Jez Talino [PB 2]: d10: per alertness falke: 2,7,3,8,7,7,5,

Jez Talino [PB 2]: d10: per body lang arn: 5,10,8,4,2,9,9,

Jez Talino [PB 2]: d10: specialty: 6,

Jez Talino [PB 2]: ((~dances~ He's on fire!))

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he looks curious at Falke*

Jez Talino [PB 2]: A soft little murmur to Lucien.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: (curiously that should read)

Lucien Bourikas: He turns and looks to Arn, using that little power of his voice to his advantage, "Actually how I address my alpha is little of your concern, Rhya, higher rank or not, but why is it that you can not simply take a greeting as it is meant and leave it at that? Must it always be some type of contest with even the simplest of things? If there is to be anything of debate, why not make it noteworthy instead of such things?"

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He tilts his head, thoughtful.

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He closes his eyes and lets out a small sigh at the words of the Shadow Lord. Whatever happened to etiquitte?*

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he nods to Falke* Would you have me mangle him as a reminder? *he laughs and then turns back to Lucien* Address me with the proper respect and I will show you the same in return. Do not attempt to confuse me with your intonation, I will test you in any manner I see fit.

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: Remember Rhya, he is of Gaia, even though his station is lower. Peace is a gift often unseen, perhaps we should make the best of it.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: Do not lecture me half-moon, lest I turn my ire upon you instead.

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *With tempers like this he begins to wonder how the wyrm is battled at all here* Yes Rhya.

Lucien Bourikas: He doesn't make the obvious response to Arn, his expression enough to show he doubts the thickhead would get it. Instead he just nods to Jez, "That's good. I did have a bit of something that I would appreciate that you look up for me, since you are so excellent at research."

Jez Talino [PB 2]: Lucien: He straightens. "Of course," he says eagerly. "It would be my pleasure."

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He seems to have reached the limit of Arn's restraint, but the situation seems to be somewhat diffused* Demon's Dance rhya, you are a Fostern. Might I inquire as to your rite of war?

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he snorts when Lucien has no response* Have you run out of whimsical responses Galliard? You cannot hide by simply turning to the kinfolk and attempting to ignore me.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Anyone mind another?))

Jez Talino [PB 2]: ((I don't mind))

Lucien Bourikas: "A text called Mein Kampf, as well as a few others, some rather obscure titles." He hands Jez a piece of notepad paper.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he eyes Falke dangerously* What signals have I given you that suggested I wished to engage in small talk? If you're attempting to distract me, it's not going to work.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: (come on in)

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He nods, looking over the paper once, then folding it carefully and putting it in an inside pocket of his leather blazer, revealing a flash of a holstered handgun inside.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: The man makes his way into the Sept, staff in his hand, as always. He's wearing a tank top black with "That Which Does Not Kill Me Makes Me Stronger" in bold white across it. Jeans and his steel-toed boots accompany. His hair's back in a tight ponytail. His walk is no longer tense and worried around the's confidant, almost a bit arrogant. He fears little around here, it seems.

((DD for the new player. *S* Aerin is a very average-looking person. He stands 5'11", and is a little bit thin at 145 pounds. At 28 years of age, he still has a baby-face, despite the goatee he's wearing, he is commonly mistaken for 18-20 years old. His hair, a medium-brown, goes down to about his mid-back, and is pulled back into a ponytail. As stated before, he has a very youthful face, with bright blue eyes that flash with intelligence and full cheeks. His right canine is missing, but that's neither here nor there. Something about his features suggests maybe a Welsh origin.))

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He walks over to the bench and sits back down, deciding that getting involved isn't going to work after all*

Lucien Bourikas: "And, even if from the web, I would appreciate some copies of the text if possible. One I have read, but it was many years ago."

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he takes note of Aerin's arrival and takes a moment to read his shirt. He considers it for a moment before he nods respectfully to the man* Evening Dream-rhya.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He nods. "Yes, sir. It won't be difficult." ~Fingernails painted electric blue, hair chaotic and wild. Wearing a black t-shirt with a large silvery Gothic cross on it, under a black leather blazer, and blue jeans worn to a buttery softness. His boots are metallic silver and pointy-toed, buckling up the ankles with silver skull-and-crossbones buckles.~

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles a bit, noticing Jez, and nods to him as he approaches. Lucien gets a nod, Arn a brief look...Rixx gets a quick once-over as he nears the Lords.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He inclines his head to Aerin respectfully. "Good evening, Aerin-rhya."

