Wendy Berber {@work}: *Today has been rough. She's stacking books carefully on one of the lower shelves, hair over her face as she looks at title.. then author.. then subject.. and aranges them in whatever order of catagorization this cluttered little bookstore has. Dewey Decimal? highly doubtful*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: The bell at the door jingles, and in she walks. A momentary pause, just inside the door, to curl a lock of pale blonde hair behind the ear. She looks around at the shelves and shelves of books, expression calm, and starts to step her way further inside.

Somewhere in her mid-twenties, Annika stands at 5’7” before any heels or lifts come into play. She cuts an attractive frame if you’re in to the Aryan look – and how. Her hair is fine and straight, a pale blonde with several shades vying for attention. The highlights, entirely natural, are nearly white. Full lips, high cheekbones, strong bones, arched eyebrows laying serious and light over blue eyes that gleam with intelligence and clarity. Her skin is fair, all of its summer tan quick to fade under the slightest hint of approaching winter. Her hands are slim, nails a maintained oval. She walks like a woman that knows how to take care of herself, and her bright blue eyes, pale with the promise of a fresh autumn dawn, are almost always attentive. She’s dressed well but not richly in practical clothes fitted to her form.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *OW! She winces at the bell, looking up and moving out from behind the bookcase that hides her. A swallow, eyes on the floor as she adresses the well put together woman* um. hello..welcome to james's oddities antiques and um. rare texts.. how can i help you? *its said softly, memorized*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She looks over at Wendy, eyes appraising for a long moment, before she nods, offering her a small, polite smile. "Good day. I am looking for a book."

Wendy Berber {@work}: um.. kay.. *she curls her hands into her sweater and rubs them together a moment, to fight off the chill of the bookstore* um.. any particular.. uh.. genre?

Wendy Berber {@work}: miss *she adds hastily with a slight frown at herself as she stays rivvetted to the spot*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Yes." She pills out a small notepad, and flips it open. "I am taking a course on psychology, and I am needing to do a report on Sigmund Freud."

Wendy Berber {@work}: oh um.. kay. *a bit of a trip as she scurries into action like someone's wound her up, moving up 3 steps on the ladder and holding on for dear life as she cringes with every creak and rattle it makes. headachey. A sniffle...oh no..she was going to sneeze*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Another chime as the door swings open again. Something glimmers behind the young magyar's eyes as he begins to move between the shelves. Agitation kept close and quiet beneath the severe lines of perfect posture.*

Wendy Berber {@work}: d10: dex ath ineptitude: 2,10,2,

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She watches the strange girl with a curious look, moving near the ladder to watch her.

Wendy Berber {@work}: Achi.. achi.. ache.. achick! *she nearly falls off the ladder as she sneezes, but manages to keep a good enough hold, keeping her balance by instead holding tight and bonking her head on the rung above her, body limp a moment before she continues climbing.. having not heard the bell while sneezing.* um. I'm sorry. Excuse me miss.. um. *sniffling, several books are fetched*.. sorry.. um.. did you want his um. his history, or his um.. theories?

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Glassy eyes flick across Wendy's precarious perch for a moment- and settle on the haunting form of the kinfolk watchful below the ladder. Staring is rude.. as well as droll.. nostrils flare for a second- his lips press together tightly- eyes cast against the bookshelves after one too many moments. The pale woman lingers in the corner of his eye as he resolutely begins to sift through the books.. think on something else..*

Wendy Berber {@work}: *Its too small a bookstore to remain unnoticed for long, and the hairs on the back of wendy's neck begin to crawl, attention moving to ingvar. a sharp intake of breath and a sniffle* Oh. um. Sir. I'm sorry. um. hello sir.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "His history, primarily," she says, arching a brow toward Ingvar as he comes in. "My report is supposed to focus on his history and how it developed his theories upon psychology." She nods politely to the man as she talks to Wendy.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *She takes down several books and offers them to Annika, scambling off the ladder and standing with her head slightly tilted away from the man speaking in magyar. She makes a note. Magyar.*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *A slight grunt of affirmation into the phone as he turns.. one cannot hide for long.* mm. Good evening, ladies. *A polite nod to the two women, before he double takes.. magyarol continues to flavor the air around him as Mattiash continues to suggest books into the phone.* Ms. Brandt.. Ms. Berber.. *he looks between the two.. perhaps happenstance that pale green pools linger on the former for a bit longer.* You have met?

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Ramrod straight.. poised as ever, though the moon certainly seems to glow against the beast under the skin a bit too much for the fine suit to hide entirely.. agitation lends a slight tension to the air about the young Judge as bootheels click a bit closer.*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Met is a bit overstating it, I believe." She shrugs lightly. "How are you, sir?"

