Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He looks through the window longingly into the computer store. Ahh, so many pieces to choose from! And the RAM! Glorious Ram! He is clearly in geek heaven.*

Christian Gallagher: The DJ extraordinaire makes his way through the mall, a couple of shopping bags under his arm...he needed some new T-Shirts, and couldn't wait for his newest online order to come in, so it was the mall store for him. Plus, some new music, of course. His T-Shirt today reads "My Other T-Shirt Has a Retarded, Supposedly Witty Saying On It, Too." He runs his free hand through his hair as he makes his way along past the stores.

Dani Lane: *wandering through the mall... guitar case in hand, heading away from the music store, carrying a shopping bag in her other hand*

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He looks dreamily into the store, and goes in. And five minutes later, with eyes closed in joy, that smile on his face, he holds tightly to his bag.*

David Poe: * The kid is there, but the frustrated look on his face makes it pretty clear that he does not want to be. Still he puts one foot infront of the other until he is at Board Depot or whatever this store is that is having the sale on power supplies. *

Christian Gallagher: ((And I think ya both know it, but ping me if DD needed.))

Dani Lane: ((DD at http://www.geocities.com/ryanlakes/Dani.html if anyone needs it))

Dani Lane -> Christian Gallagher: ((I need it *G*))

David Poe: * As soon as he enters the place he waves off the customer service guy and makes his way for the shelf with the discounted crap piled on it. *

David Poe: {{ http://www.wodnyc.net/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimage&album=1&pos=33 }}

Christian Gallagher: He looks up as Jim steps out of the store, eyes shut, and manages to avoid running into him. "Hey...excuse me." Said very amicably, with a nod and a smile to him.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He makes a small noise, and takes a step back. And his eyes open.* S...sorry, *he murmurs.* J...just... new video card. *As if this would explain the bliss level.*

Christian Gallagher -> Dani Lane: Young and hip. He's one of the beautiful creatures, no doubt about it. Upon first glance, his age could be estimated at the mid-twenties. He's got the rebel feel to him...hair a soft brown, falling to the shoulders of his well-worn leather jacket. He has about a day's growth on his face, just enough to be a bit scratchy, underneath soft blue eyes. He could hardly be called big...maybe 5'10, and weight 160 tops. The leather jacket sits over a T-Shirt that reads "1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d" and an olive button-down. Blue jeans and an old pair of sneakers finish the look, one that says "I don't take much time...'cause I don't need to." And it's true, he looks good anyway. A small chain rests around his neck, a single gold hoop in his left ear. (Fame 1: Professional DJ. Check Who's Who for Details) http://www.wodnyc.net/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimage&album=1&pos=26

Willa Torres: *She heads into the mall, in a silver jacket with a neon blue Fox racing logo on it. Pants to match. Her sneakers light when she walks, and her t-shirt is a giant Decepticons logo*

David Poe: * He pulls down an already opened box and flips open the flap to take a look at the 650 watt supply, snearing slightly as the whole think rattles in his hand. *

Christian Gallagher: "It's all good," he says with a chuckle. "I get the same way when I get around a Denon Dual CD Player. Completely understand."

Willa Torres: *she weaves around both Jim and Christian to get into the computer store*

Christian Gallagher: He looks up to Willa, offering her a smile and a nod as she pases them by into the computer store.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He nods, very nervous, holding tightly to the bag.* Underst...standable. It's a p...powerful machine.

Dani Lane: *takes a seat near the store, sitting the guitar next to her, watching the others*

David Poe: * He tests a few more of the boxes and then takes one with him as he heads to the counter for checkout. *

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He watches as Willa enters the computer store. He holds tightly to his bag, however.*

Christian Gallagher: "And then sime," he says with a grin. "And one day, I will own it. Soon, if luck holds out." He smiles and extends a hand. "I'm Christian."

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He looks down at the hand, and he nods.* Jim, *he says, very quickly. He accepts the hand with a weak handshake.*

Avery Woods: Maybe going out to the mall, she actually dressed up some, and not in her usual greasy mechanics overalls. The woman looks to be in her mid- to late-20s, but the freckles on her face make her look younger. Her long reddish brunette hair is worn losely and not in a typical ponytail. She has on a white button down sweater, jeans and sneakers. She keeps her hands stuffed into her jacket pockets as she walks through the mall. (pic up in gallery)

David Poe: * Once it is all payed for he wathes the clerk tuck it into the bag before grabing it up and walking back out. *

Willa: (this should have posted a few minutes ago- it went to a PM) *She glances at Jim* t'hell's wrong with you. Y'okay? fuckinhavinaseizureorsomethin

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He looks confused at Willa.* I ... uhh... n...nothing wrong with m...me.

Dani Lane: *relaxing..... people watching.... it seems the computer store is the hot hangout place...*

Dr. William Johnson: It's late night and he can't sleep. So, here he is, rolliing on in through the mall. It's not necessarily his first choice, but it can't hurt.

Willa: Okay. S'in the bag? *she looks curious*

Christian Gallagher: He smiles to Jim. "Nice to meet you, Jim." He looks over to David and gives him a smile and nod of greeting as he moves out of the store.

Avery Woods: Even this one is going into the computer store.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: My n...new video card. I f...finally got myself a Radeon 9800 pro. *He grins brightly.* Pl...plus a f...few memory st...sticks.

Willa: Radeon's good shit.

Dani Lane: *listening to the conversation.... no clue what a radeon is*

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He nods.* The 9800 is the one I've b...been wanting. I w...was going to build myself a n...new machine s...sometime this week.

Dr. William Johnson: He's aiming for the computer store at the moment, still looking into updating his technological know-how.

Avery Woods: She gives a small nod to Jim and Willa when she passes by them, but not expecting them to really remember her either. She heads over to where they sell monitors.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: d10: Int: 8,7,5,10,

Christian Gallagher: "Radeon is good shit," he says with a grin. "Now, if you get much more technical then that, I'll go googly-eyed." He smiles to Willa. "Hey...I'm Christian."

Willa: *she shoves a hand at Chrisitan now* Hi. Didn't mean t'interrupt.

Dr. William Johnson: He pauses at the computer store before rolling inside, glad that he doesn't have to open any doors.

Willa: "I'm Willa" She tells them both.

Dr. William Johnson: [PM for DD]

Dr. William Johnson: d10: per+alert: 8,6,7,7,

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He does note Avery, and it clicks, immediately. He gives her a small, nervous nod.*

Dr. William Johnson: He definitely spots Jim. As well as everyone else in the store. He's definitely perceptive this evening.

Christian Gallagher: "You didn't at all," he says with a shrug to Willa.

