Alexander Donovan: "I'm sure she'll fill you in now that I reminded her." Cori: "No, everyone ~feels~ good in the shower. Most look good."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *gives Sha Sha a long look, too. rather like the one Keith's giving her. then grins to Alex* i'm Cori, by the way. *laughs to Charles* i suggested you and i should do a duet. we could charge heaps for that--to make us stop singing. like, "I Got You". that one'd work.

Charles Knight: *Charles glances at Sha-Sha as she, but not really his type, so his eyes don't linger*

Alice Newcomb: Hands off the mike to whomever's next and heads back to her seat.

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grins to Alex* nah, i know i sound good in the shower. cuz my dogs tend to follow me into the bathroom, and it's the only place they don't howl along with me when i sing.

Charles Knight: "That could work, and that is a classic."

Alexander Donovan: Alex looks the direction they do, smiling and pushing all his hair back so that she gets a good look at his profile.

Keith Newcomb: Grins at Cori. "Eye candy, eh?"

Sha-Sha: *She listens to the girl on the stage having come in mid song and grins. Oh good, she wont have her ears blasted tonight. Her eyes move over the crowd and she favors Keith with a smile. Then her eyes catch Alex and she starts over, a grin and a wave if he looks over before she gets there.*

Keith Newcomb: Alice: "I suppose I have to actually say that was decent."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): Alice! damn, girl! you don't suck like we do! *grins, then chortles at Charles* we should sometime. it would be a blast!

Charles Knight: "I could sign us up right now."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *nods to Keith* hell yeah, eye candy. looks finger-licking good to me. and she's coming this way. *eyes Alex* you got company, judging from the way her eyes have locked on target.

Alice Newcomb: "Yeah, well... after Charles I was bound to look good." Grinning at Charles. "You got the trophy, hands down, dude."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): yeah! do it, Charles! *beams at the man*

Keith Newcomb: Leans over and nudgets Alice. Quietly, "Who did he bug that's got you so pissed?"

Sha-Sha: *Charles gets the smile too, she laughs as Alex is showing off.* Hey there hot stuff, I always seem to find you in a group of good looking men, what's your secret?

Charles Knight: *Charles gets up to go sign himself and Cori up for another round*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grins at Sha Sha cheerfully*

Alexander Donovan: Alex pulls up another chair for Sha Sha. "Trade secret."

Alice Newcomb: Leans over to whisper in Keith's ear.

Sha-Sha: *She grins back at Cori (Is slow as I've been trying to peek at what people look like. *L*)*

Alice Newcomb: "Whoa! Hey! Charles! No more! PLEEEEASE have mercy on us!"

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grins widely to Alice* we are having mercy on you. after this, you'll never be able to say you've never heard really awful singing.

Alice Newcomb: "I'll only get worse," she promises direly.

Sha-Sha: Aww *She pouts at Alex, briefly. Then nods at Keith, her eyes twinkling as she extends a hand.* Sha-Sha...*She looks over at Alice* Nice job up there by the way...

Charles Knight: DD>Charles is in his late twenties/early thirties, and walks around wearing a sweatshirt and jeans with a blue backpack slung over his shoulder. He has the look of someone whose family is English, but it's not very distinct, as though it's been diluted a bit by generations in America, though still he looks better than your average Joe off the street. He has dark hair and eyes, and is approximately average height and weight. He's become a bit more in shape in the time he's been gone though. Not so much more muscle mass as just less fat. He also looks as though he's more at peace with himself than when he left, though there's always a somehwat sad look in his eyes, however hard he tries to hide it. Oh, and he picked up a slight trace of an English accent while he was gone. Always nice.

Alice Newcomb: Cori> "I could live without that."

Charles Knight: "You know, you're acting like Arlett." *he smirks*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *tall and thin. pale enough to make a vampire jealous. so skinny, she can be mistaken for a young man at first glance. if it weren't for the gleam of humor in her thin face, and the wide grin that seems to envelope the world, she'd be as plain as a bare,whitewashed wall*

Alice Newcomb: "She's been giving me lessons."

Charles Knight: "Just what I need." *sighs*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *laughs softly* hey, Alice--aren't you glad Keith didn't bring a tape recorder with him? if he had, he could've threatened you with our singing.

Alice Newcomb: "Every man deserves a little sister," she says wickedly.

Keith Newcomb: He shakes Sha-Sha's hand. "Good to meet you."

Keith Newcomb: Alice: "Who's Arlett? Friend of yours?" He nods to Cori. "Good idea for next time."

Alice Newcomb: Cori> "Thank god for small favors." *L*

Charles Knight: "Arlett's already got the job."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grins wickedly to Keith* i'll happily sing into a mike for you to tape. *giggles at Alice* now, what're you gonna bribe me with so that i don't?

Alexander Donovan: "Are little sisters that bad, or that good?"

Alice Newcomb: Nods at Keith. "Yeah, Charles' sister. We hang sometimes."

Alice Newcomb: Cori> "I'm gonna poison your food while you're up there."

Sha-Sha: *She nods at Keith* You as well. *Her eyes bounce around with the conversation, smiling the whole time as she listens.*

Charles Knight: *of course, anyone who's MET Arlett will note that she and Charles look almost nothing alike.*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): what food? *laughs, apllying herself to the few fries that remain. the girl can eat like there's notomorrow*

Alice Newcomb: Sha> "Hi, I'm Alice." Offering her hand.

Alexander Donovan: "So, wailing like Marley would be an improvement for him? Or just a little poison to render him harmless?"

Keith Newcomb: He nods. "As long as she isn't Snyde." Takes another pull from his beer. Sha-Sha: "Feel free to grab a seat."

Alice Newcomb: Cori> "I'll buy you more food and poison it!"

Jarod Freeman: He trudges his way into through the front door, looking around. A blink, as he realizes the karaoke bar is actually busy tonight. He chuckles a little bit and makes his way to the bar, nodding to the bartender...who seems to know him well, already pulling a Corona for him.

Walking into view is a young man, blessed by God with natural great looks. He has a very "pretty-boy" face, vaguely reminiscent of Jared Leto with his well-defined facial structure and big blue eyes. He is just a little bit lanky, though he tries to stay physically fit, and it shows underneath his black turtleneck, leather trench coat, and blue jeans. His hair, a shoulder-length platinum blonde, hangs free and unfettered.

Alexander Donovan: Alex raises an eyebrow at Keith's last comment.

Sha-Sha: *She grins and sits as the player forgot to type that she did, in the chair Alex had offered.*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): bah, i have a cast-iron stomach. *laughs*

Charles Knight: "We have new people, don't we?" *seems to have just noticed them*

Alexander Donovan: "How terribly rude of me. Alexander Donovan." He starts offering his hand to those he hasn't really met yet.

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *and eyes the fresh eye candy coming into view with a wide grin* hey, Alice. chick i don't know. you guys might appreciate whatjust walked in. *laughs*

Alice Newcomb: "Probably will just make you add belches to your singing anyway." Takes a long look at the stud muffin walking in.

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): Cori. *although she'd already introduced herself, shaking the man's hand when it's her turn*

Sha-Sha: *She chuckles at Charles' comment.* Indeed, I'm Sha-Sha. *Again she extends a hand towards him*

Jarod Freeman: He takes a seat at the bar, a hand drawing a clove out and nodding to the bartender as he takes the Corona. He places the clove between his lips and runs a hand through his hair, glancing around before he lights it.