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He nods to Aerin, waiting for his business to be over before introducing himself* Rhya.

Lucien Bourikas: He returns the nod to Aerin, with a polite enough, "Good evening."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Arn." He regards the man for a moment, expression even, before looking to the Lords with a warm smile. "Jez, Lucian...good evening. How are you?"

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: Lucien is angry, he's been ignoring me, I'm most insulted. *he interjects as Aerin addresses the Shadow Lords*

Lucien Bourikas: "Well, enough, Rhya, attempting to stay at least busy."

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He waits for Lucien to reply first and then he smiles and answers. "I'm doing great. Still alive and kickin'." Impudent little wink.

Lucien Bourikas: He manages to not roll his eyes at Arn's childish comment, keeping his face as neutral as he can.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks back to Rixx again, head tilting curiously. His eyes pass over the man, calmly appraising him, before nodding to the greeting. "Hello." Arn's comment draws a raised brow. "You certainly look it. Your tyical scowl is a bit more...scowly then usual. If that's possible."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: Jez's comment draws a grin. "Yeah, join the club. Can't keep a good man down...or me." He looks over at Lucien. "Staying busy is good. Anything new going on? I've been a bit out of the loop...slight case of assassination and all."

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he laughs at Aerin's response* Well, truth be told, I'm not actually you can see there's no corpses lying in tatters at my feet. Answer me a question if you have the inclination Dream-rhya?

Lucien Bourikas: About to answer he halts, not wishing to continue a useless verbal commentary against Arn's questions and comments.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Ask away, Arn." Wow, the man's in rare form, seeimingly able to carry on multiple conversations at once. He listens for Lucien's response, as well as Arn's.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: You, of greater station than I, and therefore of greater wisdom...what do you make of a Cliath who in a moment of ill concentration makes no attempt to refer to one who outranks him with the proper honorific? I would have forgiven such a minor slight...if it was not attempted to be explained away in such a human fashion. I defer to your wisdom on such...should I not have been insulted?

Lucien Bourikas: As it seems some response is expected, he does so, "I actually probably have little to add to things you obviously know, Rhya. I have been in training quite a bit of late."

Jez Talino [PB 2]: "Oh, for fuck's sake," he mutters darkly, for some reason.

Lucien Bourikas: He looks at Arn, and the only comment he makes is simply, "The horse is now stinking, or have you not yet realized that... Rhya?"

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He turns to Jez, his face poker strait*

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he looks towards Lucien* I'm not yet satisfied, or have you not yet realized that cliath?

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He raises an eyebrow, and looks between Lucien, Jez, and Arn. "Well...I would say that this depends upon the person and the relationship between them. For example...I consider myself familiar enough with, say, Lucien and Jez that I do not require them to refer to me by honorific in most situations. Jez, wishing to show his respect as a part of how he was raised, does anyway, and I don't fault him for that." He shrugs. "Now, if, for example..." He looks over to Rixx. "If he'll allow me to pull him into this...this man were to approach me, I would expect to be referred to as Rhya, because I don't know him. So it's a formality and a show of deserved respect for my deeds. As to whether you should have been insulted in such a situation...that depends on you. I would expect that with your tribe, you would expect such honorifics be used. And if you expect that Lucien, who I have to assume you're speaking of, show you the respect your rank has given you, and such has been made clear, then you may be justified in your stance of insult...however, you have to realize that not all have the same upbringing, so a simple reminder of your rank would be good. If it were to be continued, then I would imagine you would take offense." Ahh, a true Philodox, this one.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: Thank you Dream-rhya, your wisdom is greatly appreciated.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He looks at Aerin intently.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: d10: body lang Aerin: 5,8,1,7,4,4,4,

Lucien Bourikas: "I have realized that nothing I attempt to say to you you will see as correct, but the attempt was made, then rejected. You made your statement that you could say what you wished to me then go off in conversation with another and I with another. I am not the one who would continue this since there would never be an end to it, obviously."

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he looks towards Lucien once more* So Siren's call, are you contrite, or do you remain defiant? Don't get me wrong, I admire your fire, but your mouth advances far beyond your rank, and I do not appreciate such behavior.

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He nods to Aerin* More than happy, rhya.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Jez Talino [PB 2]: There's definitely a bit of a change to him. His stance is more stated before, there's no fear in him, no nervousness. He has a's almost an air of zeal to him. Not that his opinions have necessarily changed...but he's a bit harder then he used to be.

Lucien Bourikas: He looks at Arn as if he has lost his mind.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: Ah but there is an end. Show that you are contrite, and I will let the matter be.

