Thaddeous Malvoe: * He is an ebony skinned black man in his middle twenties and the poster child for good health. Standing at five foot eight and maybe one hundred and seventy pounds of lean muscle it would be a safe bet that the man works out alot and probably is careful when it comes to what he eats too. His hair is black and very short and slightly fuzzy. His eyes are a deep brown and his arms bear the tattoos of his upbringing as a soldier in the street wars. Inticate designs in shades of red, green and blue etched with a masters hand. The black and red art on his neck marks him as a shot caller. Any other ink is concealed. He carries himself with a lazy grace that reminds some of the stalking behavior of a Jaguar, but those that are trained in the use of violence might see something deeper. The walk of the qualified man. This one has been there and done that. He is dressed in a black pair of joging pants with a white stripe down each leg and a black wifebeater. *

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He is camped out at his regular table near the back of the Rosemont hotel cocktail lounge. Its dark and smokey and not very loud. Suits the star fairly well. Runners come and go. Some with news from the streets and others with recipts or envelopes stuffed with cash. Here and there througout the bar his crew smokes and drinks and tries to lookout for his best interest. *

Thaddeous Malvoe: * The streets are still messy from the flooding, but the cold weather of winter has done much too improve the situation. Its almost back to business as usual. *

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He takes a swallow from whatver is in the glass before him as he contemplates his evening. *

Thaddeous Malvoe: * A gleaming white smile as another envelope finds its place at the table. *

Jarod Freeman: The door opens, and in Jarod walks. The man's let his goatee grow out, and it's naturally a little darker then his platinum blonde hair. He looks around the smoky room a moment, eyes searching, expression calm, and makes his way toward the bar.

Walking into view is a young man, blessed by God with natural great looks. He has a very "pretty-boy" face, vaguely reminiscent of Jared Leto with his well-defined facial structure and big blue eyes. He is just a little bit lanky, though he tries to stay physically fit, and it shows underneath his black turtleneck, leather trench coat, and blue jeans. His hair, a shoulder-length platinum blonde, hangs free and unfettered. He walks the confidence of a man who knows who he is and what he wants.

Thaddeous Malvoe: * The brown eyes dart up as the door opens, taking in the newcomer with as much emotion as a shark might give for the fry. Several of the other customers watch as well, unsure of what the white man would want. Most moves a few feet away from him, but a few look to Thad asking the unheard question with their eyes. *

Jarod Freeman: He takes a seat at the bar, not seeming especially concerned with the reaction he gets. It's not standoff-ish, his attitude...far from it. More of an acceptance of the way people in this neighborhood will take him. He orders a simple beer, nothing too fancy...whatever's known and on tap, and smiles a bit to the bartender. He seems to know that people in this area aren't going to be trusting him, so he goes to crank up the "trust me" vibe with a little cheating.

Thaddeous Malvoe: d10: per/aware: 5,6,4,

Jarod Freeman: d10: Empathic Response: 4,1,9,8,5,2,4,

Thaddeous Malvoe: * Its a good thing. There is nothing fancy in the place. Everything in sight is cheep. Thad taps his fingers on his tabletop and the men stand down, still watching the fool, but not moving yet. *

Jarod Freeman: He pauses before speaking, not quite noticing the man's face change the way he'd like. A moment's concentration, silently calling on the True Language to cheat once more.

Jarod Freeman: d10: Emp. Response (WP): 4,4,9,6,8,3,4,

Thaddeous Malvoe: d10: per/aware: 10,6,5,

Jarod Freeman: And there we go...the bartender relaxes a little, getting the beer as Jarod smiles. He glances around briefly, then looks back to the bartender, leaning in close to speak to him quietly.

Jarod Freeman -> Thaddeous Malvoe: ((And of course, Thaddeus just got a sense of "something funky" happen.))

Thaddeous Malvoe: * The brows raise and one hand reaches under the table as his eyes bore holes through the tender. The bartender looks to Thad nerveously as the stranger moves to whisper to him. *

Jarod Freeman: And whatever the bartender's answer is, it doesn't seem to be quite what Jarod was hoping for. He sighs and nods, then follows the 'tender's gaze over to Thaddeus, watching him a moment, eyes curious, appraising.