Charles Knight: *he'll shake hands* "I'm Charles."

Alice Newcomb: "Okay, now that one's worth staring at."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *nods to Alice and grins* i used to be able to belch the Anthem. not sure i can any more, though. *chuckles* it's been years since i tried.

Jarod Freeman: d10: Per+Alert: 4,10,7,9,8,

Keith Newcomb: He glances over at Jarod.

Sha-Sha: *She also offers Cori a hand as well. Then looks over to the man walking in and grins.*

Alice Newcomb: Grins at Cori. "Oh you've GOT to! Grab that mike and go for it!"

Keith Newcomb: "Then why don't you fetch him, dear Alice?" He smirks. "If you have the guts."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *giggles and shakes her head* nah,not here.besides,i need the proper fuel. i gotta have five alarm chili and a bottle of root beer. preferably IBC root beer.

Alice Newcomb: Shrugs when Sha ignores the hand she offered. She's a friend of Alex's afterall.

Jarod Freeman: His eyes pass over the table, and the bevy of ladies staring at him. He chuckles ruefully, and sighs as he lights the clove, pulling it from his lips long enough to raise the beer to his lips.

Alice Newcomb: Slurps her float. "Ya know, he might be married or something."

Charles Knight: "Hey, we're up now." *pokes Cori*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grins to Alice* what's the harm in looking? *laughs and gives Jarod a wide, cheerful grin*

Sha-Sha: *She blinks as Alice's hand goes down.* Oh pardon, I'm sorry. *She gets a sort of meek apologetic look and offers her own hand.*

Keith Newcomb: He stands up. "I'll do it for you."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): we are? cool! *laughs and rises to head for the stage* let's get it ON!

Alexander Donovan: Alex turns to look at Jarod after shaking hands with the various people at the table, giving him a wink. "Or I may be more his type."

Alice Newcomb: Groans as Charles and Cori are called and tears some strips off her napkin, rolling them into ear plugs.

Sha-Sha: *She smirks at Alice's comment.* You wont know if he is until you try...

Alice Newcomb: "Keith!" she hisses.

Charles Knight: *he heads on up*

Alice Newcomb: "Just cuz someone is easy on the eyes doesn't mean I wanna jump their bones. Sheesh!"

Keith Newcomb: He heads over to Jarod.

Alexander Donovan: "Does it mean that you don't?"

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *clambers onto the stage and takes the mike, grinning from ear to ear. offering it to her partner in crime so they can share it*

Alice Newcomb: Smirks at Alex. "Yeah all the best looking ones usually are.. like that."

Jarod Freeman: He looks up as Cori and Charles head to the stage, a bit of interest in what they'll be singing, and then glances back to the table. Alex gets no more then a brief nod...Keith's rise to his feet gets a raised brow.

Charles Knight: *and the song begins to play "I Got You, Babe" by Sonny and Cher*

Sha-Sha: *She laughs* Since when does inviting a man to join you in a group mean sex? Or are you guys planning things for right here?

Charles Knight: d10: Singing: 4,7,

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): d10: singing: 3,1,

Charles Knight: *He can barely keep a straight face, but somehow ends up not sucking this time*

Alice Newcomb: "It means I'm more suble than that."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *and her singing's so bad, he probably sounds like a GOD in comparision. but she has fun, swishing her nonexistant rump and batting her lashes at Charles happily*

Alice Newcomb: "Someone please shoot me if they go for a third song."

Sha-Sha: *She blinks at the two on the stage and grimaces.* Oooo...they need practice...

Keith Newcomb: He flinches visibly at the 'sound' from the stage.

Charles Knight: *Charles takes a bow* "Anyone up for an encore?"

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): ((i'm laughing so hard right cat is hiding from me.))

Alice Newcomb: Covers her ears, even with the plugs in them.

Alice Newcomb: "I'll PAY you to stop!"

Sha-Sha: ((*LOL@Cori*))

Keith Newcomb: He gets up to where Jarod is, a nod. "I have a request from my sister and the other ladies at the table, to see if you'd want to join us. I'm Keith."

Jarod Freeman: Cori's "singing" draws a flinch, hands actually coming up to his ears. "Oh, my fucking..."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grisn widely* heck, yeah! that was fun! we suck so bad we gotta be good. *laughing* although i think if we don't get off the stage,w e're going dumpster diving.

Alexander Donovan: Alex twirls some of his hair around his fingers and shoves it in his ears. Alice: "Hey, Guys. Girls. Warm and willing."

Charles Knight: "Fine, I guess." *he'll head down* "By the way, I think we should call it a draw. That SO beat my last one. You just needed to get warmed up."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *chortles and gets off the stage* whatcha gonna pay us to keep our melodious voices from singing you a sweet little lullaby?

Jarod Freeman: He looks up at Keith, blinking. When they've stopped singing, he removes his hands from his ears. "Sorry...say that again?"

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *laughs* nah, you won, fair and square. we already had our contest and i lost.

Keith Newcomb: Jarod: A shudder. "Said, I have a request from my sister and the other ladies at the table to see if you want to join us, and maybe *that* way we can keep Cori off the fucking stage. I'm Keith."

Alice Newcomb: "Anything you want. My first born. A pint of blood... my soul."

Charles Knight: "Poor Alice, I have money already." *grins* "So that won't work on me. I'll keep singing until I get tired. Maybe I'll do another show at 3."

Charles Knight: *THAT causes him to frown*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): how about a fat slice ofcheesecake sometime? not from here, though. *lowers her voice* this place serves the cheesecake equivalent of my last tune.

Jarod Freeman: He looks over at the table, and then back. "Is your sister the horrible singer, the goth, or the underage one?" He rises to his feet, taking his beer in his hand. "Just to be know."

Alice Newcomb: Laughs. "You got it. I'll buy you the whole damned cake. I'd offer to bake you one, but then you'd be out for vengeance."

Keith Newcomb: "She's the underage one so off limits, but hey, the goth and the bad singer are up for grabs." Heading back to the table.

Alice Newcomb: Looks at Charles. "What?"

Alexander Donovan: "I don't know. I think another trip up there might be good for him. I'm sure the other patrons have some agressions to work out..."

Charles Knight: *he leans in to whisper to her, with an eyeroll*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *giggles* your cooking can't be worse than mine. ask Jim sometime how i fix my toast. best cheesecake in town, by the way, is this dinky little sweetshop. you go there, though, please take your big bro or else you might find yourself dead or worse. *a wry grin*

Alice Newcomb: (Poor Alice is never going to get a boyfriend.)

Sha-Sha: Right, then. I think I shall give it a go. *She stands and heads for the stage*

Sha-Sha: d10: Singing: 4,6,7,4,8,9,

Alice Newcomb: Cori> "I can take care of myself."

Alexander Donovan: Alex looks up at Cori.

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grins to Sha* good luck!

Alice Newcomb: Blinks at Charles and whispers back to him.

Jarod Freeman: His eyes roll. "Got it." He sighs and approaches the table with Keith, smiling to everyone there. "Hello."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): eh, i know you can. but you're a cutie, see, and there's a couple of gangs around that part of town that always seem to be fighting over that neighborhood. *shrugs cheerfully*

Keith Newcomb: He gets back to the table. "This is my sister Alice, the minor. I'll let the rest introduce themselves." Sitting back down and slugging his beer, watching Sha-Sha with interest.

