~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Are'nt they all?...Thanks...You on a break or eager to get back to your lady?...*Nicky is slowly returning to his former jocular self after the near threat of dismemberment*

Joshua Coil: I'm off work, *he grunts.* For the day, anyway. I like to visit here after work. Then I go home to my fiancee. But she's been busy.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: *Turns to Lilly*...Don't suppose The Monkey god is smiling and you're single?"

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "the monkey god?" she laughs "i might be single but i've learned never to gave that answer straight out" she grins.

Joshua Coil: *He grunts slightly at that.* Now I'm creeped out, *he mutters.* Have the image of a monkey smiling. It's almost like Lancelot Link.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: "Work with me here, Josh is a soon to be married guy, that leaves el single me with few options for carousing tonite...*eyes twinkling, he drops to a knee in front of Lilly*...help a poor importfrom Misery out, couldja? Is there a boyfriend, fiancee or hubby bigger then Joshua here that's gonna turn me into roadkill for chatting you up?"

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: *looks at Joshua*...Lance Link is da bomb...he pioneered the shoe phone."

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: she glances to Josh "that is a creepy image"

Joshua Coil: *He blinks at that.* But... he was a talking monkey. *As if this should be the ultimate terror.*

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: "Kinda inevitable, wasnt it? At some point, monkeys would talk, and fly, and burn styrofoam in lil piles. what's important is that they rarely look like anything but monkeys when they do."

Joshua Coil: Planet of the Apes, *he says, even his horridly patchy voice almost sagelike.*

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "riiight" she looks at Nic taking one step back."grinning impishly.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: "Preeeeeee-cisely...with any luck, this time around wont include Barney."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: *Looks imploringly at Lilly*...No, really...*scrambles to his feet*...last thing my face needs is to be rearranged by a Brad Pitt with biceps the size of my torso."

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "and who is this Brad Pitt with biceps that gunna turn you in to mashed potatoes?"

Joshua Coil: *He sighs slightly.* Though I'm pretty sure I could take down at least five of 'em before they got me, *he nods, thoughtfully.*

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: "Thats what I was asking you, Miss...is there a beau, a suitor other then myself that would drop me like a bad habit?"

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Just five?

Joshua Coil: Well... I've been tired, *he says with a shrug.*

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "no not a suitor" she smiles.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: More Wheaties...and soymilk..

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Ah ha...would you be so kind as to en noble a poor, dastardly knave with your name, or should I call you lotus Blossom?

Joshua Coil: *He makes a face.* Ugh. Whole milk for me. Soy milk just doesn't seem right.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: The vanilla is a bit heady after you mix in vodka

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "you can call me Lilly" she glances to Josh "i love soy but Soy milk tastes funny"

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Thank you Lilly...

Joshua Coil: *He shudders.* I'm sure it's evil. Pure evil. In an innocent looking container.

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: she laughs a little "it could be worse...like tofukey"

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Obviously designed to twist us away from true milk...

Joshua Coil: *He growls.* NO ONE should make an imitation of meat. No one.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Calm, Joshua...fake meat is as universal as fake cheese....and relatively benign

Joshua Coil: It's evil, *he says stubbornly.* As evil as decaf.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Aaah, that i must agree with....decaf is a tool of pure Evil...sent to divert us from the all loving coffee bean

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "well i prefer real food anyways" she grins.

Joshua Coil: Amen, *he says, almost reverently. He clears his throat.* Now you're making me hungry.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Are you angling for a dinner invite, you saucy woman you?

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Open?))

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: (( The more the merrier))

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "well i know this really nice Korean resturant if your brave enough for spicy food" she grins.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT} -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: DD*Stands 5ft4, lil under 131 lbs, slicked black hair, blue eyes, rumpled charcoal busines suit))

Joshua Coil: *He arches an eyebrow.* I'd be okay with that. Or maybe I should just stop on the way home for Thai.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Bring on the challenge...i finally got the airline food out of my system...