Avery Woods: When Jim nods to her, she gives him a friendly smile, but isn't the type to interrupt and maybe would seem to the casual observer to be very shy.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: J...jim, *he offers to Willa.*

Willa: *she doesn't remeber Avery though* who dat?*back to Jim*good to meetcha, Jim. Whatcha packing? *at Christian* Good. sometimes I do that, though.

Christian Gallagher: Avery gets that same easy, friendly smile that everyone else has gotten so far. "Hello."

Dani Lane: *sitting near the computer store... watching the conversation curiously*

Willa: *she frowns a bit and snapps her fingers for some reason, glacing at Avery again* Yo.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: I think... I s...saw her at a g...gathering recently? *He says with a frown.*

Avery Woods: And a smile to Willa then as well as to Christian who she doesn't remember, but he was friendly. So he gets a smile too.

Christian Gallagher: Ooh, another person approaching, as Christian finally notices William. "Umm...maybe we should move a little away from the front door of the place, guys."

Willa Torres: *she obliges moving away from the door, her own shoping agenda abandoned in the face of the impromptu geek gathering.*

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: Oh! *He looks sheepish, as if he didn't even realize this.* I w...was going to grab a bite to eat.

Avery Woods: Avery is over by the monitors, trying to decide on a couple models, though she glances over to the small group for a moment, before going back to her selection.

Willa Torres: I need to grab some shit. I'll come with ya if you can wait?

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: I ... uhh... *He pauses.* Okay, *he says softly.*

Christian Gallagher: "Food sounds like a plan," he says with a nod. "Tell you what...I'll catch up with you guys, and meet you there. Gotta see if they have a copy of Obivion here. Can't find it anywhere else." He smiles to them, then moves into the store.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He moves carefully in the direction of the food court. So many people...*

Willa Torres: If they don't, lemme know. I can git you one. *she tells Christian, also ducking into her store.*

Avery Woods: She finally makes a decision and heads back to the cashier to check out, making arrangements to have it delivered, rather than taking the monitor with her.

Dr. William Johnson: [Whoa, where did my brain go?]

Dani Lane: *hmm.... food..... that does sound good...... she gets up, grabbing her bag and her guitar.... heading to the food court*

Christian Gallagher: He nods to Willa and slips inside, moving up to the video games. A frown hits his face, and he sighs at the large space of empty shelves where Elder Scrolls: Oblivion should be. He shakes his head and makes his way to the counter, coming up behind Avery as he waits for her to finish. Maybe they have some copies they haven't stocked yet.

Willa Torres: *She grabs variuos parts, cables and a huge spool of wiring. She heads to the checkout, having travered the store as if she knew it like the back of her hand*

Dr. William Johnson: He rolls further into the store, heading for the laptop accessories. Apparently, he missed Jim's exit.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He goes to get a sub, and then he sits down at his own table. Really... not waiting for anyone else. He looks really quite nervous.*

Avery Woods: It doesn't take her long to make the purchase, and she pockets the receipt along with her credit card, back in her jacket pocket. Another glance around to just see where the others went. She didn't see Jim anymore, but the friendly guy and Willa, and the other gentlemen in the wheelchair coming in too, and she does give him a longer look, but not because of the chair. When she realizes that, she gives a smile and looks away shyly, starting to head out into the main mall area again.

Dr. William Johnson: He gives a friendly smile to the woman before rolling backwards an inch or two to peer at the things higher up on the display.

Dani Lane: *shifts the shopping bag to her other hand so she has a free hand to carry her food.... having gotten a salad..... she sits at the table next to Jim, setting her stuff down and smiling to him, friendly-like*

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He looks up to Dani, and his eyes widen. He pushes the glasses up the bridge of his nose.* H...hello, *he says softly.*

Avery Woods: The food court might be good to get a quick snack before heading home, so getting her bearings, she heads that way.

Christian Gallagher: He watches Avery go for a moment, before looking back to the guy behind the counter and asking his question. Disappointment reigns when he finds out they do not, in fact, have anymore copies...he smiles to the guy and thanks him, moving aside so Willa can buy her items. He heads back out of the store, waiting for Willa. Might as well walk to the food court together.

Dani Lane: Jim>> *nods* howdy... how are ya? *pouring dressing onto her salad*

Dr. William Johnson: After a few minutes, he shakes his head and then rolls to the store's exit. His stomach is rumbling at the moment.

Willa Torres: *she pays with cash and shoves the lot into her backpack. She looks at Christian* let's go find the other guy. Whatddyou do?

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: M'okay, *he says softly, looking VERY nervous indeed.* Y..you?

Dani Lane: Jim>> *nods* 'm good... *smiles*

Christian Gallagher: He looks to William and smiles at him as he leaves the store. "Hello."

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: G...good, *he says worriedly, and then munches on his sub.*

Christian Gallagher: "Hmm?" A glance up to Willa. "Oh. Sure thing. I'm a DJ...you?"

Dani Lane: Jim>> *grins* y' seem nervous... y' alright?

Willa Torres: I work for Ellis. Special effects. Fun shit. Hey, gimme yer number so I can get you your game. *whipping out a..phone-thing*

Avery Woods: She spots Jim at the food court talking to a young woman, so doesn't bother him. After all, she was just hear to get something quick. Finding something to her liking, she gets a vegan selection and goes to find a table to sit at.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: I ... uhh... I'm just not g...good. With strangers. *He nods.* S..sorry.

Dani Lane: Jim>> *chuckles* aw, y' ain't got nothin t' worry about.... jus' be yerself.... *definate southern accent*

Christian Gallagher: "Oh, sure." He nods, giving her his phone number and a grateful smile. "Thanks. Special effects, eh? Very nice." He looks at William, noting that he's heading the same way they are.

Dr. William Johnson: "Heya." He gives Christian a warm smile, nodding a little before he starts on his way toward the food court. Thankfully, it's late enough that there aren't all that many people around.

Avery Woods: Finding a table easily, she's only a couple of tables away from Jim's. She says something quietly under her breath before she starts to eat.

Willa Torres: *she puts the number in* Aw shit. *she reads her text* I gotta book.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: But what if m...myself isn't who anyone wants to speak to? People are unpredictable, f...fickle things.

Dani Lane: Jim>> 'm talkin to ya, ain't I?

Christian Gallagher: He gives her a concerned look. "Everything okay?"

Willa Torres: Yeah, just shit at work. Cin you tell that other guy I'll look him up?

Christian Gallagher: "I will," he says with a nod. "Nice meeting you, Willa."

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: Y...yes, but it could be pity conversation.