Sha-Sha: *She gets up there and the song begins to play, and given the people right before her, her voice sounds like pure heaven on the ears. She moves a bit with the music, really getting into the performance, singing "Wish I Had an Angel" by Nightwish.*

Charles Knight: *he shakes his head, his expression telling Alice that he is quite serious, but he drops the matter for now*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grins to Jarod cheerfully* hey. i'm Cori. *chuckles* and i promise, i won't sing at you. not from this distance--you can reach me from here, you see.

Sha-Sha: There are not any words in the English language 100 letters long.

Sha-Sha: ((*Blinks* It wont let me post the website...*LOL*))

Alice Newcomb: Blinks pale blue eyes up at Jarod. Hells bells! Keith fetched him over! "Pull up a chair," she says scooting over to make room for him between her and Alex.

Alexander Donovan: Alex offers his hand to JArod. "Alexander Donovan. A pleasure.

Alice Newcomb: Gives Charles a nod, then looks at the stage. "Wow, she's good!"

Charles Knight: "Charles." *he listens, and has to agree with Alice* "Yeah, what's she doing hanging out with us?"

Jarod Freeman: "Hey, all. I'm Jarod. Nice to meet you." He waves at everyone and then lowers himself into the offered seat between Alice and Alex, taking a drink off his beer.

Keith Newcomb: "She has the voice, the looks, the everything." He grins, watching Sha-Sha. Ohhhh yeah.

Jarod Freeman: Alex gets a shake of the hand. He looks up to the stage briefly, nodding at the performance with some approval, then back.

Alexander Donovan: "I think someone needs to tell her that it's amatuer night."

Alice Newcomb: Jarod> "In two more days, I won't be a minor," she says, giving Keith a 'just you wait' look.

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *blinsk hard at the stage* whoa! daaaaaamn, she's good. and would be even without us to make her look better!

Alice Newcomb: Looks to see if Jarod is wearing a wedding ring.

Keith Newcomb: Alice: "No," he mutters, "but I'll still be your brother."

Alexander Donovan: Alice: "Happy birthday!"

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grins at Keith and Alice* hmmm, i guess maybe there's bennies to being an only child. *laughs*

Sha-Sha: *She comes down off the stage and back over to join the group. Wow! That was exhilarating. She's practically glowing as she makes her way back.*

Alice Newcomb: Of course the creepy guy would be the first to wish her a happy birthday. "Technically I only have a birthday every four years, since I was born on the 29th."

Alexander Donovan: Applauds as Sha Sha rejoins them.

Sha-Sha: *She hears a wish of happy birthday and notes who it's directed at.* Happy Birthday, should I go back and annouce it?

Alice Newcomb: Sha> "Hey, do another one! Quick before Charles or Cori go for the mike!"

Jarod Freeman: He is not wearing a wedding ring. He chuckles a little to Alice. "I'll still be 11 years older then you."

Sha-Sha: *She bows at the applause, grinning.*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *grins to Sha* you rocked, chickie! *chuckles* and happy early birthday, hon. gimme a call on the day and i'll see if i can hook you up with a special bit of jewelery from the stuff i only sell to certain folks. as a present,not to buy. *grins*

Alice Newcomb: "No, no... noooo. Don't. It's not until Tuesday anyway... or Wednesday."

Jarod Freeman: He looks up at the empty stage for a moment, eyes longing. "I know I just joined the table...anyone mind if I go up?"

Charles Knight: "Well, Happy Birthday Alice. And I hate to do this so suddenly, but I'm tired, and it's getting late...I should get going." (and his player is almost asleep at the keyboard)

Keith Newcomb: Sha-Sha: "Totally beautiful."

Alexander Donovan: Cori: "I'll drink to that." Alice: "So make the party last 4 days once you get started."

Sha-Sha: *She laughs* Alright, if you insist...*She takes a few steps back towards the stage like she's going to announce it anyway, with a glance back at Alice to see if the girl's going to really try to stop her.*

Keith Newcomb: Jarod: "Go ahead." Nods goodbye to Charles. And remembers to say, "Thanks for the beer."

Alice Newcomb: "Aww, you don't have to Cori." Jarod> "Damn, you're absolutely ancient."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *chuckles* i'll be heading out soon myself. *stretches lazily*

Sha-Sha: *She stops as Jarod looks to be heading for the stage and laughs, looking at Alice* Well, I guess you get a reprieve...

Charles Knight: *to Alice* "It makes him almost two years younger than me. Anyway, see you guys around." *he gives a wave and he gets up to leave*

Sha-Sha: Night then...*She nods at Charles, still grinning*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): go for it, chiuckie! *grins to Sha cheerfully, then smiels warmly to Alice* i know i don't. that's why i am. take care Charles! see ya soon! *grins widely to him*

Alice Newcomb: "What?! No!" Gives Jarod a shove towards her. "He's gonna sing!"

Alice Newcomb: "See ya, Charles."

Alexander Donovan: Alex waves to charles as he gets up to leave. "Goodnight."

Sha-Sha: *She laughs even more as Alice shoves the new guy towards the stage.*

Jarod Freeman: "You have no idea," he says to Alice with a slight chuckle. He nods and rises to head up to the stage, slipping around and taking the microphone. He pulls up a stool and sits down on the stage, after a brief conversation with the DJ. The opening bars of 'Without You' from Rent begin to play.

Charles Knight: *and he's gone* ((thanks for the RP! *waves*))

Alice Newcomb: He can't be any worse than Charles and Cori. No one could! The odds three like that showing up at the same karaoke bar had to be astronomical.

Jarod Freeman: d10: Sing (Abil. Apt-WP): 10,8,5,3,6,8,8,

Jarod Freeman: d10: Specialty: Music: 4,

Jarod Freeman: ((

Sha-Sha: *She blinks* He can't sing that one alone! *She goes up towards the stage to take Mimi's part*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *jaw drops. simply listens. not much else she can do, with music like that*

Keith Newcomb: He finishes off his beer.

Keith Newcomb: "Damn..." He watches the stage intently. "If I ever get together a band, I want him as the singer."

Alice Newcomb: "Whoa... I think I'm in love." Pulls the plugs out of her ears.

Alexander Donovan: "OK, what album did these two publish?" He asks as Sha heads up to join Jarod.

Jarod Freeman: The second the opening bars begin, he's gone, lost into the music. He sings both Mimi's and Roger's parts, his voice taking on an ethereal quality...easily conveying the soft pain and loss, the sadness, and the sense that while the world goes on without the subject of the song, he as the singer does not.

Jarod Freeman: ((Delete the bit about Mimi if Sha-Sha joins. *S*))

Sha-Sha: ((Erm...Jarod? Sha's not allowed to join?))

Sha-Sha: ((*L* Okay))

Alice Newcomb: Keith> "Better recruit him before someone else does."

Alice Newcomb: She just sits there staring at Jarod as he sings. He's just... incredible.

Keith Newcomb: He shakes his head, speaking quietly. "I doubt he'd say yes."

Sha-Sha: *She blends her voice with Jarod's, letting the feel of the song come through her. She plays off him, letting him lead whether they seem to be singing it to each other or not.*

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): can always ask. *very quietly, to Keith*

Alice Newcomb: Nods... "Yeah... ask him."