Lucien Bourikas: "If it pleases you to hear the entire thing then so be it, if it will make you drop this subject... Good evening, Arn Grimhild, Demon's Dance, Ahroun of the Get of Fenris, Rhya. Is that finally acceptable?" His tone of voice is tight, but doesn't show the anger that this entire subject of simply greeting the other man has turned into.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He stands back a bit, leaning a little on his staff as he listens. A slight nod given to Rixx at his response.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: No it's not acceptable, I only ask that you show the slightest bit of contrition for your error, and yet you continue to antagonize me. *he growls a bit* I would beat an apology out of you, but that I exceed your physical limits is simple fact. Simply speaking my title now does not show that you truly wish to cover your previous misstep. If you don't wish to make amends, simply speak plainly. Cease in your attemps to feel of superior intellect, and I will cease in hostility directed towards you. *he narrows his eyes* Is that clear enough Talesinger?

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He stands, walking over towards Aerin, not looking to interrupt, but obviously looking to speak to Aerin for a second*

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: (yay! Ashlyn!)

Lucien Bourikas: "I already said quite some time ago that if you wished an entire title upon every greeting I would do such, but asked if you thought that was not tedious. I make it clear that I would greet you as you wished. I greeted you with your honored deed name, as I thought proper, as you greeted me. Why would you wish to try to continue this I do not understand. I have made no attempt at truly antagonizing you."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over at Rixx expectantly as he approaches, letting the Get and Lord settle it between themselves.

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He nods his head to Aerin* I only wish to introduce myself, rhya. I am Falke Hendrik, Deed name Hinders the Beast. I am a claith foresti of the Get of Fenris. *He nods again* Many have taken to calling me Rixx if that is preferable.

Lucien Bourikas: Just glances as the philodox walks away, masking his confusion and growing anger at this situation.

Ashlyn Reale: Frankly, there are better things she could show up in to this place. Though chic, really chic and sept don't often mix. She walks barefoot, more practical by far than the flimsy looking heels held in hand. Tall, well dressed, she could be called 'willowy' or 'starved' with equal truth in each claim. Beauty (as well as ugliness) are after all in the eye of any beholder. There's a certain distinctly Irish cast to hear features, what can be seen at this hour anyway. Her makeup is fading over the long night, but otherwise well done - a clever disguise to pretend not to be wearing any at all. She ducks down under a low branch on her way in, somewhat overcautious about catching her dress on foliage. (PB 2)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: The mention of being a Get causes Aerin's brow to raise, and he looks the man over appraisingly once more. "A pleasure. Aerin Thomas, Dream by Deed Name. Adren Philodox of the Children of Gaia, Alpha of the Heart of Thorns, and Emissary to the Sept of the Green from Gaia's Hand."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Whoa. No one "walked away." He looked over, he didn't walk away.))

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: Had you made such an attemp you'd not be standing there so smugly now. *he growls again* Apparantly my words were not so plain, I did not ask you to speak my full title, or anything like that. I simply called upon you to refer to one of greater station with the proper honorific. *he shakes his head* You attempt to mock me now by speaking my full title, do you think me too stupid to realize that? I asked you to be contrite, are you incapable of such? Are you too humiliated to make right your previous error? Perhaps you should take lessons from Mr. Talino on how to be respectful. All you needed to say was "Apologies, Demon's Dance-rhya" and the matter would be at an end...yet you attempted to speak down to me as if you are of such vastly superior intellect and that's why I am insulted. You are superior to me in no area, hence why you hold the Rank of Cliath, and I of Fostern.

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: Well met.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "And you as well." He looks to the Brambles as Ashlyn comes in, giving her a bit of a smile and a nod.

Lucien Bourikas: "Then all of this was simply because I did not, out of any time we greeted, or have talked even since then that I did not say Rhya? I have said it since then as well. If I did insult, then I apologize, I merely was greeting. At this time I can not recall if I remembered to say Rhya, but that is normal with me."

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He stays silent, ready to move in an instant.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: We would've had this discussion earlier had the same situation arisen. Be thankful I am not feeling more wrathful Siren's call, continue on with whatever nonsense you were speaking of with Mr. Talino.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Arn," he speaks up now, looking over. "The man's shown his respect and given his apology. There's no need to be further insulting."

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He turns to Ashlyn as well, nodding*

Lucien Bourikas: He simply nods his head to Arn then, "As you wish then, Rhya." Whatever he is feeling he seems to be keeping rather to himself, his expression and tone normal.

