelle (Rauko): *she nods a tiny bit*
yes...*softly, seeming to heasitate, before reching to touch his hand, a moment
at least*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles at the
touch, and his hand shifts, to briefly take hers, a quick, warm squeeze, before
he lets go. "C'mon. Let's get out of here."
Michelle (Rauko): *nods with another tiny
smile, and a look up to him*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles and turns to
head out of the park with her.
Michelle (Rauko): *she follows*
Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((*Hugs*))