Dani Lane: Jim>> *blinks, then chuckles* a pity conversation? Is that like a pity fuck? But no nekkidness? *grins evilly*

Willa Torres: Good meeting you too, DJ. *she grins and runs off*

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: I... th...that is... *he winces* I d...don't know?

Willa Torres: ((sorry all. just saw the time))

Avery Woods: She eats her meal quietly, glancing to Jim for a moment, then back to her food, taking a sip of water.

Christian Gallagher: He watches her leave, and then looks over to William with a smile. "Going my way, it looks like?"

Avery Woods: ((It's okay. Sleep well! :) ))

Dani Lane: Jim>> *chuckles* I'm jus' messin' with ya... 'm Dani, by th' way

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: Jim, *he says quietly. He looks back to Avery, almost nervously, and then back down.*

Dani Lane: nice t' meecha, Jim *s*

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: You t...too, *he says with a nod.*

Christian Gallagher: ((*Hugs the Dryad*))

Willa Torres: ((much love!))

Dr. William Johnson: "Yeah, that's the plan. I'm glad I don't have to use my horn right now." He chuckles. "I'm Will."

Dani Lane: *nods to his purchase* Y' inta computers?

Avery Woods: Since she's making him nervous, she doesn't look back to Jim any more, just eating slowly and enjoying the food.

Dani Lane: ((night Dryad!))

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He smiles faintly.* They are m...my passion.

Christian Gallagher: "Christian," he says with a smile, nodding to him. "A pleasure." He makes his way with Christian into the food court, picking out Jim and Avery both, giving them nods before he makes his way to the mini-Happy Panda. Someone wants orange chicken.

Avery Woods: She smiles to Christian again, as well as to Will.

Dr. William Johnson: "Nice to meet you, Christian." He's friendly as he follows after him in line. Chinese food is always good.

Dani Lane: Jim>> *smiles* ya? That's awesome.... *indicates her guitar case* here's mine..

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *His eyes widen.* Oh... you pl...play? *He winces.* That was st...stupid. *He breathes slowly, and makes a face. He digs into his pocket, and pulls out the inhaler, pressing it to his lips. He takes a deep breath, and replaces it.* Of c...course you play.

Dani Lane: Jim>> *laughs* actually... y' be surprised how often I hear that... 'you play that?'... sometimes I just wanna go... 'naw, I jus' like carryin it around' *smiles, good naturedly*

Christian Gallagher: "Nice to meet you, too." He moves through the line, getting his food and paying for it, then looking around for a place to eat. Hmmm...Dani and Jim seem to be in conversation, court's busy...he takes a chance and gestures with his head to Will toward a table near Avery's, so fairly near Dani and Jim's by proxy. "I'll be right over there, if you want to join me."

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He lets out a small laugh that is almost a giggle.* I c...can imagine. I j...just didn't th...think.

Dr. William Johnson: He orders and pays, something that takes a good deal more effort than it should. Tray on his lap, he starts carefully rolling for a table.

Dr. William Johnson: "All right." He grins, heading for the table in question.

Dani Lane: Jim>> *chuckles* I know... it's a reflex, I think...

Avery Woods: If she wasn't so shy, she'd have actually waved Christian to join her at the table. But she doesn't.

Christian Gallagher: Which is okay, because he smiles Avery's way and waves to her, before taking a seat. "So. Will...what do you do?"

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: It's l...like asking if I'm into computers? *he says with a small smile, holding the bag close to him.*

Avery Woods: She smiles back to Christian again before sipping more of her water.

Dr. William Johnson: "I'm a professor of English literature at NYU." He smiles and runs a hand through his mussed hair. "What do you do?"

Dani Lane: Jim>> *chuckles* ya, there ya go..... see? I done it too... so computers are your passion, huh? *smiles* I'm lucky ta be able ta figure out how ta turn it on...

Christian Gallagher: "DJ." He grins a bit and starts picking at his food with the shopsticks.

Dr. William Johnson: He makes sure the brakes are locked as he starts working on his food. "I wish I could go clubbing." An amused smile. "I missed out on it when I was a kid."

Dani Lane: d10: Per + alert: 9,9,1,5,6,

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: Well... *He pauses.* More... technically, building them. M...machines. Inventions. *He smiles brightly.* I l...like inventing.

Dani Lane: *hears Chris mention he's a DJ and glances his way for just a sec*

Dani Lane: Jim>> wow, that's awesome.... y' mus' be real smart ta do that....

Avery Woods: She finishes the last of her meal, and gathers up her plate and her empty glass, standing up, looking for a trash can.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: I ... I guess so, *he says with a wince.* but I ... they just c...come to me. Ideas, I m...mean. Probably l...like how you play your g...guitar.

Christian Gallagher: "S'okay, I wish I could take some classes," he says with a smile. "I missed out on that after high school."

Dani Lane: Jim>> ya.... I reckon so.. *smiles* it jus' comes natural....

Avery Woods: She gives a final smile to both Christian and Will as she walks by them to the trash can.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: So, you s...see? It's not br...brains, it's... what we were meant to b...be.

Dr. William Johnson: He ponders his words for a moment before shrugging. "You can always go back one day, right?"

Dani Lane: Jim>> *smiles* ya.... that's nice...

Christian Gallagher: As Avery walks by, he looks her way. "Hey. I'm Christian...figured since we kept nodding to each other, we might as well be introduced." He grins and extends his hand to her.

Dr. William Johnson: He smiles at the young woman. "I'm Will." Christian beat him to the handshake, and he's eating too.

Avery Woods: She stops and turns back. "Oh, sorry," looking slightly embarrassed. "I'm Avery," and setting the glass back down on their table, shakes Christian's hand. "Nice to meet you."

Avery Woods: She shakes Will's hand first then (since I missed that and didn't refresh before the post). "Nice to to meet you," she says to Will.

Avery Woods: ((helps if I read that right. Which is why I'm going to bed now *laugh* I'm tired. She shakes Christian's hand then Will's))

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He looks back to the others, and he swallows slightly.* I ... I just think that. *He shrugs, and bites his bottom lip.* S...sorry.

Christian Gallagher: "Nice to meet you, Avery," he says with a smile. Friendly, warm handshake.

Dr. William Johnson: "Nice to meet you too." He grins.

Dani Lane: Jim>> fer what?

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: I d...don't, for being... presumptuous?

Avery Woods: She actually has a very firm handshake, her hand is unusually rough and not smooth, like they might have expected.

Dani Lane: Jim>> *s* y' weren't.... I like th' thought that I was meant ta be a singer....

Christian Gallagher: "And see, now we know each other," he says with a smile to Avery. "So feel free to say hi next time." He says it with a warmth to him, completely without tease or chastising.

