Surly: *stalks into the Park wearing a pair of stockings formed of wide net. in metallic silver. a short, stiff black skirt made of something that gleams like leather but isn't, and asilver bra with black skulls embroidered on the cups. her gloves, rings, and boots remain the same. and her roots are starting to show*

Surly: *looks around with a sour glare, tramping easily along the path with a long-legged gait that challeneges with every sway of her hips*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: The girl is just making her way from Redbones, smiling a little bit as she looks around the park. The leather jacket over her clothes is looking more and more comfortable every day. She walks with the same disciplined posture as ever, cool blue eyes watching around her as she moves.

Surly: *notes Annika and scowls even more. her cold eyes raking the girl, then patently dismissing her*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She glances over at Surly and her brow vanishing as she notes the other's expression. A moment's pause, before she turns to approach the other.

Surly: *stops, crossing ehr arms under her breasts, and watches the girl approach*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Miss Surly." Her tone and expression is polite as she approaches. "How are you this night?"

Surly: *a short nod* Annika. it's a night. i haven't sent anyone to the hospital yet.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "I would say then it is fortunate for those you have been around." She nods a little bit, stopping and giving the woman a respectful nod. The fact that she's just out of arm's range is pure coincidence, surely.

Surly: *smirks coldly* no, the local creeps are just getting too wise for their own good. i'm going to have to find a new playground.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Ahh." She nods a little bit. "Yes, I believe I can understand what you mean by that."

Surly: *a faint smirk* maybe, maybe not.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Maybe not?" A pale brow rises, and her expression evens some. "My apologies...I had assumed that you had stood a certain way. Am I mistaken?"

Surly: *arches an eyebrow* what i hate is weakness. someone's sexual orientation means nothing at all to me, since i simply do not have sex. what gets me angry is strong preying on the weak--like raping a woman because she's a lezzie. that really pisses me off. nobody deserves rape, no matter what they've done. or not done.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Her expression cools some, and her lips twist into a slight smile. "I see." She nods. "I do concede the point that those of a deviant nature are inherantly weaker, Miss Surly. I suppose that you simply do understand our ways well enough."

Surly: *smirks to the girl* you got the wrong point. the point IS--how many of them attacked those two women? you wanna make your point on that score, go one on one. but you stop before you start raping. there's no call for that. you can't even claim that they were doing it so she'd spawn--standard practice. rape vics get the morning after pill. so, unless she refused it, unless she was able to refuse it? chances are better than even that she's not going to be breeding from that. plus, rape damages. it's not uncommon for a savage rape coupled with a severe beating to result in sterility cuz the tissues get all fucked up and don't heal right. kinda defeats the purpose of getting someone to turn into a barefoot and preggers wifey type if you fuck her up so bad she has no chance to *makes quotes with her fingers* "do her duty".

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "You suspect that I had anything to do with said rape, Miss Surly." Her hands fold behind her back, and she regards Surly with an even but unshrinking stare. "And in assuming thus, you are incorrect."

Surly: *snorts* unless you had a damn good implant job, it's unlikely you participated. thing is,'re supporting it. simply by taking up with those who do such things, you're agreeing that rape is a good thing. it's kinda that old thing where if a good man sees evil and does nothing, he's performing evil himself. you heard that saying before? tie that in with conversion by the sword, so to speak, gets you lip service only. not true belief.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She shrugs a little bit. "I support a cause. Whatever methods are used to bring about that is for the betterment of our people as a whole. It is not my place to question the methods of those...above us. Nor, Miss Surly, is it yours. And few of those above us have taken a stance of opposition on the matter."

Surly: if you don't question, you accept. and accepting this one is likely to drag you down into hell right along with 'em. think about it from this point of view. what if they decide that peoplelike us are only good for one thing. so they start just passing us around among each other? you could breed a passle of whelps for 'em, never having just one male who'll be the father. hell--probably wouldn't even know who the father was. how would that better anyone? it's not such a grand leap of imagination--dehumanize one group, you find it easier to dehumanize another, and another, until everyone who isn't exactly what you are is less than nothing.

