Raven: ((As soon as we get a couple people here, we can start. *S* I just need to know, what sort of business-type setting would your characters be most likely to be at? Or we could do a simple street beginning.))

Gabriel Marsh: ((The 7-11 idea worked well with gGabe :p but anywhere he can get a (non alcoholic) drink would be good.. he'd probably only be stopping in to get somethign to clear his head a bit... :D So: flexible! ))

Christian Gallagher: ((Christian can be anywhere, conceivably, long as it isn't TOO upscale or involve massive amounts of bleeding (that he knows of). He doesn't like bleeding. *G*))

Raven: ((Any other suggestions? If not, I'll set up the background scene in/around a street cafe and we can get rolling!))

Ayanna Adams ~Fame 3 Model~: ((Somewhere in a not too crummy neighborhood either or our darling model is out))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: (I'm good there. :) )

Ayanna Adams ~Fame 3 Model~: ((*color*))

Raven: ~It is only 65 degrees but the air is already carrying that heavy, muggy feel that heralds the approach of a New York City summer. Clouds drift in scattered accumulations around the towering glass and steel spires of the skyscrapers. It is a pleasant evening, just an hour past sunset but still reasonably light out. The moon glows in moments through the clouds, and the street lights have switched on. People bustle about even at this hour, hurrying from shop to shop before they close.~

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: (dont matter much to me really*shrugs* kaes good pretty much anywhere)

Ayanna Adams ~Fame 3 Model~: Nevermind. I've been asked not to do crossover. have fun.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: (Can people see this color? I have my monitor set to ultradark because I'm all light sensitive, so colors often seem darker to me than to everyone else, and this one is readable, but light to me.)

Raven: ~This particular neighborhood is well lit, providing a sense of security to those walking through it. The crowd, too, provides some measure of safety. A pleasant cafe, catering to the later crowds, is open and welcoming all with a cheery light. People are taking advantage of the warm evening to gather at the outside tables.~

Christian Gallagher: ((That's Reyna's color, love. So yes, it works for me. *G*))

Raven: ((Kennedy: I can see it just fine. Ayanna: I'm sorry. :( I didn't know that.))

Raven: ~A harsh bray of laughter, quickly quelled, sounds through the crowd, but few pay it any mind. People are going about their business, eyes fixed at points where they won't have to make eye contact with the elbow-to-elbow strangers.~

Raven: ((And you can all chime in with wherever and however you would like your character to start. *S*))

Raven: ~Two teenage girls trot through the crowd, giggling together as if they had just committed a sly or naughty act. The crowd parts for them automatically, then closes behind them as they were simply swallowed up in the moving mass.~

Christian Gallagher: He makes his way up to the cafe, a relaxed stance to his walk as he does. He's in a decently good mood...no crises to deal with, no assholes to deck. Not that he normally decks folks, but...every now and then.

Young and hip. He's one of the beautiful creatures, no doubt about it. Upon first glance, his age could be estimated at the mid-twenties. He's got the rebel feel to him...hair a soft brown, falling to the shoulders of his well-worn leather jacket. He has about a day's growth on his face, just enough to be a bit scratchy, underneath soft blue eyes. He could hardly be called big...maybe 5'10, and weight 160 tops. The leather jacket sits over a T-Shirt that reads "1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d" and an olive button-down. Blue jeans and an old pair of sneakers finish the look, one that says "I don't take much time...'cause I don't need to." And it's true, he looks good anyway. A small chain rests around his neck, a single gold hoop in his left ear. (Fame 1: Professional DJ. Check Who's Who for Details) http://www.wodnyc.net/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimage&album=1&pos=26

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel Marsh wanders up the street, straying away from the deepish pits of people unconciously. His mind wanders, and his eyes are not focused entierly on the world around him, thinking, it would seem, deep thoughts.

Gabriel Marsh stands about 5'11, with a warm and open smile to just about everyone he meets. His green eyes reflect the warm friendliness of his smile... he's either a fantastic actor, or he honestly and truely is as friendly as he seems. His eyes occasionally wander away to peer at the scenery around him. He's obviously not a native New Yorker. ...he seems a lot more like a tourist. A tourist from a far away country, or, more likely in this case, a small town. Indeed, He has a very 'small town' look to him that's hard to pin down... maybe it's just the sheer OPENness of his expression... The youthful look of his face, pegs him as somewhere in his late teens, His black hair is somewhere between the stage of "needs a trim badly" and "long enough to tie back", and, resultingly, is a bit windblown and wild. He dresses comfortably.. Today, a pair of jeans, and long sleeved, not-quite-tight black shirt. He's not obviously trying to show off, though the fact that his slender form is decently muscled is not hidden. No... he's definetly not trying to show off... he's completly natural, smile and all. He reminds you of the classic "boy next door' idea, come to think of it.

Raven: ~Laughter sounds from one of the outside tables. A group of friends. The laughter is happy, but there is a tinge of desperation to its edges.~

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Light on her feet, she weaves through the people, paying less attention than most to who or what she brushes against or cuts off. She slips out of the ocean of people on the sidewalk into the relative calm of the outdoor cafe. Coffee. She sets down an old grey backpack and unzips it.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kennedy is striking. Long brown hair with strands of practically every shade imaginable, caught just between curly and wavy falls in a haphazard tangle, two high pigtails caught up high and far back to either side. Passionflower-blue eyes peer out through that wild fall of hair, outlined with black eyeliner and thick mascara. Her face is pale, thin, with regal cheekbones and a nose just shades too-long. She's a slender girl, more waifish than curvy. Tattered blue jeans are belted on with a black belt with two rows of holes framing metal stars. Over that is a black shirt with a neon pink fairy print on the chest layered over a long-sleeved white shirt. Purple sunglasses and a grey backpack complete the outfit - the shoes might be in the backpack, but at least for now she's barefoot. [App: 4; Fame: 1]

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *out of work early for once, hungry as heck, shed heard about this place from one of the other doctors at the hospital, so why not check it out..how often does she go out and treat herself anyways? the first thing thats noticed is the unruly firey red curls, slightly pulled back for some semblance of order here, and for once her glasses on(long day+tired eyes=no more contacts) over aqua blue eyes...a hospital scrubs bluegreen shirt on(lanyard with picture IDs being slipped off currently) and faded blue jeans with white sneakers, 5'7", 140lbs of solid muscled frame, quite fit physical shape with pale slightly freckled skin* http://www.wodnyc.net/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimage&album=1&pos=60

Raven: ~A pretty-ish sort of girl, with carrot red hair, a few too many freckles, and a tad on the too-young side is leaving the cafe, and she gives Christian a frank look of interest as she passes by.~

Christian Gallagher: d10: Per+Alert: 3,3,10,1,2,2,

Gabriel Marsh: d10: per+alert: 8,5,2,4,

Christian Gallagher: He looks around, not really noticing much, though the girl leaving the cafe passing by is noticed. He gives her a warm, friendly smile and nods to her before slipping inside to order foor. Even DJ's get hungy. He moves up to the counter.

Raven: ~There are distant sounds of construction, but the machines and men making the noise are not within sight of this street. It adds to the general clamor that is New York, with the traffic and the people, the inevitable horn honks and sulphurous swearing. Few of the pedestrians take notice.~

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel pauses to the side near a cafe.. partly wondering why he stopped, perhaps thinking aout if a cup of coffee'd do him good. A shrug, and he slips inside, letting anyone else obviously headed the same way go on ahead of himself.

Christian Gallagher: ((Bah. http://www.wodnyc.net/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=displayimage&album=1&pos=25))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Sure enough, she pulls a pair of sandals out of the backpack and slips them on with a little distasteful pucker of her lips, before stepping into the cafe.

Raven: The girl does not stop and chat, and she is quickly gone. Gabriel notices a woman getting bumped into, she is softly rounded and in her early 30s, attempting to maneuver through the crowd with her 8-month-old infant in a bright pink stroller. At the counter, a brassy-haired older woman eyes Christian with a cool efficiency. "What can I get for you, hon?"

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: d10: per/alert: 2,7,5,2,2,10,

Raven: ~The cafe is rather cheerily situated at first glance, with classic red and white walls and red and chrome stools at the formica counter, with matching booths and tables. At closer inspection, one might notice more detail, such as the peeling of the wallpaper in parts, or that the linoleum floor isn't perhaps as clean as it should be. It is as if a homely woman got dolled up with a bit of cosmetics, but under it all she is still drab.~

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *heading inside the doors herself, she looks about and blinks when she thinks she notices a couple of familiar faces, the glasses cleaned quickly and replaced before she peers again and gives a slight wave towards christian and gabe....well...maybe its them....*

Raven: A bouncy, exuberant young man is alternating between waiting tables and bussing them. At the counter, the brassy-haired woman apparently takes orders for folks sitting there.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel slides on other that way and subtley tries to clear the space out right near the lady with a few gentle placed 'scuse me's and shoulder bumps. He offers the lady a warm smile.