Wendy Berber {@work}: *Wendy doesn't know what to say to that.technically yes. but not formally. what was the right answer? She flushes a shade of red, very very still*um... just now sir. *she blurts. the kin looks to her feet, certain that if Rhya invar knows Miss Brandt, then she had better have given her very useful books* um. how can i um service you sir?

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She takes the books from Wendy, looking them over briefly, letting the other two converse for a moment.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *eyes widen, and she looks at her feet, shoulders hollowing. That had come out wrong. idiot. You'd think SPEAKING wouldn't be so much of a challenge*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *His eyes flick to Annika again- sharp, edgy, as the rest of his kind during such a time. He nods once, gentlemanly if a bit twitchy.* Fine, Ms. Brandt- and yourself? *Rote.. pure rote.. there is little of reassurance behind it. His eyes flick to Wendy again before he continues.* I see. So you are both aware, the three of us share a certain family bond yes?

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He grunts once into the phone, hangs up, and produces a small notepad from one pocket. A pen follows in smooth efficiency to scribe titles in two columns before he rips off the top note and waits for Wendy to come down the ladder.* I have need of a selection of books, Ms. Berber... *pale eyes scan the page.* As well as any others you think relevant to topic..

Catie: *slips into the bookstore, blinking slowly around. books. books are wonderful things*

Wendy Berber {@work}: *still watchin her feet. there were more important kin here. she gives a limp little nod, magnified eyes watching the dusty blue mat she stands on. she moves towards ingvar to fetch the note, easing closer inch by inch like she's expecting a blow to fall, head down* um. yes sir. *and she stands reading the list*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "I am quite well, sir." She nods a little bit, looking up from her books. "My sister and I are busying ourselves in our studies." The mention of the family bond draws a raised eyebrow, and she looks over at Wendy, appraising her a little closer this time.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *His attention passes back to Annika.. once.. twice.. a glassy sheen passes across his eyes each time. A certain strange inward facing consideration.. She is much like.. he blinks again- on task smoothly as he laces powerful fingers at his waist.*

Wendy Berber {@work}: *the pounding dingle of the door chime gets her attention a breif moment.. and she murmers* um.. hello miss catie.. *a moments thought, and she puts the CLOSED sign on the door.. looking bravely to invar a moment.. to see if its alright.. if she's kin.. she's got no pureblood in her, from looking at her.*

Marcus Souma: *He hip-bumps the door open, and slips through. The slight dingle of the bell makes him look up, and a small smile touches the Asian American boy's face. He reaches up to hit the bell. Again. Just to be an ass more than likely. He gnaws on a piece of gum, tucking half-gloved hands into the back pockets of his black jeans, looking around the bookstore with a too-curious gleam of dark eyes.*

Catie: *blinks and smiles warmly to Wendy* hello, Miss Wendy. i finished the book you gave me. it was fabulous. *nods shyly to Ingvar and Annika, makign quite sure her eyes never meet the man's*

Wendy Berber {@work}: *Or not.. as someone bumps the door open and all but knocks her over, then dingles thebell.. again. *

Marcus Souma: *He flashes teeth to the poor girl he almost knocks over, and then he moves to the shelves, to looks around. chewing loud enough to wake the dead.*

Catie: *flashes Marcus a tiny frown and moves to assist Wendy* are you all right, MIss Wendy?

Wendy Berber {@work}: *she rolls her lips together, head drooping as she picks up the books she'd knocked over in her mad scramble to stay upright, voice small*.. I'm ok. Its ok. Sorry. *where was the note?! oh god! panicked action as she searches the floor*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He nods in regal return to Catie.* Ms. Bellewhit.. good evening.. *The eyes slip back again as Marcus has another go at the bell.. flat, unamused, but not overly concerned. His eyebrow quirks slightly at Wendy's decision, three fingers scribe through the air in allowance, curiosity painting the hard planes of his face for a moment. He considers the small kin again.. good.. she emerges from her shell.. a hint of approval colors the man's face before he moves to a bookshelf.. again gnawing on whatever irritation harries the straight, hard lines of him.*

Catie: what are you looking for? *looking across the floor herself*

Marcus Souma: *He knocked over books? He peers around one side of the bookshelves, at the mousey girl, picking up books. No, must... not... help. Must be a jerk...*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: The looks Ingvar is giving her draws a modicum of interest from the girl...she opens her mouth to say something, before Catie and Marcus step in, causing her to think better of it. Not a discussion with strangers present, and while she knows Catie...Marcus is definitely a stranger. The girl gets a nod, the young man, an appraising look.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He smoothes an eyebrow, adjusts the small, bright tie tac.. some form of bird.. and peruses the shelves.*

Marcus Souma: *He seems to know what he's looking for, however. Fingertips run over spines. Too curious.* Y'need help picking those up, eh? *he calls out. No looking back. And definitely no accent. Perfecto English.*