Surly: *after amoment, adds thoughtfully* besides. might doesn't make right--it makes you nothing more than a bully. *shrugs* i've always hated bullies.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She considers the woman's her credit, she actually seems to consider them. "This is our place, Miss Surly. We trust in those above us to take care of us, as we take care of them. Such a situation as you describe would never take place...we are far more then just breeding stock to them. As to dehumanization..." She shrugs a little bit, lowering her voice so as not to carry her next words. "We are not human, Miss Surly. Not as much as you would lead us to believe. And the more that our people act in an inhuman, unnatural manner--such as these deviants who refuse their duty in favor of decadance and weakness--the less that human morality applies to them."

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "And to be fair, I am no bully, Miss Surly. Anymore then any of our people are. I merely help to fight corruption. Is a crusade against that which is inherantly wrong bullying?"

Surly: *smirks* you really believe that? i don't. *lowers her voice as well* besides which, look at it this way. you're saying that these people are doing something unnatural, right? that simply isn't the case. every single kind of animal, including those that form monogamous pairs, has those who do the homo thing. all of them. that happens in nature, so it can't be unnatural. and no, they are sick, or twisted. that's just the way they are. in any case, though--forcing anyone to act against his or her nature is wrong. take me, for example. i will not breed. why? i hate kids more than anything else i cna think of. hate them, despise them, would rather kill them all except for a few shoved into some camp way the fuck away from me until they're old enough to start showing something like sense. which means that your little buddies aren't going to like me, either. *arches her brow* but am i weak? no. i'm probably one of the strongest women in this city.

Surly: the fight isn't where the bullying comes in. the bullying comes in when you go after people who are simply not up to your level of physical prowess and beat the shit out of them or worse. they want to beat sense into these people? meet them one on one, and send people against them who ARE at their level. not gang up on someone who doesn't have the necessary skills of defense with a bunch of people who DO have those skills, and then gang bang them.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Her expression hardens, going somewhat cold. Whether it has to do with Surly's stating that she doesn't believe that Garou are human, the anthropological argument, or her denial of her duty, hard to say. Certainly at least part of that last. "Denial and delusion is not strength, Miss Surly. And you have both in spades. Whatever happened to you that made you hate children has made you far weaker then you would believe. Physical strength is worthless among our kind, Miss Surly. And physical strength is all that you are." She smirks a little. "Unlike you, my strength is far greater. It is conviction. It is in an idea. And an idea cannot be killed...cannot be stopped. Nothing can destroy an idea cannot die. Physical strength gives out, Miss Surly. Physical strength can be killed. Consider that."

Surly: *laughs* Annika, i know perfectly well that i'm not going to die of old age. i'm comfortable with the fact that i'm centered around the physical, and my convictions are as strong as yours. i know exactly what i am meant for--and it has nothing to do with crotch droppings. i do notice you didn't comment on the nature of bullying, though. *a smirk* i wonder if that's a case of agreement by silence? something you're good at, since you support rape with your actions. *shakes her head at the girl* pity, though. you could have been something to be proud of.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She smirks a little bit. "One person's bullying is another person's superior numbers in a war. Because make no mistake...a war this is. Continue in your delusion...continue to believe that you can deny the truth. Those traits make you far weaker then anything you could possibly believe me of." She smirks. "Pity, though. You as well could have been something to be proud off." She turns to go without farewell.

Surly: *laughs again* the real difference between us is that all you have is an accident of birth. without that, you'd be useless. i have skills, other than parting my legs and squirting out an alien, that make me worthwhile. *and she heads off herself, still chuckling at the girl*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She pauses and looks over her shoulder...not giving Surly the dignity of turning to face her. "Believe that if you wish. Look at me and see nothing more then a constant mother-to-be. It is exactly that blindness which cripples you people, and will be the death of you all." She shakes her head and starts to leave once more.

Surly: *just laughs, shaking her head as she goes. doesn't sound like she believes Annika*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: And off out of the park she goes. Head held high.

Surly: *she chooses to exit a different way, of course*