Raven: The woman smiles tentatively at Gabriel, then she ducks her head and continues on down the street as quickly as she can. The baby coos and gurles, playing with plastic ducks attached to her stroller. The woman does not head into the cafe.

Raven: ((gurles=gurgles))

Gabriel Marsh: d10: per+alert: 10,4,9,9,

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kennedy flops down at a table. She's immediately figiting though, checking her cell phone, crossing her legs, picking up the menu, dropping the menu, rearranging the salt and pepper shakers, rechecking the cell phone, balancing the menu on the salt an pepper shakers....

Christian Gallagher: He smiles at the waitress. "Club sandwich and coffee...thanks." He looks around as he waits to pay, looking to Kae at her wave and giving a nod and a smile.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe simply smiles in return, then tilts his head slightly as she hurries off, then with a shrug he turns and spots Kaeleigh waving hesitantly right off. He offers he a bright smile and waves to her.

Raven: Gabriel is not only able to spot anyone he knows, he does in fact notice the dullish, dingy sort of appearance beneath the cheery facade, as well as a fly strip in the corner with several dead flies upon it, and one living juicy bluebottle fly that is humming furiously and making increasingly feeble efforts to escape.

Raven: The woman at the counter nods, mustering up a reasonably pleasant smile, her teeth nicotine stained. She writes down Christian's order. "Club and joe!" she shouts out to the kitchen, impaling the order on a spin-around tab. The young man notices Kennedy immediately and bounces over to her. His eyes roam her legs before he pulls them quickly to her face, handing her a menu and pouring a glass of ice water. "Anything to drink, Miss?"

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *heading up to the counter when its finally her turn she orders a turkey and ham on wheat, chips on the side, and glass of milk*

Raven: ((nix the menu if she has one *G*))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: hey...fancy seeing you here...wheres your usual 'accsessory'?*flicking a glance to gabe with a slight grin*

Raven: The brassy haired woman nods to Kae with another smile, perhaps slightly more genuine noting the scrubs. She calls out the order to the kitchen, then nods again to Kae. "Must be from the hospital up the street," she notes.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She looks up from slowly tapping the salt shaker around under the menu, orders a double mocha. New game forgotten (or dull) by the time she's done ordering she pulls out her cell phone again.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe presses his way inward again, heading to the counter as well.. He doesn't seem to mind the dingy exterior.. perhaps used to the old-lady-with-makeup syndrome.. The flystrip in the corner with it's living occupant, though, almost changes his mind about food or drink... He greets Kae as she comes near, and, upon his turn, orders a completly random sandwhich off the menu, and a coke.

Raven: ~A grim older man, shoulders hunched as if worn down by life, sits at one end of the counter, staring blindly down at a cup of coffee, one hand listessly playing with a small plate of fries, though he doesn't eat any of them. His suit is brown tweed, frayed and several years out of date. A dented brown hat rests on the counter beside his coffee.~

Gabriel Marsh: ((I swear, all the important stuff gets posted while i"m typing :p Nuke the last sentence of that.))

Raven: The young waiter hastens to fill Kennedy's order, nearly tripping over his overgrown feet to get to the espresso machine behind the counter.

Gabriel Marsh: He smiles brightly at Kae, then tilts his head "y' mean Keith? I think I"m his accessory actualy," a laugh, "No idea. he took off earlier."

Raven: The woman at the counter calls out Gabriel's order to the kitchen as well, giving him a stained smile, too.

Raven: ((Then she doesn't take his order Gabe? *G*))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *kae smiles to the waitress and gives a shrugnod* bellevue ma'am

Christian Gallagher: He looks away from the waitress, listening quietly to Gabriel and Kaeleigh talk. He moves away from the counter a bit...eyes move over to the older man, regestering his presence, and he gets a nod and a smile before he looks back.

Raven: ((So we have Gabriel, Christian, and Kae sitting at the counter, and Kennedy at a table? Yes?))

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe gives his order. Misreading things left and right today, oye...

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: (I believe so - definitely yes on Kennedy at a table.)

Raven: The counter woman gives Kae another real smile and leans over, giving her a pat on the hand and saying quietly. "Your place saved my husband's life last week. Your dinner's on me tonight."

Christian Gallagher: ((Yes.))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: gabe: didnt want to say it, you did..*chuckling softly* yeah...sounds like him...was beginning to wonder if you existed away from his presense*giving a playful wink with the next chuckle*

Raven: ~The bright interior competes with the streetlamps outside, and the windows tend to reflect those inside rather than outside. Occasionally, a grating sort of laughter can be heard from those outside.~

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel laughs softly, "Who's to say anyone exists we we look the other way?" he grins a bit, "He tends to either show up wherever I am, or give me a call before the evening's over.. WHo'm I to turn down someone lookin' f' company.. S' no fun being bored.. or lonely." a bright smile.

Raven: The young waiter carries the double mocha to Kennedy, neat as a pin, not spilling a drop. "Are you ready to order, Miss, or do you need more time?"

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *hearing the lady, her smile softens and warms* Im glad we could help and I appreciate the gesture, ma'am, but you really dont have to..*an appreciative smile and expression given back to the waitress though*

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: gabe: ooo a philospher....*chuckling softly, she nods to his words, then the smile quiets a little and she nods again* no....no its not...youve got a point there

Raven: "I WANT ICE CREAM!" comes a shrilling cry from across the room. A six year old boy old enough to know how to behave is shrieking in a state of impending tantrum, smacking at his mother. The woman, a handsome woman in a neat business suit, is attempting to placate him, "Now, honey, it's nearly your bedti---" "I WANT ICE CREAM! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED!' "Now now, honey, sh sh..."

Christian Gallagher: He glances back to the street and that annoying-ass laughter, quirking a brow. A slight shake of his head and shrug of his shoulders, before he looks back.

Raven: The counter woman merely smiles at Kae, then cluck-clucks disapprovingly at the child's tantrum, disappearing into the kitchen.

Gabriel Marsh: His smile warms even further listening to Kae's responce to the lady, then chuckles to Kae, "Only sometimes." then he tips his head, "Then again.. I'm glad he calls. s'good to know I have friends here already." a bright smile. The child's cries make him flinch for a bare moment as he glances over his shoulder..

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "Didn't I just order coffee?" Her voice is playful, with just a thread of something uneasy and snappish underneath.

Raven: The waiter's smile falters, but he gamely recovers, giving her a submissive nod, reaching for the menu. The woman is trying to hustle her screaming, hostile child out of the cafe. That bray of laughter from outside, a nasal quality to it now, sounds again like a foghorn. Gabriel notes the dying fly giving a last feeble hum before giving up. The counter woman returns with the drinks those at the counter ordered.

Christian Gallagher: He frowns just a little bit at the conversation between Gabriel and Kaeleigh, but doesn't seem willing to offer his opinion. A hand comes up to scratch at his neck, slight wince at the kid's tantrum, though he still smiles a little bit. Can't keep kids from being kids...

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Lonely old men and screaming children barely get glances out of Kennedy, who seems to accept their pain and their screams as no more remarkable than the faded diner wallpaper really, certainly less interesting than her bored tapping at the table.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: always good to have friends..*nodding, brows furrowing as she looks towards the area outside where the annoying laughter is coming from, giving a quick glance and raised brow towards christian as if to say 'whats up with that?'*

Christian Gallagher: "Thank you," he says to the counter woman, giving her a warm smile. He takes his coffee to sip at, tossing a look over to Kennedy at her table.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She does wince, just a little at the waiter's faltering smile and offers almost tentatively, "Caesar salad?" She didn't actually read the menu while playing with it, apparently.

Raven: A face presses up against the window nearest Kennedy with a slight banging sound, distorted and white, the eyes big. The lips are fleshed against the pane and the words "I love you" are mouthed at her repeatedly.

Raven: The waiter smiles again, going to turn away with the menu when the sound and the face make him jump, and he stares at the apparition.

Christian Gallagher: He looks over Kaeleigh and shrugs, as if to say 'Beats me.' "Someone's apparently finding something funny, I guess."

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She recoils from the window with a muffled sqeak, jumping up and nearly knocking over her chair, not graceful at all when she's near panicked. That's more than background static!

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe turns his eyes away from the sadly passed on insect, trying not to think too much about.. that sort of thing. Though his face potentially shifts a shade closer to pale.. A glance outside for a moment, before back to Kae, "It is.. very few people can exist alone..." eyes driftign to Christian puzzledly.

Raven: The face is gone as soon as Kennedy jumps back, no features able to be seen clearly. The nauseatingly wet imprint of the lips is slowly fading.

