Gavriil Kazimir: *he moves through the park walking slowly and smoking a cigarette. He stops to relax and finds a bench to sit on*

Dara : *she comes walking along into the park, heels on(amazingly, she can walk in them*G*), still wearing her work clothing, the backpack jingling over her shoulder as she walks almost out of place with how she looks*(posting pic of outfit in a sec*G* her usual hair with the streaks, down and loose otherwise)

Gavriil Kazimir: *he leans back on the bench and looks towards Dara as she approaches. She looks familiar* Hmmm *he says aloud*

Dara : *shes got the jewelry in hand for the piercings, like shes just come from work and is putting them in....first the brow(she pauses for this) then the nostril(which is when she notices and hears gavril), and as she looks to him, tilting her head curiously, blinking dark green eyes, she carefully puts in the lipring, licking her lip quick to test it before speaking(no trace of accent to her voice)* excuse me?

Gavriil Kazimir: You're excused. *he says as he tilts his head to the side before looking her over briefly* We've met before yes? (at least I think they did)

Dara : (heh, shes got eiditec memory so shed know, but I really dont remember them meeting outright....mebbe seeing each other in passing?) I...*the youre excused gets a quiet almost smile, the eyes drifting down almost shyly for a moment ebfore looking back up to him* I know Ive seen you.....arround here maybe?

Gavriil Kazimir: You were here the night I argued with that Aerin fellow yes?

Dara : argued? Ive....noticed alot of people arguing with aerin for some reason honestly.....what...was it about?

Gavriil Kazimir: *he shrugs* He thought I was being mean to that strange creature Michelle. Perhaps you weren't here that night...but I have seen you before. You have a *he pauses to look her over once more briefly* unique look.

Dara : it is I suppose...*another small smile* yes....I know Ive seen you before, definately......but...can I ask how he thought you were being mean to michelle?

Gavriil Kazimir: *he laughs quietly* Cause I was? That girl is afraid of her own it's not like it takes very much effort to be mean to her.

Dara : I mean what did you do or say? I know michelle.....I know shes very....skittish...*a soft click or two comes from her mouth, lips briefly pressed together*

Gavriil Kazimir: I don't recall exactly, but I did glare at her while she was cowering behind Aerin. His child was there that night as well. I believe he felt as if I was endangering the baby...I of course...think differently. *he continues to sit back against the bench his arms spread out wide along across the backing of it*

Gavriil Kazimir: (take out along or across, as one is redundant)

Dara : if it was recent I can understand why hed be a bit, um....testy? hes just fiercely protective of most people he knows from what Ive seen....*offering a small smile as she slowly step by step wanders closer to the bench*

Gavriil Kazimir: *he watches the way she moves closer perhaps finding it strange. He looks up to meet her eyes again* So, what brings you through here this night? Have you business here? *his tone is simply curious*

Dara : business really.....*shaking her head slowly, hair that slides over her shoulder gets gently pushed back behind her ears*...actually...just got off of work and recently heard aout a friend who got hurt so*shrugging gently*

Dara : I come here.......alot*the smile slightly crooked*

Gavriil Kazimir: *he sits up a bit more* A friend who got hurt eh? Would you mind terribly if I inquired as to whom that might be? *he notes her smile but his own expression stays neutral*

Dara : Ziahl....she comes here alot too..

Gavriil Kazimir: Ah, miss Lizzy, yes...we've met *he laughs quietly* She was injured? *he asks his even tone returning, he doesn't like Ziahl, but he doesn't wish her ill will either*

Dara : burned, yes........shes in ICU at st lukes, I was going to go visit her tomorrow actually*nodding* the building she lived in burned

Gavriil Kazimir: Damn..I guess she's somewhat trapped there then. Have you word of how long she'll be in the hospital? Or anything about the fire itself?

Dara : not....really now....just what the news said that arson investigators said it seemed suspicious

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: The girl is out for an late night walk. The brisk 50 degree weather doesn't seem to bother her much, as she walks along, a contrast in colors between her features and her clothes. Her posture is straight, chin held high...the stance coming from discipline rather then pride or nobility.

