Lee Minardi {{ Closed Scene }}: * He's a rough looking young man in his early twenties. Standing tall at a few inches over six feet, with hard green eyes and a shaved head save for a thin, spiked mohawk of black hair. His frame is well toned and muscular, looking like he could do a little more than just hold his own if things go bad. There is a small silver cone in his left earlobe and another silver barpell just under his bottom lip, above a well trimed black soulpatch on his chin. Both arms bear elaborate tattoos of swirling flames, flowers, lightning and women in various states of undress. He is dressed in an old faded denim jacket over a bare chest and a pair of black leather pants. On his feet are an old pair of jump boots. Those into tattoos might find him familier. {{ Fame 2 }} *

Lee Minardi {{ Closed Scene }}: * He is siting on a stool with his back to the wall and his feet up on the counter, taking a nap. *

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: ((on phone so will be afk for a few still))

Keridwen Hawthorne: ((Here but semi distracted but still watching to get started. And want to get some food too quickly))

C.R.: ((The Duplicating Nicks has happened, FYI. We may wanna kill nick and re-enter, or we might scare people as to why 20 people are in HJ. *G*))

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: ((alright off phone and yeah no clue what causes that. Guess is a weird server glitch but no clue really. Everyone needs to hit change nick or we will all get booted by ghosts anyways.))

C.R.: C.R. is up and *gasp* actually doing work. Occasionally, from time to time, he does that. Today, it's organizing the shelves to give room for the new books coming in tomorrow. ((Anyone need a DD, ping, but I think y'all know it. Same with Griff, when he comes in.))

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: ((ok all of you know the basics, Roxy contact those present some in detail some in passing about doing a ritual to find a something that is hidding in the shop. Something hidden by powerful magics, since this is OOC when we can do it, we can assume this is when IC she said for people to show))

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *Enters HJ thru the backway, by her key. Duffle hanging from her shoulder*

Lee Minardi {{ Closed Scene }}: * He stirs slightly and cracks open one eye when the sounds of actual work pierce his sleep. *

C.R.: He looks over at Lee and grins a little bit. "Wakey wakey, eggs and bacey."

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *Goes to make sure no one is present that shouldn't be. Then makes sure the door is looked and all the shades pulled on all the windows and glass on the door. After a final peeks to see if anyone else shows up for the ritual*

Keridwen Hawthorne: Keri drives up in her red Mitsubishi Eclipse, parking it out back and locking it, after first grabbing her attache case that she nearly always keeps with her. It's warm out or else she might have gone with the leather outfit. Instead, she goes with red tank top of her own design with a phoenix (http://penthouse.no-ip.org/anime2/Fushigi_Yuugi_01_1024.jpg [if this link works] black jeans and red ankle boots. She's a natural redhead and proud of it. Brown eyes and standing about 5'7". She also has on around both wrists a red cushiony looking thing with silver, bronze and gold pins stuck into them. Around her neck she wears a necklace that is never taken off; that of a beautiful and ornate looking phoenix.

Keridwen Hawthorne: (sorry. was trying to get some dinner together)

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: ((no worries))

Lee Minardi {{ Closed Scene }}: * He grimices in return to CR and gives him a halfhearted one finger salute before swinging his legs down off the counter and standing to stretch. * " Where the hoes be at? "

Griffen "Aconite" Aston: As Roxy is pulling the shades, she can probably catch the profile coming up to the door. He stops there and knocks on the door, even if she can see him. It's polite. He has a backpack slung over his back, expression as impassive as ever.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *unlocks the door and lets Grif in* Hey acorn, how they hanging? Still to the left? *give him a perfectly innocent grin while she closes the door behind him and relocks it*

Keridwen Hawthorne: Keri just goes to find a place to set down her stuff and is rather, for the time being, her unsocial unsmiling self.

C.R.: "Apparently, they be here." He chuckles and hops up on the counter, nodding to Roxy, then Griffen and Keri. "Howdy, folks."