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: ((come on in))

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "Thai is yummy to but i need my fix of some bar-b-que hot and spice chicken" she grins.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Aaah...indeed a spicy one...perhaps Lotus Blossom isnt appropriate...perhaps Tiger Claw...

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: she laughs "or Lilly "

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: The sounds of a Kawasaki Ninja come from the street, pulling up to the side of the curb. He steps off, running a hand through his hair to straighten it a touch, and makes his way in. He's changed out the trench coat for something a bit lighter. The coat is still about the same length, but built more for ease of movement and style movement then protection, from the rain or otherwise. Underneath is a long-sleeved crimson dress shirt, without the collar, and a pair of black slacks. His hair's hanging free, face clean shaven.

((Full DD for Nicolai's sake)) He stands 5'11", and is a little bit thin at 145 pounds. At 30 years of age, he still has a baby-face and is commonly mistaken for 18-20 years old. His hair, dyed black, goes down to about his mid-back. As stated before, he has a very youthful face, with bright blue eyes that flash with intelligence and full cheeks. His right canine is missing, but that's neither here nor there. Something about his features suggests maybe a Welsh origin.

Joshua Coil: *He grunts slightly.* Your pick up lines are older than I am.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: But Joshua Srrah, the classics are time tested

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Alert: 4,8,10,6,5,9,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: Ahh, he may not give a shit anymore, but he's as alert as ever. Caring and paranoia don't have to go hand in hand. He looks over, noting Joshua, Lily, and Nicolai, and smirks a little. He flicks a cigarette to life as he makes his way over, taking a drag off of it on his approach.

Joshua Coil: *He arches an eyebrow.* Tested... perhaps, with the backhands of many irate women?

Joshua Coil: d10: per+alert: 10,7,9,4,9,

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "hate to tell you they don't work"

Joshua Coil: *His head swivels, and he grunts. And his eyes narrow. The newspaper crumples as he clenches a fist.*

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: 8Taking a posture between Lilly and the stranger approaching, a wide easy smile on his face, his hand relaxed at his side*... Evening..8guys moving a bit quick for his tastes*

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: d10: p/a: 4,3,9,2,3,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Irate backhands? We talking about your charming wit and savvy ways again, Coil?"

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: *Lilly momentarily forgotten, as Josh's reaction solidifies his posture*

Joshua Coil: Actually, we were talking about yours, *he growls.* Your last boyfriend didn't find them charming.

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: she makes a face at the sight of the ciggarette muttering in a mix of chinese and korean. which if anyone could figure it out she is walking about the poor taste in smoking.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He notes Nicolai's pasture change and snorts a little, shaking his head. "Evening. What'd I do?"

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): ((Room for another?))

Joshua Coil: Nothing yet, I'm just preparing for when you DO, *he grunts.*

Joshua Coil: ((Yeap!))

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ((Far as i know, Mord-p, Im Playtesting, all social))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: Narrowed eyes shoot straight back to Joshua. "Well, the one before that did. After all, he left you for me."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Open!))

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: ((comeon in))

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Aerin>> "I dunno...Joshua seems to like you though, and I dont know you at all...maybe its the bike....anything that sounds like a lawnmower cant bode well, eh?"

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Wanders along one of the paths, looking about a touch warily--Central Park ain't all that safe a place after dark.*

Joshua Coil: *He snorts at that.* You're lucky, *he growls.* We're in public, and I wouldn't offend the lady by showing her your internal organs.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Oh, yeah." He smirks to Nicolai. "Coil and I are great friends. We share EVERYTHING."

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: she glances between the testosterone showing with a yawn.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: So I gather...far be it from me to break up a party in the making...*moves smoothly closer to Lilly, not turning his back to Aerin in the process*

Joshua Coil: Except for taint, *he growls.* And the art of being a traitor. Taste in clothes. Should I go on?