Dr. William Johnson: "Likewise." He nods and settles back in his padded chair.

Avery Woods: "Okay, Christian," she smiles back, picking up her glass.

Avery Woods: "And Will too," she smiles and tries not to seem really shy now around both men. "Maybe our paths might cross another time."

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: In f...fate, *he murmurs.* S...some people, just don't l...like it if you b...believe in s...something else. *He clears his throat, and looks around nervously.* I sh...should get back h...home. I have a f...few things to do.

Christian Gallagher: "Here's hoping," he says with a nod to Avery.

Dani Lane: Jim>> *s* I say b'lieve whatever makes ya happy.... *nods* it was good talkin to ya.... *offers a handshake*

Dr. William Johnson: "Yeah. Take care, all right?" He pulls his glasses off and begins to wipe them off with his shirt.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: You t...too, *he says with a nod, and accepts the handshake. It is still very weak, but he grabs his bag with his other hand.* Be well.

Avery Woods: "Have a nice evening," she smiles one more time to them before taking her stuff to the trash can.

Dani Lane: Jim>> *smiles* you too.... see ya around..

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *He looks back to the others, and perhaps looks curious if they are even watching. But he gives a VERY timid wave of goodbye to the other group.*

Avery Woods: She manages to keep a small blush from rising at least until she makes it away from their table, keeping her back to them, continuing on her way out the mall. ((Goodnight all!))

Dr. William Johnson: He waves at Jim as he heads off, making a note to call him soon about the laptop.

Christian Gallagher: He watches Avery leave with a smile, shaking his head with a chuckle before he looks over to Jim. A nod and smile goes to the man, a silent goodbye.

Jim Franklin [A mall!]: *And the mouse creeps off.*

Dani Lane: *looks toward Cristian now* 'scuse me, sir.... did I hear ya say you were a DJ?

Christian Gallagher: He looks over to Dani suddenly and nods with a smile. "Yep...that's me. DJ extraordinaire. I work as DJ Halcyon."

Dani Lane: that's awesome.... y' work fer a radio station? Or you a club DJ?

Dr. William Johnson: He sits back and lets the kids do all of the talking. He's still going back to eating.

Christian Gallagher: "I work clubs. The Limelight, mostly...you can find me there most of the time. Occasionally a few other places, special events, or charities."

Dani Lane: Lime? I been there a couple times.... that's cool... *smiles* must be fun...

Christian Gallagher: "I love it, yeah," he says with a smile. "It's what I live for...mostly, at least. My passion."

Dr. William Johnson: "It's good to have a passion." He shifts a little on the chair and watches the two.

Dani Lane: *chuckles* seems everyone's got a passion....

Christian Gallagher: "I would hope so," he says with a nod to Dani. "Gotta have something to keep you going."

Christian Gallagher: William gets a little grin as well, at his comment.

Dani Lane: Cristian>> *indicates her guitar case* got one *s*

Christian Gallagher: "Good for you," he says with a smile to Dani.

Dr. William Johnson: "Well, I've gotta get going. I have to teach a class tomorrow morning. It was nice meeting you, Christian." He started pulling backwards.

Dani Lane: *s* I'm not lucky enough t' be doin it for a livin' like you tho....

PG: (( Mind a joiner? ))

Christian Gallagher: ((Nope! Open scene...mall food court!))

Dani Lane: ((well... you're not PG-13 or R..... so I guess so *S*))

Dr. William Johnson: He waves and then he's rolling on his way.

Christian Gallagher: He nods to William. "Nice to meet you too, Will. See you around."

Dr. William Johnson: [G'night, all!]

Dani Lane: *nods to Will*

: No lurker posting, take a nick.

Matthew Drake: [Matthew pushes open the glass door to the food court as he enters from the parking lot. He looks young and skinny. His hair is short and cut into a bowl-cut, but that doesn't stop the bangs from intruding into his eyes occasionally. He is dressed in a pair of loose light-khaki pants with pockets all down the legs, and a light-grey sweatshirt.] ( http://wodnyc.net/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimage&album=1&pos=72 )

Christian Gallagher: He watches William go, then looks back to Dani. "So, if that's not how you make a living, then what do you do?"

Adriana Carmichael: (what time?)

Dani Lane: 'm a waitress... *s*

Christian Gallagher: ((Umm...was earlier then now, I'm sure, since I doubt malls are open till 2, even in NYC. *G* Say, mid-evening?))

Matthew Drake: [He orders something from the Sbarro, pays, and is soon taking his order to a table]

Christian Gallagher: "Coolness," he says with a smile. "Where do you waitress?"

Adriana Carmichael: The woman makes an elegant stride into the food court, armed with several plastic bags from her Radio Shack excursion. She's in her late thirties, just on the skinny side of healthy with a slight hint of a Spanish heritage. Her long dark hair is pulled back into a loose bun held with a pair of white chopsticks. She wears a flowing ankle length black silk skirt and an elegant white tunic blouse. Delicate hands adorned with simple black silk gloves.

Christian Gallagher: He glances over to Matthew and nods to him, giving an easy, friendly smile.

Adriana Carmichael: She makes a dedicated stride to a random stand and orders a large coffee, black.

Dani Lane: Christian>> no place fancy.... jus' a little diner... *gives him the name of the place that her player hasn't thought of yet*

Christian Gallagher: And more movement, he turns his head toward Adriana and blinks. A moment's pause, watching her, before he lets the smile makes it's way onto his face, and he waves in her direction.

Matthew Drake: [he notices Christian's smile, and he returns a friendly one of his own, accompanied by a nod of greeting. He notices who Christian is talking to and gives her much the same treatment.]

Adriana Carmichael: She turns with coffee in hand, blinking steely blue eyes toward the wave in her direction. Her skinny lips purse, eyeing Christain. Nevertheless she does make a pace in that direction.

Adriana's phone: *Adriana's phone rings*

Adriana Carmichael: Adriana makes it to Christina's table before frowning down at the rining from her purse. "Oh, dear.. how rude of me." She sets her coffee down and flips the phone out to check the ID with a displeased glance. She answers quietly. "Is everything alright, dear?"

Christian Gallagher: He looks back to Dani and gives her a smile. "Doesn't have to be fancy. Good place to eat, though?"

Adriana Carmichael: (gah. meant to add color on every post. and flaked everytime.)

Dani Lane: Cristian>> *shrugs* decent enough, I s'pose... people eat it...

Christian Gallagher: He waves off the apology from Adriana...not her fault.

Adriana Carmichael: She purses her lips with a protocol apologetic look to Christain. Habit really. Speaking into the cell. "Frustrating. Bordering on infuriating. What did you need?"