Raven: ~The waiter hmphs and heads into the kitchen.~

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She stands watching the lip prints fade from the wind, arms crossed over her chest protectively.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *the hubub from the face 'thing' in the window has her chuckling softly, trying not to smirk too much* thats nyc for ya....*looking to christian and nodding* guess so..*chuckling softly with a shrug* how're you doing? and shasha?

Raven: ((everyone can roll Per + Alert))

Raven: ((It's hearing based))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: d10: per/alert: 4,6,7,10,5,

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe gives the window a weird look.. like.. eew. "..some people.." Though the words are not said disgustedly.. more 'some peopel baffle me..' ... but he shakes his head, and faces the cnversation. and ignores the fly strip.

Gabriel Marsh: d10: per+alert: 4,6,7,3,

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: d10: : 10,7,2,3,9,5,

Christian Gallagher: d10: Per+Alert: 9,4,7,5,8,9,

Christian Gallagher: ((Sorry, place this before my Alert roll)) Gabriel's look gets a slight shrug, and he smiles to Kae. "We're...doing pretty well."

Raven: ((1 or 2 suxx = There is a general commotion outside the cafe, someone screaming something. 3+ suxx= A woman is screaming, "MY BABY! MY BABY! HELP!"))

Christian Gallagher: He blinks, tensing suddenly, and is out of his chair immediately. He starts moving quickly toward the front door, almost but not quite running, and pushes it open to step outside.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *hearing what she does she immediately gets up, eyes wide bright and alert as if she were at work or something, not even thinking of her coming food as she quickly makes to head outside where the screaming is heard from*

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe's mostly just wondering who Christian is.. but he's distracted from anythign further by noise outside.. he turns and peers that way, sliding a foot onto the ground.. then what-the-hells and follows Christian.. so what if he's looked on as a gawking redneck...

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kennedy pulls out her phone, entering 911 as she moves to look out the doorway anxiously. She moves toward the door like at any second a chainsaw weilding maniac might come flying in, but she still heads that way, thumb over the send button on the phone.

Christian Gallagher: He doesn't even think about it...he moves into the street, ignoring the four, and up toward the woman. A hand out to ask the traffic for a moment. "Miss? Miss! What's happened?"

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel frowns, and starts to push himself through the crowd--not so concerned about the excuse mes, and the politeness now. He heads towards the woman quickly, looking around for something at the same time.

Raven: ((Er, time the 911 answer after she hits send. *S* Sorry, I don't know much about how cell phones work.))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *probably out the corner of her eye she might notice christian heading toward the screaming as well but she doesnt think on it, heading right for the source once s he sees where the woman is* ma'am....ma'am...please....calm down...what happened?*trying to sound both comforting and authoratative*

Gabriel Marsh: When Gabe nears, his responce is much the same as Christian's: "Ma'am? What's wrong?"

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "I'm at (insert address). There's a woman here who is missing her child. She's in the street, stopping traffic. She's very frantic." She tries to listen for the response to Christian and the others to relay to the operator.

Raven: Her eyes are wild, hair frazzled, and tears are running unchecked down her face. She stares at Christian like he's the devil or God or both. When Gabriel and Kaeleigh run up her, eyes dart between all of them. "My baby!" she sobs. "He has my baby!" And she points. Up. At a tall building. A few in the crowd look up as well then. A random woman screams. A black gangbanger mutters a few choice curses. Other people mill about, hoping for something more to happen.

Raven: "Thank you," the woman responds politely to Kennedy in clipped, efficient tones. "Please do not attempt to approach the woman yourself. The police are on their way."

Christian Gallagher: "What...who?" He frowns a bit and looks up toward the building. "Who has it?"

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "She thinks someone has the baby. I'm not sure she's entirely sane, but someone needs to get her off the street." She glances at the building, lips pressing together.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *glasses adjusted as she turns to look where the woman points*

Raven: ~Up on the tall building, about ten stories up, a bulky figure can be seen. Male by the looks of him, and big, both tall and wide. He is on the ledge with his back to the brick of the building, holding a small bundle in his arms, at his chest.~

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "Oh, don't worry, I'm not into heading into traffic. Other people have that judgement lapse well in hand." Her expression betrays her, too concerned for the comment as she takes a tiny, unconscious step closer to the curb.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel peers upward, trying to make out something, he doesn't throw more questions at the lady. Christian's asking exactly what he would. So good enough.

Raven: The 911 woman says politely, "Very well. Thank you for your call. We are receiving another call about the situation as well. The police will be there soon." The panicked woman shrieks again, collapsing to her knees in the street. A jerk in a shiny black Jaguar guns his engine threateningly from a few cars back.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Her breath catches. "There is a man on the window ledge," she says breathlessly, anxiety quickly giving way to horror. "High up." She automatically gives the building name or whatever descriptive she can.

Christian Gallagher: He blinks and stares, jaw dropping in shock, horror, and disbelief. "Holy shit." He looks at the woman, and then back up. "How the...never mind." A glance to Kae, shouting the next over his shoulder before he takes off toward the building and hopefully a fire escape. "Get her out of the street."

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *she murmurs something softly when she sees the man on the ledge with a bundle, blinking, then looking back to the woman* Im sure someones called 911 and theyre on their way ma'am, lets move out of the street, ok? so that help can get here quicker

Raven: The 911 woman has a bit more concern in her voice now. "Does he have a weapon? Do you see a gun?" ((Per + Alert, anyone can roll though she is asking Kennedy.))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "Get her off the street before someone kills her!" Kennedy shrieks at the would be heroes. She takes another step toward the curb.

Christian Gallagher: d10: Per+Alert: 4,7,4,9,6,4,

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: d10: per/alert: 1,3,5,6,5,

Raven -> Christian Gallagher: ~He has no gun. He is holding the baby in both hands, almost protectively. It is too far away to see his face.~

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel wasn't actualyl expecting to see someone up there, for some reason,, and stares a moment, before taking off half a beat after Christian--if not a fire escape, he'll head inside--though that seems alot riskier.

Gabriel Marsh: d10: per+alert: 8,2,9,9,

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Oh good. They're moving her. She steps back and looks up at the man, lips pressing together. "I can't see. He's too high up and it's dark...."

Raven: The woman moans, but she doesn't resist if Kae attempts to move her. She is, however, dead weight and not moving on her own accord.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "People are heading toward the building." There is a mix of disbelief, pride, and dread in her tone.

Christian Gallagher: He looks briefly back at Gabriel as he runs for the escape (or front door). "If you get up there first, don't crowd him. He doesn't look like he intends to hurt him...I don't think."

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: holy freeking... *escapes her lips as the guys go running off towards the building, shaking her head as she uses her strength to move the woman, arms around her and holding her to her to get her upright first then moving towards the sidewalk out of the way*

Raven: The 911 woman says in cool, professional tones, "That's alright, ma'am. The police will be there soon."

Raven: Followed by the operator saying a bit more clipped, "That is unfortunate. Do not head into the building yourself. The police have skilled negotiators."

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She bites her lip, and disobeys the nice operator to go help Kae move the woman, not that there's much the little waif can really do - especially not still holding her phone with one hand.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel nods at Christian, "I dont' think he's got any weapons.. I don't think he's gonna hurt th' kid either." He doesn't mis a step.

Raven: Kae is able to get the woman moved off the street, and she is a collapsed, quivering, sobbing jelly of a wreck against Kae, shrieks and wails intermixed. Traffic resumes, though at a relatively slow pace because of rubberneckers and casualty vampires.

Christian Gallagher: "He doesn't, I don't think, no."

Raven: Kennedy is able to cross the street to get to Kae and the woman, though she gets honked and cursed at. Such is NYC. That braying, nasally laughter sounds again from the outdoor table, so out of place.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "I have enough psychotic potential killers in my life, but thank you kindly for the advice...." It's almost downright chatty, if a little strained, as she's distracted by tring to help Kae move the woman.

Christian Gallagher: ((Is there a fire escape, or are they going for the door?))

Raven: ~There is a slightly rusty but serviceable fire escape going up the side of the building, off a narrow alleyway. The building is an apartment building without a doorman, and it is open.~

Raven: ((He'll have to jump a little bit to snag the end of the fire escape and draw it to ground level.))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: * a grateful look is given to kennedy, then she centers on the woman, trying to get her attention, using what firmness in her voice that she can* miss....ma'am....stay with me here....talk to me....pay attention and talk to me miss.....whats your name?

Gabriel Marsh: "Fireescape or inside?" he asks Christian, considering the options, "or both?"

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "Oh, fuck you," she mutters absently at the honking. "Not you," she says more clearly into the phone, "the people honking and laughing. She's off the street."

Raven: The 911 operator cuts off, apparently satisfied that Kennedy isn't going to be rash about things. No sirens can yet be heard. The woman scrabbles her fingers feebly at Kae and Kennedy, moaning incoherently.