Ashlyn Reale: "Hey." She smiles - warmly to Aerin, greeting him so casually in kind. Certainly friendly, and with a certain air of respect, but very much as of one -person- to another, and valued as much for that simple reality. "It's so good to see you again," she gushes, making a wandering way toward Aerin. Her free hand rises - unarmed, merely a generally inoffensive gesture of greeting to the others she's less familiar with. Lucien is flashed the warm smile, similar to the one she fixes Aerin with. This is much more genuine than the one pinned up on billboards.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: My apologies Dream-rhya. I merely wished to set him straight. There are those less forgiving of minor insults than myself, I would not wish to see him run afoul of them. *seems like he could be speaking of the Reapers but maybe that's not entirely clear*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods to Arn, then smiles a bit to Lucien and Jez. Finally, he looks back to Ashlyn and smiles a bit wider. "Ashlyn. It's been a while. You're looking incredible as always. How are you?"

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He looks at his wrist, pulling back the sleeve of his jacket to look at his watch* My, the time is never still. I must be leaving. *He nods to Aerin, then turns to give a small wave goodbye to all those present*

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he looks over at Ashlyn when she moves to greet Aerin. He eyes her for a long moment looking her over slowly. He looks down at his biceps after a moment and ponders if his arm is thicker around than her waist. He seems to consider this for a long moment even flexing his arm to make a muscle and then peering back at Ashlyn again. *

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: Tread lightly Hinders the Beast, there are those out there even less accepting of Cliath lectures than I.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He manages a sort of wan smile to Aerin. His good humor gone the way of the dodo.

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: Lectures I will be sure not to give unneeded anymore. I thank you for you knowledge rhya.

Lucien Bourikas: At least he has a pretty face with a smile nodding to him, and he returns it, "Good evening, Ashlyn, it has been some time. It is nice to see you again."

Ashlyn Reale: She very nearly finger-wiggles her wave to the leaving man. She does stop herself in time to at least appear dignified, her wave and polite enough "Goodnight!" much more Jackie O than middle school. In the meanwhile, the twenty-something woman standing somewhere just below 6' steps forward, and goes to hug Aerin one-armed if he'll allow it. "Oh, I'm fine - and Tony, too. Flatterer. How are you holding up? I keep meaning to call, and that damned dog keeps sabotaging me."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Emp (Jez): 2,10,9,4,2,6,9,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Specialty: 8,

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: We'll see. Be well Hinders the Beast and be wary of the scar. Many dark creatures lurk in the shadows.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He nods a little bit in farewell to Rixx, then looks back to catch that smile from Jez, watching him for just a moment.

Jez Talino [PB 2] -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ~Irritated, both at Arn AND at Lucien most likely. Irritated and frustrated and exasperated. Did I mention irritated?~

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: *He nods to Arn* I welcome our next meeting. *He makes to leave, pulling gloves on his hands made of leather with metal studs imbedded on each knuckle as he begins to disappear into the night*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He gives Jez a slight nod of understanding, before looking back to Ashlyn. He smiles and hugs her back. "Well, besides an insult here, a threat to my loved ones there, and a murder attempt somewhere in-between I'm well enough. No rest for the wicked...and take that how you will."

Ashlyn Reale: "It's good to see you out," she returns to Lucien, predictably warm. Friendly, vibrant - pick your adjectives. "I take it this isn't your latest venue?" she teases good-naturedly. There is no crushing seriousness to her in this moment. "I wish I could see you play more often - when are you showing next?"

Jez Talino [PB 2] -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((And a lot of that, Aerin can surmise, has to do with the fact that Jez had to keep his mouth shut and just listen to the two. He couldn't intervene.))

Falke "Rixx" Hendrik [Playtesting]: (Night all.)

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Night!))

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he watches the other passively although he pays a bit more attention to Ashlyn. * What a curious creature...*he says quietly*

Lucien Bourikas: He gives Ashlyn another smile, rather charming, "I have been out, but it seems I have been rather fortunate of late to not have many problems." (Shows?)

Jez Talino [PB 2]: ((Night))

Ashlyn Reale: "Tell me that's sarcasm at work?" This -is- phrased as a request to Aerin, stepping aside to allow for personal space - without any rib prodding. "I really hope you're only being a New Yorker about this.... You know if there's anything, well, that Josh will let me do..." her offer trails off, well meant apparently, but.... Well. Kinfolk, and all.