Matthew Drake: [since the smiling people are otherwise pre-occupied, matthew ists at a neighboring table and munches on his dinner]

Adriana Carmichael: Adriana motions to an empty chair at Christina and Dani's table. Asking without words for permission to join them.

Christian Gallagher: "Well, that says something," he says to Dani with a chuckle. "I know a few eateries where the dogs won't even eat out of the garbage cans."

Christian Gallagher: He gives Adriana a permissive, amicable nod.

Dani Lane (Mall): Christian>> *chuckles* ok, it's not that bad...

Adriana Carmichael: She takes a seat, crossing one skinny leg over the other in an elegant pose. Far too formal for a mall food court. She gives a distasteful look down to the table and runs a gloved finger along the edge, still speaking into the cell. "I have.. thus my frustration. Though I'm afraid I can't say much while speaking on my cell. You're aware of my office hours, dear. We really should speak about the subject at hand.. in a more private facet."

Dani Lane (Mall): *Dani's actually sitting at the next table over, talking to Christian*

Adriana Carmichael: "I'll not be dragged to Irish dives, dear. Perhaps we could find an acceptable venue to consume beverages at in the somewhat near future. As it is, I've been busy transfering data and drawing up plans for the new facility. Now.. if there's nothing else.. I'm being terribly rude to my present company."

Christian Gallagher: He gives Dani a wink and grins. "Yeah, I've been some thrilling places like that. So what kind of music do you play?"

Dani Lane (Mall): Christian>> *chuckles* nothin you'd prolly like...... country, mostly...

Adriana Carmichael: "I'll come by before I retire for the evening. Take care of yourself, dear. Try your best not to shoot anyone." She says in a motherly tone, a tiny smile creeping across skinny lips.

Adriana Carmichael: She gives a tiny nod, speaking sternly into the cell. "SHE doesn't. Not yet anyway. I'll be by later. Goodbye." She hangs up the cell and slips it back into her purse.

Adriana Carmichael: She looks up to Christian and Dani with another apologetic gaze. "Terribly sorry. Business of sorts. How've you been Christain? Well, I hope."

Christian Gallagher: "Mmm...yeah, not my genre." He smiles to Dani, taking another moment to glance over to Matthew before looking back to the woman. Adriana's conversation draws no reaction...he's purposely not paying attention, giving the woman her privacy.

Christian Gallagher: "Actually, quite well, yeah," he says with a nod to Adriana. "Yourself?"

Dani Lane (Mall): Christian>> *s* I figured....

Adriana Carmichael: She looks down to the glove she'd run across the table, frowning. "This won't do." She states quietly to herself, digging into her purse for a wet wipe of sorts. Sanitizing her side of the table.

Dani Lane (Mall): *quirks a brow at Adriana*

Adriana Carmichael: She mumbles back to Christian while cleaning. "Not nearly as well as I would like. Behind. In the process of redirecting my efforts due to the expiration of my current contract."

Matthew Drake: [Matthew's munching on some food and glancing at the three occasionally, as if paying some attention to thier conversation. ]

Adriana Carmichael: (oh shit. my bad. anyone with awareness can roll vs diff 9 for adri.)

Matthew Drake: d10: perc+aware: 9,6,7,3,4,10,

Christian Gallagher: ((Gleefully DOESN'T roll Awareness. *G*))

Christian Gallagher: He gives her a sympathetic look. "Sorry to hear that. Oh...Adriana, this is..." He looks over at Dani and blinks. "Ummm...this is a person who's name I have yet to learn."

Adriana Carmichael: (You can't tell the resonance, or exactly where on her it is. But there's definetly something supernatural glowing around the woman.)

Adriana Carmichael: She disposes of the wipe and gives Dani a sterile nod of the head. "Hello, child. Doctor Carmichael."

Adriana Carmichael: (wow. that.. really wasn't a pm was it. damn.)

Christian Gallagher: ((*Picks it up and hands it over*))

Dani Lane (Mall): Christian>> oh, I'm sorry... *s* m' name's Dani..... *nods back to Adriana* howdy...

Adriana Carmichael: She gives the girl a protocol smile. "Your accent. It reminds me of home. How quaint." She takes up her coffee with a gloved hand and takes a careful sip. Not a drop misplaced.

Dani Lane (Mall): d10: Per+Aware: 9,2,1,2,6,

Christian Gallagher: "Nice to meet you, Dani. I'm Christian, as you now know." He grins to her.

Dani Lane (Mall): where ya from?

Dani Lane (Mall): Chris>> *s* howdy

Matthew Drake: [Matthew's lips move as he murmers something too quiet to be heard in such a busy place. His eyes then flick over Adriana]

Adriana Carmichael: She sets her coffee back to its designated ring of perspiration. "Houston." She states simply.

Dani Lane (Mall): Texas *s* nice...... from Kentucky, m'self....

Matthew Drake: d10: Magick: 8,5,3,

Adriana Carmichael: "I've not been." She states.

Adriana Carmichael: d10: per+aware: 3,9,9,8,

Adriana Carmichael -> Christian Gallagher: (Umm.. what exactly would show up on a prime scan of her infernal glock?)

Dani Lane (Mall): d10: per + aware: 2,4,3,9,2,

Dani Lane (Mall): Adriana>> y' ain' got much of an accent fer bein from Texas....

Adriana Carmichael: Dani's words go unnoticed. Adriana flashes an icy glare Matthew's way. Boring holes in the man from her seat.

Christian Gallagher -> Adriana Carmichael: ((That, err, it's supernaturally enhanced, and carries an Infernal resonance.))

Dani Lane (Mall): *also glances Matt's way, blinking a little*

Christian Gallagher -> Adriana Carmichael: ((Rephrase! Sorry, a Tormented resonance, specifically.))

Christian Gallagher: He looks between them as they talk about their home states...though the sudden attention sent Matthew's way draws a raised eyebrow.

Adriana Carmichael: Adriana slowly raises up from her seat, muttering a shrill. "Excuse me, dear." And making a dedicated pace toward Matthew. A look of near hate on the woman's face. Disgust and a clear condescention.

Dani Lane (Mall): *quirks a brow at Adriana*

Sha-Sha: http://www.wodnyc.net/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimage&album=1&pos=100 *She wanders up to the food court of the mall. She's got a long black lace shall over the following outfit: http://www.dracinabox.com/chinesebstskt3.jpg On her feet are a pair of platform heels with the same pattern on the single toe strap. http://www.dracinabox.com/chinesebstskt7.jpg Her long black hair is pulled up into a bun with a pair of matching chopsticks holding it in place. Her rather pale complexion is accented with rather more flattering make-up than her usual gothic style. Around her neck is her usual pendant made from an apparently plain ordinary playing dart. She carries her usual drawstring purse as well as a couple of small bags from things she's bought while shopping. As she arrives at the food court, she looks around both at the people and what restaurants are there.*

Matthew Drake: [Matthew frowns darkly at Adriana. He then notices the others are also looking at him and clears his throat nervously.] Umm. hi.