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): d10: Per : 2,9,7,

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ~looks at Josh a little taken aback*...His taste in clothes is tainted by the Eighties? Or Anime? Either way, surely here isnt the place to discuss it, after all, Lilly would find getting into her BBQ restaraunt a bit rough with bloodstains.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *His eye sometimes causes him to miss things, but tonight he seems to be on top of the game, and he turns towards the small group as he notices it.*

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: d10: p/a: 4,10,5,2,3,

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: she spots a famier face....not like she could every for get that face she'll wave when he gets closer.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Awww, c'mon, Joshie." He looks back at Joshua, lip curling. "After all, I hear you did just OH so well in your last little ruckus...also, call me a traitor again, and I'll feed you your own liver." He shakes his head. Nicolai's joining into the taunting against Aerin gets him a snort. "And you'd best learn complete stories before you decide who to piss off."

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): ((*G* He's met Lilly?))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (open?)

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: (yes it was brief like a hello good bye)

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: "Lets say I'd prefer to hear any stories in more private places then this, ok? Not my preferred evening to watch Joshua bust a blood vessel over y'all's past history...

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: ((yes))

Joshua Coil: You ARE, *he grunts.* The Lady trusted in you to protect her and you bloody her. *His eyes narrow.* And I'd LOVE to see you try it.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: (9Open))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Open! Though I'm gonna ask it be closed after, until y'all drive the pissy boy off. *G* Room's getting big.))

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): ((OK--My bad.)) *Nods to Lilly, but decides not to interrupt the brewing argument.* Good eve.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ((Damn, here come's Nicky's contribution, soon to be known as Nicky hides so well with kin))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: Andy stands f ive f eet eleven inches from the ground, untamed black hair falling just over his dark tired eyes. Decent is hard to pin, a European mut for sure with a slig ht lean toward Italian. He looks to be in his early twenties, just athle tic en ough not to be considrered scrawny. He wears weathered ripped jeans, a ratty t-shirt, and an army surplus jacket. He always has a black back pac k slung over his shoulders and a skate board either tucked under his arm or gliding under his sneakers. The boy carries a week old funk about him, greasy shaggy bangs hang in front of his apathetic expression. He skates along quietly.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks at Joshua, then back to Nicolai...then to Joshua again. "When did I fucking bloody shit? Unless you're talking about the blood I shed for her, you witless moron."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: *Stuck without the size nor clout here to stop anyone from fighting, Nick chooses a course of action, sidling up to Mordecai, out of range of either spouting combatant, and grins*...Hiyas!

Joshua Coil: *He stands up, clutching newspaper in one hand, and coffee cup in the other. He snarls at Aerin.* I'm speaking of the ones you SIDED with, you arrogant asshole.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *His face. The left side of his face, in particular. It just draws the eye, and not in a good way, either. After a good long look at... that... an observer may notice that otherwise he'd have been fairly good-looking; more or less tall, decent build, neat and clean clothing. Some may even recognize the dark hair hanging on either side of his face in the ~peyot~, the traditional hairstyle of the Jewish warrior--those who actually know there was such a thing. And Garou--Get of Fenris in particular--may well recognize him as the Kinfolk who killed a man with his bare hands and another with a sword, somewhere north of Minneapolis. But his ~face~... The entire left side of it, from the tip of his nose to the middle of his ear, from his chin to his hairline, is marked by some kind of acid. Baby-pink skin clashes with ridged scar tissue until it looks like the plateued and mountainous landscape of some distant planet, or the browned and wrinkled skin of a rotten apple, or... it's just ~bad~. A black silk eyepatch covers his left eye, leading one to wonder--if he'll leave the scarred and ruined contours of his face bare to the world and yet go through the effort and discomfort to cover his eye, what does ~that~ look like?* (Fame 1)

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Nods to Nick.* Good evening.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Alert: 4,5,5,8,4,3,

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He flips up to grind a passing rail. Hands not leaving the warmth of his pockets.