Raven: d10: woman&#;s wits: 7,8,

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "I'm on the phone with the police, miss," Kennedy tries. "Is there anything I should tell them? Anything that will help the police get your baby back? The more they know the better they can help...."

Raven: The man on the ledge is clutching the bundle, presumably the baby, to his chest. ((Gabe and Christian saw it was the baby.)) He is twitching slightly, but not otherwise moving. The woman looks at Kennedy and Kae, getting a hold of herself enough to say, "S-s-s-Sandi...my baby...Melissa...h-he...grabbed her..."

Christian Gallagher: "Both," he says to Gabriel. "You may have to take the escape." He looks up at the fire escape, frowning a bit, and makes a leap to catch it.

Raven: The woman gulps, swallows again, and answers Kennedy, "N-neighbor...John...J-john somebody..."

Raven: With a protesting shriek of metal, the ladder inches downward and finally gives, coming down smoothly the rest of the way.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe nods at Christian, "I can do that." he watches the other jump, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet. mm. adreniline.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "She says it was a neighbor, John somebody. What apartments? What number? Do you know?"

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: the man that took her is your neighbor john? did he say why he took her?*trying to be comforting to the woman as they question her*

Christian Gallagher: He pulls the escape down to the ground for Gabriel, waiting until the other has a hold until he makes for the door, hauling ass.

Raven: The woman shakes her head side to side, but then answers, "1011. We're in t-t-1012. He's 1011." She's shaking head to toe like a leaf.

Raven: She moans deeply, Kae's question bringing fresh tears. "He just t-took her! In the hall...hallway!"

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel grabs hold, and spares a "good luck" before scrambling on up the escape.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "What apartments? That building?" She waves at the man, very much in crisis management mode now.

Raven: ~Christian will find the front entrance to the apartment building unlocked, no doorman and no security card entrance. Letter boxes line the walls of the lobby, and there are shabby but decent stairs going up. A single elevator is situated at the back of the lobby.~

Raven: The woman manages a nod to Kennedy's question. "We l-live there..." Gabriel finds the ladder mercifully in decent shape, a bit rusted or dinged in areas, but it is solid and holding. He has a long climb ahead of him.

Christian Gallagher: Elevator. Definitely elevator. The man tires easily. He races for the contraption, hitting the button for the tenth floor and bouncing on his heels. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon..." He looks around nervously, then up to the floor indicator.

Raven: After what feels like an eternity but is in reality about 20 seconds, the elevator *dings* and the doors slide open with a grinding bump. He hits the button and the doors slooooowly close. With a rattle and a shake, the elevator begins to ascend.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel thanks whatever diety may be listening at the moment that he's remained active, rather then letting himself turn twenty and get a beerbelly like half of his classmates did. He counts rungs, and plans in his mind.. and wonders why on earth he moved to new york...

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "The building he's on. Apartment 1012, if he's outside his apartment window...."

Christian Gallagher: Inside the elevator, he waits, eyes back up on the floor indicator. "Faster, faster!"

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: hes your neighbor..for how long? and youre sure theres nothing you can think of about why he might take her? positive? could he be on drugs or have problems or anything that you know of?

Raven: Gabriel climbs higher and higher, the ground falling away beneath him with a sickening vertigo should he happen to glance down. The ladder is such a small thing, just a narrow cold bit of metal between him and the pavement far below. The rungs are slightly slippering from recent sprinkles of rain.

Raven: ~Sirens wail in the distance. Several clopping sounds can be heard and mounted policemen begin crowd control, moving the people back. They pay little attention, so far, to Kennedy, Kae, and the distraught woman.~ Christian's pleading seems to work, the elevator actually speeds up a bit, and then it *dings* and the doors open with a satisfiying whump. He is on the 10th floor, with the dingy orange carpet and yellowed walls, with rows of doors stretching out before him. The woman looks at Kaeleigh, shaking her head vehemently, not knowing why this happened. She fixates on the scrubs, seeming to take solace in them.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel learned a very.. very long time ago to Not Look Down. And then he learned not to think about not looking down. he just focuses on keeping his grip, and going one hand, one hand, one hand..

Christian Gallagher -> Raven: ((You want a roll for him to estimate what window the guy would have been in front of?))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "Mounted police are here," she says, not that the nice woman on the phone doesn't know that already.

Raven: Gabriel rises higher, going steadily on. He's close enough now to hear the howl of the wind as it plays with his hair, and a slight, distant sobbing sound above him, along with a sound that pierces his heart: the hiccuping cry of a terrified infant.

Raven -> Christian Gallagher: ((Either an intelligence or wits + alertness))

Raven: There is dead silence on the phone. Either Kennedy got cut off or the 911 operator did the unthinkable and hung up.

Gabriel Marsh: ((clarify for me where exactly this dude is? I've got about 5 images inmy head which could match up with what's been said...))

Christian Gallagher: d10: Int+Alertness: 8,9,5,8,2,2,

Christian Gallagher: He's out of the elevator in a flash, trying to place what apartment's window the guy would be in front of.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She pockets the phone. Whatever. The police are here now.

Raven: The crowd presses tightly around each other, personal space ignored as people jockey for a good viewing position. A white boy with dreadlocks and dressed in gangsta wanna-be clothes is running along the crowd, taking bets on the death of the man and/or baby.

Raven -> Christian Gallagher: He recalls the placement of the man with ease and he notes that the door to apartment 1011 is ajar. It coincides with where the window would be.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel swallows hard as he identifies that last sound, pausing a bare moment to regrip his heart and the ladder, before reclimibign with doubled effort. He tries to think of the wind as a simple breeze... he's been on mountains before.. he'scertaintly not near 10 floors up, nope, nope...

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *watching beyond the mounted police doing crowd control , she lets them do their thing, looking for whatever next police get there to be able to wave them over*

Raven: The mounted police shout and harry the crowd, but the gawkers pay them little mind. The distraught woman is clinging to Kennedy and Kaeleigh, aware now but not in good shape emotionally.

Christian Gallagher: Ahh, perfect. He slips up to the door in question and quietly pushes it open, peering inside.

Raven: A braying laughter sounds again, disgustingly nasal, and a young man all in cheesy leathers and apparently the owner of the laughter, points up. "LOOK! Some fucking idiot's climbing the ladder!" More braying laughter from him. Gabriel, in the meantime, is getting closer, close enough to hear the man clearly sobbing, "No, no, no," like a mantra. Kae catches the eye of a mounted policewoman, who moves her horse nimbly to her.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kennedy bites her lip, not so good with strangers, even distraught stangers who just had their child abducted touching her. She manages to stand very still, waiting for the nice policemen to come take this woman off her hands. Preferably before she has to watch New York's newest tragedy unfold before her eyes.

Raven: ~The apartment is in shambles, or at least the living room is, and at first glance it appears to have been vandalized. Dull gray curtains flutter at the open window across the room, heavy ceramic shards of a broken lamp beneath the sill.~

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe pauses a bare halfsecond at that sound... Seems like this may be deeper then it seems... ...or this guy is just a nutball..... however, up, up, ever up...

Raven: The policewoman leans down. "Yes?" Her piercing gaze taking in the trio before her. "Is this the mother?" she asks.

Christian Gallagher: Into the apartment he slips, carefully...quietly. He slowly makes his way toward the window, eyes flicking about the apartment for clues as to possibly what precipitated this.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "Yes," Kennedy says, trying gently but firmly to move herself away from the clinging woman.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *when the policewoman gets closer to them she keeps close to the woman, letting her cling, not minding, letting her have what comfort she can get, but moves to speak with the policewoman, telling her what all the woman had told them, letting them know the childs name, that the woman is the mother, etcetera*

Raven: ((Christian: Per + Alertness. And he can now hear the sobbing mantra and the child's cry, off to the side of the open window, outside.)) The police officer listens intently to Kae and then blows her whistle for a beat cop to come to her, dismounting and taking the woman in hand, protectively leading her through the crowd, the horse trailing by her clutch on its reins. Police cars are pulling up, cops are getting out, shouted commands are heard.

Christian Gallagher: d10: Per+Alert: 3,7,7,4,8,2,

Raven: ~Gabriel's head pops up even with the 10th floor ledge. The man looks at him startled and clutches the wailing baby tighter to his chest.~ ((In facing the window, the man is to the left of the window, Gabriel is to the right. If Christian looks out the window, the man will be to HIS right.))

Raven -> Christian Gallagher: ~There is a crib, shoved close to one wall. One tiny, puffy looking arm with unhealthy grayish-tinged skin is seen peeping between the bars, unmoving.~

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She lets the policewoman go, and then (despite her decision to go home, pull the blinds and NOT watch the news) stays to see what happens.