Keith Newcomb: Cori: Murmurs, "Be better if I had a band. There's no one but me. I just got into town."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *nods* advertise. hard and fast.....*sighs softly* Gods, that's gorgeous.

Jarod Freeman: He follows the song through to the end, letting the final chords play. His eyes are shut throughout, the emotions of the song running through his face quite fluidly. When it finally ends, he opens his eyes, looking to his singing partner with a soft smile and a nod.

Alice Newcomb: "Tell him you're starting up. You gotta get him. You'll make MTV, guaranteed."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *and joins in the applause for the song*

Sha-Sha: *She nods at him, waiting until they are away from the mics to speak.* I'm Sha-Sha, I hope you don't mind that I joined you...It was just when I heard the choice in song...*She lets it trail off.*

Alexander Donovan: Alex's eyes half close during the song, his fingers making a drumming motion, but not actually hitting the table, just drumming the air. When the song comes to an end, he applauds vigrourously.

Alexander Donovan: "Simon's worst nightmare. A singer that could leave him speachless."

Keith Newcomb: He applauds. "I've advertised."

Jarod Freeman: "No..." He shakes his head, mellow. "Not at all...well-done." He rises from the stool, half-bowing, before making his way off the stage.

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): hey, why not see if you can post a notice up around Juilliard? *tilts her head at Keith* if you haven't already.

Sha-Sha: *She grins.* Oh good. Did I see you'd joined our group while I was heading to the stage?

Alice Newcomb: She's just staring, it doesn't even occur to her to applaud. It was like hearing angels sing.

Jarod Freeman: "I did." He extends his hand to her. "I'm Jarod."

Alice Newcomb: However the artist in her is doing backflips.

Sha-Sha: *She shakes his hand* A pleasure, you have an amazing voice!

Keith Newcomb: Cori: "Maybe." He runs a hand over his face, watching Sha and Jarod. "I *am* a really good drummer. Good enough to give lessons, which I'm doing now."

Sha-Sha: *And begins heading back to the group with Jarod*

Alice Newcomb: Keith> "You're no worse off if he says no. Nothing to loose by trying."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *nods* exactly.

Jarod Freeman: "Thanks." He nods and looks back to the group as he takes a seat, smiling a little bit and picking his beer back up.

Alexander Donovan: "I want free tickets if he says 'yes'."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: (room for one more?)

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): dude. *shaking her head in admiration* that was beyond words. *grins*

Keith Newcomb: He looks to Sha and then Jarod. "Don't suppose either of you two play an instrument or sing for a band?"

Alice Newcomb: Jarold> "That was incredible. Are you in a band?"

Alice Newcomb: ((Open!))

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *chuckles softly* i gotta go, gang. nice meeting everyone. *grins* however--i'd rather not have a mess to clean up when i get home. be safe everyone. *laughs* and have fun doing it.

Alexander Donovan: ((of course!))

Alice Newcomb: "Hey, I'll see you 'round, Cori. You got my number?"

Keith Newcomb: Nods to Cori.

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *nods to Alice, grinning* yeah, i do. i'll give ya a call so we can hook up and you can pick out that piece of jewelery.

Jarod Freeman: "Goodbye, Cori. Nice meeting you." He nods to her, and then looks to Alice and Keith, blinking as they ask the same question. "I don't sing for a band, no. I do a lot of open mic, though. I'm an actor."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: The young girl meanders into the place with a carefree stride. Dressed in a pair of skintight white leather hip huggers and a white tank with a silver star across the chest. Long blonde hair down for the evening, sans makeup. She walks with a subtle sway of the hips toward the bar to order the first of many drinks she plans to consume before her night's up.

Jarod Freeman: ((Yesh yesh!))

Alice Newcomb: "Cool. Or we could do something that doesn't involve singing?" *G*

Alexander Donovan: "Goodnight, Cori."

Keith Newcomb: "Well, if you act as good as you sing, you'll have a hell of a career. Just asking cuz I'm trying to get a band together. Kinda tough since I'm new in town, don't know nobody."

Cori Braun (karaoke bar): *and heads outwith a wide, cheerful grin* ((*G* night, ya'll! *waves and toddles* this was fun.))

Alice Newcomb: Looks from Keith to Jarod, then hooks a finger at her brother. "He's a hell of a drummer."

Jarod Freeman: "What kind of music?" He seems to be asking more out of curiosity then anything else, as he relights his clove.

Alice Newcomb: ((Good night!))

Jarod Freeman: d10: Per+Alert: 5,2,2,1,8,

Alexander Donovan: Keith: "What kind of music do you prefer?"

Keith Newcomb: ((Night!))

Jarod Freeman: ((*Hugs a Cori-P*)) He doesn't notice Brigette as she walks in, looking to the Newcombs instead.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte slips up to the bar, leaning forward in a sultry pose. "Skyy, love. On the rocks. Thanks." She digs a wallet out of her backpocket.. takes some prying but it's eventually fished out.

Keith Newcomb: He looks rather surprised at Alice. Answers the two guys, "Looking mainly for black metal, though speed metal, thrash, hardcore punk...any of that works. I can drum most any kind of a music. Did jazz, blues."

Alexander Donovan: ((Nighty night, Cori's Player. I'm too lazy to look up names right now.))

Alice Newcomb: "I'm gonna go again." Rising from her seat. Not that she's going to top what they've just heard, but if nothing else, it's inspired her.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte wraps a frail hand around her glass and meanders away from the bar, bright emerald eyes cast to the crowd. Mmm.. let's see who we have here..

Sha-Sha: ((Sorry guys, computer locked up and had to be rebooted, repost?))

Keith Newcomb: He stands at just about six feet tall, around his early to mid 20s. He has a strong athletic build, though he isn’t bulked up like a weightlifter. His face is attractive and lean, the hint of dimples, and his eyes are a dark hazel. His straight blond hair plays down past his shoulders in a single layer of cream, and he dresses usually in ripped-up blue jeans or artfully torn black leather, paired with a long-sleeved jersey displaying a band of generally black metal or hardcore punk, though he sometimes favors The Doors. His jacket is a black leather motorcycle jacket with the Misfits “Legacy of Brutality” cover screenprinted on the back.

Alice Newcomb: She heads to the stage, whispering to the dj before taking the mike. Someone needs to break the ice after that performance, or no one will sing the rest of the night.

Keith Newcomb: ((Sha-Sha: Keith asked if either Sha or Jarod played an instrument or sang in a band. *S* He's a drummer looking to start up a band, new in town, etc.))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: d10: per+alert: 7,7,6,2,

Alice Newcomb: She arrives in ratty levis, artfully ripped in all the right places, black boots, a studded belt and collar, with a chain dangling from her hip to her back pocket. A Testament tee shirt with a picture of a demon and angel embracing. Over it all is a long, black leather duster. Her short hair is blood red with yellow streaks, and she's wearing heavy black liner around her eyes. Her lips are painted ruby red.

Alice Newcomb: Before the music really starts, she looks up, holding the mike and in a child-like voice says, "God?"

Alexander Donovan: Alex runs his fingers through his hair, pushing it all to the back. "I've got some discs out in the car. A band that might be able to match you up with someone that's looking. Maybe."