Keridwen Hawthorne: "Hello, C.R.," he gets a small warm smile.

Griffen "Aconite" Aston: He seems even less amused about being called Acorn then usual, and just makes his way in. Christ, has the man gotten even LESS emotional? Looks so. He looks over to Keri, eyeing her a moment, then Lee. Brief nods to both.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *glances at CR a moment* Ok interductions. *pointing to each of them in turn as she names them* This is CR, kinda like a cool, yet creepy uncle. That over there is lee... *then shrugs after having nothing more to to say* Thats keri and everyone this is Acorn also sometimes known as Griff.

Griffen "Aconite" Aston: "My name is Griffen," he says with a slight frown. "Only Roxy calls me Acorn."

Lee Minardi {{ Closed Scene }}: * He listens to the introductions and falls quiet, noting the newcomer with a chinup nod. *

C.R.: Keri gets a wide smile and a nod. "Hey, you." He nods all around at the introductions, giving a small wave, then smirks to Griffen. "Aww, c'mon, man. You saying you're not a nut?"

Keridwen Hawthorne: Griffen gets a polite nod from Keri.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: And you secertly love it...*glances to the rest of the sour pusses and fans herself a moment* Going to be cooked from the heat coming off all this love. *if words could drip sarcasim the floor would be covered in a inch of water* Anyways as you all know we are here to find a book, a very old very powerful book. One of the orginal Tradition books and if I had to guess it would be the ethan's book. Powerful evil unholy things are hunting it, blah blah blah. So it is imperative we find it so we can save the world... again.... anyone feel like their in a Buffy episode? No? Alright then...*said as she starts taking things out of her backpack. mostly a few candles a notebook which she flips open to a page*

Keridwen Hawthorne: Keri just gives a small smirk at the Buffy comment, but otherwise certainly remains a "sourpuss" but an attentive one.

Griffen "Aconite" Aston: C.R.'s joke is ignored, and the Buffy reference seems lost on him. He turns, setting his own pack on a tabletop, and starts taking some of his own items out. Some herbs, a small opaque vial, a hand-carved wooden wand.

C.R.: He shrugs and nods, lighting up a clove as he looks between them. "So, then. The plan to find it is specifically how?"

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *the last item that is taken out is a lunch box. Which she then opens and removes a small 6 inch square board. In the center is a small hand carved pole with a wooden arrow that slow moves as she moves it. It looks to be hand crafted with great care. All but the series of ink occult marks and symbols all long the edges of the board making a spiral in towards the center pole*

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: * He watches for now, not certain what his role in all of this will be. * {{ Sorry I keep timing out. Daughter needed my help with a dance thing. }}

Keridwen Hawthorne: "Folks, I am not at all familiar with the spatial magics, so I can't help with that," she adds, just so they know. "However, I can try to help with making it a bit more 'lucky.'"

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *glances up at CR and gives him a million dollar smile* Ah good question, glad you asked. We are going to do a ritual, a fairly deep and involved one. I figure it stands to reason this book is not here by chance. So fate played a hand so it most likely will have residu effects, then it is old very old so time will be of use, also it has been a book of great atachment... least till they lost it, so emotions should be present, Also it is a book of great power so obvious pure energy will be here, not to mention it has to be using it to hide it's self and finally since spirital things are after it and considering it's great age as well as power most likely it has a slumbering spirit of sorts of it's own. So we will use all of them at once to find it. *while she makes her speach she is placing candles about the place and lighting them in apprently no rythm or reason to their placement*

Griffen "Aconite" Aston: He nods to Keri. "The book, being likely of the Euthanatos, may very well hold some aspect of their seat of power in it. Between that and the simple Resonance it gives off, Entropy and Prime should be enough, I would think."

Griffen "Aconite" Aston: "Oooh. Sounds like fun." He grins. "No chance this is a sex magic ritual, is it?"

