Luis Ruiz: * Here stands a once handsome man. is features are latino and the accent is there to go along with it. Maybe Cuba? At five feet and eight inches he is not tall, but coiled into that small frame is a seemingly boundless potential to do harm. His face is thin and devoid of fat and the eyes are a deep brown. His hair is black and trimed in a high and tight. His dominating feature is the large scarr that covers the right side of his neck, stealing away any beauty that might have remained on the once handsome face. On his left hand there is a large class ring with a diamond seting. He looks to be in his mid to late twenties. *

Luis Ruiz: * He is siting in courseroom 16 behind a small metal desk, looking over his notes. The class should be starting soon. *

Christian Gallagher: ((Forgive me if I'm a TOUCH slow at first. Anticipiating the Weekly Tuesday "I'm not ST'ing today, hit me up later" rush. Should peter out in the first 15 minutes or so, hopefully. *S*))

Luis Ruiz: {{ NP. We may have other joining as well so may take a few for all to filter in. }}

Christian Gallagher: He walks alongside Sha-Sha, looking around curiously as they make their way to Courseroom 16. The T-Shirt today reads "I'm What Willis Was Talkin' 'Bout" (( underneath the leather jacket. He's pulled his hair back into a ponytail, just in case they're going to be doing something where hair in his face will be really bad.

Sha-Sha: *She arrives with Christian on the bike, picked up somewhere along the way. she drove carefully this time. No sense in wiping out on the way there. When he gets off she follows suit, helmets getting locked to the bike before heading in. She's wearing black leather pants, a black leather coat which, when removed reveals a black body suit disappearing into the pants. Darks' arrived so the glasses are removed. Her black hair is pulled back into a tight pony tail and her eyes are slightly bloodshot. No make-up today either. The playing dart made into a pendant and drawstring purse are still present however. ((And awareness roll if you've got it. Diff 9 Min 2 sux))

Christian Gallagher: ((And Ping if full DD needed.))

Sha-Sha: ((Same here for the ping))

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He stands as the first few students make their way in. With a wave he points out a few of the available seats as he looks up to the wall clock. *

Sha-Sha: *She waves back and nods at Luis and takes a seat.*

Christian Gallagher: He stops at the door, letting Sha-Sha go in first, and moving in right after. A brief look around is made...he looks up to Luis, nodding to him with a smile as he heads to a seat with his companion. "Hello."

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He glances back at the greeting and takes a moment to size the man up before returning it. * " Hello yourself. Are the two of you here togeather? "

Sha-Sha: *She smiles and nods at Luis.* Yes, we are. Christian and Sha.

Christian Gallagher: "That would be us," he says with a nod, settling down into a seat.

David Marks: David Marks shows up, arriving in a silver BMW Boxer and finds a parkign space before heading in. Dressed in a nice business suit of dark blue color with some silver pinstrips. Getting directions to the proper classroom, making sure to show his identification so that he can get his student badge for the class.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He steps back behind the desk to look over the notes again. * " Alright. You do not represent any stated agency. What made you interested in taking this course? "

Katana: She drives up on a black Shadow. Dark and exotic and tall (6'2"), she wears her long dark brown hair mostly pulled back in a ponytail. Grey eyes watch everyone with caution, remaining quite reserved; which for her is sometimes an oxymoron. Dressed quite casual, she prefers to wear dark clothes, black being her color which looks very nice against her dark skin. Tonight she has on a black tank top, with a black long sleeve button-down shirt worn open over it, black chinos and black jungle boots. Over her shoulder she has a black leather backpack.

Sha-Sha: *She looks up as David enters, then murmurs to Christian.*

Sha-Sha -> Christian Gallagher: Murmured: That doesn't bode well for our plan...

Jez Talino:
The silver bullet screeches to a halt. Having taken several of the classes, he has been anxiously awaiting the start of this one. He moves into the building quickly.

Katana: Katana heads to the classroom, just behind The man in the business suit.

David Marks: He finds his seat, apologetically of course for being late and then glances around briefly to see who else is in the class with him before looking back to Luis and what he is saying.

Jez Talino: ((The silver bullet, eh, being his car, not him.)) ~ He is wearing a very elegant, shimmering black silk suit, with a black silk shirt beneath, black on black, and exquisitely tailored. And with it, shocking pink hi-top Converse sneakers.~

Sha-Sha: The possibility that I might be getting stalked and wanting to know how to counter it before it becomes a fight. *It was the closest she could come to the truth and she's bad at lying.*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He quietly watches each student enter, sitting on his desk so that he can see them all. *

Jez Talino: He glances at those he knows, but makes no particular gesture towards them yet as he takes a seat.

Katana: She takes a seat near the back, oddly standing for now. And making sure that no one is to her back either.

Christian Gallagher: "Well," he says, glancing at David and then back to Luis. Sha-Sha gets a brief nod as he continues. "We're just kind of trying to improve our ability to...yeah, pretty much what Sha said."

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He gives the slightest of nods to Sha's explanation before speaking again. * " You do know that the institute provides a class specificly tailored to your problem, right? "

Katana: (That should be she doesn't take a seat....))

Surly: *her battered old wagon pulls into her favorite parking spot. she exits the car, wearing a sheer purple halter top that ties around her neck, and a pair of purple shortshorts. her Docs, black gloves with heavy silver rings, and her hair in twin ponytails--stark white and rich purple, horizontal stripes*

Christian Gallagher: Katana and Jez get glanced at, and all of the new entrants, David included, get friendly nods and smiles. A brief tilt of his chin upward is given to Jez in greeting.

Sha-Sha: I plan on taking several courses. *She nods* This just seemed a good one to start with.

Jez Talino: He smiles slightly but warmly and nods back to Christian.

Sha-Sha: *She looks over the various people entering. When Christian gives Jez the nod she looks back curiously* Who's that?

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * As Surley enters Luis looks up and at her. * " I think that is everyone. Would you please close the door behind you, Ma'am? "

David Marks: David nods back to Christian, looking to Katana and Jez as well before he pulls out a small notepad and pen.

Surly: *and heads into the building, drifting relatively quietly into the class and taking a seat near the back. hey, she must be serious. she even brought a notebook, just in case she needs it. nods to Luis with a faint smirk that soon falls into her usual scowl*

Jez Talino: He has not brought the Hello Kitty bag into this classroom, thank gawd, but he does have a notebook and a pen for taking notes, his focus already riveting on Luis.

Katana: The backpack comes off her shoulder and she quietly pulls out a clipboard with notepaper on it along with a pen. Not planning on sitting yet.

Christian Gallagher: "Someone I met while at work," he says quietly, leaning over so as not to disrupt the beginning of the class. "If we get the chance, I'll introduce you. Nice guy."

Surly: *and so she does, on the way to the seat. cold eyes flicking once around the room, pausing to nod shortly to Jez, then back to Luis. only one master in the ring, and he's it tonight*

Sha-Sha: *She nods.* Alright. *She pulls out her own notepad and pen since people seem to be getting ready. Hers is rather small, fitting in that purse.*

Jez Talino: He nods back to Surly, equally serious though perhaps not as grim as she.

Christian Gallagher: He's got a packpack from which his quad-ruled pad comes out, pen coming out of his jacket. The first several pages are flipped over, filled with notes from something else, before he comes to a blank page, and his attention goes to Luis.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He stands again and looks each of them over once more before speaking again. * " Some of you I know and most of you I do not. Introductions are in order. I am Staff Sergeant Luis Alejandro Ruiz and I will be your insructor for Espionage and Counter Espionage. If there is anyone here that somehow made it into the wrong class room this is your chance to run away and not get billed. Those that are staying will learn the basics of information gathering and protection. One at a time please introduce yourselves along with the agency that you represent, keeping in mind that within the next week anyone in this class could be assgined to gather information about you. " * He smiles and waits. *

Sha-Sha: *She makes a small face, eh, we'll see if they manage with just the nickname. She'll even stand up first, get it over with.* Sha-Sha. Or Sha. No agency.