Alexander Donovan: "Or at least, find you a good spot to start looking."

Alice Newcomb: The recorded choir intones softly, and she launches into Madonna's Like a Prayer. (

Jarod Freeman: He looks up at Alice on the stage, giving her a smile. Supportive.

Alice Newcomb: d10: sing (wp): 6,7,7,8,7,

Jarod Freeman: "I might consider it," he says idly to Keith. "Metal's not normally my thing, but the style's not that important. It's the music that is."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte looks up to the stage with an amused grin to the familiar girl. Scanning the crowd her eyes fall on Jarod and his group, a soft smile creeps across pretty lips. She makes her way over taking a sip from her vodka.

Keith Newcomb: Jarod: "Even just for fun, something to d---" Blinks at Alice. "Huh?"

Sha-Sha: *She shakes her head with a grin.* No, I just got into town about a month and a half ago.

Alice Newcomb: Oh, yeah, she's definitely inspired. She's singing to the heavens... a different sort of love song than Sha and Jarod sang. This one far more upbeat. You can practically feel the love pouring off her in the sanctity of love.

Jarod Freeman: He smiles at the song, chuckling faintly before he shakes his head. "Sounds like your sister's got some talent herself."

Keith Newcomb: Mutters, "How in the fuck can *anyone* make Madonna sound good?"

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte slinks up behind Jarod and leans down to give him a kiss on the top of the head. "Oo la la.. Fancy meeting you here, love."

Alexander Donovan: Alex smirks, leaning back to listen.

Sha-Sha: *She grins up at Alice.* Very nice...*She looks over at the woman heading their way and chuckles waving at her.*

Keith Newcomb: Momentarily distracted by Brigitte, looking her over. With a Madonna song in the background? Not so sure he wants to overthink that.

Alice Newcomb: "It's like a dream to me..." The music trailing off with her voice. Grinning she sets the mike on the stool and scampers back to her seat.

Jarod Freeman: He starts at the kiss, not expecting it, before he looks up. A small smile on his face, a little unsure. "Hey, you."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She flitters a girlish wave to Keith, eyes floating over him as well. "Hey there, stud."

Keith Newcomb: Well, he pretty much has to applaud, shaking his head. "If you sang metal, kid, we could probably talk shop."

Alice Newcomb: Sha> "Thanks!" Double taking the new arrival at their table, her grin vanishing.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte drapes her long arms over Jarod's shoulders from behind. Inching closer to the man. She leans down with a loving smile. "I've missed you."

Sha-Sha: *A woman of Gothic Beauty stands before you. She could be a model though you likely don't recognize her face. She has long hair that's been dyed a deep black with the bangs and front bleached and dyed bright blue. Her eyes are dark and trimmed with long, beautiful lashes, accented by the kohl liner around them. Her full lips are painted a dark red. She as a complexion of pale cream, flawless. Her curvaecious figure shows the constant exercise in it's tone and firmness. Tonight she's wearing a navy, pleather dress with lacing up the back through large d-rings. ((Back of dress: )) On her feet are a pair of heeled boots reaching to about mid-calf. ((Sha: ))

Keith Newcomb: Nods to Brigitte. "Hey, gorgeous." Looking her over thoroughly. "I'm Keith."

Alice Newcomb: "I can sing metal. Just can't do the really low dog-barking notes. It gives me a sore throat."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She offers keith a dainty hand from over Jarod's shoulder. "Emma. It's a pleasure."

Sha-Sha: *She blinks at Brigitte draping herself all over Jarod. Riiiight.*

Alexander Donovan: Alex raises an eyebrow at Jarod getting smooched. "Well, a few ladies are about to get jealous."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She flashes a sweet smile to Alexander "Jealous, love?" She tilts her head with a playful curious look to Jarod.

Alice Newcomb: Scoots a little closer to Keith, not intending to make room for Brigitte so much as just get closer to her brother.

Sha-Sha: He just won the heart of many in this room with his awesome voice. Hello Emma. *She smirks.*

Keith Newcomb: Alex: "Jealousy is a waste of time." He takes Brigitte's hand, giving it a shake. Nope, not the type of man who does the courtly kissing of the hand.

Jarod Freeman: "Missed you, too." He looks at the woman around his shoulders, smiling a little bit...a touch of concern coloring his face.

Alexander Donovan: Alex laughs. "Yes and no. I'm always a little jealous of beutiful people that aren't with me, but I have enough of my own to make me feel better."

Keith Newcomb: He glances to Alice.

Alice Newcomb: Nudges Keith. "It's getting late," she whispers.

Sha-Sha: *She raises an eyebrow at Alice and looks between her and Brigitte*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She tilts her head with a sweet smile to Alice. Innocent really. "Ohhh.. love.. Am I making you uncomfortable?" She flashes keith a sultry wink. "Yo'ure not about to leave now are you.. After all.. We just met."

Keith Newcomb: He stands up. "Good to meet all of you. We'll say goodnight for now."

Keith Newcomb: Brigitte: "Good point." He looks to Alice. "We have to go now?"

Sha-Sha: Good night then, Keith, Alice, It was a pleasure to meet you both.

Alice Newcomb: Rises with Keith. "No.. ummm... it's just past my bed time. Nice meeting you all."

Sha-Sha: ((DLP))

Jarod Freeman: He looks between Brigette, Keith and Alice, brow furrowed a little, speculatively.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte starts rubbing Jarod's shoulders with a sweet smile to Alice.

Sha-Sha: *She simply watches the goings on.*

Keith Newcomb: "I'll walk you out to your bike." Nudging Alice and heading to the door.

Alexander Donovan: Alice: "A pleasure seeing you again." Keith: "Goodnight. I will probably see you around."

Alice Newcomb: Takes Keith's arm. "Yeah, it's late." Voice low as she tries to get him moving towards the door.

Sha-Sha: A pleasure meeting you Alice, *She's not certain whether or not to bid Keith a farewell yet.*

Keith Newcomb: Alex: "Probably. I might return." Being pulled out the door.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She flitters a girlish wave "Another time, Alice. It was lovely seeing you again. Keith.." She gives a subtle bat of the lashes. ".. when you get back.. I'm SOO buying you a drink."

Jarod Freeman: "Bye, Alice." He leans back into the hands rubbing his shoulders, taking a drag off his clove.

Sha-Sha: Well, good night, if you don't then Keith, it was a pleasure meeting you as well.

Keith Newcomb: A last wave before he's pulled out the door, his expression not exactly pleased.

Alice Newcomb: Brigitte's 'another time' just gives her goosebumps as she drags her brother out the door.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a tiny sigh watching them flee. She tilts her head to give an apologetic look to Jarod. "I didn't mean to scare away your little friends, love.. forgive me?"

Jarod Freeman: He shakes his head, chuckling slightly at Brigette's comment to Keith.

Jarod Freeman: He looks up to her and shrugs. "I just met them, Emma. You're fine." That last almost a question as well as a statement.

Alexander Donovan: Alex looks the newest arrival over for a moment. "So, how much does my imagination do justice to that last comment to Keith?"

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She flashes a sly grin to Alexander "Depends on how wild your imagination is." She giggles and leans down to kiss Jarod's cheek, murmering something softly into the man's ear.

Alexander Donovan: Alex takes the liberty of sliding an arm around Sha Sha. Worst case, he figures, is that she slaps the hell out of him.