Raven: The mounted officers start getting the unruly crowd under a semblance of control. The dreadlocked guy is still taking bets. One cop is overheard saying to another, "Who the hell is on the ladder?" A man in a dark, ill-fitting suit is getting out of an unmarked car, a bullhorn in hand.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *when the woman goes with the police she breaths a semi sigh of relief, then looks back up to where the man on the ledge is, seeing gabe right there, tensing up a little again*

Christian Gallagher: His eyes are drawn to something in the room, and he pales, lips pursing. He moves toward the kitchen, side table, coffee table...wherever the mail might be. He needs a name here.

Raven: The woman is led towards the plain-marked car, and sat gently inside, and the police woman is crouched down talking to her in low tones.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel pulls himself onto the ledge, and hodls his hands out--both a calming and defensive gesture. he stays low, not wanting to loom over someone holding such a precious things. A dry swallow and a deep breath, "hey... what's goin' on...?" he asks, trying to seem casual, unthreatening. he offers a smile, but the fact that he just climbed 10 stores probably makes it look a bit tired.

Raven -> Christian Gallagher: He finds it quickly, on a magazine from an upturned coffee table. John Westfall.

Raven: The man's reaction to Gabriel is to back away, one foot slipping slightly, and he suddenly thrusts his arms straight out, holding the infant out into thin air. "STAY BACK!" he shrieks. The crowd below oooooohs and ahhhhhhs in horrified excitement.

Christian Gallagher: A magazine is looked over, and he nods a little bit. His eyes are drawn to the window and he moves toward it...slowly, not aggressively. "John?" He calls out, keeping his voice soft...trying to keep the nervousness out. "John, I'm not a cop, so don't do anything you don't want to do. Okay? I'm just here to help."

Raven: The infant is about 8 months old, wearing a pink jumper with a yellow bunny on the breast. She has on tiny, lace-trimmed white socks, one yellow mary jane booty on, the other lost during the snatching.

Raven: The man shrieks again as Christian speaks, "Who ARE you?! Stay away!" He gives the infant a trembling shake in the air.

Raven: The crowd surges and bumps up against Kennedy and Kae. An unhealthy muttering is heard from various sections around the two women. More laughter, both from the man in leathers and from others.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel tries very hard to give off 'warm and friendly', "Hey.. Calm down.. don' hold the kid like that.. she doesn't deserve it.." a smile, "We're not gonna hurt you.. I swear."

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *hurriedly replacing her glasses with contacts, once she has and she notices the baby being held out like that she tries to move under where the baby might fall if dropped(unless stopped)*

Christian Gallagher: "John...my name's Christian." He stops where he is, not coming any further. "I'm not moving. Honest. Just a guy who saw you up here, thought maybe you could use some help. Could you use some help, John?"

Raven: A man slips through the police blockade, and is wrestled to the ground. Though the cop doesn't use any excessive force, a loud cry of "POLICE BRUTALITY" can be heard, and several people start shouting it. The crowd surges again, an ugly wave of pushing.

Raven: The police do indeed, move to stop Kaeleigh. "Get back, ma'am, get back. Right now." A fire truck pulls up, firefighters springing into action to move a safety net into place, though it'll take them a while. The man with the bullhorn clicks it on, aiming it to the building, "You on the ledge. It's gonna be okay. Whatever it is, we can work it out."

Raven: John looks wildly between Christian and Gabriel, ignoring the police and the crowd. "I didn't do it! It wasn't me! You gotta believe me!"

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *the safety net there now anyways, she does back up, but informs one of the officers that shes a doctor from the emergency ward of bellevue and shed like to stay close as theyll allow her just incase shes needed if she can*

Raven: ~The baby squirms in terror, crying so hard it is silent and her face is scrunching up and red. Her squirming causes her to slip in the man's fingers, just a little, but it's a bit of a jolt to the two right up close on the ledge.~

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel tilts his head to the side, "Didn't do what..?" Still soft, none threatening. He keeps both hands in easy view. No weapons here...

Raven: The police woman is back and she nods to Kae as she hears her. "Thank you. Doctor, would you like to move to the car there?" Pointing her to where she might find a pocket of safety, as the crowd surges again.

Christian Gallagher: "I believe you, John. I do." He nods. "It was an accident, I'm sure of it. Come inside, and we'll talk about it. You don't want a stiff wind to make you drop her, do you? Or make you lose your balance?"

Christian Gallagher: ((Cha+Emp to calm him down?))

Raven: "I didn't kill him," John sobs, suddenly pulling the baby girl tight to him again. "I just wanted him to stop crying. That's all. I just wanted him to stop crying." The man with the bullhorn continues trying to placate the man, offering him reasonable alternatives if he'll simply hand the baby to one of the other two men.

Raven: ((Yes, both of you can roll it, Christian and Gabriel.))

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe pulls in a sharp breath at the slip, "Please... It's cold up here.. dont' hold her like that.. she'll catch cold.." hardly the most pressing issue on his mind, but he seems to care about the baby, so...

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *hearing the offer and seeing the crowd surge she nods* yes..please..

Raven: The policewoman is saying to Kae, Kennedy within earshot, "Who are the two men up there with him? The lieutenant is trying to figure it out. Do you know?"

Gabriel Marsh: d10: Cha+emp: 6,8,6,5,9,

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: (Sorry, my mother-in-law decended on me demanding I find her airline fares....)

Raven: And the officer is leading Kaeleigh to safety, just in time as several people burst through the blockade and the police fight to push them back under control, amid screams of police brutality.

Christian Gallagher: d10: Cha+Empathy: 8,7,4,7,9,9,7,

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kennedy shakes her head mutely, eying the crowd nervously.

Raven: Gabriel is finding the right words coming to him, and he has such an open, honest demeanor. Christian, too, is finding the perfect reasonable tone, his experience in handling unruly club goers serving him well. John visibly calms, his watery eyes going to look at the baby girl, and he seems alarmed and ashamed. "Oh my god..." he whispers, "what have I done?"

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *she leans towards the officer to tell her without as many as she can help hearing* christian , and the one on the fire escape is gabriel ...insane as they both are they just wanted to help until you guys got here once they heard the baby was up there with the guy they just...sprinted off

Raven: A young boy of about 12 is shoved brutally, knocking into Kennedy, then falling to the pavement. He gets to his feet and tackles the person next to her, though that gentleman had done nothing to him.

Christian Gallagher: "It's okay, John." He nods to the man. "You haven't done anything wrong yet. Come inside...we'll get this all worked out, okay?"

Raven: The police officer nods grimly at what Kaeleigh says, keeping her to the safe side of the car. "I hope for that baby's sake that they don't do more harm than good. Are either of them hostage negotiators or rescue personnel?"

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kennedy flattens back warily against the cop car, watching for more people and violence to come toward her. "Fuck. I knew I should have left," she mutters under her breath.

Raven: John groans, suddenly thrusting the baby into Christian's arms. "Take her," he mumbles. "Just take her. I'll...I'll come inside..." He looks at Gabriel with watery eyes and sniffs. "You better...better come inside, too. You could...you could get hurt...up here."

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: christian is probably used to calming situations down at clubs, other than that I dont know, honestly....and I hope so too

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel offers him a smile, expression saying.. it's okay. "Nothing... yet. like Christian said.. let's go inside.. and out of this breeze.."

Raven: The firefighters have the safety net in place, but there is a ragged cheer as the baby is pushed to safety, and one of the firefighers actually pumps his fist in the air with joy.

Gabriel Marsh: (dlp :p)

Raven: The police woman nods, asking Kae for her name and other vital information, taking it down with professional intelligence. A smile does crease her face, however, as she looks up and sees the baby safe.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel offers him a warm.. almost touched smile, "that sounds like a good idea.. Let's go.." he smiles, letting the other go in first...

Raven: ((Gabe: *G* Your post can come before John gave up the baby.))

Raven: Kae/Kennedy: "It looks like your friends did alright," the officer says with clear relief.

Gabriel Marsh: ((Good enough then :D))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *she gives her the information, even letting her know her mom works at 'such and such' precinct and what her name is..letting out a held in breath seeing hte baby safe*

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kennedy keeps watching the crowd, barely registering the baby is safe with the nice ugly mob right there on the street with her.

Christian Gallagher: He takes the baby from John and relaxes, smiling gratefully at John. He takes several steps back from the window, allowing them access, while he looks down to the little girl, rocking her slightly to calm her down.

Raven: "Oh, yes," the officer says with a warmer smile, "I know your mother well. So you're her famous doctor daughter. I should have recognized the name." Inside the car, another cop is telling the mother the baby is inside the building, and she is sobbing in relief and joy.

