Luis Ruiz: * Here stands a once handsome man. His features are latino and the accent is there to go along with it. Maybe Cuba? At five feet and eight inches he is not tall, but coiled into that small frame is a seemingly boundless potential to do harm. His face is thin and devoid of fat and the eyes are a deep brown. His hair is black and trimed in a high and tight. The dominating feature is the large scar that covers the right side of his neck, stealing away any beauty that might have remained on the once handsome face. On the left hand there is a large class ring with a diamond seting. He looks to be in his mid to late twenties. Dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black tee-shirt that reads " Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun. " *

Katana: Katana is there. She has on a pair of black jeans, and a black tank top, dark hair pulled back into a french braid with the ends scooped up into the back. Once again, she takes her preferred -seat-, standing at the back where no one can get behind her.

Luis Ruiz: * He enters the classroom and tosses a pile of papers on his metal desk before turning to look over the room. *

David Marks: David arrives and makes his way in. Casual for him is a pair of slacks, dress shoes, and business shirt. All in a dark shade of blue that is almost black. He is also carring a briefcase with him that likely has his note taking materials. He takes his time to get into the room, not wanting to be the only one there afterall.

Christian Gallagher: Christian slips into the classroom, a couple moments after Luis, and nods to the instructor, then Katana, before making his way to a desk. Usual outfit...the T-Shirt today reads I (Heart) Transitive Pictograph Verbalizations" in white and red on black. He slips his backpack off as he makes his way to a desk, setting it down next to him as he takes a seat.

Katana: At Katana's feet is a black satchel.

Luis Ruiz: * After a quick check of the names his takes a seat on his desk. * " Glad to see that you made it back. The things that we will be working on tonight are skills that require practice. People have been using these skills for thousands of years and very few have ever mastered them. The one thing that is hardwired into the human mind and that makes these tricks work for you is that we were once reptiles. The eye is evoled to see movement. "

Christian Gallagher: David also gets a nod and an easy, friendly smile. He settles back in the seat at the desk, pulling out a his quad-ruled pad and clicking a pen to life.

Katana: Katana crouches down and pulls out her clipboard and a mechanical pencil from the satchel. She stays like that for a little bit at least while she listens.

Jez: Arrives on time, taking a seat.

Christian Gallagher: He nods slightly at Luis's words, listening calmly.

Jez: He takes out his supplies very quietly. Wearing loose black silk PJ pants that have pockets in them, and a loosely-fitting, twilight purple silk button-down shirt.

David Marks: David nods to both Christian and Katana before taking a seat and preparing his otes while listening.

Luis Ruiz: " The problems with these skills are that they can be used against you as well. Your eye is no different than that of the person that you are trying to catch. Tonight we work on brush passes and other covert information transfer methods. Can I have a volunteer? "

Jez: He raises his hand along with any others.

Rafiya Ballantyne: The blonde, with a thick long "mane," some of which falls into her light blue eyes, moves toward the doorway to the classroom, quite cautious and maybe so more curious, despite the bit of a regalness to her. Her clothes are quite simple, white explorer button down shirt and khaki shorts, with hiking boots.

Christian Gallagher: He shrugs and raises his hand...why not?

Katana: d10: per/alert: 5,8,2,6,9,5,

Katana: She spots the newcomer, or semi-newcomer hovering sort of behind her. Katana moves a little as she stands, pushing the satchel gently with her foot and keeping her distance some.

Luis Ruiz: * He stands and motions for Christian to do the same. * " Alright guys. Chris and I do not know each other. He knows he is going to be reciving something sometime today. We are about to pass each other on the sidewalk. You have been watching me and you know that I am up to no good. Lets see if you can spot the brush pass. "

Jez: He watches intently.

Christian Gallagher: He rises to his feet and shrugs a bit, to settle the leather jacket a bit better on his shoulders, then moves to where Luis directs him, ready to start the pass.

Rafiya Ballantyne: If ears could perk forward right now they would. She brushes her hair from her eyes, watching with interest, but not quite yet inside the doorway either.

Luis Ruiz: * He takes a position at the blackboard and then begins to walk casualy towords Christian. His eyes remain fixed at the oposite wall, looking over the boys shoulder. *

Luis Ruiz: d10: Dex/stealth: 2,8,4,2,9,6,10,

Christian Gallagher: The DJ goes for as casual as possible, staring straight ahead as they pass.