Brigitte Clara Deleon -> Jarod Freeman: "That Alice girl.. she had some kind of run in with Tom and his crowd.. and now acts as though I were the spawn of satan. I'd look out for her if I were you."

Jarod Freeman: He listens, nodding, and leans back to brush his lips over her cheek, murmuring back.

Jarod Freeman -> Brigitte Clara Deleon: "Then you may want to avoid persuing her brother."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She leans back up with a pout and a girlish huff. "You're no fun."

Alexander Donovan: ((Orr.... not))

Keith Newcomb: ~And Keith does not return this night.~ ((Night, all, thanks for the RP!))

Alexander Donovan: "Perhaps I should give that a try then..." Alex rises and heads up to the stage.

Sha-Sha: *Rather than slap him, she grins up at Alex and snuggles down into him, getting comfortable.* ((*kicks this laptop several times*))

Sha-Sha: ((Gah...sorry...:( ))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte curls around to take a seat near Jarod, eyes following Alexander to the stage with an appreciative smile.

Alexander Donovan: ((He'll be back. ))

Jarod Freeman: He shrugs a little bit and leans back in his seat.

Alexander Donovan: ((Ehh.. what's the roll on this anyway?))

Sha-Sha: *She watches Alex go up to the stage with a grin.*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte looks over to Jarod with a tiny apologetic smile. "How've you been?"

Sha-Sha: ((I Did Cha + Performance))

Jarod Freeman: ((Cha+Perf))

Jean Luc Lemore: Walks into the bar.

Alexander Donovan: d10: Better than C&C?: 9,6,8,4,

Jean Luc Lemore: He’s one of those men with a perpetual 5 o’clock shadow. He’s got the grunge look down pat, but not as an affectation, he’s just a natural for it. His sun-bleached auburn hair has faded to streaks of red amongst the sable brown. Sunken eyes suggest he rarely gets enough sleep, and there’s a gauntness to his chiseled features. He has a trim build and stands a full 6’2 when he’s not slouching. Likely he would clean up pretty if you could get him into some decent clothes. (Fame 2)

Jarod Freeman: "Same old, same old," he says to Brigette, smiling faintly with a shrug.

Alexander Donovan: Alex starts up to Benetar's 'Sex as a Weapon', but with a twist on the lyrics.

Alexander Donovan: I really know how to strut that stuff Really know how to act tough My body's just like a centerfold A fantasy , anyone would want to hold Chorus: I'm using sex as a weapon Must be using sex as a weapon You know you're already my obsession can't (stop) using sex as a weapon Love is more than a one way reflection won't (stop) using sex as a weapon

Sha-Sha: ((What's Jean Luc famous for?))

Jean Luc Lemore: Glances towards the stage arching a brow as he heads to the bar and orders a beer.

Alexander Donovan: With looks that kill and a mind that's twisted - I know that you can't resist it - you tell yourself look the other way - When you want me to - I, I always stay - I play with desire like it was a toy - How much affection can you enjoy? - I wrap your heart around me little finger - Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex as a weapon - I'm using sex as a weapon - love using sex - Chorus - I'm using sex as a weapon - Love using sex as a weapon - I'm using sex - enjoy using sex as a weapon - Can't Stop...stop - Sex as a weapon, as a weapon -

Jean Luc Lemore: ((Police detective, Real American Hero, he recently saved a child from a burning building and the papers recounted it as miraculous. He's been decorated several times for bravery and courage.))

Sha-Sha: ((Thanks! *G*))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a tiny nod and a sad smile to Jarod. "I understand. I ran into an old friend at the club the other night. Angel."

Sha-Sha: *She glances at "Emma." Then looks back at the stage.*

Jean Luc Lemore: Idly taps his fingers to the music, listening without looking as he drinks the beer.

Jarod Freeman: "Oh?" A brow raises. "How is she?"

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She looks over to Sha Sha with a tiny wink and raises her skyy to pretty lips.

Alexander Donovan: He can't really compete with the last two, so making the lyrics a little his own assuages his ego. He makes a passable attempt to his own ears before he steps back down off the stage and back to the group.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a sad laugh and looks over to Jarod. "Pregnant. Her and Nate are getting on quite nicely I guess." A definite hint of bitterness creeps up in the young girl's tone. "I'm happy for her." She says, a blatant lie.

Jean Luc Lemore: Dark eyes play briefly over Donovan as he leaves the stage.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte claps frail hands together after his song is finished. She flashes him a sweet smile. "That was lovely."

Jarod Freeman: He applauds at Alex's performance, then looks over to Brigette. "I know." His eyes very truly knowing. He reaches over and puts a hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly.

Alexander Donovan: Alex chuckles as he leans back into his seat, throwing an arm around Sha-Sha. "What, no urge to slap the man so blatant in his chauvanism?"

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives Jarod a weak smile and leans her face to the hand on her shoulder.

Sha-Sha: *She shakes her head a bit at Emma's blatant lies. Then smiles at Alex as he returns.* That was wonderful. *She applauds him, with a grin.*

Jean Luc Lemore: Elbows on the bar he lifts the beer, dragging a thumb over the glass to clear the mist of condensation, and stares into the golden liquor, watching the bubbles ascend.

Sha-Sha: *She laughs and shrugs at Alex* We're here to have fun aren't we?

Brigitte Clara Deleon: The young girl gives a pained look down to her glass and downs the rest of her vodka. She slips up from her chair and gives Jarod a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to grab another drink. You guys need anything while I'm up?"

Jean Luc Lemore: Hmmmf. He chugs it back and orders another

Jarod Freeman: He leans over, almost suddenly, and slips his arms around Brigette's shoulders, hugging her. He kisses behind her ear and murmurs to her.

Jarod Freeman -> Brigitte Clara Deleon: "You're not alone in this. And I love you. You know that, right?"

Sha-Sha: *She shakes her head at Brigitte's offer.* No thanks.

Alexander Donovan: "No, I'm good."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She turns with a loving smlie to Jarod and wraps her arm around his shoulder in a weak hug. "I know." She kisses his cheek.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She nods to the pair at the table and unclings from Jarod to menader back toward the bar. She slips up next to Jean with a sultry lean against the counter "Another Skyy, love?" She flashes the man a sweet smile.

Sha-Sha: *She looks up at Alex. Something to change the mood.* So, was this one of those other places that you mentioned going to from time to time?

Jean Luc Lemore: He turns his head just enough to look over the woman standing beside him, slowly, from head to foot and back again.

Jarod Freeman: He watches Brigette go, sighing sadly, and picks up his drink for a sip.

Alexander Donovan: "No. I just stopped in to use the bathroom, and noticed Alice. She and I have a bit of... history together."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a tiny preen, not seeming to mind the once over in the slightest. "You look strangely familiar.." She lets pretty green eyes float over the man's body.

Sha-Sha: Oh? *Her brows raise* What kind of history?

Alexander Donovan: "Oh, just a little arguement I had with a cousin of hers. Just enough for me to stop and say 'hi'.

Jean Luc Lemore: Hard to tell much about his build in the loose clothes, a black duster over a black unmarked tee shirt and black jeans. Must be his favorite color. "You don't," he says in a flat baritone.

Jarod Freeman: He glances back at Sha-Sha and Alex, listening quiet.