Thaddeous Malvoe: * Thad is straight up clocking them both with one hand out of site under the table. *

Thaddeous Malvoe: {{ Grrr... sight, even. }}

Jarod Freeman: He looks back to the bartender, nodding to him a moment as if to say thank you, then slowly rises from the seat. He looks around the place as he takes his beer in one hand, walking slowly toward Thaddeus's table. Hands in sight, no aggressive move. He's direct, seeming remarkable relaxed, considering the situation. Nothing he hasn't had to deal with in the past. He nods to Thaddeus as he approaches.

Thaddeous Malvoe: * His eyes follow the man as his fingers tap the table once again. The men in the lounge hold off, but there is a really bad vibe hanging over the place. * " What the fuck are you doing down here, bitch? You cant be walking up into my shit and fucking with my people. We got protocals down here. "

Jarod Freeman: "I'm just here for a drink and to see if there was some information to be had," he says, raising the beer to his lips for a drink. "Wasn't aware I was violating any protocols by doing that...I'm just asking a question or two. I'm not after anyone around here or anything."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " Well you was. These is my folk. This is my piece. I dont need you here and you can tell Judge the same thing when you see him next. "

Jarod Freeman: "Judge. Thomas Judge." His head cocks to the side, watching Thaddeus closely, his eyes intensely intrigued, speculative. Not many people in the world that would associate Jarod with Thomas, unless... "I'm not associated with him. You know him?"

Thaddeous Malvoe: " I dont give a fuck if you associated with the boy or not. You know the name and you kickin your shit in here. Makes me gotta ask why. "

Jarod Freeman: "i'm tracking" The pause between some and one is very brief, just enough to be barely caught. "...down, and I think they may have found their way into this area. If that's the case, it's a problem for you. And it's someone who isn't your problem to least, not strictly based on your territory." Another drink of the beer. "Yes, I know Thomas's name. I wasn't aware that this area was under anyone's protection. If Thomas is spreading that word, it makes sense that it hasn't gotten to me...he and I don't speak all that much. My apologies."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " Well now you know so take it to heart. * He places his hand back on the tabletop. * " If its this Cherry bitch I dont know nothing about her. If its a far older problem and its here then yeah, I dont want it around. Judge told me he was going to get some folk togeather to take care of it, but he aint geting shit done. I give up on his ass. "

Jarod Freeman: He blinks, and sighs a little, looking a touch disgusted. Even the fucking outsiders get told more then me. "It is a much older problem." He nods. "Thomas is good at dropping the ball on that. I've been tracking it on my own for some time...I've got a few others who are back involved with helping me. Sadly, I can only do so much solo. Same with all of us."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * His manner changes instantly, and while his voice is quiet something ancient chimes within it. * " I do not have a name for this problem, and I have no information concerning it other than the fact that it exists. If I had something to share I would. " * The ghettospeak is gone, and so is the Atlanta slur. *

Jarod Freeman: He nods a little bit. "Perhaps I can help with information for you, so that you're better prepared should something come to your attention. May I sit?"

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He glances too the men that watch impatiently from the bar and then back to Jarrod. * " Yes, sit. I will keep the hounds on the leash. "

Jarod Freeman: "Thank you." He takes a seat across from Thad, looking over at him and keeping his voice sufficiently low. They may be in Thaddeus's domain, but that doesn't mean he has to broadcast the information. "So what has Thomas told you, if anything at all, about this threat?"