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: she looks to Modieacai "welcome to this session of jerry springer live at central park"...she glances towards the two and back to Nic.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He notes the sound of skating and looks Andy's way, until Joshua's words draw his attention back. "I didn't side with anyone. Get your head out from between your girlfriend's legs so you can hear better, and get your fucking facts straight. I just stopped fucking fighting them, because I was fighting a losing battle without support."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Such a party...dont suppose anyone that knows both of these two drama queens could tell me what's going on? Before the beat cop asks what the ruckus is?

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ~gearing hismself to run like hell as soon as the two respond to the taunting with more then words*

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He keeps his eyes low. Keeping to himself really. A look of hesitance and near dread about him.

Joshua Coil: I was goddamned support, you son of a bitch! *he snaps. And his head swivels, to look back to Nick.* None of your damned business. *His lip curls, and he moves towards the exit.*

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: *Keeping an eye out for both exits nearby nad approaching cops, drawn by the noise*

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Chuckles and nods to Nick.* I believe Miss Lilly already described it...

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah, would have been nice if you fucking SHOWED any, too, instead of proclaiming such now, well after the fact!" he shouts after Joshua. "Moral hindsight's 20/20, eh...Joshie?" He looks back over at Nicolai. "There's one thing he and I agree on. None of your business."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Whatever it is, its kinda distracting...Lilly and i were thinking about Korean BBQ, I gather you are a friend?

Joshua Coil: d10: Rage: 4,4,6,1,9,8,

Joshua Coil: *He growls, and looks back over his shoulder. His muscles tense, and he slams a fist into a trash can, walking by. And exits.*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "And the rest of you..." He looks at the peanut gallery, growling slightly. "I'm glad this is all so amusing to you. Shut the fuck up."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: *At the exit, Nicky relaxes, ever so slightly*

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *smiles.* I try to be, at least. And it's been some time since I had Korean. Barbeque or bulgogi, either sounds fine to me.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: Andy keeps rolling along, pushing a worn sneaker against the concrete. Brooding quietly.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Is this sort of thing, er, normal, Lilly?

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: she looks to back to Aerin with a shrug and then looks to Nic and Mordecai "how are you doing?"

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: d10: p/a: 1,4,6,3,5,

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: and if unaware of Andy's presence "well i wouldn't know i'm still pretty new to the city"

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: d10: p/a: 2,6,4,8,5,

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Hmm...ok....*looks at Mordecai, curiously*...you get hit by shrapnel or something?

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He clenches his hand into a fist at the brush-off from Lily, and almost takes a step toward her. He shakes his head and turns, heading off toward Andy.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *shrugs.* Something. Lilly>>Quite well, really. Yourself?

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He shakes a greasy patch of hair out of his face, looking up as not to plow into any pedestrians. They hate that, ya know. Spotting Aerin and pals, he frowns and averts his eyes. Slowly rolling down the path, quietly.

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: ((would anyone mind if I joined IC?))

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Who was that motorcycle man, anyway?

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *shrugs.* I don't believe I've met him. ((*G* Not that I can remember, at least, but I screwed that up once already today.))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((We lost one, so we're good to gain one, in my book. So yeah, open.))

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ((has no objections ...is social interaction only))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (bring it!)

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: She steps along the path, without apparent concern for being a woman alone in Central Park at this hour. The wedged heels of her sleek black boots click as perfect as a metronome along the pathway, her steps measured and precise.

A twenty-something woman with high, sculpted cheekbones and dark, mysterious eyes. She walks with an elegant grace, her thick black hair cascading down her slender back in an ebony cloak to her tailbone. She is 5’7” and shaped like a slim hourglass. Her skin is exotically tinted, the kohl framing her eyes the only cosmetics she wears. http://www.wodnyc.net/modules/coppermine/albums/uploads10296/1Juliana.JPG

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ~looks around at the gathered assembly, noting Mordecai and himself as opposed to Aerin and Andy*

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "no idea"

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: *To Mordecai*...ever feel like the stepsister?"