Catie: good evening, sir. *a soft smile toward Ingvar, then returns her gaze to the floor, looking for...whatever it is*

Catie: *nods back to Annika, with another smile. and blinks, puzzled. she only sees the floor on the floor, really*

Wendy Berber {@work}: oh um. its ok.. *she hands find the little note, releif sweeping through her gangly form, she gets up with a wobble and turns the sign to closed despite Marcus. He'd leave once he found what he was looking for. * oh.. um... *she pinches a finger and sniffles*.. I um.. just.. just a moment.. kay? *she moves to get the books on the list*

Catie: *nods cheerfully to Wendy and calmly begins to browse a bit*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She takes a step back, her expression toward Marcus a touch...colder then the others, perhaps. Not overtly so, just a bit more cool. She looks away from him, over to Ingvar.

Marcus Souma: *He snorts at Annika's look.* I thought lesbians were usually hot, *he mutters, and yanks down a book about Kami, starting to flip through it. He shrugs, and walks over to the counter, smacking the book down on the counter to purchase.*

Catie: *carefully chooses a title, flipping through the book to get a better idea of whether or not she wants it*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Powerful fingers slip around his wrist.. then pale razors flick to Marcus and the young Judge freezes... he neither moves, nor seems to breathe, merely watching the young man.. though he spares a glance back to the door.*

Marcus Souma: d10: per+alert: 10,2,3,8,8,9,4,

Wendy Berber {@work}: *she's about halfway through the list, a huge stack of books testing the metal of scrawny arms as she wobbles through the aisles. The door. for its part, is shut. closed sign stuck on the front*

Catie: ((need to reboot.))

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She freezes as well. Dead still, a cold gaze on Marcus. Did the room just get colder? Emotionally, quite. She levels pale blue eyes at him, her face in a small scowl. "Pardon, sir? I did not hear that quite clearly enough..."

Wendy Berber {@work}: d10: dex ath inept: 5,6,5,

Marcus Souma: ((*sucks out one success, as I rolled wrong dice*)) *He looks over to the group.* Shoulda told me it was mafia day here at the bookstore before I came in.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: d10: : 9,5,2,10,3,8,

Marcus Souma: For chrissake, lady, I just came in to get a book. *He snorts.* I got it. No need to give me the fucking staredown.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *and there goes wendy, tensing mid step not so good when its only heavy books and momentum keeping you on your feet. She trips, falling into a shelve and raining books down upon herhead, curling protectively over the ones she's already gathered*

Wendy Berber {@work}: *after a chorus of sickening thumps.. there's silence again in the tense bookstore*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "I see." She smiles coldly, completely without mirth. "Then by all means, since you have your...book...you are welcome to stop polluting the air with your presence."

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Slender fingers open, spread, then curl again as the young Judge begins to move toward Marcus. Quite enough.. though the threshhold of what is tolerable is a bit less logical during this time of so brightly glowing a moon.* Sir... apologize to the young lady, or make your purchase elsewhere. *One hand spreads, and descends toward the book.*

Marcus Souma: *He sighs, and rolls his eyes again. Moving ot help the girl gather up the books.* Shit. If it's gonna be like this... should I just leave it on hold before someone can ring me up without killing themself?

Marcus Souma: *He looks up to the scary guy. Though he seems... veritably undaunted.* For what? For insuting her after she fucking eyed ME like a thief? If anything, she should be apologizing to me.

Wendy Berber {@work}: um please.. just take it sir... *they didn't want him here.. and so wendy tries to get him to just go... the pile of books speaking*

Catie: *frownign slightly and easing toward Wendy to help her unbury herself from the books. murmurs softly* are you all right, Miss Wendy?

Marcus Souma: *He snorts, and takes the book. I'm not a fucking thief, *he snaps. Tossing down a crumpled ten from his pocket.* Keep the change, okay?

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Nevermind the book... irritation upon irritation finally finds purchase in the young man's ceaseless attitude. One powerful hand whips through the air as Ingvar's eyes glaze over.* I will not ask for civility... *The words vanish in a senseless boil, little more than a grinding, ominous growl... ((initiative?))

Marcus Souma: ((*Sticks an asterisk between book. and I'm.*))

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "At least I can hold my tongue," she murmurs to herself, keeping her cold gaze on the exceptionally rude young Asian.

Marcus Souma: d10: Init: 4,

Ingvar Urgahaldt: d10: : 5,

Wendy Berber {@work}: *bright red..wendy nods, one hand moving books back on the shelf, bleeding a tad through her white kneesocks. The other hand arranges ingvars books.... head ducked*..sorry

Marcus Souma: ((10))

Catie: *swallows hard at the growl and puts a hand on Wendy's arm. otherwise freezing in place*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: ((11))

Ingvar Urgahaldt: d10: : 7,8,4,2,4,7,5,

Marcus Souma: d10: dex+dodge: 8,10,9,9,9,

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: d10: Init (Just in case): 8,

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((13, but she's not acting this round, so....))