Jez: d10: p/a: 6,6,9,5,6,10,9,

Christian Gallagher: d10: Dex+Stealth: 5,2,8,2,

Katana: d10: per/alert: 9,7,4,3,7,3,

Luis Ruiz: * He stops at the opisite wall and turns around. * " Did you get it Christian? "

Jez: He smiles to himself, still watching intently.

Christian Gallagher: Hey, there's a reason he's in the class. He tries to look casual, like nothing happened. Tries being the operative word.

Rafiya Ballantyne: Tentatively, she steps in further as quietly as possible.

Christian Gallagher: He looks at Luis and grins a bit. "I wouldn't be a very good operative if I told everyone trying to watch me whether I did or not, would I?" He smirks and nods. "Yeah."

Jez: He quickly writes a note about his specific observation.

Luis Ruiz: * Luis smiles and then looks over the rest of the class. * " Okay. Who saw it? "

Jez: He raises his hand. "You scratched your chest, so that people would see the movement and not notice that your other hand was dropping something into Christian's pocket, sir."

David Marks: David doesn't say much as he watches what happens closely. Taking note of Rafiya briefly before turning back to what the instructor is doing.

Rafiya Ballantyne: She was too busy checking Luis out to really have seen if it was a pickpocket or a drop.

Jez: "Though," he amends, "You could have been taking something out of his pocket. I did get distracted by the scratching move."

Luis Ruiz: * He smiles at Jez and winks. * " Good eyes. Did you see what was passed between us? "

Christian Gallagher: He leans back on a hip, arms crossing over his chest as he listens. Vaguely curious as to what's in his pocket, but just listening for now.

Katana: She just lets Jez continue to talk.

Luis Ruiz: * For the first time he notes Rafiya is in the room and he gives her a questioning little grin before returning his attention to the class. *

Jez: He shakes his head. "No sir."

Rafiya Ballantyne: The blonde moves inside, going to the opposite of the room near the back than where the woman in black.

Luis Ruiz: " Okay Chris, show them the loot. "

Surly: *in her defense, she does try to enter quietly and unobtrusively, picking a seat near the back. ducking her head in apology to Luis in particular. she hasn't yet changed or showered from her last class*

Jez: He stays serious and attentive. Though pleased that he was able to spot the maneuver itself, he knows he could have done better.

Christian Gallagher: He reaches into his pocket and blinks. Out comes his hand, and the .38 revolver it holds. He's careful not to be holding it in an offensive capacity. The man has quite the respect for firearms. He raises it up to show everyone.

Rafiya Ballantyne: She licks her lips ever so slightly when Luis spots her, a big grin on her face.

David Marks: There is a bit of an eyebrow raise at the gun being pulled out, then there is a glance to surly with a nod before looking back to Luis.

Surly: *eyes the gun, lips pursing slightly. quietly getting out her notebook and pen*

Luis Ruiz: " Thats not a real gun. Its been demilled and if you tried to load it the bullets would fall right through it. It just goes to show that you can pass some pretty unortodox stuff around in plain sight. I used a distraction to try to hide what I was doing. Jez saw it, but he knew that it was coming. Still that is very good. This is not easy. Imagine if I would have been carrying a briefcase or if Chris would have been carrying a handbag. "

Katana: Katana still watches unphased, but that's just her. ((Should have asked to roll to see about her better identifying that gun *lol*))

Jez: He tilts his head, fascinated and riveting.

Jez: ((riveting=riveted))

Surly: *raises her hand, rather than speak up*

Christian Gallagher: He relaxes a little bit, smiling and nods. "So, I'm not the assassin for the day...good to know." He chuckles and steps to Luis, to hand the gun back.

Rafiya Ballantyne: Her big blues light up amazed like this is some magic trick, her head tilting from side to side a few times.

Luis Ruiz: * He walks back across the room to take the gun back from Christian. * " Also keep in mind that on the street there would be cars passing and Chris and I would not be the only ones on the sidewalk. " * As he takes the gun his body moves infront of Chris and he smiles. * " Yes, Surly? "

Luis Ruiz: d10: Dex/Stealth: 7,5,9,7,3,1,6,

Jez: d10: p/a: 7,9,6,4,3,6,2,

Katana: Katana watches again as if maybe there will be another passing at how Luis moved in front of Christian.