Jarod Freeman: ((Quietly. :P))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a soft laugh, flipping a bit of blonde hair off a dainty shoulder. "Well.. guess that solves that, then. My name's Emma." She says sweetly and extends a frail hand to the man.

Sha-Sha: Oh, an argument with someone's family seems an odd reason to decide to hang around with them, unless the argument was over them?

Alexander Donovan: "How about you two. What brings you to one of New Yorks finest modes of entertainment?" No, no sarcasm there at all!.

Jean Luc Lemore: "Lemore," she says gruffly, his larger hand encompassing hers completely as he shakes. His grip is hard and unyielding.

Sha-Sha: What takes one anywhere but chance? Fate? *She grins*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a mock wince and lets a flighty laugh slips through pretty lips. "Careful, love.. you break it, you buy it. And I doubt you can afford me."

Alexander Donovan: "Not really, but the night ended better than it started. I think."

Jarod Freeman: He shrugs a little bit to Alexander. "Music and alcohol."

Sha-Sha: *She grins at Alex.* I'm glad you think so. I'm rather enjoying it myself.

Jean Luc Lemore: "Probably couldn't," she says honestly enough.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She flashes the man a sweet smile and turns to wrap a delicate hand around her glass. "I'm at a table with some friends of mine. You want some company? Or were you going for that bleak-loner look?" She flashes him a playful smile over her shoulder and meanders away from the bar.

Jean Luc Lemore: He looks over his shoulder at the group she's sitting with, then watches her ass as she saunters away. Dropping a couple bills on the bar, he takes his beer and trails after Emma. "Evening folks."

Sha-Sha: *She looks up at Jean Luc and smiles* Hello...

Brigitte Clara Deleon: The young girl slips fluidly back to her seat with a soft smile up to Lemore. "Have a seat, love." She says, motioning to the one next to her.

Jarod Freeman: He looks up to Jean Luc, nodding a little to him. "Hey."

Jean Luc Lemore: He settles into the chair indicated, dark eyes playing over his new companions. "Lemore," he says by way of introduction.

Alexander Donovan: Jarod: "Both worthy uses of time." Sha: "What can I say? The company is good." Brig: "Welcome back, I see you reeled one in." Alex offers his hand to JLL: "Alexander Donovan."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She nods with a sip of her vodka and a sly grin to Alexander. "We all have our talents, love. Reeling them in just happens to be one of mine. That and strip twister."

Sha-Sha: *She nods at the introduction.* Sha-Sha, a pleasure. *She waits until he's shaken Alex's hand to offer her own.*

Jean Luc Lemore: Takes the hand and gives it a firm shake. "Pleasure."

Jean Luc Lemore: He shakes Sha-Sha's hand next, then offers it to Jarod as he makes the rounds through the intros.

Jarod Freeman: A moment's pause, before he extends his hand and shakes it.

Alexander Donovan: Brig: "I've got a little too much muscle for twister. The 'strip' part I think I could manage though."

Jean Luc Lemore: Alex> "Not sure if that's a spectator sport."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a tiny shrug and a playful smile in alexander's direction "I'm sure you'd do just fine, love. I could always coach you.. if you like."

Jean Luc Lemore: "..but it should be."

Sha-Sha: A woman of Gothic Beauty stands before you. She could be a model though you likely don't recognize her face. She has long hair that's been dyed a deep black with the bangs and front bleached and dyed bright blue. Her eyes are dark and trimmed with long, beautiful lashes, accented by the kohl liner around them. Her full lips are painted a dark red. She as a complexion of pale cream, flawless. Her curvaecious figure shows the constant exercise in it's tone and firmness. Tonight she's wearing a navy, pleather dress with lacing up the back through large d-rings and a pair of black heeled boots that reach to mid calf. ((Back of Dress at: Sha: )) and it just dawned on me, something that's been missing from the desc: Around her neck she ALWAYS wears what looks like a normal playing dart that's been made into a pendant.

Sha-Sha: *She laughs* The more muscle you have, the better you should be able to twist...*She reaches out and feels his arm muscles.*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She takes a sip from her skyy and lets the rim of the glass trail teasingly along pretty lips. She winks at Jean.

Alexander Donovan: Alex flexes a little when she test the muscle. "Oh, it's good for heavy lifting. Not quite as nimble as I could be though."

Jarod Freeman: He leans back, half-paying attention to the conversation as he smokes...eyes watching the stage.

Sha-Sha: looked pretty nimble in Limelight. *She winks at him*

Jean Luc Lemore: Both eyebrows elevate briefly at the wink, then he clears his throat and chugs down some beer.

Alexander Donovan: "Dancing isn't the same as 'right foot green, left foot red."

Alexander Donovan: "No, some of the boys I'm with... they could probably give anyone a run for their money at twister."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte leans over and gives Jarod's knee a gentle squeeze. "So.. are you coming over tonight?"

Jean Luc Lemore: Glances at Brigitte, then Jarod.

Sha-Sha: *She laughs.* I suppose you are right.

Jarod Freeman: "Hmmm?" He looks from the stage over to Brigette suddenly, blinking. "Oh. Umm...yeah, sure." He nods a little bit, sighing. "I can't stay at the apartment anymore, so..."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She nods, leaning back against her own chair and giving her glass a swirl. "All moved out, then? I guess that's a step in the right direction at the very least." She pauses and looks down to her vodka. "You don't HAVE to come over.."

Jarod Freeman: "No, not moved out." He shakes his head. "I just...can't stay there. And I'm spending too much time at the club right now, anyway."

Jean Luc Lemore: Drinks his beer, listening to them converse.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She nods, looking up to the man "It'll do you some good to get out for a bit. How're things coming along?"

Sha-Sha: *She lets her hand trail along Alex's arm a bit before dropping to her lap.*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: The young girl fidgets a bit, leaning forward with elbows to the table. Leaning slightly in Jean's direction with a tiny smile to the man. Curious, perhaps. "You're a quiet one."

Jarod Freeman: "Better." He nods a little, taking a deep breath suddenly and smiling. Maybe a bit too much. Overcompensating. "We'll be good to go."

Jean Luc Lemore: If he's not a fifth wheel he doesn't know what one is. He tosses back the last of his beer and rises. "Pleasure meeting you folks."

Alexander Donovan: "Hmm..." Alex leans a little into Sha -Sha. "Does it meet your approval?"

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She rotates her smile to Jarod and gives a girlish bat of the lashes. "Sing me a song? I missed your performance earlier.."

Jean Luc Lemore: Gives Emma a hint of a smile. "I suppose I am."

Sha-Sha: Good meeting you Jean Luc. *She smiles at him, then glances over at "Emma" and Jarod.*

Sha-Sha: *She grins up at Alex* Definitely...

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She tilts her head curiously to Jean. "Mmm.. was lovely meeting you Lemore. I certainly hope I'll run into you again." She flashes the man another sultry wink.

Sha-Sha: ((Replaces "Jean Luc" with "Lemore"))

Jarod Freeman: He looks up at Jean Luc a moment before nodding to him. "A pleasure, Lemore." He then looks back to Brigette, and a little smile, warmer. "If you want."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She nods adamantly to Jarod, flashing the man a loving smile. "It'd be the highlight of my otherwise wretched week."

Jean Luc Lemore: A nod and he heads out. ((Falling asleep here. Good night!))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: (night!)