Jez Talino: He studies each person as they introduce themselves, particularly their body language, how they carry themselves.

Christian Gallagher: He shrugs and raises his hand. "I'm Christian Ghallagher. Not with any kind of government agency."

Surly: *rises* Surly. myself or here, take your pick. *smirks and sits back down*

Sha-Sha: *And after she introduces herself, she sits again.*

David Marks: David does glance once more to Jez and then to Surly, the two of them being the most unorthodox looking of his fellow students. He then glances to Sha at her introduction.

Jez Talino: He stands up, shoulders back, head high. "Jez Talino. I represent myself." An inclination of his head and he resumes his seat.

Surly: ((if anyone needs a DD, PM me, please.))

Christian Gallagher: He looks around the room, leaning back in his seat and nodding to each person in turn in greeting as they introduce themselves.

Sha-Sha: ((Ditto))

Jez Talino: ((ditto too))

Christian Gallagher: ((I'm a Lemming. *Leaps over cliff* Ditto.))

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He nods at the introductions and smiles, noting that David and Katana do not speak up. * " Alright then. Raise your hand if you have any sort of formal education it the gathering and analisis of inteligence information. "

Surly: *she does not raise her hand*

Katana: Katana waits to introduce herself at the end. "Katana. I represent myself." Quite business-like as well as straight to the point. ((Sorry was waiting for David's post before mine.))

David Marks: "David Marks" he says after seeing that Katana is wating on him apparently. "United Nations."

Sha-Sha: *hand remains down*

Christian Gallagher: No hand-raising for him. He looks around the room, though, curious to see who does.

Jez Talino: He doesn't raise his hand.

David Marks: David considers for a moment, then raises his hand after a moment. Semi looking around at the response of the others.

Sha-Sha: *Sha watches the others as well as listens, making note of each name and the fact that David seems to be the only one claiming an agency.*

Katana: Her hand stays down while she already writes a few things down on her clipboard.

Surly: *simply looks at David calmly, lovely, hard face neutral*

Sha-Sha: *Formal training for David she expected.*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " Alright then. At the risk of boring Mr. Marks the first thing that we will cover is some of the terminology that will will be using in this course. Information gathering is nothing like what you have read about or seen in the movies. It is a mentaly exhausting exercise at its best and a mind numbing bore at its worst, but if you are trying to gather data from a source that is protected you will find what you learn in this class very useful I promise you. "

Jez Talino: He pays full attention to Luis, listening intently.

David Marks: David smiles a little, glancing around the room some as he studies the other people briefly and then back towards Luis, still seeming intersted to hear what he has to say.

Surly: *wrinkles her nose slightly but gets ready to take notes*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " First there is the term Agent. Mr. Marks is employed by the United Nations. Does this make him an Agent, or is he simply an employee of the UN? You know as much as I do and it is not polite to ask. An Agent is a person that is unofficially employed by an intelligence service. "

Sha-Sha: *She takes notes, abbreviating and apparently shorthand.*

Surly: *scratches her head. vaguely recalling school, years ago*

Christian Gallagher: He raises his head. "He's probably the person who's gathering information on you, and that's why he's to be feared, would be my guess."

Jez Talino: "I'll hazard a guess," he says slowly, raising his hand. "Is it an agent who is on assignment?"

Sha-Sha: ((Oh, yeah and for anyone who missed it when they came in Awareness if you have it Diff 9 Min 2Sux))

Katana: She takes a stab at it. "Some who is trying to penetrate into a place of intelligence? Someone secret?"

Jez Talino: He glances at Christian. Similar guesses, some differences.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " You are on the right track, Jez, but that is not the true definition. "

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He points to Katana. * " Ladies and gentleman, we are geting closer. "

Jez Talino: He looks at Luis, wondering if any of the three of them were close.

David Marks: David doesn't seem inclined to speak, mostly watching but does take interst in the answers of the others.

Jez Talino: "An Agent who has already breached a place and is 'in place' gathering information?"

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " The Agent-in-Place is a government employee who is influenced to cooperate with a foreign government instead of defecting; now working for two employers instead of one. They are dangerous because they are on your payroll and you have been betrayed by them. They have access to your secrets and they are selling them for money. This is not only limited to governments. If Stan the stalker passes twenty bucks to your cleaning lady to go through your trash for him then guess what? You have an Agent-in-place. "

Surly: *shrugs* an undercover agent? one in really deep? *a slow blink, remembering movies* maybe even one who doesn't conciously know she's an agent at all, until whatever they're supposed to do gets triggered in some way?

Freemage OOC -> Christian Gallagher: ((*Waves* Obviously, you're in-scene now, so I was just going to ask how long you're likely to be on tonight?))

Christian Gallagher: One last try. "A spy, essentially?"

Jez Talino: "And," he ventures, "he or she would be feared because they could be sitting next to you, every day, and you don't have a clue."

Jez Talino: ((DLP *L*))

Christian Gallagher -> Freemage OOC: ((For quite a while, probably. Until late.))

Sha-Sha: *She nods, noting guesses as well as proper answer.*

Jez Talino: ~scribble scribble~

Surly: ((*shoves her post above the proper answer*))

Christian Gallagher: He does a silent 'Ah' at the explanation and marks it down, glancing over to Sha-Sha briefly with a shrug and smile.

Sha-Sha: *She smiles at Christian, hey, he at least tried. She didn't even do that.*

Freemage OOC -> Christian Gallagher: ((*Nods* Cool. Okay, then... when might be a good time to try for a scene with Ms. Yue?))

David Marks: Mark smiles some, seeming happy to have a lively bunch to be in class with.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " He nods too both Jez and Surly. * " Its someone that you have taken into your trust. Once someone is in your trust they become much more dangerous to you. I am not saying never to trust, but be damn sure that where you place your trust does not come back to bite you. Regan once said trust but verify. Be aware of the people that are close to you. If they start geting into financial difficulties watch them closely. Gambling problems, abuse of alchohal, you name it. These are all doors that can be used to get inside and take that trusted person and turn him or her into a betrayer. "

Christian Gallagher -> Freemage OOC: ((Well, tonight's a player night for me. No ST'ing allowed. :) ))

Surly: *nods grimly, jotting things down in an odd shorthand blend of German and English*

Jez Talino: He regards Luis very seriously, listening intently.

Freemage OOC -> Christian Gallagher: ((Ah... right, sorry. Okay, when are your ST-allowed nights?))

Sha-Sha: *She chews her lip gently, this could be interesting. She glances over at Christian.*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " Can anyone name off any other examples of where one might find an agent-in-place? "

Christian Gallagher -> Freemage OOC: ((Monday, Wednesday, Sunday.))

Sha-Sha: *She raises her hand* Lawyers?

Jez Talino: "A biological laboratory, or a corporation type place?"

Jez Talino: He does smile a bit at Sha-Sha's answer. He liked that.

Freemage OOC -> Christian Gallagher: ((*Nods* Cool. I'll look for you tomorrow, then.))

Christian Gallagher: He's simply listening and writing. When Luis asks for other examples, he shrugs. "Pretty much anywhere?"

Katana: "Couriers....all types."

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He smiles at Sha and then looks to the rest of the class. * " Lawyers. Scum of the earth, right? No, not lawyers, but what about your lawyers employees? A good Agent will recruit agents in place to use against you even through second and third parties. Watch the people that you do business with and encourage them to clean their own house. "

Surly: students. spouses or whoever you're dating. your offspring. even your parents could be. in some cases, maybe not doing it on purpose--maybe they got talked into spying on you for your own good, like a mom checkign junior's boxer drawer for drugs.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * A nod to Katana. * " Couriers are horribly underpaid to begin with. The door is already open there. "

Jez Talino: Oooh, quickly writing down Luis's words.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * Another smile to Christian and Surly. * " Straight up. Anyone at all can be one. They just need access and temptation. "

Jez Talino: "Cleaning crew. Janitorial staff have keys and work often at night when no one else is around."