Katana: d10: per/alert: 9,8,2,6,5,3,

Surly: wouldn't Chris carrying a purse kind of make it ~more~ noticeable? even in New York, most men don't carry 'em. not without wives and also loaded with shopping bags.

Jez: A faint frown to himself.

Christian Gallagher: He stays there, just watching and listening to Luis. Casual.

Luis Ruiz: * He laughs just slightly. * " Forgive me. In the Army a handbag is a duffle bag. Like a gym bag. Sometimes I revert to military terms. Your right. If he was carrying a purse that would make him stand out on most streets. "

Rafiya Ballantyne: Rafiya is definitely intently watching Luis more.

Jez: He raises his hand.

Surly: *grunts, satisfied,and nods* makes sense, then.

Katana: Katana just continues listening.

David Marks: He grins about something, and nods a little to himself while looking back around to see the people for a moment.

Luis Ruiz: * He turns back around to face the class. * " You can sit back down Christian. You did fine. Now what are some distrations that we can use to cover this sort of activity? "

Christian Gallagher: "Thank you for the clarification," he says to Luis and Surly, grinning. "A purse may be fashionable, but it would clash with my shoes." The tennis shoes.

Jez: "The distraction you just used very effectively, sir. Taking something obviously from Christian, but when you did so, you took something else or gave him something else. I couldn't quite see what it was, however."

Christian Gallagher: He takes a seat, shaking his head with a chuckle as he pockets the wallet in his hand.

Rafiya Ballantyne: "Perhaps running a hand casually through your hair, over your face.....everyday normal gestures?" she can't help herself but try to join in. She has an somewhat odd British accent. Definitely not British or Australian.

Luis Ruiz: * He frowns at Jez and raises his brows. * " Really? What makes you so sure of that? "

Luis Ruiz: * He looks back to the woman at the back of the room and smiles again. * " Ladies and gentlemen this is an associate of mine. She is here to observe and grade me on how well I impart this information. I will let her introduce herself if she wishes. "

Surly: *ponders* there's always the old stumble trick. or--i guess this'd work better for women, making sure you've got cleavage out there to view? while the other person goes after the purse or a back pocket?

Jez: "You moved your body in front of him, but I believe I saw a movement with your off hand, the one not holding the gun, towards Christian. But with the blocking, I couldn't get a clear view and if I were an average person on the street, wouldn't think twice about it."

Jez: He looks to Rafiya, then back to Luis.

Rafiya Ballantyne: "Oh yes," she apologizes suddenly realizing her manners. "I'm Rafiya."

Christian Gallagher: He looks up at Rafiya now finally, nodding to her with a friendly, curious smile.

Katana: She's already decided her powers of observation aren't that good. Something to work on.

Rafiya Ballantyne: She gives a polite smile, but doesn't say anything else for now.

David Marks: David nods some about the suggestions he's heard, then looks to Rafiya and wonders if she will be some type of test of the class or something.

Surly: *eyes Raf up and down. a short nod*

Jez: He hopes he wasn't wrong. He was so *sure* he had seen something. So very serious in this class, he's intent on learning this material.

Luis Ruiz: " Okay Jez, you are right. What we were doing there was basicly the handshake. When you watch people and you see them touch hands the eyes are drawn to it. I am right handed and Chris used his right to hand me the piece. That opens up my left, in close to my body, to reach across and slip him something. Its the same thing in gunfights. Most cops that have to use their weapons end up hiting the perp at least once in the hand or arm. Its a training problem but do you know why that happens? "

Christian Gallagher: "Because they're looking to there for the expected weapon."

Luis Ruiz: " And yes Surly. Cleavage is one of the most effective disrations that I have ever seen. Many of the people that do this sort of thing for a living will either hire prostitutes or employee a female agent for that purpose. "

Jez: "Is it because the eyes instinctually go to the hand or arm?" he guesses.

Luis Ruiz: " Yes Chris. The eye is drawn to movement and once the eye spots a threat it gets tunnel vision. The only way to avoid this is to train the eye. "

Jez: Looks to Christian. Ooh, better answer!

Jez: Writes all that down.

Christian Gallagher: He nods a little bit, scribbling something down on his notepad.

Surly: *nods to Luis, and in agreement to the eye-hand thing* i try to teach that in some of my classes.