Thaddeous Malvoe: " That it is earthbound and that it is strong and geting stronger. There was another that used the shell named Elijah, but that one is gone. It too told me of the problem, but neither of them could provide me with anything more than the rumor of its existance. No name, no nothing. "

Jarod Freeman: He pauses, as he realizes where he is...this is the place Eli hit with the torrent. Shit. "The Earthbound has a few names. We've got a few names he's more popularly known as, and his Celestial name. A few people who have been working for it, I've been involved in taking down. You remember back in June, the people in power taken out in Staten Island? Deputy Police Chiefs, Assistant D.A.'s, and so on? His followers, trying to bring one of us loyal to him back."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He nods slowly at that and takes a sip from the rum before him. * " Thaddeous remembers that, yes. He had assumed that it was a guido job and that they were all on the pad. It was before I met Thaddeous. Why do you think that it might have nested here? "

Jarod Freeman: "I've been following a pattern. It's been making regular rounds around the city, all the bouroughs. It's his followers, on the move. Do you have something to write on and with?" He leans back, takling a drink off his beer. "Last I could tell, they were headed on their path here. They recruit and spread corruption...subtlely, so as not to attract attention. Building up a power base, I think. I can't be positive they're here, because the person I had helping me has vanished. But it makes sense, based on the pattern."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He slips two long, dark fingers into one of the envelopes and pulls out a one hundred dollar note, fliping it across the table too Jarrod. * " Write on one of those. It is all that I have. There is a mental institution here. The flood has made many of the people desperate as well. I have been trying too keep our numbers down here because of this. Perhaps it see's a target ritch enviroment? "

Thaddeous Malvoe: * A glance across the room brings a large black enforcer, pen in hand. The brute tosses the pen infront of Jarrod and snarls before retreating back to his gin. *

Jarod Freeman: "Quite possibly." He nods a little bit, writing the following on the bill:

1. Cernnunos
2. Kyton
Celestial: Balberith

He hands the note back over to him. "We commonly refer to him by the first name, or his title from the War, the Lord of Chains."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He looks thoughtfull for a moment, but then gives up. * " Then that is the name that I will use for him as well. I will keep my eyes and ears open for this. I am Elovhom. "

Jarod Freeman: d10: Int+Legacy: 6,7,6,8,

Jarod Freeman: He nods a little bit. "A pleasure to reacquaint. Melioth."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * Thaddeous squints, then shakes his head. * " I knew you? "

Jarod Freeman: He shakes his head. "Not personally. Different Legions. I knew a little of you, though."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " Someday it will come too me I have been told. "

Thaddeous Malvoe: {{ Pause as player is a sleep needing weenie. }}

Thaddeous Malvoe: * As he says this he folds up the hundred and slips it into his pocket. *

Jarod Freeman: "Yeah, it might." He nods a little bit. "Well...for now, here's what we know. That's all the information we've got on him personally. He was a Devil. Did some seriously bad stuff during the War...his Company gave our side a very bad name. Flesh eating. Torture. All the worst of the war was his. During our imprisonment, all the others fell upon him and his followers, and made them even more miserable then most. He escaped fairly early. And he hates Defilers and Slayers."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * His hand twitches and the fingers almost tap the table again. Two of the men at the bar go for their weapons, but then Thadd catches himself and reaches for the rum. * " All of that means very little too me. My recolection of creation and all that has come since is sketchy. Reading the bible though. "

Jarod Freeman: He shoots his gaze over to the bar, then back. "I can explain more, if you want. Is here the wrong place to do so?" His eyebrow raises. With the spreading of Celestial names, he figured it would be okay. He leans back, picking up his beer and taking a drink off it.

Thaddeous Malvoe: " It is safe here. They worship me as I keep their families fed. "

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He takes another sip of the rum as the man speaks. *

Jarod Freeman: He nods. Nice set-up he's got. "All right. So, there were seven houses of the Host...the Creator's servants. Us. We did our various tasks, performed our duties for Him. All without complaint. Man and woman were created. And we were told we could not interfere." He frowns a little. "We were told, more specifically, that we could not interfere as man and women stagnated, unable to progress properly on their own, without knowledge. They were as animals." He watches the man's eyes, to see if any of this is ringing true with him, or if he recalls any of it at all.