The girl is Somewhere in her mid-twenties, Annika stands at 5’7” before any heels or lifts come into play. She cuts an attractive frame if you’re in to the Aryan look – and how. Her hair is fine and straight, a pale blonde with several shades vying for attention. The highlights, entirely natural, are nearly white. Full lips, high cheekbones, strong bones, arched eyebrows laying serious and light over blue eyes that gleam with intelligence and clarity. Her skin is fair, all of its summer tan quick to fade under the slightest hint of approaching winter. Her hands are slim, nails a maintained oval. She walks like a woman that knows how to take care of herself, and her bright blue eyes, pale with the promise of a fresh autumn dawn, are almost always attentive. She’s dressed well but not richly in all, pants, and shirt...practical clothes fitted to her form.

Gavriil Kazimir: *he nods* Things seeming suspicious is more the norm in our world. *he shrugs* I'm sure she'll be alright, a shame she's trapped in her human form, she'll be in the hospital for awhile I gather.

Dara : I dont know, one of the reasons I wanted to go visit her tomorrow, honestly....her in a hospital is a bad idea..easpecially if shes injured, considering

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She stops for a moment along the path she's walking, taking the time to curl a wisp of pale hair behind her ear as she looks around.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: d10: Per+Alert: 8,8,2,10,10,

Gavriil Kazimir: Being confined around members of the flock locked in one form..such is not an appealing prospect.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Those icy blue eyes are alert, and pick up many of the late-night nuances of the park...including a conversation nearby. She looks in Gavriil and Dara's direction a moment before making her way toward them.

Dara : its more the....healing....and discovery of rapidity thereof Im worried be honest...*blinking slowly, standing by the bench that gavril is sitting at*

Gavriil Kazimir: (oh description!) Gavriil is a man of slightly above average height and noble bearing, although some may view him to have a somewhat disconcerting appearance. With short dark hair and an almost perpetual dark shadow of facial hair he is not unkempt but he doesn't give off the impression that he spends a lot of time looking in the mirror. Gavriil has a piercing gaze and he stares back at any who look in his direction. He carries himself with an aloof and confident air giving off the impression that he is man with a critical eye and an inner purpose driven fire.

Gavriil Kazimir: *he glances past Dara for a moment towards the approaching girl and then back up to Dara* I'm sure she'll be fine, perhaps she can explain to them that she was healed by praying to Jesus.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: d10: Per+Garou Lore: 4,9,5,4,7,8,

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Her unadorned lips quirk upward slightly at Gavriil's comment about being healed by prayer. She stays quiet, back a few steps, as Gavriil speaks with Dara.

Gavriil Kazimir: d10: peering: 2,4,2,

Dara : *that gets a cough and actual chuckle, then she glances back to where he looks briefly*

Gavriil Kazimir: (haha even with such a crappy roll he can tell she's kin hehehe)

Gavriil Kazimir: *he looks past Dara once more towards Annika* Join us if you wish, we're all friends here.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((You have to roll higher then a TWO to figure out she is. If you can't figure it out, then you're a silly, silly Garou. *G*))

Gavriil Kazimir: (yeah or you're a blind one haha)

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Her eyes meet his gaze for just an instant, and then lower respectfully when Gavriil looks her way and addresses her. It's not blind, eager submission, and she maintains that natural pride, the straight posture. It's simply a show of respect to the man. "Thank you, Sir." She smiles politely and takes a single step forward, into the conversation. Dara gets a brief look and a nod. "Good evening," she says, directed at them both.

Gavriil Kazimir: *he stands when she approaches* Well met, I am Gavriil. (he has Pure breed 3...I just always forget to note it) *he nods to her respectfully perhaps not feeling in a condescending mood*

Dara : *she blinks a bit, chews at the lipring, and nods to annika, giving a quiet 'hello' as she joins them*....Dara

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "A pleasure, sir." She cups her hands in front of her, both backs facing outward. "Annika Brandt."

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Miss." A nod goes to Dara as well.

Gavriil Kazimir: You're obviously of the purest blood...but there is no need for undue formality here. *he sits back down* If you are capable of relaxing, please do so.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Her brow furrows for a moment at Gavriil's words, a bit perplexed, maybe. "I am quite relaxed, Sir, I assure you."

Gavriil Kazimir: You look it. *he laughs quietly before glance towards Dara and then back to the kinfolk* What brings you here to the Park..if you don't mind my asking.