Lucien Bourikas: (Night)

Ashlyn Reale: (( ^_^ Sweet dreams. ))

Jez Talino [PB 2] -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: ((Actually, with your roll, you really should get more. *L* Jez is hiding it well enough, but Aerin is very adept at reading emotions. He has the distinct feeling that Jez thinks both Arn and Lucien were being extremely childish, and he was embarrassed that his Lord was involved in it.))

Ashlyn Reale: "Thank Gaia." Her smile relaxes a notch with Lucien's response. And though she glances to the others here also, taking no efforts to ignore them, she seems perfectly at home with eyes on her. (Ah, at least from that long while ago when he was playing in public? )

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Which part are you hoping is sarcasm? The insult, threats, murder attempt, or the being well enough?" He grins a bit, leaning on his staff.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he nods at some point he's made to himself before he looks towards Jez* Nothing to say Mr. Talino?

Aerin Thomas [PB 3] -> Jez Talino [PB 2]: ((Fair enough. *S* Aerin still understands fully and agrees. In that understanding nod was a look of complete agreement in his eyes in regards to the two.))

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He doesn't really watch Ashlyn. His eyes don't seem to do more than glance at her and away, oddly.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: Arn: "Nothing that would be my place to say, Sir, no," he responds politely.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: That implies that you have something to say but are holding it back.

Ashlyn Reale: "All the bad stuff," she assures Aerin, shifting in place to find a soft patch of anything to stand on. So much for the shiny, pointy black shoes that exist only to cost too much and torture toes.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He inclines his head to Arn. "Yes, Sir, it is true."

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he laughs a bit* What's tumbling through your brain then? Have you a venomous comment to make? *he seems rather intrigued by that prospect*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Sadly, no, none of it's sarcasm." As if to accentuate the point, he reaches up to his colar bone, scratching at the new scar that his hand makes visible by the scratching...the bullet wound. It's more of an unconscious action by talking about it then anything on purpose.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He frowns a bit, glancing to Jez and Arn...but he says nothing, seemingly willing to let the Lord kin stand on his own for the moment.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: Arn: He considers the question. "I have observations and opinions, Sir, but it would be prudent for me to not reveal them. If I were to be pressed to do so, I regret I would speak them falsely so as not to endanger lives by angering those to whom I speak."

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he glances towards Aerin when the man displays his scar* Tell me that the first time you'd felt the bite of a silver round? *his tone simply curious*

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: How secretive! *he says to Jez with a laugh* Fine, keep your secrets Lordling, I care not. *likely he does care though, otherwise he wouldn't have asked in the first place*

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: (switch those posts around in order and it makes more sense)

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He bows his head respectfully and keeps his silence.

Lucien Bourikas: (oh okay, he still does that occassionally but no real shows, that threw me) "And alas, outside of the subways, my talents have no true venue, but I have been training quite a bit of late."

Ashlyn Reale: She glances at the movement - the scratching, the scar. And then she looks away again to a few leaves rustling above, and...oh, yes. She double takes to look at the scar, silent but shocked simply to have seen it. Her pale eyes widen. Even if it weren't for the lingering and complicated scent of expensive perfume on the air, she'd mark herself as more than a little out of place simply for that level of shock over a bullet scar that does in fact linger.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "A bullet, yes." He nods, seeming incredibly at ease with answering the question. "Not the first time I've felt Luna's metal pierce my skin, though."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Or batter me, either." he says with a rueful grin. Faint remembrance on his face.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: Faced a silver blade then? *he asks of Aerin* Beyond even the bite of a Spirals claws lies the pain inflicted by silver..only thrice have I confronted such speaks well of your fortitude that you stand here today and wear such a scar proudly.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "A sliver blade to the back, once." he says with a nod. "Just missed the kidneys. And...well. A silver flask to the groin, in Crinos once, with a rather burly man's strength behind it. That hurt."

Ashlyn Reale: ( Ah, sorry - it's been a while! ^_^ I apologize for the confusion. ) "Oh...oh, right..." Her hand rises, palm rubbing gooseflesh off of her pale neck. She's just a smidge too Irish to tan - the reddish hair just beginning to show in her roots pushes that as the truth. "Good god. No, not that - I just mean... Wow." She clears her throat briefly, tearing her gaze off of the scar. It flickers around the long shadows, focusing on nothing particular just now. "It's good to hear. I'm glad you've found the time."

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He grins at Aerin's comment about a flask to the groin.