Sha-Sha: *She purses her lips and nods* Computers...Internet...

Sha-Sha: Cell phones...

Christian Gallagher: Legal Clerks...Bus. Contacts...2nd/3rd Parties...Couriers...And Everyone Else, too. Scrawled into his notepad.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He points to Jez. * " Thats a good one. Lets not forget Security Officers. Does everyone understand what an AIP is then? "

David Marks: Mark nods some as he looks around at the various answers being given and smiles slightly before looking back over to Luis.

Jez Talino: He nods, looking over the words he has written and then back up to Luis.

Surly: *nods to Luis*

Christian Gallagher: He nods to Luis. "Got it."

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He shakes his head at Sha. * " Those are methodes. Dangerous, but they are never tempted into betraying you. The only times that they can be used against you is if you use them for something they should not be used for or if you fail to take the proper security precautions with them. "

Sha-Sha: *She waits to see if the inanimate objects also fit into the category*

Sha-Sha: *She nods* Got it.

Katana: She gives a small nod as she is writing again.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " The next one should be easy. When you have an AIP what do you do about it? You can fire them or cut them out of your life, but if you do then how do you ever find out who they were selling your information too? "

Surly: so you try to hunt the hunter. since torturing the info you want out of them is illegal and nobody here'd do anything like that. *smirks* watch 'em, hire someone to follow them, or whatever, until you find out who they're sellign to.

Jez Talino: "Feed them information, controlled or false, and see who bites. Keep them close to you, but always be aware of what you're doing and saying."

Sha-Sha: *She nods as Surly and Jez answer before she could.*

Jeff Brolin: *He elbows open the door, and he looks around. A blink, as he seems rather surprised about the number of people that are there. Well, shit, there goes the sneaking in and being fashionably late.*

Christian Gallagher: He looks up, blinking, as Jeff steps into the room. Not someone he'd expect to be in a class like this.

Surly: *eyes Jeff a moment, then looks back to Luis*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He smiles at that. * " Oh hell no. Using torture to protect yourself and ensure your own survival is uncivilized. " * He rolls his eyes. * " The person that pays an AIP is comonly called either a bagman or a handler, and what Jez is refering too is disinformation. "

Jez Talino: His serious demeanor falters, his eyes widening at seeing Jeff.

Sha-Sha: *She blinks at Jeff's entrance. Her mouth opening a bit and a baffled look on her face. Now why is HE here?*

Katana: Katana doesn't seem to be surprised since she's in a good spot to see who comes in (and not up behind her); standing in the back of the room. She seems indifferent to the late arrival, or at least that's the appearance she gives.

Jez Talino: He blinks and then returns attention to Luis.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He glances up at the newcomer. * " There is a class going on in here sir. Leave before I shoot you, please? "

Surly: *smirks back to Luis a bit, then tilts her head* handler. not necessarily the aip's contact, right? i mean, your aip could've been recruited by a third party, right?

Jeff Brolin: *He cracks his neck, and seems equally surprised to see... well... the people he DOES see.*

Jez Talino: Writing down disinformation, feeding of false or controlled information to suspected AIP [Agent-in-Place].

David Marks: Mark glances over at Jeff for a moment and then smirks about something and watches to see what happens next.

Jeff Brolin: *He looks up.* What? Fuck no, mate. M'here for the class. *He reaches back into the backpack over his shoulder, and pulls out a piece of paper.* M'just a little late is all.

Christian Gallagher: He blinks at Luis's comment, and then gets RIGHT to writing down. Bagman...handler...DON'T BE LATE TO CLASS.

Jeff Brolin: *He hands over the paper, and cants his head.* Jeffrey Brolinger. Y'need my i.d. or what?

Jez Talino: Should probably also add the bagman and handler info, and he does so.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * Luis nods to Surly. * " Correct. There are times when you may have to wade through multiple cutouts before you discover who you AIP is actualy working for. A cutout is just another person that is hired to deal with the AIP and obfuscate the identity of the agent that really wants your secrets. "

Jez Talino: Writing down the cutout information.

Surly: *blinks slowly. maybe this won't be quite as tough a class as she thought, after all. so far, seems kinda logical.*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " He takes the paper and reads it over quickly before handing it back. * " You are late. Dont let it happen again. Maybe one of the other students will allow you to look over their notes. "

Jeff Brolin: *He salutes, and pulls his backpack off his back. Finding a seat.*

Christian Gallagher: A couple underlines underneath that last note, and then he starts in with the stuff about the cutout.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " Now how do you think that those cutouts would communicate with you AIP? Keeping in mind they are going to suspect that you may know you have an AIP in your life and are trying to hunt them down? "

Sha-Sha: *She blinks a couple more times and has to bite her lip to stifle a giggle as her eye catches Christian's note. She notes a few more things that came out as she was staring at Jeff.*

Surly: ((brb--er call.))

Jeff Brolin: *He grins, and watches Luis quite calmly. He tongues at his bottom lip ring, idly. A nervous habit, maybe. Though he doesn't SEEM to be nervous.*

Sha-Sha: Written communications could be found or traced, so verbal communication. Perhaps, through these other parties but face to face at each point?

David Marks: David continues to sit there, dressed well in his suit but doesn't seem to have actually written down any notes just yet.

Jez Talino: "Casual meetings in busy public places, without actually speaking, like maybe the trading of information?" He ignores Jeff.

Jez Talino: "Maybe non-verbal signs, and encrypted e-mails over satellite connections?"

Jez Talino: He's guessing, trying to think how HE might do something like that without getting caught.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He smiles again and stands back up. * " They never meet face to face unless there is no other option. They use what are called dead drops. Does anyone know what a dead drop is? "

Christian Gallagher: "Or if it is written, something easily destroyable immediately, maybe? On napkins, or something else flimsy that have water spilled on it to ruin the note?"

Jeff Brolin: Find somethin' t'blackmail 'em with before. Everyone's got dirt on 'em. If they're afraid you'll talk, they won't talk. *He shrugs, simplicity.*

Surly: *blinks* uh... heck. passing notes, maybe? although that seems like a bad idea. paper trails aren't always good things.

Christian Gallagher: "Dead drop..." He frowns a little, thinking. "A pre-arranged Like a safety deposit box, or a mailbox for an unused apartment?"

Jeff Brolin: *And he raises his hand.*

Sha-Sha: Leaving a package in like a locker or something for then sending the key to the person?

Jez Talino: "That would be an object dropped at a specified location for the other to find?"

Jeff Brolin: *But everyone else answers. Dammit, and he was trying to be polite.*

Jez Talino: He looks to Christian, liking his answer better.

David Marks: David looks back to Surly and then Jeff some, half curious about the new guy but he doesn't appear to represent any agency he might know so he goes back to listening once more.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " Correct. Deap drops can be anything. The resivoir on a toilet in one of their favorite resterants, a locker, one of those fake rocks that idiots hide their spare keys in... but if you want to use a dead drop you cant check it all the time, right? Someone would notice if you checked that locker everyday at three would they not? "

Christian Gallagher: He shrugs a little to Jez, smiling a bit. He's seen a lot of Mission Impossible-esque movies.

Jeff Brolin: Only if it's in a public place. If you pick someplace that no one knows about but you and the target *his accent slipping, it sounds like 'tahget'* you're pretty much free as a fuckin' bird. An' if they don't know why you're goin' there. Sometimes... best place t'hide shit is in plain sight.

Sha-Sha: *She nods at Luis's question.*

Jez Talino: Taking notes.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He looks back to Jeff and nods. * " You are using alot of if's there, sir. "

Jeff Brolin: *He grins.* Lotta ifs in the spy business, mate. Ideal situation nevah happens, though. Gotta... considah all the wrongs... befoah y'make it roight, yeah?