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: She looks around her calmly as she walks, possibly looking for something or someone. She is not at all dressed as a 'lady of the evening' and does not give off that impression.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): The stepsister? *chuckles.* I'm not quite sure what mean, unless that's something like a redheaded stepchild.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Either or....you hail from here, or an import like me?

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He shifts his weight a bit on his board, veering between pedestrians. Dark eyes trailing aerin, though he's hardly covert about it. He rolls in that direction.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): I'm from Minnesota, actually. Yourself?

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: St Louis...by way of the River

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: d10: : 6,1,7,8,5,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He frowns as he notes Andy looking away, pausing. He shakes his head, muttering to himself. "Fine. I can be a fucking social pariah in much more enjoyable places then this." He turns his direction, heading for the gate.

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: d10: p/a: 8,10,6,5,6,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Ack...sorry, I'm slow. :P DLP.))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He cocks a brow, watching Aerin. "Wow.. looks like gandolf forgot to take his midol this morning. Fuck you too, aerin."

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: It isn't until she's nearer Andy that she actually sees him. Her smile is pleasant, and she veers his direction in a neatly executed turn, her heel-clicks not off by a single beat.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Nods.* Ahh.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (bah.. you're not slow. i'm impatient. *G* dlp if yours gets axed.)

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "wow it looks like i'm not the only woman in the park..." she mummers seeing Juliana.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: If Juliana veers in front of him, he'll give a subtle nod in her direction. "Yo."

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: Her dark eyes drink in the nearby Aerin as she nears Andy.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Yes tiger Claw, but you are the most spicy...*grins*

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: "Yo," she responds in her low, smoky voice, her full lips quirking in a twist of humor.

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "Lilly" she smiles.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over at Juliana, looking her over for a moment appraisingly. Several different types of appraising, all in one, really. He smirks a bit, then looks away, back to Andy. "Hey."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: All righty then....Lilly

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He nods, looking back to Aerin. Slowing his roll to a stop when he gets to the pair. He looks the man over, hesitantly. Warily, maybe. Guaging his reaction with a posture that could easily bolt at any given minute.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *chuckles.* That was an awful line.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Hey, I'm out of my element here...i need Sinatra in the background or something,

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: Her mouth curves into a pleasant smile as she looks to Aerin, then to Andy, apparently expecting an introduction.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He tilts his head a little, watching Andy. "Andy...why do you look like I'm about to eat you? I promise, I already had a full meal earlier today...not hungry."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He looks back over to Juliana, crooking a thumb to Aerin. "Babe.. this is gandolf. Sans beating stick."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He frowns toward Aerin. "I probably taste like week old ass. If you nibble.. I'm totally swinging."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: (aaaack...CLONES!))

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ((I'm dropping and re loggning to kill them, fair warning))

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: She tilts her head "Sinatra..."

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: She seems amused by the conversation between the two males. Aerin: "It is wild to meet you. I'm Juliana Sarolta."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Sinatra...Ole Blue eyes?...King of the Rat Pack?...c'mon, Lilly, dont make me feel like a relic, now

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Shakes his head.* Lilly>>Bad music.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Bite your tongue sir...Sinatra was the Elvis of his time

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Don't worry, Andy...I don't think I'll be nibbling your way any time this life." He grins at the man, and then looks over to Juliana, extending a hand. Warm smile. "Hello, Juliana. I'm Aerin Thomas. A pleasure."

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): Lilly>>Sinatra became popular shortly after Prohibition ended... which pretty much explains it.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ((brb))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He shifts his weight atop his board, looking down to the pack. Keeping his hands shoved in his pockets.

Juliana Sarolta [no icq available]: She takes his hand, her violet eyes lowering in a semblance of an ocular curtsy. Her hand is slim with long, delicate fingers. Her nails are mid-length and French manicured. She has on a faintly spicy perfume with a hint of the Orient.