Wendy Berber {@work}: *Wendy's quite frozen.. in fact its rather impressive she hasn't wet herself.. just stalk still and waiting for death*

Marcus Souma: *And in almost a freakish, supernatural speed, he moves back.* Whoawhoah HEY... Hey, look, mister... if you want an apology, you've got it. Shit...

Ingvar Urgahaldt: d10: : 7,6,9,10,7,2,

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She tenses slightly at the sudden movement from the Lord and the Asian, but no other reaction. Calmly watching them.

Catie: *stays very close to Wendy and keeps quiet, watching from under her lashes*

Wendy Berber {@work}: *wendy is moving so little its hard to tell she's breathing, magnified eyes wide on the action*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *A coral flush lights faintly olive skin.. too fast for true sanity, the Judge calms down.. eyes moving from mounting, glassy fury as he asserts self control again... to the flat, dark gaze of a snake.* Goodbye, cur. Return with manners, or a helmet. Yes? *He smoothes one eyebrow.. adjusts his tie as the flush fades and will continues to wrestle with anger.*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((*Watches the PM's fly around the room*))

Marcus Souma: *His jaw tightens, and his dark eyes flare with restrained temper. A little animal just rearing to bite.* Don't need a helmet. *He looks over, and grabs his book. Again, with simple, unquestionable grace. He turns back to the front door.* Enjoy your mafia meeting. *He doesn't slam the door behind him, to be fair, though the muttered Japanese word for 'dog' is probably NOT heard.*

Catie: *keeps her hand gently on Wendy's arm, small body tense while she waits for the chance--she hopes--to resume de-booking Wendy*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: d10: : 7,10,9,5,5,4,

Jez: He walks to the store, annoyed by the closed sign, then steps out of the way as Marcus storms past. He catches the door before it closes and slips in.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *Wendy seems to care little about being debooked. Thin frame so tense she's trembling*

Jez: Maybe they can be persuaded to make one more sale...hang on. He blinks.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *People must know wendy's the shop keep.. they don't even respect the closed sign. Seems about par*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She looks between Marcus and Ingvar, relaxing a bit when Marcus heads out. She turns her gaze calmly to the Lord, smiling slightly, though still a bit tense. "Thank you, sir," she murmurs, head inclining slightly.

Marcus Souma: *and he makes sure, very carefully, not to even touch Jez. With a cold look that rather insists he knows where he's been.*

Jez: He is dressed in a beautifully tailored suit of twilight blue silk. It shows off his lean frame, no longer too skinny but with some hard muscle showing now. Tailored to fit him perfectly.

Jez: It is with supreme dignity that he ignored Marcus. Either that, or his surprise at the little group inside.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *A deep inhale... Ingvar's lip curls as the briefly held breath gusts from his nose slowly.. the corner of his eye twitches briefly as powerful hands continue to smooth the flawless, but ruffled suit.. several more motions before pale eyes return to the room, mask eerily in place- nothing more than mild curiosity as he checks his watch.*

Catie: *well, the other fellow's gone. and Mr. Urgahaldt seems sort of calmer. maybe. cautiously removes a book from Wendy, keeping Ingvar and his reactions in the corner of her eye*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He nods slightly to Annika, no more weight than precisely required placed on simple duty. He clears his throat as Jez enters.* Meester Talino. Lock the door behind you. Ms. Berber has placed the sign for a reason.

Wendy Berber {@work}: ...I'm sorry sir..I should have locked the door sir.. *she's panicking, trying to get the books off of her so as to get the rest of the ones he'd requested.. he's checking his watch.. it shouldn't take this long wendy..*

Jez: His greeting to Ingvar is so subtle, that most would not even notice it. A tilt of his head, his expression of the utmost sincere respect. To the others, he simply smiles. "Did I come at a bad time?" he murmurs to Catie. "Hello, Wendy."

Jez: He immediately turns and locks the door.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She stands there, calmly holding her books near the shelf. A look over to Jez, and then to the two girls, then finally back to Ingvar. Her still face is placid, expectant, if still a bit cold over the whole to-do.

Catie: hello, Mr. Jez. *a sweet smile to the man* mmm....there was a rude person in here just a moemnt ago. *helps Wendy by getting more books off her, and then stacking them neatly when the girl rises. not trying to shelve them--she might put something in the wrong place*

Wendy Berber {@work}: Hello Mr. Talino sir.. *she says precisely, stacking books with a weak smile to catie, thankful*

Jez: He moves to help Catie and Wendy. "Good to see you both again," he says quietly.