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " Exactly, which is why you never check a dead drop unless you recive a signal from your AIP and your AIP should never check it unless they recive a signal from you. No matter if you realize it or not people do study your dayly routines. If you check that locker often they will notice. It only takes one of them to care and your cover is gone, whatever that may be. So let me hear some ideas on how you can communicate with someone that you can never see face to face or talk to on the phone. "

Surly: *shakes her head, drawing a blank. being blunt has its drawbacks*

Christian Gallagher: "Ad in the newspaper. Personals section."

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " That is a great idea, Christian, and it is used. There is a drawback to it though. Can you think of what that would be? "

Jeff Brolin: *That grin doesn't seem to leave his face. He looks over to Sha, and wiggles fingers to her. A slight frown, but he looks back to Luis. He doesn't wanna get shot, after all.* Marks.

Sha-Sha: *She thinks of a couple ideas and dismisses them before she speaks* An encrypted note in the pocket of a shirt left in a locker.

Jeff Brolin: Other people could honestly pick up on the article. You've gotta keep the cover secure. Pain in the ass.

Christian Gallagher: "Ummm..." Okay, he can't figure that out, so he goes for a humor instead. "Having to tell the sleazy businessmen that think it's legit and hit you up for a three-way with their secretary no?" He shrugs. "No idea."

Sha-Sha: *She gives a small wave back to Jeff, but seems pretty focused on the class.*

Surly: uh....tape a note under the seat of a movie theater chair? *hazards a wild guess*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He gives a playfull frown to Sha and then smiles. * " But then you have to open that locker everyday, right? " * He turns back to Jeff. * " Now we are talking. Explain please. "

Jez Talino: "The paper you keep advertising with...someone there might notice a pattern."

Sha-Sha: Not necessarily. If you go to the gym once in a great while because of a busy schedule but continue to pay your membership they don't ask questions.

David Marks: Nod some about some of what he hears, glancing to Jeff again for a moment and then over to Christian.

Jeff Brolin: *He scratches behind an ear.* Well... say you... put an article for a contract negotiator, meanin' t'hire yourself a hitman. Lotta codes involved. You've got Joe Normal hangin' out thinkin' you actually NEED one. Then you've gotta have an office ready, or a believable excuse as t'why you don't wanna meet with that one. THEN y'get the authorities involved for false advertising, and your cover's blown.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * To Chris... * " Not at all. If it absolutly has to get into the hands of the handler as soon as possible waiting for the morning edition is not an option. For time sensitive information the classified adds just dont work. "

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " No they dont, Sha. But the person following your AIP will notice and they will break in and they will check that locker for you. They may even leave you a gift in the form of some juicy misinformation. "

Christian Gallagher: "Mmm...point." He nods to Luis at his answer, and spares a glance to Jeff, blinking.

Katana: "Get someone else, a stranger, paid well, like an underpaid courier to drop off the message, but of course nothing overtly obvious."

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " And that is a good example of a dead drop, Surly. "

Jeff Brolin: *He looks back to Christian, and looks confused. And back to Luis.* A third contact. But even that's risky.

Sha-Sha: *She frowns a bit and nods at that, thinking*

Jeff Brolin: *He looks back to Katana. And shrugs.*

Surly: flowers! could work for a one-shot thing. person reads the card and tells the delivery peeps they got the addy wrong or something, maybe? cuz the card's the code and tells 'em what to do or whatever next.

David Marks: "Or a message encrypted into junk email." Mark finally says with a little glance over to Katana.

Christian Gallagher: He looks back to his quad-ruled pad, scribbling notes down.

Surly: *blinsk. she got one right? whoa....*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He nods to Katana and reaches back into the desk for his stapler. Opening it he withdraws a folder peice of paper. * " I just checked a deaddrop and found information from my AIP. How did I know to check it? Up there on the chalkboard there is a chalkmark in blue chalk that looks like a check mark. That mark could have been left on any wall, stopsign or parkbench in this city. I could check it while riding the subway if it was left in the right place. Do you see what I am saying? "

Jez Talino: "There are now ways to set up a satellite communication with your computer, and e-mails that are tightly encrypted with secured addies. An extremely skilled hacker could probably break the code, eventually. But it's a good way to get detailed information to another."

Jez Talino: ((Put that one up above Luis's words.))

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He grins at Surly. * " Thats a great idea for when you need it check imeadiatly. Just need to be careful not to use it often. "

Jez Talino: He nods, writing down information, expression thoughtful.

Jeff Brolin: S'what I meant by marks, *he says with a roll of his shoulders.*

Surly: *nods slowly, to both things*

Christian Gallagher: He nods to Luis, leaning back in his seat and listening.

Sha-Sha: *she writes a couple words of that, enough to jog her memory.*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " I asked you to explain it Jeff. We are on a clock though and I could not wait any longer. Do you have any other examples of good marks that could be used, Jeff? "

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He looks over to David. * " Encryption in junkmail works really well as long as the person that you are looking into never finds the key. "

Jeff Brolin: *He pauses. A wince.* Sorry, mate. Uhh... you... pretty much hit it though.

Sha-Sha: Luis: Never use the same code.

Jez Talino: "It doesn't have to be an actual mark, though, right? I mean, someone could take an everyday object that's always present and turn it a different way. Like the flag on a mailbox is a signal to a postal carrier. But it would have to be less obvious than that."

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " Well here is another. Say that I live on a street that my AIP has to pass each day to get to work. If I leave a flowerpot in my window they check the drop. If I dont then they dont. Keep it simple and if you are trying to figure out how your AIP and her handler are geting togeather look for little things like that when you follow her. "

David Marks: Mark nods some about that, glancing around the room some again at everyone again.

Jez Talino: "Or use a mixture of codes," he says quietly. "Cryptanalysis is ever-evolving of its methods."

Jeff Brolin: Hnnh. *And for the first time, he makes a note on his pad of paper.*

Christian Gallagher: "A particular song played on the radio station, and that song's CD being the dead drop at the place in question?" Hey, he's a DJ. What did you think he was gonna come up with.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " How do you let the AIP know what code you are going to use today then, Sha? "

Sha-Sha: *She chewing her lip again.*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He nods to Jez. * " Good thinking. It can be anything. The AIP just needs to know what he or she should be looking for. "

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He looks to Christian... * " If you have the means that is a great way, but you better make sure nobody on another shift starts playing that song. "

Jez Talino: He nods back to Luis and keeps writing, his expression serious and focused.

Sha-Sha: Make it a part of the encryption? *She shakes her head after saying it.* No, someone might find the pattern. I was just thinking the same way you did for any other encryption.

Jeff Brolin: *He looks over to Christian, and blinks at that. He makes another note.* A mix c.d. *He smirks.* Instead of apologizin', I'd make a mix c.d. for a friend o'mine, and slip it into his mailbox.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " Point being there is more than one way to skin a cat, but if you keep it simple there is alot less to go wrong. "

Christian Gallagher: He nods. "So you make it an older song. Something that's not a current hit, and is nice and obscure. An 80's or 90's song."

Katana: "Different codes for each week or each day, depending on how many codes you've got," she offers.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He nods... * " Something that would not be played everyday. Otherwise your AIP will get tired of the boy who cried wolf. Or mix your song with a special intro that you use for it. So they know not to check it without hearing the intro. "

Jez Talino: "Nearly any encryption can be broken, eventually. It's a calculated risk it seems to me."

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He nods * " Sometimes risks need to be taken. If you can think of a way to force there hands you can make them take risks and catch them that way. "

Christian Gallagher: He nods with a smile and writes.

Jez Talino: He smiles a bit at that mention of catching them through risks and he rights down more notes.

Surly: *keeps writing notes, thinking hard. with a faint frown suggesting a headache*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " Another methode that is used is the brush pass. It takes practice but two people can pass each other on the street and leave information on each other without you even seeing it. We will be practicing this with each other in the next class. "

Sha-Sha: *She lets out a slow breath, keeping her eyes on the notepad as she does, reviewing and adding here and there as well as including the new.*

David Marks: Mark writes down some things as he seems to be thinking of something now.