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "not my scene sorry" she looks to Nic "i just realised i never asked your name"

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (psst. juliana. there's four of you.)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He brings his other hand up so that in the handshake, his cupping her hand between his, and then lets it drop. He grins to her and then looks back to Andy. "So what's new, folks? I've been out and about lately, haven't much been around."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: *grins at Lilly* Not a problem, Lilly...I'm Nicky

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Nods to Nick.* Mordecai.

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: ((~shimmies back into character~ dang it *S* Thanks))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He shrugs without looking up. "I've been keeping my distance. But needed some place to skate where I wouldn't be hassled."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Pleased to meetcha, Mordecai...sorry if i offended earlier...had an uncle that came home from Iraq with the detrius of a claymore, you remind me of him is all

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Aerin: "I don't know what's new," she replies in her smoky low voice, "but I know that there is someone whom I have not seen in over a month. Andy, do you know where Gavriil is? He usually is here, keeping watch on ... things." There is a faint, tantalizing hint of an accent in her words, but very difficult to pinpoint.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Nods.* No worries. *Chuckles.* At least you didn't shout it, so you're on the better side.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He cocks a brow to juliana. "I... don't give a shit really. Sorry. Gavriil's a dickhead. He's probably off.. somewhere.. being a dickhead."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Andy: "You are hassled for skating? What a silly thing to hassle someone about."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: "His head isn't penis shaped," she protests mildly.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Dickhead is a nice term for Gavriil."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Never did understand the look at the crocodiles syndrome....live and let live

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: "Is too." He argues. "That.. and he's a self-righteous punk. I do my best to avoid him. Maybe he finally got shanked for saying something stupid."

Lily Douglas: ((too many here? if so, that's fine I'll wait :) ))

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "hmm shall we start wandering...i'm from the pacific...and this cold is overwhleming me " she smiles.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): Look at the crocodiles? *Chuckles.* That's now how it happened either.

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: "Honestly, I don't understand." She seems amused, not in the least upset at the insults about Gav. "He was always such a gentleman with me, and we could speak of philosophy and esoteric nothings."

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Nods.* By all means. Do you know where a Korean barbeque place is?

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: That BBQ does sound good..lead on, Macduff!

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: "That's because you're hot."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah, well, had you given it much more time, he would have probably tried very hard to turn you into a notch on his bed frame, metaphorically speaking."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: Andy looks over his shoulder, warily.

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Aerin: "Oh, no." She shrugs delicately. "I tried twice and he said no. He is very difficult to get into bed actually."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (I think rav asked that it be closed at this quantity. i'm good, but if its too much for some to keep with, might not be.)

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "i know one place" she glances between the two.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He blinks, looking back to juliana. "Wait, what? Where the hell were you when I was single?"

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ((Three of us are headed for a restaurant, methinks))

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: Lead on...I dont know any places

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): ((I think we're about to split, so it should be good in a minute.))

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Andy: "Are you not single?" she asks innocently.

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Nods.* I don't know any, myself. Your move, it appears.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He scratches the back of his head. "Ummm.. damn. I don't guess you'd believe me if I said yes, right?" He cracks a crooked smile. "Nah. Made up with my woman over halloween. She's cool as hell."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((If the others are leaving, I'm good with it.)) He blinks at Juliana. "We're talking about Gavriil? Gavriil KAZIMIR?" Yes, the idea that Gavriil could possibly have any interest in a woman that doesn't involve making her scream his name seems stunning to him.

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Andy: "Ah." There's no telling what she means by that.

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Aerin: "Yes. That Gavriil. The one who patrols here." She smiles lightly. "He likes to do the hunting, I think, so I hunted him instead. This kept him off balance and he did not pursue. It was satisfactory."

Lily Douglas: ((I'll wait then :) ))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He nods, shifting his weight atop his board. Glancing down the path. Looking around suspisciously.