Raven: John crawls through the window, collapsing in a heap on the floor, on the shards of broken ceramic lamp, as the police burst in the open door, moving quickly to him. One officer moving to Christian and the baby, another moving to lean out the window and give Gabriel a hand. Kennedy, however, is not feeling so safe and secure. Some in the crowd, it seems, are disappointed in the happy outcome and small fights are breaking out.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Apparently the police have no interest in helping stop riots when they could chat about Kae's mother. She presses her lips together and looks for an escape route.

Christian Gallagher: He looks up as the offers burst in, tensing a little bit...but relaxing when he sees who it is. "We're okay in here," he says to the apporaching officer, looking down to the girl. "We're just fine."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel accepts the help in, trying not to think about his legs feel shakey under him.. he glances at Christian a moment, then bends to help John to his feet.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *the famous doctor bit gets a chuckle* who needs promotion when youve got mom...* and she looks up and out towards the fights breaking out, trying to motion to kennedy to come closer to the car and safety*

Raven: The police are doing what they can to quell the ugliness, the brave souls wading into the crowd and pulling people out of fights. They aren't taking the time, yet, to arrest anyone, wanting to break up things before they get out of hand. A couple of the mounted policemen are attempting to herd the non-combatants to safety.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: [Kennedy is right on top of the car already. *S* She can't get any closer without getting in it.]

Raven: An officer puts an arm out, stopping Gabriel. "We'll take him." Another is putting cuffs on an unresisting John. "We'll get him some help." Another officer claps the two men each on the back. "Good work, men, very good work. We'll need your names and contact information. And let's get Baby to her mother, hm?"

Raven: The officer chatting with Kaeleigh does, of course, notice the fights as well, and she motions Kae and Kennedy to get inside the car, before she goes wading out into danger.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *kae moves inside the car making sure to leave plenty of room for kennedy, murmuring a thanks to the officers*

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Inside the car is fine with Kennedy, who slips quickly inside, with only a little apprehension. It will take way more beating than she will, even if it might lock her inside.

Christian Gallagher: He nods to the officer, moving to hand the girl over if the he's looking like he's going to take her. "Of course, officer. Be happy to."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel reluctantly doesn't help John, then, just leaning back agaisnt the window sill while waiting for his knees to calm down. He offers the cheerful offer a warm bright smile,.. he's obviously happy to help.. And he offers his information easily and without much problem--outside of a brief hesitation over remembering his phone number.

Gabriel Marsh: ((...assuming he's asked right then :p ))

Raven: The officer in the driver's seat, apparently a rookie by the paleness of his face, turns to regard the two women. "Um. The woman. Um. And baby. Will be taken to um. The nearest hospital. Um, Bellevue? You want um. For me to drop you off there?" he asks Kennedy. "I can. Um. Drop you off somehere uh. Too, Ma'am," he says to Kennedy.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "Do you need to wait...for your friends?" She asks Kae.

Raven: The officer, an older man with a craggy face and fuzzy white eyebrows, takes the baby with infinite care, smiling and giving the little girl gentle rockings and coos to calm her, ignoring a derisive snicker from another officer. They lead Christian and Gabriel down to the street then, holding back with John.

Raven: ((And yes, Gabe. *G* There's an officer scribbling down their information.))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: thanks but no..if Im needed they'll page me...*holding up the pager as proof with a warm smile, then hearing kennedy she nods* Id like to, make sure theyre both alright...

Raven: ((It's pretty much at a close at this point. John will be taken down out at the back and hustled into a police car and taken to the station. The crowd is eventually dispersed without any big casaulties. The people who ARE hurt are carted off to the hospital unless they refuse medical aid. And the cafe closes without ever having served their food. Is there anything anyone would like to do, follow up on, etc.? And you are, of course, welcome to keep on playing, but I'm gonna have to wind down. *G*))

Raven: ((And mother and baby are reunited with much tears and joy, and the cops and firefighters find some peace in a happy ending to a scene that could have gone so tragically. Wonderfully done, all of you! Great responses.))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: (kae would check on the mother and kid and the guy as well when she goes to work the next day, otherwise is about it, and Im game for more playing if others are)

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: [No. That was way more involvement than Kennedy wanted in the first place. Follow up...ieeeesh.... *hugs* Thanks for the scene. It rocked.]

Christian Gallagher: He hands the baby over, providing all his information, and and makes his way down with the officers, nodding to Gabriel with a smile.

Christian Gallagher: ((Awesome scene...I'm good for more if you guys are!))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: [I'm around a bit longer. :) So I can play a bit more if people want to.]

Gabriel Marsh: (Gabe woudl be curious atbout The Whole Story (tm) but won't get that now, if ever. He'd also make it a point to drop by himself the next day, just to be sure everyone was okay and happy... and I'm happy to play more, always. :D))

Gabriel Marsh: ((and that was awesome :D <3 <3 ))

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel jsut smiles sunshinily back at Christian, and expression of 'good job!' on his face.

Raven: ((*L* If they read the paper, they may see something in tomorrow's edition. In the meantime *SNUGS* and I maybe back in a bit, but I have to take out the garbage. Please remember to take an exp point each for this scene when you claim exp for May.))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kennedy nods to Kae. "Okay," she says softly.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *when the crowds start to disperse and the fights break up and the guys are downstairs and outside she gets out from the car(unless itd have gone already*G*) and heads over to them* you two....are mental....do you know that?*smiling to them and offering them both hugs if theyll take them*

Raven -> Christian Gallagher: Great work in talking the guy down, wow!

Gabriel Marsh: ((*snugs!* Take care and happy, er, trashing? :D))

Christian Gallagher: He smiles a little bit at Kaeleigh and accepts the hug. "Not mental. Just dumb."

Christian Gallagher -> Raven: ((Thanks. *S* One of these days, I'll make a totally non-empathy PC...and be stunned with how to play them. ;) ))

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel happily accepts the hug as well, laughing at Christian's remark, "Dumb and goodhearted--dangerous combination, I think"

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: very very VERY dangerous...*chuckling softly in relief* especially YOU....up the fire escape?*giving a playful punch to gabes shoulder* could have sworn I was swallowing my heart, seriously...

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She watches the reunion, looking around. Less people means no more mob. Her eyes flick to the closed cafe. No coffee. Figures. She sighs.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Her arms cross back over her chest as she looks up and down the street for someplace that's still open. Movie theater. Pizza place. Club. Doesn't matter.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe takes the punche with a grin, taking half a step with the playful blow. "Geeze, don't mention that.." glancing up at... oh my god, was he really that high? he looks away quickly, "..if y' thought it was bad down here.." a grin

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: we should all go somewhere and get something to eat and drink...seriously....we never got to get our orders before the place closed*gesturing to the restaurant*

Christian Gallagher: He grins over at Gabriel, extending a hand. "I'm Christian, by the way. Thanks for climbing...I couldn't have pulled it off."

Christian Gallagher: "Food sounds good to me," he says with a nod...just now noticing the cafe is closed. "Well...good thing it wasn't a pay first restaraunt..."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel smiles warmly to Chrstian, shaking the offered hand. He tilts his head a bit towards the last part of the other's comment. "Gabriel." he smiles, "and it's not a problem.. I learned a long time ago not to look down..." a grin, assuming that the problem was heights.

Gabriel Marsh: An agreeing nod and a chuckle at Christian's statement "S'what I was thinkin'"

Christian Gallagher: She looks over at Kennedy, recognizing her from the restaraunt...she's still here. He smiles to her and waves a little bit.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: well....where to?*as her stomach growls she holds it and laughs* we should figure out before my stomach rebels over much

Christian Gallagher: "Always Random Cafe X in downtown," he says with a shrug. "Or a bar, if we want greasy. I know I could use a drink."

Gabriel Marsh: A laugh. "No idea.. I"m the new kid in town, r'member?" he jsut knows he'd like to sit down.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: No visible safe haven. She picks a direction and starts hesitantly down the street, slowing a little as she starts to pass the trio on her way. She manages a quick smile in response to Cristian and waves back.

Keith Newcomb: ((Er, would anyone mind me coming in as a player? *L*))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: [I don't mind.]

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: random cafe x works...yeah....but youre right....after that....I could use a drink*nodding slowly*

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: (don' mind neither*hugs*)

Gabriel Marsh: ((yes@ terribley! omg!!1 go away! *laugh* :D))

Christian Gallagher: ((Come on in!))

Keith Newcomb: ((soooo I'll send Keith to DT Restaurant since you're going to Random Cafe X, and I'll just wait for you guys there. *G*))

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel offers Kennedy a warm smile. "A drink doesn't sound so bad.." a laugh. that's a first for him..

Christian Gallagher: "Hi," he says to Kennedy as she approaches, nodding to her. A look over to Kaeleigh, and he thinks. "Well, take your pick of bars. I'm game for anywhere, really."