Surly: *a faintly wrinkled nose. touching. well, she has to do it in her classes, so....* hey--that's kind of like a pickpocket, right? that brush pass?

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He nods to Surly. * " Its the same skill, except that instead of distracting the person that owns the pocket you are reaching into you are distracting everyone else on the street. "

Jeff Brolin: *He just watches, actually, seeming interested. Not adding any more.*

Jez Talino: "Much easier to do on the streets of New York, I'd imagine, compared to, say, a town of 10,000."

Jez Talino: "Still would take skill and timing, but it's easier to get close enough to brush up with someone without being noticed by others."

Surly: *nods slowly*

Jeff Brolin: If y'make it really obvious. An ass grab, sometimes works, *he says with a serious nod.*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " It works anywhere that people are standing around close to each other, really. I have made brush passes on horseback on an Andes mountain trail. Of couse there I was also carrying a kalishnakov so people were not going out of their way to watch me all that closely. "

Christian Gallagher: He looks over at Jeff and shakes his head a little, before going back to his note-taking.

Sha-Sha: *She writes down Kalishnakov...she'll look it up later.*

Surly: grabbing someone'sass wouldn't always work. *smirks slightly*

Jez Talino: "An authentic one?" Eyes widen. "Damn."

Jeff Brolin: *He looks back to Surly.* Yeah? People underestimate sexual deviants. Think all they're interested in is below the belt. *he smirks.* I could get away with it.

Katana: Katana smirks a bit at the mention to a kalishnakov.

Sha-Sha: *She looks over at Jez as he makes the comment, underlines the word again*

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: " Anyway the time is up for tonight. Next week we are going to be working on blending into different enviroments and brush passes. Wear something comfortable that has pockets in places you do not mind being touched, please. "

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He looks back to Jez... " Pardon? "

Jez Talino: He looks disappointed the class is over. But now he can stop being serious. "That will be easy for you, Jeff," he comments with a grin. "You'll have pockets all over."

Sha-Sha: *She is chewing that lip harder now.*

Jez Talino: Luis: "Kalishnakov...designed an AK-47. I was wondering if it was an authentic one he designed."

Jeff Brolin: *He looks back to Jez. He winks.* Gonna make it as difficult for you guys AS possible, *he says sincerely.* S'my job. *He throws his backpack over his shoulder.*

David Marks: He glances over to Surly and then Katana, and finally Sha-Sha with a little grin on something as he starts to put close up his notebook.

Surly: *gives Jeff a serious look* but not in every case. chances are good that if someone grabbed my ass, i'd give him serious hurt. i am, frankly, overtrained. i get touched inappropriately, my natural instinct is to lash out. so, you might pass me info or get some off me--but you'd still probably be in the hospital.

Jez Talino: ((an=the))

Christian Gallagher: He looks up at Luis and nods, flipping his notepad shut and putting his pen back into his pocket. A look over to Sha-Sha, head tilting to the side a bit.

Jez Talino: He gets up, tucking away his notebook and stuff.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He shakes his head. * " Same model, but this one was east german. If you ever run into an original let me know. I might break my piggie bank for that. "

Christian Gallagher: d10: Per+Emp (Sha-Sha): 3,2,6,5,6,9,

Sha-Sha -> Christian Gallagher: She's a little edgy with Jeff's comments and not really looking forward to the next class but seems determined to see it through at the same time...trying to hide the reluctance she feels.

Sha-Sha: *She looks over at David as he looks her way a small smile. Then she looks back at Christian.*

Surly: *packs up her stuff and rises with a stretch* i'll have to buy something looser. most of my clothes either have no pockets or hidden ones. *remarks calmly* and i'll remind myself not to damage anyone. *a little grin* thena gain--in class i'll be expecting it.

Katana: Katana gives a little grin to Surly, who pretty much verablized her feelings on getting touched in the wrong places too.

Jez Talino: Luis: He grins. "So would I. I think they're all in the hands of either museums or wealthy collectors." A respectful nod. "Good night."

Jeff Brolin: *He gets up, and moves towards the door. He holds his notebook in his hand. He doesn't start taking notes until he exits from the building.*

Surly: *smirks back to Katana and simply heads for the door now*

Katana: She puts her clipboard with notes back into her pack and just stays near the back of the room, observing.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: * He gives a smile. * " Your a good class. Just dont be late. "

Jez Talino: "Speaking of, Surly," he says to her with a friendly nod now that class is over. "I'd like to talk to you some more about getting into your elite class. I think I could qualify, if you would care to give me a trial later on."

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: {{ Sorry all but have to pick up my kid. Feel free to hang around and mingle if you like. }}

David Marks: Mark stands up with a nod to Luis, then slowly looks around to the class on his way to the door.

Surly: *nods to Jez* no prob. you around tomorrow? i have a student i have to give a lesson to tonight, but i'll be around later tomorrow.

Christian Gallagher: He reaches out and brushes Sha's shoulder with his fingers--just simple contact--before he rises to stand. He waits there with her, looking back over the others...Jez, Jeff, and Katana getting the majority of the curious attention.

Luis Ruiz * First Defense *: {{ Planing on same time next week at the moment. }}

Katana: Katana watches the UN guy with more interest than the rest and when there is the opportunity to corner him alone, she will.

Jeff Brolin: *He continues scrawling, and he shoves his notebook into his backpack. He gives a salute to the others in the class, and hoofs it down the street to the nearest diner. FOOD.*

Christian Gallagher: ((with her = for her))

Sha-Sha: *She smiles at Christian and moves to stand, looking around at the others while she waits for him. Her notepad is closed and slipped into her purse.*

Jez Talino: And now a friendly, respectful nod to Katana, and a smile to Christian.

Katana: ((that would be really good with the time/day. Thanks! This was really fun! :) ))

Jez Talino: Surly: "I should be. I'll give you a call." He heads out of the place.

Jez Talino: ((Perfect for me, Luis. *S* Surly: Probably, though a little later than this.))

Surly: good. *nods to Jez and heads back to her car. time to run an aging woman around Battery a few times. or try to....*

David Marks: ((Sounds good to me :))

Sha-Sha: *And since he actually beat her up she starts wandering towards the door with him.*

Sha-Sha: ((*checks schedule* I start school again next week, hang on...))

Christian Gallagher: ((Works!))

David Marks: David makes his way to the parking lot towards his car casually.

Jeff Brolin: ((I can be on - however, will have to WP roll it to see if Jeff isn't too bored.))

Katana: Katana follows Marks out to the parking lot.

Sha-Sha: ((eh...same time next week I'd have to miss. *purses lips thinking*))

Christian Gallagher: He heads to the door with Sha-Sha, backpack slung over his shoulder as they leave.

Surly: ((i shall endeavor to remember. 8wry grin* and Jez--i tend to go to bed around this time during the weeknights. but, we'll try, yes? *G* night guys,and thanks!))

Jez Talino: ((I've got an hour and a half, pushing to two hours. So if Sha and/or Christian need to talk to is the time!))

Jez Talino: ((Surly: *L* We'll try, but I still haven't spent any points for his stats...))

Sha-Sha: ((*L* Keith wanted to talk to Sha! I've got time though...))

Christian Gallagher: ((I'm good to go. *S* Where to?))

Surly: ((*L* so, get him into training now, and wait on the points. ansd pray she doesn't single him out for private lessons. *chortles merrily and poofs*))

Jez Talino: ((They can always find him in Battery or Limelight - let's make it the club!))

David Marks: David glances to Katana following him so he slows down as he approaches the car to give her time to catch up if that is waht she is doing.

Christian Gallagher: ((Lime's an easy option, sure. Built-in, with Christian's job. On my way!))



Keith Newcomb: ((~steals indigo~))

Keith Newcomb: He walks into the club, calm. Reasonably so, anyway. ~Today's t-shirt is Motorhead~

Christian Gallagher: ((Navy is MINE!))

