Aerin Thomas: So, start us off?

Antonio Pavlatos: Okay...Aerin's phone rings, if ID is looked at, it shows as Tony.

Aerin Thomas: *Click*  "Hello?"  No names at first.  He's not sure who may be calling.  In more ways then one.

Antonio Pavlatos: "It's eh... Tony. Am I catchin' ya at a bad time, Sir?" He tone seems fairly normal, but very soft, a note of uncertaincy in it.

Antonio Pavlatos: It 'sounds' like Tony, but then so did the other except for the tone and some of the wording. If this 'isn't' Tony, someone might be being cautious - hard to tell without body language and all for visual.

Aerin Thomas: "Hey, Tony."  He keeps a calm, warm tone to his voice.  "It's good to hear from you.  How are you doing?"

Antonio Pavlatos: A long pauses then, "Not good... Sir.... he toldt me, about... her. They watchin' us, ain't they? They watchin' him... judgin' him... 'causea me?"

Antonio Pavlatos: (The 'she' and the 'he' he is talking about could mean several ones - curious to see which Aerin thinks he is talking about)

Aerin Thomas: "I...can't give you a definitive yes on that.  I don't have any advance knowledge into what she's up to.  I think it's very much possible...likely even probable that she is.  They have the influence to, I think.  I don't know that they're judging him specifically, though.  They're trying to judge what they believe to be his ability to help you."

Antonio Pavlatos: (or him I mean)

Antonio Pavlatos: "Iffen they didn't have eyes at the cabin, or at the mall, or da park, or Ziahl's place, or... but they might... after all the only difference in them 'n the bad ones is who they serve, right?"

Aerin Thomas: ((*Nods*  He can only assume one 'She'...Aerin has no knowledge about Rafiya whatsoever.  As to the 'him', Aerin has an idea, but since he's possibly playing at Tony, he wants to see where this is leading.))

Aerin Thomas: "The only difference between them and...the bad ones?  Which bad ones do you mean, Tony?"

Antonio Pavlatos: "I ain't stupid... I know he's worried, worried 'bout..." long pause, " worried 'bout the others. Ain't been nuthin' but trouble, but he still loves me, still tells me it don't matter... that I kin be whatever I want iffen I just keep tryin', keep learnin', but... that ain't true, is it, Sir? Asked Jez 'bout rights, he got his name changed... but ain't normal human, ain't got the same rights they do... no matter what Alex says, ain't got the right to say shit 'bout the way things go... either it's fucked by the bad ones, or fucked by the good ones.. ain't much difference, is there? Only one who seems to think of rights 'n all is him, 'n Damien... 'n nobody seemed to mind him 'till now. He even helped with Dante, didn't ask nuthin', just helped. That's the third time.. even helped with that other weird woman tryin' to hurt us. But... can't even talk to him now. That ain't fair. Ain't right."

Antonio Pavlatos: "He said he cared, even before the club burnt, 'n he learned stuff. Shouldn't just let us burn there. Ain't caused him nuthin' but problems 'n heartaches. Shouldn't listened to Ziahl, 'n kept quiet, but he trusted... I TRUSTED! Believed when Merc said stuff, when you said stuff, Sir... but is didn't work... never works... not with them... slaves to one or slaves to the other... real slaves, not play... kin only trust him, but... ain't gonna work, 'cause ain't nobody gonna let it. He made promises, 'n he'll keep 'em, 'n can't let him get kilt 'cause of this... ain't gonna do it."

Antonio Pavlatos: (last post, sorry so long, had to split)

Antonio Pavlatos: (others could also be talking about alters, or the Bastet, but he didn't elaborate)

Aerin Thomas: "You can be whatever you want, Tony.  And under no circumstances is Alex going to get killed over this.  None, you hear me?"  He sighs.  "Not all of us...not all of my kind...view people like you as slaves and servants.  I don't.  Have you ever seen where I have?"

Antonio Pavlatos: A long pause, a very long pause. "I ain't sure, but seen more of ya than ya think. Think...." Confusion for a moment, as if he's almost talking to himself again, "...they all black fur... them, the Lords... the... the... Furies.... 'n they all wolves...." Seems confused again, but this time his muttering can be half understood, "....ain't much difference... hard to tell good from bad... all 'claim', all 'hurt', all treat us like we ain't got the right to have lives, choices...." Another long pause. "Heard the others too... know about the torture iffen it comes to that... not going back to that... don't know nuthin' for them to learn... why can't they just leave us ALONE!?" He seems to be getting agitated.

Antonio Pavlatos: (the word 'Furies' is one word that is spoken in a near whisper, nervous as if someone might overhear)

Aerin Thomas: "What...torture?"  He seems confused by that.  "Hey...I want you to listen to me, all right?  Calm down...please.  I want to ask you something.  Just...answer honestly.  Do you trust me?"