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ((Pick a room Lilly))

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: "come on then" she smiles and starts toward the exit. ((mahatten resturant?))

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): ((Works for me.))

Mordecai Goldshtein (PB 2): *Moves along with the group.* ((and off to the other room.))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah." He snorts, smirking a little. "He's quite the fan of...hunting." He sighs and leans back on his heel, looking to Andy and nodding. "Glad you hear you guys are cool with each other again, Andy."

~Tricky~ Nicolai O'Bryan[PT}: ((Off to Manhatten rest))

Lilly "Yon Sun" Wong [PB1]: ((thanks guys have fun :) ))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He nods to Aerin's words. "Yeah. Managed to piss off every female friend I had in the process. Yay." He gives a long exaggerated sigh. "Sometimes.. it's a pain to be this sexy."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: She silences now, preferring to listen to the men.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah, I know that feeling." He chuckles a little, sympathy in his eyes for the kin's situation. "Both on the pissing everyone off and the pain."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: "I must do something wrong," she muses in her throaty voice. "I don't piss off anyone. Perhaps I am not sexy as you two are, that could be it."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He shrugs. "I think dara hates me."

Lily Douglas: ((Think I'll pass after all. Trying to MT and need to focus a little. *waves*))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He sighs a little to Andy. "Sorry. If it helps, I think she hates me, too." He mimics Andy's shrug, and looks to Juliana with a chuckle. "No, trust me. That's not your problem."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: ((bye ... hopefully play with you soon then))

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: She tilts her head back and laughs, then does a graceful bow to Aerin. "Thank you, Gandalf."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "See, Gandalf just doesn't work as much right now. I'm without my staff. But you're quite welcome." He grins a bit and nods to her.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He chuckles at Juliana. "No, babe. You actually ~are~ sexy. Which is why it's probably hard for people to stay pissed at you."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He looks to Aerin. "I could make you a newspaper hat. That'd be pretty pimp."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Andy: "It's easy to be sexy when you have breasts," she says with false mourning. "There's no challenge in it."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He nods. "Yeah.. I can see that. Even still.. I think I'd look funny with boobs. You pull it off though."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Oh, now, I can't agree with that, Juliana. Breasts and attractiveness don't automatically go hand-in-hand." He looks over at Andy and smirks. "Newspaper hat...ooh, nice."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Andy: "Boys are turning into girls all the time. But you're right, it wouldn't suit you."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: "Besides.. if I grew boobs.. brice'd kick my ass." He considers. "Or feel up on me. Either way.. it'd be weird." He looks around to the benches to see if he can spot a paper.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "We'll try to keep the breasts off you then, Andy."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Andy: "They would probably distract you for some time."

fox: Open?

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: "They distract me enough being on other people.." He muses, moving over to snag an abandoned newspaper.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Open!))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (far as i know)

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: ((*hugs* Open))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He watches Andy, eyebrow raising over a grin. "You're really making me a paper hat, aren't you?"

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He smirks and starts folding the paper. Humming under his breath.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: d10: dex+crafts wp: 2,6,3,4,3,

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: Humming, he folds the paper as best he can. Tyring to mimic a floppy gandolf hat. It.. isn't much. But it holds, at least. He reaches over to set it atop Aerin's head. Stating proudly, "Sembra buon su voi!"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over at Juliana with that grin. "My mouth just got me wearing a newspaper on my head, I think."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: She laughs. Then a sudden look at the sky. "The patterns have changed. I must go." She smiles to the two men. "Good evening, gentlemen."

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: Aerin: "Mouths can lead us all into trouble, or ecstasy." She turns, beginning to walk away with those precise, measured steps, heels clicking.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He quirks a brow. "Patterns? Ummm... okay. Have fun with that."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He blinks, watching Juliana move away. Staring in fact, with an 'i can't believe you just said that' look about him.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He tilts his head, watching Juliana, and nods. "True enough. Good evening, Juliana." He casts Andy a sidelong look.