Sha-Sha: ((You two are nuts. *L*)) *No change in appearance as they arrive at the club on her bike. Time to relax after the class. She went easy on the drive home as her mind was partially still on the class.*

Keith Newcomb: He looks around casually as he nears the bar.

Sha-Sha: d10: [per+alert: 7,5,9,7,

Christian Gallagher: He's quiet as they arrive at the Limelight, and slips off the bike once the engine's stopped. He waits for her to join him on the curb, and slips an arm around her, hand resting lightly midway up her back as they head inside. "You okay?"

Keith Newcomb: d10: : 4,10,4,4,4,

Keith Newcomb: He thinks he might seen the unusual hair of Sha-Sha as she walks in. Might be her. He leans on the bar and orders a tequila straight up.

Sha-Sha: ((Actually it's solid black these days...faint blue sheen to it...not unusual at all *L*))

Keith Newcomb: No, that turned out to be some other gothy sort of freak. He frowns.

Sha-Sha: *She looks up at Christian and lets out a slow breath* Yeah I'm okay...Just nervous about the brush passes...especially if Jeff's feeling flirty...*And when they get through the doors she nearly runs into someone as she sees Keith, her eyes following him.*

Keith Newcomb: He moves away from the bar with his drink, looking.

Keith Newcomb: d10: : 6,3,8,2,5,

Keith Newcomb: There. That's right, the different hair now. He moves towards Sha-Sha and Christian.

Christian Gallagher: He nods. "Maybe we can talk to the instructor about..." He stops when she has a near-collision, and follows her gaze to Keith.

Sha-Sha: *Her hand grips tight around Christian as Keith walks over, a smile plastered on her face.*

Alexander Donovan: Alex takes a break from his usual grind to hit his usual place for grinding. Err... Anyway, he steps in alone tonight, giving a few employees a freindly wave on his way toward the bar.

Christian Gallagher: And he takes a single, subtle step forward, to position himself ahead of Sha-Sha. Not obvious...could have been just an extra step when she stumbled. Still, he's able to intercept if needed.

Keith Newcomb: He smiles back to Sha-Sha, crossing the room. A pat on the arm to Alex as he pasts the big guy.

Keith Newcomb: OOC> pasts=passes

Alexander Donovan: Alex pats Keith on the shoulder as he goes by as well, returning the welcoming gesture.

Sha-Sha: *She licks her lips. For Alex, Today Sha's sans make-up. Eyes slightly bloodshot. Wearing a pair of black leather pants, black leather coat (not trench) opened to reveal a black body suit disappearing into the pants.* Hey Keith

Keith Newcomb: "Hey, Sha-Sha, what's up, girl? Like the outfit." Looks to Christian, tilts his head. Unsure if he knows him or not. He looks familiar, like he's seen him around. "Hey."

Christian Gallagher: Keith gets a smile, warm enough, and a nod. "Evening, man."

Keith Newcomb: Christian: Maybe he knows him. Keith doesn't always remember people. "What's up? Hey, you should have heard Sha sing Joplin the other night. Fucking blew us out of the water!"

Alexander Donovan: Alex gets himself a tequila, straight today. His eyes follow to where Keith has gone and he heads in that direction with his drink.

Christian Gallagher: "So I heard," he says with a smile, looking back to Sha-Sha. "Not that I'm surprised."

Sha-Sha: Keith, this is Christian, Christian this is Keith. Not much we just came to relax and enjoy the night. *She's kinda clinging to Christian, trying to get her heart back up in it's normal spot rather than at her feet.*

Keith Newcomb: "Cool, cool. Hey, you two know Alex?" As the guy comes up. "Alex, this is Christian. Yeah, I think you know Sha."

Alexander Donovan: Alex walks up behind Keith, then makes himself comfortable with the trio. "Hey guys, anything fun on for the night?"

Keith Newcomb: Sha: "We should get the band back and really kick up some tunes, try to get hired somewhere. We can do some covers to start, anyway. Think of some other female vocalists you can do. Like Morissette or Plastmatics. No pop shit. We gotta get Ghost of Sha in the public eye."

Sha-Sha: *She ducks her head* Thanks. You guys were pretty good too.

Keith Newcomb: Alex: "Nah. Went to a party last night with Jeff, then took off for something wilder and better, but tonight's pretty quiet."

Christian Gallagher: "Hey, Alex." He nods to him with a smile. "Good to see you again. How are you?"

Sha-Sha: I can do pretty much anything. I just can't guarentee I'll do it well. *She smiles up at Alex.* Hey hun...

Sha-Sha: A party? Where at? *Perhaps too casual.*

Keith Newcomb: Sha: "Don't remember. Some lame ass thing. Some guy threatened Jeff with a broken bottle, and we left with some chick, went and found some *real* fun."

Christian Gallagher: He looks between Keith and Sha-Sha, curious. Still holding that spot subtlely between the two.

Alexander Donovan: Keith: "Wilder, huh? Manage to make the news with it?" Chris: "I'm doing great. Just out for a bit on the town." Alex does step around to give Sha a one armed hug unless Chris gets completely in the way.

Sha-Sha: *She lays her head against Christian, leaning on him a bit, trying to hide the trembling.*

Sha-Sha: *She frees up one arm to pull Alex in to her other side, hugging him*

Keith Newcomb: Alex: "Nah. Why bother with publicity?" Chuckles. "Hey, Christian, did Sha tell ya what we nearly named the band? It was pretty good actually, though not sure a lot of people would of gotten it."

Christian Gallagher: He doesn't get in Alexander's way.

Christian Gallagher: His eyes narrow slightly at Keith. His mood is pretty well shot at something. "Yes, she did. I don't think she found it funny."

Alexander Donovan: Alex looks between them, wondering at what that name might be...

Sha-Sha: *She keeps ahold of Alex as well, eyes going to Christian and widening a bit as he replies to Keith.*

Keith Newcomb: He gives Christian an odd look. "Children of Pan? I don't think Jeff meant it to be funny."

Keith Newcomb: Takes a drink of his tequila, then fumbles out his hard pack of Camels, offering them around.

Christian Gallagher: That...was not the name that Sha told Christian about, apparently. He blinks. "Oh. No, well...yeah. Not many would have gotten it." Like him.

Keith Newcomb: "Pan was this mythical god or something who liked to fuck goats." Chuckles, lighting up with a plain black lighter. "It was pretty funny."

Sha-Sha: I...I didn't tell him that one. *She shakes her head at the offered cigarettes.*

Keith Newcomb: "I just think Jeff was serious." He blows out a thin plume of smoke casually. "But I like Ghost of Sha better. She'll be the one in the spotlight."

Christian Gallagher: "Yeah, I know who Pan is. Mythology class, 10th grade." He raises a brow. "Still don't get it."

Keith Newcomb: Sha: "You didn't? What other names were we considering?" Smirks. "Other than my joke, of course. Man, you took that pretty serious, I was surprised."

Sha-Sha: Not goats...women. He was often depicted as a satyr himself though.

Sha-Sha: *She only stays upright because she's holding onto Christian and Alex as Keith says that.*

Christian Gallagher: And then those eyes narrow again. "Yeah, Keith...look, can I talk to you for a moment? Got something I need to chat at you about."

Keith Newcomb: "Women. *And* goats. Saw a picture of an ancient sculpture once, Pan mounting a goat. Never got it out of my mind."

Alexander Donovan: Alex looks between all three. "Am I the only one missing that joke?"

Sha-Sha: *She looks between Alex and Christian as Christian suggests going off with Keith alone.*

Keith Newcomb: Alex: "It was Sha's Mangled Corpse." Laughs. "Nobody gave it much thought, just a joke, but I guess Sha didn't like it too much. But she'll loosen up around us eventually." Gives her a wink, then nods to Christian. "I guess."

Christian Gallagher: His hand--the one not holding Sha-Sha's--clenches. "Well, then, start walking." He's losing his niceness a bit, and he looks to Sha. "You're going to be okay with Alex, right?"