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *glances to Griff with a bemused arch of a slender brow* maybe, or maybe not. Yet I know your all thinking but hey wait if it was that easy they would have already found it. Correct we can't just cast a ritual and poof it will appear or we will zero in on it. No I'm afraid that just won't work at all.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: ((guessing that was a MT in the wrong window their Rav? just don't see griff saying it but it would be funny if is did*s*))

Keridwen Hawthorne: Raises an eyebrow about the sex magic ritual comment but doesn't say anything, just a bit of an indignant look.

Storyspeller: ((I assume this second post to actually belong to CR. *L*))

C.R.: ((ACK! Yes, that was C.R. Griffen doesn't joke about sex magic, or even...joke, really. Ever. Okay, going down to one window and using my ST Nick. Cross-posts suck.))

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: * He shakes his head and lights up a smoke, still leaning against the counter. *

Ravyn: C.R. looks at Keri and sighs, shrugging. "Just trying to keep the mood light."

Griffen casts C.R. a look that is perhaps a scathing shade of impassive, and then looks back to Roxy. Curious.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *as she finishes with the candles and heads back to the table she unloaded her stuff at she checks the notebook* And yes I know what your all thinking. Well if magic won't find it, what the hell are we doing a ritual for? Well glad you asked, thats what this is for.*holding up the wooden gaget* We can imbue it with the ability to POINT in the direction of the book. Then we simple move around till we pinpoint a location and then slowly move everything in that location till the arrow starts to move and presto we have our hands on the book. *smiling and said with complete confidence like she fully expects it to work*

Keridwen Hawthorne: ((I was expecting Lee to say it *grin*))

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: " And if we find it what do we do with it? " * He exhails a plum of smoke, looking over the little setup and trying to picture in his mind how it will work. *

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: {{ If it was a sexual ritual Lee would be leading it. *S* }}

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *shrugs a bit* I don't know I could always use another coaster at home for my beers. *glances to the rest hands on her hips* So any questions before we get started?

Keridwen Hawthorne: "Just tell me what you'll need me to do when, Roxy."

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: Just assist in the ritual as best you can. Once we imbue the wooden dodad Griffy made for us we are all set. Then it is just a matter of playing weres Waldo.

Ravyn: Griffen, in response to Lee's question, nods. "When we find it, then we find a better place to safeguard it."

"Ummm...kay." He blinks, and then raises his hand. "But teacher, teacher...if magic don't find it...and we're imbuing the pointer with magic..." He spreads his hands. "Aren't we then using magic to find it? Reality knows when we cheat."

Ravyn: (("He" being C.R. I suck tonight.))

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: Pfft, no magic can find it's general location but not it exact location. Thats why we know it's here. The whole of Lings chantry turned out for a long ass ritual and thats all they could manage but they did pin point it to her. So obviously magic can indeed point to it, just not locate it.*screws her lips up a moment* Course my whole theory is that it is disgussed or hidden her and not in some other plane of reality or something or between them or some weird shit. If thats the case we are just fucked.*shrugs a bit*

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: * He takes another drag and keeps watching. * " Reminds me of a Ouija board. Thats not really magic and everyone uses them at one time or another. "

Ravyn: C.R. nods at that, grinning. "Okay, so we're not cheating, we're just rules-lawyering. Reality can accept that, I think, even if she doesn't like it. Cool."

Keridwen Hawthorne: She just listens for now.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: Ok if you got to go pee, do it now before we start. *gives a look around and waits just a second* Ok I will lead off assist as best you can. ((I already expland to Dryad what the ritual will include so let her know what all you can help with so she can tell you if you need to roll or only added a success ect.))

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: * He smiles and shakes his head. * " Do not want to put out your candles. I will hold it for now. "

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *takes a few moments to check her notes a final time. The climbs up on the table and sits on it lotus style with the wooden thingy in front of her. Placing her hands on her knee's face up, fingers just touching. She closes her eyes and after a long few moments begins to say a incantation.*

Ravyn: Griffen nods and uncaps his vial, putting his thumb over the top and turning up upside down, then back the right way. The thumb comes away wet and coppery red, and he runs it along the length of the wand, preparing.