Antonio Pavlatos: "'n ain't gettin' him hurt... ain't gonna shame him. Taught what love is, cared when anyone else wouldn't just kilt us... tainted.... tainted... 'n then gonna come in 'n try to say shit... should bleed the wolf blood out... bleed it out... but... not good... scared 'em... other ways...." Talking pretty oddly, off the wall almost, as if he's forgotten he's on the phone.

Antonio Pavlatos: A very, very long pause, "Yes.... 'n no. You didn't warn us about Damien... 'n ya was right there, talkin' to us, playin' the game with us... then jump at us about bein' with 'im. Ain't allowed many places with him though... thought he was some spirit bond.... that's what Ziahl thought too... Will Worker... supposed to make friends... trust... do that 'n see what happens!? I WANNA trust ya, but I can't.... can't... go back to before... won't.... won't... 'n won't see him have to get hurt keepin' his promise. Rather just... go away... he give me hope... but if hope means he gets hurt or kilt, or I haveta go back... rather just go away... find a way to go away..."

Antonio Pavlatos: "Ain't no use anyway...'cept for bein' their slave, for real. No game." (last post)

Antonio Pavlatos: (Sorry, if this is too heavy or problematic we can stop, this is a pretty heavy duty psych character)

Aerin Thomas: ((No, it's cool.  :) ))

Antonio Pavlatos: (trying to keep to Tony's mindframe and right now he can't find an escape route he thinks, and if not escape then there is only one other way)

Antonio Pavlatos: (Rather anyone believes it or not, Alex and Tony DID have a relationship before he burnt the club down, it started before he knew he was even kin, much less wolf kin, and he was trying even then to help him somewhat and show him a better life. He'll die before he sees him fight a pack or a Sept to protect him, when he feels he doesn't deserve it, but the only other choice is to taken off by what he fears most - so, after I thought a lot, this was his only alternative)

Antonio Pavlatos: (And unfortunately, he will NOT reveal what he overheard at the Bastet meeting, which only added to his fears)

Antonio Pavlatos: (That's where the torture stuff comes in at. *Slaps mouth shut* Too much ooc, sorry. I'm tired)

Aerin Thomas: ((okay...hon, I appreciate that you've thought this deep about it.  But...yeah, exactly.  :)  I've completely lost track of the post I was originally making at this point.  Forgotten where I was going with what I was saying.  *Hugs*  It's cool, just....makes it tough, you know, when I'm trying to have Aerin work his psychological mojo on a very delicate issue, and my train of thought is being interrupted.  'cause Aerin very well knows that the wrong single word could screw it all up.  *Hugs again*))

Antonio Pavlatos: (Sorry... no more interruptions. I'm tired, and was just chattering. I do that when tired. *Zips lips*)

Aerin Thomas: ((It's cool.  Like I said, I really appreciate that you've thought about it that much.  Very cool.))

Aerin Thomas: "I thought Alex knew about Damien.  I certainly thought he suspected, at least...which was all I did, myself, at the time.  I didn't find out about Damien until after.  And I did warn you, in the end.  Everything I've done has been to try and help him help you.  I'm dead serious there.  If you don't believe a word I say, believe that I want to help you, and if necessary, I'd give my life to do so.  Yes, you certainly can be anything you want.  I've seen kin who were far more significant then any of my kind I've ever seen.  I have no intention of letting you be further hurt, or of letting him be hurt because of you.  Do you believe that?"

Antonio Pavlatos: Another long, long pause, but the slight wheezing breath lets him know he is still there. Finally, almost too quietly, "Yes... but that ain't gonna change things don't think. Learnt tribe kin do what it wants, Jez said so... kin ain't shit to 'em, just humans without rights that they use to fuck, or watch the kid, or cook 'n clean. He made us believe we could do ANYTHIN' if we just tried hard enough... 'n tried... but didn't work. Tried to learn of the 'family' too, he wanted that, but that didn't work. Now... now they just want to tear it all up. For what? So I can be another fucktoy? You think that's all there is to us 'n Alex?... I wanna believe ya.... I wanna believe you 'n Merc kin help, but I... shit.... confused... my head hurts... sometimes I wanna say stuff, but can't, don't know how.... I'm screamin' but it ain't comin' outta my mouth... they said it's already done.... they already decided... Merc had said it was okay.... you say it's okay too... what do I believe anymore? Alex... Alex never lies... he toldt me that... that even if I ever watned to be with 'em, he would still care... still help... why can't the others think like that? Will ya... will ya make sure they don't hurt 'im? He thinks just talkin' to 'em is good enough... I know it ain't..."

Aerin Thomas: "Stop.  I want you to please...stop and listen to me, okay?  I want you to calm down for a moment.  Please, calm down, and listen to me.  Please?"

Antonio Pavlatos: A long pause, then a nod before he realizes that can't be seen. He's listening, not speaking.

Antonio Pavlatos: Several deep breaths, probably heard a bit over the phone, still silence though, listening.