Juliana Sarolta [no ICQ]: ((Bye!))

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He keeps staring in Juliana's direction. Waiting until she's out of earshot before mumbling "That is one weeeeeeeeeeeeeird ass hottie."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (seeya!)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Bye! *Hugs*))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah." He nods a little. "But I've seen far wierder."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He saunters into Central Park in all white - white boots (with heels!), white vinyl pants, sparkly white top, long white coat. Dangly earrings with bells and snowflake charms, white eyeliner, and glittery mascara complete the outfit. [And...PM if you need is full DD.]

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: "Don't doubt it." He looks up to Aerin, toward the top of his head. "Did I size it right?"

Shadow's Blissful Silence: [Eeeep! Purple!]

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (I needs one)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Alert: 9,4,9,6,6,6,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little bit, eyes travelling upward as if to look at the hat. "For the most part." Paranoia helps him note the movement, and he looks over, grinning when he sees Bliss.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He shoves his hands back in his pocket, looking around nervously when Aerin grins at someone. "Maybe.. I should.. not be here."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He walks right up to Aerin and rubs the side of his face along Aerin's jaw with a purring sound.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "No, trust me, Andy, you're fine. You met Bliss yet?"

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He quirks a brow, looking between the two. "Umm... nope. Can't say I have."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "You're fine, Andy."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles a bit at the nuzzling, and strokes his hand along Bliss's hair before looking to Andy. "No, it's not at all what you're thinking. Promise. Andy Gallo...Bliss. Bliss...Andy."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He scratches the back of his greasy head, looking around still. "It's just.. I wasn't really expecting to run into anyone."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He scratches the back of his greasy head, looking around still. "It's just.. I wasn't really expecting to run into anyone."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: [Hadn't they met? I think Kelsey introduced them once, way back. Or I could be on drugs.]

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (Um... I don't remember that. But it's possible.)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "It's cool, Andy. If we're cramping your style, we can jet...or we can hang."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He rests his head on Aerin's shoulder, just watching Andy, expression something between a tiger ready to pounce and the cat that just swalloed the canary.

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: "Style.. I've never been accused of having style before. I just.. I don't know. Some people.. said stuff. And I don't think I should.." He looks back off down the path, distracted. "Yeah.. I think I'ma book."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Said stuff?" He quirks an eyebrow. "Like--?" He cuts himself off, and shakes his head. "Okay, if you want. Good to see you, though..."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Ohhhhhh...." Bliss purrs. "Now we can so have sex on one of these nice uncomfortable park benches. It'll be the highlight of my night." He laughs. "Or you could stay. People say many, many things. Sometimes the trick is knowing which things are worth your attention."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: He frowns, looking down to the path. "Just.. stuff. It doesn't matter. I won't really be hanging around much longer. Call me if you wanna hang sometime, gandolf." He ignores bliss entirely.

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He makes a soft tsk-ing sound at Andy. "Have it your way then." There is just the faintest undertone of something unfriendly under the perky tone.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little. "I'll do that, then. Take it easy, Andy. Say hi to Brice for me."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: "Right.. seeya." He pushes off without looking up. Veering to the gate

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He watches Andy go for a moment, and looks over to Bliss with a chuckle. "Hey, you."

Andy Gallo [PB 2]: (thanks guys.)

Shadow's Blissful Silence: He waits until Andy is out of earshot before tilting his face up toward Aerin and batting his eyelashes. "Just as well," he says softly, but without the purr now. "We need to talk."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: [Awesome playing with you, if only for a minute.]

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Any time! *Hugs*))

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He raises a brow. "All right. Here a bad place to do it?"

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Isn't it always?" He laughs and bats his eyelashes again. "No one here approves of our love...."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Yeah, damn narrow-minded bastards." He chuckles and nods. "My bike's just outside...c'mon."

Shadow's Blissful Silence: "Okay." [Cut to YIM?]

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Sure. *Jets there*))