Storyspeller: ((anyone with level one in all of the following may roll full arete. Entropy, Time, Prime and Spirit. You have to have 1 in all of them to roll arete. If you do not, just describe your character's actions to focus thier will. Roxy rolls 4 times.))

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: d10: arete: 4,1,1,4,

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: ((DAMNIT!))

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: d10: Arete: 4,9,4,8,

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: d10: arete: 2,8,2,3,

Ravyn: d10: CR Arete: 5,2,7,9,

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: ((Son of a bitch.... ARG!))

Keridwen Hawthorne: Keri takes a gold pin from the right cushion on her wrist and starts to focus her will as she takes the pin and pricks it to her finger tip, letting it stay there, then speaks something quietly in Japanese over and over. (Only has requisite for Entropy and Prime)

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: d10: arete: 3,8,7,7,

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *After taking a long time to preform the ritual the better part of a hour. She finishes it by pulling out a small pocket knife and cuting her palm. Let the blood drip down onto the wooden doodad.*

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: * He takes another drag and holds it, focusing his spirit as he watches the ritual form up. *

Ravyn: ((Sorry, was clarifying something with de Dryad)) He flips headphones up over his ears, eyes shutting as he focxuses on the music. As he does so, he takes his left wrist in his other hand, the elongated thumbail on his right hand pressing hard against the artery running under his wrist. By the time the hour is done, he's got a small line of blood running from his wrist in a rivulet to the floor. ((Rolling my other three now))

Ravyn: d10: CR Arete: 3,3,3,8,

Ravyn: d10: CR Arete: 8,7,7,1,

Ravyn: d10: CR Arete: 6,5,8,3,

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: {{ Anti Timeout post }}

Keridwen Hawthorne: ((same here))

Storyspeller: Although it's clear that the magic has definitely worked- everyone in th room can FEEL it working, and powerfully- it also quickly becomes clear that the energy that others can detect has taken a very sudden, steep dive. If one were not in the room to feel it originally, they would not know anything was happening. The arrow on the woooden box begins to spin madly, and then begins pointing in several directions, shaking on its peg with a sense of urgency each time it arrives at one. After a moment, it's mad poiting begins to narrow down to certain parts of the room, and then it points on one direction.

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: * He takes a deep breath and lets his eyes float to follow the area as he speaks under his breath. * " Fucking cool. "

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *opens her eyes and stares at the pointer, at first frowning wondering of the book is in many peaces a thought that she hadn't counted on. Then the lips bow up into a smile as it settles into one direction. She slides off the table gentely picking up the doodad and starts in the direction it is pointing* Damn I think my butt fell asleep.

Storyspeller: It feels like it wants to jump out of Roxy's hands and go there itself.

Ravyn: Griffen watches the entire thing calmly, eyes tracking the directions that the arrow goes. Like a scientist impassively watching an experiment run. It's sort of like saying you don't believe in faeries...every time Griffen does magick, somewhere a Cultist feels like someone walked over their grave.

C.R., on the other hand, doesn't pay as much attention, distracted as he is by the blood loss and pain shooting through his wrist.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *keeps a firm hold on it and slowly walks in the direction of where it is pointing. Seeing if it first stops in this room*

Keridwen Hawthorne: Keri is very calm as her eyes open slowly and she takes the needle from her finger and slides it back into the cushion on her wrist. Though she can't help but smile having just experienced something this intense with other magi.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *after a moment she has to stop and back track a little to take the employes way into the kitchen area of the coffee shop area slowly moving thru it till the arrow leads her in a new direction*

Ravyn: Griffen follows along behind Roxy, hands folded calmly behind his back. C.R., on the other hand, waves them along. "You guys go...I'll just chill here. Umm...watch your back or some shit."

Lee Minardi {{Closed Scene}}: * He stubs out his cigarette and tries to follow along without geting in the way. *

Keridwen Hawthorne: She glances to C.R. "Want me to hang back with you? Or should I go with them?"