Keith Newcomb: ((or I'll wait til you pick a room *S*))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Gabriel gets a smile as well. "Hi," she says softly to Christian, much more subdued than her entrance to the cafe.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: well, how about (mentions random irish bar X)....? I know they at least serve basic foods like fries burgers and wings...maybe even pizza.....and guiness....*grinning more*

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *when she hears her phone go off with the monty pythons flying circus ringtone she looks to it immediately, then takes the call* hey, sup?

Christian Gallagher: "Works for me," he says with a grin to Kaeleigh. He looks at Kennedy and smile. "I'm Christian...this is Gabriel and Kaeleigh. We're all going for a drink...you want to join us? Since your dinner got interrupted too..."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe's stomache grumbles. "..That's probably a yes here." A laugh.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "Uh...okay. Sure."

Christian Gallagher: "Great." He smiles at Kennedy, then looks around, stepping out the street corner to hail a cab. He certainly doesn't have a car.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: sure, always up for company studly.....we were just trying to figure out where to go, get something to eat after our little adventure here..

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *somethings muttered into the phone about where theyre going(random irish bar x Im guessing*G*) as she heads towards the cab christian hails*

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She slips quietly into the cab, once it stops, only marginally nervous about this.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe wanders what way as well, sneaking a glanceback up at the 10th story building first. eeeesh.

Gabriel Marsh: ((er, that way.))

Christian Gallagher: Inside the cab, he gives the cabbie directions and relaxes finally...a slight hiss as surprisingly tense muscles uncoil. ((And off to DT Rest?))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: [I could do that. :) *poofs to there*]

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: (poofin to there too)



Christian Gallagher: The cab pulls up, and he's the last out, paying the cabbie and tipping.

Keith Newcomb: He's walking down the street, not within sight yet, meandering towards where Kae told him to go.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly -> Christian Gallagher: (and yes, a quick call to aerin is given on the way over*chuckles, hugs* letting him know where they are, who might be there, etc)

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel is much releived to sit during the duration of the cab ride, though he doesn't show it.. he decides, as he piles out of hte cab with the herd, to not climb that high again anytime soon. Infact, that urge to go hiking has almost disappeared.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She finds a folded paper in her pocket when she pulls out money to help pay the cab fare and frowns, unfolding it as she steps out of the cab.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *stretching and yawning once they get there, she waits for the others before heading for the door to the bar/pub*

Christian Gallagher -> Kaeleigh O'Reilly: ((Cool. He tells her the usual... "Have a good time, love you, call if you need me."))

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: A few steps outside the cab with the paper unfolded she freezes and stares at it, lips pressing together, going a shade paler.

Christian Gallagher: He smiles to the others and makes his way inside, scouting out a table big enough for all of them.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel pauses as Kennedy stops walking and tilts his head, giving her a cncerned expression.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *she waits till everyone gets inside, then looks and blinks when kennedy doesnt head right in, calling to her* hey....you alright?

Keith Newcomb: He comes into view now of those still on the street, walking solidly and not yielding to anyone, forcing others to go around him or plow into him.

Christian Gallagher: He looks over his shoulder to Kennedy, frowning a little in concern.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Blink. Blink. She smiles at Gabriel and refolds the paper, tucking it back into her pocket. "Love letter," she says absently, with a tiny, strained smile. She walks much more quickly toward the pub's entrance, almost at a run, really.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kae and Christian get that same weak smile. Really...nothing just happened. See...? Smiling....

Keith Newcomb: His cold sharky sort of smirk and intense haze gaze makes even some of the hardened New Yorkers decide to move around him. He approaches the pub as Kennedy walks in.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel tilts his head, not really beliving her, but nods.. And follows her in, glancing aroudn at the street one last moment before stepping in.

Gabriel Marsh: d10: per+alert: 3,8,9,3,

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *blinking at the reaction, she moves aside to let kennedy in, the concerned look stays, but shes paused at the door for the moment*

Christian Gallagher: He holds the door open for Kennedy when she books it into the pub, brow furrowing in concern, and follows after with a look to Kaeleigh and Gabriel, a sort of 'What the...?' expression.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe pauses as he note's Keith approaching, giving him a wave and a smile. And to Christian he jsut offers hism a shrug and a headshake.

Keith Newcomb: ~The pub is in full swing, an Irish folk band even playing on a small wooden stage, some jaunty tunes, and people are dancing in a small area for that activity, feet thumping merrily on the wooden floor. The floor is covered with sawdust for 'atmosphere,' and dancing feet sends up tiny puffs of it. Barmaids chosen for their looks and their flirtatious and happy personalities take drinks around and take orders. The smell of GOOD pub food wafting out of the kitchens.~ ((~G~ Just to give it some attitude.))

Keith Newcomb: He girns and winks at Gabriel, catching the door as the other heads in, and follows him.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *shaking her head with a sigh she heads further in as well, moving to the table christian saves for them and flopping bonelessly into the chair with a deep sigh*

Christian Gallagher: Keith gets a once-over and a calm nod, before he finally moves in last, letting the door shut behind them. "Hey, Keith."

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She sits near Kae, wating on the others, still this time. No musical salt shakers.

Keith Newcomb: He sits down at the table with a general nod, leaning over to kiss Kae's cheek. Relatively chaste. His eyes roam, though. "Hey, Christian." An eyeball's worth of Kennedy, niiiice.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: She doesn't even respond to Keith's eyeing, sitting staring blankly the stand up drink menu.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel settels down as well, runninfg figners through his hair, sparing another concerned look to Kennedy.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *theres a twitch of a smile at the kiss to her cheek(maaaybe a touch of blushing thats gone like that too) and shes reaching for a menu* goooood goddess I need food...*chuckling softly* and alcohol...plenty of it.....irish car bombs for who wants 'em.....

Christian Gallagher: He takes a seat and relaxes, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting up. "Keith, this is Kennedy...it seems you already know Kaeleigh and Gabriel."

Christian Gallagher: ((DLP))

Christian Gallagher: He takes a seat and relaxes, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting up and looking to Kennedy with a concerned smile before she looks back to Keith. "So how've you been, Keith?"

Keith Newcomb: Kae: "Yeah, I'll try one."

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "I think it's whiskey for me," she says with a tight smile. "I'm having that kind of day."

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: (and for anyones edification*chuckles* incase theyve never had one) ( Scale ingredients to servings 3/4 pint Guinness® stout 1/2 shot Bailey's® Irish cream 1/2 shot Jameson® Irish whiskey Image of directions Add the Bailey's and Jameson to a shot glass, layering the Bailey's on the bottom. Pour the Guinness into a pint glass or beer mug 3/4 of the way full and let settle. Drop the shot glass into the Guinness and chug. If you don't drink it fast enough it will curdle and increasingly taste worse.)

Keith Newcomb: Christian: He grins. "Pretty damn good. And glad I caught up with you. I caught you singing at karaoke that night, was wondering if you'd be at all interested in a band?"

Christian Gallagher: "I'll take one, sure," he says to Kaeleigh with a smile, then blinks at Keith's offer. "Me? You're kidding."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe paws through a menu, not really interested in injesting anything labled--no mattter how affectionally--a car bomb. Call it self preservation.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe, since I"m playing dumb tonight, says "nah" to the offer.

Keith Newcomb: Christian: "Not at all." He shrugs. "Sha-Sha likes you, so you must be cool." He grins. "And you're handsome and male, so you fit the band. Not to mention you've got great pipes, man."

Keith Newcomb: Kae: "Gabe will take a straight Guinness."

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: say yes christian..I want to hear this mythic band already...*lips twitching, she orders everyones drinks, whiskey for kennedy, and whatever gabe wants, carbombs for her christian and keith...and right off orders a pizza and wings*

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe will? He looks up at this, perhaps to protest, then shrugs, why not. He sets menu down and leans back, exhaling a long breath.

Christian Gallagher: He gives Keith a still very-surprised smile at the praise, but shakes his head. "I...honestly, I'm flattered, but...I'm making my own music, for my spinning. Sha and Charlie are going to be helping me. And unless you're into making trance electronica..."

Keith Newcomb: "Mythical, ha." He snorts with a grin at Kaeleigh. "Speaking of mythical, I wonder who your patron deity would be?" he muses. "I've finally settled on mine, figured it out. Many seemed to fit, but the one who comes out most is Eris. Gabriel's is Morpheus."

Keith Newcomb: Christian: "Nah, metal. Very hardcore." He chuckles. "Having trouble finding a singer, and we don't exactly want to go full-on instrumental. That gets old."

Christian Gallagher: He takes the car bomb and goes to down it quickly, making the alcohol face and coughing a bit. "Oooh...wow."

Christian Gallagher -> Keith Newcomb: ((Dammit, I keep forgetting...okay. Tomorrow, we do Jarod calls Keith?))