Thaddeous Malvoe: " This I know is true by instinct. It is the details that do not come easily too me. I remember the melody, but not the notes of creation. I was of the first of the houses that you speak of I am told by others that have recalled my name. "

Jarod Freeman: "Namaru." He nods. "Later called Devils. You are. The angels of the dawn, highest among the host and the rebels. So are Thomas and Cernunnos. There's the second house, the Asharu...poluarly called Scourges. Angels of the Wind, creators of life. Annunaki or Malefactors are the third, Artisans and forgers. Neberu are the fourth house, or Fiends, the creatures of fate and light. My own house is the Fifth...Defilers. Lammasu. Rebels of the sea...inspirers and muses. There's the Devourers or Rabisu, the Warriors...and finally, the Halakau. Slayers. Rebels of the dead."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " Yes, that is what I harvested from Thomas, but you have been more specific. You have my thanks. So we rebeled not out of spite, but from love, or was it delusion? "

Jarod Freeman: He smirks a little. "We all had our reasons. Some were spiteful...they were jealous, and wanted to do their own thing. Some were delusional. Some followed Lucifer out of love or respect of him...most of us loved Humanity. That was me." He shrugs. "Like any war, we had our own reasons. Lucifer, I think, truly did love humankind, but he failed us all. Then vanished when we got sent into the Abyss. No one knows what's happened with him. He wasn't sent down with us."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * His eyes grow wide at that for a moment, but then relax. * " What did you contribute? "

Jarod Freeman: "Before the war? Song. I created it. During, I was part of the Silver Legion...I was out of the war at first. My General had me back at one of our cities, continuing my job...fostering the arts, more of a morale officer, you could say. Then, after Sagun, one of the Hosts's border cities that got seiged, when the atrocities started, I asked to leave that position, and became a scout."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He nods slowly at that. * " And what of Cernunnos and why was he known as the lord of chains? That seems all very... Hindu too me. "

Jarod Freeman: "That was his title. A lot of the higher-ranked ones had them...some self-given, some appointed. He and his people were at Sagun, and that's where they lost it. A lot of us...changed, when Cain slew Abel. Hadn't been any murder before then. Cernnunos's legion fell into torment early on, and that's when their atrocities started." He smiles very faintly. "They weren't the only ones, to be fair. In my home city, the Defilers there started doing experiments on humans that made Hitler's eugenics programs look like chiropracty. Other legions did their own horrific things. But Cernnunos's group was fairly legendary."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He shakes his head at that. * " Well sometimes you must break a few eggs. Thats what I told Elijah. "

Jarod Freeman: His brow furrows a little bit. "Not sure I follow you there."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " If Caine slew Able he did so because he belived that it was the sacrifice that his lord demanded. I have been reading of this. So if he brought murder to the valley of the shadow then was it because of his envy of his lords loving eye, or was it through loyality? An act with the hope of taking his own place at the right hand? His act opened tools and we would have been fools not to use them. Feasting on flesh is taking things too far I would be the first to admit that, but rebelion is no more excusable." * He sighs heavily... * " Do not get me wrong, I feel no shame even for the things that I do not remember. "

Jarod Freeman: He considers what he's saying, frowning at that. He doesn't seem to agree with parts of it, but he sets it aside. "Regardless, we can't disagree on truth of what he is now. He's an Earthbound. He was escaped from hell centuries upon centuries ago...but not into a human being like you and me. Into an object, a thing that had no spark of humanity to keep his torment tempered. He's lost all touch with any concept of love or sanity. All he wants now is to destroy everything. All creation. And he may even be powerful enough to do it, given time."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " And yet he has it togeather enough to be subtle about it? How was he discovered? "

Jarod Freeman: His plans have been discovered piece by piece. Individuals have been uncovered...Raveners, those among us who share the Earthbound's ambitions, but reside in human hosts. One of them never got to him...she was a member of his Company during the war. Her name was Zag-dash-Zagel. Also known as Cynthia Connors, her host. The host was a Black Widow killer. She came to New York and immediately started seeking him. She wasn't as subtle as he was. Eventually, his name was revealed to us, and we sent Zag back to Hell. Since his name has been revealed, he's been quiet, other then a rather spectacular wiping out of most of the Fallen here in New York all at once."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " Ah yes, the strike against the court. I was told of that by those that were convieniantly away at the time that it occured. "

Jarod Freeman: ((She came to New York = Zag came up into Cynthia. Bleh...need to get the damn story right.))