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *finaly coming to one of the walls with cupboards along it. Moving left and right a few times both ways till she narrows down a spot. Then she stops setting the wooden doodad down on the counter top and starts to open the cupboards. Taking out one item at a time from them and moving it away. Handing it off to anyone close to put else where watching the arrow closely to see if it moves*

Ravyn: He shrugs to Keri a little, blinking a couple times to clear his eyes. "Feel free to go see where this leads to. Your book after all...moreso then any of ours, anyway."

Keridwen Hawthorne: "Just don't want you passing out from blood loss or something. Just holler if you need me," and she heads in the direction the others did.

Storyspeller: (anyone take the wooden thing?)

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *one item after another. No matter how big or small or how much they do not look like a book. She takes them out one at a time and very slowly moves them far away watching the arrow closely for any moment at all*

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: ((Roxy carried it in and then set it on the counter or floor so she could watch it closely as she moved each item one at a time out of the cupboard.))

Ravyn: "Wouldn't be the first time," C.R. says with a faint grin after her.

Griffen does pick up the pointer as Roxy sets it down to start looking through. Perhaps to protect it from falling pots and pans, or any other mishaps.

Storyspeller: Roxy's hand closes on the handle of a large dutch oven. An item that is surprising to find here, and even stranger still, bears streaks from recent washing. the lid is upside down on top of it and the minute she hefts it, she knows it bears a weight it shouldn't have.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *grunts and pulls it out and sets it on the floor and removes the lid to peek inside.*

Storyspeller: At which point The arrow is pointing so strongly at it that there is actual space showing between the peg and the front of the arrow hole, as it strains against the peg.

Ravyn: "I believe it is fairly certain that the book is inside there," he says calmly. Absolute deadpan delivery.

Storyspeller: Sitting in the pot, and unable to escape thanks to thier efforts, sits an old, leather bound brown book.

Lee Minardi: " Look out. If that peg breaks someone is going to catch it. "

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *Stares at the book for a long moment* Huh... *then glances up to Griff* You mean all we really had to do to find it was a complete and total cleaning of the whole place? *looks a mite disapointed and glances down at the book. Then finally shrugs* Yeah we defently would have never found it then with out magic. *then gets up and looks for a towel*

Lee Minardi: " For all we know the damn thing moves to keep itself hidden. We should find something to put it in that it can not escape from. "

Keridwen Hawthorne: Keri glances back out in the direction where C.R. is, though she still watches the others with the book, starting to feel like she's just in the way with so many people gathered. She steps back a little and takes a few small breaths.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *Once she finds a towel she uses it to reach in and pick up the book. Wraping the towel around it, so as not to touch the leather binding or any other part of the book.*

Storyspeller: The pot the book was in meanwhile, cracks, breaking open. It makes a very alarming denting sound as it does so.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *makes a eek sound and leaps away from the exploding dutch oven, then to the cover book in her hands* Don't do that, you little bastarad.

Ravyn: Griffen sets his thumb over the pointer, to hold it down against the rest of it, and nods. "Somewhere safe would be wise."

Storyspeller: Griffen's pointer keeps following the book's movements like a well trained dog.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *Nods a bit* Yeah their is a place that is warded and the safest place I know. I will put it their, we can decided what to do with it later. Now that we found it. *glances to the others present* Thanks for coming out and helping on the ritual but if you will excuss me I need to stick this someplace safe.

Lee Minardi: * He just nods and returns to the shop area to get a coffee. *

Keridwen Hawthorne: She nods and seems relieved to be able to go back out and check on C.R.

Ravyn: He nods and reaches over, placing the pointer device on top of the towel-wrapped book. "Happy I could provide aid." And doesn't he sound it.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *watchs at Lee and keri dart out and then glances to Griff and speaks in barely a whisper* Magic bores them. *making a over the top mock sad face* So i do good daddy? *grins wickedly when she says daddy to him*

Lee Minardi: * He takes a drink of his coffee and then starts to gather his things. * " You going to be okay CR or you need me to heal you? "

Ravyn: Griffen nods slightly, taking no reaction to the tone or expression. "You did quite well. I am impressed."