Dara : *theres a couple more quiet clicks from within her mouth as she stands there silently, eyes flicking between gavril and annika*

Gavriil Kazimir: *he looks back to Dara and watches her for a moment, is she nervous now?* Is something wrong? *he asks her quietly*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Her brow arches slightly at the comment that 'She looks it,' but it smooths quickly. She looks along the path that she was walking, then back to Gavriil. "I was merely...out for a walk. Fresh air, much as I can get it in this city, to clear my mind."

Gavriil Kazimir: I see *he nods to Annika* You don't strike me as someone who is actually from the're not a member of the Green are you?

Dara : mmm? oh, no..sorry...*giving a slight smile*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Her head tilts to the side a little. "I am, in fact, not, Sir. I come from the Sentinel...I am here with my sister, attending school."

Gavriil Kazimir: *he simply nods to Dara, she doesn't appear to be all that comfortable, so he won't draw more attention to her*

Gavriil Kazimir: Attending school eh? To what end?

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "To better serve my family, of course."

Gavriil Kazimir: Strange. *he says quietly* I didn't realize they required you to have an edjuction to breed up at the Sentinel. *perhaps delivered with a bit of condescention in his tone*

Gavriil Kazimir: (Ziahl is trying to sneak out of the hospital haha, poor Lizard and her 0 stealth)

Dara : *as they talk she moves to lean slightly against the bench, taking a notepad out of the backpack and flipping through its pages, pausing to peer at some of the pages until finding what she obviously wanted/needed*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Cool blue eyes regard Gavriil a moment...ever respectful. "I help my family in many ways other then breeding, Sir. In fact, I am currently in mourning over the recent death of my father, so I have not yet chosen a mate."

Gavriil Kazimir: *he glances towards Dara when she moves but then turns his attention back to the pure blooded kinfolk. Hard to tell which of them he finds more curious*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((had a mate arranged))

Gavriil Kazimir: How tragic. *he says to her flatly* What do you study if I may ask?

Dara : *his words about breeding get a curious look towards him, a few blinks, then she looks back to the notepad, finger tapping thoughtfully on the lipring*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Thus far, simply general studies." Her tone ever polite...and she nods to his first words. "Thank you, Sir. I shall carry your condolences in all their sincerity to my family."

Gavriil Kazimir: You're a strange woman Annika. *he laughs quietly at her* Are you always so serious?

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Of course not," she says with a steady gaze to the man. "I'm sorry if you find respect strange and laughable. Perhaps I still have much to learn about the ways of the Sept of the Green. You have certainly been an eye-opener, Sir."

Gavriil Kazimir: *he shakes his head* It's 2 the middle of the park. Such formality is not required here, although I do not find your behavior offensive, merely curious. *he shrugs at her* Each to their own, I did not mean to insult you, and I apologize if it came off as such.

Dara : *she cant help a quiet chuckle, eyes still on the notepad*

Gavriil Kazimir: *he glances towards Dara, does she actually find him amusing? Curious*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Respect is not something one shows only at the appropriate time, Sir." She shrugs a little. "Those that show respect only at a certain time of day or a certain do not truly have respect, they only show it because they feel they have to, not because they truly feel it." She smiles a little. "Thank you for explaining that you did not mean offense. I accept your apology." Something just a touch missing in sincerity there, perhaps.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((or a certain place))

Dara : *chewing on the lipring, eyes sooo staying on that notepad, flipping a page here and there*

Gavriil Kazimir: *he shakes his head at her* Thanks for the lesson. *he laughs quietly* Everything has it's proper time and place, if you wish to always wear the mask, suit yourself.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She frowns a little bit. "Mask, Sir?"

Dara : *her head tilts juuust a bit, licking her lips carefully and taking a deep breath, she adjusts the pack on her shoulder to be more comfortable and leans up slowly from against the bench*

Gavriil Kazimir: Your routine, it's so practiced as to appear as just an act. You are not the first I've met to carry a formal air into every single situation. Matter of factly, you come off as too respectful, you've heard the phrase if it seems too good to be true it probably is yes?

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Hmmm." She shrugs that off. "I'm sorry if your interactions have been only with those who merely feign respect, Sir. I promise you, my ways are no act...merely the result of a proper upbringing that appears to have been lacking in those you have encountered to date, at home where you were raised and elsewhere, I would presume."