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel doens't argue, but he seems a go with the flow guy anyway. "I still dunno how you figure that one." he remarks softly, picking up his delivered drink and sniffing at it before taking a careful sip.

Keith Newcomb -> Christian Gallagher: ((*LMAO* Sure *G*))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: eris....figures*snickering softly, shrugging about hers* would have to think about that...some goddess healy compassionate type I suppose...*shrugging, she readies the shot, drops it, and downs the drink quickly with a gasp and a grin, licking her lips once shes done* whooo thats good...

Keith Newcomb: Gabriel: "You're the dreamer. I'm discord." He winks at Kae, lifting his glass, then drinking it down very quickly. "Smooooth," he laughs.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: Kennedy's response to the shot of whiskey is a definite nonevent, slight press of her lips and a faint sigh. Someone's had lots of practice doing that.

Keith Newcomb: Kae: "Asklepios. He is the demigod of medicine and healing, a patron of physicians."

Christian Gallagher: "Not into mythology, myself," he says with a shrug. "Something music-y." He looks over to Kennedy. "You sure you're all right? You don't look it..."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe shakes his head, "If y' say so, m'friend." a chuckle. another sip of his drink, exhaling a low sigh.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: [Grrrrrr...and I have to make ready for naps. *sigh*] Kennedy glances at them, sighs, and rises, laying a twenty dollar bill down on the table. "It was fun, but I have to...go."

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "Peachy," she says to Christian in a tone with no real spark to it.

Keith Newcomb: Christian: "Apollo is the Greek god of music and poetry." He nods. "Powerful god. Very powerful. Music...has the power to do great things."

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: *chuckling* orpheus..*nudging keith with a grin and gesturing towards christian, then tilting her head* asklepios huh?

Keith Newcomb: ((*hugs*)) He looks over Kennedy with some regret.

Christian Gallagher: "Apollo it is," he says with a nod, then gives Kennedy a concerned look. "All right...well...nice meeting you. Have a good night."

Keith Newcomb: He grins at Kae. "Orpheus, the art of song and the lyre. True, true."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel frowns a touch, then offers the troubled woman a warm smile. "Take care.." he says. ((nap well!)

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "You too. Bye." She heads outside, pulling out her cellphone on the way to the door.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: hey....take it easy kennedy...you ever need anything when youre in the area Im usually at work ok?*looking over to her with a warm smile*

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: [Night guys, it's been awesome. I'd stay, but I'll never get through work if I don't get at least five hours or so of sleep. *hugs and waves* Night-night.]

Keith Newcomb: He takes Gabriel's Guinness and takes a pull of it, before sliding it back to him.

Kennedy Ariel Dawson: "'kay," she says to Kae.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe reclaims his drink, taking another sip.. then setting it down and pulling his hands back to the edge of the table away from it, letting his eyes drift shut for just a moment...

Keith Newcomb: Kaeleigh: "So you mentioned an adventure on the phone?"

Christian Gallagher: He takes a last drag off his cigarette and stubs it out, looking to Keith. "So the good news is, I'm not fired from the Lime, and I didn't quit. Go suspended for five days, but..." He shrugs. "I'm back now."

Keith Newcomb: Christian: "Yeah?" He grins. "Stupid, you know. The guy has a vibe. Didn't you feel it? He's probably a killer, or could be. I got that from him. That's why I was trying to warn Jeff."

Keith Newcomb: Christian: "You might like to know those of us who got arrested, like me, got no charges. Stayed overnight in jail, answered some questions, then were released."

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: yeah....potential building jumper stole a womans baby, had it on the ledge with him.....those two*motioning to christian and gabe* went up to get the guy and the baby.....*the pizza and wings arrive, and she orders a guiness and bottle of whiskey with enough shot glasses for all 4 of them*

Christian Gallagher: "He had it coming. Yeah, I got that vibe...s'why I wanted to hear him out. But to take credit for Sha and my happiness, like we owed him..." He blinks at that second comment. No, he didn't know who'd been arrested. "~You~ were one of the guys who got picked up? What happened? I never got the story."

Keith Newcomb: "I was stupid enough to stick around, then tried to go out the back way. The cops found that suspicious, but I *still* never found out what really happened in the Dungeon." Kae: "Seriously?" Taking a wing and gnawing on it, thriving on any spiciness. "They went up, what, on the *ledge*?"

Keith Newcomb: Christian: "Jeff was right in the thick of it," he adds, "but I keep forgetting to ask him about it."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe just listens to the discussion, eyes still shut for the moment. Yep, all the way up there.

Christian Gallagher: "Huh." He shakes his head a bit at Keith's comment, as if to say 'wow,' and smiles a bit at Kaeleigh's rendition of the story. "Gabriel went up the fire escape...I went inside. We talked him inside." He sighs a little bit, lighting up anew. "Kind of sad, really."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe nods there.. "Poor guy seemed really upset.. once he calmed down.. I wonder what his story is..."

Keith Newcomb: "How high was this fucking building, man? Shit, I would have liked to seen that. Freaks, man. Total freaks." Shakes his head. "I take it the baby lived?"

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: they were up ten stories......*nodding about the baby living, she takes a wing as well, mming at the sting of the spicy heat from them*

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe nods, "Safe and with her mother.." his eyes open again and he smiles happily, before reaching for his Guinness again.

Keith Newcomb: "Well, that's something anyway." He smirks. "I would have gotten the baby out of there, talked the guy in, then beat the ever-lovin' shit out of him. Takin' some woman's baby! Shee-it. Kill yourself, fine, but taking someone else with you?" Shakes his head.

Christian Gallagher: "Dead infant in the crib in the apartment," he says quietly in answer to Gabriel.

Keith Newcomb: Quirks a brow at Christian, stopping mid-nibble.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel tilted his head, confused for a oment, then his face fell. "Oh..." he falls quiet, glancing to the glass befor him... things make more sence now...

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: d10: per/alert: 2,3,5,2,2,4,

Keith Newcomb: Chews, swallows. He pats Gabriel on the upper back. "Hey man. You still saved one. That's something right there."

Christian Gallagher: He nods a little to Gabriel, taking a drag off the cigarette. "Yeah."

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: (damnit!*chuckles* eh well...better she DOESNT hear that*G*) *chewing and finishing the wing, she takes a slice of pizza and dips it in the blue cheese, blinking at gabriel and keiths reactions to something * wha?

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel Offers half a smile to Keith and Christian, "True.. but.. I can't help but feel bad for him... I mean.." he doesn't finish the thought. He'd be devestated if he lost his little one...

Keith Newcomb: Kae: "Nothing." He gives her a grin. "Looking good in scrubs, Ms. Doctor."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabetakes a deep breath and a pull from the glass that has mysteriously materialized between his fingers again... Then, a smile for the world again. .

Keith Newcomb: Inwardly sighs. He was going to sing a few bars of Alice Cooper's Dead Babies but that would definitely chase BOTH Kaeleigh and Gabriel away.

Christian Gallagher: He nods to Gabriel. He won't have any children, but he knows how much it would likely hurt. A little smile of acknowledgement, and he goes with the pointed change in conversation Keith makes.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: keith: might I point out the last time you told me nothing about something the next morning I had to pick you up from the police station?*taking a bite of the slice where she dipped it, mming and licking her lips of any blue cheese before she takes another bite...yeah...hungry...and shes not a dainty 'girly' eater....when shes hungry...she ears*

Keith Newcomb: Kae: He laughs. "I know, I know. But it could have been worse."

Gabriel Marsh: Gabe's not keen on having a pack of little gabe's runnign around anyway..but he understands care. He peers at his glass for a moment, then cocks his head absently.. are.. are those bubbles sinking...?

Keith Newcomb: ((And I need to get to bed. *HUGS* It's been fun *G* but Keith will just sit there and be occasionally vulgar and occasionally charming, sometimes both at once, then go home.))

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: (*hugs* ni ni)

Christian Gallagher: ((I'm...honestly, sort of about there, too. Been a loooooong hot day.))

Gabriel Marsh: ((oof.. belated goodnight, and I"m.. somewhere.. between.. omg headache nd sleepy and wide awake c_c; rawr.

Christian Gallagher: He sighs and rises. "I should probably get home...spend some time with Sha. Gabriel, nice meeting you...Kaeleigh, nice to see you again. Keith...always fun." A bit of a wry grin to him.

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel offers Christian a warm smile. "A pleasure... we'll have 't get together sometimes and do th' heroic thing again." a slight grin.

Kaeleigh O'Reilly: goodnight...*nodding to christian as he mentions having to go, looking to gabriel* you sticking around or heading off as well?

Gabriel Marsh: Gabriel looks to his glass, "Hanging around at least 'til I finish this." a smile, and a headtilt, wasking "you?"

Christian Gallagher: He smiles and nods to them all, and heads out the door. ((Thanks for the scene, guys!))