Catie: *smiles warmly back to Wendy, then nods to Jez, dark eyes glad to see him* it's good to see you, as well. how have you been?

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Good day," she murmurs to Jez from her spot, eyeing him appraisingly.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *between the three of them the books are quickly stacked and she looks over to Ingvars general area a moment, .. .he was talking with miss Brandt.. She sets the books down and climbs up to retreive the last 3, hands shaking on the ladder. She's forgotten about the whole skirt thing in her panic to get ingvar the books he wants*

Jez: "Very well, Catie." He smiles. He has *definitely* filled out, and it's not fat. It's lean, hard muscle, and he carries himself with more self-assurance than ever before.

Jez: He gives Annika a warm smile. "I'm Jez Talino." A nod to her.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He continues to calm with methodical precision.. soon, too soon, the only sign of agitation is slight.. and purely a result of the mood in which he entered the store in the first place. His eyes touch on Annika again.. he seems to consider her for a moment.. or something beyond her. Tracing the lines of her face with his eyes and only slightly discreet. Once calmed again he looks away.. strangely, the manner of one meditating before a portrait for a while.*

Catie: *looks Jez over and chuckles softly* you are looking very well, sir. i think i'm jealous--your physical studies are obviously going better than mine. perhaps i should hit the gym more often!

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: That look draws back the idle curiosity, and she tilts her head a bit to Ingvar, reaching up to brush her hair back behind an ear once more. "Sir...is everything quite all right?" Said politely and calmly.

Jez: He glances towards Ingvar, reassuring himself that the Lord does not want for anything, then smiles back to Catie. "Thank you, I'm glad it's showing. I've filled my place with all kinds of exercise and weight equipment. I'm trying to get into serious shape. The classes I'm taking are going to get tougher."

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *The rest of the kin are each considered in turn.. Wendy's precarious manner on the ladder as well. He moves several steps closer, though something about Jez seems to draw his attention, and a mild nod. Pleased, it would seem.* You continue to adjust well, Ms. Brandt?

Ingvar Urgahaldt: mm. *He nods once in answer to her question, apparently considering nothing amiss.*

Jez: The tiniest hint of a smile. It's not pride of self so much as pride that he pleased his...er, *a* Lord.

Catie: *gives Jez a soft chuckle, then flashes a glance to Wendy to make sure she doesn't look about to fall off the ladder* it does, and it suits you. all i have at home is a yoga mat, a couple of excercise balls, and a apir of dumbells. i have so many other classes i have to deal with, too, and i sort of have a kind of job. *laughs softly* sort of. a paid gig!

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He moves a step closer to Wendy, reaching up if it is possible for her to pass books to him.* Ms. Berber.. feel free to hand them down, yes? You are rather high in the air.

Wendy Berber {@work}: um..? *she asks quietly... yes. that was a question, looking down a moment from the ladder a story above them. then she frowns. no. that was a stupid idea. she swallows and goes back to lowering herself down the ladder with one hand,books in the other, bleeding through her sock*

Jez: Catie: "That's really good news, I hope all goes flawlessly. He offers a hand to Wendy to help her getting down. "Wendy?"

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "They are progressing, yes, sir." She nods to Ingvar primly, head held high. "Thank you for asking."

Jez: ooc> Getting the books down, I mean *L*

Wendy Berber {@work}: *She nearly falls off the ladder upon being spoken too, cringing and nodding, every part of her shying away from the hungarian but her boney hand, that offers 3 books meekly*

Catie: *keeps an eye on Wendy and smiles to Jez* thank you, sir. i rather hope so, too. *chuckles*

Wendy Berber {@work}: um.. yes sir.. *she looks to Jez a moment, eyes magnified, blinking behind glasses through shaggy black bangs*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *His eyes flicker across Annika's posture for a moment before pale green eyes settle against her face again. The similarity continues to haunt.. to cajole.. no hint given light on his face as he watches her with mild interest.* I understand that your home calms, somewhat.. things proceed well?

Jez: Of course, Ingvar has it well in hand, but he prepares to catch Wendy if she falls.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *The books settle in his hands after a short drop.. eyes drawn in faint consternation at their titles.. or something they represent. Stacked firmly and transfered to the register counter, his face slips into mild curiosity again.*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She raises a pale eyebrow at that, frowning ever so slightly, and moves to the counter, setting the books that Wendy gave her there. Just somewhere to rest them. "I still await for word. I am hopeful, though."