Christian Gallagher: "Excused..." He furrows his brow, looking to Dani with a confused expression.

Sha-Sha: d10: Per+alert: 2,5,9,9,

Matthew Drake: [Matthew was sitting at a neighboring table to Christian.]

Adriana Carmichael: Adriana glares down to the man, from her formal stance. "I require a discreet converse with your person. Immediately." She states in a sterile tone. Stern.

Adriana Carmichael: (then she'll simply stand.)

Matthew Drake: [he looks up at her and nods] Uh, sure. [he stands so that he could follow her]

Dani Lane (Mall): Chris>> *blank look and a shrug*

Christian Gallagher: ((Technically, for the record, Dani would NOT know that it came from Matthew, guys. Just FYI. *points toward the Awareness FAQ*))

Adriana Carmichael: Adriana lays a hand on her purse, moving away toward the exit with an icy glance over her shoulder to ensure that he's following obediently.

Adriana Carmichael: (and sha sha would get an awareness roll for adri. if she likes.)

Sha-Sha: *A smile comes over her lips as she locates Christian with some new girl. Adriana's retreating figure is unnoticed for the moment. She walks over looking rather like the last few days of relative quiet have done her a world of good. The make-up might help with that. As she arrives at the table she grins at both Christian and Dani.* Hello!

Matthew Drake: (( [sends Multitask Drone scampering off to find this Awareness faq] ))

Sha-Sha: d10: peraware: 2,9,6,6,

Christian Gallagher: He watches Adriana and Matthew leave with a confused look...though when he watches them to the entrance of the court, he sees Sha-Sha, and a very warm smile hits his face.

Christian Gallagher -> Christian Gallagher: There are not any words in the English language 100 letters long.

Adriana Carmichael: d10: per+alert: 3,5,7,4,6,

Matthew Drake: [Matthew follows her. At one point he pauses long enough to un-velcro one of the pockets of his pants that is bulging from something with various points]

Christian Gallagher: ((It's in the FAQ's, under "Cross-System House Rules." Please, guys, make sure you read all FAQ's. They're there for a reason.))

Sha-Sha: ((*L* Some day she'll either think to ask or manage to figure out what it is. *G*)) *Sha's attention is grabbed by Adriana and she makes a bit of a face. It passes quickly as the woman is leaving and she looks back to the two she approaches.*

Adriana Carmichael: In passing, Adriana speaks coldly to Sha Sha. She doesn't look her way or stop from her designated course. "I've spoken to HER.. and am in the process of handling the situation."

Adriana Carmichael: She continues toward the door, speaking lowly to Matthew. "Have you a vehicle, or should I aquire a cab?"

Sha-Sha: We'll have to talk later. *She says simply to Adriana. Her own tone a bit more relaxed, though definitely not the casual, carefree one that's directed at Christian and Dani.

Dani Lane (Mall): *scratches her head a bit, looking confused*

Christian Gallagher: The smile fades just a little, watching Adriana and Sha-Sha. So much going over his head, and he recognizes it. He just sighs and shrugs it off, putting his smile back on and waving Sha-Sha's way.

Matthew Drake: huh?? [he seems confused by her additude]

Sha-Sha: *She finishes approaching Christian and Dani's table, the smile in place once more. She leans over to brush a light kiss either on Christian's cheek or his lips, whichever are offered to her as she leans.* Hey there.

Adriana Carmichael: She purses her lips with a frown to the boy. "You do know what a vehicle is.. don't you?" She states, in the same condescending tone. Ehh.. mystics. "I need to speak to you privately. If you'd like I can escort you to an annonymous location. Equipted with a witness if I make you all THAT uncomfortable."

Dani Lane (Mall): *smiles at Sha-Sha* howdy

Matthew Drake: [He opens his mouth to speak, then thinks better of it. After a pause he speaks] Who are you?

Christian Gallagher: He leans up to meet the offered lips with his own, and smiles to her. "Hey, back. How are you?"

Adriana Carmichael: "Doctor Adriana Carmichael." She states quite matter of factly. As though expecting him to know her. (fame in the medical/technological community.) "A more formal introduction will be stated upon our exit to a more private location. I'll not speak of things in public. But first.. you owe me an appology."

Sha-Sha: I'm good, *She smiles and pulls up a seat. Then she looks over at Dani.* I'm Sha-Sha...*She offers a hand to shake.*

Dave Poe: * The young man comes raging from the parking lot. The Computer pit bag or whatever in hell that store was called is held in a white knuckle grip as the boy stalks across the food court. *

Matthew Drake: [he blinks blankly, and then remembers himself. The blank look fades away to be replaced by a less confused look.] Matthew Drake. I would say the pleasure is mine, but I don't think this is anyone's pleasure.

Adriana Carmichael: "Pleasure is folly. I've no time for such things. A cab, then?"

Matthew Drake: Um. no. We'll walk, if you don't mind.

Dani Lane (Mall): Sha-Sha>> *smiles* ya.... I met you one time b'fore... 'course that was when Fel gave ya that strong drink so ya might not remember... *shakes her hand with a smile*

Sha-Sha: *She blinks, then blushes a bit.* Oh, that's right! I'm sorry. You were the one who likes Country music, right?

Adriana Carmichael: She looks the boy over with the same icy stare. "I do make you uncomfortable." she states simply. After a pause, she adds. "Good." She presses out of the mall and toward the street. Holding the door open for Matthew. "I was beginning to think that I was developing intrapersonal skills. A somewhat frightening thought, indeed."

Dave Poe: d10: per/alert: 10,5,6,5,4,

Dani Lane (Mall): Sha-Sha>> *chuckles* ya, that'd be me....

Christian Gallagher: He looks between the two, though his eye is caught by David stalking along. "Wow...is everyone pissed now all of a sudden?"

Matthew Drake: [he exits through the door she held for him and he gave her a nod of thanks. His mind was nearly disconnected from the conversation, as he considered the implications of who this might actually be.]

Dave Poe: * He stops almost in mid-stride and instead takes a seat at one of the double tables, laying the bag at his feet. *

Sha-Sha: So how are you two?

Sha-Sha: *She blinks and follows Christian's gaze*

Matthew Drake: [He starts to put his hands into the pockets of the sweatshirt, but then thinks better of it and leaves them out in the cold evening air. He walks with her.]