Alexander Donovan: Alex's eyes narrow a bit at Keith, obviously not liking the 'joke' much himself.

Sha-Sha: *She nods a little at Christian and lets go, reluctantly, of him.*

Keith Newcomb: "What the fuck?" He frowns. "You guys are wound tighter than a virgin's ass. Mellow. Shit."

Sha-Sha: *She can't keep it back any longer, Christian is going. At least, she thinks he is. She turns and buries her face into Alex's chest, crying softly.*

Alexander Donovan: Alex settles a bit when Chris and Keith seem to be fixing to take a small walk.

Christian Gallagher: He gives Sha a smile and nods, then starts walking with Keith. His hand comes to rest on Keith's shoulder, and he starts to guide the man across the floor.

Keith Newcomb: He stares at Sha. Just *stares* as she starts crying.

Keith Newcomb: Moves with Christian. "Should we be leaving her like that, man? What in the fuck?"

Christian Gallagher: "Walk." It's muttered to Keith. If he's not walking, he's getting pushed and dragged.

Alexander Donovan: Alex gently turns Sha away from Keith, moving his own eyes back to just... watch.

Keith Newcomb: Christian: "This is seriously weird." Shakes his head, shrugging off the hand but still walking with him.

Sha-Sha: *She murmurs softly into his chest, trying to explain a little.*

Christian Gallagher: He takes Keith across the floor, to a table. One far away, but still with a vantage point where Christian can see Alex and Sha. "Have a seat, Keith." He waits until Keith is sitting before he sits himself.

Keith Newcomb: He sits down, frowning faintly. He taps the ash from his cigarette and takes a long drag. "What's her damage? She was all freaky when we talked about sex. I said something in joking, and she got all serious and weird. And now she's *crying* over it? What, was she raped or tortured or something?"

Keith Newcomb: "And trying to keep Jeff, our guitarist, from talking about sex is like trying to tell the sun to stay away."

Alexander Donovan: Listens to Sha, watches the guys.

Christian Gallagher: He takes a seat and stares at Keith at that question. He says nothing...his look is more then enough.

Alexander Donovan: Alex gives Sha a reassuring pat on the shoulder as he listens.

Keith Newcomb: He stares back at Christian. Another frown and he swigs down his tequila. "Oh. Great. She ain't gonna be able to handle us, is she?" He snorts and sits back in his chair, a curl of smoke from the cigarette in his hand. "Fuck, Christian. She's not just good, she's *great*. The band needs her. So what the fuck we gotta do? We can't tame Jeff. Liam don't say shit, so he's cool. Me...I can't help what pops out of my head through my mouth sometimes. It's just me."

Christian Gallagher: He frowns deeply, arms folding over his chest. "Look, I'm not trying to speak for Sha-Sha. I'm not making decisions for her, I'm just speaking based off what I know. But I don't know if it's going to work, if you can't chill, and fucking Jeff can't." His lip curls a little bit. The man, it seems, is becoming very much a not-Jeff fan.

Sha-Sha: *She swallows hard and just holds onto Alex, he's still all that's keeping her from buckling at the moment. She can't bring herself to even lift her head.*

Alexander Donovan: Alex has no problem being support. Sha's weight being like a feather to the big guy. He muters something in return.

Keith Newcomb: He sighs, running a hand through his creamy locks of hair. "Well, it was just a joke. You know? If I had said Jeff's Mangled Corpse, he would have laughed and hit me or thrown something at me. You know. Liam would be the same. Sha's pretty cool, I had no idea she would freak. But she was acting all weird before when Jeff was going on about fucking. Dammit! I can try to watch myself." He shrugs, looking at him. "That's all I can say. I'll even...apologize," having trouble with that word, "to her. If it'll keep her doing Janis Joplin."

Sha-Sha: *More murmurs*

Christian Gallagher: He nods a little bit. "Sha-Sha is very sensitive about shit like that, Keith. Very sensitive." He pauses for a moment, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath. "And now, I need to ask you something, about that party you went to. Was it a house party, and was there a drunk girl involved?" He's gotta check. It's got to be coincidence.

Keith Newcomb: "Don't know where it was at, but there drunk girls and boys everywhere." He chuckles. "It was a *party*. I think that's pretty much the definition."

Keith Newcomb: ooc> there *were*

Christian Gallagher: "Was there a drunk girl involved with the broken bottle," he says, frowning deeper.

Alexander Donovan: "I'm sure things will work out. Just... be careful, alright? I wouldn't want to see you hurt."

Keith Newcomb: "Nah, it was some weird guy with a broken bottle. He crashed the party and threw their CD across the room, put in some really cool metal. Anyway, some people offense to that." Laughs at the memory. "He was probably drunk as hell, I remember him carrying around this big ol' vodka bottle. That's the thing he smashed, I think."

Keith Newcomb: "I don't much remember." He shrugs. "Me and Jeff left with this girl following us, Sasha or Sorsha or something. It was a lame-duck party. We went off barhopping and then...well, let's just things got way fun."

Keith Newcomb: OOC> let's just *say*

Sha-Sha: I'm trying to be...*She says in a very small voice.* I...*She looks at the bar then closes her eyes, obviously wanting but stopping herself for some reaon.*

Christian Gallagher: d10: Per+Subt: 3,8,2,8,7,

Alexander Donovan: "You don't need a drink. But you will need an escort home if Chris is working tonight."

Keith Newcomb: d10: manip subt: 8,4,8,8,3,

Sha-Sha: *She swallows a bit* I live with him now, him and Charlie. I...If...I really don't want to be alone and I don't know if Charlie will be awake.

Alexander Donovan: "I'm not going anywhere at the moment. But we'll worry about that if the two of you become seperated sometime tonight."

Keith Newcomb: "C'mon, let's get back to Sha and Alex." Preparing to get up.

Sha-Sha: *She nods a little, sighing softly, a little relieved. She finally dares to lift her head and look over towards Christian and Keith.*

Keith Newcomb: Stubbing out his cigarette. Leaving his empty glass.

Christian Gallagher: His eyes narrow. He's not exactly convinced, but he has no comfirmation to go off of. Even if he is being honest, it's entirely possible he was too drunk to remember...he can't even remember the locale. He rises to his feet and watches him, suspiciously. "Yeah, let's."

Keith Newcomb: "Christian," he sighs. "Look. I'm not a great guy. I'm not always a decent guy. I drink too much, I smoke too much, I fuck too much, I say whatever stupid shit pops into my head. But I'm not a *total* bastard. I ain't gonna harm Sha."

Keith Newcomb -> Christian Gallagher: ((And he really doesn't remember where it was. *L* Keith does NOT have a good memory.))

Keith Newcomb: He walks towards Sha and Alex.

Christian Gallagher: He nods a little bit. "You're damn right you're not." That seems to be the best he's going to get. And he heads back with Keith, making sure to be in front of the man as they approach Alex and Sha-Sha.

Alexander Donovan: Alex frowns a bit as Chris walks in front, obscuring his view of Keith. He does pat Sha on the shoulder as they come back though, in case she doesn't see them.

Keith Newcomb: Stepping around Alex so she's at least in his line of vision, though he isn't trying to touch her. "Hey, kid," he says quietly. "I didn't mean what I said, you know. It really was just a joke. I'll try to watch myself, but I can't always. If you want to, you know, carry a bat or something, smack me upside the head when I talk shit." He grins. "Feel free."

Keith Newcomb: OOC< Alex=Chris

Sha-Sha: *She lifts up a little more, watching as they come back over. Well, Christian's okay. No apparent physical fight. So maybe it went well.*

Christian Gallagher: He tenses, and really tries to stay in the way between Keith and Sha. He'll let Keith see her. Not be between Christian and her. Uber-protective mode, now.

Sha-Sha: *She looks at Christian, watching his reaction to this before she'll respond.*

Keith Newcomb: Sha: "Besides, you know me. You know I didn't say anything like that to you before. I was feeling relaxed around you. You know. Comfortable. The band's coming together, we're starting to sound good, you're singing unbelievable. It was just a weird moment."