Wendy Berber {@work}: *once off the ladder she struggles to pick up the other books, setting them beside Ingvars 3 on the counter. she then looks for a place to store herself until she is asked to do something, running totals in her head*

Jez: He's still watching Wendy, ready at a moment's notice to stop her tumble.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *The words boil from him a touch faster than the young magyar can catch them.. perhaps her breeding elicits such.. hard to tell.* I will be making a trip north within the week.. I intend to visit briefly. If you wish- *a glance, but he arranges the books with smooth efficiency.. mindful of the maddening titles.* I could bring back news, were you interested in something in particular.. *He blinks.. staring at a book. This will need to cease.*

Jez: Relaxes when she's on the ground. Not that that's a guarantee of her safety.

Catie: *blinks slowly and gently at Wendy* Miss Wendy? are there any cookbooks that you might recommend to someone like me, who doesn't have a lot of skill in the kitchen? *tilts her head*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He extracts a small pocketbook from inside his coat, flipping through a small stack of bills.*

Wendy Berber {@work}: oh um. kay.. *she nods, a glance to jez, then turning bright red as she feels his eyes on her... she swallows and moves towards a scetion that doesn't look like it has much of anything, saying apologetically* um.. miss catie.. we um.. don't really ave much on cooking.. i'm sorry.. *she liberates 2 small books, steadying the shelf so she doesn't knock anything over, head dipped in failure*

Wendy Berber {@work}: d10: dex ath inept: 8,5,2,

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Mmm. That would be most appreciated." She nods. "My sister and I have been trying to find a way to get up there, as a matter of fact, to visit our family...but public transportation being as expensive as it is, and we have no car, nor skill at driving. But I would not impose upon you to take us up, as you surely have your own business." She inclines her head to him. "Perhaps if you could relay a letter from us?"

Jez: He glances at Ingvar, just a momentary glance, his eyes flicking out the door. He straightens and gives the others a smile. "If you'll excuse me, ladies. I'll return to purchase something when the store is open." He slips out the door, stepping off to one side.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *a bit of a stumble as she makes for the till, books in her hand.. Rhya urgahaldt would like to pay... *

Jez: ((going to dinner, be back soon!))

Catie: *smiles warmly to Wendy, happily taking the two books* that's just fine. these will be perfect. Miss Wendy, i don't suppose you'd care to come by for dinner later this week? i'll be cooking my Margarita Chicken. i ~promise~ i've managed to cook it well, too. if you don't mind cats, i mean--i have three.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: d10: : 3,8,1,2,8,3,8,

Catie: *smiels warmly to Jez* have a good night, sir!

Wendy Berber {@work}: Oh.. *she seems startled someone's actually.. you know.. inviting her somewhere..* oh. um. yes. yeah. I mean. yes please. um. thank you miss wendy..

Ingvar Urgahaldt: Ehm, yes.. certainly a letter would be appropriate- *a momentary pause, the Judge's regal face locked in stone as he continues only a bit too late.* Considering the brevity of my visit. I may be gone for some time, considering the nature of the trip.

Wendy Berber {@work}: i mean catie.. I'm wendy.. miss catie * Oh.. dear .. GOD! we knew it was going to happen eventually nerdo.. but you're officially TOO stupid to remember your OWN NAME.... she turns bright red and cringes* ...sorry.

Catie: *beams at the girl* wonderful! do you have any allergies to any foods? *chuckles* or a favorite dessert. i won't promise to make it, but i can try. and if it doesn't turn out, i can buy one ready made. *dark eyes delighted at the accepted invitation*

Catie: *waves a hand lightly* we all make slips of the tongue occasionally. i knew what you meant. *a happy little nod*

Wendy Berber {@work}: um. no.. I'm ok with um. with whatever you cook miss catie. *still bright red and flustered, head dipped as her cheeks burn* .. um. thank you.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Another glance at Catie.. hmm.. one to ask about such things..*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Of course," She inclines her head once more to Ingvar, eyes lowering appropriately. What the man does is not her business. "I shall endeavor to get such a missive into your hands before you leave."

Catie: *gives Wendy a spontaneous hug* thank you for accepting the invitation. it will be lovely. what day works best for you? *tilts her head again* my schedule is flexible, so any night works for me.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He clears his throat briefly.. perhaps the Kin missed it.. good. He reaches into a jacket pocket and extracts a slender steel card holder. Momentarily he offers the woman a gray business card with a nod.* Do feel free to give me a call as you please, Ms. Brandt.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She looks up, considering the business card for a moment, before she reaches out and retrieves it with pale, delicate fingers. "Thank you, sir," she murmurs. "I shall."