Gavriil Kazimir: Don't put words into my mouth. *he shakes his head at her* Perhaps you are sincere, perhaps I don't even truly doubt that you are, but like I said. If it seems to good to be true is usually is. *he shrugs* There's more to being respectful than simply saying the proper things and standing a proper way. Don't get me wrong, you have those down to a science, what you lack however, are those often undefinable traits. You can be respectful without seeming as if you're an automaton.

Dara : *walking idly, slow steps, more like meandering than walking really, as she reads that notepad, must be so interesting, whatever it is, but she keeps close to the bench(safety sake maybe? she is a slight petite thing*G*)*

Gavriil Kazimir: *he looks towards Dara for a moment, he gives her a half smile, perhaps an apologetic one. He didn't come to the park to lecture after all*

Dara : *she finds a nearby tree, and funny enough gives a slight smile and nod to gavril as if shed seen him give his apologetic half one, leaning against it and yep....still reading, eyes flicking up to them only briefly before going back to the notepad*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She raises a brow slowly, her gaze lifting to meet his for a moment. "Sir...I assure you. I carry nothing but sincerity in my respect. Those undefinable traits that you mention are there...I know those who lack them far too well. Perhaps it is merely that you are so unused to seeing them that you forget the very thing of which you speak."

Gavriil Kazimir: Perhaps I've grown accustom(sp?) to being around low born, Gnawers and Walkers, they're terribly common around here. Their kin..they are..unlike you to say the least. *to say nothing of his step-sister, who is a Silver Fang, but might as well be a Bone Gnawer*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Now, that causes her to bristle a little...visibly. "I see. And you cannot recognize the difference between a Bone Gnawer and a Get of Fenris." Her lips press together, eyes an icy cold. "Perhaps you are correct...if the difference betweeen the two cannot be noted by those present, then perhaps formality is not needed here. Good day, sir." She turns to walk away. No permission to depart requested.

Gavriil Kazimir: *he laughs at her as she walks off* That's not what I was saying at all, but travel safely, may Luna guide your steps.

Dara : *lips pursed slightly, she licks her lips and brushes her hair behind an ear again*

Gavriil Kazimir: *he looks back to Dara* Will you...speak again tonight? *he asks her quietly*

Dara : when theres something to be said I can speak on, yes?*looking over to him, blinking dark green eyes slowly* I just didnt want to interrupt

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Her back is straight, this time with tension...her jaw clenched as she makes her way out of the park. No response is given to Gavriil.

Gavriil Kazimir: I wish you had...that was painful. *he says to Dara with another quiet laugh*

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((Thanks for the scene, guys. *G*))

Dara : I figured when you either got tired of digging or openly apparent in the red zone I might say something....*lowering the notepad finally, eyes actually look amused* but you lived...




Tatiana Brandt: Tanja's books are in a neat pile, out of the way on her neatly made bed now that she's alllmost finished cleaning at this hour. Recently washed clothes have been folded and put away, ironed and hung up. She's just putting aside the towel and ironing board now. Everything's been dusted, swept, creased and smoothed. She shuts the closet door, and moves to her bed again, sorting through text books and notebooks to settle this and that into her backpack.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: The door to the room opens, and she stalks into the apartment, back stiff with a deep frown on her face. The walk from Central Park to Columbia University has done little to improve her mood, and she shuts the door a touch...louder then appropriate, this late at night.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((Ahh! Nekkid kinfolk!))

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((And apartment = dorm room. Yeah, I'm with it. :P))

Tatiana Brandt: That startles her twin - dressed in solid blacks borrowed from Annika's closet for now, after a terribly unfortunate accident several weeks ago involving a misplaced garment in the laundry leaving Tanja with a wardrobe full of pink. Pink being so -very- unsuitable a color to mourn their father in, well, the pants and tee are certainly good enough. She keeps the now-pink socks, though. "Anni?" The question is summed up in her name - what's wrong? What happened? Who do we lynch?

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She's not bothering with English, dropping straight into German. She already knows full well that no one in their dorm speaks it. ((All speaking in German unless stated otherwise)) "The Green is...I..they..." She scowls, taking a moment to collect herself. "I'm tired of them, Tanja. Between their debauchery, their disrespect, their Weaver reliance, their casual disregard for the Litany...I cannot take it anymore."