Sha-Sha: d10: per+alert: 8,8,8,2,

Adriana Carmichael: She cups her gloved hands in front of her, making an elegant pace down the sidewalk. (want to move to open? since we're not really in the business anymore?)

Sha-Sha: *She looks between Dave and Christian.* I don't know, did something happen?

Dani Lane (Mall): Sha-Sha>> purty good, you?

Matthew Drake: (( sure. BRT ))

Sha-Sha: Well, I've stopped trying drinks that curdle the moment you mix them so pretty good. *She grins.*

Christian Gallagher: His brow raises at David, and looks back to Sha-Sha and Dani, voice lowered slightly. "Okay...anyone here know that guy?"

Dave Poe: * He makes a show out of pulling the instructions for the PS from the bag. He even goes so far as to pretend to read the thing, but the guy is no spy. *

Dani Lane (Mall): Sha-Sha>> if she tries ta get you ta drink chocolate martini's, be careful.... they taste real good but gotta LOTTA alcohol in 'em........... *looks at Chris, then David, then back to Chris* huh uh, why?

Sha-Sha: *She looks over at David and then back at Christian with a shake of her head.* Maybe he's seen you or I at Limelight?

Sha-Sha: *She looks at Dani and chuckles* I tend to stay away from Martini's on general principle.

Dani Lane (Mall): Sha-Sha>> th' chocolate ones are yummy... jus' keep it ta one of 'em... *G*

Dave Poe: {{ http://www.wodnyc.net/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimage&album=1&pos=33 }} * Dressed in a old pair of jeans and a blue hooded sweatshirt with the LA Dodgers logo on the chest. *

Sha-Sha: Mmm...perhaps some time. *She says non-commitally.*

Christian Gallagher: "Possibly," he says with a frown and a shrug. "Most people who see me there don't sneakily watch, though." He seems a slight but creeped out by it.

Sha-Sha: *She chuckles a little and winks at Christian.* Maybe he's trying to learn how to be sneaky so he can fit in with some group he doesn't belong in...

Christian Gallagher: ((slight BIT. Not but.))

Dave Poe: * He lays the instructions back in the bag and then gets halfway through lighting a cigarette before he remembers where he is. *

Dani Lane (Mall): Sha-Sha>> *grins* I don' exactly b'long either....

Christian Gallagher: "Could be. Shall we invite him over?"

Sha-Sha: *She laughs at Dani's comment. Then smiles and shrugs at Christian.* Sure, why not? Shall I go?

Dave Poe: * Maybe he just realised how stupid he looks, but he stands and grabs the bag before walking off to buy a soda or something. A few minutes later he returns, but to a different table. *

Christian Gallagher: "Go ahead, Sha-Sha," he says with a smile and a shrug.

Sha-Sha: *She grins and gets up and walks over to Dave's new table with a bright smile.* Hello, we couldn't help but notice your looking over at our table, would you like to join us?

Dave Poe: * He takes a long sip through the straw of whatever he is drinking, peering over the cup at their table. *

Dani Lane (Mall): Chris>> *s* she's awful friendly, huh?

Christian Gallagher: "She's awesome," he says simply, with a shrug.

Dave Poe: * He almost chokes as the girl walks over to his table, and it takes a few moments before he can say anything in return. * " I was looking at you. Had not decided about your friends yet. "

Dani Lane (Mall): Chris>> so you guys dating?

Christian Gallagher: "Yeah," he says with a nod and an almost somewhat shy smile.

Dani Lane (Mall): Chris>> *smiles* cool... y' guys look cute t'gether...

Sha-Sha: *She blinks several times at the guy and blushes a bit. She coughs softly.* Oh, um, well as flattering as that is, I'm not in the market as it were. Christian, *She waves back towards the table.* is my...*She looks back towards Dani and Christian, the blush deepening some.* boyfriend. *Then she looks back at Dave.*

Dave Poe: " I was at the limelight the other night when you used your mojo. My name is Dave and I represent a small group of fellow mind benders and heart breakers. Did not know if the others at the table are in the club so I was trying to be careful and catch you alone before saying hello. " * He smiles... * " I guess I suck at subtlety. " * He glances back to the table with a friendly smile and a nod to Chris before speaking to Sha again. * " No offense but I was not checking you out the way that you are thinking I was checking you out. "

Christian Gallagher: He looks down a moment, flushing slightly, before looking back up to Dani and nodding. "Thanks."

Dani Lane (Mall): Chris>> *smirks* so I guess there's no point in me tryin ta seduce ya, huh? *grins teasingly with a wink.... then glances in Sha-Sha's direction to see her reaction*

Christian Gallagher: His smile fades just a touch, spine straightening a little bit, and he shakes his head. "Nope. Sorry, I'm fairly unseducable."

Dani Lane (Mall): Chris>> *snaps her fingers* damn...... *then chuckles* I'm jus' teasin ya.... I wouldn't do that..... I hope y'all are happy t'gether... I'm happy for ya... *s*

Sha-Sha: *As quickly as it rushed TO her face, the blood drains away.* I...don't think they are. I'm Sha-Sha, and we'll have to talk about this later. Somewhere else. *She rubs the back of her neck.* You...can still join us if you like but...yeah.

Christian Gallagher: The smile is back in full force, and he nods. "Sorry...it's all good."

Sha-Sha: ((And I should have mentioned before Awareness rolls if you like...Diff9 2Sux needed))

Dani Lane (Mall): d10: Per+Aware: 5,6,4,1,2,

Dave Poe: * He smiles just a little more and stands. * " I would be happy too, and just chill out. The name is Dave and I am not a bad guy. Just a guy that is trying to be careful. " * With that he follows her back to the table and introduces himself when he gets there. * " Hi folks, I am Dave. "

Dave Poe: d10: per/aware: 7,9,9,3,6,

Dani Lane (Mall): ((wheeee..... blissfully ignorant *G*))

Dave Poe: {{ That is the only roll that this dice roller is ever kind to me on. *L* }}

Sha-Sha: ((*LOL*)) I...am usually more careful. Things just have been...hard lately. *She whispers, then puts a smile on her face as she comes back to the table with Dave. She sits down next to Christian as Dave introduces himself.*

Dani Lane (Mall): Dave>> howdy.... 'm Dani..

Christian Gallagher: He looks up at Dave and smiles to him. "Hey, Dave...Christian. Nice to meet you." He offers his hand to him.

Dave Poe: * The boy looks over too Dani and beams. * " Hey Dani, cool name and great accent. "

Dani Lane (Mall): Dave>> *g* well, thank ya....