Wendy Berber {@work}: *theres an awkward noise from wendy as she's hugged. Stiff. Its like hugging a sack of bones..kinda gross. Catie can feel them crunching together*..uh.. wha- um. ok. um. whenever you'd like..miss catie..*her eyes are HUGE, blinking as she struggles to maintain her balance*

Wendy Berber {@work}: d10: dex ath inept: 5,4,1,

Ingvar Urgahaldt -> Annika Brandt [PB 5]: d10: per+emp: 7,3,10,3,8,

Catie: *chuckles softly* well, what night off do you have this week. *small face happy despite the....crunchy sort of hug*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He closes the case with a snap before replacing it in one pocket with a nod. Odd.. is he.. vaguely nervous?*

Wendy Berber {@work}: Sat-urr...*not so much with the balance.. in fact.. there's a sickening crunch noise out of wendy's already swollen ankle as she weaves for balance and loses the war, twisting sideways and falling with a GAck noise*

Annika Brandt [PB 5] -> Ingvar Urgahaldt: She's very intrigued by Ingvar, and curious as to what about her makes him uncomfortable. Very worried about things at home, and how her family is doing. And the man makes her feel torn somehow.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *she looks like a bagladie's laundry heap, sprawled on the ground beside poor Catie, ankle looking.. unnatural*

Catie: oh, dear--what's wrong, Miss Wendy? *immediately drops to the floor to peer anxiously at Wendy*

Wendy Berber {@work}: its ok. I'm sorry. um.. ouch.. saturday is the day i have off miss catie.. *its said through gritted teeth as she just lays there a minute, dealing with the pain* I'm sorry. um. just a sec. ..kay?

Ingvar Urgahaldt: esgeiyt... *He looks around swiftly at Wendy's rather loud aquaintance with the ground.. a slightly excusatory glance to Annika- perhaps presuming the Kin will assist her sister- in- arms... for his own part the young Magyar does what any respectful Lord would do... he pretends not to notice Wendy in a moment of weakness.*

Catie: oh, goodness...*nibbles her lip anxiously* Mr. Urgahaldt? may i impose on you a moment, sir?

Wendy Berber {@work}: *oh god no..don't get the true born* no..no its ok.. I'm good.. I'm ok.. its ok..*she's struggling to get to her feet hastilly.. not wanting to bother the ryha*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She nods at the look, and moves to help Wendy to her feet, bending gracefully down to help her.

Catie: if you're certain. but your ankle is injured, and i can see that. *tries to help the girl up* where's a chair? you need to sit down and take your weight off that foot. *blinks apologetically to Ingvar* ah, never mind, sir--we have it, i think....my apologies.

Catie: *smiles gratefully to Annika*

Wendy Berber {@work}: *she's easily hauled to her feet, touching her through the sweater a little unpleasant.. girls maybe 90 lbs? the sweater makes her look twice as big.. and thats pathetic*.. oh.um..*she's red, not wanting to be fussed over, tone apologetic* its ok.. really. its ok.. *she makes an attempt to hop over towards the counter, to get behind it. thats where she should be anyway*

Catie: *arches a brow delicately* Miss Wendy, if you don't rest your ankle, it could get worse. and then you'd perhaps be unable to work for a long time.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: mm? Oh. *Ingvar turns at Catie's polite request.. perhaps knowing to what her question pertains. He affects an air of mild curiosity, then merely nods to the woman as she declares the situation under control. Thus, the Judge considers a few titles on the overstocked shelves..*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Nonsense." She waves the bookwormish girl's protects off. "Allow me to help." She provides support for the girl, moving with her to help her get to the counter with a minimum of pain.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((protests. Tiepeeng are ezey! :P))

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Embarassment increases... finally the line between gentleman and polite gentleman can be stressed no further.. carefully avoiding actually ~looking~ at the girl, the broad shouldered hungarian simply reaches down, sweeps Wendy up into his arms, and moves to replace her on the floor delicately... only on the other side of the counter. ~Quite~ unseemly.. but efficiency over all.*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *...there.. it will stand. And will not be weak.*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: d10: : 10,3,7,4,5,8,

Catie: *follows the others quietly, watching Wendy worriedly*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She steps back as Ingvar swoops in and moves Wendy. Nothing said about it, merely accepting, with a prim nod to Ingvar.

Wendy Berber {@work}: *hobble.. wince.. hobble.. wince.. hobble wince.. GASP as she's picked up.. eyes wide on ingvar a moment.. and then she looks to the floor.. turning a shade of red that was yet undiscovered on human flesh. her mouth opens and closes like a fish's for a moment and then she blurts*..um.. thank you ryha. Sorry. *a swallow as embarrasement burns up her face and she holds onto the counter*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Coral threatens the tone of his skin for a moment.. tie smoothed.. an eyebrow.. a slight crease pressed from one sleeve with one powerful hand.. anything to keep his eyes from Wendy until she rights herself.*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: Ms. Bellewhit.. *Pale eyes flicker toward the shorter woman.* Where do you work?