Out in the shop, C.R.'s managed to get the medical kit open and his wrist wrapped up. He's sitting in a chair, eyes half shut as a clove burns between his lips, hands palms-down on the table.

Anastasia "Roxy" Jones: *frowns at him* You know if you can't take time to take a few joys of living your doing a great diservice to yourself and mother earth. *gives him a slightly pointed look like a mother would a child, then with out waiting for a reply she takes the book with doodad on top off into one of the book rooms to disapear*

Ravyn: C.R. opens his eyes at Lee's words a little, and he smirks. "Naah, I'll live. Thanks, though."

Griffen just shrugs lightly. "Mother Earth has plenty disservices done to her. Mine pales in comparison." He moves toward the main shop, heading straight through it, toward the door.

Keridwen Hawthorne: Since Lee offers to help she finds a place to take a seat for the time being, just not sure what else she should be doing.

Lee Minardi: * He nods and starts to head for the door. * " Yeah well good seeing you all again then. "

Ravyn: A brief nod, courteous but reserved, is given to Keri and and Lee as he leaves. Even to C.R., though the man does not seem at all worried or even much caring about the goth's wooziness.

Ravyn: "C'mon, Lee," he says with a weary little grin. "Share a victory smoke and a cup of espresso. We found a book. That's good."

Ravyn: ((Ugh. Pronouns are my enemy. First post Girffen, obviously...second post CR))

Keridwen Hawthorne: "Later, Lee. Good seeing you again too."

Lee Minardi: * He shakes his head and stops. * " What are we going to do with it? This is not a victory yet. Seems like we had half a plan here. "

Ravyn: The door shuts as Griffen heads off. C.R. shrugs. "Ennh. This is a victory of stage one. I try for as many victory celebrations as I can, you know? Could've been worse."

Lee Minardi: " Yeah, well I am from the celebrate when its done school. Have fun though. Night Keri. "

Lee Minardi: * And he walks out into the night and is gone. *

C.R.: He watches Lee go after Griffen, wincing a little as he shakes his head. "There go two guys who could use a lap dance or seven to loosen up. Not that I'm volunteering or anything."

Keridwen Hawthorne: That makes Keri laugh a little. "Lee? You have to be kidding. I'm sure he's got some babe in his bed every night. Don't know Griffen really."

Storyspeller: (I am hopping out now. The deed is done, and the rest of th night should be uneventful. Lucky, lucky people.))

C.R.: "I know he probably does." He chuckles and leans back in his seat. "He must be doing it all wrong or something. As to the Verb..." He shrugs. "Dunno. Think if he smiles, his face might break or somethin'."

C.R.: ((*Hugs the Dryad!*))

Storyspeller: ((HUG yoooou all,.))

Keridwen Hawthorne: "I don't have a lot of room to talk myself on that."

C.R.: "Umm...Keri?" He raises a brow slightly. "You smiled when you came in. You've laughed. Hell, even when you got annoyed at me for my well-intentioned but badly-phrase joke, you were showing more emotion then I've ever seen him show. The man's got the emotional context of a moist towelette."

Keridwen Hawthorne: She blinks. "For real? Most people think I'm emotionless as a .... I'm not even sure...a cucumber?"

C.R.: "Well, you're not the most bubbly thing I've ever seen--and that's a good thing, mind..." He grins faintly and waves to the counter. "Hey, can you get me the bottle underneath the counter? The hooch."

Keridwen Hawthorne: She nods, getting up and goes to the counter where he waves and looking where he tells her finds a bottle and takes it back over. "I just get my frustrations out in other ways. I suppose I am too used to the Japanese culture...supressing myself." She hands him the bottle. "There you go."