Dave Poe: * He reaches over to shake Christian's hand and nods again. * " I know we dont know each other but I saw you girlfriend dancing at the club a few nights back. Your a lucky guy. " * He gives a wink and takes another sip of his soda. * " Sorry for gawking at her. "

Sha-Sha: *She laughs and ducks her head a bit, though not as relaxed as before, she's still able to smile genuinely.*

Christian Gallagher: "It's cool." He smiles to Dave, a brief glance to Sha-Sha and a soft smile. "I know I am."

Sha-Sha: *The smile brightens at Christian's comment and she reaches over to slip her hand into his, an adoring look directed his way.*

Dave Poe: * He lowers his voice just a bit. * " So... she has not given me her name but she invited me over here. I said yes just so I could let you know I am not a stalker or anything like that. "

Dani Lane (Mall): *smiles at the others* I best be gettin home I reckon... I got ta work tommorow.... *picks up her shopping bag and guitar case* Dave, nice t' meecha.... Chris, I'll prolly see ya around Lime sometime..... Sha-Sha, good ta see ya again..... I'll see y'all later....

Dave Poe: * He frowns as Dani gets up to leave. * " Damnit, I wanted more of that accent. "

Sha-Sha: I did say that I'm Sha-Sha. Right after you told me who you were.

Sha-Sha: *She waves at Dani as she leaves.* Have a good night Dani...

Dani Lane (Mall): Dave>> *grins and winks* I hang out at Bettery Park a lot.... an' I visit Lime ever once in a while..... I'll prolly see ya around...

Christian Gallagher: "Bye, Dani...nice meeting you." He nods to her and looks back to Dave. "Not a problem. Appreciate you coming over to set the record straight." He grins.

Dave Poe: * He looks back to Sha and winks. * " I thought that might be a fake name. No offense but it sounds like one and if you gave me a fake I would not blame you. I mean that was a little weird I admit. "

Dani Lane (Mall): Sha-Sha>> *points at her, grinning evilly* you, I'ma take to a country bar sometime.... *chuckles*

Dave Poe: * He smiles again at Dani. * " If I see you I am definatly saying hi. "

Dani Lane (Mall): Dave>> *s* sounds good.....

Dave Poe: * Then he glances back to Christian. * " Your a DJ, right? "

Sha-Sha: *She blinks at Dani, a look of abject horror on her face.* nooooooooooooooo! *Her eyes, however, twinkle with laughter. Then she looks at Dave and chuckles.* It's my nickname. That or Sha.

Christian Gallagher: "I am," he says with a nod to Dave, smile widening. "Or I try to, at least. Some people seem to like it."

Dave Poe: * The look on his face suggests that he still might be in doubt, but he chuckles. * " Okay Sha. I am from Ohio and we dont have names like that there, so you have to forgive me. "

Dani Lane (Mall): Sha-Sha>> oh, yes.... I will...... *heads out* bye, y'all!

Sha-Sha: Some people? You're "only" the best DJ at Limelight! And that's pretty impressive! *Says the biased girlfriend.*

Dave Poe: * He nods again at Christian. * " I thought that I might have recognised you. The lighting in that place is so bad its hard to be sure though. "

Dani Lane (Mall): *actually, she pauses, looking at Dave* what part of Ohio ya from? I'm from Kentucky m'self... but my mom is from Ohio

Dave Poe: * He gives a wave to Dani and watches her walk away before turning back to Chris and Sha. *

Sha-Sha: I'm from Kansas. It's what I've been called for as long as I can remember.

Christian Gallagher: "Yeah, the lighting does get bad." He looks over at Sha-Sha and smiles at her words.

Dave Poe: " I'm from Dayton. Going to school here in the city on a scholarship. "

Dani Lane (Mall): Dave>> *she smiles brightly* my mom's from that area..... *nods* I'll see ya..... *smiles, then heads out again*

Dave Poe: * He smiles again at Dani. * " Small world, Kentucky girl. See you around. "

Christian Gallagher: He lisetns to the conversation, chuckling. "Wow...I'm the native local, eh?"

Dave Poe: * He looks back to Chris and grins... * " If you are I may need you to translate someday. "

Sha-Sha: *She giggles and nods at Christian.* Apparently the only one. *She smiles* So I guess I landed in the right place.

Christian Gallagher: ((the ONLY native local, rather.))

Dani Lane (Mall): ((night y'all))

Dave Poe: {{ Night. *S* }}

Christian Gallagher: "Guess so," he says with a grin to Sha-Sha. His watch alarm goes off, and he reaches into his pocket...then blinks. "Shit." A sigh, and he shakes his head.

Sha-Sha: ((*L* Then erase "The only one." from Sha's))

Sha-Sha: *She frowns* You need to get home hun?

Dave Poe: * He glances to the watch and shrugs. * " Guess you guys need to jet. It was cool meeting you. "

Christian Gallagher: "Yeah, I do." He runs his hand through his hair, giving her an rueful look. "Dunno where my head is at." He looks up at David and shakes his head. "Not both of us necessarily, just...I'm on a schedule. Gotta get home, before I turn into a pumpkin."

Dave Poe: * He nods. * " Yeah I guess you must sleep at off hours working the jobs that you do. "

Sha-Sha: You sure? *She says softly, rather focused on Christian, concerned.*

Christian Gallagher: "Yeah, pretty much." He gives Dave a brief smile, then looks to Sha-Sha. "Yeah, I'm sure. Not like I'm gonna drop on the way home, just...yeah. I'll see you later, okay?" He gives her a reassuring smile before leaning in for a quick kiss. Not too much of a PDA, for Dave's sake.

Dave Poe: * His brows furrow but he keeps his mouth shut. *

Sha-Sha: *She relaxes some and blushes a bit* Yeah, sorry. *She returns the kiss* Be careful, and I'll see you later, hun.

Christian Gallagher: "It's okay...and I will be. See you." He looks to Dave and smiles to him as he rises from the table. "Pleasure meeting you, Dave. See you around, okay?"

Dave Poe: * He stands to take the mans hand again. * " Yeah man, probably at the club. Me and my special lady friend hang out there sometimes. Get some sleep. "

Christian Gallagher: "Will do. Later." He shakes Dave's hand and gives Sha-Sha a last, adoring smile, before making his way away from the table. ((So that this little byrdy can sleep. :) Thanks for the scene, guys!))

Sha-Sha: *She stands as well, smiling watching Christian.*

Dave Poe: {{ Night bird. }}

Dave Poe: * He watches as the man walks away and then glances back across the table to Sha. *

Sha-Sha: *She returns the gaze, smiling, watching until he's out of sight before looking at Dave again.* So...