Tatiana Brandt: Tanja sighs, dumping the books and backpack to bounce on her bed. She also reverts to German, a fast-paced speaking voice that would be difficult for those taking it up as a faltering second or third language to catch. (( Ditto. )) She approaches her sister, but doesn't touch or comfort her like a child. "We owe it to Gaia to tell the Sentinel about them, don't we? They'd send some one here. They would straighten up these shames on Gaia's face. But what do you expect from a bunch of Gnawers and Weaver-loving homosexuals?"

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She scowls a little, but nods. "I suppose I put too much hope that rumors were false. That in this entire city, there was at least ONE place that had yet to fall to such decadence and idiocy. It is a Sept, for Gaia's sake. No matter how depraved the city around it is...I hoped the Sept would have at least some signs of hope. But then, I should have known with the mongrels and beasts that exist within that place. Have you heard the many CHARACHS there have been here in the last year?? And those are the ones who have been many more have gotten away with it? How can Hagen stand it?"

Tatiana Brandt: "...Maybe we should speak to him. Maybe Hagen should leave the Sentinel well enough, and take the saint's task of controlling -this- place instead?" The gears are turning, a plot forming. She begins to pace in the somewhat narrow aisle between their beds. "Think of it - these garou are obviously undeserving, more a hindrance to the war than anything. They don't even respect themselves. Hagen could change that. He -would- change it, if his attention were placed here. Maybe it is already? Maybe he's here biding time, until he -can-..?"

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She throws her shoulders back against the closet door, taking a moment of indulgence to lean there, arms folded over her chest as she considers with a frown. "Perhaps. Maybe we should speak with him. If anyone could bring honor back to this place..." She sighs, and rubs at her forehead. "Gaia knows it's not going to be the damned Silver Fangs."

Tatiana Brandt: She snorts derisively at that, pacing with long strides and light steps. "Any leader that cannot hold his place -ought- to be thrown down to the mud. What would father say about us, staying here in this festering city with Litany-breaking fools? ...Sister, do you think we -can- convince Hagen? It's a daunting task. Not only is it going to be hard work, but it involves staying in this place."

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: Her frown becomes a bit more contemplative. "We can only do our best, Tanja. I do not believe it would be so difficult to convince him of such a thing, unless he truly believes the place lost."

Tatiana Brandt: "We are not Bandts if we sit and do nothing, whining like Furies." Her lips purse and turn down, active in thought even as her pace slows. She stops eventually beside the night stand. "I'm sorry the burden of their incompetence is getting to be so heavy on your shoulders, Annika. Is this something that you want - to try to make this place better, with some one we can trust to be decent?"

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She allows herself a little smile, and nods. "I do have a plan that I have been working on, as a matter of fact. A way to show the Green what is and is not acceptable." She reaches up and runs her hands through her hair. "Certain...rumored individuals within the Green...are making their indentities as unnatural debaucherers a little too well known. I plan to pass their names to...certain associates of ours."

Tatiana Brandt: Tanja looks back to her twin, arching a blonde brow faintly. "...And, do you need me to do anything in particular in this plan?"

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Beyond keeping your eyes and ears open for other names to pass on?" She smiles a little bit and shrugs. "If you can cover some of my shifts and provide me with proof I was elsewhere from time to time, that would help."

Tatiana Brandt: She smirks, and nods, single braid swaying. "So long as I'm not also on shift at the time, of course. Plan it well, and I'll take over for you any time. ...Ah. I haven't seen them for a few days - how are our friends doing?"

Knife: (ooh mischief likey)

Tatiana Brandt: (( ^_^ And now you've got it in scene - Tanja will so cover for Annika. Bwaha. We're plotting like good kinfolk! ))

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "They are well enough," she says with a shrug. "They certainly have no small amount of subject to fuel their drive toward their goals. Another thing I can say for them that I cannot say for the idiots at the Green...they have the willingness to do what must be done."

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((*Snickers*))

Tatiana Brandt: She nods firmly to that, and brushes wispy blonde strands away from her cheeks. "Don't sulk like that. We have good friends here, and we can find Hagen. We might just have to be delicate about it, that's all."

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She takes a deep breath and nods, standing up from the closet door. "You're right, of course. And we will. I just..." She sighs. "I've never had a desire to hit a Fullblood before coming here. The thought never crossed my mind. I will NOT be compared to a damned Bone Gnawer kin again."