C.R.: The bottle, for the record, does in fact have "HOOCH" written in red Sharpie on a piece of masking tabe across it. "Thanks." He takes it from her with a smile and pulls the cork out with his teeth, taking a deep swig of the opaque, black-colored liquid. "And fair enough. I can get that...Japanese culture and all. But even being a bit more reserved...you're like a damn Ecstatic compared to that guy."

Keridwen Hawthorne: She does crack a pretty wide smile when he does that comparison. "Thanks. I feel so loved now." She sits back down again.

C.R.: "Hey, coulda been worse." He grins and takes another drink, blinking a couple of times before offering it to her. "Coulda compared you to a Hermetic. But I wouldn't do that. Actually like you."

Keridwen Hawthorne: "That's just so sweet. And you're right. I am not sure but to be honest, I really haven't know any Hermetics. Mostly just ....I think...." has a puzzled look as she says the rest, "...Ecstatics."

C.R.: "Consider yourself lucky," he says with a slight groan. "Hermetics are everything that's fuckin' wrong with the Trads."

Keridwen Hawthorne: "I'll certainly keep it in mind. You been keeping busy lately, C.R.?"

C.R.: "Not if I can help it..." He chuckles a little bit and sets the bottle down. "But yeah, I've actually managed to pull off some activity over the past few...uhhh...little bit."

Keridwen Hawthorne: "Besides sleeping till 3? I got back from Japan last Friday I think it was. Brought you some things back. I'll have to remember to drop it by next time I'm here."

C.R.: "Ahh, cool." He smiles to her, blinking a couple times. "See...this is just one'a many reasons why you rule. You get me cool shit."

Keridwen Hawthorne: "Always. We're buds, right?" which she does smile about.

C.R.: "We are!" He grins and nods at that. "We're total buds." Yeah, someone's a little off from blood loss and alcohol. Whatever that stuff is, it's strong.

Keridwen Hawthorne: She gets up and looks him over with a little concern, and even puts an arm gently around his shoulder. "You know I could help you get to some place more comfortable to enjoy that and sleep the rest of it off....."

C.R.: "Well...uhhh..." He blinks and looks around, then nods. "Yeah. If, uh...downstairs, into the..." He leans over and whispers, a bit too loudly, "You-Know-What...you can drop me on the couch. Bedroom's a bit far." Yeah, that extra twenty-five feet mush be a killer.

Keridwen Hawthorne: "I'll get you to bed. But you'll be on your own after that...." She's not overly strong but certainly has the ability to keep going, and as she does a one, two, three, helps C.R. to his feet. "Just get me going the right way."

C.R.: "Deal." He grabs the bottle as they rise, and points toward the back room. "Down the stairs, then off to the right once ya hit the living room."

Keridwen Hawthorne: She's not bad helping keeping him from bumping into anything and once they actually get there doesn't seem to be overly tired either, but she's careful that he doesn't prick himself on her needles. "There ya go. Curbside service. With a smile," to which she then gives him a big pearly white smile.

C.R.: He looks back to her and smiles, falling onto the bed and nodding. "Thanks, Keri. And...uh...sorry about th' crack. Y'know, the, uh..." He waves toward the ceiling. "Th' thing."

Keridwen Hawthorne: "Huh?" honestly doesn't know what he's referring to right now. "What thing?"

C.R.: "The...y'know. Sex magic thing." He shrugs a little. "Just a joke. Y'know."

Keridwen Hawthorne: She smiles. "It's quite okay. I just see Lee being the one more than you....no offense." She leans over and kisses his cheek chastely. "Maybe I'm the one in need of a lap dance too," she jokes. Standing back up again after making sure he's comfortable with pillows and such, "See you later, bud."

C.R.: He gets comfortable and nods, curling up with the bottle. "Bye. Umm...umm. Uhh...oh! Lock up when you, uhhh...go?"

Keridwen Hawthorne: "No worries. I will. Good night." And with that she's gone. He can hear though that she does lock up before entirely being gone.