Sha-Sha: ((*wince* Never leave off the "ic" from Gothic Dress when doing a google search at work. *Groans*))

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: Well, Charlie can't sleep at the moment. So, he's camped out on the couch in a wifebeater and sweatpants, legs splayed as he flips through the channels. "So..banal.." Sighing.

Christian Gallagher: ((Screw Google! Go Yahoo! Okay, my corporate shilling is done. ;) ))

Sha-Sha: A (small) purple dress with black spaghetti straps and patchwork mesh rests lightly over a black turtleneck. Black tights go down into purple heels with straps going up the calf. She wears a long black cloak over the entire outfit. Her hair is solid black with a faint blue sheen to it these days and today is pulled up into a bun with the very ends let to stick out in spiky fashion, with a pair of chopsticks holding it in place.*

Sha-Sha: ((Hmph! I already give Yahoo enough money :P))

Christian Gallagher: He slips his way up to the apartment, leading Sha-Sha along. The man's fresh off of a good night at the club...particularly good mixing from the man. He's dressed in the usual get-up...his T-shirt today reads "Also Available in Sober!" with one of those 50's-style drawings of a man with a martini glass held up ((

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "One of these days, I swear we're going to get back in charge of television. And then you'll be sorry you ever let banality and Autumn People control your programming." It's softly muttered to the television before he turns it off and just sits there, eyes closing behind rimless glasses.

Sha-Sha: *She's smiling and looking a lot better today than yesterday. She's even made it to this late and is still sober! It's not the first time she's been to the apartment but she looks around the place again as they walk in.*

Sha-Sha: d10: per+Alert: 10,3,6,8,

Sha-Sha: ((Izzat enough to have heard Charlie? *L*))

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: [Sure.*laughs*The one time Charlie's grumpy and muttering....]

Christian Gallagher: He unlocks the door and opens it up, slipping inside with a look around as he makes room for Sha-Sha to enter. "Charlie?"

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "Christian!" He perks right up, sunny smile on his lips as he moves to stand and wave at his roommate..and the little lady. "Hey, Sha-Sha! Did your ears burn all of the times we talked about you? Good things only, I promise."

Sha-Sha: *She blinks, several times and looks over at Christian.* Um...Who are Autumn People?

Sha-Sha: *She laughs* Well, I didn't realize that there were many conversations so I'm guessing not.

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "I'll tell you when you're older." He grins at Sha-Sha to answer her question.

Christian Gallagher: "Not that many," he says with a slight ducking of his head and a chuckle. "Hey, man. Didn't mean to wake you..."

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "I was already awake. TV sucks this late, I'll tell you. How was your set?"

Sha-Sha: Um, right. *She looks between both men.*

Christian Gallagher: He quirks an eyebrow at Charlie and then shrugs it off. That was just Charlie for you. "It went well...really well. Got into a groove, you could say. How was your night?"

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "It was good. Spent most of it in the lab. I'm hoping to actually make some decent progress one of these years, you know?" Long fingers comb through his hair, causing it to stick out in all different directions. "Saw the kids today. They're asking about you and your girlfriend." His eyebrows waggle.

Sha-Sha: *She shakes her head and just smiles.* He had the whole place just dying to dance.

Sha-Sha: *She blushes and laughs* I didn't think we had earned that um...association yet when we went last time...

Christian Gallagher: His skin tone about matches Sha-Sha's. He runs a hand through his hair and grins. ", we hadn't. Not to us, anyway."

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "Kids know everything. Adults just never take the time to listen is all." He grins impishly.

Sha-Sha: *She scratches the back of her head a bit and laughs* Hey...we listened...eventually. *She slips an arm around Christian's waist.*

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: He just gives them a look before grinning again. "Took you long enough."

Christian Gallagher: "We did," he says with a smile, leaning into Sha-Sha. "Hey, know what we'd talked about, with Sha-Sha staying with us? She's game...long as you're still cool with it."

Sha-Sha: *She looks down a bit, and whispers.* That was my fault, I think.

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "I'm way cool with it! Group hug!" And here comes Charlie, all enthusiasm for said group hug.

Sha-Sha: *She laughs and holds out her free arm towards Charlie as he approaches them*

Christian Gallagher: "Not your fault," he says quietly to Sha-Sha. When Charlie comes up, he grins widely and goes for the group hug thing.

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: He gives them a tight group hug before hopping back and grinning. "Well, kids, I'm glad to see that the family's expanding. She sharing your room or am I going to have to move some of my stuff so she can have her own room?"

Sha-Sha: *She squeezes Christian's waist a bit at his quiet reply, then simply gives into the group hug. Charlie certainly was infectious.*

Sha-Sha: *She coughs a bit, and goes a very deep shade of red, all the way to the tips of her ears at that question.*

Christian Gallagher: He grins and hugs back, tightly, and then looks back to Sha-Sha. "I think we were planning on her having her own," he says calmly, fully supportive of the idea.

Sha-Sha: I don't want to kick Charlie out of his own room...*She says softly.*

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "All righty! Let's see..I'll go grab my stuff out of the spare bedroom and she'll be all set!" He's already bounding off through the loft.

Christian Gallagher: "It's not kicking anyone out of their room," he says with a small smile to Sha-Sha. "He's just been using the other room, is all. It's fine."

Sha-Sha: *She ducks her head and leans into Christian, feeling a bit guilty at taking Charlie's room.*

Sha-Sha: *She nods a little.* If you're sure?

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: They can probably hear all manner of thumping and thudding as Charlie moves a lot of his percussion instruments from the spare bedroom so Sha-Sha will have some room.

Sha-Sha: really are sure, right? *She looks towards the sounds.* I mean, you're going to have room in your room?

Christian Gallagher: "He's sure," he says with a little chuckle. "I'm positive of it."

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: It takes him long enough, but everything's moved and he's a little winded by the time he comes up to see them again. "Okay..that was definitely what I needed to tire me out."

Sha-Sha: *She smiles and nods, nuzzling his shoulder a little.* Thank you...

Sha-Sha: *She laughs.* Is this where we say good night then?

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "Yup! Even the sun has to sleep sometimes."

Sha-Sha: *She lets go of Christian and moves to hug Charlie, tightly.* Thank you,

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: He loops his arms around her to give her a tight hug. "You're welcome and if you need anything..anything at all..I'll be here for you too, all right?" A gentle squeeze.

Christian Gallagher: He stands back, smiling a little bit as he watches them.

Sha-Sha: *She smiles and nods* Same to you, *She releases him.* Good night, sleep well.

Charleston Sinclair [at home]: "Good night. You sleep well too." He steps back and offers Christian a salute and a grin. "I like her. She's a keeper." A wink and then he trots off to his bedroom. [G'night, all!]

Sha-Sha: *She laughs and blushes again, then looks back at Christian.* ((G'night hun!)) So what do you want to do now?

Christian Gallagher: ((Fade))