Luis Ruiz: " Yeah Jez. They are taught to identify something that will alow them to pull the trigger. Once they see a gun or a knife they lock in on it and forget the basics of shooting center mass. Its the same thing here. You saw us touch hands and if you did not know that you were supposed to be looking for something would you have ever been watching the free hands? "

Katana: "Even so, there definitely is a lot of retraining that one must do to pull it off most effectively. Not impossible."

Jez: "Possibly not," he admits, "although I study body language as an interest. But I was actively watching in class."

Luis Ruiz: " Thats right Katana. Practice is key here. In both passing and spoting passes. Watch for this sort of behavior when your out and about. If you have a close friend or roomate assure them that you are not crazy and practice with them. Drive down to Jefferson and 105th and watch the dealers there. They have been practicing this stuff all of their lives. "

Christian Gallagher: He nods with a frown at that. "Happens in the clubs a lot, too."

Surly: *nods* pick a dealer who doesn't sample too much of his own shit, though. those tend to get sloppy.

Rafiya Ballantyne: Eyes go wide, but luckily they are hidden once more under her longish bangs.

Luis Ruiz: " And in the club its got to be madeningly effective. Bad lighting. All that movement? "

Jez: Looks to Katana. Listens to Luis. Writes more notes.

Christian Gallagher: "Damn skippy. Any club that tells you it's drug free is lying. The bouncers just aren't that good."

Jez: He looks over at Rafiya curiously, allowing his focus to move briefly to her.

Luis Ruiz: " Watch the bouncers too. " * He smiles. * " You will see this sort of thing going on at the door too. "

Jez: d10: p/a body lang Rafiya: 7,9,5,5,2,5,8,

Katana: Not much shows in Katana. Stoic as usual.

Luis Ruiz: " Hey Surly, when you are teaching your kids to fight what sorts of distractions do they normaly try to pull on you? "

Jez: Refocuses on Luis, paying scant attention once more to the female.

Christian Gallagher: He looks from Luis to Surly, curious as to her response.

Surly: huh. in the beginning classes, it's simple stuff. telegraphed feitns, that sort of thing. as they improve, it's more subtle feints. very few try to cop a feel with me, personally. on each other, yeah. and most of the females by that point already know that yanking your shirt to pop your tits works wonders. of course--a lot of the guys don't fall for it any more. *smirks a bit*

Jez: Light smile at Surly's answer.

David Marks: David chuckles some about that and smirks while making some more notes.

Surly: *gives Jez a smirk* you, i expect better from. heh. since you've heard it.

Katana: She just writes on her clipboard. No smile, no smirk. Nothing.

Luis Ruiz: * He gives a nod and speaks again. * " Its the same with this sort of thing. At first you are going to be clumsy. Keep working at it until its second nature. Do not be disuaded if you suck at this because you will get better at it. Now pair up and start geting a feel for it. "

Christian Gallagher: He grins a bit, shaking his head.

Jez: Surly: Back to very serious mode. "Yes, ma'am, you will."

Jez: He nods to himself, listening to Luis.

Surly: *nods to Jez, witha slight grin. and stands up* anybody want to work with the bitch? *smirks* or do i get to pick the leftover?

Jez: Surly: "I would be honored." He inclines his head to her. "If you'll have me."

Luis Ruiz: " Just dont try to kill anyone, Surly. Combat medicine is on a field trip. "

Katana: "I'll take that one," pointing to David.

David Marks: David looks around, mostly looking back to Katana though for a moment. Considering how this is going to work.

Christian Gallagher: He gets to his feet and looks around, not heading toward anyone in particular...though he does smile at Surly's words. "I'm game," he says with a shrug.

Luis Ruiz: * He takes a seat on his desk and just watches them. Its not clear what he is looking for. *

Surly: *laughs to Luis* can't mangle Jez too bad--he's in my class, too. *shakes her head to Chris* sorry, he called dibs. next time. *and heads for Jez, absently cracking her neck. he may note, she's not wearing her pointy rings at the moment*

Christian Gallagher: Or not. It's all good, it seems, and he nods to Jez with a grin. "Good luck."

Luis Ruiz: {{ Be as creative as you like. *S* }}

Jez: He is ready as he'll ever be. He passes by Surly and as he gets to her, he looks away, checking out Christian's body or something perhaps, running a hand through his hair.