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he laughs rather loudly at Aerin's comment about the flask* Do not let me interrupt you and the lass, I was merely intrigued by the scar.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: And he shrugs off the compliment. "It simply speaks to the fact that you can't kill a man who stands with righteousness. Batter and hack at their body...shoot them and stab, claw and bite. But if their soul is strong, their mind is set, and they have Gaia on their side, then you cannot kill them. Or what they stand for."

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: Such strength of conviction is to be respected. *he says with a nod. Something about that might imply that he believes the Reapers would respect such strength also.*

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He looks over at Ashlyn a moment, head tilting slightly to the right.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Emp (Ashlyn): 7,8,6,3,9,3,4,

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He stands up straighter with what Aerin says, a true smile coming to his face, even a sharp nod of agreement.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He smiles a bit at Ashlyn, reassuringly, and he gives her a slight nod, as if to say 'It's okay.' He looks back to Arn and shrugs. "It is what it is. Those who choose to respect it or not will do so as they please."

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: Ah well, I have someplace to be before Helios burns too brightly. *he nods to the others and then stretches. He takes a moment to nod more directly to Aerin, showing respect for the man's rank* Be well Dream-rhya, may your strength not waver as you tread down the righteous path.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "Goddess's Grace, Arn." His nod to the man is, for once, even and calm, no derision in his expression. "Be assured, it will not. Good night."

Arn Grimhild ~Demon's Dance~: *he spares another nod to the others and a laugh towards Lucien* Good night Siren's call, I trust when next we cross paths we'll have no need for such a lengthy discussion. (I'm off to sleep, G'night everyone! Thanks for keeping me entertained!)

Ashlyn Reale: "Stay safe out there." It's more a wish - a parting word, not unkind. Neither is it sugar-coated or condescending.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He lowers his gaze in a silent goodbye to Arn.

Lucien Bourikas: He merely says, "Good night, Rhya."

Jez Talino [PB 2]: Lucien: "I think I will go home, Mr. Bourikas. Can I offer you a ride?"

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He sighs a little bit when Arn's gone. "That man...really needs to learn when enough is damn well enough."

Jez Talino [PB 2]: Soft sigh. "I wish I were Garou sometimes, I swear."

Jez Talino [PB 2]: ((DLP))

Ashlyn Reale: She leans in, murmuring something to Aerin with an air of stifled amusement. Whatever it is, it's not worth the risk of really saying aloud.

Jez Talino [PB 2]: Soft sigh. "I wish I were born True sometimes, I swear."

Ashlyn Reale -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: "This is, by the way, exactly why my second best career option was to be a therapist. Specialize in garou relations. Spend my entire career not being taken seriously. Great stuff."

Lucien Bourikas: "Thank you, Jez I would appreciate it." He hears Aerin, but, wisely perhaps, he seems to have no comment to add. "I have done my meditation already."

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He grins a bit to Ashlyn and touches her shoulder lightly before looking to Jez. "I know, Jez. Just5 remember that there's a difference between being fully Blooded and being True." A slight play on words, but the point behind it is valid in the Gaian's eyes.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He glances at Lucien for a moment, watching him.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Per+Emp (Lucien): 7,7,1,10,6,4,9,

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: d10: Specialty: 4,

Jez Talino [PB 2]: Aerin: "I just meant I wish I could speak up sometimes, when it burns in my brain and I can't say jackshit." He sighs, nodding to Lucien. "Alright, I'm parked not far away." He says goodnight to the other two.

Ashlyn Reale: She leans back, rubbing at her forehead now. "I'd better get back before dawn... It was really good to see you - both of you - again. I hope I can again soon."

Jez Talino [PB 2]: He turns to leave with his Lord. ((Night!))

Lucien Bourikas -> Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He feels insulted, unduly ridiculed and basically unfaired 'tested'. He also is feeling useless in hearing what everyone else seems to be doing while all he does is train and wait for something to do. He feels the earlier peace from his meditation was shattered in the place where it should be found the easiest. That's about it.

Aerin Thomas [PB 3]: He sighs a little bit. "We should talk one of these days, Lucien." He nods to them both, moving over to brush a hand warmly over Jez's shoulder. "Good night." He looks over to Ashlyn next and smiles with a nod. "Definitely. We'll have to hang out."

Lucien Bourikas: (*hugs* Night hun. And thanks for the play ya'll appreciate it.) He leaves then with Jez, offering polite goodbyes to them.

Lucien Bourikas: (Back up that abit) He pauses, then nods, "If you wish, Rhya. I have said such before. And as i did not have chance to say it earlier, I am pleased you have recovered so fully." (Now insert the goodnights and all)