Alexander Donovan: Alex gives Keith a wide smile, if one of his less nice ones. "If it helps, you can consider her enrolled in my own personal 'Big Brother' program. And I'm one 'big brother' you don't want to be on the bad side of."

Alexander Donovan: But as Keith keeps talking, Alex's smile becomes a bit more normal.

Keith Newcomb: "Christian!" he snaps at him. "Will you *stop* it? Jesus H. Christ, man, it was *one* damn comment! Was there any possible way on *earth* I was going to know how it would upset her? I don't *think* so. Sha is the best fucking singer I've heard in a long time, I'm not *about* to hurt her!"

Keith Newcomb: Alex: "You, too! Enough." He snorts. "One comment. One. Making a joke about a band name. Feeling the moment. Good god, you'd think I was rolling in steamy entrails while I was saying it!"

Sha-Sha: *She relaxes some after he continues then smiles softly.* Alright. I'm sorry, I got so jumpy. I just...those kinds of jokes are a bad thing around me okay?

Keith Newcomb: "Sha-Sha, you're cool. Alright, kid? I can talk to Jeff, try to keep him contained, and Liam's cool. I'll watch my mouth. We need you, kid. You're the best. You make the band come alive. But these two." He grins. "I don't know whether to laugh or bang my head against the wall. Maybe both. Alright, monkeyboys, if you want to come to the damn rehearsals, you can, but you'll make yourselves useful when you do."

Christian Gallagher: He blinks at the snap and takes a small step back, but otherwise holding his ground in the face of the other's anger. "No. You're not."

Sha-Sha: *She actually frowns at Keith's outburst.* Yeah one comment, just a couple weeks after I moved in with Christian because I was too jumpy living in my apartment because the mangled corpse of a girl who was grabbed near there was found in a field.

Keith Newcomb: Sha-Sha: "Then I'll do my best to watch it." He nods to her. "Would you rather have Spirit of Sha instead of Ghost?"

Keith Newcomb: Raises an eyebrow at Sha-Sha. "Seriously? That's pretty...sick. I had no clue." He really didn't.

Christian Gallagher: He calms a little bit when Keith does, and when Sha-Sha seems tolerably okay. Still in protective-mode, though. Just not overdrive on it.

Alexander Donovan: "And I thought that was supposed to be the nice neighborhood."

Christian Gallagher: "This is New York, Alex," he mutters. "'Nice neighborhood' is wholly a matter of conjecture."

Keith Newcomb: Alex: "There are no nice neighborhoods. There are no nice towns. There's rot everywhere you look, just sometimes you can't see it too good. Usually the shit is covered with a thin veneer of nice."

Keith Newcomb: "Look, I gotta go. I have a drum lesson to give early in the morning. Well, ten o'clock, but that's early for me."

Sha-Sha: *She sighs and rubs her forhead.* I don't mind Ghost of sounds better. And yes, seriously, *That reaction taking away the last vestiges of her fear over it.* So, we know I'm said you'll try to watch it. We'll give it a couple more tries and see how it goes, okay? *She looks at all three to see if that sounds good to all.*

Christian Gallagher: He seems wary...something's still bothering him. He looks to Alex, then to Sha-Sha.

Alexander Donovan: Keith: "10 is early. I'll see you around." No, not said menacingly, just a statement of fact.

Keith Newcomb: Sha: "Whatever it takes. Maybe Christian should approach Jeff; I ain't so good at making others play nice. And I figure, the more we hang out, the more comfortable we'll all be, figure out all the personalities and egos. And," he winks with a grin, "we're the best damn looking band in the city."

Keith Newcomb: Sha: Takes a step closer. Softly, "We okay now, kid?" Holding out a hand to her. Ignoring Christian and Alex.

Keith Newcomb: ((bedtime *sigh*))

Sha-Sha: *She manages a little laugh at that.* Thank you...good night Keith. *She looks over at Christian, that wary look gets a worried one from her.*

Christian Gallagher: He twitches a little as Keith pushes by him, but makes no move to stop him unless Sha-Sha reacts badly.

Sha-Sha: *She nods a little.* I think so. *She reaches out to take his hand briefly, squeezing it before letting go.*

Alexander Donovan: Alex remains where he is, not getting in the way, but not leaving her vulnerable either. ((Goodnight, and sleep tight.))

Keith Newcomb: He just touches her shoulder, not moving to hug her. A sudden bright smile. "You know, you'd look great with red hair." A light squeeze of her shoulder and he's heading out. ((Night all, thanks for the scene!))

Keith Newcomb: ((make shoulder into hand *G*))

Alexander Donovan: Alex steps back just enough to let Chris take his place holding Sha. "Black is definately more your color."

Sha-Sha: *She moves her head to lean against Christian when she slides his arm around her waist, for a moment.* Thanks guys...and...I'm sorry. *She hugs them both.*

Alexander Donovan: "For what? I meant what I said. Consider me the big brother that'll beat up the guys that don't treat you right." He winks at Chris at the comment.

Christian Gallagher: "Don't be sorry, Sha-Sha." He frowns a little. "And honestly...before you make any decisions about the band...I think I'd like to talk to this Dani about that party."

Alexander Donovan: Alex raises an eyebrow at Chris. "Sounds like an interesting party..."

Sha-Sha: *She nods a little.* Except...I don't think I'll be getting drunk any more...*She whispers.*

Alexander Donovan: Sha: "Good. I don't think that was really helping your situation."

Christian Gallagher: "I can deal with that," he says with a nod, squeeing her arm around her gently.

Sha-Sha: It felt like it was. *She says in a small voice. Leaning against Christian again.*

Alexander Donovan: "The feeling was a lie. I suppose now is the time the older brother makes a graceful exit and allows the younger sister to enjoy her date..."

Sha-Sha: *She laughs softly.* Thanks Alex. *She pulls away from Christian long enough to kiss Alex on the cheek.* Have a good night. *Then she slips right back into Christian's arms.*

Christian Gallagher: He looks at Alex and nods, smiling to him. "Thank you, Alex. I'll see you later."

Alexander Donovan: Alex slips off into the club, drfting downstairs just to listen to what's going on as he wanders the halls.

Christian Gallagher: He looks after Alex, smiling a bit, then back to Sha-Sha, hugging her. "You okay?"

Sha-Sha: *She lays her head down on his shoulder again, closing her eyes. Just standing there in his arms for a moment. Another problem taken care of. That's two today. She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.*

Sha-Sha: *She nods and looks up at him, smiling softly.* Thank you Christian, *She lifts her head and kisses him tenderly.*

Christian Gallagher: "Any time," he murmurs against her lips before giving into the kiss, eyes half-shutting.

Sha-Sha: *She sways a little to the music, holding him. Kissing him. Not caring who looks, or what their reactions are.*

Christian Gallagher: His arms wrap around her, drawing her close, and between her and the music, he's oblivious to the rest of the world.

Sha-Sha: *She holds that kiss for an eternal moment. Then lays her head against his shoulder again, smiling.*

Christian Gallagher: He makes a little sigh as the kiss parts and squeezes her arms around her. "Well. I'd say we're back toward having a good evening. What would you like to do?"

Sha-Sha: *She smiles and nods* We are...and I don't care. So long as I get to spend it with you I'll be happy.

Christian Gallagher: He smiles at that, and nods. "All right." He's swaying a little bit to the music...ATB's You're Not Alone has just started. "Well...since we're here...shall we enjoy the music?"

Sha-Sha: *She bites her lip, ducking her head a bit and grinning at the song. She nods, swaying with him more, the grin not fading in the slightest.*

Christian Gallagher: He smiles and starts to move a little more, dance floor or not. Doesn't need a dance floor...he's got the music, he's got her. What else is there to have?

Sha-Sha: *She giggles and follows suit, playing off him, off the music, what else is there to have indeed.*