Jez: d10: dex stealth: 4,5,8,1,

Jez: ((*LOL*))

Katana: ((Storming here....lightning/thunder good stuff. So hopefully won't lose power))

David Marks: David gets up finally and makes his way over towards Katana, taking his note book and just tearing up a few strips of paper that could represent items to brush pass with.

Jez: Since he almost missed her pocket, it's very obvious he's trying to plant a pen in it.

Surly: *ambles by Jez as if she doens't notice he's there, allowing her shoulder to bump into his. then pulling back slightly and frowning. shakes a finger in his face* yo, share the sidewalk, man!

Luis Ruiz: " Nice one Jez, but it look scripted and you almost stabbed Surly. "

Katana: She watches David closely, hand playing idly with the bottom of her tank top, then as he gets close enough, she ducks down as if about to tie her shoe or if she dropped something, bumping against David.

Katana: d10: dex/stealth: 6,8,2,5,6,4,9,

Surly: ((*L*)) *they probably bump hands, since her non-shaking hand is attempting to stick a pen into his pocket as well. not exactly a professional at this--she'd've done better if she'd been trying to hurt him*

Jez: He goes a little pink, but nods seriously at Luis' words. ((And now Surly's post as she tries? *hugs Surly-p*))

Jez: He smiles at Surly. "I'll just pass by this time, alright?" he says quietly. Probably should have decided that first.

Christian Gallagher: Since Rafiya's observing Luis, and Luis is observing them, that leaves him the odd man out...not that he seems to mind. He takes a lean against his desk, arms crossed over his chest as he watches the others, studying techniques.

David Marks: David moves towards Katana, like any typical guy checks out that tank top and how she toys with it. Seeming fairly obviously distracted and bumping into Katana right back when she does to him.

Luis Ruiz: * He nods quietly at Katana and Dave. *

Rafiya Ballantyne: "Would you like for us to try?" Rafiya inclines her head ever so slightly toward Christian.

David Marks: "Sorry about that Miss" and he stoops down to help her up. "Didn't mean to get in your way like that." and he actually blushes some on command.

Luis Ruiz: " Sure. Just try to be gentle with him. He has already lost his wallet once tonight. "

Surly: ((*giggles*)) *actually laughs at Jez, and nods* we should've made plans first....

Jez: He nods to Surly and steps back into position, then walks towards her casual like.

Luis Ruiz: * He turns his attention back to Dave and Katana. * " After you have made the pass do not linger any longer t han you have too to sell it. You want to put distance between yourselves and get lost in the crowd. "

Katana: She gives a very coy and flirty smile in return and a hand moves quickly to his waist and shoulder as their paths collide. "Oh, you weren't....." in a sweet Spanish accent.

Christian Gallagher: "Hmm?" He looks up from Katana and David, looking at Rafiya. "Oh. Sure, if you're game." He smiles to her.

Katana: Then she continues walking on past David.

Luis Ruiz: * Then he adds quietly... * " Unless its a really good pass. Then I guess you could always get a room. "

Rafiya Ballantyne: "A chance to bump against you....what girl would turn that down?" she winks to him.

David Marks: David glances to Luis and then nods, "Have a nice evening." and then continues on his way past Katana. Doing a turn around on his heel when he gets a few feet away.

Luis Ruiz: " Nicely done with a great distraction. "

Surly: *wanders past Jez. letting her hips sway almost seductively. pushing a hand through her hair to get it off her face as she passes, the other hand attempting to slip him the pen again*

Jez: He doesn't look at Surly, keeping to his own casual business.

Christian Gallagher: He chuckles and shrugs. "You'd be surprised." He pushes off the desk and makes starts to walk up toward Rafiya, running a hand through his hair as he does.

David Marks: David then turns his attention to Christian and Rafiya to see how they do as he slips a hand into his pocket.

Rafiya Ballantyne: She gives her lips a long lingering lick as she watches Christian, flipping her hair back so her eyes can catch on him better. "Oh yummmmmy," she murmurs seductively.

Luis Ruiz: * His attention shifts as well. He is trying to watch both passes but his eyes keep returning to Rafiya. *

Katana: Katana smirks watching Jez's reaction.

Christian Gallagher: The direct sensual attention actually seems to throw Christian off his game just a bit, or make him uncomfortable...but he works with that, letting the flush and the hesitation work to his advantage as best he can. "Umm...pardon me..." He pauses, trying to shift his way around her and...doesn't quite manage it, actually bumping into her. Not an "bump," but an actual bump.