Aerin Thomas: "I've told you.  Alex will not be hurt.  Believe me.  I will do everything in my power to prevent that from happening, including placing my life on the line.  Jez may be talking about his own tribe perfectly well.  But my tribe, for example.  We don't treat our kin like that.  As a matter of fact, Tony...I want you to hear this.  And I want you to understand me.  To me, YOU ARE MORE IMPORTANT then me.  Or then any other one of my kind.  You will not be just another fucktoy, no matter what.  I'll kill anyone who tries to make you that way.  And don't think that I won't.  I can help you, not matter what you may think.  But you have to trust me enough to let me help you.  If you do that, then we'll all be okay.  All right?"

Aerin Thomas: Everything coming out of the man's lips is honest sincerity.  This is one of those few moments when he's not playing a part.  At all.  This is completely, sincerely Aerin.

Antonio Pavlatos: Another long pause. "Kin ya stop ya then? You said you weren't sure... PLEASE... I can't go back... I won't... I'll go away first. That's all they ever seem to want, with their 'claiming' 'n their sayin' 'cause in the same tribe they kin do with me what they want... I'm Cherokee too, that's a tribe... like Merc. Maybe ain't Garou tribe, but... a tribe, right? I....we... me... Alex... we need help, but I don't want him to know I said that... he's.... he's right proudful, hard to get to know real close... but I knew him... at the club, 'fore any of that shit happened... he let me see him, 'n he lets me see him now. He sorta acts different with others... kinda like.... kinda like you do sometimes.." Another long pause. "Okay, Sir..." almost desperate tone, "...I"m gonna... trust ya to help... please, please.... if ya let us down.... there ain't noboy else to turn too."

Antonio Pavlatos: (ya=her)

Antonio Pavlatos: "'N the dark ones... they say a lot of the same things... 'n heard they was the same before...before...."He seems confused again, his tone almost sounding tired, maybe sleepy. "Can't explain... they said lots 'bout... Gaians... Alex liked ya, trusted ya... more'n ya know. He ain't never shown to be wrong yet. But... I'll be ready anyhow... iffen things don't work."

Antonio Pavlatos: His tone is sincere as well, but confused still. When he says what is on his mind he has a tendency to not be able to hold control for long.

Aerin Thomas: "I promise you, I'll do everything I possibly can.  I do have a plan.  When...I don't...I can't go into it now, Tony.  There's too much on the line.  It's not about trust, it's about..."  He pauses there, as if he's not quite sure how to vocalize what he's saying.  "...about me being ready.  But I just want you to trust me.  Everything will work out, as long as you trust me.  I won't let that happen to you, though.  I won't let you be dragged off to have your life torn away from you.  I promise."

Antonio Pavlatos: There seems to be slight whimper before he gains control of it, mutters to himself again, "You're the last I'm gonna try this with.... trust. You, 'n Alex, 'n Merc.... but Merc... I trust him, already know he'de kill shit over me, but he don't... understand things. I... think you do. Maybe. Please... please don't be just tellin me somethin'. We don't wanna go away, but we will iffen we hafta." Absolutely sincere, not a false threat. "I need to go, 'fore he wakes up. 'N.... I felt it, Sir..." That's all he says about it, although he almost says more, 'n Aerin can easily get the indication that the boy - or some alter knows more than he's telling about... something.

Antonio Pavlatos: (and I'm slowly on burn out - even though he will give Aerin a chance, Daniel himself will still try to get the drugs. He has to have a back up plan if he can't escape fate, and he'll use money from their little kitty to get the drugs and hide them, and Tony himself will have no knowledge of them unless it becomes necessary for him to take them)

Aerin Thomas: "Felt what?"  He frowns, hoping the person is able to get a bit of clarification out before he goes.  It could be crucial.  "What did you feel?"

Aerin Thomas: ((Okay.  *Nods*))

Antonio Pavlatos: (quick answer)

Antonio Pavlatos: "Your pain, and... maybe you understand... the lost shit... the differences soemtimes... you can't get it together real easy either, can you, Sir?" there's a click then on the line.

Antonio Pavlatos: (Add right quick.... "What the dark ones whisper in your ears")

Aerin Thomas: ((Click on the line, as in, it went dead, I'm assuming?))

Antonio Pavlatos: (That comes from that great empathy roll, and Tony's own very good perception - sometimes HE doesn't register things totally, but Daniel does more)
 (And yep, Daniel is losing control, can't allow Tony to suddenly be on he phone with Aerin. Thus far they can't come out except in stressful or highly emotional situations, although Alex has learned that if he talks to Tony in certain ways that Daniel and maybe even Gordie are listeneing as well. Sometimes it bleeds over, if only for a few moments, into something Tony says, but each time I've done it, few have picked up on it, but Alex has now gone back in his memory and remembered a few times that it seems Tony said something odd, then just dropped his head abruptly and didn't continue)

Aerin Thomas: ((Gotcha.))  His eyes widen, and he stands there as the phone clicks and dies.  He'll stay there for a long time, staring straight ahead, until he finally pulls the phone away and slips it into his pocket.  "No," he says quietly, to answer the person no longer there.  "I can't, sometimes."  He shakes his head, blinking, and moves to head to his bedroom.