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *His eyes do flicker to Annika's for a moment, but the Lord makes no comment.*

Wendy Berber {@work}: *she swallows, tugging at her sweater and leaning on the counter slightly, head down, a glance spared around the store before she stares at the counter*

Catie: *blinks slowly to Ingvar* i don't really work anywhere, sir. i've a paid gig soon, though.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She looks away from Ingvar, to Wendy...waiting until she is stable before she can broach the subject of paying for the books.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He blinks at Catie, tasting the word.* A... "gig"? *Realization slips across his face for a moment.* Ah- colloquialism, yes.. it is not a job?

Wendy Berber {@work}: *she's stable, and folding nto herself like oragami, shamed and silent, just waiting at the counter with her eyes on the ground*

Catie: i'm not sure if it's going to be long term or simply for one evening. i suppose it will depend, in part, on how well i sing that night. *bites her lip, just once, and then recalls herself. little face smoothing, free of fear-failure. mostly.*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Miss Berber...if I may." She reaches over, collecting her books and placing them quietly on the counter next to the register. She opens her bag and withdraws a small wallet.

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *ahems* This will be all, Ms. Berber.. *One long finger taps the top book.* Do you have suggestion as to where to begin? *Polite enough, the words flavor the air only mildly. His eyes focus in firm demand against the top of her head. Recover, creature.*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He takes a step back as Annika begins her own transaction. A touch of relief slips through broad shoulders as he is allowed away by her initiative.*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *He pauses... slowly his eyes slip back to Catie in mild suprise.* Singing... *his eyes slip across her chest.. automatically assessing lung volume, the cast of her voice.* What genre? And when, if I may?

Wendy Berber {@work}: *a small nod to Annika, a few scratches of pencil as she runs the totals in her head.. its only a moment before she quotes a price* 17.86 mam. *a swallow as she considers ingvars question, not looking at him as she says quietly* um. Ferhelm and Yung has a um.. breif overveiw.. its maybe a good place to um. start reading.. unless um. you're already familiar? *her hands pick at her sweater, a wince as she puts her foot down, then jerks it up again, red as a beet. her spine like liquid*

Catie: *blushes softly* the Supper Club. they play a lot of 40s-era big-band sorts of music. left to my own devices, i tend strongly toward ballads and story-songs with sad endings. *shrugs lightly* i'm a soprano, but somehow those sorts of songs seem to work for me. *gives him the date and time as well*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She nods and picks out a twenty, handing it over. "Thank you for the advice. I shall start there."

Wendy Berber {@work}: *she nods, fumbling and getting the pretty kin her change*

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Ingvar's spine straightens even more- if that is possible.. his eyes flick to Wendy as he responds.* No. I am not familiar.*Only a hint of... offense? Something sharp- taints Ingvar's voice as he answers, then turns back to Catie, watching her lips as she speaks... training ensures the rest. The occasion will not be forgotten.* I would like to attend.. will tickets be sold from the Supper Club?

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She takes the change with a politely grateful nod, slipping it back into the wallet, then taking her books. "Thank you...good day." She looks over to Catie, then Ingvar, her gaze pausing there once more, still a hint of that curiosity. "Miss Bellewit. Sir. Good evening to you both."

Catie: *smiles softly* it's a restaurant, sir, with live music as simply part of the night's enjoyment. i'm not sure if they do reservations, though, so if you'd like to attend you may wish to call them about that. i should be delighted if you choose to do so.

Catie: *smiles warmly* have a good evening, Miss Brandt. it was lovely to see you again. please convey my regards to your sister as well?

Ingvar Urgahaldt: *Pale eyes flicker to the side as he feels Annika's eyes on his back.. he turns slightly, nodding for a moment as he responds.* Good evening, Ms. Brandt.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "I most certainly will, Miss Bellewhit." She smiles slightly and turns to head out.

Wendy Berber {@work}: um.. goodnight miss. *sorry... she doesn't say it, its more expressed in the curl of her shoulders and the softening further of her posture. she looks to her scratch pad, and limply makes a few calculations. ready for when he wants to leave. She'd understand if he didn't want her to be under his protection anymore. She certaintly wouldn't want her, if she were him. a roll of her lips as she waits silently, head down*

Jez: A sleek, beautiful, silver Maserati Spyder Cambiocorsa drives up and parks just outside the closed shop, motor running. It's a convertible, but the top is on.

Jez: ((the car: http://www.wodnyc.net/modules/coppermine/albums/uploads10296/JezCar.jpg))

Catie: *blinks happily to Annika* oh, goodness--i'm going to have to get home soon. *a soft chuckle* if i don't get enough sleep tonight, i'm likely to fail my English test tomorrow. and i'll be heartily ashamed of myself if i do.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((*Snickers* Ooh, I love this icy bitch. Thanks for the scene, guys. *Hugs*))