Luis Ruiz: * If your going to use your hips like that make sure you go for a high pass, Surly. Shake it up, jez. Its okay not to look at her but you should make some sort of contact to draw the eye. A hip bump would work. "

Rafiya Ballantyne: "Yes?" she grins more, another lick to her lips and she does a little dance with him moving a few times left then right then right and left as if trying to move out of his way, then a small embarrassed laugh as she blushes. "I'm sorry...."

Jez: He nods. "Maybe like this," he says to Surly, showing her a 'hurried New Yorker' walk-by where he bumps into her, looks irritated, and continues on. He looks to her to see if it helped her on her pass.

Luis Ruiz: " Okay thats good, Jez. It fits. Did not see the pass just the hands. "

Rafiya Ballantyne -> Christian Gallagher: Christian feels her hand gently touch his as she makes the last try to move past him. And she gives him a small barrett.

Christian Gallagher: He does his best to compensate for his FUBAR, giving an embarassed sort of smile before shrugging. "No problem." He gives a chagrined smile and slips past her, continuing on. After a couple steps, he shakes his head, reaching up to scratch at the back of his neck. Brilliant, Christian.

Jez: He nods to Luis, then does smile to Surly. Let me try once more to pass. I've got to really work on that."

Surly: *she nods to Luis, then tries again, aiming for his shirt pocket this time. and returning the irritated look with a glare and muttered comment about rudeness*

Jez: After, of course, Surly does her last pass.

Surly: ((*holds post until their third pass, that is. heh.*))

Surly: ((LOL! ok.....shall we say they attempt the thrid try?))

Luis Ruiz: " Chris and Rafiya... that was good except if I was watching it on the street.. if I was supposed to be watching one of you that would have been too much intereation. Still I would not know which way that the pass went so its good. "

Jez: ((They'll try the third pass, this time Jez will do the pass itself.)) He passes Surly, and as he does so, he shades his eyes with his off hand and looking up like a tourist looking at the skyscrapers, while his other hand passes the pen.

Katana: Katana grins a bit with the Chris and Rafiya pass, and is definitely amused with Jez especially.

David Marks: David grins. "And it could have always been a false brush pass. To try and throw someone off and bleed of resources as they try to keep up with a possible drop that never happened."

Christian Gallagher: He looks up at Luis, surprised. That was good? He nods and smiles a bit to the instructor, and looks back at Rafiya. " bad there."

Rafiya Ballantyne: "It's fine....What was your name again?" she asks him

Luis Ruiz: " Exactly Dave. I have to keep watching one and give up somone on my team to watch the other now and it could always be that it was not the actualy contact I am looking for. Back to disinformation. "

Jez: It went better this time. At least he didn't try to stab Surly. He relaxes a bit then, looking at the others. A smile to Katana, but his expression otherwise remains serious as he takes this class seriously.

Surly: *not being stabbed is always a good thing in her book*

David Marks: David nods some about that, turning to watch Surly and Jez more.

Luis Ruiz: " You reacted like most any man would to what she did, Chris. And I did not see the exchange because I was watching Rafiya. That a good pass. "

Rafiya Ballantyne: "Check your right hand," she smiles.

Christian Gallagher: "Christian," he says to Rafiya with a small smile and a nod, before looking to Luis. He grins a bit and shrugs. "Good point."

Rafiya Ballantyne: "Nice to meet you Christian."

Christian Gallagher: He smiles and holds the barret in his hand up with a nod. "Yeah, I felt the pass. Fair enough."

Luis Ruiz: * He turns his attention to the last pass between Surly and Jez. *

Katana: "Women can have a good advantage. Unless their target isn't well...inclined that way. And vice versa of course. So in New York City, it can work by being an ass of a typical New Yorker too. With good practice."

Jez: He nods with a faint smile at Katana's words. So true.

Christian Gallagher: "Nice to meet you, too." He moves to hand the barret back over to Rafiya.

Rafiya Ballantyne: She smiles and holds her hand out to take the barrett back

Luis Ruiz: " Right Katana. You need to be aware of what is expected behavior in the hood that you are operating in, too. Places like Chinatown have different social rules when it comes to touching and giving someone the right of way on the sidewalk. "

Christian Gallagher: The barret is pressed into Rafiya's hand, and he smiles to her once more before going to take a lean against his desk again. Seeming just a bit more comfortable there watching at this moment.