Alexander Donovan: "I do suppose I have tarried a bit tonight. I think perhaps, it is time for me to depart."

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a tiny pout to alexander. "Ohhhh... all the menfolk are leaving."

Sha-Sha: ((Night!)) *She pouts a little at Alex.* Must you go? *She glances at the others a bit then back at him.*

Alexander Donovan: "Yes, unfortunately, I have certain responsibilities to uphold." ((and player's eyes are needing to rest for a bit. Computer glare is giving me a headache.))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a flighty laugh. "Responsibilities.. I've heard of these."

Sha-Sha: *She sighs a bit.* Alright, have a good night Alex. I'll see you later, I'm sure. ((Take care!))

Jarod Freeman: He rises to his feet, nodding a little bit to Alexander. "Nice to meet you...have a good evening." A little smile to Brigette, and he makes his way to the stage.

Jarod Freeman: ((*Hugs Wyv and Nyte*))

Alexander Donovan: "Good evening to all of you. I assure each of you, that you will be in my more pleasant dreams today." Alex winks at the group. "And hang around Limelight enough, and you'll see me again."

Alexander Donovan: ((And yeah, including the guys in that comment.))

Alexander Donovan: Alex pulls his coat on and heads out into the cold. ((Goodnight everyone. My brain needs rest. See you all around soon, I hope.))

Brigitte Clara Deleon: (seeya!)

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Brigitte's pretty green eyes trail Jarod when he makes his way to the stage. She keeps her loving smile pointed in his direction, wildly curious as to what the man's going to sing. She lays her cheek to a delicate hand.

Sha-Sha: *She watches Alex go then looks back at the stage as Jarod goes to sing again.*

Jarod Freeman: He moves to murmur a couple words to the DJ, and then moves to the picrophone, taking it in his hand and taking a deep breath, and then starting. "With one light on..." The music for Dido's "Hunter" begins. ((

Jarod Freeman: d10: Sing (Abil. Apt-WP): 10,5,2,2,4,9,5,

Jarod Freeman: d10: Specialty: Music: 7,

Brigitte Clara Deleon: She gives a tiny sigh, his singing seeming to bring a large amount of comfort and pleasure to the young woman. She kicks her foot subtly to the beat with the same passionate smile pointed at the man. Staring.

Jarod Freeman: ((7 succ with WP.)) And once again, the man slips right into the music with natural ease, eyes shutting a little bit. The theme of the song, asking for freedom, to be able to be the lone hunter, carries through tones too honest to be mere performance...his voice rings soft and clear, complimenting the music beautifully. He sings from honesty and passion, living through the music.

Sha-Sha: *She smiles at the music, closing her eyes. It's good to hear a voice so beautiful in the midst of normal karaoke performances.*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: Listening intently to the man's performance, Brigitte gives a sad squint in his direction. A rush of painful memories creep up on the girl. She slowly rises and murmers. "Excuse me." Before moving off from the table. Toward the exit.

Sha-Sha: *She blinks as Brigitte runs off and frowns a little. She chews her lip looking between her and Jarod. She sits there waiting for Jarod to come back in case he missed her hasty retreat.*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: The young girl slips fluidly between the other patrons and makes her way out of the bar and toward her bmw.

Jarod Freeman: The song eventually ends, his eyes opening again, and he's brought back to reality. Brigette isn't at the table. He nods distractedly to the applause he gets and slips off the stage, eyes scanning the establishment for Brigette.

Sha-Sha: *She gets up and moves to the stage when Jarod finishes, waving him down. She waits until he joins her on the ground level.* She darted off in a hurry during your song. She looked a bit upset.

Jarod Freeman: He purses his lips, a hand rubbing at his forehead. "Dammit..." He shakes his head, and slips his phone out, speed-dialing and putting it to his ear.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: The young girl manages to get to her car before she starts crying. She starts the engine and rubs her eyes a bit, trying to clear her view as not to plow into anyone due to blurry tear vision.

Brigitte Clara Deleon: After a bit, the silver bmw zips off. Her phone entirely ignored.

Sha-Sha: *She stands there, waiting.*

Brigitte Clara Deleon: (i'ma head off to bed. *hugs* thanks for the sceneage guys.)

Sha-Sha: ((Night, hun!))

Jarod Freeman: ((*hugs the Scarlet*)) He grits his teeth as he hits voice mail. " me. Please. I didn't...fuck. I'm sorry. Call me. Whatever way you want." he hangs up and shakes his head.

Sha-Sha: *She watches Jarod, a concerned look on her face. Her voice is a bit softer this time when she speaks.* Is there anything I can do?

Jarod Freeman: He shrugs a little bit, slipping the phone in his pocket. " Thank you, though." He smiles faintly to her. "It's an unbelievably long story. We both have...trauma. Her worse then mine. I think I just fucked up...badly."

Sha-Sha: I can't make that right, but maybe, if you wanted me to, I could be an ear to listen? *She guides him to the bar, expecting that he'll want a drink.*

Jarod Freeman: He shrugs a little. "Her ex did some fairly harsh things, and mine was ripped away from me." He blinks. "Okay, so it's not that long."

Sha-Sha: *She nods a bit and asks for a virgin Shirley temple.* I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know where she goes when she's upset?

Jarod Freeman: "She'll be going home to her hotel, probably." He takes a seat at the bar, snagging a Corona from the bartender. "If she calls back, I'll stop by. Otherwise, I'll sleep at the club."

Sha-Sha: *She sits next to him.* You don't think it'd be better to go to her hotel whether she calls or not?

Jarod Freeman: "No." He shakes his head, laughing a little, nly faint amusement. "No, that would NOT be a good idea. Her bodyguard would kick my ass."

Sha-Sha: Why? She did invite you...and it's not like you'd be breaking in, right?

Jarod Freeman: He sighs. "Honestly? She gets...emotional sometimes. And she does things we both regret. She needs time...she knows to call if she needs me. And if she doesn't, then it's safer for me to try calling again tomorrow. Less likely to get tossed out of a four-story window that way."

Sha-Sha: *She nods, accepting that.* Alright. So, what are you going to do in the mean time?

Jarod Freeman: A slight shrug of his shoulders. "Finish my beer...go back to the nearly-finished nightclub I pretty much live at anyway these days...and wait. And if she doesn't call, go to sleep."

Jarod Freeman -> Sha-Sha: ((In case you aren't on Messenger: I'm fading out myself, hon. Got up at 7:00 this morning. Mind pausing or fading here? I'm cool with either.))

Sha-Sha: *She tilts her head, studying him for a moment. Then sighs. If she only knew them better, then she might help cheer him up. She sips her drink. Silent for a moment, thinking.* Tell me about this night club?

Sha-Sha -> Jarod Freeman: Either is kewl with me too. I'm at work, which means no messengers usually. *snugs* Sha's just trying to cheer him up a bit, but she really doesn't know how to.

Jarod Freeman -> Sha-Sha: ((Yeah, he can't tell the whole story. *Hugs* So as not to tie them up, let's just say he finishes his beer, thanks her for the night, and heads off. Cool with you?))

Sha-Sha -> Jarod Freeman: Sounds good! *snugs* Sleep well!

Jarod Freeman -> Sha-Sha: Thanks! Thanks for the scene! *Snugs*))