Thaddeous Malvoe: {{ I understood. *S* I translated it for Thad. }}

Jarod Freeman: "It wasn't so much conveniant as it was well-timed by Cernnunos." A frown mars his face. "We were in Los Angeles for information on the Earthbound...Lucifer supposedly appeared there some time ago, and the place has become a hotbed for our kind. We thought we could learn more. Maybe he thought he couldn't take us all at once...the rest of us have certainly been even more scattered then before since. A problem I've been trying to rectify."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " Well I am nothing if not resonable. If there is too be a new court I will not ignore it, and such a being does present a clear danger so I will help where I can. What I will not tollerate is interference with my flock. Too much has been placed into them to have them tempted now. "

Jarod Freeman: "No, absolutely." He nods. "Under no circumstance would I expect you to be okay with that. This is your area, those here are under your protection, and you have every right to defend your territory. I'll happily help you, should you ever need it."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He gives another slow nod and then smiles slightly. * " Well I will lend my sword too this then and trust that your word is good. I suppose that there is no clear inteligence on the object that this Cernunnos might be using? "

Jarod Freeman: "No." He shakes his head. "One of our Court members, Baby Death, was working with me to find it, but I've lost touch with her. Cherry was looking around, too, so I need to try and find her as well." He looks up at Thaddeous. "I should let you know...I've been informed restitutions were made, but still...Elijah has died and found a new host. And she's part of the Court. I'm working with her to get her torment down, and it's going very well. If you still have issues with her, I understand, and so does she, likely...and you are perfectly free to settle them with her however you both see fit."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " The restitutions were sufficient. The damage that was done will be repaired and Q stood up for the deed. There may be something worth salvaging there. "

Jarod Freeman: "Beautiful" He relaxes a little at that. There was some concern there. "So. If you can do me a favor, and just keep your ears to the ground. See if you pick up on any signs of Cernnunos moving, in or out of the area. I'll keep you informed as to what we find. Ouest and I are going into a business venture here soon to open up a nightclub that will serve as a safe haven for our kind, and in private areas, a meeting place for the court. I'll let you know when we've found a spot...I've found a few promising places in Staten Island that may work."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " I will do that to be sure. Now in your quest for this Cherry... It has died and taken a new host. It must have had someone in place to bring it back so quickly. "

Jarod Freeman: "Or she was just lucky enough to find someone who was appropriate at the time." He shrugs. "From what I understand, Cherry died sending another Slayer to hell, one who was fairly tormented themselves. Preying on children. It's possible she could have used a Thrall, or maybe she just got lucky. Either way, I'm sure she did it before she got pulled back to Hell. She has information we need...and while she's done some things that concern and anger me, I want to know what she's up to at the very least before I send her back. She may still yet be savable...but we need to see her before we know that for sure."

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He shrugs slightly at that. * " Thomas is under the impression that it is in possesion of one of the fallen that has been bound into a coin of some sort. "

Jarod Freeman: "Yeah, he told me that, too. Another reason why we really should find her ASAP, if he's right. I don't know the truth of's entirely possible, though."

Thaddeous Malvoe: " It I see its new host then I will pass that along as well then. Was there anything else that you needed answered here? "

Jarod Freeman: He shakes his head. "No, I think that's it. Thank you, Elovhom. I appreciate your reasonability. I'll leave you to your evening, and will contact you when we've got things in place." He extends a hand to the man.

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He shakes his head slightly at the mans hand and then turns his eyes too the men at the bar. * " We got a deal workin here. Make sure dis nigga get to his car in one piece. "

Jarod Freeman: He pulls the hand back, unoffended, rising to his feet. "Good evening, Thaddeous." He nods to the man and turns, heading toward the door.

Thaddeous Malvoe: * He watches as the man exits, followed by two of his soldiers. The rest of the rum goes down and then he stands to go himself. Out the back and home. *

Jarod Freeman: And out to his car he goes, heading home. ((Thanks for the scene. *S*))