David Marks: David nods about that. "Preperation is your friend. Research, special clothes, know the enviroment, and such helps wonders."

Katana: She nods agreeing with Luis. "Very true about different cultures. Tokyo will make such good practice."

Luis Ruiz: " That was a good pass. I think you guys have the principle down. Just practice it as much as you can and if you dont do it already become a people watcher. "

Jez: His eyes light up and he wants to ask about Tokyo, but not while class is in session. He holds it.

Jez: He smiles though and nods to Luis. He's very definitely a people watcher.

Surly: *nods slowly to David and Katana* even different socail class areas have different rules. not just racial or foreign culture stuff.

Rafiya Ballantyne: She smiles back and takes a seat now a bit closer, her shyness or whatever it was keeping her cautious obviously gone.

Christian Gallagher: "People watching I can definitely do," he says with a smile to Luis.

Luis Ruiz: " Yes they do, and it pays to learn how to fit in with different social classes. Dinners will give you away as much as anything else. "

Luis Ruiz: " Before we close class tonight I wanted to talk about loose lips. I assume that everyone knows the saying? "

Surly: *nods* hey. accents? *blinks to Luis* those helpful much or not? i mean accents not your own, of course.

Jez: He sits down when it seems the passes are done, paying attention to Luis.

Jez: "They sink ships," he says quietly. Though it was probably a rhetorical question.

Luis Ruiz: * He nods to Surly. * " Si, but if you fake the accent you better know the language to back it up. "

Jez: He smiles at Luis' reply. His eyes flick over to Katana thoughtfully.

David Marks: He takes a seat once more and turns his attention back to Luis.

Katana: Katana smiles. "Oh very true."

Katana: (spoken in Spanish)

Surly: what, like this? *her voice suddenly thickened by a guttural, distinctly German, cant. continues in German* i speak it fluently, thanks to Pop.

Surly: *flashes Katana a grin* Spanish? no clue what you said.

Jez: He actually grins. Well, if everyone else is showing off. "Accents can be useful," he says with a Russian accent, then says in Russian, "But you definitely should know the language."

Luis Ruiz: " Hell yeah. The more languages that you can pick up the better. "

Christian Gallagher: "I know the saying, yeah." He nods to Luis.

Katana: "No clue either on the German," she smiles. "But I was ready to back it up when I used the accent."

Luis Ruiz: " Time to mention one more type of agent before we say goodnight. Does anyone here know what a swallow is? And I am not talking about a bird. "

Rafiya Ballantyne: Rafiya tilts her head a few times as she listens to the banter going back and forth in the various language.

Surly: *frowns at Luis, and shakes her head* no idea. *the German accent fading back to her regular voice*

Katana: "I'd guess it's a female agent used to seduce her target?"

Katana: "And get information of course...." she adds.

Jez: He doesn't know, so he awaits the answer.

Christian Gallagher: "An agent who's caught saying too much?" He shrugs, assuming this to have been a transition from the 'Loose Lips' comment.

Jez: Following up from Christian, "Like the canary that sings?"

Luis Ruiz: * He shakes his head at Katana. * " You are close, but they can also be male. The third directorate of the Russian ministry of defense, or the KGB if your more of an eighties type, specificly employed agents for what were called honeytraps. They are still used today. We are all adults. Watch the pillow talk. Also keep in mind that if you are involved in any bedroom behavior that could embarase you if it became public you need to be very careful about this sort of agent. Thats one of the places that blackmail grows. "

Jez: Oooooh. He quickly writes down the notes on the swallow.

David Marks: "Do we get to practice resisting the honeytrap?" he asks with a grin.

Luis Ruiz: " Any questions, comments or concerns before we ride off into the moonlight? "

Christian Gallagher: He nods a little at Luis's words. He's got enough reasons to avoid pillow talk as it is.

Luis Ruiz: * He smiles to David. * " Only on your own time, sir. "

Surly: *wrinkles her nose to David* not with me, you don't. *smirks* celibate by choice. *not that many guys would want her, with her bitchy attitude....*

Christian Gallagher: "No questions."

Surly: no questions here. although i apologize for coming in late. student had an issue that needed to be dealt with.