Tatiana Brandt: Those blue eyes widen at once in shock, horror, and anger. So clear. A red wells up in her face - mostly cheeks and forehead, flushing with the sudden kickstart to her pulse. Her strong jaw sets, hands clenching. "They. -What-?" The tone is low and grave, every bit as affronted as they -certainly have a right to be.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She lets that scowl slip back...the feelings behind it are irresistable, too overpowering for her to deny. "Yes. The fucking Fullblood I met tonight almost out and out STATED it." It's a statement to the righteousness of her indignation that she even allows herself to swear so vulgarly. "He said that he was so used to false respect because he spent too much time around Gnawers and...and WALKERS. For Gaia's sake, I'd imagine the man would be able to tell the difference between myself and some...some impure mongrel on the street. Do I LOOK like a homeless drunkard vagrant??"

Tatiana Brandt: "I would have killed you out of mercy to our entire family if that were -ever- the case," she insists fiercely. She stalks forward as if pushing off from an unseen wall, a contained voilence in her every motion now. She's pacing again, heels landing harder on the bare floor. Her lips are twisted into a sneer of contempt. "All the more reason these ill bred mongrels -have- to be brought under his control. We can't even trust them not to fall to the Wyrm as soon as the real warriors of Gaia turn their eyes away for even a minute. What honorless, blind bastard said -that- to you?"

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "His name was Gavriil." She spits the name out like a curse. "I had not had the misfortune of meeting him before tonight. He also stated, when I mentioned we were attending school, that he was not aware that the Sentinel required it's breeders to be educated...and when...when I expressed our status of being in mourning..." Her lip curls into a sneer, those blue eyes glittering with a cold hate. "He had about all the respect for Father that a ghetto Gnawer dog deserves."

Tatiana Brandt: Oh. Oh, that's not a good look. The muscle in her jaw twitches, teeth ginding together and locking into firmly place. Her eyes narrow to dangerous slits, face boiling up with a red, flushed rage. She's become too angry to speak, to infuriated at their father's treatment to make a sound other than the hiss of breath in through her nose. Her straight, little Aryan nose. Hello, righteous fury leaving her statue-still, fists clenched so tightly she's biting little crescent marks into each palm, knuckles a glaring white.

Tatiana Brandt: (( With ginding = grinding, of course. Totally. Duh. ))

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She nods at her sister's response, not mollifying it or coddling it away. She had a long walk to work hers would be unfair of her to deny her sister the feelings of wrath she deserved to feel. "I know, Tanja. And I had to sit there and endure it, so that I would not be struck down for assaulting what the sniveling excuse of what passes for a Fullblood in this Wyrm-ridden city."

Tatiana Brandt: "Hagen," she mutters between clenched teeth. "We. Need. Hagen." The doubt is gone, the uncertainty of planning is vanished. The insult is a slap in the face, and a knife in the back, cutting down what they've not only been born to, but raised with. There's her determination, standing in naked anger with fists trembling. Her hair seems so very, very pale against such a red face.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "We do, indeed." She nods a little bit. "But we cannot bother him tonight. Even for something as dire as this. We will speak to him first thing in the morning, sister."

Tatiana Brandt: She swallows hard, shoving her heartbeat back down away from tonsil level. Hands raise, and brush harshly, slowly over her forehead and up, over her hair. Breathe in, breathe out, slow and tightly reigned in from say, breaking her hand on the wall. "Yes. ...Yes. We'll find him...yes. We...should sleep."

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: "Agreed." She nods and moves from the closet, toward her bunk. A brief touch to Tatiana's shoulder. "We will have our vindication, Tanja. And the indignation done to Father's honor will not go unanswered. Hagen will see to it."

Tatiana Brandt: She nods stiffly, hands flexing into and out of fists above her shoulders. Without another word she returns to her bed, setting aside her books and bag with a very pointed neatness and efficiency. She's silent until she's actually in bed - a simple "good night" seems to suffice in her lingering, tight anger. Obviously, not angry with her twin.

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: She nods a little, taking a deep breath as she moves to shut off the light before going to bed herself. "Good night."

Tatiana Brandt: (( And, fade here? ))

Annika Brandt [PB 5]: ((Fade!))