Rafiya Ballantyne: There is a grin on Rafiya's lips as she watches Luis, but she doesn't say a word.

Katana: "No, sir."

Jez: He has no questions, and he gathers his stuff together quietly.

Luis Ruiz: * He nods to Surly. * " Yeah I heard. Is she going to be alright? "

Christian Gallagher: He slips his notepad into his backpack and slips the thing onto his shoulder, ready to go.

David Marks: "None here." he says with a glance around the room again.

Katana: She does move over to Jez though before he can leave and moves him to the side, toward a corner.

Jez: He goes with Katana easily.

Kurt Samson: He pulls his beat-up truck up to the front of the building, looking around quickly to see if he can double-park just for a moment so he can run in and grab Jez. He needs to get some special firefighter tags for his truck one of these days so he can get away with things like that.

Luis Ruiz: " Okay then. Practice practice and practice. See you next time when we will be taking on the streets of New York and you will be learning the different ways to shadow folks. Be safe. "

Christian Gallagher: When it appears it's time to go, he strands up, nodding to Luis with a smile, and makes his way for the door.

Katana: She almost does shadow Jez as the way she moves in toward him. Personal space be damned as she leans in and whispers, careful of even how she does it so that her lips can't be read.

David Marks: David stands up, nodding some to Luis and glances to Jez and Katana curiously for a moment before starting to make his way out.

Rafiya Ballantyne: Rafiya waves to Christian. "It was nice meeting you."

Surly: her, maybe. she's close to her mom. didn't look all that good for her mom, though. *a faint thread of--gasp!--understanding* i left her at the hospital with some of her family.

Luis Ruiz: * He just nods at Surly's words. * " Well, my thoughts are with her. "

Kurt Samson: He turns the engine off and looks around quickly before jumping out of his truck and heading for the front door, praying he doesn't get ticketed.

Christian Gallagher: A friendly smile is given to Rafiya, and a nod. "Nice to meet you too. Good night." And then he's out the door, heading toward the streets. He has a subway to catch to work.

Luis Ruiz: * Then he looks over to Rafiya. * " Damn you look good. Never expected you to bust in on one of my classes. "

Surly: *nods to Luis* same time, next week. *and strides out, headed for her car*

David Marks: David casually makes his way outside, and then stands there near the door as if to wait for someone.

Rafiya Ballantyne: She grins to Luis. "Awwww. Aren't you cute too. Secret Agent Man. I hope you don't mind."

Kurt Samson: Hands in his pockets, he looks around for his boyfriend, humming a little.

Luis Ruiz: " No ma'am. I am a teacher. I mold young minds to fit what I see as polite society. Do not mind at all but I think some of my student might have been wonder who you actualy are. " * He smiles and moves back to the desk to collect his papers. *

Rafiya Ballantyne: "Probably so," she tries to sound aloof for a moment but the grin ruins it.

Christian Gallagher: A brief nod and smile is given to Kurt, before he passes by, heading for the stop.

Kurt Samson: He waves to Christian before he's completely gone from view.

Jez: He smiles warmly to Kurt. He nods politely to Katana. "I'll speak with you soon." He heads for Kurt. ((As I have to get offline...))

Luis Ruiz: * He shuffles the papers and then crosses the room to stand close to her. * " So was it what you were expecting? "

Jez: He takes Kurt's hand and gives him a chaste kiss on the cheek. "I'm ready, hon." ((*hugs and/or waves* thanks for the scene!))

Luis Ruiz: {{ Thank you guys and hope you had fun. }}

Katana: She moves out of the way, but he can tell she doesn't approve at all of Kurt. Not one iota. She gives Jez a nod and collects her satchel before heading out.

Kurt Samson: He nuzzles him and then leads him out to the truck so they can go on home.

David Marks: (Yup, loads. Even if work distracted me :) )

Christian Gallagher: ((Good scene! Thanks, all! *Hugs*))

Luis Ruiz: {{ Work is for the weak. I can work when I'm dead. }}

David Marks: David is standing there watching outside, and just rolls his eyes when he watches Jez and Kurt walk out like that. He lets out a bit of a sigh then looks around for Katana.

Rafiya Ballantyne: "I wasn't sure what to expect. But you are very awesome. I learned a lot."

Katana: He can see Katana is pissed about the little PDA going on. Hell, and she wasn't even Surly.